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Killer Gets Life In Prison For Murder Of Efraim Gordon Hy”d In Baltimore

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Rasheed Morris, one of four suspects in the 2021 murder of Israeli tourist Efraim Gordon, was sentenced to life in prison with all but 40 years suspended on Thursday. Morris, who was 16 at the time of the crime, pleaded guilty to first-degree murder two years ago. Gordon, 31, was visiting Baltimore for his cousin’s wedding when he was fatally shot on the front steps of his family’s home in May 2021. Police say the murder was a robbery gone wrong. Morris is the first of the four suspects to be sentenced. Two others, William Clinton III and Omarian Anderson, took plea deals and will return to court later this month. The fourth suspect, William Hollowman, was found guilty of first-degree murder and attempted robbery and will be sentenced in December. Councilman Yitzy Schleifer on the 40-year sentence for Rasheed Morris in the murder of Efraim Gordon. “It does bring some closure to the community.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

‘Israeli Forces Raided Iranian Weapons Depot in Syria’

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Israel Defense Forces commandos raided a key Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps weapons facility in the Masyaf area of northwestern Syria on Sunday night, unconfirmed Arabic reports claimed on Thursday.

At least 14 people were killed and dozens wounded in a series of Israeli airstrikes in northwestern Syria late Sunday, according to state media.

Syria’s SANA news agency reported that the Israeli Air Force targeted several military sites around Masyaf.

According to Reuters, which cited two regional intelligence sources, among the sites hit was the Scientific Studies and Research Center, known as CERS or SSRC, a major military base that is believed to be responsible for research and development of nuclear, biological, chemical and missile technology and weapons.

The center is thought to house a team of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps military experts and provides logistical support to Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorists.

Thursday’s reports claimed that Israeli forces had boots on the ground during the large-scale operation. According to the reports, the facility’s access roads were targeted by fighter jets to prevent the approach of Syrian troops before helicopters carrying IDF special forces operators arrived in the area, with air support from gunship helicopters and attack drones.

The troops reportedly entered an unspecified arms depot, removed equipment and sensitive documents and then set off explosives to destroy the facility. During the heavy fighting, two to four Iranian operatives were said to have been captured by the Israeli soldiers.

Yerushalayim rarely admits to attacks on Syrian territory, although in February it revealed that it had attacked more than 50 targets belonging to Hezbollah and other Iran-backed terror groups in Syria since Oct. 7.

The same month, Reuters reported that Iran removed senior IRGC officers from Syria following a series of deadly aerial attacks by Israel.

Between Oct. 7 and May 15, Tehran’s Syrian proxies launched at least 40 projectiles across the border with Israel, according to official IDF data.

On April 1, seven members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, including the leader responsible for Syria and Lebanon, were killed in an attack on a building adjacent to the Iranian embassy in Damascus.

Israel did not officially take responsibility for the attack, but four Israeli officials told The New York Times that the IAF carried out the strike.

Thirteen days later, the Islamic Republic launched an unprecedented combined attack on Israel involving more than 300 drones and missiles in what Tehran claimed was retaliation for the Damascus incident.


HUGE: New York Court Of Appeals To Hear Yeshiva Education Case

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YWN has provided its readers with the most up-to-date news and developments about the controversy over New York State’s efforts to closely regulate yeshiva education. We are pleased to provide you with the breaking news that the New York Court of Appeals will hear the yeshiva community’s challenge to the State’s regulations of yeshiva education. Here is a brief recap: Shortly after the State Education Department adopted new regulations of yeshivas in September 2022, a coalition led by PEARLS challenged them in Albany Supreme Court. After a hearing in March 2023, Justice Christina Ryba declared significant parts of the regulations illegal and struck them from the law. The State appealed, and in late June a divided panel of the Appellate Division reversed Judge Ryba’s decision and reinstated the regulations. That left the New York Court of Appeals as the only recourse to have the successful challenge to the regulations reinstated . PEARLS immediately filed a motion to have the case heard by the Court of Appeals, pointing out the legal and logical mistakes in the Appellate Division decision. The Court of Appeals hears very few cases and rejects the overwhelming majority of requests to take a case. This afternoon, PEARLS motion was granted. That means the parties will submit their briefs in the coming months, and the Court of Appeals will likely hear the case in early 2025. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Britain’s State-Funded Health System Must ‘Reform Or Die,’ Prime Minister Says

