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Watch: New Solution to Conquer Inappropriate Internet Habits

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Can you relate to this video? Struggling with inappropriate internet habits can be challenging to overcome alone. GuardYourEyes (GYE) has just launched a NEW online platform to make it much easier. The platform includes: 50 animated videos to teach you the skills to break free. An SOS tool that provides instant relief during cravings. A vibrant online forum for anonymous support and encouragement from other GYE members. A toolbox with over 20 research-based tools designed to boost motivation, manage urges, and recover from setbacks. Personal consultations for those with intense struggles. GuardYourEyes (GYE) utilizes the latest technology to address internet struggles, offering practical strategies that are accessible anytime, anywhere. Sign up for free and anonymously today—you CAN take the step toward a brighter future with GYE.Can’t access the site? Here are other ways to join: ☎️ Automated Hotline: 646.600.8100 💬 Text: 510.401.3133 📧 Email: Join@GuardYourEyes.com

Hagaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef Hospitalized Over Shabbos

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The Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Hagaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef, was hospitalized on Shabbos morning after not feeling well. He was taken from his home in the Sanhedria section of Yerushalyim to Shaarei Tzedek Hospital. After a slew of tests, he was released when Shabbos was over. The attached photo was taken on Motzei Shabbos.

REMARKABLE: Misaskim LA’s Hashgacha In Bringing A Troubled Jew To Kever Yisroel

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Misaskim LA on Friday performed its 5th Mes Mitzvah since Shavuos, with the latest instance being particularly noteworthy due to the extraordinary circumstances surrounding the individual being laid to rest. The Niftar had a complex and tumultuous past, including having been found innocent of murdering his own father, arguing the act was in self defense. He was once married to a Jewish woman but later divorced and remarried a non-Jewish woman who had a daughter from a previous relationship. However, this daughter chose to undergo Geirus and now lives in New York as a frum Jewish woman. Despite the Niftar’s explicit instructions to be cremated, his frum daughter insisted on Kevuras Yisroel. Her mother, the non-Jewish wife, surprisingly agreed, and even contributed 80% of the costs. Misaskim LA, with its tireless efforts, arranged for the burial to take place at the Chabad Cemetery in Commerce, CA. The Kevurah was attended by both the Niftar’s ex-wife, a Jewish woman, and his current wife, a non-Jewish woman. The burial marked the 27th Mes Mitzvah arranged by Misaskim LA in 2024 alone. However, the organization is still $23,725 short of funds to fully cover all the lonely Jewish souls hoping to reach Kevuras Yisroel. To donate to Misaskim LA’s incredible, selfless efforts, please click here. 

Emotional Brocha from Rav Dovid Cohen to Rav Dov Landau

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The gathering was held at the home of Maran Gaon Yisrael, HaGaon Rav Dov Landau, shlit”a, attended by dozens of Roshei Yeshiva who requested that he voice their concerns in the U.S., regarding the severe situation affecting the Torah world.

Before the event came to a close, a highly emotional moment occurred when the Rosh Yeshiva of Chevron, HaRav HaGaon Rav David Cohen, shlit”a, said to HaRav HaGoan Rav Dov Landau: “May our Rebbe have the strength to make the journey safely and serve as the shaliach for the entire Torah world; to uphold the Torah world now and in the future, be’ezras Hashem. And in the zchus of the Torah that our Rebbe upholds, may the kavod haTorah and its influence continue until the coming of the Goel Tzedek, may he come quickly in our days.”

HaRav HaGaon Rav Dov Landau responded: “Yasher koach, yasher koach. May your brachos be fulfilled in their entirety. Everyone’s brachos. I hope I will have siyata dishmaya to do what I am tasked.”

To conclude, HaRav HaGaon Rab David Cohen recited Birkas Cohanim for Rav Dov Landau, who responded with a heartfelt “Amen!”

As previously announced, Maranan v’Rabbanan, the Gedolei Yisrael, shlit”a, including Maran Rosh Yeshiva HaRav HaGaon Rav Dov Landau, shlit”a, Maran Mashgiach HaRav HaGaon Rav Don Segal, the Rachmastrivka Rebbe, Maran Rosh Yeshiva HaRav HaGaon Rav Yitzchok Hillel, and Maran Rosh Yeshiva HaRav HaGaon Rav Avraham Salim, will depart close to midnight this upcoming Motzei Shabbos. They will be joined by Maran Rosh Yeshiva HaRav HaGaon Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, who is currently in the U.S.

