Yeshiva World News

Twins Born Conjoined Celebrate 1st Birthday After Separation Surgery

Twin brothers who were born conjoined recently celebrated their first birthday after undergoing successful separation surgery. Amari and Javar Ruffin, whose family lives in Philadelphia, were born via cesarean section on Sept. 29, 2023. The brothers — who shared part of their sternum, diaphragm, abdominal wall and liver — weighed a combined 6 pounds. On Aug. 21, a surgical team at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia with more than two dozen specialists, including surgeons, anesthesiologists, radiologists, nurses, and many others, operated for eight hours to separate the boys. Their abdomens were closed and rebuilt using layers of mesh and plastic surgery techniques. The boys went home on Oct. 8 to be with their parents, Tim and Shaneka, and their siblings, Kaylum and Anora. “Seeing them each in their own beds was an indescribable feeling,” Shaneka Ruffin said. “It feels like we are beginning a new journey as a family of six. We are so grateful to CHOP for helping make this day possible and letting us start this next chapter.” The Ruffins learned the twins were conjoined through a routine ultrasound 12 weeks into the pregnancy. Shaneka Ruffin said it was recommended to her that she terminate her pregnancy. They got a second opinion, and the hospital told them that though the boys had a rare condition, they could be separated successfully. Conjoined twins occur roughly once in every 35,000-80,000 births. The hospital is one of only a few in the U.S. with expertise in separating them. (AP)

H’YD: Avreich Injured In Hadera Terror Attack Dies Of His Wounds

The avreich who was critically injured in the Hadera terror attack on Wednesday morning passed away of his wounds on Thursday at the Hillel Yaffe Hospital in Hadera. HaRav Refael Mordechai Fishoff, H’yd, 35, is survived by his wife, eight young children, parents and siblings. The niftar was born in Bnei Brak to his father, HaGaon HaRav Tzvi Fishoff, one of the Roshei Yeshivos of Beis Matisyahu Yeshivah in Bnei Brak and the Rosh Yeshivah of Knesses Shmuel in Beitar Illit, and his mother, Sora. He was educated in Bnei Brak mosdos, and as a bochur joined the Knesses Yitzchak yeshiva in Hadera, where he formed a close relationship with the Rosh Yeshivah, HaRav Yehoshua Ehrenberg, and the Mashgiach HaGaon HaRav Tuvia Novack. After his marriage, he continued learning in the yeshivah’s kollel. His friends told B’Chadei Chareidim that he was a real masmid and was constantly learning. תהא נשמתו צרורה בצרור החיים (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Washington State Woman Calls 911 After Being Hounded By Up To 100 Raccoons

Sheriff’s deputies in Washington’s Kitsap County frequently get calls about animals — loose livestock, problem dogs. But the 911 call they received recently from a woman being hounded by dozens of raccoons swarming her home near Poulsbo stood out. The woman reported having had to flee her property after 50 to 100 raccoons descended upon it and were acting aggressively, said Kevin McCarty, a spokesperson for the sheriff’s office. She told deputies she started feeding a family of raccoons decades ago and it was fine until about six weeks earlier, when the number showing up went from a handful to around 100. “She said those raccoons were becoming increasingly more aggressive, demanding food, that they would hound her day and night — scratching at the outside of her home, at the door. If she pulled up her car, they would surround the car, scratch at the car, surround her if she went from her front door to her car or went outside at all,” McCarty said. “They saw this as a food source now, so they kept coming back to it and they kept expecting food.” It was not clear what caused their numbers to balloon suddenly. Both the sheriff’s office and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife determined no laws were broken, McCarty said. “This is a nuisance problem kind of of her own making that she has to deal with,” he said. Video from the sheriff’s office shows raccoons milling around trees, and deputies who responded to the call observed 50 to 100 of them, he added. Bridget Mire, a spokesperson with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, said by email that under state law it is illegal to feed large carnivores, such as bears or cougars. While municipalities or counties may have local statutes forbidding the feeding of other wildlife, it is currently not against state law to do so, she said. Regardless, the agency discourages people from feeding wildlife. Raccoons, for example, can carry diseases, and food can also attract predators such as coyotes and bears, according to Mire. Mire said an agency wildlife conflict specialist has met with the woman, who has stopped feeding the critters. “The raccoons appear to have started dispersing now that they are no longer being fed, and we are glad for a positive outcome to this case,” Mire wrote. Poulsbo is about a 90-minute car and ferry ride northwest of Seattle. (AP)

