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NYC Museum Fires Three Employees For Wearing Keffiyehs

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A New York City museum has fired three employees for wearing keffiyehs in solidarity with Palestinians—a violation of a new dress code instituted last month against “political messages, slogans or symbols.”

The Noguchi Museum, located in Queens, said: “While we understand that the intention behind wearing this garment was to express personal views, we recognize that such expressions can unintentionally alienate segments of our diverse visitorship.”

The statement added: “Within the museum, our responsibility is to foster a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment for all staff and visitors. To maintain this environment, we have made the decision to remove political statements from our workplace.”

A fourth employee, the director of visitor services, was also fired, The New York Times reported.

Founded by and dedicated to the preservation of the works of Japanese American sculptor Isamu Noguchi, the museum features his sculptures, architectural models, drawings and stage and furniture designs.

Natalie Cappellini, one of the three fired gallery attendants, posted to Instagram, “I think the word ‘political’ is being weaponized to censor Palestinian culture and existence. The politicization of the keffiyeh is imposed by leadership.”

She said that the keffiyeh was “a cultural garment and we are wearing it for cultural reasons.”

Several days after the museum changed its dress code, 50 staff members, some two-thirds of the staff, signed a petition protesting the decision.

“The museum has not made any public statement surrounding the ongoing war in Gaza, but by changing the dress code to ban the keffiyeh it is taking a public stance,” the petition said.

A handful of workers and supporters also gathered outside the museum carrying placards that read: “Cultural institution bans culture,” and “Noguchi’s self-interment good enough to monetize. Palestinian solidarity? Good enough to ban,” referring to Noguchi’s 1942 decision to voluntarily place himself in an Arizona detention camp in protest against the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.

No reason was given for the firing of the director of visitor services, Aria Rostamizadeh, except that it was not for wearing a keffiyeh.

Rostamizadeh’s wife told the Times in a text message that on the advice of his lawyers her husband was not giving interviews.

“She said he had been fired by Amy Hau, the museum’s director, because Hau had ‘lost faith in his ability to manage his staff,’” the Times said. “She said her husband had enforced the dress code despite personally disagreeing with it.”

The distinctive black-and-white keffiyeh worn by the employees has long been associated with the Palestinian war against Israel.

It was the signature headdress of Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, which carried out countless acts of terror against Israeli civilians. Arafat is known as the “father of modern terrorism.” JNS


Wholesale Inflation Mostly Cooled Last Month In Latest Sign That Price Pressures Are Slowing

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U.S. wholesale price increases mostly slowed last month, the latest evidence that inflation pressures are cooling enough for the Federal Reserve to begin cutting interest rates next week. The Labor Department said Thursday that its producer price index — which tracks inflation before it reaches consumers — rose 0.2% from July to August. That was up from an unchanged reading a month earlier. But measured from a year ago, prices were up 1.7% in August, the smallest such rise since February and down from a 2.1% annual increase in July. Excluding food and energy prices, which tend to fluctuate from month to month, so-called core wholesale prices moved up 0.3% from July and have risen 2.3% from August 2023. Taken as a whole, last month’s wholesale price figures suggest that inflation is moving back toward the Fed’s 2% target level. After peaking at a four-decade high in mid-2022, the prices of gas, groceries and autos are either falling or rising at slower pre-pandemic rates. On Wednesday, the government reported that its main inflation measure, the consumer price index, rose just 2.5% in August from a year earlier, the mildest 12-month increase in three years. The latest inflation figures follow a presidential debate Tuesday night in which former President Donald Trump attacked Vice President Kamala Harris for the price spikes that began a few months after the Biden-Harris administration took office, when global supply chains seized up and caused severe shortages of parts and labor. During the debate, Trump falsely characterized the scope of the inflation surge when he claimed that inflation during the Biden-Harris administration was the highest “perhaps in the history of our country.” In 1980, inflation reached 14.6% — much higher than the 2022 peak of 9.1%. The producer price index can provide an early sign of where consumer inflation is headed. Economists also watch it because some of its components, notably healthcare and financial services, flow into the Fed’s preferred inflation gauge — the personal consumption expenditures, or PCE, index. In its fight against high inflation, the Fed raised its benchmark interest rate 11 times in 2022 and 2023, taking it to a 23-year high. With inflation now close to their target level, the Fed’s policymakers are poised to begin cutting their key rate from its 23-year high in hopes of bolstering growth and hiring. A modest quarter-point cut is widely expected to be announced after the central bank meets next week. Over time, a series of rate cuts should reduce the cost of borrowing across the economy, including for mortgages, auto loans and credit cards. (AP)

Study: Harris’ Tax Plan Could Cut 786,000 Jobs, Add $2.6T to Deficit

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A recent analysis by the Tax Foundation indicates that Vice President Kamala Harris’ tax proposal could lead to widespread job losses, hinder economic progress, and increase the complexity of the U.S. tax system, according to a report from the Daily Caller.

