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HISTORIC: 5 Leading Gedolim From Eretz Yisroel To Visit America In Effort To Raise $100 Million For Yeshivos

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This coming week will see a historic joint visit to the United States by five of the leading contemporary gedolei hador from Eretz Yisroel, who are making an arduous trip to America to raise desperately needed funds for yeshivos and kollelim in Eretz Hakodesh. The visit by the gedolim – Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rav Yaakov Hillel, Rav Don Segal, Rav Dov Landau and the Rachmastrivker Rebbe – comes after the Israeli government instituted massive funding cuts to yeshivos and kollelim in April, leaving a gaping hole in the finances of Torah institutions across Eretz Yisroel. More specifically, the government cut roughly $107 million (393,245,616 shekel) in stipends disbursed to yeshivos and kollelim over the next year, necessitating this trip to America, where the roshei yeshiva will attempt to raise those funds from machzikei torah. The trip will commence on Motzei Shabbos, with the gedolim landing in New York on Sunday morning. They will be in the US for approximately three days, leading a whirlwind fundraising tour of Jewish communities in seven cities: Brooklyn, Manhattan, Monsey, the 5 Towns, Lakewood, Deal and Toronto. The majority of events the gedolim will attend are expected to be closed-door, although there may be limited opportunities for the wider public to see and hear from them. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

FOOLISH FAUCI: Dr. Anthony Fauci Finally Reverses Course, Agrees Keeping Schools Closed During COVID Was ‘Mistake’

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Dr. Anthony Fauci, a prominent adviser during the COVID-19 pandemic for two presidential administrations, acknowledged in a Tuesday interview that extending school closures for over a year was a “mistake,” despite initially supporting the closures.

“Keeping it for a year was not a good idea,” Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), told “CBS Mornings” co-host Tony Dokoupil while discussing his memoir “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service.”

“So, that was a mistake in retrospect?” Dokoupil asked. “We will not repeat it?”

“Absolutely, yeah,” Fauci responded.

Fauci, 83, had previously defended the school closures in both congressional testimony and media appearances.

During the summer of 2020, as schools debated reopening, Fauci clashed with former President Donald Trump, advocating for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines that recommended closures based on community transmission rates.

“I disagree with @CDCgov on their very tough & expensive guidelines for opening schools. While they want them open, they are asking schools to do very impractical things. I will be meeting with them!!!” Trump tweeted on July 8, 2020.

“There may be some areas where the level of virus is so high that it would not be prudent to bring children back to school,” Fauci warned in August, citing an “insidious increase” in cases as the school year approached.

Asked by “PBS NewsHour” host Judy Woodruff that same month whether extended virtual learning would be the norm, Fauci replied, “In some places, Judy, that may be the case.”

In various interviews, Fauci emphasized that the “default position” should be to reopen schools, while also ensuring low transmission rates.

Data from Brown University’s National COVID-19 School Response Data Dashboard indicated that less than 1% of schools that reopened in September 2020 reported COVID-19 cases.

A January 2021 CDC study found “little evidence that schools have contributed meaningfully to increased community transmission,” but powerful teachers’ unions pressured the Biden administration to keep schools closed until the following school year.

In an October 2022 interview with ABC News’ Jonathan Karl, Fauci hesitated to label the closures a “mistake,” explaining, “If I do, it gets taken out of the context that you’re asking me the question on. We should realize — and have realized — that there will be deleterious collateral consequences when you do something like that.”

He also stated that he had consistently advocated for keeping schools open and felt unfairly blamed for the closures. “I had nothing to do [with it]. I mean, let’s get down to the facts,” Fauci told Karl.

Before the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Fauci revealed that the six-feet social distancing guideline lacked scientific backing and was “not convinced” it led to learning loss.

“It sort of just appeared. I don’t recall,” he told the panel in a January interview about the mandate that ended most in-person learning. “Just an empiric decision that wasn’t based on data or even data that could be accomplished.”

Statistics from the US Department of Education in September 2022 showed reading scores among nine-year-olds had fallen to their lowest point in 30 years, while math scores dropped for the first time in 50 years.

“The ‘science’ promoted by teachers unions and public health officials never justified prolonged school closures,” a spokesperson for the House COVID subcommittee majority told The Post. “Safely returning our children to school as soon as possible should have been the top priority. In the face of a future pandemic, our public health officials must recognize this COVID-era failure and never again repeat it.”

In Tuesday’s “CBS Mornings” interview, Fauci mentioned that the real issue with closures was the delay in shutting schools down “immediately” and “completely,” while supporting “major social distancing” as “the right thing.”

“I kept on saying, ‘Close the bars, open the schools, open the schools as quickly and as safely as you possibly can,’” he recalled. “But, initially, to close it down, was correct.”

“One clear area seems to be the school closures, which did enormous harm to kids on multiple levels,” Dokoupil noted, “and didn’t seem to save lives. And I wonder, can we say today that that is a mistake?”

“No,” Fauci replied when questioned about the negative impacts of remote learning.

{Dov T. Heller – Matzav.com}

US Soldier Convicted Of Theft In Russia And Sentenced To Nearly 4 Years In Prison

