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Iran Vows “Crushing Response” Against Israel After Communication Device Explosions

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Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Commander Hossein Salami promised “a crushing response from the axis of resistance” following two consecutive days of attacks on Hezbollah’s communication devices. Salami described the attacks as “terrorist acts” driven by Israel’s “despair and successive failures.” In a message to Hezbollah Chief Hassan Nasrallah, Salami vowed, “This will soon be met with a crushing response… and we will witness the destruction of this bloodthirsty and criminal regime.” Iran, Hezbollah’s main sponsor, has aligned its regional proxies against Israel, referred to as the “axis of resistance.” The threat of retaliation raises concerns of heightened conflict in the region. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

SAME AS IT EVER WAS: Despite Shooting, ABC, CBS and NBC Blast Trump with 95% Bad Press

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So much for toning down the rhetoric…

According to a Media Research Center report, major news outlets ABC, CBS, and NBC have given former President Donald Trump 95% negative press since the second attempt on his life in West Palm Beach.


MRC reviewed 72 hours of coverage of evening newscasts — Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights.

From MRC:

MRC analysts analyzed all 69 minutes of campaign coverage on the evening newscasts from September 15 through September 17. The attempted assassination was by far the dominant story:  48 minutes of airtime, or almost 70% of all campaign news. The networks aired more than 17 minutes of coverage on Sunday night, an additional 22 minutes on Monday and another eight minutes Tuesday evening.

Yet even as they covered the shocking new danger to Trump, the networks persisted in bashing the GOP candidate on a range of other issues — as well as his reaction to his own close call. Over the three nights, we tallied 21 evaluative comments about the GOP candidate, 20 of which were negative, which computes to a 95% negative spin score. (For more, see the methodology explanation at the end of this article.)

On Sunday, less than four hours after news of the shooting broke, NBC Nightly Newsanchor Lester Holt scolded Trump for his rhetoric: “Today’s apparent assassination attempt comes amid increasingly fierce rhetoric on the campaign trail itself. Mr. Trump [and] his running mate JD Vance continued to make baseless claims about Haitian immigrants in Ohio.”


CBS Weekend News reporter Skyler Henry similarly linked Trump to the situation in Springfield, running a clip of Trump from the debate — “They’re eating the dogs” — before scolding: “The city has been thrust into the national conversation on immigration with unsubstantiated claims immigrants are eating pets.”

Not to be left out, ABC’s Perry Russom on Sunday’s World News Tonight also blasted the Republican: “The baseless claim amplified by President Trump at the ABC News debate.”

Full report over at the Media Research Center:


FOOTAGE: IDF Eliminates 300+ Terrorists In Recently Concluded Rafah Operation

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The IDF announced today that a recent operation in the Tel al-Sultan area of Rafah, Gaza, has dealt a significant blow to terrorist forces. Over the past month, troops from the 401st Brigade, under the command of the 162nd Division, conducted a series of raids and operations in the area, resulting in the elimination of over 300 terrorists. The majority of the Tel al-Sultan Battalion’s chain of command was also neutralized. During the operation, IDF forces discovered and destroyed a long-range rocket cache in an enemy warehouse, as well as several weapons storage facilities containing sniper rifles, ammunition, anti-tank missiles, and grenades. Tragically, the operation came at a cost. Four IDF soldiers – Captain Daniel Mimon Toaff, Staff Sergeant Agam Naim, Staff Sergeant Amit Bakri, and Staff Sergeant Dotan Shimon – were killed in action. “The IDF shares in the grief of the families and will continue to accompany them,” said a military spokesperson. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

WATCH: Harav Shaul Alter Visits Family of Fallen Hostage Hero Ori Danino HY”D During Shiva

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Harav Shaul Alter, the Gerrer Rosh Yeshiva of Pnei Menachem in Eretz Yisroel, visited the grieving family of Ori Danino, hy”d, who was recently murdered by Hamas while held hostage in a southern Gaza terror tunnel. Rav Shaul, renowned for his deep compassion and sensitivity, offered divrei chizzuk to Ori’s father and brothers as they sat shiva for their son and brother. Ori Danino’s story is one of remarkable heroism. A participant at Nova music festival on Oct. 7, Ori initially escaped the violence but courageously returned to the scene to help rescue others. His selflessness led to his capture by Hamas, and he was held in captivity in Gaza for nearly a year. Tragically, Ori was murdered just as IDF troops were closing in on a rescue attempt. Rav Alter expressed admiration for Ori’s bravery and sacrifice, calling his actions a testament to his remarkable character. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