31 Things to Know About Yom Kippur

EREV YOM KIPPUR Erev Yom Kippur is a Yom Tov, one where we show happiness and appreciation that Hashem has given us a second chance and for the notion of Teshuvah. There is a special Mitzvah to eat on this day.  The Mishna Brurah cites the Mogain Avrohom that eating on Erev Yom Kippur is a Torah Mitzvah.  The custom is to eat two Seudos.  Many Poskim hold that women are also biblically obligated in this Mitzvah.  The Seudos should be like the Seudos that we serve on Shabbos. There is a custom in Klal Yisroel to do Kaparos on the day before Yom Kippur. A rooster is taken for a man and a hen is taken for a woman.  If a woman is expecting (b’shaah tova umutzlachas), the custom is to take a rooster and a hen.  As was done for the Korbanos, one should have in mind that what is being done to the chicken is really what we deserve — except that Hashem forgives us entirely when teshuvah is done.  After the chicken is shechted it should be given to the poor. There are some authorities that question whether Kapparos should be done at all, and suggest that the original source of this custom did not come from Torah based sources. In order to fulfill this other opinion, some people use money instead of chickens for Kapparos. Many have the custom to immerse in a Mikvah on Erev Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur, of course, does not atone for sins between man and his fellow man, until the other party is approached by the offender. If the issue is a monetary one, then forgiveness does not occur until the money is repaid.  If someone stole from the public, then one must do tzarchei Rabbim —meeting the needs of the public. There is a debate among the Achronim whether ideally one should personally ask forgiveness or whether a messenger should be sent. The Mishna Brurah concludes that one should approach the other party by oneself.  He further writes that if this is difficult or if it would be more effective if a third party is sent — then one should send the third party. ADDING TO YOM KIPPUR It is a Torah Mitzvah to add on to the day of Yom Kippur, both before it and after it. Women are also obligated in this Mitzvah. During the Mincha Shmoneh Esreh of Erev Yom Kippur there is a Mitzvah of Vidui — confessing one’s sins. The custom is to daven Mincha prior to the eating of the Seudah HaMafsekes, the final Seudah before Yom Kippur begins.  Women should also daven Mincha before this meal and should recite the vidui at Mincha. The opinion of the Ramban is that another Vidui should be recited after the meal as well and before Yom Kippur. The Mishna Brurah advises that we be stringent and follow this view.  Men say the Tefilas Zakah , while women could recite an Ashamnu before Yom Kippur. Rav Elyashiv zatzal held that the vidui part of Tfilas Zaka must be said while standing or one does not fulfill the Ramban’s opinion. The table should be covered with a table cloth, just like on Shabbos and on Yom Tov. Yom Tov candles are lit for Yom Kippur just like […]

After US Intervention: Israeli-American Arrested In Beirut Is Deported To The US

Joshua Tartakovsky, the Israeli-American who was arrested in the Hezbollah stronghold neighborhood of Dahieh in Beirut, was deported from Lebanon to the U.S. following American intervention, Ynet reported on Thursday morning. The report comes less than 24 hours after news of his arrest was circulated in Israel on Wednesday. Tartakovsky, who was born in the US and has Israeli, American, and British citizenship, entered Lebanon two weeks ago with other journalists. His erratic behavior aroused suspicion and he was arrested by Lebanese security officials, who found an Israeli passport in his possession. According to Tartakovsky’s social media accounts, it wasn’t his first visit to Beirut. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

The Machzorim – an Appreciation

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman The Yomim Noraim machzorim are somewhat akin to a fantastic art museum, brimming with content on each floor, in every room and on every wall. The sheer quantity of the content can cause one to miss out. The depth, beauty and nuances of each work of art can elude us precisely because of the massive scope of the museum and the limited time we have to experience it. The same is true with the machzorim of Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur. Each and every paragraph is replete with so much meaning and imagery that we cannot fully appreciate it in the short time in which we recite it. We are likely to gloss over the content and to miss out on much of its depth and beauty. Take, for example, a prayer that is unique to the Mussaf of Rosh Hashanah: “U’vechein tzaddikim yiru veyismachu, And so, too, the righteous will see and be glad, the upright will exalt, and the devout will be mirthful with glad song.” Why will the righteous be in such a state of joy? This paragraph immediately follows the plea for the arrival of the Mashiach, when gladness comes to the land and joy comes to Hashem’s city: “And it is during this time that those who have emulated God, those who have understood that Hashem’s stamp is truth and justice, will truly be happy.” Clearly, righteous men and women have been waiting for the Mashiach. They have waited through the darkest times in human history, when corrupt, immoral deeds reigned supreme–deeds perpetrated both by evil empires and by the masses of greedy, depraved people. And then comes the soothing imagery of the ultimate disappearance of evil. “Iniquity will close its mouth . . . and all evil will disappear, just like smoke, when You remove empires of evil from the world.” These words, of course, were written by the Anshei Knesset HaGedolah. One wonders about the pain that these Divinely inspired authors of the Shemoneh Esrei with ruach haKodesh and Nevuah – must have undergone in order to have constructed the poignant imagery in this heartfelt plea. Their words express an intense yearning to see the world rid of such perversion – a perversion that has reared its ugly head again this past year. We daven that this year be Tehei Shnas Pidyon HaSh’vuyim – tof, shin, pai, hay. But it is not just the imagery and the depth of the words that impact us so. It is the also the extraordinarily moving niggunim (melodies). These, combined with the words of the machzor, can reach straight into our hearts and etch their mark on our neshamos. The combination of poignant prayers and soulful melodies, as well as a sincere ba’al tefillah, can melt even the most hardened soul. But all of this will not avail unless one focuses on the beauty, meaning and imagery of the tefillos. The author can be reached at

