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Nasrallah Says ‘No Place’ In Israel Would Be Safe In War, Threatens To Target Cyprus

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The leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, declared on Wednesday that no area in Israel would be secure if a comprehensive war erupted between the two adversaries, also extending threats to Cyprus and other regions in the Mediterranean.

During a memorial for Hezbollah commander Taleb Abdullah, killed in an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon along with three other members, Nasrallah commented on the intensifying conflict with Israel. He asserted that the Shiite group does not seek “total war” but is supporting Hamas.

Since October 8, Hezbollah has been launching attacks on northern Israel, prompting Israeli retaliation and escalating tensions, with warnings from Israel about the potential for all-out war.

Nasrallah warned that if Israel initiated a large-scale attack on Hezbollah, it should brace for assaults by land, air, and sea, drastically altering the situation in the Mediterranean. He emphasized that “no place” in Israel would be beyond the reach of Hezbollah’s arsenal in the event of full-scale conflict, pledging to fight with “no rules” and “no ceilings.” Nasrallah stated, “The enemy knows well that we have prepared ourselves for the worst… and that no place… will be spared from our rockets.”

He added that Israel is aware of significant threats awaiting it in the Mediterranean, possibly alluding to attacks on offshore gas installations.

For the first time, Nasrallah also targeted Cyprus, accusing it of permitting Israel to use its airports and bases for military operations, warning that Hezbollah might consider it “a part of the war” and target it if it continued to support Israeli logistics.

“Opening Cypriot airports and bases to the Israeli enemy to target Lebanon would mean that the Cypriot government is part of the war, and the resistance will deal with it as part of the war,” he declared.

Cyprus is not known to provide land or base facilities to the Israeli military but has allowed occasional airspace use for Israeli drills. British bases on Cyprus, remnants of its colonial past, have been used for operations in Syria and Yemen, beyond Cypriot government control. According to Hebrew media, British Royal Air Force jets launched from these bases to intercept a massive Iranian drone and missile attack on Israel in mid-April.

Following Nasrallah’s threats, Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides clarified that Cyprus is “in no way involved” in any military actions in the region, dismissing Nasrallah’s remarks as inaccurate. He emphasized that Cyprus aims to be “part of the solution, not part of the problem,” highlighting its humanitarian efforts such as the Cyprus-Gaza maritime corridor.

Nasrallah claimed that Hezbollah has extensive surveillance footage of sensitive Israeli military targets, including those deep within Israeli territory, uncovered by their drones. He asserted that these targets include well-camouflaged military bases.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi downplayed the significance of the drone footage, stating that the IDF is developing solutions to counter such capabilities and possesses “infinitely more powerful capabilities” unknown to Hezbollah.

Nasrallah insisted that Israeli military leaders have been aware since October 8 of Hezbollah’s capabilities to target critical sites within Israel, citing the Mount Meron air traffic control base as a key target now within Hezbollah’s reach.

He further boasted about Hezbollah’s ongoing development and production of new missiles and drones, claiming the group’s military resources are at their peak.

He pointed out that Hezbollah’s continuous attacks have forced the IDF to divert resources from Gaza, causing significant economic losses for Israel due to the evacuation of northern towns and disruption of agricultural and industrial activities.

Despite these setbacks, Nasrallah argued that Israeli leaders are downplaying the damage to avoid putting pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose main focus remains the conflict with Hamas in Gaza.

He mocked Israel’s claims of having the region’s strongest army, noting the IDF’s prolonged struggle to dismantle Hamas forces in Rafah despite an extensive ground operation.

“We will continue to support Gaza and we are ready for anything. We are not afraid. Our demand is clear: A complete and permanent ceasefire in Gaza,” Nasrallah declared, criticizing the ceasefire proposal from US President Joe Biden to Hamas as insufficient for not ensuring a permanent halt to fighting.

Nasrallah accused Netanyahu of refusing a ceasefire and warned that his far-right coalition partners, Itamar Ben Gvir and Betzalel Smotrich, would lead Israel into disaster.

Concluding his speech, Nasrallah addressed the families of deceased Hezbollah fighters and displaced Lebanese citizens, claiming that Hezbollah is engaged in its “largest battle since 1948” against Israel.

{Matzav.com Israel}

PHOTOS & VIDEOS: Chaveirim Of Boro Park Holds Ribbon-Cutting For New Garage

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Chaverim of Boro Park hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Sunday to celebrate the grand opening of their new garage at 1125 48th Street in Boro Park. The event was attended by local law enforcement and elected officials, including Councilman Kalman Yeger, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein, NYPD Deputy Chief Richie Taylor, and many other officials and community activists. THIS STORY WAS FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE BORO PARK SCOOP STATUS CLICK HERE SIGN UP TO THE BORO PARK SCOOP WHATSAPP STATUS TO BE INFORMED OF BORO PARK NEWS IN LIVE TIME

Nir Barkat To Netanyahu: I Will Oppose The Draft Law Along With Other MKs

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Israeli Economy Minister Nir Barkat has addressed a letter to Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, clearly stating his opposition to the Chareidi Draft Law in its present form. Barkat also pledged to persuade other members of Likud to share his stance.