How Jews Around the World Can Stay Resilient During Challenging Times

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After the dreadful attacks of October 7, 2023, Israel and the Jewish people went to war on three fronts. While the army fights the war of bodies, and government officials and journalists wage the war of minds, every Jew on earth is a soldier in our war for wellness.We’re all combating anxiety, distraction, and stress. We’re all searching for meaning inside the madness. If we don’t invest in the war for wellness, we might lose the health, resilience, and faith we need for fighting the other wars. We can get obsessed with what’s happening “over there,” forgetting that our lives are happening right here. As individuals and as a nation, we might fall into anxiety and depression, or lash out irresponsibly in anger. More than ever before, Israel needs healthy Jewish people who value and love their land. Even after the guns go quiet — hopefully soon — the war for wellness will continue as our emotional and spiritual wounds slowly heal. Although our bodies will again be safe and secure, our disturbed souls will yearn for peace and balance. We’ll wonder why we must suffer to live in this little corner of the Middle East. We might even ask if it’s worth all the trouble. Land of Health teaches how to win your personal war for wellness: Part One shows how the Land of Israel is the healthy body of the Nation of Israel, and appreciating it holds the solution to our crisis. Part Two shares practical strategies for healthy living in challenging times. We’ll cover all areas of life: eating, exercise, emotional health, and, of course, spirituality and faith. The book also features dozens of stunning full-color pictures, many taken over the past year, that portray the beauty and spirit of the Land of Israel even during the most trying times. BUY YOUR COPY TODAY!

GASLIGHTING AMERICA: Nancy Pelosi Says ‘We Had an Open Primary and Kamala Harris Won It’

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In an interview with Semafor on Wednesday, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi made the ridiculous claim that Kamala Harris won an open primary after Joe Biden declared he wouldn’t run for another term.

This is next-level gaslighting — read the transcript and watch the clip below.


REPORTER: You had reportedly said you wanted a sort of an open primary if Joe Biden stepped down. Did you change your mind because you saw all the excitement around Kamala Harris?

PELOSI: No, I didn’t change my mind. We had an open primary and she won it. Nobody else got in the race because she was politically astute, and that was the thought, let’s show our talent. We have a great bench, all these great people in the country, and she could, the president endorsed her, and that’s a big deal because Joe Biden is the most consequential president in modern times. He accomplished so much more. I mean, even Barack Obama in his eight years in service would admit that in the short period of time that Joe Biden the majority, which was two years of his four-year term.

Watch the clip:


STRAIGHT TO PRISON: Cuomo Personally Manipulated Covid Death Toll In NY, Lied To Congress About It

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A newly released report reveals that former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo personally altered a state review that downplayed the nursing home COVID-19 death toll, contradicting his previous claims that he had no involvement. Emails and congressional documents indicate Cuomo’s direct role in editing the report, despite his denials during a congressional hearing this summer. The New York Times first reported the details of the emails, which challenge Cuomo’s assertion that he never reviewed or had any memory of the state Health Department’s report. One email from June 2020, addressed to Cuomo’s senior staff, stated, “Governor’s edits are attached for your review,” suggesting Cuomo’s personal involvement. Although Cuomo wasn’t sworn under oath during his closed-door testimony, he was informed that false statements could lead to criminal prosecution. Families of nursing home residents who died during the pandemic view the revelations as confirmation that Cuomo not only made decisions leading to their loved ones’ deaths but also lied about his role in the ensuing cover-up. “Cuomo lied before Congress,” said Tracey Alvino, director of Voice for Seniors, whose father passed away from COVID-19 in a Long Island nursing home. “It’s a crime. It’s proven by the emails. Absolutely, he should be prosecuted. I would love to see him in an orange jumpsuit.” Cuomo’s controversial 2020 directive that required nursing homes to accept COVID-positive patients has long been scrutinized, with critics arguing it may have contributed to as many as 9,000 excess deaths. Cuomo later referred to the directive as “the great debacle” in an internal email. The former governor’s role in editing a July 2020 state Health Department report that underreported nursing home deaths has been labeled a “cover-up” by a U.S. House committee investigating the pandemic. Emails suggest Cuomo was more directly involved than previously known, personally inserting language blaming staff and visiting family members for spreading the virus in nursing homes. During a June 2023 private House committee questioning, Cuomo claimed he never reviewed or discussed the nursing home death report before it was released. He maintained that he had no recollection of reviewing or editing the document, a claim that now stands in stark contrast to the emails. Despite these revelations, none of the emails were directly written by Cuomo, who is known for avoiding email communication. Nevertheless, his involvement in shaping the report’s contents has sparked outrage. Vivian Zayas, co-founder of Voice for Seniors and whose mother died in a Long Island nursing home during the pandemic, echoed these sentiments. “He said he had nothing to do with the report. If he lied to Congress, he committed a crime. He should definitely be investigated,” Zayas said. Cuomo’s spokesperson, Rich Azzopardi, defended the former governor, asserting that nursing home staff played a significant role in spreading the virus. “Governor Cuomo was fully cooperative with the committee and relayed everything he remembered,” Azzopardi stated, adding that the emails did not contradict the state’s conclusion that COVID-19 was spread by asymptomatic staff. The revelations come at a time when speculation is growing that Cuomo may seek a political comeback, with rumors circulating that he could run for mayor of New York City. However, family members of those who lost loved ones in nursing homes hope the latest reports will end his political career for good. “Cuomo was derelict in his […]

FTC Report Assails Social Networks’ Privacy, Safety Practices

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The Federal Trade Commission rebuked social media and streaming companies including YouTube, Amazon and Facebook on Thursday, accusing them of failing to adequately protect users from privacy intrusions and safeguard children and teens on their sites.

