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Mobile Intensive Care Unit and 5 Ambulances Donated in Memory of Six MDA Fallen Heroes

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In a moving ceremony held this week (Sunday) at MDA’s headquarters in Ramla, a mobile intensive care unit MICU and five new ambulances dedicated to the memory of MDA volunteers who fell during the “Iron Swords” war were inaugurated. An anonymous donor made the generous donation with the assistance of Israeli Friends Association of MDA. Each ambulance and MICU has the name of a fallen volunteer inscribed on it to commemorate their memory and continue the life-saving legacy they lived by. The ceremony, led by MDA volunteer Miri Bohadana, was attended by the bereaved families. These six ambulances join 29 ambulances donated in recent months, each commemorating one of the 29 MDA employees and volunteers who fell, totaling 35 ambulances dedicated to the memory of 35 MDA staff and volunteers who have fallen from October 7th until today. Here are the names of the MDA volunteers who fell and in whose memory the new ambulances or intensive care units were dedicated:   IDF soldier and MDA volunteer, Sergeant Major (Res.) Omer Smadga, 25, from Ganot Hadar, who fell in combat in the Netzarim corridor in the central Gaza Strip on June 20, 2024. Omer began his journey with MDA as a youth volunteer at the Netanya MDA station in 2015 and saved many lives during his shifts in ambulances. He also contributed significantly to COVID-19 testing activities and assisted Covid-positive patients during the pandemic that began in Israel in 2020.   MDA volunteer Michel Nisenbaum, 59, volunteered with MDA since 2015 in the Tzochar – Ofakim region. On the morning of October 7, he left his home to rescue his 4-year-old granddaughter who was at the Re’im base with her father, a career officer in the Gaza Division. After a few minutes, contact with Michel was lost. His family later saw a video released by Hamas showing his driver’s license, MDA volunteer ID, and other documents. Michel was initially listed as missing and later reported to have been abducted to Gaza. His body was recovered by IDF forces from Gaza.   IDF soldier and MDA trainee-volunteer, Staff Sergeant (Res.) Moti Rave, 37, fell in combat in Rafah on July 25, 2024, during an operational activity in the sector. The day after his death, before news of his death was released for publication, a ceremony was held for the completion of Stage 1 of MDA’s paramedic course, during which Moti was supposed to receive his certificate. During the ceremony, MDA received a request to send an ambulance to deliver the sad news to his family. MDA staff were dispatched immediately, and only later did his course mates and MDA teams in the South Hebron Hills realize they were going to his home and that Moti had fallen in battle. At the ambulance dedication ceremony, Moti’s family received his EMT course completion certificate.   MDA volunteer Lior Rudaeff, 61, from Nir Yitzhak, began his journey with MDA over 20 years ago. He fell on October 7 and his body was abducted to Gaza. Lior operated an MDA ambulance and provided medical services to residents of the kibbutz and surrounding communities. He was also a safety and traffic officer and a very prominent figure in the community. Over the years, he saved many lives, including treating casualties under fire on the day of […]

IDF Reservist Severely Injured In Hezbollah Anti-Tank Missile Strike As Rockets Rain Down On Israel

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An IDF reservist was severely injured in a Hezbollah anti-tank missile strike on Kibbutz Dan in northern Israel on Wednesday afternoon. No siren was sounded before the impact. IDF and emergency forces rushed to the scene and evacuated the victim to the hospital. The IDF responded with artillery fire at southern Lebanon. Earlier on Wednesday, the IDF eliminated a Hezbollah terrorist and wounded a second one in a drone strike in southern Lebanon. More than 60 rockets have been fired into Israel so far today. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Blinken: We’ll Present a New Proposal for a Hostage Deal Very Soon

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On Tuesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken sought to temper negative expectations about the likelihood of a deal to release hostages, indicating that the United States will be putting forward a new plan “very soon.”

During a press briefing in London alongside British Foreign Secretary David Lammy, Blinken responded to questions about whether negotiations for a ceasefire and a hostage agreement had reached an impasse. He was also asked if he could offer any guarantees to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the Philadelphi Corridor and whether Israel’s security would be ensured, even if Israeli forces were no longer stationed there.

