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Esteemed Rabbonim Endorse the Lakewood of Israel’s South

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Rabbi Aharon Asayag – Bringing avrechim to Kiryat Beit Halevi

The Kiryat Beit Halevi project in Netivot is well underway, aiming to establish a vibrant Torah community with 36,000 housing units to be built over the next few years. This development will include multiple Talmud Torahs, Kollelim, Yeshivas, shopping centers, and playgrounds, creating a community approximately the size of Kiryat Sefer (Modiin Ilit) today. In addition, another 12,000 units are planned for the Kiryat Beit Halevi community, offering homes at significantly lower prices—starting around $200,000 less than similar properties in established haredi communities like Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, and Beit Shemesh. The result: a complete transformation of this area within Israel’s periphery into a center for heimish living.

As Kiryat Beit Halevi continues to take shape and with the strong backing of prominent Rabbonim and gedolei yeshivos, the initiative has moved from words to action, embodying a deep commitment to building a Torah-true community in the South. Recently, a series of gatherings with leading Rabbonim and anshei maase have taken place, highlighting how Kiryat Beit Halevi is rapidly becoming a community for young families seeking affordable housing, quality chinuch, and a strong kehilla, all within a framework that upholds our mesorah and values.

Living a Life of Torah in Its Splendor

HaRav HaGaon Rabbi Chaim Peretz Berman, shlita, of Yeshivas Ponovezh

At a recent gathering, Rabbi Shraga Boyer, shlita, addressed the need for greater awareness and quality among families joining the Netivot community. He emphasized the importance of carefully selecting the first wave of residents to set a high standard for the community’s growth. “We are investing in the first 350 units, ensuring they house the most devoted families, under careful guidance and encouragement,” he said. He noted that Beit Halevi is building the initial community of haredi families that will live in the 1,500 completed units, with plans for an additional 3,000 in the near future, and reflected on the community’s early successes, citing the recent registration of just 23 avrechim from Yeshivas Tifrach.

Rabbi Boyer’s speech was aligned with similar expressions by HaRav HaGaon Rabbi Chaim Peretz Berman, shlita, of the Ponovezh yeshiva in Bnei brak, though he was clear about the challenges: “It’s not easy to convince an avrech to move to Netivot. But with the right support and infrastructure, and with Rav Aharon Asayag’s vision, the community will flourish, much like the initial years of a yeshiva. We are already seeing results. Friends are bringing friends, and families are bringing families. The pioneers who come first will pave the way for a bright future.”

A Safe Haven for Torah

Remarks made by Rabbi Ephraim Rothschild, shlita, Ram at Yeshivas Torah B’Tifartaat the same event focused on the importance of ensuring that the new community maintains its Torah values. He warned of the dangers of living among those who do not share the same commitment to Torah life. “It’s not enough to live in a place that seems religious. The environment must fully support the Torah lifestyle,” he cautioned.

Rabbi Rothschild stressed the community’s commitment to establishing a true Torah environment, free from negative influences, even if it means facing challenges. “The essence of a Torah community,” he said, “is not just about the location but the spiritual and communal integrity. Netivot will be a place where Torah scholars can grow without compromise, where families can live without the distractions and pitfalls found elsewhere.”

A Vision for Torah Growth in Netivot

HaRav HaGaon Rabbi Meir Kessler, shlita, Rabbi of Modiin Illit

At another gathering, HaRav HaGaon Rabbi Meir Kessler, shlita, Rabbi of Modiin Illit, spoke passionately about the ongoing development of Kiryat Beit Halevi in Netivot. Reflecting on his experiences visiting the city over a decade ago, Rav Kessler expressed his deep admiration for the local community, emphasizing the remarkable growth and dedication that has only intensified in recent years. He highlighted the vision and significant role of Rav Aharon Asayag, shlita, in establishing and nurturing Torah institutions and chessed in Netivot’s haredi community, which have become a cornerstone of the community’s development.

Rav Kessler emphasized that Netivot is not just another city, but a place where Torah can flourish “L’Chatchila B’L’Chatchila—at the highest levels, much like the well-known haredi communities in Israel’s center. He noted the unique atmosphere in Netivot, where even those who are not fully observant possess respect for Torah and yiras shamayim, creating an environment conducive to spiritual growth. 

Rav Kessler also shared insights from gedolim about the broader significance of such projects, likening the responsibility of establishing Torah communities to matters of pikuach nefesh, a term traditionally reserved for life-and-death situations. This comparison, originally made by Maran Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, zt”l, to Rabbi Raphael Hoffman, shlita, one of the prominent askanim in Israel’s haredi housing, upon entering the Ministry of Housing, stresses the profound importance of creating and supporting Torah environments in Eretz Yisrael.

Ensuring Quality Construction

Rabbi Raphael Hoffman, shlita, one of the prominent askanim in Israel’s haredi housing

Rabbi Hoffman shared insights into the meticulous planning and high standards implemented in the Kiryat Beit Halevi project. He described the rigorous process of selecting contractors and designing the homes to meet the specific needs of haredi families. “We’ve spared no effort to ensure these homes are not just affordable but of the highest quality, designed for the unique requirements of our community,” Rabbi Hoffman said. He highlighted the involvement of Rav Aharon Asayag and a haredi interior architect in planning the homes, ensuring every detail, from the electrical layouts to the positioning of bookcases, supports a Torah lifestyle.

“We are not just building houses; we are building a future for Torah scholars and their families,” he asserted, emphasizing the project’s long-term vision.