A gathering was held this evening at the home of 

Maran HaRav Dov Landau at 15 Harav Sher Street in Bnei Brak. It was attended by prominent Roshei Kollel and Roshei Yeshiva, members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, including HaRav HaGaon Rav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel, Rosh Yeshiva of the Mir Yeshiva, HaRav HaGaon Rav Dovid Cohen, Rosh Yeshiva at Chevron, HaRav HaGaon Rav Baruch Toledano, Rosh Yeshiva at Zohar HaTorah, HaRav HaGaon Rav Yerachmiel Ungarisher, Rosh Yeshiva of Bais Medrash Elyon, HaRav HaGaon Rav Eliyohu Mann, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Beit Hillel, HaRav HaGaon Rav Yosef Moshe Dov Halberstam, Rosh Yeshiva of Sanz, the son of the Admor of Sanz; HaRav HaGaon Rav Daniel Wolfson, Rosh Yeshiva at Nesivos HaChochma, HaRav HaGaon Rav Mordechai Zaks, one of the heads of Yeshivas Slabodka, HaRav HaGaon Rav Yechezkel Abramov, Rosh Yeshiva at Keter Torah and head of the Keter Torah Kollel network, HaRav HaGaon Rav Yechezkel Etrog, Rosh Yeshiva at Migdal Oz and head of the Migdal Oz Kollel network, and HaRav HaGaon Rav Yosef Kahaneman of Ponovezh Yeshiva, who came on behalf of his father, who was unable to attend.

HaRav Dov Landau, in his drasha, said: “The situation is very grave. We must awaken our brothers in the United States to understand the dire state of the yeshivos and kollelim. The entire future of the Olam HaTorah is at stake. We must daven that Hashem will help Klal Yisrael. They need to understand their obligation and what they must do.”


SUNDAY NIGHT! Master’s in Business Analytics/ PCS Montclair State University – ONLINE OPEN HOUSE

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June 23, 7:30 pm Email for OPEN HOUSE  link: nj@nj.pcsjobs.org to join the Open House – ONLINE. Why consider a career in Business Analytics? With a median starting salary of $100,000 (according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics), business analytics can be an excellent career choice for a motivated, analytical individual. It’s a growing field. According the Fortune Magazine, “There’s data in everything we do, and its presence doesn’t look as if it will be waning anytime soon.” There’s tremendous potential. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 23% increase in the next decade- that’s nearly five times as fast as the average growth prediction for other occupations. “You have a real ability to make a very good salary, very quickly in this field,” states Baruch Wexler, a current Data Analyst. “The earning potential is a lot higher and quicker than many other fields, and a Masters from Montclair State University will give you a strong edge in the job market.” See video here: https://pcsnynj.org/course/masters-in-business-analytics/ For more information smassry@nj.pcsjobs.org  732 905 9700×610

IDF Estimates: Hamas No. 4 Was Killed In A Targeted Strike

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The IDF carried out an airstrike on Shabbos to eliminate Raad Saad, a senior Hamas terrorist who served as the head of the terror group’s operations division. The IDF believes that he was killed in the strike but his death has not yet been confirmed. The strike was carried out in a building he was hiding in in the Shati neighborhood of Gaza City. The IDF believes that Saad was one of the terrorists hiding in Shifa Hospital in Gaza City before the IDF raided the hospital in March. He managed to escape and find another hiding place in the city. Saad was considered Hamas the Hamas leader No. 4 and had an essential role in the terror group’s decisions. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

H’YD: IDF Announces Death Of Reserve Soldier In Gaza

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The IDF on Motzei Shabbos announced the death of a reserve soldier who fell in battle in the southern Gaza Strip on Shabbos. He was identified as Sgt. First Class (res.) Malkia Gross, H’YD, 25, from Susya. He served in the IDF’s 9212nd Battalion, in the 205th “Iron Fist” Brigade. He was a talmid of Yeshivah Ohr Etzion. His death increases the death toll of soldiers killed in the war in Gaza to 315 and the number of soldiers killed since October 7th to 665. Hashem Yikam Damo. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