“As for the ceasefire, here’s what I can tell you: Over 90 percent of the points have been settled. So we’re left with just a small number of issues – not even a full handful – that are tough but, in our view, entirely solvable. And as we’ve mentioned before, when you get to the final 10 percent, the last bit, that’s often the most difficult stretch to overcome. However, we are confident these matters can be resolved,” Blinken said.

“Right now, we are working closely with our counterparts in Egypt and Qatar to try to close any remaining gaps. Soon, we will bring this proposal to the involved parties, and we’ll see their response,” he continued.

“There’s a clear, shared interest across the region in concluding this ceasefire,” Blinken added. “It’s obviously in Israel’s interest to bring its hostages back. It’s also in its interest to ease tensions in Gaza. It could potentially provide opportunities to de-escalate the situation in the north with Hezbollah and Lebanon, something that a Gaza ceasefire would help facilitate. It’s also beneficial in terms of stabilizing the Red Sea region with the Houthis. And, crucially, it could open doors that might significantly impact Israel’s long-term security, including the possibility of normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia.”

Last week, The Washington Post revealed that the U.S. has been in discussions with Egypt and Qatar to finalize what’s described as a “take it or leave it” agreement.

However, the same outlet reported on Saturday that U.S. officials have decided to “indefinitely delay” presenting the finalized proposal.

According to The Post, a major stumbling block has emerged due to Hamas unexpectedly demanding the release of prominent terrorists in exchange for humanitarian prisoners.

Speaking to reporters on Thursday, Blinken emphasized that both Israel and Hamas need to agree on the remaining issues to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza.

During a news conference in Haiti, Blinken stated that “nearly 90%” of the ceasefire agreement concerning Gaza is in place, though significant gaps remain, particularly regarding the Philadelphi Corridor.

The U.S. has been advocating for a ceasefire and hostage release framework that President Joe Biden first introduced back in May. However, Hamas has consistently rejected all versions of the plan that have been offered.


Blinken And Lammy Visit Kyiv As Ukraine Pushes For Long-Range Strikes Against Russia

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U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and British Foreign Secretary David Lammy arrived in Kyiv on a joint visit Wednesday, as Ukraine presses the West to allow it to use long-range missiles against Russia. The top diplomats reached the Ukrainian capital by train from Poland hours after the U.S. presidential debate during which Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Trump sparred over the 2 1/2-year war in Ukraine. Blinken traveled from London, where he accused Iran of providing Russia with Fath-360 short-range ballistic missiles, calling the move a “dramatic escalation” of the war. For months, Ukraine has been requesting approval to use long-range weapons from the United States and Western allies to strike targets in Russia, and is expected to press harder given Russia’s latest reported weapons acquisition. “We hope that long-range equipment for strikes on the territory of our enemy will be reached and we will have it,” Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal told Lammy. “We hope for your help and support in this issue.” Shmyhal described the meeting with Lammy in Kyiv as “intense” but gave no other details in the post on his Telegram channel. At a news conference on Tuesday, Shmyhal said that “if we are allowed to destroy military targets or weapons prepared by the enemy for attacks on Ukraine, it would certainly bring more safety for our civilians, our people, and our children. “We are working towards this and will continue to push for it every day.” Referring to the missiles from Iran, he added: “Russia’s use of weapons from its terrorist allies to strike at Ukraine continues their genocidal war and terrorism on our territory. We must be able to respond to such terrorism in kind by destroying military targets on their territory to ensure greater safety for our citizens.” Wednesday’s visit comes ahead of British Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s upcoming trip to Washington, where he will meet President Joe Biden at the White House on Friday. Ukraine’s request for permission to strike Russian targets is due to feature in the discussion. Biden has allowed Ukraine to fire U.S.-provided missiles across the border into Russia in self-defense but largely limited the distance over concerns about further escalating the conflict. The rare joint visit by the British and American top diplomats was, unusually, announced in advance — a public signal of U.S-.U.K. support for Ukraine ahead of what’s likely to be a brutal winter of Russian attacks. Russian airstrikes, mostly aimed at crippling Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, have intensified in recent weeks with nightly missile and drone attacks. As Blinken and Lammy arrived in Kyiv, the U.K. announced it was banning 10 commercial ships it accuses of illicitly transporting Russian oil in violation of international sanctions. The U.K. government said the vessels would be barred from British ports and could be detained if they enter. (AP)

Struggling with Anxiety or Anger? Transform Your Life in Just 8 Weeks! Join Our Live FREE 2 Day Workshop to Learn More

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After Footage of Hamas Tunnel Where Hostages Were Murdered, Lieberman Says: Stop All The Aid To Gaza

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On Tuesday evening, Israeli political leaders expressed their reactions to the release of harrowing footage showing the execution of six hostages by Hamas terrorists within a tunnel.