In a sprawling 129-page staff report, the agency summed up a years-long study of industry practices by accusing the companies of not “consistently prioritizing” users’ privacy, broadly scooping up data to power new artificial intelligence tools and refusing to confront potential risks to kids.

FTC Chair Lina Khan, a Democrat whose aggressive oversight of the tech giants has drawn plaudits from liberals and conservatives alike, said the report shows how companies’ practices “can endanger people’s privacy, threaten their freedoms and expose them to a host of harms.” The findings on child safety were “especially troubling,” she added.

In 2020, the FTC demanded that nine social networks and video streaming providers hand over information on how they collect, use and sell people’s personal data, how their products are powered by algorithms and how their policies affect kids and teens.

The agency was able to compel information from companies whose practices lawmakers and regulators have often criticized as being too opaque. They included Amazon, Facebook (now Meta), Google-owned YouTube, Twitter (now X), Snap, TikTok owner ByteDance, Discord, Reddit and Meta-owned WhatsApp. (Amazon founder Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post.)

FTC employees wrote that the report described “general findings,” but they noted that not all of the findings applied to every company in every instance. Still, agency staffers noted numerous pervasive patterns that they said exposed users to harm or left them in the dark about how their data was being used to make money for the companies.

According to the report, the companies have collected troves of data on users and nonusers, often in “ways consumers might not expect,” and many of the guardrails put in place to protect that information were erected only in response to global regulations. While the companies are increasingly mining that data to launch AI products, the agency found, consumers typically lacked “any meaningful control over how personal information was used” for them.

The findings, the authors wrote, revealed “an inherent tension between business models that rely on the collection of user data and the protection of user privacy.” The agency’s Democratic leadership has spoken out before against “commercial surveillance” practices they say have come to dominate Silicon Valley.

Kate Sheerin, Discord’s head of public policy for the United States and Canada, called the report’s focus on consumers “an important step.” But she said it “lumps very different models into one bucket and paints [with] a broad brush, which might confuse consumers and portray some platforms, like Discord, inaccurately.”

Google spokesman José Castañeda said the company “has the strictest privacy policies in our industry,” including restrictions against using sensitive data to serve ads and personalizing ads to users under 18.

Meta, which owns Facebook and WhatsApp, had no immediate comment. Spokesmen for the other companies did not respond to requests for comment.

An FTC official, who briefed reporters on the condition of anonymity to discuss the findings, declined to comment on how the study might shape the agency’s enforcement but said it showed that many of the issues ran much deeper than expected.

According to the report, many of the companies studied “bury their heads in the sand when it comes to children” on their sites. Many claimed that because their products were not directly targeted at children and their policies did not allow children on their sites, they knew nothing of children being present on them. “This is not credible,” agency staffers wrote.

Child safety advocates have long expressed concern that under existing federal child privacy laws, known as the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, or COPPA, companies can avoid accountability by claiming not to have knowledge that children are accessing their sites.

Concerns about companies failing to protect younger users were particularly pronounced among teens, whom many platforms simply treated like “traditional adult users” and typically did not afford the same protections as young children, the agency wrote.

The FTC official declined to comment on Instagram’s newly released safety tools for teens but said companies cannot be relied upon to regulate themselves.

The report recommended that Congress pass both comprehensive federal privacy legislation to cover all consumers and to expand existing guardrails for children to apply to teens.

Since the study began four years ago, the social media market has become more fractured and decentralized as upstarts such as TikTok challenge long-standing leaders and as platforms such as Telegram cater to increasingly niche audiences. Asked whether the agency’s analysis was still relevant, the FTC official said it was difficult to obtain information from the internet companies even with the agency’s investigative authority.

The official added that the highlighted practices are tied to the companies’ business models, which have not changed.

While the study began during the Trump administration, the FTC under Khan has dialed up its enforcement against the tech sector over data privacy and child safety complaints, including by launching sprawling efforts to update privacy regulations.

The study’s release arrives as lawmakers at the federal and state levels push to pass expanded protections for children’s privacy and safety. Dozens of states have passed laws to that effect over the past year, and a key House committee advanced a pair of bills Wednesday that would mark the most significant update to child online safety laws in decades.

But those efforts face opposition from tech industry and business groups that say they trample on users’ free speech rights, force companies to collect more data and stifle innovation.

(c) Washington Post

RAISING THE TEMPERATURE: Dan Goldman Says Trump Planning to ‘Execute a Coup’ on January 6th, 2025

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They won’t tone down the rhetoric…

According to a Breitbart News report, a recent fundraising text from New York Rep. Dan Goldman suggests former President Donald Trump is planning to “execute a coup” if he loses the election.