TERROR IN ISRAEL: Israeli Man Murdered In Qalqilya

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An Israeli man was shot to death in his car on Shabbos morning in Qalqilya, a city in the Palestinian Authority. The man was identified as Amnon Muchtar, H’yd, 67, from Petach Tikvah. Following the shooting, Arabs set his car on fire. Ynet reported that Muchtar, H’yd, was known to many of the store owners in the city as he had been buying fruit and vegetables from them for about ten years for his fruit and vegetable stand in the Petach Tikvah shuk. Muchtar, H’yd, left behind his wife, five children, and grandchildren. Following the incident, a large number of IDF forces entered the city. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

NY Man Pleads Guilty to Buying Gun Used Against Albany Synagogue

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A man who purchased a Kel-Tec KS7 12-gauge pump-action shotgun and then illegally transferred it for use in terrorizing the Jewish community by firing the weapon twice outside a synagogue has admitted to his crime.

On Thursday, straw-buyer Andrew Miller, 38, of Schenectady, N.Y., pleaded guilty to buying the gun for $599.99 last year between Oct. 1 and Nov. 6, before then illegally transferring it to Mufid Fawaz Alkhader, 28, who still faces charges. The two determined that Alkhader could not purchase the gun due to an illegal marijuana charge.

Alkhader allegedly shot the gun on Dec. 7 outside Temple Israel in Albany, N.Y. He faces two charges that could get him up to 20 years in prison.

Miller is expected to receive his sentence on Oct. 18. It could include as much as five years’ imprisonment, a $250,000 fine and three years of supervised release.

The case is an investigation between the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the Albany Police Department with assistant U.S. attorneys Rick Belliss and Alexander Wentworth-Ping serving as prosecutors.

Senators Demand Justice Department Respond to ICC’s Anti-Israel Efforts

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The effort by International Criminal Court prosecutors to arrest Israeli leaders has provoked nine members of the Senate to insist that the U.S. Department of Justice declare its position on the decision.

“This action is especially troublesome considering the bipartisan conversation held between members of the Senate and prosecutor [Karim] Khan last month in which Khan assured senators that a complete and thorough investigation would be conducted before any action was taken,” stated the letter led by Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and John Thune (R-S.D.).

Pointing out the court’s double standards against Israel, the letter said the choice by Khan “cannot be justified in light of the ICC’s other investigations—such as the one into crimes against humanity in Venezuela—that have been under investigation for years. There are also several rogue nation-states that routinely and brazenly commit horrific violations of international law, including China, Iran and North Korea, which the ICC has summarily ignored.”

Other signatories of the letter included Sens. Jim Risch (R-Idaho), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), Katie Britt (R-Ala.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine).


IDF Expands Netzarim Corridor in Central Gaza

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The IDF’s Alexandroni Brigade, the 8th Brigade, and the Multidimensional Unit, under the 99th Division, are operating in the central Gaza Strip.

This week, the combat teams completed a number of operations in order to expand and increase operational control in the Netzarim corridor area.

The 8th Brigade Combat Team completed a brigade-level operation in Al-Zahra, which is on the outskirts of the city of Nuseirat. In the operation, the IDF eliminated dozens of terrorists, located a weapons storage facility that contained mortar bombs and military equipment belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization.

The Alexandroni Brigade Combat Team operated in Al-Omdan, on the outskirts of Gaza City, locating weapons and tunnel shafts.

Tragically, two soldiers of the Alexandroni Brigade, SSF (res.) Omer Smadga and Colonel (Res.) Saadia Yaakov Dery, were killed in action.

The IDF also conducted a targeted raid on a university that was being used as a Hamas headquarters and from which terrorists fired at the troops. The soldiers located weapons and barrel bombs inside the university compound.

In addition, the soldiers eliminated a terrorist who fired an RPG missile at them from a building in the area.


PEACE PARTNER? PA Says – “We Will Demand Right of Return”

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In honor of international refugee day, the Palestinian Authority’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement pretending that Palestinians are refugees.

“On World Refugee Day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates affirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including the right of Palestine refugees to return and compensation as guaranteed by international law and relevant United Nations resolutions, specifically United Nations General Assembly Resolutions 194(III) and 237.”

