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The VP With the Bluetooth Pearl Earrings: Trump Pushes Claim

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Former president Donald Trump has started pushing the theory that first started online that Kamala Harris’ pearl earrings from this week’s debate were actually a bluetooth earpiece.

“I hear she got the questions and I also heard she had something in the ear. A lil something in the ear—‘No Kamala do this. Say it this way, Kamala. Ok, be quiet, too many people watching,’” Trump said at his Las Vegas rally on Friday.

It’s been suggested online that Harris’ earrings were not from Tiffany but instead were a pair of NOVA H1 Audio Earrings offered by German tech/design brand Icebach Sound Solutions.

ABC has denied that Harris got any advantage in the lead-up to the debate, stating, “Absolutely not… Harris was not given any questions before the debate.”

‘ONE INTENSITY OR ANOTHER’ – Netanyahu Tells IDF to Prepare for Broad Campaign in Lebanon

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In a special security and strategic discussion on Thursday, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu reportedly ordered the IDF to prepare for a broad campaign against Hezbollah in Lebanon, saying:”We are heading towards a broad campaign of one intensity or another.”

The discussion included leaders of the Defense establishment alongside Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz, Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer.

The cabinet is expected to meet on Monday to discuss the situation in the north.

In the discussion on Thursday, Defense officials also claimed that a diplomatic agreement alone would not be enough to bring Israeli residents of the north back home. Defense officials also believe any broader war in Lebanon will require the IDF to reduce it’s presence in Gaza.

Meanwhile, Channel 13 quoted a Netanyahu associate, saying no date has been set for an invasion on Lebanon, and a date could be weeks or months away.

Responding to the news, the head of the Merom HaGalil regional council, Amit Sofer, said: “After almost a year of fighting in the north, we hear for the first time that the Prime Minister wants to expand the attacks in Lebanon. We support any formula that will bring security to the north, bring back the residents and keep the terrorists away from the border line. I believe that only crushing the enemy will bring such quiet. Now we also want to see actions and not just words.”


IDF Reports Major Successes in Tel Al-Sultan Operations, Eliminates Over 100 Terrorists

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The IDF has reported significant progress in its ongoing operations in the Tel al-Sultan area of Rafah, where troops from the 162nd Division have been carrying out precise, intelligence-driven operations against terrorists. The targeted operations have resulted in the elimination of over 100 terrorists from the Tel al-Sultan Battalion, who were entrenched in the area. In addition to neutralizing terrorists, the IDF has located and destroyed rocket launchers, weapons caches, and other terrorist infrastructure. Among the seized items were sniper rifles, anti-tank missiles, ammunition, and grenades. As part of the broader effort to dismantle underground terror networks, IDF troops have also uncovered multiple tunnel shafts and mapped out extensive underground tunnels over the past two weeks, further weakening the terror groups’ capabilities. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

DNA Proves It: Woman Convicted of Killing Her Neighbor With COVID

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An Austrian woman has been found guilty of fatally infecting her neighbor with COVID-19.

The woman received a three-month suspended sentence and a fine of $886.75 for grossly negligent homicide, avoiding jail time.

The family of the deceased man, who was a cancer patient, alleged that he encountered the 54-year-old woman in a stairwell on Dec. 21, 2021, although she maintained she was too sick to leave her bed that day. However, the viral DNA was a match for both the man and the woman, suggesting with “almost 100 percent” certainty that the defendant had transmitted it, according to an expert witness.

“I feel sorry for you personally—I think that something like this has probably happened hundreds of times,” the judge told the woman at sentencing. “But you are unlucky that an expert has determined with almost absolute certainty that it was an infection that came from you.”

This is the second time the woman has been convicted of an offense related to COVID. Last summer, she received a separate three-month suspended sentence for intentionally endangering people with the virus. Read more.

Going Nuclear: North Korea Releases First Ever Photos of Uranium Facility

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The first ever photos of a North Korean uranium enrichment facility—used to create the country’s stock of nuclear warheads—were released in a provocative move from the hermitic dictatorship.