The message reads:

Dan Goldman here with an important update on Donald Trump and New York. In just a few hours, Trump will hold a rally on Long Island in a critical battleground district.

Trump knows his campaign can’t win New York. But he also knows that the path to the House majority runs straight through New York.

Why does he care? Because he wants Mike Johnson – the architect of the 2020 effort to overturn the election – to be Speaker of the House on January 6, 2025 in order to execute a coup when he loses.

We cannot let that happen.

Will you rush a contribution to help make sure we flip the House so that Hakeem Jeffries will be the Speaker on January 6?

Thank you,

Before running for Congress, Goldman was an infamous Russia hoaxer who spread the lie about a “pee tape” of then-President Trump.

Meanwhile, over on CNN this week, Bulwark publisher Sarah Longwell told Jake Tapper that Trump’s campaign is “the most vicious, despicable, lie-filled campaign” ever.

So much for lowering the temperature.

“This has become the most– the way that they are currently terrorizing the people of Springfield with their racist smear about eating dogs and cats. Like, this is the most vicious, despicable, lie-filled campaign I’ve ever seen. And that is comparing it to what was a pretty significantly indecent campaign that Donald Trump ran in ’16 and ’20,” Longwell said.

Watch the clip below:


“Pearl Harbor Or 9/11 Of Hezbollah:” Exploding Devices A Major But Not Crippling Blow, Analysts Say

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The waves of remotely triggered explosions that hit pagers and walkie-talkies carried by Hezbollah members in grocery stores, on streets and at a funeral procession this week made for an eerie and shocking spectacle. Analysts said Hezbollah will be able to regroup militarily and find communications workarounds after the attack, but the psychological effects will likely run deep. The explosions — widely blamed on Israel, which has neither confirmed nor denied involvement — killed at least 37 people, including two children, wounded more than 3,000 and deeply unsettled even Lebanese who have no Hezbollah affiliation. The attacks also exposed the weaknesses in the low-tech communications system the group had turned to in an attempt to avoid Israeli surveillance of cellphones. Retired Lebanese army Gen. Elias Hanna described the attacks as the “Pearl Harbor or 9/11 of Hezbollah.” Mohanad Hage Ali, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Middle East Center think tank who researches Hezbollah, said that because the blasts hit people across the group’s institutions, the attack was “like a sword in the guts of the organization.” Hundreds of people were severely wounded, including many who lost eyes or hands. “It will require time to heal and replace those who were targeted,” he said. But Hage Ali and other analysts agreed that the loss of manpower is not a crippling blow. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has said the group’s fighting force numbers more than 100,000, meaning that the attack — as dramatic as it was — would have put only a small percentage of its terrorists out of commission even if all those wounded and killed were fighters. Qassim Qassir, a Lebanese analyst close to Hezbollah, said the detonating devices actually struck mostly civilian workers within the group and not military or security officials, which has allowed it to contain the impacts on its war effort. The impacts on Hezbollah’s communications network are likely to be more disruptive than the human loss. “Telecommunications is the nerve of military operations and communications,” said retired Lebanese army Gen. Naji Malaeb, an expert on security affairs. A delay in communication could spell disaster, he said. During a speech in February, Hezbollah’s leader, Nasrallah, warned members against carrying cellphones, which he said could be used to track them and monitor their communications. But long before that, Hezbollah relied on pagers and its own private fiber-optic landline network to avoid the monitoring of its communications. The pagers that detonated Tuesday were a new model the group recently began using. It appears that small quantities of explosives had been implanted in the devices at some stage in the manufacturing or shipping process and then remotely detonated. Hanna said the group might rely more heavily on its landline network — which Israel has attempted to tap into on multiple occasions — going forward, or on even lower-tech solutions such as hand-delivered letters. “Maybe you have to go back to human communication, the postman,” he said. “This is what is really helping (Hamas leader) Yahya Sinwar not to be targeted” in his hiding spot in Gaza. Orna Mizrahi, a senior researcher at the Tel Aviv-based think tank Institute for National Security Studies and former intelligence analyst for the Israeli military and prime minister’s office, said losing the ability to communicate through pagers is a “dramatic blow,” but the […]

Nasrallah Acknowledges ‘Unprecedented’ Defeat in Alleged Israeli Attacks

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Hezbollah suffered an unparalleled defeat, the Lebanese terrorist group’s Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah acknowledged on Thursday, saying the alleged Israeli attacks using its communication devices amounted to a declaration of war.

“There is no doubt that we have been subjected to a major security and humanitarian blow, unprecedented in the history of our resistance and perhaps in the history of the conflict with the enemy,” the Iran-backed Islamist said in a televised address, adding that there is “no doubt” that Hezbollah has been breached by Israeli intelligence.

“We know that the enemy has superiority on the technological level because it has American and NATO support,” he said.