“The Ministry will continue to work with all parties to promote and realize the rights of the Palestinian people, including the right of Palestine refugees to return to their homes. The Ministry will also maintain its efforts to urgently secure the return of 1.9 million Palestinians forcibly displaced in the Gaza Strip during the ongoing genocide and confront the widespread and systematic efforts of the occupying power to ethnically cleanse and annex the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.”

“Furthermore, the Ministry will continue to work with all partners to protect the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and ensure its ability to continue executing its UN mandate, including providing vital services to Palestine refugees.”

“The international community has a legal, political, and moral responsibility to ensure that the occupying power ends their aggression against the Palestinian people, end the humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip, and stop its colonial violence against the Palestinian people that attempts to erase and replace the Palestinian people.”


Supreme Court Upholds Gun Ban for Domestic-Violence Restraining Orders

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The Supreme Court on Friday upheld a federal law that prevents people who are subject to domestic-violence restraining orders from having firearms in its first major Second Amendment decision since a 2022 ruling that expanded gun rights.

The court said the Constitution permits laws that strip guns from those deemed dangerous, one of a number of firearms restrictions that have been imperiled since the conservative majority bolstered gun rights in its decision two years ago known as New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen.

In an 8-1 decision, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote that “an individual found by a court to pose a credible threat to the physical safety of another may be temporarily disarmed consistent with the Second Amendment.”

Bruen required the government to point to historic analogues when defending laws that place limits on firearms, leading to a spate of court challenges against limits on possessing firearms – including the one in this case, United States v. Rahimi.

Zackey Rahimi, a drug dealer who was placed under a restraining order after a 2019 argument with his girlfriend, argued that the government had violated his Second Amendment rights by blocking him from possessing guns.

Rahimi knocked the woman to the ground in a parking lot, dragged her back to his car and fired a shot at a bystander, according to court records. The girlfriend escaped, but Rahimi later called her and threatened to shoot her if she told anyone about the assault. The pair have a child together.

A Texas court found that Rahimi had “committed family violence” and that such violence was “likely to occur again in the future.” It issued a protective order that suspended Rahimi’s gun license, prohibited him from having guns and warned him that possessing a firearm while the order remained in effect might be a federal felony.

Rahimi later violated the protective order and was involved in five shootings between December 2020 and January 2021, according to a government brief.

In early 2021, Rahimi was arrested at his Texas home, and police found “a .45-caliber pistol, a .308-caliber rifle, magazines, ammunition, and a copy of the protective order,” the government said in its brief. He was charged with illegally possessing a weapon since he had a restraining order against him.

Rahimi argued in federal court that he had the right to possess guns, but a judge ruled against him on that issue. Afterward, he pleaded guilty to the federal charge and received a sentence of six years in prison. He continued to challenge the law, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit reheard his case after the Supreme Court’s Bruen ruling.

Bruen struck down a New York law barring law-abiding citizens from carrying guns outside the home for self-defense. Justice Clarence Thomas established a test for gun laws in his opinion: new restrictions on ownership must have a parallel in American history. The decision has endangered all types of gun regulations and left lower court judges divided over how to evaluate long-standing restrictions, in some cases asking whether they should call on historians to help.

A unanimous 5th Circuit panel found that Rahimi was among those whose right to a weapon is protected by the Second Amendment. It rejected the historical comparisons that the government offered to justify the law barring those with protective orders from possessing guns.

– – –

Justin Jouvenal contributed to this report.

(c) Washington Post

Democrats’ Plan to Raise Taxes Begins to Take Shape

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Democrats are forging plans to raise tax rates on companies and wealthy individuals next year if they hold the White House and win control of both houses of Congress, as the party’s leaders increasingly see tax policy as a winning issue on the campaign trail.

Senate Finance Committee Democrats met Thursday to discuss President Donald Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, portions of which expire in 2025. Pressure is already mounting from the party’s left flank to insist on sharp increases in the corporate tax rate and on the highest individual earners – and not to agree to any compromise with Republicans otherwise.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) warned Democrats against taking “the coward’s way out” by agreeing to milquetoast legislation with conservatives in a speech to progressive groups Monday.

“One bad tax deal after another is killing our country,” she said in an interview. “The American people are sick of that. They understand that tossing a few crumbs their way is not an excuse for taking a lousy tax deal that puts our nation deeper in an economic hole and puts the things we need further out of reach.”

