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HAMAS BATTLE RATIONS: Kan Reporter Proves Humanitarian Aid Reaches Hamas

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Kan News reporter Chaim Goldich, who is currently serving in Gaza, published a video on Wednesday proving that humanitarian aid ends up in the hands of Hamas after finding a box of food products funded by aid organizations in an area frequented only by terrorists. “If anyone had any doubts as to whether the humanitarian aid goes to Hamas or to refugees – in the house we occupied in the Zaytun neighborhood in the center of the Gaza Strip we found an aid box funded by Qatar and a Jordanian aid organization that came specifically to Hamas terrorists,” he wrote on X. “Let’s be clear – there are no civilians in this area! Only terrorists are living here.” He also posted a video of the products included in a box of aid from the organization, or as he and his fellow soldiers call it: “Hamas battle rations.” ​ (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

MANHATTAN: Bigot Spits on Elderly Jewish Man, Shouts ‘Free Palestine’ [SEE VIDEO]

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A shocking video has emerged of a bigot spitting on a 74-year-old Jewish man and shouting “Free Palestine” on the Upper West Side on Sunday. The disturbing attack, which was caught on camera, shows the man charging towards the elderly victim, who was wearing a yarmulke, on Amsterdam Avenue near West 86th Street. The victim tells the aggressor to “get the hell away from me” as a bystander intervenes, but the attacker walks around him and spits at the older man. The video shows the attacker continuing to spit in the direction of the victim while stepping backward, as several witnesses yell at him, calling him “disgusting.” A group of New Yorkers surrounds the alleged antisemite, shouting at him to leave, with one man placing his hand on the victim’s shoulder. “You’re a loser. Get out of here,” one bystander yells. “Go away. Leave. Get out of this neighborhood.” When one of the witnesses warns the spitter that he will call the police, the attacker responds with “Free Palestine.” A bystander retorts, “How [are] you freeing Palestine right now? All you’re doing is harassing people.” The antisemite eventually walks off down Amsterdam Avenue. The group “Stop Antisemitism” alleged that the man was tearing down posters of kidnapped Israelis before the confrontation. The NYPD said it received a report of harassment on Monday, stating that the unidentified bigot spit on the 74-year-old at around 4 p.m. on Sunday. No injuries were reported, and no arrests have been made. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Russia Sentences U.S. Soldier to Almost 4 Years in Penal Colony

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A Russian court sentenced an American soldier Wednesday to three years and nine months in a penal colony after finding him guilty of theft and threatening to kill his Russian girlfriend, state media reported.

Prosecutors said U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Gordon Black, 34, stole 10,000 rubles ($120) from his girlfriend Alexandra Vashchuk and grabbed her by the neck, which she considered a threat to her life, Interfax reported. The sentencing took place in at Vladivostok’s Pervomaisky District Court, in Russia’s far east.

Black met Vashchuk in South Korea, where he was stationed until April, and began a romantic relationship with her. After she returned to Russia without him, he followed her there without notifying his commanders or getting permission.

In May, Russian authorities arrested and detained him on criminal misconduct charges. According to Interfax, he was arrested after fighting with Vashchuk in the apartment they shared, during which he grabbed her by the neck and took money from her purse.

Black claimed she had behaved aggressively toward him after drinking half a bottle of vodka and began hitting him, the news agency reported.

Judge Yelena Stepankova said in court Wednesday that Black threatened to kill Vashchuk and committed theft, and ordered him to pay back the money.

Black pleaded not guilty this week to the death threat but acknowledged stealing the money, arguing that the theft was not premeditated but out of necessity to pay for a hotel, state media reported.

The State Department warns Americans against traveling to Russia, and the Pentagon has barred military personnel from traveling to the country without permission. Neither the Defense Department, the State Department nor the U.S. Embassy in Moscow immediately responded to a request early Wednesday for comment.

A number of Americans are being held in Russian jails, among them former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan and Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, both of whom were accused of spying. The U.S. government declared both men to be wrongfully detained, a designation that commits the government to work for their release.

The detentions have added further strain to the tensions between Washington and Moscow, which were worsened by Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine.