The study, which was released on Tuesday, highlights that Harris’ plan could result in nearly 800,000 full-time jobs being lost and create obstacles to economic growth. The proposal includes higher corporate taxes and taxes on unrealized capital gains, which the Tax Foundation says will have significant long-term effects on employment, wages, and overall economic output.

According to the report, Harris’ plan could cause the elimination of approximately 786,000 full-time jobs and reduce the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) by 2%. Additionally, wages might decrease by around 1.2%.

In comparison, the economic proposals from former President Donald Trump, including a 60% tariff on China, would lead to about 387,000 jobs being lost but would result in a slight wage increase of 0.6%, according to the same study.

The authors of the study — William McBride, Erica York, Garret Watson, and Alex Muresianu — wrote, “We find the [Harris] tax policies would raise top tax rates on corporate and individual income to among the highest in the developed world, slowing economic growth and reducing competitiveness.”

They also raised concerns that Harris’ proposed tax credits and exemptions could add further complexity to the tax system, potentially leading to inefficiencies and increased costs, particularly in industries like housing.

A key point of contention in Harris’ plan is her proposal to raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. The Tax Foundation suggests that this increase could deter investments and limit the expansion of businesses. The report notes that such a tax hike could render numerous business ventures unprofitable, further weakening economic performance.

Another controversial element of Harris’ proposal is a tax on unrealized capital gains, which would impose taxes on the increased value of assets before they are sold. Critics of this idea argue that it could reduce stock market investments, which are crucial for fostering innovation and driving economic growth.

A separate analysis by the Cato Institute suggests that taxing unrealized gains might cause investors to move their assets abroad. This is similar to what happened in France when a wealth tax caused capital and wealthy individuals to leave the country.

On the other hand, Trump’s economic strategy involves extending the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which reduced the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. He has also proposed lowering the rate to 15% for certain businesses. However, the study points out that Trump’s plan to impose a 60% tariff on China, along with a 10% universal tariff, would likely negate much of the positive economic impact from these tax cuts.

Both Harris’ and Trump’s tax proposals carry significant consequences for the federal deficit. The Tax Foundation estimates that Harris’ plan could add up to $2.6 trillion to the deficit, while Trump’s proposals could increase it by $1.3 trillion. With the federal debt currently hovering around $35.35 trillion, concerns about the viability of either candidate’s fiscal plans are growing.

The report concluded by stating, Harris’ “fiscal policy stance at this point leaves a large void regarding how she might deal with the already unprecedented, dangerous, and unsustainable federal debt trajectory.”


TRAGEDY IN HUNGARY: Chossid Niftar After Horrific Crash Near Kerestir

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One of the Chassidim involved in a terrible car wreck near the tziyon of Reb Shayale in Kerestir, Hungary, has tragically been niftar. R’ Chaim Yeshaya Steinberg Z”L, a Karlin-Stolin Chossid, was a resident of Beitar in Israel, and was returning from Reb Shayale’s kever when the crash occurred. The accident happened as the vehicle in which R’ Chaim Yeshaya Z”L was traveling collided with a truck just minutes away from Kerestir. He, along with other chassidim in the vehicle, were seriously injured in the incident. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Netanyahu Denies Creating New Security Forum To Prosecute War

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Contrary to media reports, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has not created a forum to oversee the prosecution of the war against Hamas in Gaza, his office said on Thursday.

“There is no ‘new small security forum.’ Prime Minister Netanyahu frequently holds security discussions, to which various ministers are invited from time to time on a case-by-case basis, depending on their area of ​​responsibility,” the statement read.

“This was the case last week when [Education] Minister Yoav Kisch participated in the Cabinet meeting, and yesterday when [National Security] Minister [Itamar] Ben-Gvir took part in consultations,” added the statement.

Israeli media reported this week that the new forum consisted of Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer, Shas Party Chairman Aryeh Deri, Foreign Minister Israel Katz, Justice Minister Yariv Levin and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich.

Notably absent was Ben-Gvir, with a source telling Kan News political reporter Michael Shemesh that Netanyahu snubbed him in favor of Smotrich because he trusts the Religious Zionism Party head not to leak information from the meetings and he wants to try to convince Smotrich to support an agreement to free the hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Three months ago, National Unity Party leader Benny Gantz exited the unity government, prompting the premier to dissolve the War Cabinet set up after Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre.