In the House, some top lawmakers are reevaluating past tax-and-spending bills that prioritized broad short-term investments that have since expired, demanding instead that Democrats focus on bringing in more revenue from major corporations and the rich that can permanently fund a limited number of high-impact social programs.

“If something’s important, let’s make sure we’re making it a priority and doing it for a longer term. And if it’s not a priority, maybe we don’t need to do it anymore,” said Rep. Suzan DelBene (Wash.), chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Together, though, Democrats see taxes as a potent campaign issue.

Trump’s 2017 tax law lowered rates for big businesses and taxpayers of nearly all income levels, though it cut the most for the highest earners. The individual portions of that law expire next year, but the corporate tax cuts are permanent, a windfall for the firms that Trump is now courting to finance his campaign.

Biden and Democrats have spotted that dynamic as a political opening.

“Tax fairness resonates very strongly with people,” Lael Brainard, Biden’s national economic adviser, told reporters this month. “The sense that billionaires should pay their fair share, that large corporations should pay their fair share, the ultrawealthy – that is something that very much resonates with people. They don’t understand why somebody who has hundreds of millions of dollars in income pays a tiny share of their actual income relative to a schoolteacher or a firefighter.”

Biden proposes to raise corporate rates from 21 percent to 28 percent – still below the 35 percent rate Trump’s 2017 law cut it from – and preserve the Trump-era tax cuts for individuals earning less than $400,000, including a higher standard deduction.

Trump, meanwhile, told business leaders this month that he hopes to cut corporate taxes to 20 percent, according to two people familiar with his remarks who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a private meeting.

“When President Trump is back in the White House, he will advocate for more tax cuts for all Americans and reinvigorate America’s energy industry to bring down inflation, lower the cost of living and pay down our debt,” Karoline Leavitt, the Trump campaign’s national press secretary, said in a statement.

Raising corporate taxes would require a Democratic sweep of Washington, but some Democrats are discreetly bullish on their chances for those wins. House Republicans’ narrow majority has struggled to govern effectively, and Democrats need only to gain five seats for a majority. In the Senate, their odds are worse, but recent polls show vulnerable Democratic incumbents in Ohio, Montana, Pennsylvania, Nevada and a challenger in Arizona outperforming expectations.

“[The White House] is very clear on their plans for 2025, and what they’re going to do in terms of taxing the wealthy and corporations who’ve been highly, highly profitable, reached all-time profits during post-pandemic period, and they think those plans are a marked contrast to what Republicans would do in the same situation,” said Lindsay Owens, CEO of progressive advocacy group Groundwork Collaborative.

Trump and Republicans have pledged to renew the entire 2017 tax law. The Congressional Budget Office projects that extension would cost $4.6 trillion over 10 years, adding to an already exploding federal debt burden.

But Republicans say those tax cuts are necessary to combat the historic inflation that’s hit the economy on Biden’s watch and to keep the United States competitive internationally with countries that have lower business taxes.

“This is going be a big debate we’re going to have, I’m sure through the election, because President Biden wants to raise everybody’s taxes,” Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), the No. 2 Republican in the House, told The Washington Post. “He tries to act like it’s not going to affect certain people, but when you raise taxes, it hits everybody, especially low-income families. Look at what his energy policies have done. The people hit the hardest are low-income families paying higher gas prices, paying more at the grocery store and more for their household electricity bills all because of bad Biden policies.”

The Biden administration, citing record corporate profits in recent years, rejects that approach.

“There simply is no reason we can look at our economy right now and justify tax cuts for millionaires,” Daniel Hornung, deputy director of the White House National Economic Council, said Monday at the left-leaning Washington Center for Equitable Growth.

Democrats are split on what to do with the revenue their proposed tax increases would generate. Previous Biden-era investments covered a broad swath of programs, from child care to internet access and housing support. Many of those programs have since expired, and with divided control of Congress, they have little chance of being reinstated. Biden’s budget, a largely symbolic reelection blueprint, called for new federal spending to lower consumer costs for health care, child care and housing.

Congressional Democrats may face a choice of whether to invest broadly again in short-term programs or provide long-term or permanent funding for fewer initiatives.

For instance, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), chair of the Senate Finance Committee, co-sponsored legislation with House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason T. Smith (R-Mo.) to expand the child tax credit, paired with some corporate tax breaks. That bill passed the House but has stalled in the Senate due to GOP opposition to the low-income provision.