“I informed the Prime Minister after the technical vote on continuity that I will oppose the Draft Law in its current form in the following votes, along with other MKs from the Likud,” Barkat asserted.

He emphasized, “In order to win the war, the IDF needs more soldiers. Without victory in battle there is no country and no Torah. As a paratrooper who led soldiers into battle risking their lives, I salute the IDF soldiers and pledge to be worthy of their sacrifice and devotion.”

Barkat’s letter outlines the essential principles for crafting a Draft Law that could gain broad public support in Israel. He believes the law should include all citizens—charedim and Arabs alike—and address the requirements of the defense forces and national service. Furthermore, he stresses the need for the law to recognize the significance of Torah study and those who pursue it.

He argues that service routes must be tailored to fit the lifestyles of the charedi community and other groups, suggesting incentives for those who enlist and imposing personal sanctions on those who do not participate in military or national service.

In response to Barkat’s letter, Likud criticized him, stating, “Nir Barkat is expected to take care of the cost of living and not look for excuses to topple a right-wing government during a war.”

Barkat countered, “The State of Israel is at one of the most difficult times in its history and it is my duty to express my position, which reflects the position of the majority in the Likud. If someone wishes to attack a minister in the Likud because of a position on the importance of recruiting for the IDF in times of war—it is better that he use his name and not the name of the Likud. Israel needs more soldiers to win the war. Without victory, there is no country and no Torah.”

{Matzav.com Israel}

Israel Kills Hezbollah Commander, Hezbollah Retaliates With 25 Missiles

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The IDF carried out a targeted elimination of a senior Hezbollah terrorist on Thursday. Abbas Ibrahim Hamza Hamada, who served as the Hezbollah operations officer of the Jouaiyaa area, was killed in a drone strike in Deir Kifa in southern Lebanon. According to the IDF, he planned and led attacks against Israel from southern Lebanon and advanced the group’s combat ground abilities. Following the elimination, Hezbollah launched dozens of missiles at an IDF base in Zar’it in northern Israel. Hezbollah later claimed responsibility for the attack, saying that it was in retaliation for Hamada’s elimination. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

IDF Spokesman Hagari: ‘Whoever Thinks It’s Possible To Destroy Hamas Is Mistaken’

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IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari acknowledged on Wednesday that eradicating Hamas entirely is unfeasible. “Hamas is an idea,” he elaborated in an interview with Channel 13, adding, “Whoever thinks that it’s possible to make it disappear is mistaken. It’s the Muslim Brotherhood.”

When questioned about the possibility of the Palestinian Authority replacing Hamas in Gaza, he responded, “the political echelon has to decide. Saying that it’s possible to destroy Hamas and to make it disappear is to throw dust into the public’s eyes.”

Hagari assured that security forces would target Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, stating, “He will make a mistake and it will happen.”

The Prime Minister’s Office issued a statement in response to Hagari’s remarks: “The Security Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has defined the destruction of Hamas’ military and governing capabilities as one of the goals of the war. The IDF, of course, is committed to this.”

Following the interview’s release, the IDF Spokesperson issued a clarification: “The IDF is committed to achieving the war’s objectives as laid out by the Cabinet. It has been working day and night throughout the war and will continue to do so.”

The statement continued: “The commanders of the IDF and its servicemen and women are fighting with determination and persistence to destroy the military capabilities and the governmental and organizational infrastructure of Hamas in Gaza, a clear military objective.”

Regarding Hagari’s comments, the IDF emphasized, “the IDF Spokesman discussed the destruction of Hamas as an ideology and an idea, and he said that clearly. Any claim otherwise is taking his words out of context.”

{Matzav.com Israel}

White House Says That Top-Level Israeli-US Meeting To Take Place As Scheduled

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The White House denied the Axios report on Wednesday that a scheduled meeting with senior Israeli officials was canceled after Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a video message slamming the Biden administration for withholding arms shipments to Israel, the Times of Israel reported. ABC News also quoted senior Biden administration officials as saying on Wednesday that the meeting between Israel’s National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi, Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer and US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is taking place on Thursday as scheduled. The meeting will focus on Israeli security, including Iranian threats and the war in Gaza. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Gantz Accuses: ‘Netanyahu Harming Unity and Ties with US for Political Gain’

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MK Benny Gantz (National Unity) has accused Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu of jeopardizing Israel’s strategic relationship with the United States for his own political benefit. “Our mission is to navigate to true victory: diplomatic, military, economic, and social,” Gantz declared as he began his speech at the “Tel Aviv-Israel’s Future” conference at Tel Aviv University.


“Victory at the end of which, the south and north will grow and develop. Victory in which the hostages will return home. Painfully, some of them did not survive eight months in captivity. Every minute that passes makes their return more urgent,” he emphasized.