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A court in Russia’s far eastern city of Vladivostok on Wednesday convicted a visiting American soldier of stealing and making threats of murder, and it sentenced him to three years and nine months in prison. Staff Sgt. Gordon Black, 34, flew to the Pacific port city to see his girlfriend and was arrested last month after she accused him of stealing from her, according to U.S. officials and Russian authorities. Russia’s state news agencies Tass and RIA Novosti reported that the judge in Pervomaisky District Court in Vladivostok also ordered Black to pay 10,000 rubles ($115) in damages. Prosecutors had asked for a sentence of four years and eight months in prison. Black’s case occurs amid tensions over Russia’s arrests of American journalists and other U.S. nationals as the fighting in Ukraine continues. Russia has jailed a number of Americans, including corporate security executive Paul Whelan and Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich. The U.S. government has designated both men as wrongfully detained and has been trying to negotiate their release. Others detained include Travis Leake, a musician who has been living in Russia for years and was arrested last year on drug-related charges; Marc Fogel, a teacher in Moscow who was sentenced to 14 years in prison, also on drug charges; and dual nationals Alsu Kurmasheva and Ksenia Khavana. The U.S. State Department strongly advises American citizens not to go to Russia. Black was on leave and in the process of returning to his home base at Fort Cavazos, Texas, from South Korea, where he had been stationed at Camp Humphreys with the Eighth Army. Cynthia Smith, an Army spokesperson, said Black signed out for his move back home and, “instead of returning to the continental United States, Black flew from Incheon, Republic of Korea, through China to Vladivostok, Russia, for personal reasons.” Under Pentagon policy, service members must get clearance for any international travel from a security manager or commander. The U.S. Army said last month that Black hadn’t sought such travel clearance and it wasn’t authorized by the Defense Department. Given the hostilities in Ukraine and threats to the U.S. and its military, it is extremely unlikely he would have been granted approval. Black’s girlfriend, Alexandra Vashchuk, told reporters earlier this month that “it was a simple domestic dispute,” during which Black “became aggressive and attacked” her. “He then stole money from my wallet and I didn’t give him permission to do it,” Vashchuk said. On Wednesday, she told Russian news outlet Gazeta.ru that she considers the sentence “quite humane” and described Black as “violent and unable to control himself.” U.S. officials have said that Black, who is married, met Vashchuk in South Korea. According to U.S. officials, she had lived in South Korea, and last fall she and Black got into some type of domestic dispute or altercation. After that, she left South Korea. It isn’t clear if she was forced to leave or what, if any, role South Korean authorities had in the matter. (AP)

Hezbollah Releases Drone Footage of Chaifa Port

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Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah on Tuesday released video footage of Israel’s Chaifa Port captured by a surveillance UAV. The port is one of Israel’s most important commercial shipping gateways.

The drone footage released is almost 10 minutes long, and appears to include a number of civilian areas, a David’s Sling missile defense system, an Israeli weapons manufacturing area, the Chaifa naval base including ships and infrastructures belonging to Shayetet 7 (Israel’s elite submarine unit).

The incident took place last week, and the Israel Defense Forces made the decision not to intercept the drone as it did not pose a threat, and due to the fear that interception fragments could harm civilians, according to Israeli media.

Following a two-day lull in hostilities earlier this week, Hezbollah resumed its attacks on Tuesday afternoon, launching three “suspicious aerial targets” toward towns in the Upper Galil, the IDF said.

Since Oct. 8, Hezbollah has fired more than 5,000 rockets, anti-tank missiles and suicide drones at Israeli border communities.


NYPD Hunting For Miscreant Who Targeted “Zionists” On NYC Subway

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The New York City Police Department has released a photo of a suspect wanted for questioning in connection with a hate incident that occurred on a NYC subway last week. The individual, whose identity is currently unknown, ordered “Zionists” to raise their hands and said “this is your chance to get out” while on a subway car. The incident took place on the same day as a protest outside a memorial for the victims of the October 7 attack on the Nova music festival in southern Israel. The protest was organized by Pro-Hamas terrorist sympathizers. The NYPD is urging anyone with information about the suspect’s identity or whereabouts to come forward. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Immigrant Families Rejoice Over Biden’s Expansive Move Toward Citizenship, While Some Are Left Out

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Hundreds of thousands of immigrants had reason to rejoice when President Joe Biden unveiled a highly expansive plan to extend legal status to spouses of U.S. citizens but, inevitably, some were left out. Claudia Zúniga, 35, married in 2017, or 10 years after her husband came to the United States. He moved to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, after they wed, knowing that, by law, he had to live outside the country for years to gain legal status. “Our lives took a 180-degree turn,” she said. Biden announced Tuesday that his administration will, in coming months, allow U.S. citizens’ spouses without legal status to apply for permanent residency and eventually citizenship without having to first depart the country for up to 10 years. About 500,000 immigrants may benefit, according to senior administration officials. To qualify, an immigrant must have lived in the United States for 10 years and be married to a U.S. citizen, both as of Monday. Zúniga’s husband is ineligible because he wasn’t in the United States. “Imagine, it would be a dream come true,” said Zúniga, who works part time in her father’s transportation business in Houston. “My husband could be with us. We could focus on the well-being of our children.” Every immigration benefit — even those as sweeping as Biden’s election-year offer — has a cutoff date and other eligibility requirements. In September, the Democratic president expanded temporary status for nearly 500,000 Venezuelans who were living in the United States on July 31, 2023. Those who had arrived a day later were out of luck. The Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which has shielded from deportation hundreds of thousands of people who came to the United States as young children and is popularly known as DACA, required applicants be in the United States on June 15, 2012, and continuously for the previous five years. About 1.1 million spouses who are in the country illegally are married to U.S. citizens, according to advocacy group FWD.us., meaning hundreds of thousands won’t qualify because they were in the United States for less than 10 years. Immigration advocates were generally thrilled with the scope of Tuesday’s announcement, just as Biden’s critics called it a horribly misguided giveaway. Angelica Martinez, 36, wiped away tears as she sat next to her children, ages 14 and 6, and watched Biden’s announcement at the Houston office of FIEL, an immigrant advocacy group. A U.S. citizen since 2013, she described a flood of emotions, including regret that her husband couldn’t travel to Mexico when his mother died five years ago. “Sadness, joy all at the same time,” said Martinez, whose husband arrived in Houston 18 years ago. Brenda Valle of Los Angeles, whose husband has been a U.S. citizen since 2001 and, like her, was born in Mexico, renews her DACA permit every two years. “We can start planning more long-term, for the future, instead of what we can do for the next two years,” she said. Magdalena Gutiérrez of Chicago, who has been married to a U.S. citizen for 22 years and has three daughters who are U.S. citizens, said she had “a little more hope” after Biden’s announcement. Gutiérrez, 43, is eager to travel more across the United States without fearing an encounter with law enforcement that could lead to her being […]

LISTEN: Rav Gershon Ribner Takes Issue With Rav Wachsman’s Remarks and General Application of “Adirei” Appellation

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Rav Gershon Ribner, rosh kollel of Kollel Nesivos Hatorah, reflects on the Maamad Adirei Hatorah held Sunday night at Wells Fargo Center, commenting on, among other things, Rav Ephraim Wachsman’s assurance that people who support Torah would merit ashirus. He also questions the loose use of the terms “Adirei Hatorah,” “Arzei Halevanon,” et al, phrases utilized to describe the Asarah Harugei Malchus.


