Yeshiva World News

HISTORIC EVENT: Massive Asifa Planned For Bell Works This Wednesday Night

Unprecedented challenges call for unprecedented action. On Wednesday, a historic, can’t-miss, and hopefully once-in-a-lifetime event will be taking place in New Jersey, where thousands of people will join as one to raise $23 million to save the future of Klal Yisroel. This historic gathering, for which the olam hatorah has been clamoring for ever since the historic visit of six leading gedolim several weeks ago, will take place on Wednesday, July 24, from 5 to 10 PM at Bell Works in Holmdel, New Jersey. The asifa, which aims to close the gap between the $84 million already pledged to the olam hayeshivos in Eretz Yisroel, and the $107 million necessary to keep them properly funded, will be headline by leading roshei yeshiva and renowned philanthropists. Included among the distinguished headliners are Rav Malkiel Kotler shlit”a and Rav Yitzchok Kolodetzky shlit”a, both of whom will share divrei bracha and chizzuk to the assembled. Additionally, the event will feature noted philanthropists Aaron Wolfson, Ralph Herzka, Reuven Wolf, Itche Rosenbaum, Ezra Erani, Jimmy Khezri, Boruch Jeremias, Yitzchak Rokowsky, Shimmy Glick and Ronnie Wilhelm. To guarantee its success, event organizers are relying on YOU to make a difference. Sign up to become a fundraiser for this monumental cause by clicking here. It will only take a minute, but the schar will last for eternity. And on top of that, those who sign up to be fundraisers get complimentary VIP tickets to Wednesday’s asifa.

WATCH: IDF Footage Shows Hamas Terrorists Hijacking Humanitarian Aid Truck In Gaza

The Israeli military has released footage showing gunmen attempting to commandeer trucks carrying humanitarian aid in the Rafah area of the southern Gaza Strip. The IDF has been saying ever since the Gaza war began that Hamas operatives regularly try to hijack aid deliveries along designated humanitarian aid routes. Troops from the Nahal Brigade raided a school adjacent to the “humanitarian route” where a group of gunmen were hiding. The IDF says the terrorists planned to take control of the route used by aid trucks. Using drones, the Nahal troops eliminated the gunmen and later discovered a tunnel shaft in the school’s courtyard. In a separate operation, the IDF released footage of a tunnel found in the Brazil neighborhood of Rafah, which was later demolished. The tunnel, several hundred meters long with multiple levels, was likely intended for use in future attacks. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Biden’s Withdrawal From the US Presidential Race Spells New Uncertainty for Ukraine

U.S. President Joe Biden’s decision to end his campaign for reelection brings a new element of uncertainty for Ukraine, which is struggling to fend off Russian military advances even as it worries about the future of American support. The prospect of victory for former President Donald Trump, the Republican contender, has long concerned Kyiv, which fears he would choke off support and force Ukraine to sue for peace on terms that favor Russia. The Kremlin launched its full-scale invasion in early 2022, leading to more than two years of war. But while the Democrats hope Biden’s decision to drop out and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris will inject energy into their campaign, it’s unclear whether it makes Trump’s defeat more likely. Officials in Moscow, widely thought to favor Trump, were noncommittal. Kyiv resident Yulia Loginova said she found it impossible to predict how Biden’s departure would affect Ukraine. “I don’t know, honestly,” she said. “Surprises every day. But he did the right thing.” Phillips O’Brien, professor of strategic studies at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, said Biden’s withdrawal “changes the narrative of the campaign,” but it’s too soon to say how much it will alter the dynamic of the presidential election. “If it makes the Democrats more likely to win, then Ukraine’s happy,” he said. “I don’t think a Harris administration would be that different from a Biden administration.” Ukraine may be facing tough times regardless of who wins. While the U.S. is Ukraine’s most crucial backer, under Biden it has sometimes been seen as a frustrating friend. Standing in Kyiv’s Independence Square beside a sea of small Ukrainian flags left in tribute to those killed in the war, a solider said victory “is impossible without the support of the U.S.A., that is a fact. They have the largest number of weapons, influence and everything.” Still, the soldier, who gave only his nickname, Sadik, in line with military rules, said that if the U.S. had provided more support, “the war would have ended a long time ago.” But a new Trump administration would make things far worse, he added. “If Trump wins, there will be little or no weapons,” he said, adding that he feared Ukraine would be forced into concessions to end the war, where the Kremlin’s troops are making gradual battlefield gains. Trump has boasted that he could end the conflict within 24 hours, and Ukrainians think any such settlement would be on Russia’s terms. Trump’s choice of Ohio Sen. JD Vance, an opponent of U.S. military aid to Ukraine, as vice-presidential running mate has triggered more alarm. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said during a visit to Britain last week that dealing with Trump would be hard work – but he added that Ukrainians aren’t “afraid of hard work.” Ukraine’s leader and Trump spoke by phone on Friday, a call both men described as good on social media platform X. Zelenskyy thanked Biden for his “unwavering support” and “bold steps” during the war. “The current situation in Ukraine and all of Europe is no less challenging, and we sincerely hope that America’s continued strong leadership will prevent Russian evil from succeeding or making its aggression pay off,” Zelenskyy wrote on X. Yet Ukraine’s gratitude for U.S. support is tinged with frustration at its limitations. As Russia […]