H’YD: Reserve Soldier Falls In Battle In Southern Lebanon

The IDF announced on Thursday morning that a reserve soldier from the 5030th Battalion of the Alon Brigade was killed in battle with Hezbollah terrorists in southern Lebanon. He was identified as Sgt. Maj. (res.) Ronny Ganizate, H’yd, 36, from Givat Shmuel. He is survived by his wife Shoshanah and three children. His service in Lebanon was his third round of reserve duty since the war began, over 200 days of service. His death increased the death toll of soldiers killed in battle from the start of the war to 731. Another reserve soldier from the same battalion was seriously wounded in the same incident. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Severe Solar Storm Could Stress Power Grids Even More As US Deals With Major Back-To-Back Hurricanes

A severe solar storm is headed to Earth that could stress power grids even more as the U.S. deals with major back-to-back hurricanes, space weather forecasters said Wednesday. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issued a severe geomagnetic storm watch for Thursday into Friday after an outburst from the sun was detected earlier this week. Such a storm could temporarily disrupt power and radio signals. NOAA has notified operators of power plants and orbiting spacecraft to take precautions. It also alerted the Federal Emergency Management Agency about possible power disruptions, as the organization copes with the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Helene and gears up for Hurricane Milton barreling across the Gulf of Mexico toward Florida. Forecasters do not expect the latest solar storm to surpass the one that slammed Earth in May, the strongest in more than two decades. But they won’t know for sure until it’s just 1 million miles (1.6 million kilometers) away, where spacecraft can measure it. Florida is far enough south to avoid any power disruptions from the solar surge unless it gets a lot bigger, said scientist Rob Steenburgh of NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center. “That adds a little bit more to the comfort level,” Steenburgh said. “Why we’re here is to let them know so that they can prepare.” Experts are more concerned about potential effects to the power grids in areas slammed by Hurricane Helene two weeks ago, said NOAA space weather forecaster Shawn Dahl. The storm also may trigger northern lights as far south in the U.S. as the lower Midwest and Northern California, though exact locations and times are uncertain, according to NOAA. Skygazers are reminded to point their smartphones upward for photos; the devices often can capture auroras that human eyes cannot. May’s solar storm produced dazzling auroras across the Northern Hemisphere and resulted in no major disruptions. The sun is near the peak of its current 11-year cycle, sparking all the recent solar activity. (AP)

Officials Work To Protect IV Supplies In Florida After Disruptions At North Carolina Plant

Federal officials are working to move critical hospital supplies out of the path of Hurricane Milton, which is threatening another manufacturer of IV fluids even as hospitals nationwide are still reeling from disruptions caused by flooding at a large factory in North Carolina. Medical manufacturer B. Braun Medical said Wednesday it is working with U.S. health authorities to move its inventory of IV bags to a secure facility away from its plant in Daytona Beach, Florida, which it closed ahead of the storm. The company expects to resume manufacturing and shipping operations Friday morning, company spokesperson Allison Longenhagen said in an email. Braun is one of several IV producers that have been tapped to boost supplies after Baxter International’s North Carolina plant was damaged; the plant is responsible for about 60% of the country’s supply of sterile intravenous, or IV, fluids. U.S. hospitals use more than 2 million IV bags daily to keep patients hydrated and deliver medicines. But the fallout from Hurricane Helene a couple of weeks ago forced some hospitals to begin conserving supplies. Experts who have been tracking the disruptions were encouraged by the news from Florida. “Baxter was caught off guard, but in this case, B. Braun had advance notice and was able to move all of their supply out of harm’s way,” said Mike Ganio, who studies drug shortages for the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. “Anything that’s already been produced is out of the area and not susceptible to damage.” This week, the American Hospital Association called on the Biden administration to take additional steps to ease the shortage, including declaring a national emergency and invoking defense production authorities to compel private companies to prioritize IV production. U.S. Health Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a letter to health professionals that the government is “doing all we can during this supply chain disruption,” but did not reference the government’s emergency powers. Becerra also said his department is considering other steps, including temporary imports of foreign supplies, extending expiration dates on existing IV products and identifying other U.S. plants that can help boost production. In recent years the U.S. government has used similar steps to address a national shortage of baby formula and earlier medical supply shortages caused by COVID-19. In a separate email, Food and Drug Administration officials noted that a number of IV fluids, including saline solution, were already on the agency’s drug shortage list before Hurricane Helene. In such cases, hospitals and specialty pharmacies are permitted to compound their own formulations of the scarce supplies to meet patient needs. Still, Ganio said FDA could ease regulations to speed the monthslong process required for large compounding pharmacies to begin making new products, adding: “In order for it to be helpful in the near term, that timeline needs to be shortened.” (AP)