Gantz continued, “We shall not forget April 14th, when Iran fired hundreds of ballistic missiles, UAVs, and cruise missiles at Israel. The reality in the region is changing – we cannot shut our eyes. We must build the strength for the future war for the State of Israel’s existence. Our enemies have a clear will to destroy us; we must make sure that they won’t have the ability to do so. That will happen only if we look at the long-term and work to be surrounded by more allies in the region, and fewer enemies. It will happen if we manage the war for our future and not a war of political survival. Unfortunately, as we saw yesterday, Netanyahu is missing out on an opportunity to build a regional alliance against Iran, he is harming our strategic ties with the US for political considerations and making fake crises.”

He emphasized, “Despite the ‘October tragedy,’ the State of Israel is the strongest country. But it is in a dangerous place of inner division, which our enemies identified before October 7th. And at this weak point, they began to attack. I say this knowingly. Unbelievably, we’ve returned to the same situation. Eight months later, we are still digging at open wounds, while we need to concentrate on a victorious blow to our enemies.”

{Matzav.com Israel}

Trump Criticizes Fox for Keeping ‘Very Disloyal’ Paul Ryan: ‘Get that Dog Off Your Board’

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Former President Donald Trump has labeled former House Speaker Paul Ryan as “very disloyal” and has urged Rupert Murdoch and his son, Lachlan Murdoch, to remove Ryan from their board.

In a post on Truth Social, Trump harshly criticized Ryan, who currently serves on the Fox Corporation Board of Directors, referring to him as a “weak and ineffective RINO.” This reaction from Trump followed an interview Ryan gave on June 11 on the Fox News Channel’s “Your World,” where Ryan declared Trump “unfit for office.”

“Nobody can ever trust Fox News, and I am one of them, with the weak and ineffective RINO, Paul Ryan, on its Board of Directors,” Trump wrote. “He’s a total lightweight, a failed and pathetic Speaker of the House, and a very disloyal person. Romney was bad, but Paul Ryan made him look worse. As a team, they never had a chance.”

Trump continued, “Rupert and Lachlan, get that dog off your Board – You don’t need him. ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

In his interview, Ryan stated that he does not support President Joe Biden and criticized his policies as “terrible.” He added that he felt compelled to write in a Republican candidate during the 2020 presidential election. “I voted for him in 2016, hoping that there was gonna be a different kind of person in office,” Ryan explained. “And I do think character is a really important issue. If you put yourself above the Constitution as he has done I think that makes you unfit for office.”

On Monday, the editorial board for the New York Post published an article suggesting North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum (R) as a potential vice presidential pick for Trump, with Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) as another viable option.

Murdoch’s News Corp. owns the New York Post, Dow Jones & Company, which publishes the Wall Street Journal, among other media outlets in Australia and the United Kingdom. Additionally, Murdoch controls Fox Corporation, which owns Fox News.

The editorial also criticized Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), noting his stance to suspend all US aid to Ukraine and his stringent opposition to abortion, which exceeds Trump’s positions. Vance, a former Marine and tech venture capitalist, has been considered a potential vice presidential pick for Trump. However, the article pointed out that despite his youth and ambition, Vance’s brief tenure in public service and his evolving political stance could make him a volatile choice.


An Eternal People

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By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz

I had the zechus of spending over a week in Eretz Yisroel. The past two weeks were said to be the hottest since Israel began recording weather temperatures. Since we stayed in Geulah and my favorite mode of transportation there is by foot, the heat was more than a nuisance; it was a real hindrance to walk in 100-degree weather. But it didn’t stop us from traveling to a few places.

Two of the places we visited stand out from the rest of the trip. The first was our visit to Be’eri, Kfar Azah, Nova, and other spots in the south of Israel near the Gaza border that were attacked on October 7th.

It’s one thing to read about what happened on that awful day and another to be where it took place and hear from people who were there. It was surreal to be in a home where Jews were killed for being Jews and to touch a car that was torched with its passengers inside.

To be so close to tragedy and death is a numbing experience.

It may bring comfort to the martyrs to know that people come and pray and care about what befell them. It may be a sign of brotherhood that people travel there to share the grief and be reminded yet again that to be a Yid is not a simple endeavor and that our eternal enemies are always around the corner, plotting against us and preparing to strike yet again.

Even in this civilized, technologically advanced world, our enemies still believe and spout the same lies of worlds gone by. Millions espouse those falsehoods and chant them internationally at rallies and in governmental meetings and intellectual conferences.

You step foot into a small home, and the first thing you notice are the pockmarks on all the walls and ceilings. You imagine the horror of the couple who was sleeping in that tiny home when barbarians burst in, guns blazing and grenades popping. Everything is upside down and inside out, contents strewn about. You try not to think too much and leave.

Another home has breakfast dishes in the kitchen sink, frozen in time, bearing silent testimony to what happened in that house after breakfast was eaten.

House after house was burned, destroyed, and pockmarked, proclaiming that innocent, peace-loving people died between these walls because they were Jews.

One house and then another and another, each one suffering the same fate in the early morning surprise attack.

Some were killed quickly, some put up a fight, and some were taken hostage, some were taken while alive and others dragged away after they had been murdered.

The scene repeated itself in town after town, small peaceful villages and kibbutzim whose residents went about their business, leading simple lives, far from the noise and commotion of large cities.