A Guide to the 17th of Tammuz & the 3 Weeks

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman The Three Weeks Although the Three Weeks (from 17th of Tammuz to after Tisha B’Av) and the other two fasts are a period of mourning and introspection, the Navi Zechariah tells us (Zechariah 8:19) that, eventually, the four fasts of Klal Yisrael will be a source of joy and gladness, but only if we do one thing. We have to embark upon the goal of loving both truth and shalom. Rabbi Chaninah tells us (Shabbos 55a) that Hashem’s seal is truth. Shalom is also one of the names of Hashem, in addition to being a central theme of our daily tefillos. If we learn to love these ideals, the fasts will be turned around. The four fasts mentioned in Zechariah are: The fast of the fourth month [17 Tammuz] The fast of the fifth month [9 Av] The fast of the seventh month [3 Tishrei] The fast of the tenth month [10 Teves] Clearly, we are counting these four fasts from the month of Nissan. But why do we start from Nissan? Because this is the first month that we became a nation.  It is important to note that when we mourn properly – we gain enormously in our Avodas Hashem.  Let’s try to make the most out of this period too. Modified Dates The exact dates of two of the fasts were not always these dates. As far as the 17th of Tammuz, originally, in the time of first Beis HaMikdash we observed it on the 9th of Tammuz because that is when the city walls were first broken through. Hundreds of years later, during the time of the second Beis HaMikdash, on the 17th of Tammuz, the enemy breached the walls of Yerushalayim once again. The date of the Tammuz fast was moved from the 9th to the 17th. The fast of Tishrei was to be observed on the third because the tragedy had occurred on the second day of Rosh Hashanah itself, one day earlier, and we do not want to fast then. Purpose Of The Fasts The Rambam (Hilchos Taanis 5:1) explains that fasting does two things: It awakens our hearts and it urges us onto the path of teshuvah. The purpose of the fast is for the teshuvah, the returning to Hashem, that is instigated by the fasting. The Chayei Adam (133:1) explains that if we do not focus on things that are important, we have lost the essential theme of Chazal’s intent in the fast. What does “awaken our hearts” mean? It attunes us to the loss, that great loss, of the Shechinah dwelling in our midst. Klal Yisrael is unique among all the nations of the world because of our unique ability to achieve a dveikus b’Hashem — a cleaving and closeness to HaKadosh Baruch Hu. It is this ability to achieve dveikus that gave us all the Nevi’im that we had. It is this ability to achieve dveikus which allows us to reach heights in our tefillos, our learning of His Torah, and in our middos. We had the Chofetz Chaim in our midst because of this ability to achieve dveikus b’Hashem. The Beis HaMikdash in our midst allowed us to achieve even greater dveikus. The loss of the Beis HaMikdash was a loss of who we are […]

Ex-Houthi Official: Tel Aviv Drone Attack Was A “Grave Mistake”