Early Blast Of Heat And Humidity Leaves Millions Sweltering Across The US

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A blast of heat and humidity in the Midwest and Northeast days before the official start of summer put a wet blanket on outdoor activities from festivals to sports camps as officials urged people to take precautions. Cities that opened cooling centers this week advised that Wednesday’s Juneteenth holiday means some public libraries, senior centers and pools where residents could beat the heat will be closed. The dangerous temperatures were expected to peak in the eastern Great Lakes and New England on Wednesday and Thursday, and in the Ohio Valley and Mid-Atlantic on Friday and Saturday, the National Weather Service said. Heat index readings were expected to reach 100 to 105 degrees (37.7 C to 40.5 C) in many locations. People and even zoo animals were forced to find ways to thwart the muggy weather. An organization that provides produce to areas with limited access to fresh food in Columbus, Ohio, prepared frozen towels and packed cold water for their workers. “Hydration is the key,” said Monique McCoy, market manager for the Local Matters Veggie Van. In Toledo, Ohio, the city canceled a weekly fitness event and a neighboring suburb called off a street fair as temperatures reached the mid-90s (about 35 C). A food bank in upstate New York canceled deliveries for Wednesday out of concern for staff and volunteers. Schools in New York canceled field trips Tuesday to the Rosamond Gifford Zoo in Syracuse, where workers turned on water misters for visitors and the animals. Elephants and other animals were getting chunks of ice in their pools, said Ted Fox, the zoo’s executive director. “Even the tigers love to lick the ice and put their heads on them when it’s this warm,” Fox said. The blast of extreme temperatures came a little too early for many. “This is hot for just moving in to summer, so I’m hoping that we’re going to see the downward trend in the temperature here soon because this is a warm one,” said Krista Voltolini, who was selling produce at a farmer’s market in Columbus. A recent study found that climate change is making heat waves move more slowly and affect more people for a longer time. Last year, the U.S. saw the most heat waves — abnormally hot weather lasting more than two days — since 1936. Chicago broke a 1957 temperature record Monday with a high of 97 degrees (36.1 C). Wednesday will be another hot day, but a cold front will bring relief to areas near Lake Michigan on Thursday and Friday, the National Weather Service in Chicago said. That relief won’t come in time for the closure of all but one cooling center in Chicago on the Juneteenth holiday. “It’s extremely alarming that we are shrinking our cooling centers in the middle of a heat wave,” state Rep. Lindsey LaPointe told The Chicago Sun-Times. LaPointe represents Chicago’s Northwest Side and advocates for people who do not have permanent shelter and other vulnerable populations. Officials have urged people to limit outdoor activities when possible and to check in with family members and neighbors who may be vulnerable to the heat. In New York, Gov. Kathy Hochul activated the National Guard to assist in any heat emergencies that develop over the next several days. She also said admission and parking fees […]

PARTNERS IN EVIL: Putin, Kim Sign Military Pact

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North Korean and Russian leaders signed an accord on Wednesday that enhances their military collaboration, including a mutual defense commitment in case of an attack. North Korea’s Kim Jong Un referred to the new relationship as an “alliance.”

During a rare press conference following his meeting with President Vladimir Putin in Pyongyang, Kim announced the establishment of a “comprehensive strategic partnership,” which, according to Putin, includes defensive provisions.

“The comprehensive partnership agreement signed today provides, among other things, for mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this agreement,” stated Putin, marking his first visit to North Korea in 24 years.

This visit, which has the potential to redefine the long-standing relationship between Russia and North Korea, is being scrutinized by Seoul and Washington, both concerned about the strengthening military ties between the two nations.

China, North Korea’s primary political and economic ally and a growing partner for Moscow, has responded quietly.

Kim highlighted that the agreement would enhance cooperation in politics, economy, and defense, describing it as “strictly peace-loving and defensive” in its intent.

“Our two countries’ relations have been elevated to the new higher level of an alliance,” Kim declared.

At the summit’s outset, Kim voiced “unconditional support” for “all of Russia’s policies,” including “a full support and firm alliance” for Putin’s conflict in Ukraine.

Putin denounced the hegemonic and imperialist policies of the United States and its allies, as reported by Russian media.

“We highly appreciate your consistent and unwavering support for Russian policy, including in the Ukrainian direction,” Russian state news agency RIA quoted Putin during the initial discussions.

Following Russia’s comprehensive invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, which Moscow termed a “special military operation,” the country faced U.S.-led Western sanctions.

‘Unconditional Unwavering Support’

Putin, who had welcomed Kim at a summit in Russia’s Far East in September that hastened their military cooperation, received an extravagant reception in Pyongyang.

An honor guard featuring mounted soldiers and a large civilian crowd gathered at Kim Il Sung Square by the Taedong River in the capital. The display included children with balloons and massive portraits of the leaders, accompanied by national flags on the square’s main building.

Kim and Putin proceeded to the Kumsusan Palace for their summit discussions.

Kim emphasized the need for stronger strategic dialogue with Russia in light of the increasingly complex global security environment.

“And I want to reaffirm that we will unconditionally and unwaveringly support all of Russia’s policies,” Kim conveyed to Putin.

North Korea “expresses full support and solidarity to the Russian government, army and people in carrying out a special military operation in Ukraine to protect sovereignty, security interests, as well as territorial integrity,” he asserted.

Putin arrived at Pyongyang’s airport earlier in the day. Kim greeted him with an embrace, and the two shared “pent-up inmost thoughts” during their ride to the state guest house, as reported by North Korean state media.

North Korea’s state news agency KCNA described the partnership as a driving force for creating a new multi-polar world and hailed Putin’s visit as a testament to the strength and endurance of their friendship and unity.

Leveraging its closer ties with North Korea, Russia has sought to provoke Washington, while heavily sanctioned North Korea has secured political backing and promises of economic and trade support from Moscow.