A Foundation of Unity and Spiritual Growth

HaRav HaGaon Rabbi Moshe Pilz, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Tifrach

At another event, HaRav HaGaon Rabbi Moshe Pilz, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Tifrach, welcomed those interested in joining the growing Kiryat Beit Halevi community. He spoke about the importance of unity in a community rooted in Torah values, quoting the verse, “Hiney ma tov u’ma naim, sheves achim gam yachad.” Rabbi Pilz emphasized, “When individuals with shared values and common spiritual aspirations come together, it creates not just a community, but a strong bond of mutual support… This project is not just about finding affordable housing; it’s about continuing the shared values and unity that have shaped us.”

Rabbi Pilz also pointed out that the support for this initiative is a reflection of genuine concern for the continuity of Torah life. He acknowledged the investors and supporters, saying, “Their commitment is about ensuring the community’s spiritual and material well-being.”

The Goal: 150 New Families By Rosh Hashanah

Simulation: Kiryat Beit Halevi

Over one hundred avrechim have already bought homes in Kiryat Beit Halevi in Netivot, drawn by its unique blend of affordability, quality, and a supportive environment for Torah learning and living. With the goal of reaching 150 avrechim by Rosh Hashanah, and 200 by Chanukkah, and bolstered by strong haskamos from many gedolim, the community’s continued development falls in line with words shared by Rabbi Pilz about the collective effort required to build a thriving Torah community in Netivot: “May Hashem help us succeed in our endeavors, and may we merit to see this community grow in strength and in the values that brought us together.” 

Watch: Shabbos Kestenbaum Addresses Donald Trump Rally at Nassau Coliseum

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Shabbos Kestenbaum, a Jewish Harvard University graduate and current Master’s student, took the stage at the Nassau Coliseum last night, addressing a rally for former President Donald Trump.

Kestenbaum is well-known for currently engaging in legal action against Harvard over its handling of antisemitic incidents.

The event, which drew a large and diverse audience, provided Kestenbaum with a platform to discuss his views on key issues affecting both the community and the nation.

“Certainly, political disagreement is vital for our democracy,” he said. “I encourage all Americans, regardless of politics, to unite against the scourge of anti-Americanism and antisemitism plaguing our institutions of higher learning.”

Watch the speech above.

HY’D: Two IDF Soldiers Killed In Hezbollah Missile & Drone Attacks In Northern Israel

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The IDF has announced that two Israeli soldiers were killed, and several others were injured in missile and drone attacks by Hezbollah on northern Israel today. Major (res.) Nael Fwarsy, 43, from Maghar. and Sgt. Tomer Keren, 20, from Haifa. Fwarsy lost his life, and another soldier sustained minor injuries when a Hezbollah-launched explosive-laden drone hit an area near Ya’ara in the Western Galilee. Keren was killed, and eight other soldiers were injured, one critically, after two anti-tank missiles fired by Hezbollah from Lebanon struck a position at Ramim Ridge, located along the border in the Galilee Panhandle.

Kim Calls For Bolstering Nuclear And Conventional Weapons After Testing 2 Types Of Missiles

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North Korea said Thursday that leader Kim Jong Un supervised successful tests of two types of missiles — one designed to carry a “super-large conventional warhead” and the other likely for a nuclear warhead, as he ordered officials to bolster up his country’s military capabilities to repel U.S.-led threats. The tests were apparent references to the multiple missile launches that neighboring countries said North Korea performed off its east coast on Wednesday, extending its run of weapons display as confrontations with the U.S. and South Korea escalate. The official Korean Central News Agency said that Kim oversaw the launch of the country’s newly built Hwasongpho-11-Da-4.5 ballistic missile tipped with a dummy “4.5-ton super-large conventional warhead.” It said the test-firing was meant to verify an ability to accurately hit a 320 kilometer (200 mile)-range target, suggesting it’s a weapon aimed at striking sites in South Korea. KCNA said Kim also guided the launch of an improved “strategic” cruise missile, a word implying the weapons were developed to carry nuclear warheads. KCNA cited Kim as stressing the need to continue to “bolster up the nuclear force” and acquire “overwhelming offensive capability in the field of conventional weapons, too.” “Only when we have strong power, can we contain and frustrate the enemies’ strategic misjudgment and will to use armed forces,” Kim said, according to KCNA. North Korea has been pushing to introduce a variety of sophisticated weapons systems designed to attack both South Korea and the mainland U.S. to deal with what it calls its rivals’ intensifying security threats. Many foreign experts say North Korea would ultimately want to use its enlarged arsenal as leverage to win greater concessions in future dealings with the U.S. Worries about North Korea deepened last week as it disclosed photos of a secretive facility built to enrich uranium for nuclear bombs. Since May, North Korea has also floated thousands of trash-carrying balloons toward South Korea, prompting the South to resume anti-North loudspeaker broadcasts at border areas. (AP)

WATCH: Israeli Fighter Jets Fly Over Beirut, Sonic Booms Heard as Hezbollah Leader Delivers Major Speech

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Israeli fighter jets were seen flying over Beirut while Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was delivering a speech, according to reports. Lebanese state media indicated that the jets were causing sonic booms over the city. Footage shared on social media captured the Israeli aircraft flying at low altitudes and releasing flares. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

REVENGE ATTACKS: Ten Wounded In Two Separate Hezbollah Attacks On Northern Israel

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Ten people were wounded in northern Israel on Thursday in two separate attacks by Iran’s Lebanese terror proxy Hezbollah, according to Hebrew media reports.

In the morning, eight people were wounded when two anti-tank missiles fired from Lebanon struck the Ramim Ridge area of Israel’s Upper Galilee.

According to Channel 12, six of the victims were evacuated to Ziv Medical Center in Safed, while the remaining two were transported to Rambam Hospital in Haifa. Kan News reported that the two taken to Rambam were listed as being in moderate to serious condition.

Israeli troops reportedly responded with artillery fire at the launch site.