As Nasrallah spoke from his bunker, Israeli jets broke the sound barrier over Beirut, with the BBC reporting “huge sonic booms” in the capital.

According to the Hezbollah chief, Israel “crossed all red lines” by targeting terrorist operatives in the attacks that saw thousands of pagers and walkie-talkies explode in Lebanon on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively.

“This blow, no matter how big or strong, cannot break us. I can assure you faithfully and with confidence: This hard, unprecedented blow did not bring us to our knees—and it will not,” Nasrallah vowed.

“Can you return the displaced [Israeli civilians] to the north [the Upper Galilee]? We accept this challenge, but you will not be able to return them,” the terrorist leader said, addressing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu directly. “What you are doing will increase the displacement of your displaced settlers from the north and will cancel the opportunity for their return.”

Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir are “leading their entity into a destructive abyss, and into a third historic humiliation,” Nasrallah said, referencing the destruction of the Jewish Temples in Jerusalem in 586 BCE and 70 C.E.

Hezbollah’s cross-border attacks on the Jewish state will continue, “no matter the consequences,” until Israel Defense Forces troops leave the Gaza Strip and end the campaign against Hamas terrorists, he said.

Regarding a possible Israeli ground operation in Southern Lebanon, the Hezbollah chief declared that “if they come to us, they are welcome, and we will consider this threat a historic opportunity that we hope for.

“The [IDF] commander of the northern region [OC Northern Command Maj. Gen. Ori Gordin], a fool, proposed creating a buffer zone [in Lebanon],” Nasrallah said. “If you think you’re building a security belt around the resistance and you think you’re limiting the fighting to this zone, your military centers will be targeted in the north of occupied Palestine [northern Israel] and even further!”

On Tuesday, 3,000-plus Hezbollah operatives were wounded and at least 34 were killed when their pagers exploded, with the Lebanese terrorist group immediately blaming the Jewish state.

The Israel Defense Forces declined to comment on the two waves of explosions, the first of which came hours after the Israeli Cabinet added the return of citizens displaced from their homes in the north to the country’s war goals, bringing a major clash with Hezbollah closer to reality.

Iran-backed Hezbollah has attacked Israel nearly daily since Oct. 8, firing thousands of rockets, missiles and drones. The attacks have killed more than 40 people and caused widespread damage. Tens of thousands of civilians remain internally displaced due to the violence.

A U.S. official told ABC News on Tuesday that Hezbollah and its Iranian patrons will likely retaliate against Israel for the pager attacks, but “it could take them time to do so while they assess what happened.”

Israeli security officials also believe that Hezbollah is preparing for a large-scale assault in response to the attack attributed to Israel, the Israeli Kan News public broadcaster reported on Tuesday night.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi on Wednesday night approved “attack and defense plans for the north,” the army said.

“We still have many capabilities that we have not yet activated, I repeat, we have not yet activated. We saw some of these things here,” Halevi said in remarks made at IDF Northern Command headquarters in Safed.

“The rule is that every time we work on a certain stage, the next two stages are already ready to advance. At each stage, the price for Hezbollah must be high,” the Israeli army chief said. JNS

{Matzav.com Israel}

Alaska Man Charged With Sending Graphic Threats To Torture And Kill Supreme Court Justices

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An Alaska man accused of sending graphic threats to injure and kill six Supreme Court justices and some of their family members has been indicted on federal charges, authorities said Thursday. Panos Anastasiou, 76, is accused of sending more than 465 messages through a public court website, including graphic threats of assassination and torture coupled with racist and homophobic rhetoric. The indictment does not specify which justices Anastasiou targeted, but Attorney General Merrick Garland said he made the graphic threats as retaliation for decisions he disagreed with. “Our democracy depends on the ability of public officials to do their jobs without fearing for their lives or the safety of their families,” he said. Prosecutors said in an indictment filed Wednesday that the messages were sent between March 2023 and mid-July 2024. Anastasiou has been charged with 22 counts, including nine counts of making threats against a federal judge and 13 counts of making threats in interstate commerce. Anastasiou was arrested Wednesday in Anchorage. Defense attorney Jane Imholte, declined to comment and publicly listed phone numbers for Anastasiou were disconnected. He faces a maximum of 10 years in prison for each count of making threats against a federal judge and up to five years for each count of making threats in interstate commerce if convicted. Threats targeting federal judges overall have more than doubled in recent years amid a surge of similar violent messages directed at public officials around the country, the U.S. Marshals Service previously said. In 2022, shortly after the leak of a draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, a man was stopped near the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh with weapons and zip ties. (AP)