Discussions on the war have continued to take place in a small forum that includes Netanyahu and three other former War Cabinet members. JNS

{Matzav.com Israel}

US Companies See Record-Low Profits In China Amid Geopolitical Tensions And Slow Growth

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American companies in China are seeing record-low profits, with business confidence at an all-time low amid U.S.-China tensions and a slowing Chinese economy, according to a report published Thursday by a U.S. business group. Out of 306 companies polled, a record-low 66% were profitable in 2023, according to the China business report published by the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai. The report also found that only 47% of respondents were optimistic about their business outlook in China over the next five years, the lowest in the survey’s history of more than two decades. Beijing and Washington have been at odds in recent years over issues like trade and manufacturing, as well as China’s claims over the South China Sea. China is also grappling with a slowing domestic economy, with lackluster consumer demand and deflationary pressures persisting even post-COVID. The geopolitical tensions between both countries was the top challenge to businesses’ operations in China, the report found. “It’s a balance between risk and reward,” said Eric Zheng, president of AmCham Shanghai, during a news conference ahead of the report’s publication. “The perceived risks of doing business in China have gone up in the past few years, but at the same time the market is slowing down, with soft demand and overcapacity,” he said. Many businesses are now redirecting investments to other regions such as Vietnam, Malaysia and South Asia, Zheng said. A record high of 25% of companies polled cut investment in China in 2023, AmCham’s report found, largely driven by concerns over China’s slowing growth. While just over half of U.S. companies expect their revenue to increase over last year, only 37% are expecting growth in China to outpace global growth in the coming three to five years. The AmCham report came a day after the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China published a report with similar sentiments on the increasing risks of doing business in China. The report highlighted a lack of implementation on promised reforms and an increasingly politicized business environment. The European Chamber’s report found that for some European companies, the risks of investing in China were beginning to outweigh the returns. “We are concerned about there being a tipping point now, and therefore we have a call for action to the Chinese government to turn the tide,” said Jens Eskelund, the European Chamber’s president, at a news conference on Wednesday. “China is becoming no longer a top priority but increasingly a top three or top five destination,” he said. “We believe that the relative attractiveness as a location will continue to deteriorate unless we address some of these concerns.” The European business group called on China to prioritize economic growth and reform, and to boost investor confidence by leveling the playing field for all companies in the country. (AP)

Spilled Cheetos Results In Ecological Disaster At Carlsbad Caverns National Park

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A bag of Cheetos gets dropped and left on the floor. Seems inconsequential, right? Hardly. Rangers at Carlsbad Caverns National Park in southern New Mexico describe it as a “world-changing” event for the tiny microbes and insects that call this specialized subterranean environment home. The bag could have been there a day or two or maybe just hours, but those salty morsels of processed corn made soft by thick humidity triggered the growth of mold on the cavern floor and on nearby cave formations. “To the ecosystem of the cave it had a huge impact,” the park noted in a social media post, explaining that cave crickets, mites, spiders and flies soon organized to eat and disperse the foreign mess, essentially spreading the contamination. The bright orange bag was spotted off trail by a ranger during one of the regular sweeps that park staff make through the Big Room, the largest single cave chamber by volume in North America, at the end of each day. They are looking for straggling visitors and any litter or other waste that might have been left behind on the paved trail. The Big Room is a popular spot at Carlsbad Caverns. It is a magical expanse filled with towering stalagmites, dainty stalactites and clusters of cave popcorn. From this underground wonderland in New Mexico to lake shores in Nevada, tributaries along the Grand Canyon and lagoons in Florida, park rangers and volunteers collect tons of trash left behind by visitors each year as part of an ongoing battle to keep unique ecosystems from being compromised while still allowing visitors access. According to the National Park Service, more than 300 million people visit the national parks each year, bringing in and generating nearly 70 million tons of trash — most of which ends up where it belongs in garbage bins and recycling containers. But for the rest of the discarded snack bags and other debris, it often takes work to round up the waste, and organizations like Leave No Trace have been pushing their message at trailheads and online. At Carlsbad Caverns, volunteers comb the caverns collecting lint. One five-day effort netted as much as 50 pounds (22.68 kilograms). Rangers also have sweep packs and spill kits for the more delicate and sometimes nasty work that can include cleaning up human waste along the trail. “It’s such a dark area, sometimes people don’t notice that it’s there. So they walk through it and it tracks it throughout the entire cave,” said Joseph Ward, a park guide who is working specifically on getting the “leave no trace” message out to park visitors and classrooms. The rangers’ kits can include gloves, trash bags, water, bleach mixtures for decontamination, vacuums and even bamboo toothbrushes and tweezers for those hard-to-reach spots. As for the spilled Cheetos, Ward told The Associated Press that could have been avoided because the park doesn’t allow food beyond the confines of the historic underground lunchroom. After the bag was discovered in July, cave specialists at the park settled on the best way to clean it up. Most of the mess was scooped up, and a toothbrush was used to remove rings of mold and fungi that had spread to nearby cave formations. It was a 20-minute job. Some jobs can take hours and involve […]

Trump Declares There Will Be ‘NO THIRD DEBATE’ With Kamala Harris

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Former President Donald Trump announced on Thursday that there will be “NO THIRD DEBATE” with Vice President Kamala Harris, just moments after an internal poll from his campaign revealed that his Democratic rival did not experience any significant increase in support following their debate on ABC News earlier in the week.