In the afternoon, two people were wounded by a drone strike near the town of Ya’ara in the Western Galilee.

The IDF said that “an explosive UAV was identified falling adjacent to the community of Ya’ara. No fragments were identified falling in the area of the community.”

The military also said that on Thursday afternoon a drone was detected crossing from Lebanon into Israeli territory and impacting adjacent to Beit Hillel.

“Israel Fire and Rescue Services are currently operating to extinguish a fire that erupted as a result of the fragments. No injuries were reported. No fragments were identified falling inside the area of the community,” the IDF reported.

Hezbollah took responsibility for launching the drones, saying they were fired at artillery positions near Beit Hillel and that it was in revenge for IDF strikes in Southern Lebanon, in particular Kfarkela.

Channel 12 also published a video capturing a direct hit on a chicken coop in the moshav of Margaliot in the Upper Galilee.

IAF strikes Hezbollah sites

The Israeli Air Force overnight Wednesday struck Hezbollah terrorist infrastructure in seven areas of Southern Lebanon, the military said on Thursday morning.

Buildings used by the Iranian terrorist proxy were hit in the areas of Chihine, Taybeh, Blida, Meiss, El Jabal, Aitaroun and Kfarkela.

In addition, a Hezbollah weapons storage facility was struck in the area of Khiam.

“The IDF will continue to operate against the threat of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in order to defend the State of Israel,” the army said.


Search For Suspect In Kentucky Highway Shooting Ends With Discovery Of Shooter’s Body

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A body found in rural southeastern Kentucky is believed to be the man suspected of shooting and wounding five people on an interstate highway, authorities said Wednesday night. Kentucky State Police Commissioner Phillip Burnett Jr. said at a news briefing that the body discovered earlier in the day is believed to be Joseph Couch, of Woodbine. Authorities hoped the discovery would end an intense, nearly two-week search that had area residents on edge. “People have been in fear,” Laurel County Sheriff John Root said. “That’s not the normal here in Laurel County. So now that this has been discovered, I hope that our county can get back to what’s normal.” Burnett said accessories found with the body led authorities to conclude it is him. He had no details on the cause of death, saying that will be confirmed in an autopsy, but he said a weapon was found at the site. “I don’t think nobody on this stage wished that we would have found him in the condition that we found,” Rood said at the news conference. “I’d rather he’d been alive and he could have paid for what he’s done.” Authorities said the body was found following a lengthy search of the rugged and hilly terrain in the area where the Sept. 7 attack happened. Investigators were working to identify it, state police Master Trooper Scottie Pennington said earlier in a social media post. It was located in the vicinity of the Interstate 75 exit near London, a city of about 8,000 people about 75 miles (120 kilometers) south of Lexington. The highway shootings led some schools to shut down shift to virtual learning for several days as authorities warned area residents to be vigilant. Schools reopened Tuesday with extra police security in the county where the shooting happened. Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear has called the shootings an “act of violence and evil.” A dozen vehicles were struck as the shooter fired 20 to 30 rounds near an interstate exit, creating a chaotic scene. Authorities rushed to the scene after being alerted at about 5:30 p.m. The five victims survived the attack but some suffered serious injuries. After sending the text message vowing to “kill a lot of people” before the attack, Couch sent another saying, “I’ll kill myself afterwards,” investigators said in an affidavit. The document did not describe the relationship between Couch and the woman who received the texts. However, Couch and the woman have a child together but were never married, according to an attorney who handled the custody arrangement for the couple and their son born in 2016. Searchers found Couch’s abandoned vehicle near the crime scene and a semi-automatic weapon that investigators believe was used in the shooting. An Army-style duffel bag that was found had “Couch” hand-written in marker, and a phone believed to be Couch’s also was found but the battery had been taken out. Authorities said he purchased the AR-15 weapon and about 1,000 rounds of ammunition at a London gun store hours before the shooting. Couch had a military background in the Army Reserve. The U.S. Army said he served from 2013 to 2019 as a combat engineer. He was a private when he left and had no deployments. The search focused on a densely wooded area about 8 miles […]

Trump’s Expected Visit to Williamsburg’s Gottlieb’s Restaurant Cancelled Following Owner’s Passing

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Donald Trump’s highly anticipated visit to Gottlieb’s Restaurant in Williamsburg, Brooklyn today has been cancelled following the sudden passing of R’ Shalom Yosef Gottlieb z”l, the restaurant’s longtime owner.  R’ Shalom Yosef was 75.

Sources close to the situation have indicated that while there is a possibility the visit could be relocated, it is unlikely due to security concerns.

The beloved restaurant, known as a cornerstone in the Williamsburg community for decades, had been a planned stop for Trump during his visit to New York City.

Further details about any rescheduling or alternative plans have yet to be confirmed.

R’ Shalom Yosef was renowned not just for his role as the owner of Gottlieb’s, but for his boundless kindness and chesed that touched the lives of many. Known for his giving nature and selflessness, R’ Gottlieb quietly helped those in need, providing meals to families who couldn’t afford them and extending a hand of support to anyone who walked through his doors. His humility was evident in the way he went about his acts of kindness, never seeking recognition, but always ensuring that no one left his restaurant hungry or in need. His generosity and warm heart made him a beloved figure in the Williamsburg community, where his legacy of chesed will continue to inspire all who knew him.

Yehi zichro boruch.