THIS SUNDAY! Amudim Gets On The Case and Unite To Heal Goes Live

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Standing at the precipice of despair, your world crumbles beneath your feet. The whispers of darkness grow louder, drowning out any flicker of hope. This is the reality for countless individuals in our community—people grappling with the suffocating weight of mental health crises, addiction, trauma, and abuse. In these moments of utter darkness, when all seems lost, there’s one beacon that refuses to let the light go out: Amudim.Amudim: Not a Helpline, A Lifeline Amudim isn’t just an organization; it’s a constant presence, a lifeline that reaches into the abyss, grasping firmly to pull you back from the brink. When someone reaches out—voice trembling, spirit broken—they’re not met with cold statistics or impersonal advice. They’re embraced by a dedicated clinical case manager who becomes their unwavering ally in the fight for their life and hope for their future. Saving Lives, Every Case, Every day. For Amudim’s case managers, each ring of the phone is a new challenge, a new opportunity to make a difference. These dedicated professionals are more than just trained experts; they’re companions, confidants, and guides. They’re there every step of the way, providing support, important resources, and a listening ear. Meet Sarah, an Amudim case manager. Last month, she received a call from a young mother contemplating suicide. Sarah didn’t just talk her off the ledge; she became the ledge—a solid foundation of support that lasted well beyond that harrowing night. For weeks, Sarah was there, guiding not just the mother but her entire family through the turbulent waters of recovery, one day at a time. Take David’s story. Trapped in the merciless grip of addiction, he had lost his job, his family, and nearly his will to live. His Amudim case manager, Michael, didn’t just point him towards rehab—he walked every step of the journey with him. From late-night crisis calls to accompanying him to court dates, Michael was the constant presence that reminded David that he was worth fighting for. A Network of Support Amudim’s impact extends far beyond individual cases. With case managers stationed in communities across 66 countries, they’re a network of support that’s always within reach.  Amudim is on the case to prevent crises and build stronger communities. Through education and awareness, they aim for prevention and to create our world as a place where lifesaving support for those struggling with mental health, abuse, addiction and trauma is easily obtainable. With thousands of new cases a year,  our annual campaign is the lifeblood of our organization, fueling our ability to assign case workers to each person in need and to serve our people. The Power of You Now, imagine yourself standing not at the edge of that abyss, but at the precipice of change. The work Amudim does is monumental, but they can’t do it alone. It takes Amudim. It takes their tireless case managers. And it takes you—yes, you—to make miracles happen. Your support isn’t just a donation; it’s a lifeline thrown to someone drowning in despair. It’s the difference between a child lost to addiction and a family reunited. It’s the whisper of hope in the darkest hour that says, “You are not alone.” Get on The Case The time to act is now. Will you answer the call? Will you stand with Amudim and declare that in our community, […]

New York Times: Trump, Harris Tied at 47 Percent

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Recent polls from The New York Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Siena College reveal a tight race between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris among likely voters. According to these polls, conducted mainly before Trump’s second assassination attempt in just over two months, Harris holds a slight edge in Pennsylvania, a crucial battleground state, with a lead of 4 percentage points (50% to 46%).

On the national stage, Trump and Harris are evenly matched, each garnering 47% of support from voters. The upcoming Nov. 5 election will see these two presidential candidates face off to determine the next president of the United States.

The surveys also highlight persistent voter concern about the state of the economy. In Pennsylvania, 77% of likely voters describe the economy as either poor or fair, with just 22% rating it as excellent or good. The polls indicate that Trump’s standing on economic and immigration issues (54% support each) remains consistent with pre-debate figures from September 10.

Mitchell Wallace, a 33-year-old wastewater technician from Englewood, Florida, expressed dissatisfaction with Harris’s record on border issues, commenting, “I really don’t feel like she did anything with the border when she was a vice president, I felt like it was a laughing joke,” according to The Times. Wallace, an independent voter who supported Trump in 2020, intends to vote for him again.

The Times/Inquirer/Siena College polls show Trump’s national favorability at 47%, a notable increase from earlier this year, even when he was trailing President Joe Biden, who was then the leading Democratic candidate. In contrast, Harris has a 48% favorability rating overall and a 51% favorability rating in Pennsylvania, where her approval was just 42% in early July.

Trump is perceived more favorably than Harris for his candor and international respect, with 51% of respondents believing Trump would “bring about the right kind of change,” compared to 49% for Harris. Additionally, the polls reveal that more voters consider Harris to be too liberal compared to those who view Trump as too conservative.

In terms of debate performance, 67% of voters think Harris did well, whereas only 40% believe Trump performed adequately. The surveys were conducted between September 11 and 16, involving 2,437 likely voters. The margin of error for the national poll is plus or minus 3 percentage points, while the margin for the Pennsylvania poll is plus or minus 3.8 percentage points.