Black is married in the United States but is going through a divorce, family members told The Post in May. They said he was supposed to be on leave, returning to Fort Cavazos in Texas, but traveled to Russia to see Vashchuk instead.

Black enlisted in the Army as an infantryman in 2008 and was most recently assigned to the 8th Army at Camp Humphreys in South Korea, Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh told reporters in May.

He plans to appeal the verdict, his lawyers said.

Vashchuk did not appear in court on Wednesday, saying it was too hard to look at Black and remember the events that took place, Interfax reported.

– – –

Robyn Dixon contributed to this report.

(c) Washington Post

PRINTOUT How to Correct a Kesuvah at a Wedding

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By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com It may be worthwhile to print this out and save it for emergencies at a wedding, because it happens more often then we think.  In statistics that this author has kept, it happens on average between 1% and 2% of the time.  However, it can also happen almost ten percent of the time as well depending upon the experience of the Mesader Kiddushin. A mistake is made in the Kesuvah itself at the wedding.  A frantic call is made to a Posaik:  “We have no other Kesuvah – what should we do?” [The reader may wish to print this in case of emergencies]. At times, the Posaik cannot be reached, in which case calls are made to Posaik after Posaik. Sometimes, when the Posaik can be reached, he may suggest that the Kesuvah be re-written by hand.   All this is often done behind closed doors and can often lead to delays at the wedding. There is, however,  another possibility, of which many Rabbonim are unaware. It is possible to repair the mistake, as long as the following three conditions are fulfilled: One notes on the bottom of the Kesuvah that the correction was, in fact, made The notation references the line where the correction was made The witnesses attest to the correction. This is called a Kiyum of the correction.  This concept is found in chapter 44 of the Choshain Mishpat section of Shulchan Aruch subparagraph 5. HOW TO NOTE THE CORRECTION The mistakes generally fall into four categories: A missing letter A missing name or missing word A misspelled letter or word An extra letter or word. We will go through the correction of each of the above cases. If a letter was left out of the original, one may add that missing letter in its place– even above the area, and one adds the following notation at the bottom of the Kesuvah: Letter X on line Y was added. Vehakol sharir vekayam, and then the witnesses sign. The Hebrew for this is: אות ___ בשורה שלישית תלויה והכל שריר וקיים. If an entire word or name was left out, the word is added in place – above the area and one adds on the bottom of the Kesuvah: Word X on line Y was added. Vehakol sharir vekayam, and then the witnesses sign. The Hebrew for this is: תיבת ___ בשורה שלישית תלויה והכל שריר וקיים. If just one letter was incorrect, it can be crossed out, erased, scratched off, or written over [called ha-avaras kulmus] in its place and one adds on the bottom of the Kesuvah: Letter X on line Y was erased [or written over] Vehakol sharir vekayam and then the witnesses sign. The Hebrew for this is: אות ____ בשורה רביעית מחוקה והכל שריר וקיים If it was written over, then the Hebrew notation that is to be added is as follows: אות _____ בשורה ____ בהעברת קולמוס והכל שריר וקיים If it was a word and not just a letter that was corrected, use the above formulation but replace אות  with תיבת. If there was an entire extra word that was crossed out, erased, or scratched off, then one adds on the bottom   תיבת _____ בשורה ____ מחוקה והכל שריר וקיים.   TWO SITUATIONS IN WHICH […]

“FUNDING TERRORISM:” Rep. Lawmakers Demand Plan To Keep $404M. From Reaching Hamas