The U.S. and its allies are concerned that Russia might assist North Korea’s missile and nuclear programs, which are prohibited by U.N. Security Council resolutions, and have accused Pyongyang of supplying ballistic missiles and artillery shells to Russia for use in Ukraine.

Both Moscow and Pyongyang have denied any weapons transfers.

‘Alternate Trade Mechanism’

Putin’s arrival in Pyongyang was delayed by hours, and he was greeted by Kim on the red carpet without the elaborate ceremony afforded to Chinese President Xi Jinping during his 2019 visit.

The leaders traveled in Putin’s Russian-made Aurus limousine to the Kumsusan State Guest House.

State media images displayed Pyongyang’s streets adorned with portraits of Putin, and the facade of the unfinished 101-story pyramid-shaped Ryugyong Hotel was illuminated with the message “Welcome Putin.”

Signaling a shift in Russia’s stance towards North Korea, Putin lauded Pyongyang ahead of his visit for standing up to U.S. economic pressure, blackmail, and threats.

In an article for North Korea’s official ruling party newspaper, Putin committed to “develop alternative trade and mutual settlement mechanisms not controlled by the West” and “build an equal and indivisible security architecture in Eurasia.”

Hundreds Died During This Year’s Hajj Pilgrimage In Saudi Arabia Amid Intense Heat, Officials Say

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Hundreds of people died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia as the faithful faced intense high temperatures at Islamic holy sites in the desert kingdom, officials said Wednesday as people tried to claim their loved ones’ bodies. Saudi Arabia has not commented on the death toll amid the heat during the pilgrimage, required of every able Muslim once in their life, nor offered any causes for those who died. However, hundreds of people had lined up at the Emergency Complex in Al-Muaisem neighborhood in Mecca, trying to get information about their missing family members. One list circulating online suggested at least 550 people died during the five-day Hajj. A medic who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss information not released publicly by the government said that the names listed appeared genuine. That medic and another official who also spoke on condition of anonymity said they believed at least 600 bodies were at the facility. Deaths aren’t uncommon at the hajj, which has drawn at times over 2 million people to Saudi Arabia. There have been stampedes and epidemics through the pilgrimage’s history. Each year, the Hajj draws hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from low-income nations, “many of whom have had little, if any, pre-Hajj health care,” an article in the April edition of the Journal of Infection and Public Health said. Communicable illnesses can spread among the gathered masses, many of whom saved their entire lives for their trips and can be elderly with preexisting health conditions, the paper added. However, the number of dead this year suggests something caused the number of deaths to swell. Already, several countries have said some of their pilgrims died because of the heat that swept across the holy sites at Mecca, including Jordan and Tunisia. Temperatures on Tuesday reached 47 degrees Celsius (117 degrees Fahrenheit) in Mecca and the sacred sites in and around the city, according to the Saudi National Center for Meteorology. Onlookers saw some people faint while trying to perform the symbolic stoning of the devil, At the Grand Mosque in Mecca, temperatures reached 51.8 C (125 F) on Monday though pilgrims had already left for Mina, authorities said. Others, including many Egyptians, lost track of their loved ones in the heat and the crowds. More than 1.83 million Muslims performed the Hajj in 2024, including more than 1.6 million pilgrims from 22 countries, and around 222,000 Saudi citizens and residents, according to the Saudi Hajj authorities. On Wednesday at the medical complex in Mecca, an Egyptian man collapsed to the ground when he heard the name of mother among the dead. He cried for some time before grabbing his cellphone and calling a travel agent, shouting: “He left her to die!” The crowd tried to calm the man. Security appeared tight at the complex, with an official reading out names of the dead and the nationalities, which included people from Algeria, Egypt and India. Those who said they were kin of the dead were allowed inside to identify the deceased. The AP could not independently confirm the causes of death for those bodies held at the complex. Saudi officials did not respond to questions seeking more information. The kingdom’s ruling Al Saud family maintains a major influence in the Muslim world through […]

Missed the Adirei Hatorah Event? Watch it in Full Here!

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By Avi Shiff

[Full video replay below.] Sunday night, Wells Fargo Center was host to the third Adirei HaTorah asifa in support of the yungeleit of Lakewood’s Bais Medrash Govoah.

25,000+ people came out strong, united, and with one goal: to proclaim the glory of our nation’s yungeleit, the Adirei HaTorah.

Buses and cars pulled up from across the tri-state area, transporting thousands to the event at Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. People came from around the country and beyond.

This year, the event began earlier than the past two years, with attendees arriving from 4 p.m. and on. Guests took in the scene of a sports arena normally bedecked in sports-related signs and slogans, instead bearing statements and mottos expressing Klal Yisroel’s admiration for their yungeleit. “Three Years of Celebrating Our Most Cherished Treasure – Our Yungerman,” “The Yungerman. Our Greatest Treasure,” “For the Yungerman of Today and Tomorrow,” and “A Legacy of Torah, from Father to Son,” were emblazoned across the various electronic screens in the arena.

Upon entering the building, sandwiches, snacks and drinks were served. In the arena itself, immediately grabbing the attention of participants and crowning the room was the massive and regal looking dais, with seating for approximately 800 roshei yeshiva and rabbonim and roshei chaburah.

Beautiful music filled the arena, orchestrated by keyboardist Meir Adler from Eretz Yisroel. The silky smooth voices of singers Yanky Daskal, Bentzi Stein, and Meilech Braunstein melded beautifully, setting the tone.

Following Mincha, which was led by Rav Elchonon Berenbaum, brief remarks were delivered via video by Rav Yosef Mermelstein, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Novominsk.

Tehillim followed for acheinu Bnei Yisroel, led by Rav Chaim Ginsburg, senior rosh chaburah at Bais Medrash Govoah.

After a brief musical interlude, virtually every seat in the arena, including every balcony and concourse, in addition to thousands of additional seats on the floor, was occupied

Fittingly, the seats on the floor of the arena couldn’t be purchased. They were reserved for yungeleit who have been learning at Bais Medrash Govoah for many years. Appropriately, the best seats in the house were given to those who were being feted this evening, the lomdei Torah who hold up our world.