Most of them were very different from us, and we would never have been there if not for the senseless tragedy.

I wasn’t too excited about the idea of visiting the site of the Nova music festival, but the guide insisted. So many people were killed there and it has become the focal point of what happened that day.

The area is filled with memorials of young people who went down south to celebrate with music and partying. Every couple of steps you take, you are introduced to another face, another name, another brief bio of a victim or their favorite quote. Before you have time to absorb it, another one grabs your attention. And so it goes until you have had enough and wish to quickly leave that place.

Needless to say, these border towns are emptied of their inhabitants. The desolation compounds the destruction. Nobody knows if the people will ever come back and what shape they will be in if they do.

Sderot, which is considerably larger than those other towns, has come back to life by now. It lost 70 people in the Hamas attack and faced continued rocket shelling for days after. A fierce battle raged in its main police station for 24 hours. Twenty policemen were killed and the building itself was blown up and then razed. Today, the ground it stood on remains empty, except for a few memorials to the martyred and signs of a permanent memorial to be erected there.

We stopped where a small bus carrying 15 Russian seniors got a flat. The driver pulled over to change the tire. The terrorists pulled up and shot them all dead. That bus now sits on display at the large yard where hundreds of vehicles that had been attacked on October 7th have been towed, creating a most gruesome monument to the hundreds of people who were killed in those cars and vans with bullets, RPGs, and fire. Many of the cars and vans were burned to their steel frames, which rust in the elements and cry out for the world to see and acknowledge the carnage wrought by the savages they advocate and march for.

You look at the vehicles of all shapes and sizes and contemplate the horror their passengers experienced. You think of the people who died in them, and those who were gunned down escaping from them, and the ones who were miraculously saved. Each person with their own story.

And that leads us to the flip side of my trip. I met a survivor from the Nova festival. I met him in what we call Kiryat Sefer and Israelis refer to as Modiin Illit, the giant town of Torah. What was he doing there? As strange as it sounds, he was learning Torah.

As depressing as the trip to the south of Israel was, the visit to the country’s center was invigorating and inspiring. You see, I went to participate in Lev L’Achim’s preparation for Kabbolas HaTorah. Eretz Yisroel’s largest kiruv operation centers around learning Torah with unaffiliated Jews. Volunteer yungeleit travel to irreligious towns one night a week and learn Torah with people who have never done so before. The Torah draws them in, and gradually they get interested in learning and knowing more, and mitzvah observance follows.

On the Sunday evening before Shavuos, five hundred pairs of yungeleit and their weekly chavrusos came together at the massive Bais Medrash Ateres Shlomo, which lies at the heart of the town.

As the country’s media and politicians engage in non-stop full-throttle bashing of bnei Torah, five hundred people you would think would have been influenced by them left their homes and towns and traveled to a Torah community to learn Torah.

It was there that I met the survivor of the Nova tragedy. He had a broad smile on his face as he sat engrossed in the sugya with his chavrusa, who was as far removed from Nova and what it represented as possible.

He didn’t want to speak about how he was saved that day, other than that it was miraculous and led him to take a serious look at life and ponder why he was saved. He also shared that he had been learning for a few weeks and that it has changed his life and brings him fulfillment and happiness.

He said that his wife is coming along, but slower. With a smile from ear to ear, he shared, “Last Shabbat was her first. And many more are coming.”

There was another fellow there who providentially met up with Lev L’Achim shortly after he retired. Pointing at the large Gemara on the shtender in front of him, he told me, “Until four years ago, I didn’t even know that this existed. I never heard of the Talmud. I was robbed. Boruch Hashem, four years ago, someone came and asked me if I was interested in learning. I had no idea what he was talking about. In the beginning, I didn’t understand a word. It took a hammer to bang it into my head. Then, slowly, I began getting it, and here I am tonight about to make a siyum with my chavruta.”

Each man there had a story. If you had met many of those people learning that night, you would have no idea that they learn Gemara once a week and are on their way to full shmiras hamitzvos. And then there are others who look as if they are frum from birth. One man I met presented himself as a descendant of Rav Akiva Eiger. “And it is in his zechus that I am here today,” he said.

His story? “Thirty-five years ago, shortly after Rav Uri Zohar had become frum and began speaking at Lev L’Achim rallies, exhorting people to follow his path, do teshuvah, and return to Hashem and Torah, I went to hear him. Then I went again and again. I began keeping some mitzvos and then more… And here I am thirty-five years later.”

With a white beard and peyos, in a black shiny suit and hat, he looked like any other man who has spent his life hunched over seforim in a bais medrash. He introduced me to his son, a fine young man, who had come to learn with his chavrusa who he is introducing to Torah.

The country is in a terrible state, fighting a war on its southern border, while its northern border is under serious attack. The citizens of the northern area have fled and don’t appear to be going back anytime soon. Israel has been fighting this war for eight months already. Soldiers are being hurt and mortally wounded every day, over 100 people are being held hostage by beasts, the economy is in shambles, politicians are battling each other, and Hamas’s global support increases exponentially.