A former high-ranking Houthi official condemned the terror group’s attacks on Israel since October 7th as a “grave mistake.” In an exclusive interview with Yisrael Hayom, the ex-official criticized the Houthis for putting Yemen’s civilian population, which is already beset with poverty and hunger, at risk by attacking Israel, saying that it could support the Palestinian cause via other means, such as financial assistance. “The Houthis are exploiting tens of millions of Yemenis as human shields when they fire rockets and kill Israeli civilians,” he said. “This action will lead to the port’s bankruptcy. The core conflict is between Israel and the Palestinians; we have no direct dispute with Israel.” He added that the Houthis don’t even have a rudimentary air defense system to protect Yemen. “[Houthi leader] Abdul-Malik al-Houthi launches these rockets despite being unable to down even a single Israeli aircraft,” he said, adding that he fears that Israel could impose a naval and air blockade on Yemen – bringing even more suffering to civilians. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Biden Continues to Recover From Covid-19, Stays Out of Public View After Ending His 2024 Campaign

President Joe Biden’s “symptoms have almost resolved completely” from COVID-19, according to his physician, as the president on Monday remained out of public view for the fifth straight day. Biden announced he was ending his reelection campaign in a letter posted Sunday on social media. He also announced in a statement on Sunday that he was endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris. The president was last seen in public late Wednesday after arriving at a U.S. air base in Dover, Delaware, after testing positive for COVID-19 while campaigning in Las Vegas earlier in the day. He then motorcaded to his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Biden’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, said that the president had completed his 10th dose of the COVID-fighting medication Paxlovid on Monday morning and continued to perform all of his presidential duties. “His symptoms have almost resolved completely. His pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and temperature remain absolutely normal,” O’Connor wrote. “His oxygen saturation continues to be excellent on room air. His lungs remain clear.” The White House said Biden received separate briefings on Monday from homeland security adviser Liz Sherwood-Randall and national security adviser Jake Sullivan. Both briefings were conducted virtually. Biden’s public schedule for the week has remained clear as he recovers from the virus, but he said in his letter on Sunday that he planned to deliver an address to the nation this week to discuss his decision to end his candidacy. Biden also plans to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House this week, according to a person familiar with the president’s schedule who was not authorized to comment publicly. (AP)

The WhatsApp Hijack: How Scammers Are Taking Control Of Accounts – And How To Protect Yourself

Various Shomrim branches and other organizations are alerting WhatsApp users to a rise in attempts by fraudsters to steal accounts, with scammers tricking users into sharing SMS verification codes, allowing them to hijack accounts. The scam involves fraudsters contacting users, often posing as WhatsApp customer support, and asking them to forward a six-digit verification code sent via SMS. This code is actually a registration code requested by the scammer, attempting to take over the user’s account. In some cases, scammers who already took over a user’s WhatsApp account then contact those person’s contacts, asking for their verification code, creating a snowball effect of stolen accounts. WhatsApp emphasizes the importance of keeping verification codes secret, stating that sharing them can lead to account takeover. If a scammer gains control, they can access future messages and impersonate the user. To secure your account, WhatsApp advises: Never share your verification code with anyone, including friends and family Enable two-step verification Restrict who can view your profile photo If your WhatsApp account was stolen, sign into WhatsApp with your phone number and re-register by entering the 6-digit code you receive via SMS or phone call. Once you’ve re-registered your WhatsApp account using the 6-digit code, the individual using your account is automatically logged out of your account. WhatsApp can only be registered with one phone number at a time. You might also be asked to enter a two-step verification PIN. If you don’t know it, the individual using your account might have enabled two-step verification. You must wait 7 days before you can sign in without the two-step verification PIN. Once you’ve recovered your account, we recommend increasing security on your device, by configuring two-step verification, a passcode, fingerprint access, or another security option available for your device. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