Immediately thereafter, the music began, and the crowd sang and danced for several minutes. The building practically shook as the roshei yeshiva, who accompanied the special guest, Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Slabodka in Bnei Brak, were warmly and enthusiastically welcomed in an awesome display of kavod haTorah to those upon whose shoulders the entire yeshiva stands.

During his opening statements, Bais Medrash Govoah CEO R’ Yosef Heinemann reflected on the past three years since the inauguration of the Adirei Hatorah campaign, which has raised tens of millions of dollars in support of Klal Yisroel’s yungeleit who devote their lives to limud haTorah.

R’ Heinemann introduced the rosh yeshiva, Rav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler, and the crowd broke out into singing Yomim Al Yemei Melech Tosif in his honor.

During his remarks, Rav Kotler paid tribute to the devoted askanim who have spearheaded the unprecedented Adirei Hatorah campaign.

Following Rav Kotler’s remarks, several niggunim, including the Ribnitzer’s teniah, “Abaye v’Rava,” were sung.

A moving multi-part video was then shown, depicting the transmission of Torah throughout the last two centuries. The video, which was interspersed with various niggunim, described the growth of yeshivos throughout Europe, until Churban Europa, a time when some people thought that the Torah world had been decimated for good. The video then showed the growth of Torah in America, from Lakewood, NJ, the home of Bais Medrash Govoah, to mekomos haTorah throughout the world.

Highlights of the video presentation included audio of Rav Moshe Shmuel Shapiro zt”l singing and powerful remarks from Rav Mordechai Gifter zt”l.

A video was then shown of Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah of South Fallsburg.

Following additional singing, the special guest from Eretz Yisroel, Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, was introduced, and the crowd erupted in song. Even after the music stopped, the singing continued, the massive crowd expressing boundless respect for the rosh yeshiva.

And just as quickly, the arena grew completely silent as Rav Hirsch addressed the crowd, speaking in English.

Toward the end of his message, Rav Moshe Hillel spoke of the “tremendous fights” of the leftists in Israel against anything related to Torah.

The crowd then erupted in sheer joy as the arrival of Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, rosh yeshiva of Philadelphia Yeshiva, was announced. As Rav Shmuel approached the dais, the singing grew louder and stronger, an incredible feeling permeating the arena.

A video tribute to the late mashgiach of Bais Medrash Govoah, Rav Matisyahu Salomon zt”l, was then shown.

Following several heartfelt niggunim, a Siyum Hashas on Talmud Bavli and Talmud Yerushalmi, learned b’iyun by the yungeleit of Bais Medrash Govoah, was made, with the Hadran being recited by Rav Yisroel Neuman, rosh yeshiva of Bais Medrash Govoah. As Rav Neuman approached the podium, the crowd broke out into song, singing Yomim in his honor. Rav Yisroel recited the Hadran slowly, growing emotional and crying with each timeless word, imparting such a profound message with each krechtz and each carefully enunciated phrase.

The Kaddish for the siyum was then recited by Rav Moshe Salomon, son of Rav Matisyahu Salomon. The building shook with the Amein Yeish Shmei Rabbah, displaying the intensity and feelings of the entire crowd.

With the answer of the final amein and a cry of “Mazel tov!” the crowd erupted with pure joy and simchas haTorah, dancing with a fervor reserved for times like Simchas Torah.

The maamad then featured an address from Rav Ephraim Wachsman, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Meor Yitzchok of Monsey, who thanked the Adirei Hatorah – the yungeleit – for being “mekayeim kol ha’olam kulo,” for being the source of parnassah, health and all goodness that we merit, as Chazal tell us.

Following Kabbolas Ohl Malchus Shomayim, which was led by Rav Yeruchem Olshin, and Maariv, which was led by Rav Dovid Schustal, the thousands made their way to the exits while music filled the arena, the feeling one of kavod and reverence for the yungeleit. They devote their every day and lovingly sacrifice so much to make the study of Torah their life, not just uplifting themselves, but enriching their communities and the wider world with the unparalleled power of Torah.

It was an evening no one could forget, forever etched into the hearts of the young and old, inspired, uplifted, and charged to keep this remarkable mission going.




Ship Attacked By Yemen’s Houthi Rebels In Fatal Assault Sinks In Red Sea In Their Second Sinking

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A bulk carrier sank days after an attack by Yemen’s Houthi rebels believed to have killed one mariner on board, authorities said early Wednesday, the second ship sunk in the rebels’ campaign. The sinking of the Tutor in the Red Sea marks what appears to be a new escalation by the Iranian-backed Houthis in their campaign targeting shipping through the vital maritime corridor over the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip. The attack comes despite a monthslong U.S.-led campaign in the region that has seen the Navy face its most-intense maritime fighting since World War II, with near-daily attacks targeting commercial vessels and warship. The Liberian-flagged, Greek-owned-and-operated Tutor sank in the Red Sea, the British military’s United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations center said in a warning to sailors in the region. “Military authorities report maritime debris and oil sighted in the last reported location,” the UKMTO said. “The vessel is believed to have sunk.” The Houthis, quoting foreign reports in media outlets they control, acknowledged the sinking. The U.S. military did not acknowledge the sinking, nor did it respond to requests for comment. The Tutor came under attack about a week ago by a bomb-carrying Houthi drone boat in the Red Sea. John Kirby, a White House national security spokesman, said Monday that the attack killed “a crew member who hailed from the Philippines.” The Philippines has yet to acknowledge the death, but the man who had been aboard the Tutor has been missing for over a week in the Red Sea, which faces intense summertime heat. The use of a boat loaded with explosives raised the specter of the attack in 2000 on the USS Cole, a suicide assault by al-Qaida when the warship was at port in the Yemeni city of Aden, killing 17 on board. The Cole is now part of a U.S. Navy operation in the Red Sea led by the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower to try and halt the Houthi attacks, though the rebels continue their assaults. The Houthis have launched more than 60 attacks targeting specific vessels and fired off other missiles and drones in their campaign that has killed a total of four sailors. They’ve seized one vessel and sunk two since November. A U.S.-led airstrike campaign has targeted the Houthis since January, with a series of strikes May 30 killing at least 16 people and wounding 42 others, the rebels say. In March, the Belize-flagged Rubymar carried a load of fertilizer sank in the Red Sea after taking on water for days following a rebel attack. The Houthis have maintained their attacks target ships linked to Israel, the U.S. or the U.K. However, many of the ships they’ve attacked have little or no connection to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. The war in Gaza has killed more than 37,000 Palestinians there, while hundreds of others have been killed in Israeli operations in the West Bank. It began after Hamas-led militants attacked Israel on Oct. 7, killing about 1,200 people and taking around 250 hostage. A recent report by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency acknowledged container shipping through Red Sea has declined by 90% since December over the attacks. As much as 15% of the world’s maritime traffic flows through that corridor. Meanwhile Wednesday, the Houthis said U.S.-led airstrikes targeted Raymah, a […]

Looking for an Income Combined With Kodesh and a Fulfilling Life Mission?

