Yeshiva World News


“Iran’s attack is continuing. You are requested to remain in a protected space until further notice. The explosions you are hearing are from interceptions or fallen projectiles. The Aerial Defense Array is currently identifying and intercepting launches.”

The Special Segulah of Maran Sar HaTorah zt”l – How to Merit a Good Year

Maran Sar HaTorah Rabbeinu HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l used to say that whoever wants to merit a good year should donate 355, the gematria of‘שנה’ , to Kupat Ha’ir- the largest tzedakah organization in the world* Thirteen Gedolei HaDor, continuing the legacy of Maran zt”l, determined together  that the power of this segulah continues even after Maran’s passing, as tzaddikim are greater after their passing than in their lifetimes* Details to follow   A special segulah espoused by Maran Sar HaTorah HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l in the last years of his life was the focus of the recent assembly of thirteen Gedolei HaDor who continue Maran’s legacy. The question presented to them was if Maran’s segulah retained its potency even after his passing or if it was only effective during his lifetime, when he gave directives regarding it every year anew. After they deliberated on the topic, checking Maran’s statements and letters regarding it from previous years, the thirteen Gedolei HaDor unanimously decided that the segulah retains its validity and effectiveness, since tzaddikim are greater after their passing than during their lifetimes, and therefore the power of Maran zt”l now is even greater; undoubtedly he is still intervening on our behalf Above as he did while he was here in this world, davening for whoever gives $355 to Kupat Ha’ir to merit a good and sweet year. In addition to the segulah itself, those who donate to this campaign will merit to have the Gedolei HaDor daven for them, storming the gates of Heaven with tefillos that HaShem protect them from all tribulations and difficult circumstances this upcoming year and instead grant them Divine brachos of health, success (including financial success), and nachas from the children and in all matters. To submit names for the segulah of $355 for a ‘shana tova’ click here>>> Maranan the Gedolei and Tzaddikei HaDor wrote a special letter after coming to a decision on the matter: “The words of Rabbeinu  zt”l stand and are valid also in the upcoming year   , תשפ”ה and tzedakah every day to Kupat Ha’ir removes unfavorable decrees, and he [the donor] will be acquitted in judgment according to the decree of Maran zt”l– and bs”d we will act in accordance with the custom of Maran zy”a and at the seder of the simanim on the night of Rosh HaShana we will mention donors to Kupat Ha’ir during the seder, to include them, as Maran Rashkebeha”g  zy”a was accustomed to do, in the ‘Yehi Ratzon.'” Maran Posek HaDor HGR’ Moshe Sternbuch, Maran Rosh HaYeshiva HGR’ Baruch Dov Povarsky, Maran Amud HaHora’ah HGR’ Yitzchak Zilberstein, Maran HGR’ Shraga Shteinman, Maran HGR’ Shimon Gala’i, Maran HGR’ Moshe Shaul Klein, Maran HGR’ Shmuel Eliezer Stern, Maran HGR’ Mordechai Shmuel Edelstein, Maran HGR’ Massoud Ben Shimon, Maran HGR’ Binyamin Finkel, Maran HGR’ Yitzchak Kolodetsky, Maran HGR’ Elimelech Biderman and Maran HGR’ Yitzchak Shaul Kanievsky shlit”a have all signed the above statements. Besides their tefillah for the donors on Rosh HaShana and while eating the simanim on the night of Rosh HaShana, the Gedolei HaDor will also daven for Kupat Ha’ir donors during the Aseres Yemai Teshuva and on Yom Kippur. Some of them will even be traveling to holy sites like the Kosel HaMa’aravi and Kever Rochel, the tziyun of Rashb”i in Meron and […]


The IDF says hundreds of ballistic missiles have been launched from Iran at Israel. It takes approximately 10-12 minutes for them to fly from Iran to Israel – unless they are intercepted or fail before then. Initial reports say that at least 102 ballistic missiles were launched in the first wave. An additional three waves were reported with nearly 400 ballistic missiles fired in total. The entire Israeli population has been ordered into bomb shelters. There are unconfirmed reports of direct hits in Tel Aviv, Yerushalayim, and other areas. “Iran’s attack is continuing. You are requested to remain in a protected space until further notice. The explosions you are hearing are from interceptions or fallen projectiles,” the IDF says in a statement. “The Aerial Defense Array is currently identifying and intercepting launches.” Ben Gurion Airport has been shut, and all incoming flights have been diverted. An Israeli official has told Kan that the response against Iran will be “significant and harsh.” Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said in a statement that Iran had launched ballistic missiles on Israel in response to the recent Israeli assassinations of several Hezbollah leaders, including the group’s secretary general, Hassan Nasrallah. It said it would launch more attacks if Iran was attacked. DEVELOPING (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