“When a prizefighter loses a fight, the first words out of his mouth are ‘I WANT A REMATCH,’” Trump, 78, wrote on his Truth Social platform. “Polls clearly show that I won the Debate against Comrade Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ Radical Left Candidate, on Tuesday night, and she immediately called for a Second Debate.”

Trump, who skipped a pre-arranged Fox News debate that had been negotiated by President Biden, further accused Harris of refusing to participate in NBC and CBS debates against him.

“THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE!” Trump declared, referencing Biden’s June 27 debate as the first, and the ABC debate as the second.

{CB Frommer – Matzav.com}

Ancient Jar Smashed By A 4-Year-Old Is Back On Display At Israeli Museum After Repair

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A rare Bronze-Era jar accidentally smashed by a 4-year-old visiting a museum was back on display Wednesday after restoration experts were able to carefully piece the artifact back together. Last month, a family from northern Israel was visiting the museum when their youngest son tipped over the jar, which smashed into pieces. Alex Geller, the boy’s father, said his son — the youngest of three — is exceptionally curious, and that the moment he heard the crash, “please let that not be my child” was the first thought that raced through his head. The jar has been on display at the Hecht Museum in Haifa for 35 years. It was one of the only containers of its size and from that period still complete when it was discovered. The Bronze Age jar is one of many artifacts exhibited out in the open, part of the Hecht Museum’s vision of letting visitors explore history without glass barriers, said Inbal Rivlin, the director of the museum, which is associated with Haifa University in northern Israel. It was likely used to hold wine or oil, and dates back to between 2200 and 1500 B.C. Rivlin and the museum decided to turn the moment, which captured international attention, into a teaching moment, inviting the Geller family back for a special visit and hands-on activity to illustrate the restoration process. Rivlin added that the incident provided a welcome distraction from the ongoing war in Gaza. “Well, he’s just a kid. So I think that somehow it touches the heart of the people in Israel and around the world,“ said Rivlin. Roee Shafir, a restoration expert at the museum, said the repairs would be fairly simple, as the pieces were from a single, complete jar. Archaeologists often face the more daunting task of sifting through piles of shards from multiple objects and trying to piece them together. Experts used 3D technology, hi-resolution videos, and special glue to painstakingly reconstruct the large jar. Less than two weeks after it broke, the jar went back on display at the museum. The gluing process left small hairline cracks, and a few pieces are missing, but the jar’s impressive size remains. The only noticeable difference in the exhibit was a new sign reading “please don’t touch.” (AP)

UN Chief: Netanyahu Has Ignored My Calls Since October 7

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United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, in a comprehensive interview with Reuters, revealed that he hasn’t spoken to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu since the Hamas attack on October 7 of last year, noting that the prime minister has been avoiding his calls. The two last saw each other in person during the UN General Assembly’s annual gathering in September. Guterres expressed openness to meeting again this month if Netanyahu initiates it. “I have not talked to him because he didn’t pick up my phone calls, but I have no reason not to speak with him,” Guterres said. “So if he comes to New York and he asks to see me, I will be very glad to see him.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Adopted Son of Ukraine Chief Rabbi Killed on Russian Front

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The adopted son of a chief rabbi of Ukraine has died while serving in his country’s army on the frontline with Russia, local media reports.

Anton (Matisyau) Samborsky was to be buried at the Jewish Cemetery of Kyiv on Thursday afternoon, following a memorial ceremony at the Central Synagogue of Kyiv, Ukrainian Chief Rabbi Moshe Azman wrote on social media on Wednesday.

“He died on the front defending Ukraine,” wrote Azman.

The rabbi and his wife, who have several biological children, adopted Samborsky, an orphan, in 2002 when he was 10. Samborsky was drafted in May, a week after the birth of his first child, a daughter, the news site ukr.net reported.