INSANE VIDEO: Tractor-Trailer Explosion Closes Route 3 In Clifton, New Jersey

A devastating tractor-trailer explosion and fire brought traffic to a standstill on Route 3 in Clifton Monday morning, forcing the closure of all lanes in both directions. The incident was reported at approximately 9:07 a.m., with multiple callers reporting a commercial truck engulfed in flames and explosions. During a press conference, Clifton Fire Chief Daniel Collins and City Manager Dominick Villano revealed that a bus rear-ended the truck, but details about the bus and its occupants remain unknown. No injuries have been reported as of yet, although the truck driver’s whereabouts are currently unknown. The cause of the explosion is still under investigation, with multiple agencies, including state police, working to determine the origin of the blast. Nearby homes have been evacuated as a precautionary measure. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

IDF Reserve Officer Arrested For Forging Military ID Cards For PA Arabs

Israel Police officers on Monday arrested an IDF reserve officer for allegedly forging military credentials identity cards for six Palestinian Arabs. The forged cards allowed the Arabs to stay in Israel illegally for years under the guise of working in various positions for the army. The positions, such as recruitment officials for Bedouins to the IDF, did not exist. The Arabs, who are all members of the same family from Tulkarm, were detained for questioning. Over the past few months, the police, in cooperation with the military police, carried out an investigation, which began as a covert investigation, against the IDF officer. The investigation is still ongoing. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12-Year-Old Girl Accused Of Smothering Her 8-Year-Old Cousin To Death After Fighting Over Smartphone

A 12-year-old girl in Tennessee has been charged with murder, accused of smothering her 8-year-old cousin as the younger girl slept. A relative said they had been arguing over an iPhone. A security camera recorded the killing, inside the bedroom they shared on July 15 in Humboldt, Tennessee, the county prosecutor said. The recording shows the older child using bedding to suffocate her cousin as the younger girl slept in the top bunk, Gibson District Attorney Frederick Agee’s statement said. After the child died, “the juvenile cleaned up the victim and repositioned her body,” Agee said. A relative told WREG-TV in Memphis that the girls had been arguing over an iPhone after coming from out of town to stay with their grandmother. The girl was charged with first-degree murder and tampering with evidence after authorities obtained the video on Wednesday. “I consider this to be one of the most disturbing violent acts committed by either an adult or juvenile that my office has prosecuted,” Agee wrote in the statement. He said he would petition a judge to prosecute the girl, who turns 13 later this month, in adult court, which would allow for “a lengthier sentence, whether that will be through incarceration or supervision with court-ordered conditions.” (AP)

Purchase Your Own Oasis of Calm in Netanya

Welcome to Netanya Beach Boutique  Your Dream Home Awaits Located in the heart of Netanya, our exclusive building boasts 17 luxurious apartments designed with modern amenities, expansive terraces and stunning ocean views. Nestled in a quiet neighborhood near private villas and just steps away from the beach, you’ll enjoy easy access to cafes, restaurants, and shopping malls, making it the perfect location for a serene yet vibrant lifestyle. Exclusive Features Private Pool: Enjoy a refreshing dip in our very own private pool In-House Shul: Convenient and accessible Shul State-of-the-Art Gym: Stay fit with our top-of-the-line gym equipment Every day is a Vacation Make every day a vacation with a porch featuring breathtaking ocean views of the Mediterranean Sea. Our apartments are designed to provide you with the ultimate comfort and luxury, making your home feel like a perpetual retreat. Why Purchase at Netanya Beach Boutique? Prime Location: Situated in a tranquil area near the beach, surrounded by private villas. Luxurious Living: Each apartment is meticulously designed with high-end finishes and modern conveniences. Community Amenities: Enhance your lifestyle with exclusive access to our pool, gym, and in-house shul. Proximity to Essentials: Close to cafes, restaurants, shopping malls, and other essential services. Contact Us Sales By: The Puzzles Team To book a private showing or request a brochure, contact us at: Puzzles Apartments LTD 🌐 📞 732-201-6367 Discover the perfect blend of luxury, comfort, and convenience. Experience the finest living at Netanya Beach Boutique. Sea you there!