Avigdor Liberman, head of Yisrael Beytenu, stated, “The same killing pits that the Nazis used to murder Jews during the Holocaust are being repeated by the Nazi monsters of Hamas. All humanitarian aid to Gaza must be stopped today. No food, no water, no cigarettes, no fuel and no goods. Everyone who had a part, everyone who had a hand in the matter, must not die a natural death.”

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir remarked, “Hamas kept our hostages under substandard conditions, and murdered them in cold blood. The response to this should be clear: the cessation of humanitarian aid and the fuel trucks that reach Hamas.”

Yair Lapid, the leader of the opposition, shared his reaction: “The shocking images are a painful and chilling testimony to the unimaginable cruelty of Hamas, but they are also a red flag and a wake-up call to the Israeli government – if we don’t do everything to reach a deal now, we are imposing a death sentence on the hostages who are still alive. We cannot afford any more videos like this.”

Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett commented, “A detestable Nazi enemy.” Minister Yitzchak Goldknopf, leader of the United Torah Judaism Party, voiced his anger, saying, “The shocking footage of the tunnel where the six were murdered is infuriating and outrageous. The voice of our brothers’ blood cries out to us from the ground. We will support any deal brought to the government.”

Goldknopf continued, “And one more word about hypocrisy: While we are having discussions on improving the living conditions of Nukhba terrorists and the visits of representatives of the Red Cross, in The Hague they are asking for an arrest warrant against the Prime Minister. We will not defeat a cruel enemy by groveling. The State of Israel must use an iron fist against the enemy.”

Gideon Sa’ar, leader of New Hope-The United Right, responded, “The gut-wrenching video from the murder tunnels of Hamas – is shocking. We are obliged to continue our efforts to return all the hostages and the campaign to defeat Hamas – which kidnapped them, held them in inhumane conditions and brutally murdered them. This campaign must be conducted on the basis of knowing the reality and not on the basis of wishful thinking. In Washington, I heard only yesterday from knowledgeable senior officials in the American administration (more than one): Hamas is not interested in a hostage deal. We are not close to such a deal. The thought that if Israel just makes one more concession or another and then the matter will be resolved – is simply not true. It’s a grave mistake to tear the nation apart over something that doesn’t exist!”