The images from the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) show state leader Kim Jong Un conferring with military officials amid rows of centrifuges.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un tours a facility involved in the development of weapon-grade nuclear materials at an undisclosed location in North Korea.

KCNA added that Kim has called for the facility—in an “undisclosed location”—to increase its output, a move quickly condemned by South Korea.

Leif Eric-Easley, a professor at Seoul’s Ewah University, told the BBC that North Korea highlighted the facility to “boast of its nuclear development and signal that its weapons program is irreversible.”

He added, “The Kim regime may also be flaunting that it still enjoys diplomatic and economic support from Russia and China.”

Other photos recently released by KNCA show Kim posing with members of his country’s military at an army training base, as well as watching shirtless training drills and a rocket launch. Read more at BBC.

Declassified Memo May Exonerate Ethel Rosenberg

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In a development that could reshape the narrative of one of the most infamous espionage cases of the Cold War, a recently declassified memo from a top U.S. government codebreaker suggests that Ethel Rosenberg may not have been directly involved in spying for the Soviet Union.

The document, obtained by Rosenberg’s sons through a Freedom of Information Act request, has reignited debate about the atomic espionage case that led to the execution of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg in 1953.

The memo, written by Meredith Gardner, who was a linguist and codebreaker for what later became the National Security Agency, states that while Ethel Rosenberg knew about her husband’s espionage activities, she “did not engage in the work herself” due to ill health, the Associated Press reported.

This assessment, made days after Rosenberg’s arrest in August 1950, contradicts the prosecution’s portrayal of her as an active participant in her husband’s spy network.

Robert and Michael Meeropol, the Rosenbergs’ sons, view the memo as a “smoking gun” that proves their mother’s innocence.

“This puts it on both sides of the Atlantic—in other words, both the KGB and the NSA ended up agreeing that Ethel was not a spy,” Robert said. The brothers are now urging President Joe Biden to issue a formal proclamation exonerating their mother.

The Rosenberg case has long been a subject of historical debate and controversy. While Julius Rosenberg is widely accepted to have been a Soviet spy, questions about Ethel’s role have persisted for decades. The newly released memo adds weight to arguments that Ethel may have been unfairly convicted and executed.

However, some historians maintain that there is still evidence of Ethel’s involvement in supporting her husband’s activities. Harvey Klehr, a retired Emory University historian, argues that while she may not have directly passed on classified information, she was “an active participant in her husband’s spy network.”

The memo’s release comes after years of efforts by the Meeropols to clear their mother’s name. In 2015, grand jury testimony from Ethel’s brother, David Greenglass, was unsealed, revealing that he had not implicated his sister in espionage activities, contrary to his damaging trial testimony that helped secure her conviction.

The Meeropols believe that the Gardner memo would have been available to FBI and Justice Department officials during the investigation and prosecution of their parents. This raises questions about why Ethel was put on trial and ultimately executed despite the codebreaker’s assessment.

The case continues to resonate with many in the Jewish community, highlighting issues of antisemitism and the climate of fear during the McCarthy era.

Robert Meeropol, now 77, had a very delayed bar mitzvah celebration six years ago at a Rohr Jewish Learning Institute retreat, where he put on tefillin for the first time and spoke openly about his experiences as the “Cold War’s most famous orphan.”

As the debate over Ethel Rosenberg’s role in the espionage case carries on, the full implications of this new evidence remain to be seen. As his efforts to clear his mother’s name continue, Robert Meeropol noted, “I’m incredibly relieved to have this out while I’m still alive.” JNS


Netanyahu Signals Possible Large-Scale Conflict with Hezbollah in Northern Israel

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned on Thursday during a security meeting that Israel is on the brink of a “large-scale confrontation” with Hezbollah in the north, according to Channel 13 news. Although no specific timeline has been set for the escalation, sources close to Netanyahu suggest it could occur in the coming weeks or months. Security officials during the discussion emphasized that a diplomatic solution alone won’t be enough to return the tens of thousands of displaced northern residents to their homes. The officials reportedly stressed that Israel’s goal is to open a war front with Lebanon when the IDF is fully prepared and international backing is secured. However, they noted this would likely require reallocating some forces currently engaged in Gaza.