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US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced last week during a visit to Jordan that the Biden administration will be providing another $404 million in aid to Gaza, along with “the more than $1.8 billion in development, economic, and humanitarian aid that the United States has provided since 2021.” Fox News reported that a group of eight Republicans are demanding that the Biden administration provide a strategic plan to keep the funds from reaching the hands of Hamas and being used “for terrorist activities aimed at killing innocent civilians and advancing their stated goal of the destruction of the State of Israel.” The group, headed by Rep. Pat Fallon, R-Texas, a member of both the House Armed Services and Oversight committees, wrote a letter to Blinken  on Monday demanding that the funds be withheld until the State Department can provide a detailed account of how it plans to ensure the funds aren’t used by Hamas. “While we understand the intent of this package is to provide food, drinking water, education, shelter, and more for civilians in a war zone, we have major concerns that a significant portion of the funds will inevitably end up in the hands of the State Department designated terrorist organization, Hamas,” Fallon wrote. “The American people and the international community need assurances that funding for humanitarian aid does not end up funding terrorism. It is the Biden Administration’s policy to support Israel, and indirect funding for Hamas would prove counterproductive to this mission by prolonging the war and increasing the death toll.” “The Administration’s goal of providing aid to civilians impacted by the ongoing conflict is noble, but we cannot allow American tax dollars to end up in the hands of terrorists. We will expect a detailed account of your strategy to maintain the integrity of this funding no later than 30 days from the sending of this notice. We also expect the funding to be halted until such a plan is approved and in place.” Kan News reporter Chaim Goldich, who is currently serving in Gaza, published a video on Wednesday proving that humanitarian aid ends up in the hands of Hamas after finding a box of food products funded by aid organizations in an area frequented only by terrorists. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Knock Knock. This is Your Chance to Open Doors for Cholei Yisroel! The RCCS Pre-Campaign is Now Live!

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Donations are now being accepted for the Pre-Campaign portion of a major two-day push to provide RCCS with all they need to care for cancer patients in our communities. 

The 2024 “Knock Knock” Campaign is dedicated to hearing the Knock of cholei Yisroel and Opening Doors for them to receive all the assistance they need as they struggle through the grim challenges of a dreaded diagnosis. 

No matter where you live, the word “cancer” is a frightening reality for all too many of your neighbors, R”l. This dreadful disease and its treatment regimens afflict men, women, teenagers, even young children, of all ages and backgrounds – as well as their family and friends.

In our communities, virtually every one of these suffering souls relies on RCCS as a lifeline – the one stop resource that guides them from diagnosis through recovery and makes sure that everyone has access to the absolute best medical care available anywhere in the world.

RCCS provides medical referral and support, getting each patient into the best doctor for their diagnosis; this includes handling their medical records and expediting appointments. To this end, they conduct extensive medical research to avail patients to the most cutting-edge medical treatment. They provide crucial financial support to cover insurance premiums and other out-of-pocket expenses. In essence, they serve as the patient’s virtual “back office” from beginning to end. 

They arrange insurance guidance and advocacy, helping a patient navigate the complex world of insurance, and advocating for them when an insurer rejects a claim. They ensure that finances never stand between a patient and world-class treatment. 

In addition, the RCCS Care Management team opens doors for patients and their families to access the full gamut of financial and logistical assistance available through individual donors and other organizations. 

It now costs over $29 million a year for RCCS to cover its global operations; including paying insurance premiums and other patient expenditures. RCCS is currently helping over 5,000 patients and their families with everything they need to fight cancer – with dozens of new patients reaching out for help each week. Jewish communities around the country have united to support RCCS’s lifesaving operations through a special two day “KNOCK KNOCK” online fundraising campaign. This is RCCS’s primary community fundraising event in these communities for the year.

You now have an opportunity to help RCCS save lives. The start of the Pre-Campaign means that you can submit your donation now. Please jump in and be among the first to grab this zechus. With your support, RCCS will get off towards a great start to reach its goal! 

Make a life-saving donation today by clicking HERE

Macron Denounces ‘Scourge of Antisemitism’ after Jewish Girl Brutally Assaulted

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After three boys were indicted for the brutal assault of a 12-year-old Jewish girl in a Paris suburb, French President Emmanuel Macron again spoke out against hatred of Jews.

At a Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Macron “spoke solemnly and seriously about the scourge of antisemitism” and called for a “dialogue” on racism and hatred of Jews in schools to prevent “hateful speech with serious consequences” from “infiltrating” classrooms, AFP cited a source as saying.

The boys, two aged 13 and one 12, were arrested on Monday and indicted on Tuesday.

The 13-year-olds were charged with as a group committing the violent, brutal assault, antisemitic insults and violence and issuing death threats. They remain in custody.