US Commemorates 9/11 Attacks With Victims In Focus And Politics In View

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The U.S. remembered the lives taken and those reshaped by 9/11, marking an anniversary laced with presidential campaign politics as President Joe Biden, former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris stood together Wednesday at ground zero. Sept. 11 — the date when hijacked plane attacks killed nearly 3,000 people in 2001 — falls in the thick of the presidential election season every four years, and it comes at an especially pointed moment this time. The anniversary ceremony at the World Trade Center brought Harris and Trump, the Democratic and Republican nominees, face-to-face just hours after their first-ever debate Tuesday night. Trump and running mate Sen. JD Vance arrived at the trade center site around 8 a.m. and posed for photographs with some in the audience. Harris arrived with Biden about a half-hour later, to cheers of “Kamala!” from some audience members. Biden and Trump shook hands, and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg appeared to facilitate a handshake between Harris and Trump. Then the presidential rivals stood only a few feet apart, with Biden and Bloomberg between them, as the observance began with the tolling of a bell and a moment of silence. The political backdrop wasn’t top-of-mind for victims’ relatives such as Cathy Naughton, who came to honor her cousin Michael Roberts, one of hundreds of firefighters killed in the attack. Twenty-three years later, “it’s just so raw,” she said. “We want to make sure people remember always, and say the names always and never forget.” “Every year, it just doesn’t get easier,” she added. Regardless of the campaign calendar, organizers of anniversary ceremonies have long taken pains to try to keep the focus on victims. For years, politicians have been only observers at ground zero observances, with the microphone going instead to relatives who read victims’ names aloud. If politicians “care about what’s actually going on, great. Be here,” said Korryn Bishop, who lost her cousin John F. McDowell Jr. “If they’re just here for political clout, that upsets me.” Biden, on the last Sept. 11 of his term and likely his half-century political career, was headed with Harris later to ceremonies in Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon, the three sites where commercial jets crashed after al-Qaida operatives took them over on Sept. 11, 2001. Trump also was due at the Flight 93 National Memorial near rural Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Officials later concluded that the aircraft that crashed there was headed toward Washington. It went down after crew members and passengers tried to wrest control from the hijackers. The attacks killed 2,977 people and left thousands of bereaved relatives and scarred survivors. The planes carved a gash in the Pentagon, the U.S. military headquarters, and brought down the trade center’s twin towers, which were among the world’s tallest buildings. The catastrophe also altered U.S. foreign policy, domestic security practices and the mindset of many Americans who had not previously felt vulnerable to attacks by foreign extremists. Effects rippled around the world and through generations as the U.S. responded by leading a “ Global War on Terrorism,” which included invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Those operations killed hundreds of thousands of Afghans and Iraqis and thousands of American troops, and Afghanistan became the site of the United States’ longest war. As the complex legacy of 9/11 continues to […]

Harris: The War Must End, Trump: She Hates Israel

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Former U.S. President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris went head-to-head in their first debate for the 2024 election, held on Tuesday night.

This debate, which was broadcast on ABC News, was led by David Muir, anchor of “World News Tonight,” along with Linsey Davis, who anchors “Prime.”

The candidates greeted each other with a handshake as they walked on stage, with Harris approaching Trump’s side first to initiate the gesture.

When Harris was asked whether Americans are in a better financial position than they were four years ago, she emphasized her background from a working-class family and detailed her plans for creating an “opportunity economy” to help everyday families.

She spoke of policies to reduce housing costs and bolster small businesses but didn’t directly engage with the question’s core premise.

Trump quickly responded, stating, “She doesn’t have a plan. She got Biden’s plan, and it’s like four sentences.”

Harris ridiculed Trump’s rallies, commenting, “I’m going to actually do something really unusual and I’m going to invite you to attend one of Donald Trump’s rallies. He talks about fictional characters like Hannibal Lecter. He will talk about how windmills cause cancer. What you will also notice is that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom. The one thing you will not hear him talk about is you.”

Trump repeated claims, previously debunked, that recent Haitian arrivals in Ohio were consuming local pets.

“In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs — the people that came in — they’re eating the cats, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there. And this is what’s happening in our country,” he said, though the city’s manager had earlier confirmed there was no truth to such claims.

Trump also harshly criticized Harris and President Joe Biden for branding him as a threat to democracy.

“I probably took a bullet to the head because of the things that they say about me. They talk about democracy. I’m a threat to democracy. They’re the threat to democracy,” Trump stated, referring to an assassination attempt against him.

He went on to clarify that his recent remarks, where he appeared to acknowledge his 2020 defeat, were meant to be sarcastic.

“Look, there’s so much proof. All you have to do is look at it… I got almost 75 million votes, the most votes any sitting president has ever gotten. I was told if I got 63, which was what I got in 2016, you can’t be beaten in the election,” he asserted.

During a question about the conflict in Gaza, Harris was asked how she would resolve the ongoing stalemate on a potential hostage release. She responded, “What we know is that this war must end. It must end immediately, and the way it will end is we need a ceasefire immediately and we need the hostages out. And so we will continue to work, around the clock, on that.”

She further emphasized the need for a long-term solution, saying, “we must chart a course for a two-state solution, and in that solution, there must be security for the Israeli people and Israel and, in equal measure, for the Palestinians.”

“The one thing I will assure you always: I will always give Israel the ability to defend itself, in particular as it relates to Iran, and any threat that Iran and its proxies pose to Israel. But we must have a two-state solution.”