Multitudes Across the Globe to Participate in 10th Annual Dirshu Yom Limud and Tefillah on Yahrtzeit of the Chofetz Chaim

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If there was ever a time that Klal Yisrael needed to unite in a massive outpouring of tefillah and achdus; if there was ever a time when tens of thousands of tinokos shel beis rabban needed to come together to invoke rachmei shomayim, that time is now! The world is on fire. Eretz Yisrael is under attack from multiple enemies, surrounded by ruthless adversaries who seek to destroy all Jews. Antisemitism is running rampant in ways that have not been seen since the Holocaust. The stability of the world order is under threat and the fingers of Jew haters are being pointed at us. They have come out of the shadows and they are unabashedly in the open.   That is why Dirshu’s 10th Annual International Yom Limud and Tefillah, to be held on Friday, 24 Elul/September 27, the Chofetz Chaim’s yahrtzeit, can’t come sooner.  There is perhaps no one in recent generations who did so much to help and enrich Klal Yisrael – both in sur mei’rah and asei tov as the Chofetz Chaim. Whether it is the sefer Chofetz Chaim that brought to the forefront of Klal Yisrael’s agenda the importance of being careful with one’s speech, Ahavas Chessed that codified all the halachos of chessed or the Chofetz Chaim’s magnum opus the sefer Mishnah Berurah that continues to be the foundational daily halacha sefer in Klal Yisrael, still today we are being spiritually enriched by the Chofetz Chaim.  For this reason, Dirshu in a remarkable global effort to invoke rachmei shomayim, is holding a multifaceted Yom Limud and Tefillah that will encompass all of Klal Yisrael the world over, including tinokos shel beis rabban, bnei yeshiva, Bais Yaakov schools, baalei battim and any caring Jew.  This year’s Yom Limud and Tefillah will also showcase a special videocast on Motzoei Shabbos, 25 Elul, at 9:00 p.m. EDT, and running throughout Sunday. The videocast will feature unique chizuk by leading Gedolei Yisrael including HaGaon HaRav Shimon Galei, shlita, Mashpia and Rosh Kollel, HaGaon Harav Shmuel Eliezer Stern, shlita, Av Beis Din Shaarei Horaah, Rav David Ozeri, Rav of Congregation Yad Yosef of Brooklyn, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, Nasi Dirshu, Rav Daniel Glatstein, Rav of Kehilas Tiferes Mordechai of Cedarhurst, and Rav Zev Smith, Maggid Shiur Dirshu, Daf HaYomi B’Halacha and Irgun Shiurei Torah. One of the highlights of the videocast promises to be historical footage of HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein, zt”l, wherein he gives detailed hadracha for Bnei Torah on how to succeed in learning.  Undoubtedly, the videocast with divrei chizuk from the Gedolim in honor of the Chofetz Chaim’s yahrtzeit serve as an ideal way to prepare for the Yom Hadin.  An even greater zechus is the remarkable achdus that will be seen on that day! Klal Yisrael, in six continents, across various countries, will be united by learning the same page of Mishnah Berurah, from siman 266 in hilchos Shabbos, the page learned in the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha program for 24 Elul, and chapter 11 in the sefer Chomas Hadas, written by the Chofetz Chaim.  Klal Yisrael will also come together to recite chapters 20 and 130 of Tehillim followed by the tefillah of Acheinu Beis Yisrael. Simultaneously, a unique program for schools will take place in more than 300 cities across the world with many hundreds of participating […]

Trump on Long Island: I’m No Threat to Democracy, Dems Are

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Former President Donald Trump addressed an enthusiastic audience in Uniondale, New York, on Wednesday evening, asserting that he has a message for Vice President Kamala Harris and other Democrats: Despite their efforts to incite fear, he claims that they are the real threat to democracy, not him.

“The message is, it’s time to stop the lies,” Trump declared at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Long Island. His rally was broadcast live on Newsmax and streamed online via Newsmax2. This event marked his first campaign rally since the Secret Service thwarted a second assassination attempt on him in Florida the previous Sunday.

“Stop the hoaxes,” Trump urged. “Stop the smears. Stop the lawfare and the fake lawsuits against me and stop claiming your opponents will turn America into a dictatorship.

“Give me a break. Because the fact is that I’m not a threat to democracy, they are. They’re doing things in politics that have never been done before in the history of our country, and worst of all, with their open borders and bad elections, they have made us into a Third-World nation, something which nobody thought was even possible. Americans deserve a campaign based on the issues. We try and keep it on the issues.”

Trump expressed gratitude to God for his survival once again. The first attempt on his life occurred on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania, when he was hit in the right ear by a bullet fired from about 130 yards away by Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20.

On Sunday, while golfing in Palm Beach, Florida, a Secret Service agent shot at a suspected assailant, Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, who was hiding in the bushes several hundred yards away from Trump’s location on the golf course.

“There are those that say he did it because Trump is going to turn this state around, he’s going to turn this country around, he’s going to make America great again and we’re going to bring back the religion into our country,” Trump said.

“These encounters with death have not broken my will. They have really given me a much bigger and stronger mission. They’ve only hardened my resolve to use my time on earth to make America great again for all Americans, to put America first.”



Report: Gallant Apologizes To Netanyahu, Asks For A New Start

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Sources in Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s inner circle say that Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has spoken to the prime minister privately in the past day and apologized for his past behavior, Israeli journalist Ben Caspit reported on Thursday morning. According to the report, Gallant acknowledged some of his mistakes and suggested that he turn over a new leaf. Netanyahu reportedly just murmured and mumbled something in response. The report comes after intense negotiations for Gideon Sa’ar to imminently join the government and possibly replace Gallant as the defense minister. The negotiations came to an abrupt halt when the “exploding pagers” operation began in Lebanon. Caspit wrote. “It’s not I think that there was a true reconciliation between Gallant and Netanyahu, but the extreme tensions in the north and the potential for escalation at any moment…have now reduced the stakes and urgency of the process.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

BD”E: Owner Of Gottlieb’s Restaurant, R’ Shulem Yosef, Niftar Hours Before Trump Visit