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[Re:FREE MASTERCLASS [Last chance] There’s a reason why Zobin’s still going strong after 40 years, can promise “16-sessions-and-cured” and is endorsed by HaRav Matisyohu Salomon z”tl Are You Talented in Chinuch? Why Not Make an Income From It Too? Are you a Rebbi or Morah and would like to have the skills to lead students who are struggling with reading and learning to success? Come learn the world-renowned “Zobin method” and become a master in learning remediation and Kriah specialist within a year!!! Rabbi Zvi Zobin for over 40 years now has changed the lives of thousands of struggling students and trained many successful educators-worldwide. At the end of the course bez’’H: You will have the knowledge and tools to integrate immediately into employment You will make a living from something that you’re passionate about You will go home at the end of the day with a tremendous feeling of fulfillment You will actualize the hidden potential that’s in you Want to hear more about it? Join 45-years-in-the-field Kriah legend, Rabbi Zvi Zobin, on a rare FREE LIVE Zoom appearance!! : “10 reasons kids struggle with kriah and remediation is far too slow” [Intro Masterclass] Date: Sunday, June 23 Time: 3:00 PM EST (10:00 PM IST, 8.00 PM BST):  https://lp.kriah.com/r-zobin-live Moishy slouches into the resource room for the 50-thousandth time that year. He’s sick and tired of practicing aleph beis and nekudos. He feels like a loser when he thinks of the kids in his class learning mishnayos at that very moment. He’s so behind, he hardly knows what Perek they’re doing. And there’s no end in sight. There are more than a HUNDRED learning-filled, homework-heavy days separating him from Pesach vacation–including a whole extra Adar. What’s the use of coming to school every day when you can’t even read? It’s just more of the same torture, day after endless day. Cuuuut.  Moishy rubs his eyes. His Kriah Rebbe is picking up the kamatz-aleph-ah kriah sheets and dropping them in the wastepaper basket. Whaaaaat? “We’re done with that for now,” he says determinedly. “Moishy, you’re a bright kid. You should be reading like all your friends. You have the brains. Something’s stopping you. We’re gonna find out EXACTLY what it is. We’ll solve it and we’ll have you reading difficult selichos by Purim.” Moishy blinks. Then he grins. “Really?”  In his heart: He feels like he could fly. Be that Rebbe – Or Morah. As the founder of the only 16-sessions-and-cured Kriah Program, which has effectively diagnosed and remediated hundreds and hundreds of kids with a 95% success rate, he’s seen Moishy’s problem umpteen times… And he knows precisely what it is. He’ll tell you all about it here: https://lp.kriah.com/r-zobin-live When you walk out of the session, you’ll be thoroughly acquainted with ten root kriah problems children and adults face today. For one, you’ll have viewed the block of text the way the child sees it! You’ll also learn:  > Some powerful diagnostic techniques for reading and visual difficulties > Why you need a visual-based remediation system for Lashon Hakodesh and why phonics won’t cut it > How reading “efficiency” can turn a slowish kid to into the class ilui > Why never transitioning a kid out of reading in syllables such an awful mistake You’ll also discover a little-known gem – Kriah specialist Academy, Rabbi Zobin’s own 20-session kriah program that’ll teach you how to evaluate kids like […]

SOUR GRAPES: White House Cancels High-Level Meeting Following Netanyahu Video

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The White House canceled a high-level US-Israel meeting on Iran scheduled for Thursday after Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu released a video on Tuesday alleging the US was withholding military aid, two US officials told Axios’ Barak Ravid.


President Joe Biden’s senior advisers were incensed by the video, a sentiment that US envoy Amos Hochstein conveyed directly to Netanyahu in a meeting shortly after the video’s release, according to two US and Israeli sources. In response, the White House decided to escalate the situation by canceling the Thursday meeting.

“This decision makes it clear that there are consequences for pulling such stunts,” a US official stated.

Some Israeli officials were already on their way to Washington when they were informed of the cancellation, as reported by Ravid.

Two US officials told Axios the meeting was called off to send a clear message regarding the video. A third official mentioned that the meeting was postponed rather than canceled, citing scheduling conflicts.

In the video released on Tuesday, Netanyahu expressed shock at the Biden Administration’s actions to delay munitions shipments to Israel during the conflict with Hamas.

“When Secretary Blinken was recently here in Israel, we had a candid conversation, I said I deeply appreciated the support the US has given Israel from the beginning of the war,” Netanyahu said.

“But I also said something else, I said it’s inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel. Israel, America’s closest ally, [is] fighting for its life, fighting against Iran and our other common enemies,” he added.

“Secretary Blinken assured me that the administration is working day and night to remove these bottlenecks. I certainly hope that’s the case. It should be the case,” Netanyahu continued.

Later, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre responded to Netanyahu’s statement with apparent confusion.

“We genuinely do not know what he is talking about. We just don’t,” she told reporters. “There was one particular shipment of munitions that was paused.”

“We continue to have these constructive discussions with Israelis for the release of that particular shipment,” she added. “There are no other pauses, none, no other poses or holds in place. Everything else is moving in due process.”