He went missing on July 24, days after being deployed to Ukraine’s eastern front. The army announced his death on Wednesday. JNS


Share Of Foreign-Born In The US At Highest Rate In More Than A Century, Says Survey

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The percent of U.S. residents who were foreign-born last year grew to its highest level in more than a century, according to figures released Thursday from the most comprehensive survey of American life. The share of people born outside the United States increased in 2023 to 14.3% from 13.9% in 2022, according to estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau’s annual American Community Survey, which tracks commuting times, internet access, family life, income, education levels, disabilities, military service, and employment, among other topics. International migrants have become a primary driver of population growth this decade, increasing their share of the overall population as fewer children are being born in the U.S. compared to years past. The rate of the foreign-born population in the United States hasn’t been this high since 1910 when it was 14.7%, driven by waves of people emigrating in search of a better life around the end of the 19th century and the start of the 20th century. “We knew that here you can have savings, live well. Here you can have normal services such as water and electricity,” said Luciana Bracho, who moved legally to Miami from Venezuela as part of a humanitarian parole program with her boyfriend, parents and brother in April 2023. “I like Miami and the opportunities that I have had.” In 2023, international migrants accounted for more than two-thirds of the population growth in the United States, and so far this decade they have made up almost three-quarters of U.S. growth. The growth of people born outside the U.S. appears to have been driven by people coming from Latin America, whose share of the foreign-born population increased year-over-year to 51.2% from 50.3%, according to the estimates. Latin America was the only world region of origin to experience an increase among those U.S. residents born in another country, as the share of foreign-born residents from Europe and Asia dropped slightly. Nicole Díaz, a Venezuelan opposition activist, left after receiving threats to her life and lived in Peru and Ecuador before moving to the Miami area legally in February 2023 with her husband and 9-year-old daughter. Díaz described herself as “100 percent happy” living in South Florida, where they pay $2,300 a month for a two-bedroom apartment. “After being in different countries, working here is relaxed, despite the language,” Díaz said. “But housing is very expensive, and we have been evaluating moving to another state because here all the salary goes for the rent.” Among the states with the largest year-over-year bumps in the foreign-born population was Delaware, going to 11.2% from 9.9%; Georgia, to 11.6% from 10.7%; and New Mexico, to 10.2% from 9.3% The share of the foreign-born population dropped slightly in the District of Columbia, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota and Oregon. The Census Bureau figures don’t distinguish whether people are in the United States legally or illegally. Illegal immigration has become a contentious topic in the 2024 presidential race, even as illegal border crossings from Mexico plunged this summer after reaching a record last December. The rate of U.S. residents who identify as Hispanic, no matter what race, jumped last year to 19.4% from 19.1% in the previous year, according to the survey. At the same time, those who identify as non-Hispanic white alone dropped from 57.7% to 57.1%. […]

New Sefer on Building Integrity Just Released!

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Rabbi Yair Hoffman has just released a new sefer on the Weekly Parsha emphasizing integrity called, “The Integrity Code on the Weekly Parsha.”  The Sefer has Haskamos from Rav Yisroel Dovid Harfenes Shlita, Rav Yitzchok Dovid Grossman shlita (of Migdar Ohr), and Rav Yaakov Feitman shlita. The Sefer is available on Amazon at this link. Boruch Hashem, a number of us have something called, “Zchus Avos” – which means the merit of our forefathers.  The Gerrer Rebbe, Rav Yitzchok Meir Alter-Rothenberg (1799-1866), known as the Chiddushei HaRim, notes that there is something  that can squander and negate our z’chus avos – the merit of our forefathers. “What might be?” he asks. In the Torah we recite the words, “Arami Oved Avi.”  The Chidushei HaRim explains that Arami means a ramai – someone who practices deceit and tells lies and falsehhods.  He explains that the term “Oved Avi” means that he loses the merits of his fathers.  He disconnects himself from the good actions that they, our illustrious fore-fathers have done, and from any benefit associated with their actions. It would behoove us then to make every effort to realign ourselves on the straight and narrow path.  The Sefer Chassidim (Chapter 647) also informs us that if we commit ourselves to integrity and honesty – then we will be enabled to keep all of the other of Hashem’s Mitzvos.  This Sefer helps us along this path. Order today by clicking here. To subscribe to a weekly parsha sheet on Integrity and Emes – please send the author an email with the word subscribe in the subject line at yairhoffman2@gmail.com To order the author’s other Seforim click here.

Netanyahu: World Must Demand Hostages’ Freedom

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The international community must demand that Hamas free the remaining captives held in Gaza “immediately,” Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu said on Thursday, accusing the terrorist group of frustrating the indirect talks towards a hostages-for-ceasefire-and-terrorists-release agreement.