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Britain’s much-loved but overstretched health system is in critical condition and must “reform or die,” Prime Minister Keir Starmer said Thursday, claiming that years of neglect and botched restructuring had made the United Kingdom an increasingly unhealthy nation. Starmer promised a 10-year plan to fix the state-funded National Health Service, which in recent years had gone from a source of national pride to a symbol of a state and society under growing strain. “We are becoming a sicker society,” Starmer said during a speech in London, pinning blame on the Conservative Party that was in power for 14 years until July. “The last government broke the NHS,” he said. A national icon on life support Founded in 1948 in a country determined to build a fairer society out of the ruins of World War II, the NHS provides free health care to citizens and residents, funded through taxation. So critical to the national identity that its 75th birthday was marked with a thanksgiving service at London’s Westminster Abbey, it has been dubbed Britain’s secular religion — though one in which some people are losing faith. Even its most ardent supporters acknowledge the NHS is an unwieldy behemoth that has struggled for years to cope with an aging population and rising demand. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, waiting times for treatment have soared and public satisfaction has plummeted. “Although the NHS does much good, patients repeatedly share their frustrations and confusion about accessing care,” said William Pett of patients’ group Healthwatch England. He added that “these challenges are not experienced equally, with poorer communities hit hardest.” A critical diagnosis Soon after Starmer’s center-left Labour Party won a landslide victory in the July 4 election, the government ordered a review of the NHS led by surgeon and former health minister Ara Darzi. In a report published Thursday, Darzi said he was “shocked by what I have found.” He blamed more than a decade of “almost constant reorganization” along with “austerity and capital starvation” under Conservative governments for a deterioration “not just in the health service but in the state of the nation’s health.” The NHS “has faced rising demand for health care from a society in distress,” Darzi said. U.K. health spending grew by 2.4% a year between 2019 and 2024, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, down from an average of 3.6% over the longer term. Demand is growing much faster, as the British population grows larger and older. And the coronavirus pandemic piled on more pressure — sucking up resources, draining staff physically and emotionally, and creating a huge backlog of delayed tests and treatments. The result, Darzi said, is that Britain has “appreciably higher cancer mortality rates than other countries,” while improvements in heart disease mortality rates have stalled since 2010. The British Heart Foundation said the number of people dying from cardiovascular disease is at the highest level in 14 years. The Conservatives pointed out that Darzi, now a member of the House of Lords, was a health minister in a previous Labour government. Victoria Atkins, the Conservative Party’s spokeswoman on health issues, said Darzi’s report was a “cover for the Labour Party to raise our taxes in the budget in October.” “We need to have a grown-up conversation about the NHS, but this is not the way to go about it,” Atkins told […]

Let’s Get One Thing Straight… It Doesn’t Take Two to Save a Marriage

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“Telling your wife your needs and wants” is a complete waste of time for married men who want to get the passion and I’ll tell you why. So many marriage experts claim they have the secret to a happy marriage and that it all comes down to communication, boundaries and bringing in more money. They tell you to help out more at home, talk about the past, go together to a marriage professional but never stop to take inventory of whether ANY of these methods are actually WORKING in creating happiness and joy! I am not saying those strategies don’t work at all, but they are the long… slow… painful way of having a happy home. And for the few that make it with these strategies, they’ve done it while he doesn’t get what he needs, and she doesn’t get what she needs.  Meanwhile, we’re helping our clients connect with their wives on the highest level, living lives full of passion and excitement and it gets more and more joyful by the day where both husband and wife feel happiness and passion… … all without needing their wife to meet them halfway! To check out how they do this, click below to watch my free presentation where I share all the details … you’re going to thank me for it! 5 Steps Married Men Use to Get Rid of Friction and Create Passion and Intimacy… Without Needing Their Wife to Meet Them Halfway!

Rudy Giuliani: Would Dems Side With Terrorists on Another 9/11?

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Vice President Kamala Harris stated in the debate with former President Donald Trump on Tuesday night that the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol was the most significant threat to American democracy since the Civil War. This assertion was made as the country approached the 23rd anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, which resulted in over 3,000 American deaths.