Kamala Harris Gets A Chance To Press Reset On The 2024 Race Against Trump

For the past year, the presidential campaign seemed destined to be a monotonous slog featuring two candidates, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, who voters didn’t really want. But that all changed on a quiet Sunday afternoon just 107 days before the election. Biden’s decision to drop out of the race and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor resets the campaign with a swiftness that is unparalleled in modern American politics. Once a contest between two older white men, the election will likely force Trump to contend with the much younger Harris, who was consolidating support among Democrats and would be the first woman of color atop a major party’s ticket. “It shakes things up entirely,” said Dan Pfeiffer, a former adviser to President Barack Obama. “It turns everything on its head.” The crumbling of Biden’s Democratic reelection effort, which began with his shaky debate performance against the Republican former president last month, has left both parties scrambling. Although no one has stepped forward to challenge Harris for the Democratic nomination, she still faces the unprecedented challenge of taking over a campaign only four weeks before the party gathers in Chicago for its convention. At the same time, Trump must pivot his focus to Harris after designing his campaign for a rematch with Biden. Trump’s team claimed it was prepared to run against the vice president, and Republicans stepped up their criticism during the party’s convention last week in Milwaukee. However, Trump himself expressed disappointment that “we have to start all over again” with the campaign. He mused on Truth Social, his social media platform, that Republicans should be “reimbursed for fraud” for all the money they’ve spent running against Biden. The shakeup in the presidential race came after an extraordinarily tumultuous month in American politics, starting with an unusually early debate between Biden and Trump. The June 27 showdown catalyzed concerns that Biden, 81, was too old for a second term. As Democrats pushed to dislodge him from the top of the ticket, Trump survived an assassination attempt on July 13 during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Just a week later, Biden bowed to pressure within his party to step aside. He swiftly endorsed Harris, who is the first woman, Black person and person of South Asian descent to serve as vice president. The breakneck developments left the political world gasping for breath as everyone tried to reorient themselves to a new reality. Trump, who is 78, will almost certainly be the oldest candidate on the ballot after spending months battering Biden over his age. Harris is only 59, giving her a claim to representing generational change that Biden could never fulfill. In addition, Harris is a former prosecutor, providing a fresh opportunity to assail Trump’s status as a convicted felon after being found guilty in a hush money trial earlier this year. She is also the daughter of immigrants, raised by a Jamaican father and an Indian mother, a background that heightens the contrast with Trump, who has used racist, sexist and nativist rhetoric. Harris tried to summarize their differences in a campaign advertisement five years ago, when she was seeking the Democratic nomination before dropping out and joining Biden’s campaign as his running mate. “In every possible way, this is the anti-Trump,” […]

Secret Service Director: Trump Assassination Attempt Was Biggest Agency ‘Failure’ In Decades

The director of the Secret Service says the assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump was the agency’s “most significant operational failure” in decades. Director Kimberly Cheatle told lawmakers Monday during a congressional hearing: “On July 13, we failed.” Cheatle says she takes full responsibility for the agency’s missteps related to the attack at Trump’s Pennsylvania rally earlier this month. Cheatle was testifing Monday before a congressional committee as calls mount for her to resign over security failures at a rally where a 20-year-old gunman attempted to assassinate the Republican former president. The House Oversight Committee heard Cheatle’s first appearance before lawmakers since the July 13 Pennsylvania rally shooting that left one spectator dead. Trump was wounded in the ear and two other attendees were injured after Thomas Matthew Crooks climbed atop the roof of a nearby building and opened fire. Lawmakers have been expressing anger over how the gunman could get so close to the Republican presidential nominee when he was supposed to be carefully guarded. The Secret Service has acknowledged it denied some requests by Trump’s campaign for increased security at his events in the years before the assassination attempt. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has called what happened a “failure” while several lawmakers have called on Cheatle to resign or for President Joe Biden to fire her. The Secret Service has said Cheatle does not intend to step down. So far, she retains the support of Biden, a Democrat, and Mayorkas. Before the shooting, local law enforcement had noticed Crooks pacing around the edges of the rally, peering into the lens of a rangefinder toward the rooftops behind the stage where the president later stood, officials have told The Associated Press. An image of Crooks was circulated by officers stationed outside the security perimeter. Witnesses later saw him climbing up the side of a squat manufacturing building that was within 135 meters (157 yards) from the stage. He then set up his AR-style rifle and lay on the rooftop, a detonator in his pocket to set off crude explosive devices that were stashed in his car parked nearby. The attack on Trump was the most serious attempt to assassinate a president or presidential candidate since Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981. It was the latest in a series of security lapses by the agency that has drawn investigations and public scrutiny over the years. Authorities have been hunting for clues into what motivated Crooks, but so far have not found any ideological bent that could help explain his actions. Investigators who searched his phone found photos of Trump, Biden and other senior government officials, and also found that he had looked up the dates for the Democratic National Conventional as well as Trump’s appearances. He also searched for information about major depressive order. (AP)