TERROR IN JAFFA: Terrorists Open Fire Near Light Rail, Numerous Casualties Reported

Numerous casualties reported in a terror attack at the light-rail station on Jerusalem Boulevard in Jaffa. Two terrorists opened fire wounding at least ten victims. MDA EMTs and Paramedics are providing medical treatment to a number of casualties in varying conditions including unconscious casualties. DEVELOPING STORY

Red Alerts In Tel Aviv And Central Israel

Air-raid sirens blare across swathes of central Israel, warning of incoming rocket fire. The source of the attacks was not immediately clear. MDA Spokesperson: Following the recent Red Alert sirens in central Israel, no calls have been received to any casualties.

Iran Strike On Israel Could Happen As Soon As This Afternoon, US Officials Say

A U.S. official tells Fox News that Iran has been at a state of readiness to launch an attack on Israel within 12 to 24 hours since early August following the July 31 assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. In recent days the U.S. has seen additional movement of missiles in Iran to prepare for the now “imminent” attack, the official said. Iran could launch its attack as soon as this afternoon, U.S. officials also said.  

New Video From Rebbetzin Koldetzki

Ensure your name is on the shtender of “The Chofetz Chaim of our generation” during Rosh HaShana, Aseres Yemei Teshuva, and Ne’ilah. Rav Yitzchak Koldetzki & Rebbetzin Koldetzki are seeking urgent help for a prominent Talmid Chochom who is critically ill. They believe this is a matter of pikuach nefesh. Rebbetzin Koldetzki encourages donations of $298, which corresponds to the gematria of mercy The Rebbetzin promises that those who contribute will receive blessings for a good year, health, and happiness, and their names will be included in her husband’s tefillos during Rosh HaShana, Aseres Yemei Teshuva, and Ne’ilah of Yom Kippur. Rebbetzin Koldetzki will also daven for donors during hafrashas challah and the lighting of candles on Erev Rosh Hashanah and Erev Yom Kippur. CLICK HERE TO DONATE 

NYPD And FDNY Commissioners Make Joint Historic Visit To Hatzolah [PHOTOS]

On Monday afternoon, NYPD Commissioner Tom Donlon and FDNY Commissioner Robert Tucker visited Williamsburg Hatzolah Headquarters to meet with Hatzolah leaders and learn more about how they operate. They were joined by Hatzolah CEO Rabbi Yechiel Kalish, Community Affairs Commanding Officer Chief Richie Taylor, 90th Precinct Commanding Officer Captain Joe Wernersbach, Community Affairs Detective Kenny Melendez, Detective Jean-Bart, Community Affairs Officer Nick Skomina, NYPD Clergy Liaison Rabbi Abe Friedman, Hatzolah Coordinators Shaya Bernath, Moshe Nusen Braver, Yomte Malik & Simcha Bernath – who was dispatching while the visit took place. Both commissioners toured Hatzolah’s state-of-the art facility and heard directly from Hatzolah leaders. Commissioner Donlon and Commissioner Tucker witnessed first-hand as emergency calls came in and were dispatched out, all in real time. Both commissioners acknowledged that Hatzolah responds to over 70,000 calls a year and how much that helps alleviate City resources. The Commissioners acknowledged NYPD Clergy Liaison Rabbi Abe Friedman for his friendship and for showing them the incredible work that Hatzolah does over the past many years. Hatzolah CEO Rabbi Yechiel Kalish began his remarks by thanking Commissioner Donlon and Commissioner Tucker for personally coming to Williamsburg Hatzolah Headquarters and for their leadership, friendship, vision, and support. Chief Richie Taylor spoke about the unprecedented strong working partnership between the NYPD and Hatzolah. Chief Taylor spoke about the horrific terrorist attack against Israel on October 7th and acknowledged that the NYPD held a Zoom call on Shabbos with Hatzolah coordinators to ensure the safety of the Jewish community on that day and beyond. The main purpose of the meeting was for both Commissioners to hear directly from Hatzolah leaders and to demonstrate to Hatzolah and to the Jewish community that the NYPD and the FDNY will always assist Hatzolah because it’s an organization made up of dedicated and professional individuals who selflessly help others in the most dire times. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Agudah Sues New York State Education Department on Behalf of Children With Special Needs