{Dov T. Heller – Matzav.com}

Catskills Hatzalah Adds Two New Ambulances As Summer Season Kicks Off

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Catskills Hatzalah has upgraded its emergency response capabilities, announcing the addition of two state-of-the-art ambulances, Catskill Scoop reported. The new vehicles, funded through the efforts of Assemblywoman Aileene Gunther, will provide critical medical transportation services to the growing community in Bloomingburg and along the busy Route 17 corridor. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held at the Catskills Hatzalah headquarters in Fallsburg, NY, to mark the arrival of the new ambulances. Assemblywoman Gunther was presented with a plaque in recognition of her tireless efforts in securing the funding for these vital additions to the Hatzalah fleet. The two new ambulances will be stationed in the newly constructed garage in Bloomingburg and will be serviced by 12 Hatzalah members who reside in the surrounding area. Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, who represents the 48th Assembly District, expressed his gratitude to Assemblywoman Gunther for her dedication to the Jewish community and her collaborative efforts on various projects. Rabbi Yechiel Kalish, CEO of Central Hatzalah, and Yidel Feig, coordinator for Catskills Hatzalah, also spoke at the event, which was attended by local law enforcement officials and CEOs of nearby hospitals. “We are deeply grateful to Assemblywoman Gunther for her generosity,” said Mr. Feig. “These ambulances will make a significant difference in our ability to respond to emergencies in the growing community.” THIS STORY WAS FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE CATSKILL SCOOP STATUS CLICK HERE SIGN UP TO THE CATSKILL SCOOP WHATSAPP STATUS TO BE INFORMED OF CATSKILL NEWS IN LIVE TIME (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Nvidia Becomes World’s Most Valuable Company As AI Rally Steams Ahead

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Nvidia Corp.’s relentless rally has propelled the semiconductor giant’s market capitalization over its mega-cap tech peers, helping it clinch the title of the world’s most-valuable company as the artificial intelligence wave continues.

The stock rose 3.5% to close at $135.58 a share Tuesday, putting the company’s market value at about $3.3 trillion and catapulting it over those of Microsoft Corp. and Apple Inc. The top stocks have jockeyed all month for the pole position, with Nvidia finally edging past both of its big-tech peers.

Earlier in the month, Nvidia capped Apple by market value for the first time since 2002, and the two went back and forth in rankings in recent days. Last week, Apple also overtook Microsoft to trade in the top spot briefly.

The ranking is yet another reminder that AI is the top focus of many investors. Nvidia is seen as the biggest and earliest beneficiary of the technology as it dominates the market with its highly sought-after chips that help power data centers running complex computing tasks required by AI applications. Demand for its H100 accelerators are surging and helped drive the chipmaker’s sales up by more than 125% last year.

Microsoft, for its part, is also seen as an early AI winner given its investment and partnership with OpenAI, which created ChatGPT. And, this week, Apple shares rallied after the iPhone maker finally unveiled its plan for using the technology, appeasing investors at long last.

“We believe over the next year the race to $4 Trillion Market Cap in Tech will be front and center between Nvidia, Apple, and Microsoft,” Daniel Ives, analyst at Wedbush Securities, wrote in a note.

Nvidia’s surging stock price has made co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Jensen Huang one of the world’s richest people. His net worth has climbed more than $70 billion since the beginning of the year to $115 billion, putting him in 12th place on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. That’s the biggest gain among his billionaire peers.

Investors, alongside Huang, argue that Nvidia is more than a chipmaker.

“They’re not just selling chips, they’re selling systems,” Michael Lippert, vice president and portfolio manager at the Baron Capital Inc., said in an interview, pointing to the company’s proprietary software and development ecosystem.

Nvidia’s swift climb to the top has been record breaking, as the company is one of the few firms to have demonstrated significant revenue growth from AI. Shares have risen more than 170% in 2024 through Tuesday’s close, adding more than $2 trillion to its market capitalization.

“Nvidia’s GPU chips are in essence the new gold or oil in the tech sector as more enterprises and consumers quickly head down this path with the 4th Industrial Revolution well underway,” said Ives.

(c) 2024, Bloomberg · Subrat Patnaik and Carmen Reinicke 

How Did North Korean Soldiers Wander Across The World’s Most Heavily Guarded Border?

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Don’t believe the name: The Demilitarized Zone between the two rival Koreas might be the most heavily armed place on earth. Two million mines, barbed wire fences, tank traps and tens of thousands of troops from both countries patrol a divided swath of land 248 kilometers (154 miles) long and 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) wide. So how, on the eve of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s summit Wednesday with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, did as many as 30 North Korean soldiers wander over the line separating North from South, causing South Korea to fire warning shots before the North Koreans withdrew? The short answer appears to be shrubbery: Because of an overgrowth of foliage, the North Koreans may not have seen the signs marking the thin military demarcation line that divides the DMZ into northern and southern sides. But, more deeply, it can also be understood in light of the long, often violent history of the unique border set up after the 1950-53 Korean War. It ended with an armistice, instead of a peace treaty, leaving the Korean Peninsula divided, and technically still in a state of war. Here’s a look at the events surrounding the incursion: ___ What happened? On Tuesday, South Korean troops broadcast warnings and fired warning shots to turn back North Korean soldiers — somewhere between 20 to 30 — who briefly crossed the demarcation line in the DMZ. The North Koreans, who had been doing construction work in the area, immediately retreated, and the South’s military didn’t spot any suspicious activity after that, the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Seoul said. It was the second such incident in two weeks. Neither incursion was an invasion, or even a maneuver meant to test the South’s defenses, Seoul says, but more likely an accident. When North Korean soldiers briefly crossed a different part of the line on June 11, the same scenario played out: Warning shots from the South; a North Korean withdrawal. ___ What does the demarcation line look like? The demarcation line, in many parts of the DMZ, is simply a sign mounted on a stick or a slice of concrete. People have stepped across it before, under very special circumstances, and usually at the border village of Panmunjom. Former U.S. President Donald Trump walked across with Kim Jong Un. Last year an American soldier facing possible military discipline dashed over the line to the North. Outside of Panmunjom, much of the DMZ is wilderness, but it is heavily monitored on both sides. And while the demarcation line may be easily crossed, it is very difficult to do so without being spotted immediately. The southern side of the land border is protected not only by thousands of soldiers, guns and mines, but also by a dense network of cameras, motion sensors and other high-tech surveillance equipment. Breaches are very rare and are usually detected quickly. Defections from the North are also unusual along the North-South land border, though they have happened with frequency along the porous China-North Korea border and occasionally in the Yellow Sea. The North’s accidental intrusions this month may have been caused by a sudden jump in North Korean troops fortifying their side of the border. Because overgrown trees and plants may have been obscuring the signs marking the demarcation line, […]

For Second Year Ishay Ribo to Headline Largest Jewish Unity Concert in North America

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For the second year in a row, world renowned singer Ishay Ribo is scheduled to headline the premier Jewish unity concert of the year in the “world’s most famous arena,” Madison Square Garden in New York City. Building on last year’s successful late summer event, this year’s version, scheduled for Sunday, September 15th, promises to be grander and all the more thrilling.