Trump was then questioned about how he would negotiate with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas to secure the release of hostages and minimize civilian casualties in Gaza. He responded confidently, saying, “If I were President, it would’ve never started. If I were President, Russia would’ve never ever have gone into Ukraine and killed millions of people. But when she mentions Israel…she hates Israel. She wouldn’t even meet with Netanyahu when he went to Congress to make a very important speech. She refused to be there because she went to a sorority party.”

Trump doubled down, saying, “She hates Israel. If she’s President, I believe that Israel will not exist within two years from now, and I’ve been pretty good with predictions and I hope I’m wrong about that one.”

He continued with a grim forecast, predicting, “The whole place is going to get blown up. Arabs, Jewish people, Israel, Jewish people…Israel will be gone. Iran was broke under Donald Trump. Now Iran has 300 billion dollars because they took off all the sanctions that I had. They had no money for terror. They were broke. Now they’re a rich nation and they’re spreading that money around. I will get that settled and fast, and I will get with the war with Ukraine and Russia ended.”

In response to Trump’s statement that she dislikes Israel, Harris firmly denied the accusation, stating, “That is absolutely not true. I have my entire career and life supported Israel and the Israeli people. He knows that. He’s trying to, again, divide and distract from the reality, which is: It is very well known that Donald Trump is weak and wrong on national security and foreign policy. It is well known that he admires dictators.”


US Sanctions National Iranian Airline for Shipping Ballistic Missiles to Russia

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The Biden administration announced new sanctions on Iran’s national airline on Tuesday in response to its role in shipping ballistic missiles to Russia.

Speaking at a press conference in London, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that the administration had warned Iran repeatedly against giving missiles to Moscow to use against Ukraine.

“We’ve warned Tehran publicly. We’ve warned Tehran privately that taking this step would constitute a dramatic escalation,” he said. “Russia has now received shipments of these ballistic missiles and will likely use them within weeks in Ukraine against Ukrainians.”

Blinken said that while Russia has its own ballistic-missile arsenal, the Iranian weapons will be used for shorter-range targets, freeing Russia to use its domestic stockpile to attack deeper into Ukraine. He added that in exchange for delivering the missiles, Russia is providing Iran with nuclear and space information technology.

In response to the missile delivery, the U.S. Treasury Department announced on Tuesday that it is imposing sanctions against Iran Air for its role in shipping cargo to Russia for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, a U.S.-designated foreign terror organization.

France, Germany and the United Kingdom announced that they are also pursuing sanctions against Tehran and canceling their bilateral air services agreements with the Islamic Republic. Iran Air previously operated flights to London, Paris, Cologne, Munich and Hamburg and was the only Iranian carrier permitted to operate in European airspace.

Iran has long used its ostensibly civilian airlines for military purposes. In 2019, France banned Iran’s Mahan Air from entering the country for its role in shipping troops and arms to Syria and other Middle Eastern hotspots.

John Kirby, the White House national security communications advisor, told reporters at a briefing on Tuesday that it was not clear why Iran decided to deliver the ballistic missiles.

“I wish I could get inside the head of the supreme leader here and figure out why he’s doing what he’s doing. I can’t do that,” Kirby said. “Now we have seen, in fact, this deal get consummated, and so we’re making that public and doing something about it. But as for the exact timing, it’s difficult for us to know how they executed on this particular timeline.”

“What’s most relevant is that now Russia will have available to it additional ballistic missiles to rain down on the Ukrainian people and Ukrainian infrastructure,” he added.

Nasser Kanaani, the spokesman for the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated that U.S. claims that Iran provided ballistic missiles to Russia are intended to distract from American support for Israel.

“Spreading false and misleading news about the transfer of Iranian weapons to some countries is just an ugly propaganda and lie with the aim of concealing the dimensions of the massive illegal arms support of the United States and some Western countries for the genocide in the Gaza Strip,” he wrote. JNS