Rudy Giuliani, who served as the Mayor of New York City on September 11, 2001, reacted strongly to Harris’s remarks in an interview with Newsmax on Wednesday. He described her comments as “unbelievable” and argued, “It’s not an oversight.” In his appearance on “The Chris Salcedo Show,” Giuliani further asserted, “That’s the way they look at it. I’m not sure what side they’d be on now if Sept. 11 happened again.”

Giuliani continued by suggesting that today’s Democrats are aligned with Hamas rather than Israel, stating, “Look, they’re on the side of Hamas, not Israel. So you really could say Hamas is [Osama] bin Laden and Israel is the United States. So who knows where they would be? They’d be on the side of the terrorists.”

He admitted his frustration with trying to understand the current Democratic perspective, saying, “I have no idea what impels Democrats today. I’m tired of trying to figure it out.” Giuliani concluded, “Well, I’m pretty well convinced that it’s the communist Marxist training that they all got.”


Car Explosion in Central Israel Injures 12, Including Four Children in Critical Condition

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At least twelve people were injured today in a car explosion in the central Israeli city of Ramle, which ignited a fire that spread to two nearby stores. Emergency responders quickly arrived at the scene, and Magen David Adom (MDA) provided initial treatment to the victims before transferring them to Shamir Medical Center and Kaplan Medical Center for further care. Among the injured are four children in critical condition: a two-month-old baby, a 5-year-old girl, a 10-year-old boy, and a 15-year-old girl. Additionally, one person sustained serious injuries, while a 52-year-old man and a 59-year-old woman were moderately injured. Five others are being treated for minor wounds. Israel Police, led by Central District Commander Avi Bitton, are investigating the incident. Bomb squads are on-site examining the vehicle to ensure there are no further threats to public safety. Police forces are also working to evacuate people trapped in the two stores that caught fire as a result of the explosion. Authorities have stated they are treating the explosion as a criminal act and do not suspect terrorism as a motive. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Netanyahu’s Office Denies Report: “There Is No New War Forum”

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Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s office issued a statement on Thursday denying a Kan report earlier this week that a new war forum was established after the previous one was dissolved in June following the resignation of National Unity chairman Benny Gantz from the government and in the wake of National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s demand to join it. “Contrary to media reports, there is no ‘new limited-security forum,'” the statement said. “Prime Minister Netanyahu regularly holds security discussions to which different ministers are invited from time to time in accordance with their responsibilities. This was the case this week when Minister Yoav Kisch participated in the Cabinet meeting, and yesterday when Minister Ben-Gvir took part in a consultation.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

New York City Police Commissioner Resigning After His Phone Was Seized In Federal Investigation

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New York City Police Commissioner Edward Caban said he would resign Thursday, one week after it emerged that his phone was seized as part of a federal investigation that touched several members of Mayor Eric Adams’ inner circle. Caban said he made the decision to resign after the “news around recent developments” had “created a distraction for our department,” according to an email to the police department obtained by The Associated Press. “I am unwilling to let my attention be on anything other than our important work, or the safety of the men and women of the NYPD,” he added. It was not immediately clear who will replace Caban as police commissioner. Inquiries to the police department were not returned. Caban was one of several high-ranking city officials whose electronic devices were seized last week by federal investigators, according to people familiar with the matter. The people spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the investigation. The subject of the investigation, which is being led by U.S. Attorney’s office in Manhattan, remains unclear. It was not immediately clear whether federal authorities were seeking information linked to one investigation or several. Federal authorities are also investigating Caban’s twin brother, James Caban, who runs a nightclub security business, according to a person familiar with the matter. The person could not publicly discuss details of the ongoing investigation and spoke to AP on condition of anonymity. Edward Caban, 57, had been in charge of the nation’s largest police department for about 15 months. Of Puerto Rican heritage, he was the first Latino to lead the 179-year-old NYPD. Other officials whose devices were recently seized include First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright; Philip Banks, the deputy mayor for public safety; his brother David Banks, the city’s schools chancellor; and Timothy Pearson, a mayoral adviser and former high-ranking NYPD official. The searches added to a flurry of investigative activity around Adams’ administration and his campaign. Adams, a first-term Democrat, was subpoenaed in July, eight months after federal agents seized his cell phones and an iPad while he was leaving an event in Manhattan. Federal authorities haven’t publicly accused him or any officials of any crimes, and Adams has denied any wrongdoing. The investigation that led to Caban’s devices being seized is not believed to be tied to a probe that led federal investigators to seize Adams’ devices last November, according to two people familiar with the matter. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. On Tuesday, Adams acknowledged that the sudden increase in federal scrutiny had “raised a lot of questions and a lot of concerns.” Caban joined the department as a patrol officer in 1991 in the Bronx, where he grew up. His father, retired Detective Juan Caban, had served with Adams, a former police captain, when they were both on the city’s transit police force. Three of Caban’s brothers were also police officers. Caban worked in precincts across the city, rising to sergeant, lieutenant, captain, executive officer, commanding officer, deputy inspector and inspector. He was the department’s first deputy commissioner, second-in-command, before being named commissioner last year. Caban replaced Keechant Sewell, the first woman to lead the force. She resigned 18 months into a tenure clouded by speculation that she was not […]