With this as a backdrop and people of goodwill seeking to hold the nation together in unity, at least for the duration of the war, the Left decided that now would be the perfect time to fight the long-simmering, on-and-off-again war over drafting Torah students into the army. The Knesset held a fierce debate last week, and all of the media outlets made certain to fan the tension.

To note that the pre-Shavuos Lev L’Achim learn-a-thon took place with that going on is to appreciate the inner strength of the Jewish people and their eternal attachment to Torah. Having strayed from a life of mitzvos, the bond of Jews to the Torah is stronger than any propaganda and the lies that people are taught and brainwashed with.

It is said that Ben Gurion only agreed to free those who dedicate their lives to Torah study from the army because he and the other secular founding leaders of Israel firmly believed that the religious community would peter out and, in a matter of time, there wouldn’t be any draft-age men forsaking careers to study Torah.

Providentially, Ben Gurion and his friends were proven wrong. The Torah community has expanded greatly since near decimation during the Holocaust. And it continues to grow. So, while the heated debate over the draft and what it will lead to is frightening on one level, on another it is a sign of the Torah community’s triumph that the debate is taking place. And just as Hakadosh Boruch Hu has protected us until now, He will continue protecting and nurturing us so that we can achieve the prophecy which tells of the time when “Umolah ha’aretz dei’ah es Hashem.”

My visit came to an end on Motzoei Shabbos when I flew back to the United States. On the same flight was the Slabodka rosh yeshiva, Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, who was traveling to address the massive Adirei Hatorah event and create awareness for the financial needs of Israeli yeshivos and their yungeleit.

A product of this country, Rav Hirsch learned under Rav Aharon Kotler back when there were but a few dozen talmidim in the Lakewood Yeshiva. At the time, most believed that Shabbos, kashrus, limud haTorah, and shemiras hamitzvos stood no chance in the United States and that there would never again be a market for seforim such as the classic Ketzos Hachoshen.

This week, Rav Hirsch addressed an arena packed with people studying the Ketzos along with sifrei Rishonim v’Acharonim, as well as seforim that weren’t yet written or published when Rav Aharon Kotler opened his yeshiva and was given little chance of success.

Most of those who filled the arena were not alive in those days of little and have not known of the deprivation that was prevalent after the war and the struggles that were necessary to keep Yiddishkeit alive in those years.

Today we live in a new era, with new challenges and tests, but we stand on the shoulders of those who preceded us here and in Eretz Yisroel as well.

We can sit in a stadium and clap and stand and dance and proclaim, “Netzach Yisroel lo yeshaker,” demonstrating it by being there, by leading lives of Torah, by dedicating our lives to Torah and its principles, and always behaving according to the ways of Torah.

As the words of the speakers bounced around the stadium, older people closed their eyes and imagined what the world was like as they were growing up, and the younger people opened their eyes wide and were pumped with pride as to where we have come without compromising on the ideals of our rabbeim who brought the Torah here after the war.

A visionary came up with the idea of Adirei Hatorah, and thanks to him, all of us who were in Philadelphia on Sunday were able to see and appreciate how far we have come, how great we are, how great our community is, and how great we can be in the years to come.

We went from being the poor and downtrodden, who were pitied and written off, to a burgeoning world of many tens of thousands of bnei Torah families, blessed by Hashem with aliyah in Torah and success in business. Zevuluns and Yissochors are motivated each in their own way to grow and to contribute and to give birth to generations who will place Torah uppermost in their lives.

They support Torah, and the Torah shall support them. Every day, we are getting closer to the time the nevi’im spoke of and we daven for, when the world will be filled with Torah and we will merit the final redemption with the arrival of Moshiach, who will answer all of our questions and right all wrongs.

May it be very soon. Amein.


Knock Knock. This is Your Chance to Open Doors for Cholei Yisroel! The RCCS Pre-Campaign is Now Live!

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Donations are now being accepted for the Pre-Campaign portion of a major two-day push to provide RCCS with all they need to care for cancer patients in our communities.  The 2024 “Knock Knock” Campaign is dedicated to hearing the Knock of cholei Yisroel and Opening Doors for them to receive all the assistance they need as they struggle through the grim challenges of a dreaded diagnosis.  No matter where you live, the word “cancer” is a frightening reality for all too many of your neighbors, R”l. This dreadful disease and its treatment regimens afflict men, women, teenagers, even young children, of all ages and backgrounds – as well as their family and friends. In our communities, virtually every one of these suffering souls relies on RCCS as a lifeline – the one stop resource that guides them from diagnosis through recovery and makes sure that everyone has access to the absolute best medical care available anywhere in the world. RCCS provides medical referral and support, getting each patient into the best doctor for their diagnosis; this includes handling their medical records and expediting appointments. To this end, they conduct extensive medical research to avail patients to the most cutting-edge medical treatment. They provide crucial financial support to cover insurance premiums and other out-of-pocket expenses. In essence, they serve as the patient’s virtual “back office” from beginning to end.  They arrange insurance guidance and advocacy, helping a patient navigate the complex world of insurance, and advocating for them when an insurer rejects a claim. They ensure that finances never stand between a patient and world-class treatment.  In addition, the RCCS Care Management team opens doors for patients and their families to access the full gamut of financial and logistical assistance available through individual donors and other organizations.  It now costs over $29 million a year for RCCS to cover its global operations; including paying insurance premiums and other patient expenditures. RCCS is currently helping over 5,000 patients and their families with everything they need to fight cancer – with dozens of new patients reaching out for help each week. Jewish communities around the country have united to support RCCS’s lifesaving operations through a special two day “KNOCK KNOCK” online fundraising campaign. This is RCCS’s primary community fundraising event in these communities for the year. You now have an opportunity to help RCCS save lives. The start of the Pre-Campaign means that you can submit your donation now. Please jump in and be among the first to grab this zechus. With your support, RCCS will get off towards a great start to reach its goal!  Make a life-saving donation today by clicking HERE