In Memory of Shimmy Biegeleisen HYD, 9/11 Terror Victim

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The following are excerpts of a Wall Street Journal article, and re-posted from the YWN archives: FIVE FLOORS ABOVE, Shimmy Biegeleisen phoned his wife from his office at money-management firm Fiduciary Trust International Inc. “There’s been an explosion next door,” the 42-year-old vice president said. “Don’t worry. I’m OK.” After a few minutes, Mr. Biegeleisen grabbed his black canvas bag, walked past a cluster of cubicles and headed toward the stairwell. But when he reached the doorway — a step behind a project manager who worked for him — he stopped, leaned his big body against the open metal door and rummaged through his bag. “Whatever you’re looking for, it’s not important,” the manager told her boss. “Please come.” She started down the stairs. THE WORD “FIDUCIARY” filled the caller-ID panel on the kitchen phone in the Biegeleisen home in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn. Miriam Biegeleisen knew it was her husband calling again from his office. “I love you,” he told her. He hadn’t made it to the stairs when the wings of the second jet ripped diagonally through the south tower just four floors below Mr. Biegeleisen’s cubicle. Fire engulfed the tower’s stairwells. Mr. Biegeleisen was trapped. Mrs. Biegeleisen handed the phone to Dovid Langer, a friend who volunteered for an ambulance service and had run over when he heard that ambulances had been dispatched to the towers. “Dovid,” Mr. Biegeleisen told him, “take care of Miriam and take care of my children.” Mr. Langer heard a recording in the background saying over and over that the building was secure and that people should stay put. (A Port Authority spokesman said, “We are not aware of any recorded announcement made by building management.”) Mr. Biegeleisen continued: “Dovid, I’m not coming out of this.” Mr. Langer connected Mr. Biegeleisen to Gary Gelbfish, a vascular surgeon and friend who was watching the towers burn on TV. “I’m having difficulty breathing,” Mr. Biegeleisen told him. Black smoke was filling the room. “You’ve got to do two things,” the doctor said. “Stay low to the ground. And do you have a towel or a rag? Put water on it and put it over your mouth.” Twin Mr. Biegeleisen walked past three cubicles to the water cooler. He wet a towel and raised it to his mouth. Then he walked back to his desk and lay down on the slate blue carpet in his black suede shoes, black pants, oxford shirt and black felt yarmulke. Mr. Biegeleisen was a Chassid, a devoted follower of the Belzer Rebbe, the leader of a rabbinic dynasty that dates to 1815. “Is there a sprinkler?” Dr. Gelbfish asked. Mr. Biegeleisen looked up but couldn’t see through the smoke. He and the five colleagues trapped alongside him decided to try to get to the roof. Mr. Biegeleisen hung up the phone. THE PHONE RANG in the Biegeleisen home. Again, “FIDUCIARY” flashed on the display. The intense heat had kept Shimmy Biegeleisen from reaching the roof. “We couldn’t even go into the hallway,” he said into the phone. The Biegeleisen home was filling with worried friends and neighbors. Women clustered in the living room, trying to calm Mrs. Biegeleisen. Men paced in the kitchen, taking turns speaking to her husband. One phoned 911. They waited while Mr. Biegeleisen tried […]

In Memory of Avremel (Abe) Zelmanowitz HYD, 9/11 Terror Victim

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When the terror attack occurred, Avremel was fifty-five; his friend Ed, a quadriplegic, was forty-two. Both worked at Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield as program analysts on the 27th floor of One World Trade Center. By Chavie Zelmanowitz (sister-in-law), as told to Bayla Sheva Brenner On the morning of 9/11, Avremel davened in the same shul with my husband, Yankel, which was unusual. Usually, whenever they said goodbye, they would shake hands. That morning, however, Avremel came toward Yankel and hugged him tightly before he left for work. While driving home after taking me to work, Yankel heard that something had happened at the World Trade Center. He tried to call Avremel. I also tried. We couldn’t get through. Then Avremel called Yankel. He said, “I’m here with Ed. We’re waiting for help and then we’re going to leave.” Yankel called me and said, “I heard from Avremel—he’s going to leave.” I breathed a sigh of relief. Then I got a phone call from Avremel. I asked, “Where are you calling from? I thought you were on your way home.” He reassured me that the air was clear where they were, on the 27th floor. “I’m waiting here with Ed for someone to come help.” He said that Ed wanted to wait for a medical team, because in the past when people lifted him improperly, his bones would break. Edward Beyea, who became disabled after a diving accident at age twenty-one, was a large man. He used a wheelchair with all kinds of contraptions. He had no arm or leg function, and operated his computer with a mouth stick. An aide accompanied him at all times. The normal routine was that the aide would bring him to work, set him up in his cubicle, and go up to the 43rd floor to the cafeteria. That’s where she was when the plane hit. There was water coming down, things were falling, smoke was filling the room. She immediately ran back down the staircase to the 27th floor and found the two of them together. Avremel assured her that he would stay with Ed and that she should leave. She barely made it out. Avremel is responsible for her survival. Avremel told me, “The fireman is here and he wants me to move to another area.” That was the last we heard from him. No one had any idea that the buildings were going to go down. He didn’t stay to die; he stayed to help. That was his intention. Avremel and Ed had worked together for twelve years. They traded books and tapes and played chess together. Avremel was a master carpenter; he built Ed a cigar stand and a book stand so that he would be able to read in bed. He used to visit Ed during his numerous hospitalizations. It was a friendship that culminated with this extraordinary act. Initially our son-in-law made up a flyer; everyone was posting flyers for missing relatives. The flyer mentioned that Avremel was together with a quadriplegic friend. Immediately, we were bombarded by reporters. They wanted to hear details of the story. We were interviewed on a few news programs, at one point three in one day. A week after 9/11, our rav told us it was time to sit shivah. Rescuers were not […]