“If I had my way, we’d basically use the frame in 2021” to dramatically expand the credit, Wyden told The Post.

But House Democrats, many of whom are still smarting over the 2021 expiration of a more generous version of the child tax credit, want to push for bigger and longer-lasting programs if they get the chance.

“I’ve been around this place long enough to understand that when you do settle for less, the opportunity doesn’t come around for another 20, 25 years before you can do something again. These folks check the box. My view is, let’s go deep,” Rep. Rosa DeLauro (Conn.), the top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, told The Post.

Rep. Richard E. Neal (D.-Mass), who would be in line to chair the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee if Democrats win the House, said in an interview: “The term investment means, I’d like to think, a long-term commitment.”

(c) Washington Post

COMMUTER NIGHTMARE: Amtrak, NJ Transit Commuters Face Disruptions in NYC Again

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Amtrak and NJ Transit rail service is facing significant delays for the third time this week after an overhead power issue led to more disruptions for commuters traveling in and out of New York’s Penn Station.

Amtrak said in a post on X that all services operating between New York City and Philadelphia would be running on a delayed or modified schedule due to a disabled commuter train.

“Resumption of service is estimated at 12:00pm. Delays of at least 60 minutes are expected.” Amtrak said in the post.

Meanwhile NJ Transit suspended service in its entirety for trains running in and out of Penn Station earlier on Friday morning, citing unspecified overhead wire issues.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy has been quick to blame Amtrak for the recent issues, as Amtrak owns the tracks. However Amtrak has been infamously underfunded, with Congress and state governments consistently prioritizing car centric infrastructure over rail transit. The obvious result is a transit system in dire need of repair.

Many of the current issues center around the tunnel linking NJ and NYC. The two track tunnel is over 100 years old, and suffered serious damage in Superstorm Sandy. Plans to build a desperately needed replacement have been postponed numerous times, most infamously by former NJ Gov. Chris Christie, before finally moving forward under President Biden.

(c) Washington Post

HILARIOUS: AOC Fights With Infamous Neo-Nazi After He Compliments Her

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fought with neo-Nazi troll Nick Fuentes on X, a platform that has allowed him to post again despite his history of hate speech, making for a hilarious moment after he tried complimenting her for hating on Israel. The exchange began when Ocasio-Cortez posted, “An unspoken secret in Congress is that much of the reflexive, blind, unconditional vote support for nearly any Israeli gov action isn’t from actual agreement. It’s from fear. Reps are terrified of this. Of AIPAC. So they don’t vote their conscience. They vote their fear.” Fuentes, who has denied the Holocaust and called for the execution of non-Christians, responded, “AOC is more America First than 99% of Republicans.” Ocasio-Cortez replied, “You are a white supremacist and I want nothing to do with you nor the world you imagine. I believe in a multiracial democracy, one of economic rights, civil liberties, and that affirms the working class and the rights of women and LGBTQ+ people.” She added, “These are not small differences. They are irreconcilable. White supremacy is a scourge and must be disavowed in all places.” Fuentes, who leads the alt-right “Groyper Army,” has a history of trolling mainstream conservative events and promoting white supremacy. He recently dined with former President Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago and appeared on Alex Jones’s InfoWars with anti-Semitic rapper Kanye West. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Israeli FM Decries ‘Grossly Erroneous’ UN Data on Hamas War

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Israel’s foreign minister chided the head of the United Nations, expressing “extreme concern” over the global body’s “ongoing misreporting” of Israel’s war against Hamas.

Yisrael Katz, Yerushalayim’s top diplomat, sent the letter, which was viewed by JNS, on Wednesday. Secretary-General António Guterres’s office confirmed receipt of it.

Katz said that the online informational humanitarian aid delivery dashboard published by UNRWA—the U.N.’s scandal-plagued Palestinian-only aid and social services agency—was “grossly erroneous” due to an underreporting of some 8,000 trucks since the start of the war, including 4,800 in May alone.

Katz complained that the dashboard did not include deliveries from the Erez Crossing or the U.S.-constructed Gaza floating pier, and included only partial data from the Kerem Shalom Crossing.

In addition, at some point this week, the dashboard Katz referred to ceased to function, with no immediate explanation from the United Nations. Critics have pointed out significant flaws with the dashboard, including the labeling of food as non-food items and vice-versa.