911 Calls Overwhelmed Operators After Shooting at Georgia’s Apalachee High School

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A Georgia county’s emergency call center was overwhelmed by calls on Sept. 4 about a school shooting at Apalachee High School, records released Friday by Barrow County show. Local news organizations report many of the 911 phone calls were not released under public record requests because state law exempts from release calls recording the voice of someone younger than 18 years old. That exemption would cover calls from most of the 1,900 students at the school in Winder, northeast of Atlanta. Calls spiked around 10:20 a.m., when authorities have said that 14-year-old Colt Gray began shooting. Many calls were answered with automated message saying there was a “high call volume,” WAGA-TV reported. One man called 911 after receiving text messages from a girlfriend. He was put on hold for just over 10 minutes because of an influx of calls at the time of the shooting, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported. “She hears people yelling outside, so I don’t know if that’s officers in the building or that’s — I don’t know,” he said, adding that she was eventually evacuated out of the school. Other adults also called 911 after their children contacted them. “My daughter calling me crying. Somebody go ‘boom, boom, boom, boom,’ ” one mother said. The 911 operator responded: “Ma’am we have officers out there, OK?” Parents of students at an elementary school and middle school neighboring Apalachee also flooded 911 seeking information. “Sir, my daughter goes to school next door to Apalachee. Is there a school shooter?” one caller asked. “We do have an active situation (at) Apalachee High School right now,” the operator responded. “We have a lot of calls coming in.” More than 500 radio messages between emergency personnel were also released Friday. “Active shooter!” an officer yells in one audio clip while speaking with a dispatcher, CNN reported. Another officer responds, “Correct. We have an active shooter at Apalachee High School.” The shooting killed teachers Richard Aspinwall, 39, and Cristina Irimie, 53, as well as students Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo, both 14. Another teacher and eight more students were wounded, with seven of those hit by gunfire. Colt Gray is charged as an adult with four counts of murder, and District Attorney Brad Smith has said more charges are likely to be filed against him in connection with the wounded. Authorities have also charged his father, Colin Gray, alleging that he gave his son access to the gun when he knew or should have known that the teen was a danger to himself and others. The 13,000 students at Barrow County’s other schools returned to class Tuesday. The 1,900 students who attend Apalachee are supposed to start returning the week of Sept. 23, officials said Friday. (AP)

Pittsburgh Proposes a $500,000 Payment to Settle Bridge Collapse Lawsuits

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The city of Pittsburgh is seeking approval of a half-million-dollar payment to settle lawsuits over the collapse of a bridge into a ravine more than 2 1/2 years ago. Deputy Mayor Jake Pawlak said Friday he had asked the Pittsburgh City Council to authorize a payment of $500,000, the full liability damage cap, to settle lawsuits filed on behalf those who were on the city-owned Forbes Avenue bridge when it fell Jan. 28, 2022, plunging a bus and four cars about 100 feet (30 meters) into the Fern Hollow Creek. Another vehicle drove off the east bridge abutment and landed on its roof. There were injuries but no one died. The agreement needs approval from the council and a judge overseeing the case. Attorneys for the plaintiffs said the action was a surprise but that they appreciated the city “accepting responsibility for allowing one of its bridges to collapse, and agreeing to pay its statutory limits to partially resolve this case,” the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported. Legal action against three engineering firms will continue, they said. Federal investigators have said that the city didn’t adequately maintain or repair the bridge and failed to act on inspection reports, leading to the corrosion of the structure’s steel legs. City officials didn’t dispute the findings and cited creation of a new bridge maintenance division and a tripling of funding for maintenance and repairs. A new bridge at the site 5 miles (8 kilometers) east of downtown Pittsburgh opened in December 2022. (AP)