Agudath Israel of America has filed a lawsuit against the New York State Education Department in Albany Supreme Court. The lawsuit challenges a recently adopted state regulation which Agudath Israel argues is both illegal and devastatingly harmful to thousands of children with special needs. Under New York State law, all children have the right to receive special education services when a need is demonstrated. The needs of children attending nonpublic schools are outlined in their Individualized Education Services Plan. These services are typically provided by the local school district. However, New York City fails to meet its obligation to provide services directly, and parents are therefore forced to file a due process complaint with an Independent Hearing Officer to obtain entitled services on the open market and pursue reimbursement. Upon a review of the evidence and circumstances, Independent Hearing Officers have overwhelmingly ruled in favor of parents, and children have received services in this manner. On July 15, the New York State Board of Regents adopted an emergency amendment to Section 200.5 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education that drastically restricts parental rights to file a due process claim, the very mechanism NYC nonpublic school parents must resort to obtain entitled services. Although the State Education Department expressed confidence that New York City would adjust its policies accordingly, the result has been a near-total collapse of the private special education provider market. Now, almost a month into the school year, thousands of children remain without services. Many are unable to attend school at all, as they require support throughout the day. These vulnerable children face irreparable harm every day that passes without receiving the critical services they need during their key developmental years. Over the past months, Agudath Israel has engaged in intense advocacy efforts—directly with the State Education Department, the NYC Department of Education, and legislators—and organized two public comment campaigns in which thousands of parents voiced their opposition to the new regulation. Despite some progress, the overall situation remains dire. After careful consideration, and in consultation with its rabbinic leadership, Agudath Israel decided it had no choice but to pursue legal action. The lawsuit contends that the amended regulation violates the plain meaning and intent of the state law; the state’s own prior guidance; a long line of decisions; and decades of practice. To add insult to injury, the state passed a change of this magnitude on an “emergency” basis in the dead of night and without public comment, violating the State Administrative Procedure Act. Given the amendment’s immediate and irreparable harm, Agudath Israel has requested that the court issue a Temporary Restraining Order to halt its implementation. Agudath Israel thanked Adam Cohen and the team at Walden Macht Haran & Williams LLP for their expert and dedicated legal work in pursuing the case. The Agudah also acknowledged the 10 parental plaintiffs. Their children are blind, wheelchair-bound, have cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and various forms of learning disorders, and they hail from diverse faiths and neighborhoods. These parents have courageously stepped forward to tell their stories and fight on behalf of all children with special needs across New York City.

Crews Search For Survivors In North Carolina’s Mountains Days After Helene’s Deluge

Rescuers fanned out across the mountains of western North Carolina on Tuesday in search of anyone still unaccounted for since Hurricane Helene’s remnants caused catastrophic damage to the Southeast, with a death toll nearing 140 people. Many of those who survived what was one of the deadliest storms in U.S. history were left without electricity or any way to reach out for help. Some cooked food on charcoal grills or hiked to high ground in the hopes of finding a signal to call loved ones. The devastation was especially bad in the Blue Ridge Mountains, where at least 40 people died in and around the city of Asheville, a tourism haven known for its art galleries, breweries and outdoor activities. Just outside the city, in the small community of Swannanoa, receding floodwaters revealed cars stacked on top of others and trailer homes that had floated away during the storm. Roads were caked with mud and debris and pockmarked by sinkholes. Exhausted emergency crews worked around the clock to clear roads, restore power and phone service, and reach those still stranded by the storm, which killed at least 139 people across six states. Nearly half of the deaths were in North Carolina, while dozens of others were in South Carolina and Georgia. Search and rescue crews from all levels of government were deployed throughout western North Carolina. Federal agencies, aid groups and volunteers worked to deliver supplies by air, truck and even mule train. President Joe Biden was set to survey the devastation in the region Wednesday. The North Carolina death toll included one horrific story after another of people trapped by floodwaters or killed by falling trees. A courthouse security officer died after being submerged inside his truck. A couple and a 6-year-old boy waiting on a rooftop to be rescued drowned when part of their home collapsed. Rescuers did manage to save dozens of other people, including an infant and two others who were stuck on the top of a car in Atlanta. More than 50 hospital patients and staff in Tennessee were plucked by helicopter from the hospital rooftop. How some of the hardest-hit areas are coping The storm unleashed the worst flooding in a century in North Carolina. Rainfall estimates in some areas have topped more than 2 feet (61 centimeters) since Wednesday, and several main routes into Asheville were washed away or blocked by mudslides. That includes a 4-mile (6.4-kilometer) section of Interstate 40 that was heavily damaged. Joey Hopkins, North Carolina’s secretary of transportation, asked people to stay off the roads. “We’re continuing to tell folks if you don’t have a reason to be in North Carolina, do not travel on the roads of western North Carolina,” Hopkins said. “We do not want you here if you don’t live here and you’re not helping with the storm.” At a grocery store in Asheville, Elizabeth Teall-Fleming stood in line hoping to find nonperishable food, since her home had no power. She planned to heat canned food over a camp stove for her family. “I’m just glad that they’re open and that they’re able to let us in,” she said. She was surprised by the storm’s ferocity: “Just seeing the little bit of news that we’ve been able to see has been shocking and really sad.” In one neighborhood, residents collected creek water in buckets […]