Annual Maamad Hashava By Neki Kapayim! Clean Hands for the Yemei Hadin!!

lick HERE to join the Neki Kapayim annual Maamad Hashava! Keren Neki Kapayim is an innovative halachic solution developed by Gedolei Haposkim for the return of unknown debts and misplaced assets. Join the thousands who have come clean and your Tefillos will soar this Yom Kippur.Click HERE to join the Neki Kapayim annual Maamad Hashava! As upstanding, committed Shomrei Torah Umitzvos, our life is all about observing the dictates of Torah and halacha to the utmost of our abilities. Obviously, we each have our shortcomings in different areas, and for this reason the Torah gives us the opportunity of Teshuva – to come clean and make good on our failings. There is one area though, for which the ordinary process of Teshuva, do not suffice to clear us of our misdeeds – that is the real of bein odom l’chaveiro – sins between man and fellow man. When it’s simply a question of a personal offense – one has to ask for forgiveness. If it’s a monetary obligation the debt must be paid up. Click HERE to join the Neki Kapayim annual Maamad Hashava! But what happens when we don’t even know to whom we owe whom to pay? This is indeed a dilemma! Are our hands completely clean? Is there anything in our hands or in our possession that’s not 100% our own? Perhaps, we don’t know who the owner is, but does that make it ours? The thought is frightening! Click HERE to join the Neki Kapayim annual Maamad Hashava! Can we stand before Hashem pleading for mercy; asking for brachos for ourselves and our loved ones, when our hands are sullied by money that’s not ours?The Gemara (Beitza 29a, Bava Kamma 94b) discusses the issue of returning unknown debt. Click here for halachic overview The solution developed by the dayanim of Keren Neki Kapayim is a new and innovative idea to achieve a complete and immediate return to the true owner of the money, whoever and wherever he might me Click HERE to join the Neki Kapayim annual Maamad Hashava!

LIVESTREAM: Hurricane Milton Makes Landfall In Florida As A Powerful Category 3 Storm

Hurricane Milton crashed into Florida as a Category 3 storm Wednesday, pounding the coast with ferocious winds of over 100 mph (160 kph) and producing a series of tornadoes around the state. Tampa avoided a direct hit. The cyclone had maximum sustained winds of 120 mph (205 kph) as it roared ashore 8:30 p.m. near Siesta Key, the Miami-based National Hurricane Center said. Siesta Key is a prosperous strip of white-sand beaches that’s home to 5,500 people about 70 miles (112 kilometers) south of Tampa. The storm was still bringing a potentially deadly storm surge to much of Florida’s Gulf Coast, including densely populated areas such as Tampa, St. Petersburg, Sarasota and Fort Myers. Heavy rains were also likely to cause flooding inland along rivers and lakes as Milton traverses the Florida peninsula as a hurricane, eventually to emerge in the Atlantic Ocean on Thursday. More than 1 million homes and businesses were without power Wednesday night in Florida, according to, which tracks utility reports. The highest number of outages were in Sarasota County and neighboring Manatee County. Milton slammed into a Florida region still reeling from Hurricane Helene, which caused heavy damage to beach communities with storm surge and killed a dozen people in seaside Pinellas County alone. Earlier, officials issued dire warnings to flee or face grim odds of survival. “This is it, folks,” said Cathie Perkins, emergency management director in Pinellas County, which sits on the peninsula that forms Tampa Bay. “Those of you who were punched during Hurricane Helene, this is going to be a knockout. You need to get out, and you need to get out now.” By late afternoon, some officials said the time had passed for such efforts. By the evening, some counties announced they has suspended emergency services. “Unless you really have a good reason to leave at this point, we suggest you just hunker down,” Polk County Emergency Management Director Paul Womble said in a public update. Multiple tornadoes spawned by the hurricane tore across Florida, the twisters acting as a dangerous harbingers of Milton’s approach. Videos posted to social media sites showed large funnel clouds over neighborhoods in Palm Beach County and elsewhere in the state. Milton was expected to remain a hurricane after hitting land and plowing across the state, including the heavily populated Orlando area, through Thursday. The storm threatened communitiesstill reeling two weeks after Hurricane Helene flooded streets and homes in western Florida and left at least 230 people dead across the South. In many places along the coast, municipalities raced to collect and dispose of debris before Milton’s winds and storm surge could toss it around and compound any damage. With the storm weaker but growing in size, the surge was projected to reach as high as 9 feet (2.7 meters) in Tampa Bay. Jackie Curnick said she wrestled with her decision to stay and hunker down at home in Sarasota, just north of where the storm made landfall. But with a 2-year-old son and a baby girl due Oct. 29, Curnick and her husband thought it was for the best. Curnick said they started packing Monday to evacuate, but they couldn’t find any available hotel rooms, and the few they came by were too expensive. She said there were too many unanswered questions if […]