Police Arrest Illegal Palestinian Disguised As Chareidi From Bnei Brak

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Traffic police operating in Ramat Gan on Friday morning spotted a man riding an electric bike without a helmet properly secured on his head. They stopped the man and after asking him for his ID, he tried to flee. The officer responded swiftly, arresting the suspect and transferring him for questioning at the Bnei Brak police station. During the interrogation, the police discovered that the “Chareidi” man was an illegal Palestinian, 49, from the Shomron. A search of the suspect and his belongings revealed a stolen identification card showing him to be a Chareidi man from Bnei Brak, four mobile phones, an IDF combat soldier identification card, pepper spray, and a large sum of cash. (YWN’s Jerusalem desk is keeping you updated after tzeis ha’Shabbos in Israel)

Hezbollah Fires Heavy Barrage At Tzfas Area On Shabbos

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Non-stop sirens blared in northern Israel from the early hours of Shabbos morning as Hezbollah pounded the area with a heavy rocket barrage of over 60 rockets and drones. The rockets were aimed mainly at Tzfas, the Galil, and the Kinneret area. Most of the rockets fell in open areas and others were intercepted by the Iron Dome.  B’Chasdei Hashem, there were no injuries but several fires broke out in multiple locations in the Upper Galil. In response to the launches, the IDF carried out aristrikes on Hezbollah terror sites in southern Lebanon and destroyed one of the rocket launchers used in the attack. (YWN’s Jerusalem desk is keeping you updated after tzeis ha’Shabbos in Israel)

Rasmussen: Trump Leads Harris After Debate

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A recent survey by Rasmussen Reports, released on Thursday, reveals that former President Donald Trump is narrowly leading Vice President Kamala Harris by two percentage points, with Trump at 49% and Harris at 47%. This lead follows their intense debate on Tuesday.

Despite this snapshot, pollsters noted that the data, collected from September 5 and September 8-11 among 2,390 likely voters, might not fully capture the debate’s influence. Previously, Trump was slightly ahead by one point, with 47% to Harris’s 46%.

The current poll has a margin of error of three points and a confidence level of 95%. It also indicates that only 1% of respondents are considering other candidates, while 2% remain undecided.

Trump’s edge in the poll is attributed to his stronger support among independent voters. He received 51% of the independent vote compared to Harris’s 39%. On the other hand, Harris garnered 82% of Democratic votes, whereas Trump secured 82% of Republican votes.

Additionally, Trump leads among men with 54% to Harris’s 42%, while Harris is favored by women with 51% to Trump’s 46%.

Breaking down the results by ethnicity, the poll shows:

  • White voters: Trump at 49%, Harris at 47%.
  • Black voters: Trump at 33%, Harris at 64%.
  • Hispanic voters: Trump at 58%, Harris at 38%.
  • Other minorities: Trump at 64%, Harris at 30%.

Regarding age demographics, Harris is leading among voters under 40 with 50% to Trump’s 44%. However, Trump is ahead among those aged 40-64 by 51% to 46%, and he also holds an eight-point lead among voters aged 65 and older.

In terms of political ideology, 90% of self-identified liberals support Harris, while 77% of conservatives back Trump. Harris also leads among moderate voters with 55% to Trump’s 44%.

When it comes to income, Harris is favored by voters earning more than $200,000 annually, with 56% supporting her compared to Trump’s 40%. Conversely, Trump leads by six percentage points among voters with an income between $30,000 and $50,000, receiving 51% of the vote compared to Harris’s 45%.

Finally, among voters who believe the country is on the right track, 84% support Harris. Conversely, 75% of those who think the country is heading in the wrong direction favor Trump.


EVIL PARTNERS: Yahya Sinwar Writes Letter Thanking Nasrallah For Support

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A message reportedly sent by Yahya Sinwar, leader of Hamas, to Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah’s secretary-general, surfaced on Hezbollah’s official Telegram channel on Friday morning. In this correspondence, Sinwar conveyed his appreciation to Hezbollah for their support.