In recent days, the dashboard indicated that a large percentage of trucks entering Gaza had been looted in transit.

Katz also referenced the controversial revisions last month by the U.N. Office of the Coordinator of Humanitarian Affairs of the fatality tolls in Gaza. The newer numbers, taken from Hamas’s reporting, showed an eye-popping decrease in the number of women and children killed.

Responding to an inquiry from JNS, a spokesman for Guterres blamed the “fog of war” for the inaccurate data, which had been used to castigate Israel in international courts of justice and public opinion.

It was later explained that the revisions were made to split the death tolls between “identified” and “unidentified” bodies, but the new data, like the earlier set, proved to be a mathematical impossibility.

Katz referred to that incident as “the most egregious example” of the United Nations “disseminating misleading or false information,” which, he said, “raises serious questions about its neutrality” and “exacerbates the extreme distrust of Israel and its public towards the United Nations.”

Katz demanded the figures be corrected and an apology issued.

Farhan Haq, a spokesman for Guterres, responded to a question from JNS on the letter during a Thursday press briefing, saying that the secretary-general feels there are “a number of inaccuracies” in the allegations.

Haq said Guterres “had some information on that” and that his office “would be sharing that with our interlocutors.”

Katz visited the United Nations on March 11 to address an informal meeting of the Security Council, dealing with Hamas’s sexual crimes during the Oct. 7 massacre. Katz did not request a meeting with Guterres or any U.N. officials, according to Guterres’s office.

The foreign minister ripped Guterres in a March 23 tweet after Guterres, during a visit to the Egypt-Gaza border, publicly blamed Israel for a backlog of aid trucks.

Katz responded that Guterres held Yerushalayim responsible “without condemning in any way the Hamas-ISIS terrorists who plunder humanitarian aid, without condemning UNRWA that cooperates with terrorists—and without calling for the immediate, unconditional release of all Israeli hostages.”

Under Guterres’s leadership, the United Nations “has become an antisemitic and anti-Israeli body that shelters and emboldens terror,” Katz said.


REWARDING TERROR: Armenia Recognizes Palestinian State

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Armenia on Friday recognized the “State of Palestine,” citing the need to forge “peace and stability in the Middle East [and] the establishment of lasting reconciliation between the Jewish and Palestinian peoples.”

A two-state solution is “the only way to ensure that Palestinians and Israelis can realize their legitimate aspirations,” according to an Armenian Foreign Ministry statement.

“The Republic of Armenia categorically rejects the targeting of civilian infrastructure, violence against civilian populations and the hostage-taking of civilians during the [Israel-Hamas] conflict and joins the international community in demanding their release without preconditions,” added the statement.

“Based on the above and reaffirming its commitment to international law and the principles of equality, sovereignty and peaceful coexistence, the Republic of Armenia recognizes the State of Palestine,” it continued.

Later on Friday, the Israel Foreign Ministry in Yerushalayim summoned Armenian Ambassador Arman Hakobyan for a “harsh reprimand conversation,” the ministry said.

On June 4, Slovenia unilaterally recognized a Palestinian state, following a parliament vote of 52-0 in favor of the move.

Last month, Spain, Ireland and Norway all recognized a Palestinian state. In a retaliatory measure, Yerushalayim banned Spain’s consulate in the city from providing services to residents of the Palestinian Authority.

Spain and Ireland joined fellow E.U. members Sweden, Cyprus, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria in recognizing a Palestinian state, with Malta also considering the move. Norway is not a member of the European Union.

The parliaments of Switzerland and Australia both recently voted down proposals to recognize “Palestine.”


BD”E: Tragic Petirah Of R’ Mordche Shlome Shpirer Z”L, After Being Struck By Vehicle In Boro Park

Yeshiva World News -

YWN regrets to inform you of the petirah of R’ Mordche Shlome Shpirer Z”L, who was struck by a vehicle and critically injured on Monday night. He was 67 years old. As YWN reported Monday evening, the Niftar was hit by a drunk driver on 15th Avenue and 54th Street. He was rushed to the hospital by Hatzolah paramedics for treatment, but despite doctors’ valiant efforts, he was tragically niftar on Friday morning. The driver of the vehicle was caught by Boro Park Shomrim instantly blocks away and taken into custody by the NYPD. Levaya details will be published when available. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


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