The Halachic Risks Of Putting Up Cloth Walls For Your Sukkah | HaRav Dovid Potash

Chazal (Sukkah 24b) say that any mechitzah that cannot stand up to a regular wind is not halachically considered a mechitzah. A “regular wind” is one that is within the parameters of what is normal for the locality where the sukkah is standing. The Mishna Berura (630-48) proves from the Gemorrah & Rashi that “not standing” doesn’t mean that the wind is going to cause it to fall down, it means even if the wind just makes it move back & forth. It’s clear from the Gemorrah that the walls of the Sukkah are also defined as mechitzos & therefore must confirm with all the halachos of mechitzos. A Sukkah must have a minimum of three walls, therefore if any one of its’ three walls can move back & forth in the wind, it is not kosher. The M”B (Ibid 47) also brings that it is clear from Rashi & Tosafos that not only if the whole mechitza moves back & forth in the wind, is the Sukkah possul, but even if only part of it can be moved by the wind, it is also not kosher [if the area that moves is more than three tefochim square]. How much movement will render the wall possul? The Chazon Ish says that as long as the movement back & forth is less than 3 tefachim [23.5 cm], it is still kosher. However, when the Gemorrah & the Rishonim discuss this Halochoh, they describe the wall as “moving to & fro in the wind” & some Rishonim simply say that it must be that the wind cannot move them. This implies that even if the movement is minimal, it is enough to render the wall possul & this is how the Mishnah Brura (ibid 48) paskens. Since we are talking about something that makes the Sukkah possul min haTorah, we have to be machmir, making sure that no part of the walls can be moved, even a small amount, by the wind. Based on all this, the Shulchan Oruch (630-10) paskens that one should not make Sukkah walls out of cloth material because they flap in the wind. He then brings the Sma”k that says even if all four corners are tied down, he should not sit in such a Sukkah, because we are afraid that one of the knots might come loose without him noticing, rendering that wall possul & he will continue eating in a Sukkah which is no longer kosher. Eating in a possul Sukkah is no different from eating outside the Sukkah. According to the principles mentioned earlier, even when all four corners of the cloth mechitzah are tied down, this only helps if the middle area of the cloth also cannot move back & forth in the wind. The Shulchan Oruch therefore advises that if one is to make his Sukkah walls from cloth, even if it is all tied down, he should add to each wall a “lovud” wall, so that if one of the knots unties, he still has a kosher Sukkah without the cloth. One does this by attaching a few thin beams horizontally along each wall from corner to corner, one above the other, less than three tefochim apart, for a total hight of ten tefachim. Practically speaking, since there is a famous […]

UN Tribunal Orders Ex-Official To Repay $58.8 Million Lost In Bad Deals While Getting Perks