WSJ: US Intel Estimates As Few As 50 Hostages Still Alive

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Mediators in hostage talks and a US official familiar with the latest U.S. intelligence told the Wall Street Journal that the number of hostages still alive could be as low as 50. The assessment, which is partially based on Israeli intelligence, would mean that 66 hostages have been murdered or died in captivity, 25 more than Israel has publicly confirmed. Yitzhar Lifshitz’s 84-year-old father, Oded Lifshitz, is a hostage in Gaza. Hostages who were released in November said they saw him wounded but alive early in the war, but Yitzhar hasn’t heard anything new from the military since then. “We hang on to the hope that he might be alive,” Yitzhar told the Journal. “But in our stomach we know that older people, wounded people, people taken more than eight months ago, people like that even in Israel would need to change their medication several times, a doctor’s treatment. And they are not getting that there.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

IDENTIFIED: NY Subway Perp Who Ordered “Zionists” To Raise Their Hands

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The US-based organization that fights antisemitism, “Stop Antisemitism,” has identified the perpetrator who ordered “Zionists” to identify themselves on the New York subway and told them “this is your chance to get out.” “StopAntisemitism has successfully identified the perpetrator from the June 10th NYC subway incident as Anas (Ahmad) Saleh and have been working with NYPD and NYC Mayor’s since last Friday regarding Saleh,” the organization wrote on X. “NYPD is asking if you/someone you know has been a witness to any of the incidents involving Saleh, please call CrimeStoppers 800-577-8477 in order to ensure a successful prosecution!” The group also revealed that Saleh is/was a lab tech at the Weill Cornell Medicine Rhee Lab. The lab already removed his profile from their website but not before StopAntisemitism recorded a screenshot. According to a JTA article, Saleh and the pro-Hamas rioters who swarmed the subways were on the way to a depraved protest outside an exhibit in Lower Manhattan memorializing the murdered and tortured victims of the Nova music festival massacre on October 7 are part of a pro-Hamas group called Within Our Lifetime, which was established in 2015 as NYC Students for Justice in Palestine. The group, which was responsible for regular anti-Israel allies even before October 7th, at which participants chanted for the destruction of Israel and called to “globalize the intifada,” is the leading anti-Israel group in NYC. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Louisiana Requires Ten Commandments To Be Displayed In Public Classrooms

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Gov. Jeff Landry (R) signed legislation Wednesday requiring every public classroom in Louisiana to display the Ten Commandments, becoming the first state with such a law and inflaming tensions over the separation between church and state.

“This bill mandates the display of the Ten Commandments in every classroom – public elementary, secondary and post-education schools – in the state of Louisiana, because if you want to respect the rule of law, you’ve got to start from the original lawgiver, which was Moses,” Landry said at a bill-signing ceremony.

Critics vowed to challenge the law in court, calling it unconstitutional and warning that it will lead to religious coercion of students.

“The First Amendment promises that we all get to decide for ourselves what religious beliefs, if any, to hold and practice, without pressure from the government,” the Louisiana chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Freedom From Religion Foundation and other groups said in a joint statement Wednesday. “Politicians have no business imposing their preferred religious doctrine on students and families in public schools.”

Landry has signaled that he welcomes the fight.

“I’m going home to sign a bill that places the Ten Commandments in public classrooms,” he said at a GOP fundraiser in Nashville, the Tennessean reported. “And I can’t wait to be sued.”

The law gives schools until Jan. 1 to display the Ten Commandments on “a poster or framed document that is at least eleven inches by fourteen inches” in every classroom. The commandments have to be the display’s “central focus” and be “printed in a large, easily readable font.”

The law requires a context statement to accompany the commandments, positioning the text as “a prominent part of American public education” from the late 17th century through the late 20th century. Schools have to use donated posters or spend donated money, rather than public funds, to purchase the displays.

The Louisiana House overwhelmingly passed the bill in April, and the state Senate followed suit in May. Both votes largely fell along party lines in the Republican-controlled chambers.

Similar proposals to display the Ten Commandments in schools have been introduced – but have not become law – in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi and South Carolina. In Utah, lawmakers diluted an attempt to mandate the commandments in classrooms, instead adding the religious directives to a list of documents that can be discussed in classrooms.

Lawmakers in mostly Republican-led states have proposed other efforts that blur the lines between church and state in recent years, with some framing the movement as an attempt to reclaim religious freedom.