“Hamas is trying to hide the fact that it continues to oppose a hostage release deal and is thwarting it,” Netanyahu’s office stated. “While Israel accepted the ‘final bridging proposal’ made by the U.S. on Aug. 16, 2024, Hamas rejected it and even murdered six of our hostages in cold blood.

“The world must demand that Hamas free our hostages immediately,” the prime minister reiterated in the statement.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken told reporters in London on Tuesday that the Biden administration is determined to achieve a truce in Gaza “as soon as possible,” stressing that “the quickest way to do so remains bringing the ceasefire agreement over the finish line.”

He added, “We are working with our Egyptian and Qatari counterparts to work together to bridge any remaining gaps, and in the coming time very soon we’ll put that before the parties and we’ll see what they say.”

The optimistic comments come amid pessimism expressed in recent days by American and Israeli mediators about the prospects of a deal.

The U.S. has publicly blamed Hamas for holding up the deal, with White House National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby saying on Monday that “Hamas is the main obstacle to this right now.”

The Washington Post cited a senior U.S. official as saying last week that while the two sides had agreed to the release of terrorist murderers in exchange for Hamas freeing Israel Defense Forces troops, Hamas last week decided that civilians would also need to be exchanged for these longtime prisoners, an idea the official described as a “poison pill.”

However, Israel’s Channel 12 News reported on Tuesday that Cairo and Doha “think the opposite” and accuse Jerusalem of dragging its feet.

Netanyahu on Sept. 5 dismissed reports suggesting that an agreement was close. “In fact, while we agreed in May, in July and in August to a deal, an American proposal, Hamas has consistently said no to every one of them,” he said on Thursday.

One hundred and one hostages—alive and dead—are still held captive, 342 days after the Oct. 7 attacks. Off-and-on talks have continued for months with the United States, Egypt and Qatar acting as mediators. JNS

{Matzav.com Israel}

IDF Reveals That 3 UNWRA Workers Were Among Terrorists Killed In Nuseirat Airstrike

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Israel is yet again under attack by worldwide antisemitic entities, media outlets, and countries for carrying out an airstrike against Hamas terrorists who embed themselves within civilian populations and use women and children as human shields. IDF forces carried out an airstrike on a Hamas command center in Nuseirat in the central Gaza Strip on Wednesday. As per Hamas’s customary behavior of using civilians as human shields, the terror center was located in a school that was turned into a shelter after the war began. The UNWRA (otherwise known as a terrorist organization), claimed that six of its “employees” were killed in the strike, prompting the UN, the US, the UK and others to slam Israel for defending its citizens against murderous terrorists. On Thursday, the IDF published a list of Hamas terrorists that have so far been confirmed to have been killed in the strike and revealed that three of the terrorists were UNWRA “employees.” The IDF stated: “The Israeli Air Force on Wednesday, under the direction of the IDF and Shin Bet, conducted a precise strike on terrorists who were operating inside a command and control center embedded within a compound that previously served as the Al Jaouni School in the area of Nuseirat in central Gaza. “Upon receiving reports claiming that local Palestinian UNRWA workers were killed as a result of the strike, the IDF requested that the agency provide details and names of the workers in order to thoroughly review the claim. To date, no answers have been provided by the UNRWA despite repeated requests. “So far, a number of Hamas terrorists were confirmed to have been eliminated in the strike, including: 1. Aysar Qaradia, a terrorist in Hamas’ military wing and internal security forces. 2. Muhammad Adnan Abu Zayd, a terrorist in Hamas’ military wing who was responsible for launching mortars at IDF troops and at Israel previously served as an operative in Hamas’ naval forces, and was also an UNRWA employee. 3. Bassem Majed Shaheen, the commander of a terrorist cell in Hamas’ military wing took part in the October 7th massacre in southern Israel. 4. Amar al-Jadili, a terrorist in Hamas’ military wing and internal security forces. 5. Akram Saber al-Ghalaydi, a terrorist in Hamas’ military wing and internal security forces. 6. Muhammad Issa Abu al-Amir, a terrorist in Hamas’ military wing who took part in the October 7th massacre in southern Israel. 7. Sharif Salam, a terrorist in Hamas’ military wing. 8. Yasser Ibrahim Abu Sharar, a terrorist in Hamas’ military wing and an operative in Hamas’ emergency bureau in Nuseirat was also a UNRWA employee. 9. Ayad Matar, a terrorist in Hamas’ military wing and also a UNRWA employee.” The outrageous statement of British Foreign Secretary David Lammy, who recently announced an arms embargo on Israel, can be seen below. Despite the fact that he published the statement before the IDF’s announcement, there is no excuse for his “ignorance” considering that major international media outlets have reported that UNWRA employees participated in the October 7 massacre and held captives. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