A U.N. tribunal has ordered a former high-ranking official to repay the United Nations $58.8 million lost in deals he made with a British businessman who showered him with interest-free loans, a Mercedes for his wife and perks for his sons. The three-judge United Nations Dispute Tribunal ruled that evidence “clearly and convincingly” shows that Vitaly Vanshelboim’s misconduct “caused massive financial losses” by the U.N. Office for Project Services, which says it provides infrastructure, procurement and project management services and is known as UNOPS. The Geneva-based tribunal said last week that Vanshelboim facilitated multiple financial deals between the U.N. office and British businessman David Kendrick focusing on renewable energy, sustainable housing and the oceans. At the same time, the tribunal said Vanshelboim entered into a series of private arrangements with Kendrick and his businesses stretching back to 2017 — which he never disclosed to the U.N. as required — and “obtained direct financial and material benefits for himself and his family in the amount of at least $3,133,186.10.” Secretary-General Antonio Guterres “is pleased by this judgment,” U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said Tuesday. “The U.N. continues to pursue recovery of the funds through other avenues,” he said. “We are fully committed to ensuring criminal accountability for crimes that may involve U.N. personnel,” he said, adding it would cooperate with national authorities on any investigations. Dujarric did not elaborate. Vanshelboim’s lawyer, George Irving, said in an email Wednesday that his client is appealing the decision, and declined to comment. Emails sent to three companies that the tribunal says are connected to Kendrick were not immediately returned, and his previous lawyers in London said he was no longer a client. Other contact information for Kendrick could not be found. The New York Times first reported the ruling. Vanshelboim, a Ukrainian, had been an assistant secretary-general, serving either as UNOPS deputy executive director or director of its sustainable infrastructure impact investments program. He was fired in January 2023 following an internal investigation. The investments by UNOPS, which lost millions of dollars, became public in 2022 with media reports followed by the resignation of Grete Faremo, a former Norwegian minister of justice and public security, as the head of Copenhagen-based UNOPS. The Dispute Tribunal was ruling on Vanshelboim’s appeal of the fine on his dismissal of 12 months’ salary and an order for him to pay the U.N. over $63.6 million in losses incurred from the deals, with his U.N. pension withheld until the sum was paid. The judges ruled that Vanshelboim’s failure to disclose any of his financial dealings with Kendrick constituted “blatant misconduct” and said he “committed fraud against the organization by leading it into multiple business partnerships with the Kendrick entities, with which he engaged in undisclosed and unauthorized outside activities.” The judgment said Vanshelboim was tasked with identifying potential partners and that UNOPS allocated money “with the specific intention to develop projects that would attract private investors.” The judges said Vanshelboim did not disclose that his wife was being paid by Kendrick for services, including helping the businessman locate, purchase and renovate an apartment in Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv. Vanshelboim did not disclose that in July 2017 he entered into a tennis sponsorship agreement with Kendrick for his youngest son. The U.N. said the amount was $1.2 million, which Vanshelboim called “grossly […]

WATCH: Biden Accuses Trump Of Spreading False Claims About Hurricane Relief Efforts

President Joe Biden accused former President Donald Trump and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Wednesday of spreading false claims that have hampered federal efforts to prepare for Hurricane Milton, which is expected to make landfall in Florida on Wednesday night. During an update on the federal government’s hurricane response, Biden expressed frustration over the “reckless, irresponsible, relentless promotion of disinformation and outright lies,” which he said were undermining the recovery efforts led by his administration and FEMA. “For the last few weeks, there’s been a reckless, irresponsible, relentless promotion of disinformation and outright lies that are disturbing people,” Biden stated. “It’s undermining confidence in the incredible rescue and recovery work that has already been taken and will continue to be taken. And it’s harmful to those who need help the most.” Biden directly accused Trump of leading the spread of false information. “Former President Trump has led the onslaught of lies,” he said. Biden addressed several specific claims that have been circulating, including accusations that the government is confiscating property and that only $750 in relief funds would be distributed to storm victims. “That’s simply not true,” Biden emphasized, dismissing other claims that storm relief money is being diverted to migrants as “ridiculous.” The president also singled out Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for her “bizarre” allegation that the federal government is controlling the weather. “Now the claims are getting even more bizarre,” Biden said. “Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, a congresswoman from Georgia, is now saying the federal government is literally controlling the weather. We’re controlling the weather! It’s beyond ridiculous. It’s got to stop.” Several Congressional Republicans, including Rep. Chuck Edwards, have joined the Biden administration in debunking the misinformation, issuing memos to clarify the facts and combat conspiracy theories surrounding the recovery efforts for Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Scheiner’s Shul: Like No Other – Now’s the Time to Take Part