NYPD Police Commissioner Edward Caban Resigns Amid Federal Investigation

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New York City Police Commissioner Edward Caban is resigning, according to multiple sources. The news of Caban’s resignation was revealed through a letter sent by his attorney to City Hall, with his departure set for Friday.

This resignation follows a federal investigation into alleged corruption within New York City’s government. Sources say that authorities recently seized Caban’s cellphone, along with those of other NYPD officials, in connection with the probe.

Last week, federal agents also conducted searches at the homes of Deputy Mayor Phil Banks, Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright, and Schools Chancellor David Banks, sources said. During the searches, the FBI collected evidence, including electronic devices, according to those familiar with the investigation. No charges have been filed at this time.

While Manhattan federal prosecutors have not disclosed specifics regarding the investigation, sources indicate it may involve city contracts and potential breaches in regulations governing bars and clubs.

When questioned during a separate press event on Monday about whether Caban’s resignation was linked to the investigation, New York City Mayor Eric Adams responded, “Rumors are always out there.”

“I don’t think anything in life is guaranteed,” Adams added. “I would say this: When I chose Eddie, I chose him for his experience and what he brought after 30-something years of service.”

The mayor’s chief counsel mentioned last week that investigators have not indicated that Mayor Adams or his staff are targets of the probe.

Adams also reiterated last week that he was not aware of any misconduct by his administration and committed to fully cooperating with the investigation.

“As I’ve said before, as a former law enforcement officer, I am clear on this. We follow the rules, we cooperate, and we provide any information needed. It would be inappropriate to interfere with the ongoing review,” Adams told CBS New York on Sept. 5. “I have no knowledge of any misdoings, and I will continue to follow the rules. To my knowledge, that’s exactly what my team has been doing.”

Several top officials from the NYPD, including Caban, were issued subpoenas for their cellphones on Sept. 5, according to sources. The following day, investigators pursued phones from other NYPD officials, such as precinct commanders in Manhattan, and conducted interviews at a location near police headquarters.

“The Department is aware of an investigation by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York involving members of the force. The Department is fully cooperating with the investigation,” said an NYPD spokesperson on Sept. 5. They directed further inquiries to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, which declined to comment.

Caban’s family has longstanding ties to the nightlife industry. His brother, Richard Caban, a former NYPD lieutenant, owned a Bronx restaurant called Con Sofrito, which is now closed. Edward Caban’s twin brother, James Caban, also a former NYPD sergeant, owned a Bronx apartment building that housed a bar called Twins.

Caban began his career in the NYPD in 1991, working as a police officer in the Bronx. He steadily moved up the ranks, becoming the department’s first deputy commissioner in 2022.

In July 2023, Mayor Adams appointed Caban as police commissioner, following the resignation of Keechant Sewell, the city’s first female police commissioner.

In response to the news of the subpoenas, City Councilman Robert Holden called for Caban’s resignation.

“I do think he has to do something because it does cast a bad, deep shadow over the police department,” Holden said during an interview on CBS’ “The Point with Marcia Kramer” on Sunday.

“We need to be confident that he’s acting within the law. He sets an example for the entire department,” Holden added.