Public education has been a common battleground. Inspired by a law passed in Texas in 2023, more than a dozen states have introduced legislation this year to bring chaplains into public schools. And as school voucher programs expand rapidly in GOP-run states, the vast majority of the funds – billions in taxpayer dollars – are directed to religious schools, The Washington Post reported this month.

After Louisiana lawmakers voted to require the Ten Commandments in classrooms, the Center for Inquiry, a nonprofit that advocates for a secular society, wrote to Landry to urge him to veto it. The group said becoming the first state to require the commandments to be posted in classrooms would be “a dishonorable distinction.”

The bill “is an exclusionary, heavy-handed measure that will make every student who is a member of a minority religion (or no religion at all) feel like an outsider in their own school and virtually invite litigation at taxpayer expense,” the center said in a statement.

Republican state Rep. Michael Bayham, one of the bill’s authors, argued Wednesday that the new law is not just about religion – nor are the Ten Commandments.

“It’s our foundational law. Our sense of right and wrong is based off of the Ten Commandments,” he told The Post, adding that “Moses is a historical figure and not just a religious one.”

“The Ten Commandments is as much about civilization and right and wrong,” Bayham said. “It does not say you have to be this particular faith or that particular faith.”

It’s unclear how Louisiana’s law will fare if it winds its way to the Supreme Court. A decision to uphold the statute would fly in the face of direct precedent, said Douglas Laycock, a professor emeritus of constitutional law at the University of Virginia.

The Supreme Court in 1980 struck down a Kentucky law that also attempted to require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in classrooms. The court said the statute had no plausible secular purpose and violated the First Amendment’s establishment clause, which bars the federal government from favoring any one religion.

“They’ve always said that public schools are different because children are more susceptible to influence,” Laycock told The Post.

But recent Supreme Court rulings have been more lenient toward religion in schools. In 2022, the court ruled in favor of a Washington state football coach who knelt at midfield to pray and was joined by student-athletes. The prayers were protected by the Constitution’s guarantees of free speech and religious exercise, the court said.

Proponents of the Louisiana law would have to convince the court that there’s a secular purpose for it. They may be counting on the conservative-leaning court to rule in their favor, Laycock said.

“It is just impossible to imagine any secular reason for doing this,” he said. “We’ll see how far they’re willing to go.”

(c) 2024, The Washington Post · Anumita Kaur 

Bibi’s Advisers Warned Not to Release Video Criticizing the US – Report

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According to a new report by Channel 13 News, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu ignored warnings from his advisers and ministers not to release his video criticizing the US for holding up munitions shipments to Israel during wartime.

The report says that Netanyahu met with National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi, Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer, and other officials before he released the video, in which he said in english that it is “inconceivable” for the US to hold up arms shipments to Israel. In the meeting their was reportedly unanimous opposition to Bibi releasing the video.

Minister Dermer reportedly asked Bibi to at least wait until after he and Hanegbi had their meeting at the White House tomorrow regarding the threat from Iranian. The White House meeting was canceled by the Biden Administration, reportedly in response to Netanyahu’s video.

“This decision makes it clear that there are consequences for pulling such stunts,” a US official said, according to Axios.

In Tuesday’s video, Bibi expressed astonishment at moves from the Biden Administration to hold up munitions shipments to Israel during the current time of war against Hamas.

“When Secretary Blinken was recently here in Israel, we had a candid conversation, I said I deeply appreciated the support the US has given Israel from the beginning of the war,” Netanyahu said.

“But I also said something else, I said it’s inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel. Israel, America’s closest ally, [is] fighting for its life, fighting against Iran and our other common enemies,” he continued.

“Secretary Blinken assured me that the administration is working day and night to remove these bottlenecks. I certainly hope that’s the case. It should be the case,” said Netanyahu.

When asked about the video, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reacted with seeming bewilderment, saying: “We genuinely do not know what he is talking about. We just don’t,”. She continued: “There was one particular shipment of munitions that was paused.”

“We continue to have these constructive discussions with Israelis for the release of that particular shipment,” she added. “There are no other pauses, none, no other poses or hold in place. Everything else is moving in due process.”


AOC: Pull Plug on ‘War Criminal’ Netanyahu’s Speech

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Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., labeled Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu as a “war criminal” and suggested that his invitation to address Congress should be rescinded.

“This man should not be addressing Congress,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote Tuesday on X. “He is a war criminal. And he certainly has no regard for U.S. law, which is explicitly designed to prevent U.S. weapons from facilitating human rights abuses. His invitation should be revoked. It should have never been sent in the first place.”

According to the New York Post, Netanyahu was extended an invitation to speak to Congress on July 24, with bipartisan leaders endorsing the letter of invitation.

The document, which articulated that the offer was made to “highlight America’s solidarity with Israel,” was signed by House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y.

This invitation arrives amid increasing political rifts over Israel’s conflict with Hamas following the attacks on October 7. However, some Congressional members, such as Ocasio-Cortez and other “Squad” members, do not support Netanyahu’s visit.