NYC’s Noguchi Museum Fires Employees Over Wearing Banned Keffiyehs

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The Noguchi Museum in Queens has fired three employees for wearing keffiyeh scarves in solidarity with Palestinians, citing a violation of its newly instituted dress code that prohibits “political messages, slogans or symbols.” The museum, dedicated to the works of Japanese American sculptor Isamu Noguchi, implemented the policy last month. In a statement, the museum explained: “While we understand that the intention behind wearing this garment was to express personal views, we recognize that such expressions can unintentionally alienate segments of our diverse visitorship. Within the museum, our responsibility is to foster a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment for all staff and visitors. To maintain this environment, we have made the decision to remove political statements from our workplace.” Natalie Cappellini, one of the fired gallery attendants, took to Instagram to criticize the museum’s decision, writing, “I think the word ‘political’ is being weaponized to censor Palestinian culture and existence. The politicization of the keffiyeh is imposed by leadership.” She argued that the keffiyeh is “a cultural garment, and we are wearing it for cultural reasons.” In addition to the three attendants, the museum also fired its director of visitor services, Aria Rostamizadeh, although no specific reason was given for his dismissal. According to a report from The New York Times, Rostamizadeh’s wife said in a text message that the firing was not related to the keffiyeh, but because the museum’s director, Amy Hau, “lost faith in his ability to manage his staff.” She added that Rostamizadeh had enforced the dress code despite personally disagreeing with it. The keffiyeh, a distinctive black-and-white scarf, has become a symbol of Palestinian solidarity. It was notably worn by Yasser Arafat, the leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), and has since been associated with the Palestinian struggle – and terrorism – against Israel. The dress code change has sparked protests within the museum. A petition signed by 50 staff members, representing about two-thirds of the staff, objected to the decision, stating, “The museum has not made any public statement surrounding the ongoing war in Gaza, but by changing the dress code to ban the keffiyeh, it is taking a public stance.” Outside the museum, a small group of workers and supporters also gathered with signs reading, “Cultural institution bans culture,” and “Noguchi’s self-interment good enough to monetize. Palestinian solidarity? Good enough to ban.” The latter refers to Noguchi’s decision to voluntarily place himself in a Japanese American internment camp in Arizona during World War II in protest of the internment policy. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

It’s About Bread Butter and a Pair of Shoes

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It’s about bread, butter, and a pair of shoes.  For over 160 years, Kollel Shomrei Hachomos has served as a crucial source of support for thousands of families in Eretz Yisroel facing poverty and hardship. Through monthly stipends, grocery packages, Yom Tov essentials, wedding funds, and interest- free loans, KSH ensures that widows, orphans, chasanim, kallahs, and the sick and elderly receive the help they need to live with dignity. Today, Kollel Shomrei Hachomos brings you UMeirim. So you can… Spread light across the globe. Kindle hope for widows in Eretz Yisroel. Connect with thousands of Jewish women worldwide.  Built from a dire need to raise funds for widows and orphans, UMeirim is sparking a direct connection between you and a widow in Eretz Yisroel. As you light Shabbos candles, your weekly donation will wing its way toward her, igniting her world with hope once more. This week at candelighting, let’s come together in unity. One dollar, five dollars, ten—it all matters. Your automatic weekly donation will help Kollel Shomrei Hachomos provide needy widows and their families in Eretz Yisroel with the essentials they need.  You have the power to make a difference—by bringing light into the home of an almanah. And in turn, she will daven for you at her licht.  Because nothing holds a candle to the power of a Jewish woman lighting candles.  Sign up for your automatic candle-lighting donation today. CLICK HERE | 718.243.2495

DISASTER AVERTED: Israeli Navy Rescues Civilian Ship Drifting Towards Lebanon

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The Israeli Navy and Air Force saved two citizens whose sailboat had run into trouble near the maritime space of Lebanon on Thursday, the Israel Defense Forces announced, sharing footage of the rescue operation.

“Upon receiving the report, forces of the Navy and the Air Force were rushed to the area,” the IDF tweeted. “After identifying and establishing contact with the vessel, the Navy forces began a rescue operation and returned the civilian vessel to the sovereign waters of the State of Israel.”

Earlier this week, lawmakers sent a letter to Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu with an urgent demand to cancel the natural gas and maritime border agreement between Yerushalayim and Beirut.

Members of Knesset Dan Illouz (Likud) and Zvi Sukkot (Religious Zionist Party) said the agreement, which then-Prime Minister Yair Lapid signed in 2022, can no longer be maintained “following the daily attacks coming from Lebanese soil since October 7.”

Iran-backed Hezbollah has attacked Israel nearly daily since Oct. 8, firing thousands of rockets, missiles and drones across the border. It has killed more than 40 people and caused widespread damage. Tens of thousands of Israelis remain internally displaced due to the violence.