Ateres Chaim Elazar: Lakewood’s Exquisite New Wedding Hall…Booking Now!

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Introducing Ateres Chaim Elazar, Lakewood, NJ’s newest and most exquisite wedding hall, located in the heart of the Oak Street area. Set to become the premier choice for simchos, this stunning venue is designed to elevate every celebration with its elegant atmosphere, modern amenities, and exceptional attention to detail.

Spanning approximately 12,000 square feet, the majestic ballroom at Ateres Chaim Elazar offers the perfect space for all weddings. With its breathtaking decor and sophisticated design by the world-renowned Susan Strauss Design, every corner of the hall exudes luxury and refinement, creating an unforgettable backdrop for your special day.

Ateres Chaim Elazar is designed to accommodate all aspects of your simcha:

  • A spacious chosson tish room.
  • Stunning chupah room and gorgeous outdoor chupah area.
  • Chosson and kallah family rooms, complete with showers, ensure that both families have private spaces to prepare.
  • Two grand lobbies welcome guests with a touch of elegance, setting the tone for an extraordinary simcha.
  • Ample parking ensures convenience for all attendees, making access to the venue seamless and stress-free.

Bookings Start December 17th

Whether you’re planning a wedding or some other significant event, Ateres Chaim Elazar is ready to make your vision come to life. Bookings begin December 17th, so don’t miss the chance to secure this unparalleled venue for your next simcha.

For more information, contact Greenwald Caterers at 732-370-8300.

Elevate your celebration at Ateres Chaim Elazar—where every detail is designed to create memories that last a lifetime.


Young Women Are Increasingly Likely To Identify As Liberal, Gallup Analysis Finds

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Young women are more liberal than they have been in decades, according to a Gallup analysis of more than 20 years of polling data. Over the past few years, about 4 in 10 young women between the ages of 18 and 29 have described their political views as liberal, compared with two decades ago when about 3 in 10 identified that way. For many young women, their liberal identity is not just a new label. The share of young women who hold liberal views on the environment, abortion, race relations and gun laws has also jumped by double digits, Gallup found. Young women “aren’t just identifying as liberal because they like the term or they’re more comfortable with the term, or someone they respect uses the term,” said Lydia Saad, the director of U.S. social research at Gallup. “They have actually become much more liberal in their actual viewpoints.” Becoming a more cohesive political gtoup with distinctly liberal views could turn young women into a potent political force, according to Saad. While it is hard to pinpoint what is making young women more liberal, they now are overwhelmingly aligned on many issues, which could make it easier for campaigns to motivate them. Young women are already a constituency that has leaned Democratic — AP VoteCast data shows that 65% of female voters under 30 voted for Democrat Joe Biden in 2020 — but they are sometimes less reliable when it comes to turnout. Young women began to diverge ideologically from other groups, including men between 18 and 29, women over 30 and men over 30, during Democrat Barack Obama’s presidency. That trend appears to have accelerated more recently, around the election of Republican Donald Trump, the #MeToo movement and increasingly successful efforts by the anti-abortion movement to erode abortion access. At the same time, more women, mostly Democrats, were elected to Congress, as governor and to state legislatures, giving young women new representation and role models in politics. The change in young women’s political identification is happening across the board, Gallup found, rather than being propelled by a specific subgroup. The Gallup analysis found that since the Obama era, young women have become nearly 20 percentage points more likely to support broad abortion rights. There was a roughly similar increase in the share of young women who said protection of the environment should be prioritized over economic growth and in the share of young women who say gun laws should be stricter. Now, Saad said, solid majorities of young women hold liberal views on issues such as abortion, the environment, and gun laws. Young women are “very unified on these issues … and not only do they hold these views, but they are dissatisfied with the country in these areas, and they are worried about them,” she said. That, she added, could help drive turnout. “You’ve got supermajorities of women holding these views,” she said, and they are “primed to be activated to vote on these issues.” (AP)

WATCH: Inside the Agudah – Rabbi Ari Weisenfeld

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The following is the latest episode of Inside the Agudah featuring an interview with Rabbi Ari Weisenfeld, the Director of the Office of State Relations and the Director of the Connecticut Office of Agudath Israel of America. In this insightful interview, R’ Ari eloquently provides an in-depth look at his ongoing efforts and advocacy work.