MORE ON IRANIAN THREAT: U.S. Anticipates Possible Iranian Strike Similar to April

According to a U.S. official cited by CNN, the U.S. is preparing for a possible Iranian assault tonight, similar to the one in April. During that attack, Iran fired over 300 missiles and drones, but the majority were intercepted by defense systems from Israel, the U.S., and their Western and Arab allies.

Statement by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Tuesday, 1 October 2024) [translated from Hebrew]: “Citizens of Israel, we are in the midst of a campaign against Iran’s axis of evil. Yesterday, I said that these were days of great achievements and great challenges: Great achievements because we eliminated Nasrallah and his senior command, as well as Hezbollah’s plan to seize the Galilee. We are determined to return our residents in the north safely to their homes. But there are also great challenges. I ask of you two things: First, strictly follow the directives of Home Front Command; it saves lives. Second, stand together. Together we will stand steadfast in the trying days ahead of us. Together we will stand. Together we will fight and together we will win.”

REVEALED: IDF Carried Out 70 Raids Inside Lebanon Since Oct 7; 3,000 Terrorists Were Waiting To Copy Hamas Attack In North

After officially launching ground operations in southern Lebanon early this morning, the IDF revealed that more than 70 small raids had already been conducted by special forces since the war in Gaza’s onset, successfully targeting Hezbollah positions, tunnels, and weapons stockpiles that could have been used in attacks on Israel. According to an IDF statement, troops carried out raids over the past few months on around 1,000 Hezbollah sites, some of which were located several kilometers beyond the border in southern Lebanon. These included weapons depots and tunnel networks situated both inside Lebanese villages and forested areas. The IDF’s raids have been ongoing since the start of the Israel-Hamas conflict, with Israeli forces pushing Hezbollah’s elite Radwan unit away from the border. This allowed Israeli commandos to enter Lebanon undetected, often without encountering Hezbollah operatives. As part of its operations, the IDF has also targeted Hezbollah sites from the air following ground raids. “These raids allowed us to neutralize potential threats before they could be used against Israeli civilians,” a military spokesperson said. Military officials have reported that some 2,400 Radwan terrorists and an additional 500 Palestinian Islamic Jihad fighters were poised in southern Lebanon, awaiting an opportunity to attack Israel after Hamas’s October 7 assault. The IDF Northern Command had anticipated this threat and reinforced its defenses, launching strikes that pushed Hezbollah forces further from the border. The small-scale raids, which sometimes lasted three to four days, have been instrumental in weakening Hezbollah’s hold in the region, according to the IDF. Despite their success, military officials acknowledged the difficulty of fully dismantling Hezbollah’s arsenal. While commandos managed to recover a wide array of weapons, including machine guns, RPGs, and anti-tank missiles, they noted that these represented less than 1 percent of the group’s overall armaments. “The soldiers faced challenging terrain, and while it was difficult to bring back all of the recovered weapons, many of them still took on the task,” an IDF official explained. Recognizing that these commando operations alone would not be sufficient to meet Israel’s broader military objectives, the IDF has now launched a larger ground offensive involving an entire division. The goal of this new phase is to destroy Hezbollah’s infrastructure, particularly its tunnel networks, and prevent the group from using the border region as a staging ground for future attacks. “We aim for this offensive to be as short as possible, lasting just a few weeks,” said an IDF spokesperson. The military made it clear that there is no plan to remain in southern Lebanon long-term but emphasized the importance of securing Israel’s northern border and ensuring Hezbollah cannot regain control of the area. Despite the IDF’s progress, Hezbollah still possesses significant rocket and missile capabilities, as demonstrated by a barrage on central Israel Tuesday morning, which left two people wounded. Military officials stated that the IDF’s goal is not to eliminate every last rocket but to severely diminish Hezbollah’s firepower. Looking ahead, the IDF also sees the possibility that its operations could lead to broader political shifts in Lebanon. By weakening Hezbollah’s influence, Israel hopes the Lebanese government may regain control of the south, reducing the Iran-backed group’s grip on the region. However, military officials remain cautious about predicting any long-term outcomes. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