ADL Report Shows 477% Surge in Anti-Israel Incidents on U.S. Campuses Over Past Academic Year

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A new report from the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) reveals a dramatic 477% increase in anti-Israel incidents on U.S. college campuses between June 1, 2023, and May 31, 2024. The ADL recorded 2,087 cases of assault, vandalism, harassment, protests, and divestment resolutions during this period, a sharp rise from the previous academic year. Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO and national director of the ADL, described the surge in anti-Israel and antisemitic activity, particularly following the October 7 Hamas-led attack on Israel, as unprecedented. “Since the Hamas-led Oct. 7 attack on Israel, the anti-Israel movement’s relentless harassment, vandalism, intimidations and violent physical assaults go way beyond the peaceful voicing of a political opinion,” Greenblatt said. He called on college administrators and faculty to take immediate action. “Administrators and faculty need to do much better this year to ensure a safe and truly inclusive environment for all students, regardless of religion, nationality, or political views,” Greenblatt added. “They need to start now.” The ADL report also highlights the increasing support for U.S.-designated terrorist organizations on campuses, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PLO). One notable incident occurred at Columbia University on April 17, 2024, where protesters were recorded chanting, “Al-Qassam you make us proud, kill another soldier now!” referencing a pro-Hamas slogan. The ADL identified 1,418 protests across 46 states and Washington, D.C., spanning 360 schools, including more than 150 “encampment” protests where students attempted to occupy campus buildings or grounds. The report also documented 28 physical assaults, 201 acts of vandalism, 360 harassment incidents, and 80 “boycott, divestment, and sanctions” (BDS) resolutions targeting Israel, all of which represent substantial increases from the prior year. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Inside the Agudah: Rabbi Labish Becker

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In this episode of Inside the Agudah, Rabbi Labish Becker, Executive Director of Agudath Israel of America, sits with Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger, Agudath Israel’s Director of Torah Initiatives, to discuss his work on behalf of the frum community. As one of the longest tenured Agudath Israel staff members, Rabbi Becker has seen and accomplished so much over his almost five decades of service to Klal Yisroel. He shares his insights and memories in this fascinating interview.


138,000 Beds Are Being Recalled After Reports Of Them Breaking Or Collapsing During Use

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Nearly 138,000 platform beds sold at major retailers including Amazon and Walmart are being recalled across the U.S. and Canada because they can collapse, posing fall and injury risks. Utah-based importer CVB Inc. is recalling the Lucid-branded platform beds with upholstered square tufted headboards. According to Thursday notices from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Health Canada, the beds can sag, break or collapse during use. To date, there have been 245 incidents of this occurring in the U.S., resulting in 18 related injuries such as contusions and bruises, the CPSC said. An additional 11 reports of “bed failures” have been reported in Canada, with no further injuries. According to Lucid, the recall covers a discontinued version of its platform beds, which the company says were manufactured between 2019 and 2021. While manufacturing ended several years ago, the now-recalled beds continued to be sold at major retailers through April 2024, the CPSC said. In addition to Amazon, Walmart and Lucid’s website, consumers may have also purchased the beds at Bed Bath & Beyond, eBay, Home Depot, Macys, Target.com, Wayfair and other retailers. About 137,000 of the recalled beds were sold in the U.S. and 890 in Canada, the CPSC said. The beds — which were made in Malaysia and come in twin, full, queen, king and cal-king sizes — can be identified with a white law label found on the back of the headboard. “Made For: CVB INC, 1525 W 2960 S, LOGAN, UT 84321” should be printed on it. People who have the recalled beds are urged to stop using them immediately and contact Lucid for a free replacement frame. Consumers will have to write the word “recalled” on the bed’s support rails with a permanent marker and send photos to Lucid. More information about getting a replacement can be found on Lucid’s recall page. (AP)

MK Eichler: We May Need to Leave the Coalition

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On Wednesday evening, MK Yisroel Eichler issued a stark warning that the charedi parties might be compelled to exit the coalition. Addressing a gathering of Shlomei Emunim, Eichler highlighted the grave issues facing the charedi community, noting, “The situation of the charedi community right now is so problematic that even during a time when the government needs us and cannot continue without us, we still have a serious problem, in that we fear for the continued status of the yeshiva world.”

Eichler expressed his frustration, stating, “There was never a situation in which they questioned our rights and our very existence in the State of Israel. The legal system is functioning as a dictatorship and has become the supreme ruler in the country. We were the first ones to warn about this, and everyone remembers the large demonstration that Rabbi Menachem Porush organized against the Supreme Court.” He criticized the legal system for undermining laws that were enacted to safeguard the yeshiva community, asserting, “The legal dictatorship has disqualified the laws which we legislated regarding our right to learn Torah in the Land of Israel. This cannot be! The Land of Israel will continue to flourish and the Torah will flourish going forward, until we merit the arrival of the messiah, may it be soon in our days.”

Eichler also pointed out that even if new legislation, such as a Draft Law, were to be passed, it would likely be overturned by the Supreme Court. He had anticipated that the government would stand firm against the legal system’s interference, but he lamented that this has not been the case. “I expected that the government would respond that it does not allow the legal dictatorship to disqualify Knesset laws and will not listen to them – but that has not happened. [Israeli Prime Minister] Netanyahu is afraid and the Supreme Court is having a field day. We are in a situation in which daycare subsidies are withheld from the mothers of children in daycare, simply because the father sits and studies Torah.”