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YWN regrets to inform you of the petirah of R’ Shalom Yosef Gottlieb z”l, the owner of Gottlieb’s restaurant in Williamsburg, which Donald Trump was scheduled to visit later today. R’ Shalom Yosef, 75, was the longtime proprietor of the popular food establishment, and widely known as a kind and caring man who performed tremendous amounts of chesed b’tzina. His sudden petirah on Thursday morning has sent shockwaves through Williamsburg and the Orthodox Jewish community in the tri-state area, who had expected him to be standing alongside Trump today. YWN previously reported that Secret Service agents scoped out the restaurant earlier this week to ensure it would meet security protocols ahead of the Republican nominee’s visit. Trump’s visit to the restaurant has been canceled. R’ Shalom Yosef’s son, Menashe yb”l, had been very involved in preparing the restaurant for the former president’s visit. The sudden petirah of his father has sadly precluded his plans. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

WATCH THIS: Jewish Democrat Shabbos Kestenbaum Speaks at Trump Rally, Calls for Unity Against Antisemitism

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Shabbos Kestenbaum, a Jewish Harvard alumnus and lifelong Democrat, made headlines recently when he filed a lawsuit against Harvard University for what he described as rising antisemitism on campus, particularly following the October 7 terrorist attacks in Israel. In a surprising political turn, Kestenbaum delivered a passionate speech at a Trump rally held at Nassau Coliseum in Long Island, where he addressed a packed crowd. Kestenbaum’s appearance at the rally caught the attention of many, given his traditionally Democratic alignment. However, his involvement is a reflection of his growing concern over antisemitism and other issues affecting American Jews, which he feels are not being adequately addressed by current leaders in his party. Following his speech, Kestenbaum shared his thoughts on the platform X (formerly Twitter), acknowledging his differences with the former president: “I disagree with President Trump on most issues. Yet, I agreed to speak at his rally tonight. Please watch, and share my speech with those who similarly find themselves politically homeless, to understand why. Certainly, political disagreement is vital for our democracy. I encourage all Americans, regardless of politics, to unite against the scourge of anti Americanism and antisemitism plaguing our institutions of higher learning. On the most important issues, I am in lockstep with President Trump. Reforming higher education, standing up for American Jews, and a strong foreign policy that deters terrorism.” Kestenbaum’s speech was met with applause and underscored the increasing concern among many American Jews regarding antisemitism on college campuses. His willingness to cross party lines speaks to a broader sense of frustration and political alienation, a sentiment shared by many who feel that their concerns are being overlooked by traditional political divides. Earlier this year, Kestenbaum also made waves when he addressed the Republican National Convention in July. In his speech, he urged voters to elect a president who would confront terrorism and instill a sense of patriotism in schools, emphasizing the need for a stronger stance against antisemitism and terrorism. While Kestenbaum did not explicitly endorse a candidate at the time, his appearance hinted at his growing alignment with Republican values, especially on issues related to foreign policy and combating antisemitism. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Atzeres Tefillah in Newark to Address Giyus Crisis in Eretz Yisroel

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An atzeres tefillah will be held this coming Sunday, September 22, at 450 Broad Street in Newark, NJ, in response to the ongoing giyus (military draft) crisis in Eretz Yisroel.

The event will run from 1 PM to 5 PM.

Admorim and gedolei roshei yeshivos have expressed support for the atzeres tefillah, with details at this prior Matzav.com report.

The gathering, which posters titled “זעקת הגולה,” is being organized with the participation of various kehillos.

The posters promoting the event emphasize the seriousness of the situation, calling on the broader Jewish Diaspora to stand in solidarity with their brethren in Eretz Yisroel. The slogan on the posters, “כולכם נקבצו באו לך,” encourages widespread attendance to raise a collective voice in tefillah.

Participants will come together in Newark to daven for a favorable resolution to this crisis and for the safety and preservation of Yidden and Torah institutions in Eretz Yisroel.


Hackers Demand $6 Million For Files Stolen From Seattle Airport Operator In Cyberattack

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Hackers are demanding $6 million in bitcoin from the operator of the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport for documents they stole during a cyberattack last month and posted on the dark web this week, an airport official said Wednesday. The Port of Seattle, which owns and runs the airport, has decided not to pay, the official said. The airport previously linked the attack to a ransomware gang called Rhysida, and now the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation, said Lance Lyttle, the port’s managing director of aviation. Lyttle told a U.S. Senate committee that the airport appears to have stopped the attack, but the hackers were able to encrypt some data. “On Monday, they posted on their dark website a copy of eight files stolen from Port systems and are seeking 100 bitcoin to buy the data,” Lyttle said. Lyttle did not describe the documents. He said the airport will contact any individuals whose personal information might have been stolen. Port officials have said paying the ransomware would not be a good use of taxpayer money. The airport is still recovering from the attack, which began Aug. 24. The attack was launched at a busy time, a week before the Labor Day holiday weekend. Flights were able to operate, but the attack snarled ticketing, check-in kiosks and baggage handling. Passengers on smaller airlines had to use paper boarding passes. The mayor of Columbus, Ohio, said last month that Rhysida was behind a data breach of city systems. The mayor downplayed the value of the stolen data and said the city never got a ransom demand. (AP)

Ocasio-Cortez Blames Israel For Pager Blasts In Lebanon: “This Attack Violates Int’l Law”

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In a public statement on social media, Squad member and anti-Israel U.S. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) condemned Israel for allegedly launching a “pager attack” in Lebanon, which she claims resulted in the detonation of handheld devices in public spaces, leading to severe injuries and civilian deaths.

“Israel’s pager attack in Lebanon detonated thousands of handheld devices across a slew of public spaces, seriously injuring and killing innocent civilians,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.