H”YD: IDF Soldier Falls in Battle In The Gaza Strip

The yishuv of Nof Ayalon on Monday announced that one of its residents. Cpt. Mordechai Kadmon, H’yd, fell in battle in Gaza. Mordechai, z’l, was a talmid of the Neter Matai hesder yeshivah in Ariel. He was due to be released from the IDF next month. He was the son of Rav Yitzchak and Michal Kadmon and the grandon of Tzvi Samuel, the head of the Shalavim educational campus. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Journalist Ordered To Pay 5,000 Euros In Damages For Making Fun Of Italian PM Meloni’s Height

A judge in Milan has ordered an Italian journalist to pay 5,000 euros (nearly $5,500) in damages to Premier Giorgia Meloni for making fun of her height in social media posts. The judge ruled on Wednesday that two social media posts by journalist Giulia Cortese, who was also handed a suspended fine of 1,200 euros ($1,300), amounted to “body shaming.” In October 2021, when Meloni was still in opposition, Cortese posted a digitally altered picture on X, showing the far-right politician standing in front of a bookshelf with an image of Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in the background. Meloni reacted on Facebook by saying that the fake image was of “unique gravity” and announced that she would take legal action. In the exchange that followed, Cortese described Meloni as a “little woman.” She then wrote in a separate post: “You don’t scare me, Giorgia Meloni. After all, you’re only 1.2 meters tall. I can’t even see you.” Italian media report that Meloni’s height is between 1.58 and 1.63 meters (5 feet, 2 inches, and 5 feet, 4 inches), though she has never officially disclosed it. Reacting to the judge’s verdict, Cortese said late Thursday that the Italian government has a “serious problem with freedom of expression and journalistic dissent.” She added that she may consider appealing the verdict. It’s not the first time that Meloni has taken legal action against a journalist or someone who had criticized her publicly. Her far-right government has been accused by the center-left opposition of using legal action to put pressure on journalists and critics. Meloni’s lawyer said she would donate the 5,000 euros to charity if the sentence against Cortese is confirmed and the money is paid. (AP)

Trump And Vance Accuse Democrats Of Bloodless Coup Against Joe Biden [VIDEO]

Former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Senator JD Vance, accused the Democratic Party of orchestrating a “coup” against President Joe Biden during an interview with Fox News’ Jesse Watters that aired Monday morning. In the interview, Watters asked Trump if he would investigate “the people that hid Joe Biden’s condition,” to which Trump responded affirmatively, criticizing White House doctors who “keep giving him this wonderful report.” Trump added, “I’m not a doctor, but I saw him the other day, was unable to get up the children stairs going into Air Force One.” When Watters asked if Biden’s decision to bow out was a “coup against Joe Biden,” Trump replied, “Sort of.” Vance then cited the 25th amendment, saying, “If Joe Biden can’t run for president, he can’t serve as president. And if they want to take him down because he’s mentally incapable of serving, invoke the 25th amendment. You don’t get to sort of do this in the most politically beneficial way for Democrats. If it’s an actual problem, they should take care of it the appropriate way.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