In light of the difficult, oftentimes painful, events of this past year, this unique opportunity for Jews of all stripes and backgrounds to come together for an evening of soulful joy with Ribo’s music is a welcome reprieve. Famous for his boundary-defying ability to reach out and connect with the hearts and souls of all Jews, Ribo’s performance in the epicenter of American Jewry is a chance to unite as one family in hope and song.

Indeed, when war broke out in Israel last year, Ishay sprang into action, crisscrossing the country to bring joy to soldiers on the front lines, injured soldiers back home, bereaved families of fallen soldiers, as well as displaced families from the border communities. Forgoing his own pain, Ishay gave his heart and soul to the Jewish people to bring comfort, joy, and hope.

He now brings that same passion of unity and song back to the American stage in nothing less than North America’s greatest and most prestigious venue.

As in the past year, the concert is being organized in collaboration with Davidson Artist Management and Bnei Akiva of the United States & Canada, an organization singularly dedicated to uniting the Jewish world with Torah, Avodah, and encouraging Aliyah.

Bnei Akiva offers numerous programs that ignite the hearts of future Jewish leaders and strengthen connection to Israel and Judaism. From immersive experiences such as summer camps and trips, to leadership development and community service, Bnei Akiva is fostering a new generation of engaged and connected Jewish youth. A world-class event in the US with Israel’s most prominent voices falls directly in line with such a noble mission.

Joining Ribo on the stage will be some of Israel’s preeminent singers. Idan Reichel and Eviatar Banai are known throughout the Jewish world as the authoritative voices of modern Israeli music, if not the very founders of the genre. Performing in countless venues across Israel and authors of multiple music labels, Raichel and Banai’s voices have come to define the contemporary Israeli sound. But never before have they performed on such a stage. Ishay Ribo is privileged and honored to introduce them to this new audience of enthusiastic Anglo Jewry.

Tickets are now available at Ticketmaster

SPECIAL TRIP FOR WOMEN: The Profound Impact of Heritage Trips: Connecting to Our Past for a Brighter Future

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To join the trip or for more information, message 732.338.8995 or email poland@sambatyon-tours.com.

CLICK HERE for the registration form.

CLICK HERE for the trip brochure.


In an age where digital connectivity often overshadows our physical and spiritual connections, heritage trips have emerged as a powerful means to reconnect with our roots. These journeys, especially to places like Poland, offer more than just historical insights; they provide an avenue for deep spiritual and emotional growth.

As a veteran educator and historian, I have had the privilege of leading numerous groups on heritage trips to Eastern Europe. The transformative power of these experiences is evident in the profound impact they have on participants. Each journey serves as a poignant reminder of our past, a source of chizuk, and a guide for our future.

Why Heritage Trips Matter

Visiting the sites where our ancestors lived, thrived, and suffered offers a tangible connection to history that cannot be replicated through books or documentaries. Walking through the streets of Warsaw, standing at the kever of R’ Elimelech of Lizhensk, or reflecting at the gates of Auschwitz-Birkenau, participants are confronted with the stark realities of our past. These places are not just historical landmarks; they are hallowed grounds where the faith and resilience of our people were tested and reaffirmed.

Heritage trips provide an opportunity to engage with our history on a deeply personal level. They allow us to honor the memory of those who came before us and to draw strength from their experiences. By standing where they stood and walking where they walked, we can better appreciate the sacrifices made and the lessons learned.

More Than Just History

While the historical aspect of these trips is undeniably important, the spiritual and emotional growth that participants experience is equally significant. Heritage trips are a form of pilgrimage, a journey to places that shaped the course of our religious and cultural identity. They offer a chance to explore the shitos and derechim of our gedolim and to rediscover the practices of our tzidkaniyos.

One of the most powerful aspects of these journeys is the opportunity for introspection and personal growth. Away from the distractions of daily life, participants can reflect on their own spiritual journey, gain new perspectives, and find inspiration in the stories of resilience and faith that are part of our collective history.

The Role of Guided Reflection

Guided reflections and discussions are a crucial component of heritage trips. They provide a structured way for participants to process their experiences and to draw practical lessons from the past. These sessions often reveal the enduring relevance of our heritage, offering insights into how the values and practices of our ancestors can be applied to our lives today.

For many, these trips are a catalyst for change. They inspire a renewed commitment to Torah and mitzvos, a deeper appreciation for the sacrifices of our ancestors, and a stronger connection to our heritage. Participants often return home with a sense of purpose and direction, equipped with the tools and inspiration to live more meaningful, committed lives.

A Journey of the Soul

Heritage trips are not just about looking back; they are about moving forward. By reconnecting with our past, we can gain the clarity and strength needed to navigate the challenges of the present and future. These journeys are a testament to the enduring power of our heritage, a reminder that even in the darkest times, our faith and resilience can guide us forward.

In a world that often feels disconnected, heritage trips offer a profound way to reconnect—with our history, with our faith, and with each other. They are a journey of the soul, a path to deeper understanding and greater inspiration.

Rabbi Yehudah Bulman will be leading a chizzuk trip for women to Poland this summer, continuing his mission to inspire and uplift through these meaningful journeys.

To join the trip or for more information, message 732.338.8995 or email poland@sambatyon-tours.com.

CLICK HERE for the registration form.

CLICK HERE for the trip brochure.



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