Tensions heightened last month when Karim Khan, the International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor, expressed his intention to seek arrest warrants against Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, as well as Hamas leaders.

“Instead of coming here, we need Netanyahu to stop bombing indiscriminately in Gaza and for him to respect the president’s red line of not having continued military operations in Rafah,” Rep. Greg Casar, D-Texas, told Fox News this month.

Casar mentioned he does not intend to attend Netanyahu’s speech but will engage in efforts to encourage Netanyahu and Hamas leaders to agree to a cease-fire.

Ocasio-Cortez’s X post followed her recent comment that there is “very little purpose” for Netanyahu to address Congress.

“I think it is patently unproductive,” she remarked in an interview. “I think it’s counterproductive right now for him to address Congress, particularly as we continue to try to nail down details on the cease-fire. I certainly do not approve of it, [and I] potentially may not attend.”

The dynamic between Netanyahu and President Joe Biden has become increasingly strained in recent months, with Biden expressing both private and public disapproval of Netanyahu’s management of the conflict.


HURRICANE SEASON BEGINS: Tropical Storm Alberto Slams Texas

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The first named storm of the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season, Alberto, formed in the southern Gulf of Mexico late Wednesday morning. Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center said the storm formed about 295 miles south-southeast of Brownsville, Tex., as torrential downpours were moving ashore in South Texas and northeastern Mexico.

The storm is expected to make landfall in northeastern Mexico on Thursday morning while its effects will be felt as far north as coastal Louisiana.

It’s the United States’ first taste of tropical trouble, but experts are calling for a long, busy season with many more threats on the way.

While approaching the coast of northeastern Mexico, the storm was also pushing a surge of ocean water ashore, leading to coastal flooding along the South Texas coast early Wednesday. Social media video showed water inundating coastal communities, including Surfside Beach to the south of Galveston, flowing over roads and underneath elevated homes while overwhelming storm drains.

Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center said the peak storm surge could reach up to 2 to 4 feet, including around Galveston Bay.

Flood watches blanket South Texas and the Rio Grande Valley, and stretch along the coastline to Cameron Parish, La. The alerts no longer include Houston, since the heaviest rains should stay primarily south of the metro.

A tropical storm warning does, however, cover coastal counties from just south of Galveston to the U.S.-Mexico border, and incudes Rockport, Corpus Christi and Brownsville. Tropical storm-force winds with 50-mph gusts are probable along the shoreline.

Rockport was gusting to 36 mph around 7 a.m. Central time, and Padre Island to 39 mph. Rainfall totals have been light thus far, with Brownsville leading the pack at 0.95 inches. That said, the core of the deep tropical moisture, and subsequent downpours, will soon arrive.

As of 10 a.m. Central time, Alberto had maximum sustained winds of 40 mph and was moving west at 8 mph. The Hurricane Center said Alberto is a large tropical storm with tropical-storm-force winds extending up to 415 miles north of the center.

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How much rain?

Scattered downpours were pivoting ashore in South Texas and will become more numerous and intense as the day wears on. The heaviest rains will last from noon to midnight in southern regions, and probably won’t make it much north of San Antonio or Victoria.

A widespread 4 to 8 inches is likely in South Texas, with localized totals over 10 inches possible. Downpours will taper to intermittent showers by early Thursday.

A near record-moist air mass will be in place, allowing for intense rainfall rates. A weather balloon launched Wednesday morning from Brownsville recorded 2.78 inches of moisture present from the bottom to the top of the atmosphere. That’s just shy of the 2.93-inch record set on July 17, 1996.

Some of the storm’s most serious flooding is probable in northeast Mexico and Central America.

“Life-threatening flooding and mudslides are likely in and near areas of higher terrain across the Mexican states of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas, including the cities of Monterrey and Ciudad Victoria,” the Hurricane Center wrote.

However, some of the rainfall in Mexico will be quite beneficial, as the area has been enduring serious drought.

Rains from a large, swirling area of showers and thunderstorms across the southwest Gulf of Mexico and Central America, known as the Central American Gyre, have produced disastrous flooding in parts Guatemala and El Salvador, causing at least 14 fatalities, according to the Associated Press. This same gyre spawned Alberto and could give rise to another storm in the Gulf of Mexico next week.

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Wind and surge

It’s still looking like 40- to 50-mph gusts will be possible along the immediate coastline from Houston-Galveston southward, with lesser but still blustery winds expected inland.

The onshore flow will push water against the coast, leading to a surge of up to 2 to 4 feet in the most prone areas and 1 to 3 feet elsewhere. Because of the system’s sprawling circulation, the surge was forecast to affect areas hundreds of miles from its center, as far away as the western coast of Louisiana.

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Tornado risk

When tropical cyclones and disturbances hit land, sporadic tornadoes sometimes occur ahead, and to the right, of the center. Since South Texas will be in the “front right quadrant” of the system, a subtle change of low-level winds with height, known as wind shear, could support an isolated tornado risk.

The National Weather Service Storm Prediction Center has advertised a Level 1 out of 5 Marginal risk for severe weather.

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Jason Samenow contributed to this report.

(c) Washington Post


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