IDF Confirms Deaths Of 2 More Hostages, Bringing Confirmed Hostage Deaths To 44

The IDF announced on Monday that two additional hostages, Alex Dancyg and Yagev Buchshtav, held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, have been confirmed dead. The news comes after new intelligence information was obtained, revealing that the two men died several months ago while in Hamas captivity. Dancyg, 75, a renowned Holocaust educator and activist, and Buchshtav, 35, a musician and soundman, were abducted by Hamas terrorists from their homes in Kibbutz Nir Oz and Kibbutz Nirim during the October 7 onslaught. The IDF has not disclosed the circumstances of their deaths, citing an ongoing investigation into the possibility that they were killed by Israeli fire. Dancyg, a Polish-Israeli, was born in Warsaw in 1948 to Holocaust survivors. He spent his life educating about the Holocaust and teaching other educators how to teach about the Holocaust. He led a program for 120 Israeli and Polish schools to meet together during Israeli school trips to Poland. Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial mourned his loss, saying, “Today, we deeply grieve the loss of our cherished and esteemed colleague, Alex Dancyg… His essence embodied both in spirit and substance, his love for the land and thirst for knowledge.” Buchshtav and his wife, Rimon, were hiding in their safe room when they were abducted. Rimon was released in a hostage deal with Hamas on November 28, but Yagev remained in captivity. The couple, known for creating a home full of music and rescuing abused animals, had met in high school and reconnected years later, marrying in 2021. The deaths of Dancyg and Buchshtav bring the total number of confirmed hostage fatalities to 44, out of the 116 hostages still being held by Hamas since October 7, out of a total of 251 who were abducted that day.Hamas is also still holding the bodies of two soldiers since 2014 and two Israeli civilians who entered Gaza in 2014 and 2015. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Appreciating the Lungs:  Mah Rabu Maasecha Hashem!

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman The human respiratory system, a marvel of Hashem’s creation, stands as a testament to the Nifla’os HaBorei. Its intricate structure and flawless functionality inspires [and allows] the observer to sing out in praise, “Mah Rabu Maasecha Hashem!” The lungs weigh a mere 2.4 pounds.  They occupy a large space within the chest, extending from the neck down to the breastbone. But there is something else that many casual observers may have missed.  Operating with the inflation and deflation of these lungs is an incredible muscle called the diaphragm. It pulls down on the lungs in just the right way to supercharge or hypercharge the efficiency of the lungs as well as to dramatically increase their oxygen intake. This has enabled us to have superior and intelligent brains.  No diaphragm – no Vilna Gaon. No Leonardo DaVinci lehavdil.  The extra oxygen brought in by the diaphragm has given us stronger muscles as well. But there is, of course, more.  Why the large space in the chest?  The answer is that the Creator of the world made the respiratory system even more efficient by having created a pressure differential between the external environment of our bodies and what is known as the pleural cavity –  the space that surrounds the lungs.  The lower pressure inside the chest –  keeps the lungs inflated and creates even more efficiency.  [This is a simplification of the process, but the model is correct.  To further appreciate the Nifla’os HaBorei one needs to understand concepts such as Boyle’s Law etc. and what is called, “Intra-alveolar pressure” – the pressure of the air within the alveoli, which changes during the different phases of breathing.] Some 45 years ago, in a high school dormitory room, a future Rosh Yeshiva was wrestling with a friend (not in learning). He had backed the friend up into a corner of a sofa causing his lung to collapse.  The pressure balance within this system was disrupted, the friend was taken by ambulance to the hospital and both of them eventually were made critically aware of this aspect of Hashem’s remarkable construct.  (This future Rosh Yeshiva ended up with greater Yiras Shamayim because he thought he had killed his friend – me.) There is a term called “autonomic” which means it happens by itself.  Breathing has two modes to it, similar to a money-saver mode on your air conditioner.  It is both autonomic and can be consciously controlled to a certain extent. This can help us voluntarily hold our breath when we wish to cross over a body of water, and swim but it will also allow for an override when we really need to breathe.  Mah Rabu Maasecha Hashem! There are also very important safety checks that Hashem put within our system.  Our blood cells need to bring oxygen to every cell of the body.  But if the blood cells are carrying CO2 – the waste product of cellular respiration, there will be no room for the oxygen.  The discomfort that we experience when we hold our breath is not due to not enough oxygen, but rather on account of a buildup of carbon dioxide.  This is so that we won’t forget our task and prompt us to get rid of the bad so there will be room for […]