The 12-year-old was charged with antisemitic insults and violence and issuing death threats, but not with the assault. He was allowed to return home after being charged.

On Saturday afternoon, the girl, who had spent the afternoon with friends, was crossing Henri Regnault Park in Courbevoie, when she came across two boys, one of whom she vaguely knew. (Part of the La Défense business district spreads over the southern part of Courbevoie.)

They blocked her way and forced her to follow them to an abandoned daycare center. A third boy joined them and started insulting the girl as a “dirty Jew,” the teenagers told police.

One of the attackers held a lighter next to her face and threatened to burn her. They used force to brutally attack her in multiple disgusting ways, and threatened to kill her if she told anyone.

Afterwards, the girl made her way home and told her parents what had happened. A friend who was with her when the boys took her was able to give a detailed description of the suspects, who police confirmed were at the crime scene through images from security cameras.

The attack drew condemnation from across France’s political spectrum amid a heated campaign ahead of snap parliamentary elections later this month.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the far-left France Unbowed party, denounced “antisemitic racism” in an X post.

Far-right leader Jordan Bardella called to “combat” the “antisemitism that has swept down on France since October 7.”

Another right-wing leader, Marine Le Pen, accused the “extreme left” of stigmatizing Jews over the past eight months “through the instrumentalization of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

France’s Chief Rabbi Haïm Corsia wrote on X that he was “horrified” by the attack.

“Justice must firmly sanction the perpetrators of this despicable act. No one can be excused from this unprecedented antisemitic surge. No one can ignore that the slayers of hatred also have their share of responsibility.”

France is home to the largest Muslim population Europe and has seen a surge in antisemitic acts since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack. Antisemitic acts have tripled in the first months of 2024 compared to the same period last year, France24 reported, citing official numbers.

Out of 1,676 antisemitic acts recorded last year, 12.7% occurred in schools.

While Macron has condemned antisemitism, he has often taken a critical stance towards Israel’s war effort in Gaza. In March, Macron said that the forcible transfer of Gazans from Rafah ahead of a prospective Israeli military operation in the city would constitute a “war crime.”

In November, Macron claimed during a BBC interview that Israel was killing women and children in Gaza.

“De facto—today civilians are being bombed. These babies, these women, these old people are being bombed and killed. So there is no reason for it and no legitimacy. So we do plead with Israel to stop,” the French leader said.

The remarks drew condemnation from Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, who said that Macron “made a serious mistake, factually and morally” and that “the responsibility for any harm to civilians lies with Hamas-ISIS and not with Israel.”


HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau: “עומדים עלינו לכלותינו”

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Over a thousand talmidim in Yeshivas Ateres Shlomo gathered on Tuesday for a special shiur by HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau marking the yahrzeit of HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein, z’tl. At the end of the shiur, HaRav Landau addressed the looming recruitment law: “We’re now in a very difficult situation – עומדים עלינו לכלותינו רחמנא ליצלן שלא יהיה. Bnei Yeshivos, Bnei Torah need to be mechazeik very much against this and the chizzuk is in limmud Torah.” “They’re planning terrible things against us and we need to trust in Hashem and daven that everything will be okay, not to be oisek in the foolishness they’re speaking about, only to sit and learn and talk in Torah – to learn more and more. It’s necessary to know that there’s nothing else except for Torah, more and more limmud Torah – that’s what we have. It’s the essence of our life and the reason for our existence.” “It’s not necessary to elaborate on this to Bnei Yeshivos who live the Torah and limmud Torah.” The Rosh Yeshivah concluded his words by saying: השם יעזור שהקדוש ברוך הוא יצילנו מידם, ויגן עלינו, ויהיה בעזרנו” ונזכה לכל טוב ולגאולה קרובה במהרה בימינו.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Nearly 15% of Arab Israelis Want Hamas to Govern Gaza

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Some 14.7% of Arab Israelis believe the Hamas terrorist group should govern Gaza after the war, in direct opposition to one of Yerushalayim’s key war aims, according to a study the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv University presented on Wednesday.