She went on to describe the attack as a clear violation of international law, stating, “This attack clearly and unequivocally violates international humanitarian law and undermines US efforts to prevent a wider conflict.”

Ocasio-Cortez called on Congress to investigate the incident, particularly looking into whether the U.S. government had any role in aiding the development or deployment of the technology used in the attack. “Congress needs a full accounting of the attack, including an answer from the State Department as to whether any US assistance went into the development or deployment of this technology,” she wrote.

The exact nature of the “pager attack” is unclear. There has been no official statement from the Israeli government or military.


Biden-Harris Admin’s Signature Immigration Programs Let In 1.3 Million Migrants — Including Gang Members and Terror Suspects

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Just months before Luis Miguel Calzadilla-Rojas — a Venezuelan migrant and alleged member of the Tren de Aragua gang — was detained after a shooting outside a probation office in Aurora, Colorado, he had gained entry to the United States through a controversial immigration initiative launched by the Biden-Harris administration, the NY Post reports.

Calzadilla-Rojas entered the country by using CBP One, an application designed to offer asylum seekers a lawful way into the United States.

He is one of the 1.3 million migrants who have been permitted to enter the U.S. through legal channels established by the Biden-Harris administration over the past two years.

These programs were initiated without input or approval from Congress.

Sources within Homeland Security have revealed to The Post that minimal vetting takes place for many migrants, particularly if their countries of origin — such as Venezuela, Haiti, and Cuba — do not cooperate with U.S. law enforcement agencies.

“It doesn’t surprise me that gang members get in so easily and frequently,” one source commented to The Post.

Calzadilla-Rojas is not the only person who has made it through the loopholes in the CBP One program.

In June, federal authorities arrested three suspected ISIS members from Tajikistan who had used the CBP One app to gain entry into the U.S., as per data from the Department of Homeland Security provided to the House Judiciary Committee.

Additionally, the program enabled the entry of two other suspected members of the Tren de Aragua gang, who were later arrested in connection with an attempted murder in Aurora in late July.

The Biden-Harris administration introduced the CBP One app in January 2023, with President Biden asserting that it would help manage the flow of migrants entering the country illegally.

The app allows migrants to schedule appointments with immigration officials to review their requests for entry into the U.S. Applicants are required to be outside the country — typically across the border in Mexico — when applying.

President Biden argued that by offering asylum seekers a legal route into the country, they could undergo screening and avoid having to rely on cartel-run human smugglers.

However, critics, including Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who filed a lawsuit against the policy, claimed the administration was “inviting illegal aliens to cross the border.”

Following the policy’s implementation, there was a dramatic increase in illegal border crossings, with over 2 million migrants entering the U.S. between February 2023 and April 2024, peaking at 117,000 crossings in May alone.

Since January 2023, the app has facilitated the entry of approximately 813,000 migrants through southern border ports of entry.

The overwhelming demand for the CBP One system has led the Mexican government to assist by busing migrants to the U.S. border, allowing them to reach their appointments with CBP more swiftly.

In addition to the app, the Biden administration has permitted 30,000 Cuban, Haitian, Venezuelan, and Nicaraguan migrants to fly into the U.S. via commercial flights. To date, 530,000 migrants have arrived in the U.S. on such flights.

Although the flight program was briefly paused due to widespread fraud, it has since resumed.

Altogether, these programs have allowed 1.3 million migrants into the country.

While these entry methods continue to bring in thousands of migrants each month, the Biden-Harris administration has touted its success at the border. According to the administration, illegal crossings have fallen to their lowest levels since Biden took office, following the introduction of new restrictions on asylum seekers.

After three years of record-high illegal crossings, encounters with Border Patrol agents dropped to approximately 83,000 in June, 56,000 in July, and 58,000 in August, according to federal statistics.

“CBP continues to enforce the Securing the Border interim final rule and deliver strong consequences for illegal entry, and encounters between ports of entry remain at their lowest level in years,” Troy Miller, the acting chief of Customs and Border Protection, said in a recent statement.

The controversial CBP One app has faced harsh criticism from Republicans, who argue that it grants legal entry to migrants with no legitimate right to be in the U.S.

Former President Donald Trump has vowed to “terminate the Kamala phone app for smuggling illegals (CBP One App).”

Mark Green, the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, expressed his disapproval at a border hearing on Wednesday, accusing the Biden-Harris administration of orchestrating a “shell-game” and using entry programs as part of “a sleight of hand to skew the numbers.”

Critics maintain that the recent arrests of gang members and terror suspects demonstrate that CBP One has not enhanced border security.

When Calzadilla-Rojas utilized the CBP One app, he entered the U.S. through the Paso Del Norte port of entry in El Paso, Texas, in August 2023, according to sources within Homeland Security.

Although officers processing Calzadilla-Rojas conducted the required background checks, they found no records on him — likely due to the absence of information-sharing agreements between the U.S. and Venezuela, sources added.

He was granted entry into the U.S. on a two-year parole status, with the chance to seek an extended stay at a court hearing scheduled for April 2026, sources said.

Later, Calzadilla-Rojas was one of ten members of the violent Venezuelan street gang apprehended in connection with a January 3 shooting outside the Arapahoe County Probation Office in Aurora, Colorado, an area with a significant migrant population, according to police.

He has since been identified by the Aurora Police Department as a “documented member of TdA.”

Although he initially informed federal authorities that he would reside in Madison, Wisconsin, Calzadilla-Rojas was arrested nearly 1,000 miles away outside of Denver — a major hub for the Venezuelan gang in the U.S.