On Wednesday, an IDF reservist was seriously wounded when Hezbollah and Hamas terrorists fired dozens of rockets, anti-tank missiles and suicide drones at Kibbutz Dan in the Upper Galil.


Garland Denounces ‘Dangerous Falsehoods’ And Conspiracies Targeting The Justice Department

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Attorney General Merrick Garland will denounce “conspiracy theories” and “dangerous falsehoods” targeting the Justice Department during a speech Thursday to employees as he forcefully pushes back against Republican claims of politicization. Garland will use a speech to U.S. attorneys gathered in Washington and other Justice Department members to vigorously defend the department’s integrity and impartiality and to condemn what he describes as “outrageous” attacks that put law enforcement in harm’s way. “These attacks have come in the form of conspiracy theories, dangerous falsehoods, efforts to bully and intimidate career public servants by repeatedly and publicly singling them out, and threats of actual violence,” Garland will say in his speech inside the Great Hall at Justice Department headquarters, according to prepared remarks provided to reporters. “Through your continued work, you have made clear that the Justice Department will not be intimidated by these attacks. But it is dangerous — and outrageous — that you have to endure them.” It’s the attorney general’s latest broadside against claims that his department has been politically weaponized under the Biden administration to go after former President Donald Trump, who was indicted by a special counsel appointed by Garland in two separate criminal cases. Garland does not mention Trump or Republicans in the excerpts. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, has repeatedly accused prosecutors of bringing politically motivated criminal cases against him. Republicans have also falsely claimed that New York criminal case, in which Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts in May, was orchestrated by Biden and the Justice Department. During testimony before a House committee in June, Garland told lawmakers that he “will not be intimidated” by the attacks on the department, which he said will continue to work “free from political influence.” Garland came into office pledging to restore the department’s reputation for political independence after four tumultuous years under Trump. But Garland has faced an onslaught of criticism over his department’s handling of politically sensitive cases, including the prosecution of Democratic President Joe Biden’s son Hunter, who pleaded guilty last week to federal tax charges in a case brought by a different special counsel. In his speech, Garland will say that department employees have made clear through their work that they “do not bend to politics” and that they “will not break under pressure.” “The choices you make in every investigation, in every filing, in every trial, in everything you do to ensure the fair and impartial application of the law make this Department and our democracy worthy of the public we serve,” Garland will say, according to his prepared remarks. “And for that, you deserve respect.” (AP)

IDF NAMES NAMES: 3 Terrorists Eliminated in Strike Worked for UNRWA

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On Wednesday, the IAF attacked a command and control center embedded inside what was the Al Jaouni School compound in central Gaza. Following the strike, UNRWA claimed that 6 of it’s workers were killed, resulting in huge international condemnation. The UK’s Foregin Secretary David Lammy called the strike “appalling.”

The IDF requested UNRWA provide details, such as the names of the workers killed, information that UNRWA has so far not provided.

However, the IDF has now confirmed that 3 of the 9 terrorists killed in the strike were in fact, UNRWA workers.

The named terrorists confirmed eliminated in the strike were:

1. Aysar Karadia, of Hamas’ Military Wing and Internal Security Forces.

2. Muhammad Adnan Abu Zayd, of Hamas’ Military Wing. Zayd was an UNRWA employee, and simultaneously served in Hamas’ naval forces, and was responsible for launching mortars at IDF troops and the state of Israel.

3. Bassem Majed Shaheen, who led a terror cell that took part in the October 7th massacre.

4. Amar al-Jadili, of Hamas’ Military Wing and Internal Security Forces.

5. Akram Saber al-Ghalaydi, of Hamas’ Military Wing and Internal Security Forces.

6. Muhammad Issa Abu al-Amir, of Hamas’ Military Wing, who also took part in the October 7th Massacre.

7. Sharif Salam, of Hamas’ Military Wing.

8. Yasser Ibrahim Abu Sharar, an UNRWA employee who was simultaneously an operative in Hamas’ emergency bureau in Nuseirat, and a member of Hamas’ military wing.

9. Ayad Matar, an UNRWA employee who was simultaneously a member of Hamas’ Military Wing.

Following the news, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon posted online: “How surprising is it that the ‘UNRWA workers’ who were killed yesterday in the IDF attack are in fact NINE terrorists with blood on their hands, and some of them took part in the barbaric massacre on October 7?”

“How long will the UN continue to bury its head in the sand and ignore the fact that Hamas terrorists have taken over UNRWA? These murderers are not aid workers. They are terrorists with blood on their hands and were rightly eliminated.”



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