That represents approximately 308,700 Israeli citizens out of an Arab Israeli population of around 2.1 million.

In contrast, some 8.4% of Arab Israelis say that Israel should govern the Gaza Strip after the war, which entered its 257th day on Wednesday.

The majority of respondents, 58.5%, felt that other Palestinian groups should govern Gaza. Broken down, about 24.4% believe that local bodies should be in charge, and 19.4% think that the Palestinian Authority should govern there, followed by Hamas at 14.7%.

Some 34.4% of respondents said that an external, non-Palestinian body should govern Gaza after the war. An international force is the preferred option with 19.4% support, while 8.4% chose Israel and 6.5% Arab states.

Other key findings include that nearly three-quarters of Arab Israelis reported a low sense of personal safety during the war. More than half the Arab-Israeli public—51.6%—say that there is a shared sense of destiny that has been created by the Israel-Hamas war.

The sense of a shared destiny shows a majority among members of all religions: 51.4% of Muslims, 62.5% of Druze and 61.2% of Christians.

Violence and crime are the No. 1 issues for Arab Israelis, the survey found.

A large majority (68.6%) support an Arab political party joining a governing coalition established after the next election.

A total of 502 citizens over the age of 18—a representative sample of the adult Arab population—were polled for the survey.


Hezbollah Leader Nasrallah Boasts of Forcing Israel to Divert Resources from Gaza

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In a ceremony honoring slain Hezbollah commander Taleb Abdullah, also known as Abu Taleb, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah delivered a eulogy praising the slain terrorist. Nasrallah also addressed the escalating conflict with Israel, claiming that Hezbollah’s continuous attacks have forced the Israeli army to divert resources from Gaza. Nasrallah asserted that Israel has suffered significant economic losses due to the evacuation of towns on the northern border and the halt of agricultural and industrial activities in the area. He alleged that Israeli leaders are downplaying the extent of the damage to avoid putting pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose priority remains the war against Hamas in Gaza. The Hezbollah leader also mocked Israel’s claim of having the strongest army in the region, pointing out that the IDF has not yet been able to completely dismantle Hamas forces in Rafah despite a ground operation lasting several weeks. Nasrallah also claimed that Hezbollah does not seek “total war” but only operates in support of Hamas, and that Israel can only talk about waging such a war but is not capable of conducting it. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Netanyahu Tells US Lawmakers He ‘Hopes Arms Issue Will Be Resolved’

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Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu told a bipartisan delegation of members of the Congress on Wednesday that he hopes the issue of American arms transfers to the Jewish state will soon be resolved.

“The Prime Minister expressed his appreciation for the bipartisan support for Israel, and said that he hopes that the arms issue will be resolved in the near future,” his office said in a statement following the meeting in Yerushalayim.

The delegation is being led by Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), and includes Reps. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), Jake Ellzey (R-Texas), Randy Feenstra (R-Iowa), Glenn Ivey (D-Mass.), Greg Landsman (D-Ohio), Lucy McBath (D-Ga.) and Joe Wilson (R-S.C.), as well as AIPAC Israel Director Cameron Brown.

On the Israeli side, the prime minister’s Cabinet secretary Yossi Fox, military secretary Maj. Gen. Roman Gofman and political adviser Ofir Fleck also participated.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog also met on Wednesday with the congressional delegation.

“I say repeatedly, we are utterly grateful to the United States of America for standing with us in this war. And I’m very grateful to the president of the United States for being here at the beginning of the war and sending a clear message on behalf of the American people,” said Herzog.

“And we also respect tremendously the bipartisan support that crosses all divides and conflicts within American society. We are fighting here the battle of the free world against the Empire of Evil. That’s why together we must stay together. And if we have anything to discuss, it should be discussed quietly,” he added.

The congressional delegation also met on Wednesday with opposition leader Yair Lapid and former War Cabinet minister Benny Gantz, along with other members of the Knesset.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday that the White House is holding up delivery of a fleet of F-15 jet fighters to Israel.

Referring to last week’s Israel visit by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Netanyahu in a social media post on Tuesday asked the Biden administration to stop slow-walking the delivery of vital arms for Israel’s war effort.