Looking ahead, Eichler outlined a key objective for the upcoming winter Knesset session, contingent on the continuation of the government. He stated, “One of our first goals in the winter [Knesset] session – if the government lasts at all – is to advance a law that will prevent connecting the actions of the father to the discounts which the mother deserves. In such a way, we will bypass the daycare decree that the legal system has forced upon us.”

In a departure from his party’s typical position, Eichler suggested that leaving the coalition might be necessary. “It may be that we need to leave the government. What are we doing in the coalition, if it does not help us with the issues that are most important to us? They do not help us because they are also busy with their problems, but they force us to vote for the issues that are important to them.” He expressed concern that this situation plays into the hands of the extreme left, concluding, “The problem is that the one leading us to this situation are those on the extreme left – and that is exactly what they want us to do. If we leave, they will receive a prize from us. Therefore, the matter is given, like every other matter, to the decision of the Torah leaders of this generation.”

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IDF Strikes Over 100 Hezbollah Rocket Launchers, Orders North Israel Residents To Stay Near Bomb Shelters

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Israeli fighter jets struck more than 100 Hezbollah rocket launchers in southern Lebanon over the past several hours, according to a statement from the IDF. The launchers were reportedly primed for immediate attacks on Israel. The IDF revealed that the total number of launchers targeted included around 1,000 launch barrels. The strikes began in the afternoon and were conducted in several waves, aimed at disrupting Hezbollah’s terror capabilities and military infrastructure. “The IDF continues to damage and degrade the terror capabilities and military infrastructure of the Hezbollah terror organization,” the IDF said in its statement. Following the intensive airstrikes, the IDF issued new safety guidelines for civilians in northern Israel, urging residents in several communities and cities to remain close to bomb shelters. The guidelines affect those living in the Merom HaGalil, Upper Galilee, and Mevo’ot HaHermon regional councils, as well as in Yesud HaMa’ala, Hatzor, Rosh Pina, Safed, Metula, and towns in the Golan Heights, from Katzrin and northward. Residents in these areas are advised to limit their movement outside, avoid large gatherings, guard entrances to their communities, and remain in proximity to bomb shelters until further notice. The IDF said the precautions are essential for civilian safety amid the ongoing hostilities and will remain in effect until further updates are provided. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Reps. Lawler, Gottheimer, And Torres Unite To Address The Alarming Rise Of Antisemitism

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On Monday, Reps. Mike Lawler (R-NY-17), Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ-5), and Ritchie Torres (D-NY-15) joined Jewish students from Columbia University and Jewish organizations from across New York, including the UJA Federation New York (UJA), the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York (JCRC NY), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and the American Jewish Committee New York (AJC New York) to host a roundtable on the disturbing rise of antisemitism on campuses and in communities across America. “In the wake of October 7th, the ADL tabulated a 360% increase in antisemitic hate crimes, registering 3,283 antisemitic incidents between October 7, 2023, and January 7, 2024 – this included attacks aimed at synagogues, community centers, and on college campuses,” said Congressman Lawler. “The horrific displays of violence toward our Jewish community, including right here at Columbia University, is appalling and wrong. We must all work together to combat this terrible scourge, and that’s why I was proud to be here with my colleague from across the aisle, Congressman Gottheimer, and with Jewish students and organizations, to draw attention to this pressing concern and discuss what must be done to combat it.” Congressman Lawler pointed to his Antisemitism Awareness Act, which passed the House in a broad, bipartisan vote of 320-91 on May 1st, as an important piece of the puzzle. That legislation has been awaiting action in the Senate for over four and a half months, despite its overwhelming support in the House from members of both parties. “Jewish students fearing for their safety cannot afford to wait for us to act,” Congressman Lawler continued. “The Antisemitism Awareness Act codifies the International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA)’s working definition of antisemitism and its contemporary examples, which has been used by the last three Administrations to prosecute antisemitic hate crimes. Codifying this definition will provide clarity to existing laws and ensure we are holding those who threaten students accountable. I urge Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to bring this legislation up at once without any further delay!” “Today, Congressman Torres, Lawler, and I are here to ensure that, as the new school year kicks off, Columbia’s campus — and college campuses across the nation — remain safe for Jewish students and students of all walks of life. No Jewish student should have to worry that wearing their kippah on campus will make him a target, nor a Muslim student with her hijab or a Christian student with her cross,” said Congressman Gottheimer. “While university leadership across the country may have failed our students earlier this year, we will not — we will do everything in our power to keep you safe and always feel welcome.” “Today’s roundtable at Columbia University was a powerful testament to the resilience and steadfast resolve of Jewish students who have been thrust into the daily fight against antisemitism in a post-October 7 world,” said Congressman Torres. “These brave students are committed to ensuring that our campuses do not perpetually descend into safe havens for antisemitic hate cloaked in the thin veil of anti-Israel politics — even when their professors and university administrators fail them. I commend my colleagues Reps. Gottheimer and Lawler for bringing us all together today to have a meaningful and results-driven conversation.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


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