Homeland Security Appoints Independent Panel To Review Trump Assassination Attempt

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has appointed a bipartisan, independent panel to review this month’s assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, officials said Sunday. The panel members will have “extensive law enforcement and security experience to conduct a 45-day independent review of the planning for and actions taken by the U.S. Secret Service and state and local authorities before, during, and after the rally, and the U.S. Secret Service governing policies and procedures,” the Department of Homeland Security said in a statement. The first people named to the panel are former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano; Frances Townsend, former Homeland Security adviser to President George W. Bush; Mark Filip, a former federal judge and deputy attorney general to President George W. Bush; and David Mitchell, former Secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Homeland Security for the state of Delaware. Additional experts could be asked to join the group in the coming days, the statement said. The panel will have 45 days to review the policies and procedures of the Secret Service before, during and after the rally on July 13 where a gunman fired at Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. “We formed this bipartisan group to quickly identify improvements the U.S. Secret Service can implement to enhance their work. We must all work together to ensure events like July 13 do not happen again,” members of the independent review panel said in a joint statement. Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle said she welcomes the review. “I look forward to the panel examining what happened and providing recommendations to help ensure it will never happen again,” Cheatle said in a statement Sunday. “The U.S. Secret Service is continuing to take steps to review our actions internally and remain committed to working quickly and transparently with other investigations, including those by Congress, FBI and the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General.” (AP)

VEEPSTAKES: Who Will Kamala Harris Choose To Be Her Running Mate?

President Joe Biden announced on Sunday that he is stepping down from the 2024 presidential race and has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be his successor. This historic decision now raises the pressing question of who Harris will choose as her running mate if she secures the Democratic nomination. Here are some potential candidates who could join her on the ticket: Andy Beshear Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has made a name for himself by winning and governing in a heavily Republican state. His success in turning a red seat blue in 2019 and securing reelection against a strong GOP challenger last year highlights his appeal. Beshear praised Biden’s decision to step down, calling it “in the best interest of our country and party.” Pete Buttigieg Known as “Mayor Pete” from his time as mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Pete Buttigieg gained national attention during the 2020 presidential race. He has been serving as Transportation Secretary under President Biden. At 42, Buttigieg’s youth and energy could be a valuable asset to Harris’s campaign. Roy Cooper North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper has shown his electoral strength by winning governorships in a state that voted for Trump in the last two presidential elections. Cooper’s ability to turn North Carolina into a battleground state makes him a compelling choice for Harris. He recently praised Harris’s effectiveness during a joint rally. Mark Kelly Arizona Senator Mark Kelly is a key figure in the Democratic Party with a strong record since his 2020 election. While Kelly’s presence on the ticket could bolster Harris’s chances, his departure from the Senate would mean Arizona’s Democratic governor would need to appoint a replacement, potentially risking the seat. Wes Moore Maryland Governor Wes Moore is considered a rising star within the Democratic Party. His handling of state crises and his campaigning in battleground states have increased his visibility. Despite his potential, Moore would need to raise his national profile and gain more experience in federal politics. Gavin Newsom California Governor Gavin Newsom has emerged as a prominent figure in the Democratic Party, defending Biden and engaging in high-profile debates with Republican leaders. However, the fact that both he and Harris are from California could complicate their candidacy due to constitutional issues. JB Pritzker Illinois Governor JB Pritzker is another influential Democrat who has expressed strong support for Biden. With substantial personal wealth, Pritzker could self-fund a campaign, and his recent efforts to support abortion rights have further solidified his standing within the party. He will also host the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Josh Shapiro Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro has been mentioned as a potential VP pick, given his popularity in a critical swing state. Shapiro’s leadership during crises and his unifying tone have earned him praise, though he would need to increase his national recognition before the general election. Gretchen Whitmer Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a co-chair of the Biden-Harris campaign, has consistently been a powerhouse for Democrats. While she has been considered as a possible VP pick, Whitmer has stated her commitment to focusing on electing Democrats and opposing Trump. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