A Chemical Cloud Moving Around Atlanta’s Suburbs Prompts A New Shelter-In-Place Alert

Residents east of Atlanta were again warned Tuesday to take shelter where they are if shifting winds push the still-billowing chemical cloud from a chlorine factory fire over their neighborhood. A shelter-in-place order had just ended Monday evening for Rockdale County, where the chemical fire sent a huge plume of orange and black smoke into the Georgia sky on Sunday. People complained about a strong chemical smell and haze for many miles around the BioLab plant in Conyers, about 25 miles (40 kilometers) southeast of downtown Atlanta. “Due to the weather, the plume is banking down and moving throughout the county. If the cloud moves over your vicinity, please shelter in place until the cloud moves out,” Rockdale County officials told residents on social media early Tuesday. The City of Atlanta said its firefighters continue to monitor the fallout, and urged anyone with “nose, throat or eye irritation, or difficulty breathing,” to call a Georgia Poison Center hotline. “If you don’t have to be outside, if you don’t have to be on the roadways, stay home,” Rockdale County Board of Commissioners Chairman Oz Nesbitt said at a Tuesday morning news conference. The fire was brought under control around 4 p.m. Sunday, officials said, but firefighters were still actively engaged Tuesday as the smoldering material kept sending up a plume of now grey-white smoke. The pollution “constantly shifted,” and with no strong prevailing wind to disperse it, smelly haze lingered across the Atlanta area. BioLab’s website says it is the swimming pool and spa water care division of Lawrenceville, Georgia-based KIK Consumer Products. Residents around the area expressed frustration that company officials in their public statements didn’t specify what “products” were burning. Atlanta’s fire department said it was testing for the presence of chemicals including chlorine, hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency also has been monitoring, for “chlorine and related compounds.” Federal officials are investigating what led to the fire and how it has been handled. The sprinkler system showered water onto water-reactive chemicals around 5 a.m. Sunday, Rockdale County Fire Chief Marian McDaniel said. There were employees inside the plant, but no injuries were reported. Residents north of Interstate 20 were ordered to evacuate on Sunday, while others were told to shelter in place. But residents of Atlanta’s densely populated eastern suburbs in DeKalb and Gwinnett counties also reported seeing a haze or the strong smell of chlorine. Hours passed Sunday before DeKalb emergency management authorities said data suggested the air pollution was “unlikely to cause harm to most people.” The DeKalb statement said anyone concerned about breathing the chemicals could stay inside with their homes sealed up and air conditioners turned off. An EPA statement said “the odor threshold for chlorine is very low, meaning people can smell it at very low concentrations that do not cause harm.” Nesbitt made a point of holding the news conference outdoors Tuesday morning, to show that “it’s all right for us to stand out here.” But he said “this has happened too many times,” and promised to work with state and federal officials to determine what’s to be done about the plant, once the immediate crisis is resolved. There have been other destructive fires at the Conyers complex, which opened in 1973. In May 2004, multiple explosions in […]

A Rare Blessing From Rabbi Shalom Arush

*A rare blessing from Rabbi Shalom Arush*:  “Anyone who participates in the challah and wine Segulah of the Tanna Rabbi Hanina will be written on Rosh Hashanah for a miracle beyond the natural order!”🔥  Donate now and bring the miracle into your home> Click Here