In the heart of Monsey, there’s a place that transcends its role as a shul. Scheiner’s Shul is more than a place for minyanim or learning—it’s a second home for Yidden from all walks of life. No matter your background, affiliation, or even your headgear, when you step inside Scheiner’s, you’re part of a vibrant, welcoming community. With 125 daily minyanim, 15 shiurim, and an astounding 5,000 visitors every single day, Scheiner’s Shul is abuzz with activity, morning, noon, and night. It’s a place where Torah and tefillah never stop, where 7,500 cups of coffee fuel an endless flow of Yidden connecting to their roots and to each other. But Scheiner’s isn’t just about numbers. It’s about a sense of belonging. It’s where people from every corner of the world gather, a place where differences dissolve and the essence of community shines through. And now, that very community needs your help. Be a Part of Something Bigger Scheiner’s Shul has grown tremendously over the past decade. What started as a small minyan has become the heartbeat of Monsey—a spiritual hub that pulses with Torah, tefillah, and chesed. But growth comes with challenges, and now, Scheiner’s gives every mispallel—whether you come daily, once a week, or only on occasion—the zechus to take part in keeping this incredible makom Torah alive. For only $365, you can purchase a seat in the shul and secure an eternal connection to this incredible place. It’s not just about the money; it’s about joining forces to ensure that Scheiner’s continues to be a home for every Yid who walks through its doors. Why Your Help Matters Now Scheiner’s Shul is more than a building—it’s the beating heart of our community, and it can’t continue to operate at this scale without your support. The time to step up is now. Whether you’ve davened here for years or only stop by occasionally, Scheiner’s is your shul, your community, your responsibility. Imagine the zechus of helping maintain a place where thousands of Yidden come to daven, learn, and connect. By purchasing a seat or making a donation, you are ensuring that Scheiner’s can continue to be a spiritual home for all, welcoming Yidden from every corner of the world. Join the Movement Let’s come together and support Scheiner’s with all our hearts. This is our opportunity to take part in something much greater than ourselves—something that touches the lives of thousands every single day.  Be a part of the community that’s more than just a shul—be a part of Scheiner’s. For more information on how you can contribute or to make your donation, visit or to donate by phone call 845-286-9646. CLICK HERE TO DONATE!

LISTEN: Israel Killed Nasrallah By Subjugating Genies And Demons

An Iranian cleric close to the Islamic regime claimed that Israel was successful in locating and eliminating Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah due to the Jewish people’s mastery over genies and demons. Iranian Shia seminary teacher Mostafa Karami claimed in a televised interview that “considering the Zionists’ history of subjugating genies, they carry out many of their missions through this means, and demons are their secret army.” “They [Jewish people] have had access to genies and cosmic science since the time of David and Solomon. Historically, they have always used genies. Their documents and traditions prove that. They have used genies for warfare and intelligence operations throughout history.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Hatzalah South Florida Prepares for Hurricane Milton, with Chevra Hatzalah Ready to Assist [IMPORTANT VIDEO]

As Hurricane Milton barrels toward Florida’s western coastline, Hatzalah South Florida (HSF) is taking proactive measures to ensure the safety of local Jewish communities. The powerful hurricane is expected to make landfall Wednesday night, bringing with it the potential for catastrophic damage. In response, HSF has been working closely with synagogues, Chabad Houses, and local shuls across the state, particularly in areas like Tampa and Orlando, to prepare for the impending storm. Chevra Hatzalah, based in New York City, has confirmed that they are ready to assist HSF if needed. “Hatzalah South Florida has notified Central that they have the resources necessary to meet the needs of the community with the upcoming storm,” Chevra Hatzalah CEO Yechiel Kalish wrote, stressing that if additional resources are required post-storm, Chevra Hatzalah is prepared to mobilize. These efforts come as HSF coordinates with state, local, and federal agencies to safeguard the communities in the storm’s path. HSF has also established a 24/7 emergency hotline at (904) 638-0000, which will be operated from a location outside the storm zone to ensure uninterrupted communication. For immediate medical emergencies, the HSF emergency dispatch number, (305) 919-4900, will continue to be manned throughout the duration of the storm. If you or your loved ones plan to remain in the area, take a moment to complete this form. Speaking to the dangers posed by Hurricane Milton, HSF strongly urged residents to stock up on essential supplies, such as water, flashlights, and batteries, and to follow the directives of local authorities. “This storm is extremely dangerous, and we cannot underestimate the potential for catastrophic damage to life and property,” Baruch Sandhaus of HSF told residents in a video statement to YWN. “Do not hesitate to seek shelter and take all precautions necessary.” Hurricane Milton began hurling rain, tornadoes and tropical storm-force winds at the U.S. coast Wednesday afternoon as time began to run out for residents to evacuate from the potentially catastrophic path the storm was carving toward Florida. The National Hurricane Center stressed that it was not certain where Milton’s center would come ashore Wednesday night because the storm’s path might “wobble,” but the entire Tampa Bay region and points south were at grave risk. Milton, which has fluctuated in intensity as it approaches Florida, was a Category 3 hurricane Wednesday afternoon. It was expected to remain a hurricane after hitting land and plowing across the state, including the heavily populated Orlando area, through Thursday. Tampa Bay, near the top of a long stretch of coastline that could be in the bull’s-eye, has not taken a direct hit from a major hurricane in more than a century. With the storm weaker but growing in size, the surge was projected to reach as high as 12 feet (3.6 meters) in Tampa Bay and up to 13 feet (4 meters) farther south, between Sarasota and Fort Myers. At a news conference in Tallahassee, Gov. Ron DeSantis described deployment of a wide range of resources, including 9,000 National Guard members from Florida and other states; over 50,000 utility workers from as far as California; and highway patrol cars with sirens to escort gasoline tankers to replenish supplies so people could fill up their tanks before evacuating. “Unfortunately, there will be fatalities. I don’t think there’s any way around that,” DeSantis said. Milton was centered […]