TWENTY THREE YEARS: See Footage Of Hatzolah On 9/11 At WTC; Hear The Horror On The Hatzolah Radio

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23 years have now passed since the trajectory of history was forever altered by the 9/11 attacks. Of course, when it happened, many of us knew we’d never forget that day. Yet time dulls even the most painful memories. Among the heroes of 9/11, which included the FDNY, NYPD, PAPD, EMS and other agencies, were the volunteers of Hatzolah. Chevra Hatzalah played a pivotal role in the World Trade Center rescue operations. The very first ambulance to arrive at the World Trade Center following the first plane crash on September 11, 2001 was a Hatzalah ambulance. By the time the second airplane crashed into the second tower, there were two dozen Hatzalah ambulances at the scene, including Hatzalah’s Communications and Command Center trailer, and more than 100 Hatzalah EMTs, paramedics, and doctors on scene. Before the buildings came down, ambulances had arrived from Hatzalah of Rockland County, 40 miles to the North, with additional medics and EMTs. During the first hour, over 125 patients were transported to area hospitals by Hatzalah ambulances. At the south end of the Twin Towers, Hatzalah was the predominant ambulance service covering the disaster scene. Hatzalah ambulances transported numerous victims, including firefighters and police officers. The following footage was released in 2015 for the first time to the public by YWN. In addition, Hatzalah assisted in the rescue of thousands of men, women and children who escaped to the docks near the Holocaust Museum in Battery Park, and helped evacuate them onto boats headed for New Jersey. Some Hatzalah volunteers went missing for periods of time throughout the day, but, b’chasdei hashem, there were few casualties amongst the Hatzalah team, and miraculously, all Hatzalah members survived. Tragically, there have been multiple Hatzalah members who were since Niftar from 9/11-related diseases. Listen below to the frightening radio transmissions of frantic Hatzalah members screaming for help as the World Trade Center collapsed on top of them. Fast forward to 8:00 to hear the collapse of the first tower. Perhaps the most frightening moment is at 12:20 – when a member tells the dispatcher “tell my wife at least I said Shema.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

In Memory of Edmund Glazer HYD, 9/11 Terror Victim, Passenger On American Airlines Flight 11