Sinwar thanked Nasrallah for expressing condolences after the death of Ismail Haniyeh, the former Hamas political chief. Haniyeh was killed in an explosion in Tehran this past July. Although there are allegations that Israel was behind the killing, no official confirmation has been given by Israeli authorities.

Since the attacks on October 7, Sinwar has not made any public appearances, with many believing that he is directing the conflict from Gaza’s underground tunnel network. This note marks the second communication from Sinwar this week, following a message on Tuesday in which Hamas announced that Sinwar had sent congratulations to Algerian President Abdulmadjid Tebboune on his reelection.

The letter begins with, “Honorable Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of Hezbollah in Lebanon, peace and blessings.”

It continues, “We, in the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, have received your letter with great respect and appreciation, which included blessings and condolences for the fall of our martyrs, including your comrade in the struggle and resistance, the martyred leader Ismail Haniyeh ‘Abu Abed,’ head of the political bureau of the movement, and his companion, the martyr Wasim Abu Shaban ‘Abu Anas.'”

Sinwar went on to express deep gratitude for Hezbollah’s solidarity, noting the group’s “noble actions” in supporting the broader resistance movement and its involvement in the Palestinian cause. He offered prayers for the safety of Nasrallah and Lebanon. “We pray that God blesses your efforts and protects you and your country from harm,” the letter said.

The message also highlighted the death of Haniyeh, whom Sinwar described as “the leader and symbol of the nation of Palestine, ‘Abu Abed,’” noting that he died during the “Al-Aqsa Storm,” a battle Sinwar called one of the most critical in the history of the Palestinian people.

In closing, Sinwar reaffirmed Hamas’ commitment to continue the struggle until “the expulsion of the occupation” and the establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. He underscored the necessity of protecting sacred sites, particularly the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

{Matzav.com Israel}

Too Much? Many Americans Feel The Need To Limit Their Political News, Poll Finds

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When her husband turns on the television to hear news about the upcoming presidential election, that’s often a signal for Lori Johnson Malveaux to leave the room. It can get to be too much. Often, she’ll go to a TV in another room to watch a movie on the Hallmark Channel or BET. She craves something comforting and entertaining. And in that, she has company. While about half of Americans say they are following political news “extremely” or “very” closely, about 6 in 10 say they need to limit how much information they consume about the government and politics to avoid feeling overloaded or fatigued, according to a new survey from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and USAFacts. Make no mistake: Malveaux plans to vote. She always does. “I just get to the point where I don’t want to hear the rhetoric,” she said. The 54-year-old Democrat said she’s most bothered when she hears people on the news telling her that something she saw with her own eyes — like the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol — didn’t really happen. “I feel like I’m being gaslit. That’s the way to put it,” she said. Sometimes it feels like ‘a bombardment’ Caleb Pack, 23, a Republican from Ardmore, Oklahoma, who works in IT, tries to keep informed through the news feeds on his phone, which is stocked with a variety of sources, including CNN, Fox News, The Wall Street Journal and The Associated Press. Yet sometimes, Pack says, it seems like a bombardment. “It’s good to know what’s going on, but both sides are pulling a little bit extreme,” he said. “It just feels like it’s a conversation piece everywhere, and it’s hard to escape it.” Media fatigue isn’t a new phenomenon. A Pew Research Center survey conducted in late 2019 found roughly two in three Americans felt worn out by the amount of news there is, about the same as in a poll taken in early 2018. During the 2016 presidential campaign, about 6 in 10 people felt overloaded by campaign news. But it can be particularly acute with news related to politics. The AP-NORC/USAFacts poll found that half of Americans feel a need to limit their consumption of information related to crime or overseas conflicts, while only about 4 in 10 are limiting news about the economy and jobs. It’s easy to understand, with television outlets like CNN, Fox News Channel and MSNBC full of political talk and a wide array of political news online, sometimes complicated by disinformation. “There’s a glut of information,” said Richard Coffin, director of research and advocacy for USAFacts, “and people are having a hard time figuring out what is true or not.” Women are more likely to feel they need to limit media In the AP-NORC poll, about 6 in 10 men said they follow news about elections and politics at least “very” closely, compared to about half of women. For all types of news, not just politics, women are more likely than men to report the need to limit their media consumption, the survey found. White adults are also more likely than Black or Hispanic adults to say they need to limit media consumption on politics, the poll found. Kaleb Aravzo, 19, a Democrat, gets a baseline of news by listening to […]