House Rejects Temporary Funding Bill To Avoid Government Shutdown

Yeshiva World News -

The House on Wednesday rejected Speaker Mike Johnson’s proposal that would have linked temporary funding for the federal government with a mandate that states require proof of citizenship when people register to vote. Next steps on government funding are uncertain. Lawmakers are not close to completing work on the dozen annual appropriations bills that will fund federal agencies during the next fiscal year, so they’ll need to approve a stopgap measure to prevent a partial shutdown when that budget year begins Oct. 1. The vote was 220-202, with 14 Republicans and all but three Democrats opposing the bill. Johnson, who said after the vote he was “disappointed,” will likely pursue a Plan B to avoid a partial shutdown, though he was not yet ready to share details. “We’ll draw up another play and we’ll come up with a solution,” Johnson said. “I’m already talking to colleague about their many ideas. We have time to fix the situation and we’ll get right to it.” Johnson had pulled the bill from consideration last week because it lacked the votes to pass. He worked through the weekend to win support from fellow Republicans but was unable to overcome objections about spending levels from some members, while others said they don’t favor any continuing resolutions, insisting that Congress return to passing the dozen annual appropriations bills on time and one at a time. Democrats overwhelmingly opposed the measure. Requiring new voters to provide proof of citizenship has become a leading election-year priority for Republicans raising the specter of noncitizens voting in the U.S., even though it’s already illegal to do so and research has shown that such voting is rare. Opponents say that such a requirement would disenfranchise millions of Americans who do not have a birth certificate or passport readily available when they get a chance to register at their school, church or other venues when voter registration drives occur. But Johnson said it is a serious problem because even if a tiny percentage of noncitizens do vote, it could determine the outcome of an extremely close race. He noted that Republican Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks of Iowa won her seat back in 2020 by six votes. “It’s very, very serious stuff and that’s why we’re going to do the right thing,” Johnson said before the vote. “We’re going to responsibly fund the government and we’re going to stop noncitizens voting in elections.” Meanwhile, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump weighed in again just hours before the vote. seemingly encouraging House Republicans to let a partial government shutdown begin at the end of the month unless they get the proof of citizenship mandate, referred to in the House as the SAVE Act. “If Republicans don’t get the SAVE Act, and every ounce of it, they should not agree to a Continuing Resolution in any way, shape, or form,” Trump said on the social media platform Truth Social. House Democrats said the proof of citizenship mandate should not be part of a bill to keep the government funded and urged Johnson to work with them on a measure that can pass both chambers. “This is not going to become law,” said Rep. Pete Aguilar, D-Calif. “This is Republican theatrics that are meant to appease the most extreme members of their conference, to show them that they […]

Hashem’s Embrace

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By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz

Though it may be cliché to say that we are living in troubling times, it is true. Over the past few years, we have lost many of our great men and leaders. If you think about it, the number of people we looked up to and turned to for guidance who are no longer with us is tragically overwhelming. We peer into the void and wonder if, and how, it can be filled. Just recently, we lost a leading, towering rosh yeshiva, who was a mentor and guide to thousands, and a rebbe who was respected as a talmid chochom and tzaddik.

Tragedies abound. Young people hover between life and death, and just this past Sunday, there was a levayah for a young mother who suddenly took ill and passed away shortly thereafter.

Eretz Yisroel has been at war for almost a year, facing attacks from the north, south, east and west, with prospects for more attacks and a more intense double-pronged war developing. The country is unstable and ripping itself apart.

As Elul, the month of rachamim (mercy), is upon us, it appears that we have been in a period of din for too long now. What can we do to earn Hashem’s mercy so that He brings an end to our pain, suffering and losses?

This week’s parsha discusses the brachos that were delivered at Har Gerizim and the klalos that were delivered at Har Eivol. The people who follow the mitzvos of Hashem would be blessed and those who wouldn’t would be cursed.

The posuk (28:47) states that the reason the curses would befall a person is because he did not serve Hashem through joy and happiness. Many wonder why performing a mitzvah without simcha causes a person to become cursed and punished. After all, he did perform the mitzvah.

We will offer an explanation.

Last week, in Parshas Ki Seitzei, we studied 74 mitzvos, the most contained in any parsha. The most intriguing mitzvah there is the one that Chazal say never happened, namely, the ben sorer umoreh, the deviant son.

While the posuk states that he didn’t obey his parents, the Gemara (Sanhedrin 71a), quoted in Rashi, teaches that the mitzvah relates to a 13-year-old boy who stole and ate meat and wine. He is brought to bais din, and if the charges are proven, he is put to death.

What did he do to deserve the ultimate penalty? Rashi quotes the Gemara (ibid. 71b) that he is punished al sheim sofo, because if he engages in this activity, he will eventually commit acts that are punishable by death.

The Ramban gives two reasons for his severe punishment. One is that he mocked his parents and rebelled against them, and the second is that he is a zollel vesovei, a glutton. “By doing so, he is transgressing the commandment of kedoshim tihiyu, to be a holy people (Vayikra 19:2). He has also transgressed the commandments earlier in Devorim (13:5) of “ve’oso sa’avodu…uvo sidbokun – to serve Hashem and to connect to Him.”

He continues: “As I explained (Devorim 6:13), this indicates that we are to know Hashem [and include Him] bechol derocheinu, in all we do, and a person who eats and drinks such as this one will not know the derech Hashem, the path of Hashem.” The one who conducts himself in this way has veered from the path of Hashem and will never be able to get back onto it.

Not only doesn’t he have his priorities straight, but the ben sorer umoreh thinks that life is about having a good time and seeks ways to increase enjoyment. He doesn’t understand that the purpose of a Jew’s life is, as the Ramban writes, to serve Hashem and follow the path that He set out for us.

Someone who spends his days seeking pleasure will never be satiated. He’ll never have enough and he’ll never be happy. There will always be another restaurant to try out, another plane to procure, a bigger and more upscale home to move to, and a faster, nicer, more comfortable car to be driven in.