4.7 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles The Los Angeles Area; No Immediate Reports Of Injuries

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An earthquake was felt widely in the Los Angeles area Thursday morning. The U.S. Geological Survey reported a preliminary 4.7 magnitude quake centered 4 miles (7 kilometers) north of Malibu. The temblor was about 7 miles (11 kilometers) below the surface, USGS said. The jolt was felt as far as 45 miles (72 kilometers) away in Orange County where some people reported their lamps swaying and other items moving in their homes. Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass said fire authorities are surveying the city. There were no immediate reports of injuries. The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services said it was actively monitoring the quake and checking for any damage. A number of quakes have hit the area this year. A 4.4 magnitude earthquake in August was felt from the Los Angeles area all the way to San Diego, swaying buildings, rattling dishes and setting off car alarms. Rene Vasquez, manager at The Country Kitchen breakfast place in Malibu, said the shaking lasted a few seconds and kitchen staff ducked outside as a precaution, but there was no damage. “It wasn’t that bad,” Vasquez said. “Thank God nothing fell.” People took to social media to post they were awakened by a jolt early Wednesday, including several celebrities who posted on X. Paris Hilton wrote on X “That #Earthquake was scary,” and Khloe Kardashian posted “Damn that was a big one.” The quake comes as the region has been dealing with three major wildfires burning east of Los Angeles that torched dozens of homes and forced thousands to evacuate. The blazes erupted amid a blistering heat wave that has just subsided. (AP)

Ukraine Issues Multiple Urgent Pleas To Abstain From Traveling To Uman For Rosh Hashana

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The Ukrainian government has issued to appeals in two days urging Breslover chassidim not to travel to Uman for Rosh Hashanah, citing grave security concerns. “We recommend pilgrims to consider the security situation in our country and refrain from visiting Uman,” urged Igor Taburets, governor of the Cherkasy Regional Military Administration on Wednesday. “Regular Russian attacks and damage to civilian objects, provocations are Ukrainian everyday life, unfortunately.” The Ukrainian statement emphasized that Uman lacks sufficient air raid shelters to accommodate the anticipated travelers, and that the country’s martial law, curfew, and movement restrictions would impact chassidim. “Russia’s ongoing full-scale military aggression against Ukraine poses real threats to people’s lives and safety,” the Foreign Ministry said on Thursday, “[and] makes it impossible to guarantee the safety of foreign citizens on the territory of Ukraine.” The minister warned that there is a “regime of martial law which provides for a number of additional regulations, including restrictions on freedom of movement, a curfew and enhanced patrols, a ban on holding mass events and gatherings, as well as the application of coercive measures against persons who will not comply with the established restrictions.” The US State Department has also issued a travel warning, advising citizens against going to Rebbe Nachman’s kever for the Yom Tov. Despite the warnings, up to 50,000 chassidim are expected to at least try to make it to Uman for Rosh Hashana. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Russia: Trump, Harris Should Leave Putin Out of US Politics

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The Kremlin expressed displeasure on Wednesday over the frequent mention of Vladimir Putin’s name during the U.S. presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, asking that he not be involved in their political disputes.

Dmitry Peskov, President Putin’s spokesperson, addressed this concern a week after Putin made a playful comment suggesting a preference for Harris over Trump. This statement led the White House to respond, advising Putin to refrain from commenting on the upcoming November election.

Peskov told reporters that while the Kremlin had not closely watched Tuesday night’s debate, they had kept up with media reports covering it.

“Naturally, we noticed that both candidates referenced our president and our country. It’s obvious that the U.S., regardless of which party the candidates represent, maintains an unfriendly stance towards Russia,” Peskov remarked.

He continued, “Putin’s name is being used as a tool in the internal political battles of the U.S. We strongly disapprove of this and hope they will stop involving our president.”