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Edmund Glazer even laughed quietly. He was a calming, logical man, a problem solver, an unassuming gentleman for whom swearing was anathema. Even though he was the youngest of four siblings who were raised in Zambia and South Africa, with his ability to untangle life knots so adroitly, he was the family’s go-to guy. “Tell me more,” he would say, gently touching the other person’s arm. “What can I do to help?” Whenever he visited his sister, Beatrice Sandler, and her daughters, he would immediately stock their refrigerator with groceries and throw out the stale goods from his previous visit. He and his wife, Candy, had recently moved into a house outside Boston. He would eagerly call his sister, hold up the phone and say exultantly, “Can you hear that babbling brook?” In their dream house, Mr. Glazer, 41, fancied himself a handyman, and would take his young son, Nathan, on forays to Home Depot, hunting for the one tool that would improve his hapless skills. If he was less than dazzling with wood, Mr. Glazer was a Mr. Fix-it at his company, MRV Communications, where he had risen to chief financial officer. On the evening of Sept. 10, he got a call from MRV’s home office in Los Angeles, asking for his help on a major project. In his obliging way, Mr. Glazer boarded Flight 11 the next morning. Edmund Glazer, 41, was vice president of finance and administration and chief financial officer at MRV Communications, a Chatsworth, Calif.-based telecommunications company. On Tuesday, Glazer was on his way to the headquarters from his home in Wellesley, Mass. “He called me to let me know that he had made it on the plane,” said his wife, Candy. “He said they were about to take off and he had to turn off the cell phone. I’m assuming nothing was going on then, because he sounded normal. We said our byes and he said he would call me when he got there [Los Angeles].” Born in Zambia, Glazer moved to Los Angeles when he was 17 to attend the University of Southern California. “Everyone knows the U.S. has the best universities and he decided he wanted to study here,” said Candy Glazer. “He liked it so much he decided to stay.” Profile courtesy of Chicago Tribune – Profile published in the NYT on June 2, 2002. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

IDF Confirms It Mistakenly Killed Three Hostages In Gaza City Bombing

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The Israel Defense Forces confirmed on Tuesday that an airstrike in November accidentally killed three Israeli hostages along with Hamas northern Gaza brigade leader Ahmed Ghandour. This revelation follows weeks of speculation, as officials had only hinted at the possibility of such an incident without previously providing concrete confirmation.

In December, the IDF announced the discovery of five hostage bodies, three of which were linked to this particular airstrike. However, at the time, the military refrained from directly blaming Hamas for their deaths. Instead, the IDF subtly suggested that its own airstrike might have been responsible for killing the hostages, but withheld confirmation pending a forensic investigation.

Late Monday night into Tuesday, the IDF officially acknowledged its role in the deaths of the three hostages after a report by Channel 12 revealed that the military had informed the families of the hostages. Despite this, the IDF initially chose not to publicly disclose the information.

The IDF pushed back against Channel 12’s characterization of a cover-up but has yet to provide a full explanation for why the findings of the investigation were not made public earlier.

In December, the IDF detailed how it had discovered the bodies of five hostages held by Hamas in a tunnel complex near Jabalya in northern Gaza. On December 12, two bodies were found, followed by the discovery of three additional bodies a few days later. At that time, the military only publicly confirmed the first two bodies.

The tunnel where the bodies were found was vast, featuring an elevator, spacious rooms, and various side chambers, including command centers, medical facilities, prayer spaces, and weapons manufacturing areas.

An IDF source explained that the discovery of the bodies was made possible through a combination of pre-existing intelligence and real-time data collected in the field, using forensic methods to narrow down their locations. Despite being in the same general area, the bodies were spread across different sections of the tunnel.

Among the five identified hostages were Eden Zakaria and Ziv Dado, whose names were made public on December 12. The three others, Elia Toledano, Nik Beizer, and Ron Sherman, were confirmed as the individuals killed in the airstrike alongside Ghandour.

Previously, Hamas had released a video showing Toledano, Beizer, and Sherman in captivity, holding up papers with their names and personal details. In the video, they appeared to be interacting with one another, smiling, and speaking.

Accompanying the video, Hamas issued a statement claiming that they had “tried to keep them alive, but Netanyahu insisted on killing them.” The video included visual effects, such as simulated gunfire and animated blood, as part of Hamas’ propaganda efforts.

These three hostages were originally captured during the deadly October 7 massacre.

In December, the IDF explained that it had delayed announcing the discovery of the three additional bodies until military operations in the area were fully concluded. There were concerns that revealing too much information too soon could put soldiers at risk. Eventually, the IDF used 13 tons of explosives to destroy the entire tunnel system, which extended the timeline of their operations.

While the IDF had previously confirmed that Zakaria was killed on October 7 and her body taken to Gaza, they did not provide a clear timeline for the deaths of the other hostages. Forensic investigations into the exact timing of their deaths are reportedly ongoing.

{Matzav.com Israel}


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