“When Secretary Blinken was recently here in Israel, we had a candid conversation. … I said it’s inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel,” the prime minister said.

Asked about Netanyahu’s remarks on Tuesday, Blinken didn’t refer to the F-15 sale, saying that a single shipment of 2,000-pound bombs remains under review, but that all of the other arms deliveries are moving forward.

On Wednesday afternoon, Prime Minister’s Office spokesman David Mencer told JNS that U.S. Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew informed Netanyahu that the ammunition and weapons that he had referred to in the video are “in the process of being delivered to Israel.”

Earlier on Wednesday, the Prime Minister’s Office declined to comment on reports that a high-level meeting with U.S. officials was canceled after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the Biden administration for withholding arms from the Jewish state.

According to Axios, the White House informed Israel on Tuesday that the scheduled “strategic dialogue” in Washington would not take place. The outlet cited two U.S. officials who claimed the move came in response to Netanyahu’s public criticism of the administration over its “inconceivable” arms embargo. JNS

Matzav Inbox: Where is the Keren to Help Frum Families in America Who Are Drowning?

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Dear Editor@Matzav.com,

I am writing to express my profound admiration for the askanim who have initiated a fund that I read about on Matzav.com to raise an astonishing $107,000,000 for the Olam Hatorah in Eretz Yisroel through the newly formed “Keren Olam HaTorah.” This initiative is nothing short of unbelievable. Klal Yisroel’s capacity for generosity continues to amaze me. Despite the economic hardships many are facing, our community’s commitment to tzedakah remains unwavering and inspiring.

However, I am left with a pressing question: Where is the emergency fund for the thousands of frum families in America who are struggling with deep credit card debt and can barely make ends meet? Where is the fund for families like mine, who are burdened with debt, unable to pay it off, have no money to make simchos, and are continuously falling behind financially?

Please understand, I am in no way, chalilah, impugning the remarkable effort to support Eretz Yisroel. I believe it is truly extraordinary and commendable. My intention is merely to highlight a parallel crisis that requires attention. American bnei Torah and baalei batim are drowning financially and have been for several years now.

As we continue to demonstrate our generosity globally, I humbly ask: Where is the keren to support those in our own backyard who are in desperate need?


Left Wondering

Released Hostage Tells BBC: “I Don’t Believe In Peace Now, The World Hates Jews”

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Ada Sagi, 75, who was abducted on October 7th from Kibbutz Nir Oz and released in the hostage deal in November, was a peace activist for decades, even learning Arabic to promote coexistence with her neighbors in Gaza. However, her views have now changed forever, she told BBC. “I don’t believe in peace,” she said. “Hamas doesn’t want it.” Sagi described how after she was abducted, she and other hostages were hidden in a home of a family with children but the next day they were taken to an apartment in Khan Younis because it was “dangerous.” The apartment owner, a nurse, told them that his wife and children were sent to stay by his in-laws. Students were paid to guard them. “I heard them say… 70 shekels [£14.82; $18.83] for a day,” she said. “It’s a lot of money in Gaza because they have no work. And if you have work that’s not with Hamas, it’s no more than 20 shekels for a day,” she said. Before their release, she and other hostages were taken to a hospital in southern Gaza, Nasser Hospital, and told: “You are staying here.” According to testimony from a number of hostages, at least ten hostages, of whom one is still in captivity, were held at Nasser Hospital. Referring to the “innocent” Gazan civilians, she said: “People say that they are not involved. They’re involved… and getting money for each of us.” Sagi added that after seeing the reactions of the world to Israel’s war in Gaza and the indifference to the plight of the hostages, she believes that most of the world hates Jews. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

‘GET A HOLD OF YOURSELVES’: Bibi Demands Coalition Partners Stand Together, Put Other Interests Aside

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As infighting between members of Israel’s current coalition government continues, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has released a video statement demanding his partners not to challenge the coalition at the moment by submitting contentious bills.

“We are at war on several fronts, and major challenges and difficult decisions lie ahead. I demand vehemently from all partners in the coalition: get a hold of yourselves. Rise to the occasion,” Netanyahu said.