House Democrats In Close Races Try To Show They Hear Voter Concerns About Immigration

In some of the closest House races in the country, Democratic candidates are leaning into an issue that Republicans have made a centerpiece of their efforts to expand their majority — immigration. Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-Ohio, says that anyone who crosses the border must do so legally. “I voted to hire more than 10,000 new border guards, penalize businesses that hire people here illegally and lock up anyone bringing fentanyl into our country,” she says. Rep. Yadira Caraveo, D-Colo., relies on a local sheriff to make the case: “Yadira Caraveo knows how broken immigration is — just like we do. It’s why she worked with Republicans to fund over 20,000 Border Patrol agents and crack down on cartels.” And Rep. Don Davis, D-N.C., tells viewers he’s been to the border three times to see for himself what’s needed and that’s why he was working with both parties to hire new Border Patrol agents and beef up screening for fentanyl. “It’s one thing to talk a big game. It’s another to act, to do something,” he says. The three lawmakers’ ads show how Democrats in the most competitive races are countering the intense focus that Republicans have placed on immigration in their districts, following the lead of the Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump. How Democrats fare on the issue could play an important role in determining which party controls the House next year. Democrats only need to flip four seats to regain the majority. Every House Democrat last year voted against the House GOP’s sweeping crackdown on immigration that included more border wall and new restrictions on asylum seekers The vote opened House Democrats to fresh criticism on an issue that about half of voters consider one of the most important going into the November election. The Democratic ads clearly look to demonstrate support for narrower border security legislation to show they hear the voters’ concerns. Polling shows more adults wanting to see a decrease in immigration into the U.S., with a Gallup poll this summer showing Republicans, Democrats and independents all significantly more likely than a year ago to favor less immigration. Republicans are dismissive of the Democratic candidates’ efforts and the impact they will have on the election. “Kamala Harris’ policies have opened our borders and created all kinds of problems with crime, fentanyl, in every community in America. Democrats in Congress were right there every step of the way,” said Richard Hudson, the chair of the House Republican campaign arm. “And they are now trying to confuse the American people about their record. I just think the American people are smarter than that and are not going to fall for it.” Rep. Suzan DelBene, the chair of the House Democrats campaign arm, said the immigration ads fit with a theme that Democrats have emphasized on other issues: It takes bipartisanship to deal with the major issues facing the country. “People have seen the dysfunction of Republicans in Congress over and over again,” DelBene said. “And they see how they play politics with issues that are important to our communities, so we’re going to hold them accountable for that and talk about how we’re running to govern and get things done for the American people.” Rep. Tom Suozzi, D-N.Y., won a special election in February, in part, by addressing […]

Trump Leads Harris By 9 Points On Most Important Election Issue: The Economy

As the 2024 presidential race heats up, new polling reveals that former President Donald Trump holds a significant advantage over Vice President Kamala Harris on handling the economy, a key issue for voters. According to a Gallup poll, 54% of Americans believe Trump is more capable of managing the economy, compared to 45% who favor Harris. With the economy ranking as the most important issue for Republicans and voters overall, this 9-point lead could prove critical as the election approaches. Veteran Democratic strategist Hank Sheinkopf weighed in on the poll results, suggesting that while Democrats are confident in Harris’ economic plan, the general public remains unconvinced. “Independents are looking for a reason to vote for a candidate, but they just haven’t found it yet,” Sheinkopf told Fox News Digital. “This time it’s their pockets. And they are still feeling pain no matter what candidates say. Time is running out for Harris to prove she can make it better.” The poll highlights a significant divide between voter priorities. For Republicans, the top issues are the economy, followed by immigration, terrorism, national security, crime, and taxes. Democrats, however, prioritize democracy, Supreme Court appointments, abortion, healthcare, and education. Despite Harris trailing Trump on the economy and immigration (54%-45%) and foreign affairs (52%-47%), she maintains an edge on traditionally Democratic issues like healthcare (54%-44%), abortion (56%-40%), and climate change (61%-35%). Although Trump leads Harris on key economic and security issues, a recent New York Times/Siena College survey released Tuesday suggests a closer race. That survey found Harris leading Trump by a narrow margin, with 49% of likely voters supporting her compared to 46% for Trump, and Harris maintaining a slim edge in a multi-candidate field. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