In this introspective month of Elul, we work on perfecting ourselves. One of the prime seforim people study to guide them in this pursuit is the classic Mesillas Yeshorim, written by the Ramchal. He opens the sefer by stating that at the root of being a meritorious person who properly serves Hashem is to know and understand our obligation in this world, to serve Hashem and to enjoy basking in the light of His presence.

We all know, and it should be obvious, that the world did not come into existence by itself. Through a cursory examination of a tiny fly, with its legs, wings, brain, eyes, digestive system, and more, it becomes evident that even such a small creature is far too complex to have simply evolved by chance.

Look at a tree growing in your backyard and reflect on its growth and internal irrigation system—how it sprouts fresh green leaves in the spring, which then change color and fall off in autumn—and it becomes obvious that this process didn’t happen by itself.

Since Hakadosh Boruch Hu created the world, He did so with a purpose. If the purpose of creation were simply for people to enjoy themselves, why is there so much pain and suffering in the world? Why does each person experience sadness, grief, anguish, and loss? There must be a higher reason for Hashem’s creation, especially of Am Yisroel, who Chazal teach are the very purpose of creation.

We are here as Hashem’s children, as the posuk says, “Bonim atem laHashem Elokeichem” (Devorim 14:1). We were created to observe Hashem’s mitzvos, to study His Torah, and to walk on the path He has paved for us. We must know that this is our purpose in life and behave accordingly. Those who do so earn the blessings of Hashem, as expressed in the Torah and specifically in this week’s parsha.

Additionally, by fulfilling our obligations, we become satisfied with ourselves and feel content in knowing that we are succeeding in life. Doing what we are meant to do nourishes our neshamos and brings us joy, gratification and a sense of attainment.

A person who understands that by performing mitzvos he brings brocha upon himself and fulfills the very purpose of his life will approach each mitzvah with joy. Someone who truly appreciates the inherent value of mitzvos will eagerly seize every opportunity to perform them. Procuring an esrog, for instance, is not seen as a burden; rather, he happily goes from place to place, seeking the finest esrog he can afford. He eagerly anticipates making the brocha and shaking it together with the lulav, hadasim, and aravos. With gratitude, he thanks Hashem for granting him the life and merit to perform this mitzvah, and he shakes them with joy and pride. This is true for every mitzvah.

Our original question is now answered. A person who does not perform mitzvos with joy reveals a lack of understanding of his true purpose in life. He fails to appreciate that the Creator, who sustains him, has asked him to fulfill these mitzvos. To paraphrase the Ramban’s words regarding the ben sorer umoreh, such a person does not know the derech Hashem, the path of Hashem upon which good people walk.

A most important task for parents is to be mechanech children to understand the correct priorities in life. This is not only crucial for their growth and success. It goes to the very core of their being and lives as bnei and bnos Yisroel.

The yeitzer hora is cunning, and young people who are not yet aware of its tricks can easily become entangled in material desires and peer pressures. We must guide them to follow the right path and emphasize Torah values that provide lasting fulfillment and joy. They need to understand that, as children of the Melech Malchei Hamelachim, they should conduct themselves with the dignity of royalty.

The most effective way to instill these values is through example, by learning with them and sharing meaningful divrei Torah and stories.

There is a new, fascinating sefer on the life of the Chofetz Chaim written by Rav Dov Eliach. He discusses that the Chofetz Chaim would wear simple clothes, but they were always perfectly clean and fitting, for he was a “ben Melech” and always conducted himself as such. All through the day, everything he did was for Hashem. He always sought to be connected with Hashem and was never distracted from his task of walking in the derech Hashem and acting as Hashem would want.

When he would get dressed, he would say, “I am doing this lesheim Hashem.” When he aged and began encountering difficulty in putting on his shoes, he said each time, “Ribono Shel Olam, I am doing this for Your honor.”

When he washed himself, he said, “Lesheim Hashem,” and when he wrote a letter, he would dip his pen into the bottle of ink and proclaim, “Lechvod Hashem.”

Everything was about Hashem, for he knew that his purpose in this world was to serve Hashem, and he knew that he was a favorite son to the Melech.

We need to follow his example and learn the lesson of the ben sorer umoreh, understanding what Hashem wants from us and consistently walking His path with the dignity of royalty. By doing so, we will merit Hashem’s brachos and experience true happiness, regardless of our circumstances. We will recognize that Hashem created the world and placed us in it for a supreme purpose.

We would dedicate our time to pursuing mitzvos and acting with kindness towards others. We would speak appropriately, dress properly, always be neat and clean, avoid places we don’t belong, and strive to be righteous and exemplary in all our actions.

We would earn the brachos listed in this week’s parsha, as would our children and others who follow our example.

And if we err, or fall from the path, we would get back on. We would regret our mistakes, do teshuvah, and be welcomed back into Hashem’s embrace.

We can all reach that level. We can all aspire to be like the Chofetz Chaim and other great tzaddikim, growing in Torah and avodah, if we maintain proper, eternal priorities and avoid being misled by trivial pursuits. Chasing fleeting pleasures that quickly disappear and offer little lasting value will only leave us with an empty feeling.

Elul, the Chassidic masters taught, stands for “lo anachnu.” We are Hashem’s. “Lo anachnu” – we are not for ourselves.

Elul is the time to forsake our silly wants and desires, and to recognize that we are Hashem’s. If we acknowledge that we are His, He will respond by affirming our connection and showing us mercy, just as a parent shows mercy to his children.

We have just passed the midway point of Elul. There is still much to do, but if we are on the derech Hashem and take steps towards rectifying our actions and bringing ourselves closer to Hashem, He will reach out to us, bring us all the way aboard, and grant us a kesivah vachasimah tovah. Kein yehi ratzon.



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