Austria Carried Out Raids Against 72 Alleged Islamic Extremists Ahead Of 9/11 Anniversary

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Austrian security forces carried out raids against 72 alleged Islamic extremists this week ahead of the 23th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in the United States, citing the potential for copycat violence on the date of the plane hijackings that killed nearly 3,000 people. The raids occurred across the European country on Tuesday, before Wednesday’s anniversary, because the 2001 tragedy remains symbolic for extremists and has inspired copycat attempts, the Directorate of State Security and Intelligence said Thursday in a statement. Authorities thwarted an attempted attack last year on anniversary at the Vienna central station, and the risk remains high on the date around the world, it said. Tuesday’s raids came a month after authorities foiled a plot to attack planned Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna which were then canceled. Austrian officials said the main suspect, a 19-year-old Austrian man, was inspired by the Islamic State group and sought to kill tens of thousands of fans. The 19-year-old had allegedly uploaded to the internet an oath of allegiance to the current leader of the Islamic State group. Authorities said they also found Islamic State group and al-Qaida material at the home of a second suspect, who is 17. The actions on Tuesday included raids on several prisons in Austria, as well as interrogations of suspects and seizures of digital devices such as cellphones to look for evidence of radical Islamic propaganda. Franz Ruf, Austria’s director general for public security, appeared to reference the Taylor Swift plot in the statement, saying the last few weeks have shown the importance of cooperation between security agencies to counter extremism. Interior Minister Gerhard Karner also called for stronger powers for investigators to be able to root out such plots. Currently, Austrian officials often rely on other countries — such as for the Swift concerts, where the CIA discovered the information — because unlike some foreign intelligence services, Austria can’t legally monitor text messages. (AP)

WATCH: Jewish Tech Billionaire Pulls Off First Private Spacewalk High Above Earth

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A tech billionaire performed the first private spacewalk hundreds of miles above Earth on Thursday, a high-risk endeavor reserved for professional astronauts — until now. Tech entrepreneur Jared Isaacman teamed up with SpaceX to test the company’s brand new spacesuits on his chartered flight. The daring spacewalk also saw SpaceX engineer Sarah Gillis going out once Isaacman was safely back inside. This spacewalk was simple and quick — less than two hours — compared with the drawn-out affairs conducted by NASA. Astronauts at the International Space Station often need to move across the sprawling complex for repairs, always traveling in pairs and lugging gear. Station spacewalks can last seven to eight hours. Isaacman emerged first from the hatch, joining a small elite group of spacewalkers who until now had included only professional astronauts from a dozen countries. “Back at home, we all have a lot of work to do. But from here, it sure looks like a perfect world,” Isaacman said as the capsule soared above the South Pacific. Cameras on board caught his silhouette, waist high at the hatch, with the blue Earth beneath. The commercial spacewalk was the main focus of the five-day flight financed by Isaacman and Elon Musk’s company, and the culmination of years of development geared toward settling Mars and other planets. All four on board donned the new spacewalking suits to protect themselves from the harsh vacuum. They launched on Tuesday from Florida, rocketing farther from Earth than anyone since NASA’s moonwalkers. The orbit was reduced by half — to 460 miles (740 kilometers) — for the spacewalk. This first spacewalking test involved more stretching than walking. Isaacman kept a hand or foot attached to it the whole time as he flexed his arms and legs to see how the spacesuit held up. The hatch sported a walker-like structure for extra support. After roughly 10 minutes outside, Isaacman was replaced by SpaceX engineer Sarah Gillis to go through the same motions. Gillis bobbed up and down in weightlessness, no higher than her knees out of the capsule, as she twisted her arms and sent reports back to Mission Control. Each had 12-foot (3.6-meter) tethers but did not unfurl them or dangle at the end unlike what happens at the space station, where astronauts routinely float out at a much lower orbit. More and more wealthy passengers are plunking down huge sums for rides aboard private rockets to experience a few minutes of weightlessness. Other have spent tens of millions to stay in space for days or even weeks. Space experts and risk analysts say it’s inevitable that some will seek the thrill of spacewalking, deemed one of the most dangerous parts of spaceflight after launch and reentry but also the most soul-stirring. This operation was planned down to the minute with little room for error. Trying out new spacesuits from a spacecraft new to spacewalking added to the risk. So did the fact that the entire capsule was exposed to the vacuum of space. There were a few glitches. Isaacman had to manually pull the hatch open instead of pushing a button on board. Before heading out, Gillis reported seeing bulges in the hatch seal. Scott “Kidd” Poteet, a former Air Force Thunderbird pilot, and SpaceX engineer Anna Menon stayed strapped to their seats […]


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