Watch: Walz Rally Crowd Mocks Trump Claim: ‘Not Eating Cats’

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When Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz asked a rally crowd in Michigan if they had expected former President Donald Trump to burn part of Tuesday’s night’s presidential debate on false claims about pet-eating Haitian migrants in Ohio, the crowd responded by breaking out into chants of “we’re not eating cats.”

The rebuke, recorded by journalists in attendance, was to the cadence of the Harris-Walz campaign catchphrase “we’re not going back,” which is frequently chanted at the vice president’s rallies.

In response to the cat-chant at Thursday’s rally, Walz said, “It would be funnier, too, if it weren’t so dangerous.”

“It’s not as if I didn’t warn these guys a few months ago: You mess with cat people and you will find out,” he said. “They did. So beautiful strategy there.”

Read more at The New York Times.

Islamic Extremist Plotted To Attack German Soldiers During Their Lunch Break, Prosecutors Say

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An alleged Islamic extremist has been arrested in connection with plotting an attack on German soldiers during their lunch break in Munich, killing as many of them as possible and causing a feeling of insecurity among the larger population, authorities said Friday. The 27-year-old Syrian is a suspected supporter of radical Islamic ideology, according to the Munich public prosecutor’s office. It said that the suspect procured two machetes, each about 40 centimeters (15.75 inches) long, earlier this month, and allegedly planned to attack the soldiers with them. The suspect was brought before a judge on Friday following his arrest a day earlier, the prosecutor’s office said in a statement. His name was not released in line with German privacy rules. The arrest comes after an Aug. 23 attack in Solingen that left three people dead and eight wounded. A 26-year-old Syrian suspect was arrested. He was an asylum-seeker who was supposed to be deported to Bulgaria last year but reportedly disappeared for a time and avoided deportation. The Islamic State militant group claimed responsibility for the violence, without providing evidence. The violence left Germany shaken and pushed immigration back to the top of the country’s political agenda. In response, the interior ministry extended temporary border controls to all of its nine frontiers this week. The closures are set to last six months and are threatening to test European unity. (AP)

Muslim-Majority Albania to Open Economic Mission in Yerushalayim

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Albania will open a commercial liaison office in Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish state, Prime Minister Edi Rama told Israeli President Yitzchak Herzog during a meeting in Tirana on Thursday.

The move “marks a significant upgrade in the strong relationship between the two nations and represents a symbol of the deep friendship between the two peoples,” according to a statement by Herzog.

Herzog’s trip to the Albanian capital marked the first official visit of Israel’s head of state to the Muslim-majority Balkan nation. The president was accompanied by Idit Ohel, an Israeli of Serbian origin whose son Alon was taken hostage when Hamas attacked the Supernova music festival near Kibbutz Re’im on Oct. 7, 2023.

“It is especially meaningful to be among friends at this painful time for Israel, as we near the one-year mark since Hamas terrorists brutally attacked Israel. One year since thousands of terrorists invaded our country, savagely murdered and wounded thousands, and kidnapped hundreds of Israelis and foreign nationals into Gaza,” Herzog told Rama.

“Your country has shown, again and again, that you stand with the people of Israel as we fight to defend our borders and our civilization,” he continued. “Unfortunately, we are fighting more than one terrorist enemy simultaneously. The trail of blood linking all of the agents of hate is Iran, and its cruel, antisemitic fixation with the destruction of the State of Israel.”