Bibi continued, emphasizing that “it is not the time for small politics, it’s not the time for legislation that threatens the coalition, which is fighting for victory over our enemies. We all must focus only on the tasks at hand: to defeat Hamas, to bring back the hostages, and to return the residents to their homes safely, both in the north and in the south.

“Therefore I demand from everyone – put any other consideration aside. Put aside side interests. Stand as one, together, behind our troops,” Netanyahu concluded.


Pentagon Expects Aid Pier to be Re-Anchored to Gaza Coast ‘This Week’

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The temporary, Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore pier that Washington anchored to the Gaza coast for aid deliveries on May 16 has been beset by problems. First projected to cost $320 million, the trident-shaped pier was then said to cost $90 million less, including the cost of repairs after parts of it broke off.

The pier was removed to Ashdod on Friday ahead of an expected storm—the second time such a measure was required due to weather—and is now expected to be anchored back in place “this week,” Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said at a press conference on Tuesday.

“We expect it will go operational again this week,” Ryder told reporters. “As far as airdrops go, we do have the capability and do intend to continue conducting airdrops.”

Ryder was asked about reports that the pier could cease operation next month.

“Look, we’ve said all along, first of all, that the pier is a temporary measure. I don’t have any dates to announce, in terms of when it will cease operations,” he said.

“Of course, as I just mentioned, we’re looking forward to getting it operational again soon and to delivering aid,” he added. “We’re going to capitalize on the conditions, you know, in terms of weather, to get as much aid across that pier as we can.”

David Friedman, the former U.S. ambassador to Israel during the Trump administration, has said that “this pier was a massive waste of money that had no value other than virtue signaling to Biden’s base.”


WATCH: A Glimpse Into The Work Of Shin Bet Ops On The Gazan Battlefield

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The Shin Bet released a video on Wednesday revealing the work of their field coordinators in the Gaza Strip. The Shin Bet operatives accompany IDF soldiers into battle and carry out interrogations of captured terrorists or those suspected of terror activity for Hamas or Islamic Jihad. They then convey the intelligence to the soldiers in battle, which helps save lives and enables them “significant operational achievements” such as locating tunnel shafts and weapon caches. A Shin Bet operative said on the video: “I was involved in several cases of intelligence regarding hostages which arose in the investigations in the field and saved lives.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Rabbi Dr. Yosef Brown Z”L: A Life Of Service And Avodas Hashem

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This past Thursday morning, the second day of Shavuos, Rabbi Dr. Yosef Brown was niftar. Most people knew him as Dr. Brown, the psychologist, but he always emphasized that he was a husband, father and grandfather first. Outside of his professional career, he always asked to just be called Yosef, always teaching his children to shy away from kavod. At the young age of 25, at the behest of his father, Mr. Zelig Brown, a Holocaust survivor, young Yosef received smicha from Rav Moishe Feinstein, while at the same time working on his master’s degree in clinical psychology from NYU, and as bing “an ever-present husband and father,” as bis wife, Mrs. Golda Brown, says. Over the past 40 years, Dr. Brown has seen thousands of patients from the NY area and beyond, with many rabbonim referring to him for complicated cases related to parenting, shalom bayis, and many other difficult situations. On Shavuos morning, Rabbi Dr. Yosef Brown suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and was taken to the borei oilam. He was buried on Har Hamenuchos. He is survived by his wife Mrs. Golda Brown, and his children Aryeh, Dov, Basi Goldfarb, and 14 grandchildren. Yehi Zichro Baruch (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Bomb Threats Target More than 50 Florida Synagogues

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More than 50 synagogues in Florida were targeted with bomb threats on Tuesday, WPLG reported.

The Coral Gables Police Department determined that the emailed threats were not credible, according to the ABC affiliate in Miami.

“Another sad day in America for the Jewish community. This new normal is disgusting and one that we, Jews, will refuse to accept,” wrote Bryan Leib, a Republican who is running against Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-Fla.) in Florida’s 25th congressional district.

“We will not back down,” Leib wrote. “We will not be afraid.”