The Albanian premier presented his Israeli guests with a book of his paintings as a token of appreciation and stressed the importance of freeing the remaining 101 hostages from Hamas captivity in Gaza.

“Thank you for having brought here with you the mother of hostage, of Alon, to whom I had the privilege to dedicate a book of my art. And I’ll pray for him to get back,” Rama said.

“I want to send a very brotherly message to all the parents of the hostages on one hand, expressing the most heartfelt condolences to all of them who lost their kids, who lost their loved ones in this horrendous moment in time, and on the other hand, to wish to all the others, to hug their kids and to hug their loved ones as soon as possible,” he said.

“These images of that day, that very dark day, not just for Israel, but for all the world, were images that no one should forget,” he added.

On Wednesday, Herzog traveled to Belgrade, Serbia, where he met with President Aleksandar Vučić, Prime Minister Miloš Vučević, Foreign Minister Marko Đurić, Parliament Speaker Ana Brnabić and members of the Jewish community.


WHO Grants First Mpox Vaccine Approval To Ramp Up Response To Disease In Africa

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The World Health Organization said Friday it has granted its first authorization for use of a vaccine against mpox in adults, calling it an important step toward fighting the disease in Africa. The approval of the vaccine by Bavarian Nordic A/S means that donors like vaccines alliance Gavi and UNICEF can buy it. But supplies are limited because there’s only a single manufacturer. “This first (authorization) of a vaccine against mpox is an important step in our fight against the disease, both in the context of the current outbreaks in Africa, and in future,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. The U.N. health agency chief called for “urgent” scale-up of procurement, donations and rollout to get the vaccine where it is needed most, along with other response measures. Under the WHO authorization, the vaccine can be administered in people aged 18 or above in a two-dose regimen. The approval says that while the vaccine is not currently licensed for those under 18 years old, it may be used in infants, children and adolescents “in outbreak settings where the benefits of vaccination outweigh the potential risks.” The mpox vaccine made by Bavarian Nordic was previously authorized by numerous rich countries across Europe and North America during the global mpox outbreak in 2022. Millions of doses given to adults showed the vaccine helped slow the virus’ spread, but there is limited evidence of how it works in children. Officials at the Africa Center for Disease Control and Prevention said last month that nearly 70% of cases in Congo — the country hardest hit by mpox — are in children younger than 15, who also accounted for 85% of deaths. Overall, WHO said over 120 countries have confirmed more than 103,000 cases of mpox since the outbreak began two years ago. Its latest tally, as of Sunday, showed that 723 people in more than a dozen countries in Africa have died of the disease. African experts have estimated they might need about 10 million vaccines to stop the ongoing outbreaks on the continent. As of last week, Congo, the most-affected country, had received only about 250,000 doses. On Thursday, the Africa CDC said 107 new deaths and 3,160 new cases had been recorded in the past week, just a week after it and WHO launched a continental response plan. Mpox belongs to the same family of viruses as smallpox but causes milder symptoms like fever, chills and body aches. People with more serious cases can develop lesions on the face, hands, chest and genitals. (AP)

UH, YEAH — SHE SAID THAT! TIME Magazine Forced to Issue Correction After Claiming Kamala Never Supported Funding Gender Changes for Migrants

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The media mob still doesn’t understand how radical Kamala Harris is…

TIME Magazine was forced to issue a correction on a story that recapped the first presidential debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

During the debate, Trump correctly stated that Kamala Harris was in favor of taxpayer-funded gender treatments for illegal migrants and prisoners; “Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens who are in prison,” Trump said.

Harris said she would support taxpayer-funded gender care for detained migrants in an ACLU candidate questionnaire when she ran for president in 2019.

“The original version of this story mischaracterized as false Donald Trump’s statement accusing Kamala Harris of supporting ‘transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison’ As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition treatment for detained immigrants,” a correction read.

See the correction below:

More over at Fox News:



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