JNS sought comment from the Coral Gables Police Department.


Tefillos for the Kossover Rebbe

Matzav -

All are asked to daven for a refuah sheleimah for the Kossover Rebbe, Rav Shraga Feivish Hager, of the Borough Park neighborhood in Brooklyn, who has been taken to the hospital and is on a respirator.

The rebbe has been battling serious illness for years and is in need of rachamei Shomayim.

The rebbe is a son-in-law of the gaavad of Zichron Meir, Rav Chaim Meir Halevi Wosner zt”l.

In light of his illness, an atzeres tefillah will be held today at the rebbe’s bais medrash at 13th Avenue and 55th Street in Boro Park.

All are asked to daven for Rav Shraga Feivish ben Malka.


Bibi Mum on Report US Nixed High-Level Meeting on Iran Over His Video

Matzav -

The Israeli Prime Minister’s Office on Wednesday declined to comment on reports that a high-level meeting with U.S. officials was canceled after Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu criticized the Biden administration for withholding arms from the Jewish state.

According to Axios, the White House informed Israel on Tuesday that the scheduled “strategic dialogue” in Washington would not take place. The outlet cited two U.S. officials who claimed the move came in response to Netanyahu’s public criticism of the administration over its “inconceivable” arms embargo.

In a video published to his X account on Tuesday afternoon, the premier said he had told U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken during the latter’s visit to the region last week that while he “deeply appreciated” President Joe Biden’s support in the war against Hamas, Yerushalayim was perplexed by the decision to halt some military aid as “America’s closest ally [is] fighting for its life.”

While the PMO had no comment on the Axios report, the outlet cited one Israeli official who confirmed that the White House notified Yerushalayim regarding the cancellation of the meeting.

The dialogue session on Iran, which was to have included meetings with officials from the U.S. State Department, Pentagon and intelligence agencies, along with their Israeli counterparts, was reportedly called off as some Israeli officials were already en route to Washington.

One U.S. official cited by Axios on Wednesday claimed that the meeting was postponed rather than canceled, due to a “scheduling issue.”

U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan will reportedly still meet his Israeli counterpart, Tzachi Hanegbi, who was already en route. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is still scheduled to visit early next week.

Netanyahu told Blinken during a meeting on June 10 that Washington had effectively suspended all aid to the IDF amid the war in Gaza and the looming escalation with Hezbollah in the north, Israeli and foreign media reported just hours before Netanyahu released the clip.

Washington’s top diplomat then promised Netanyahu that the U.S. would resume all arms shipments “in the coming days,” reports added.

On Monday, The Washington Post reported that two key Democratic lawmakers signed off on a major arms sale to Israel following pressure from the Biden administration, after holding up the deal for months.

The news came as intense combat operations against Hamas in Gaza are winding down with most of the terrorist organization’s battalions dismantled, and shortly after the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill to try and force the White House to provide the delayed military aid.

Last month, U.S. officials confirmed a decision to withhold the delivery of thousands of bombs to Israel amid concerns that the Israel Defense Forces would use them in the Hamas stronghold of Rafah.

The announcement came as U.S. President Joe Biden told CNN that he would be halting the shipment of offensive weapons if the IDF went ahead with its counterterror operation in Gaza’s southernmost city.

Netanyahu reportedly told Blinken during their meeting that while Israel would continue to fight without U.S. support, the arms embargo gave Iranian-backed Hamas and Hezbollah a strategic edge, raising the chances of a prolonged war on multiple fronts in the Middle East.

Asked about Netanyahu’s remarks at a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday, Blinken said that a single shipment of 2,000-pound bombs remains under review, but that all of the other arms deliveries are moving forward.

Asked if Netanyahu was telling the truth, Blinken told reporters, “I’m not going to talk about what we said in diplomatic conversations.”

In March, Netanyahu canceled Israel’s participation in a Washington discussion on Rafah in response to the United States’ failure to veto a U.N. Security Council resolution decoupling for the first time a demand for a ceasefire from the release of the hostages held by Hamas.

The meeting, which included Sullivan, Hanegbi and Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer, was held the following month via video call instead.



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