Yeshiva World News

MASSIVE FAILURE: IDF Probe Finds Warning Signs of Hamas Attack Were Ignored, Catastrophe Could Have Been Prevented

A preliminary investigation by the IDF Military Intelligence Directorate into the October 7 Hamas invasion and slaughter in southern Israel has found that there were sufficient indications of the imminent attack to have prevented the catastrophe. The findings, presented to Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, suggest that warning signs were ignored, and that the tragedy could have been averted. Sources familiar with the probe told Channel 12 that there were signs ahead of the attack that should have “lit up all the red lights” and that “we’ve mobilized various fronts in the past on less than this.” The investigation found that the IDF Gaza Division had assessments from 2018 until October 7 that could have been used to prevent the attack. The presentation covered what each of the IDF elements knew, what information they shared with each other, and what steps were taken in light of what they understood. The investigation’s findings have sparked deep frustration among those who have seen the material, as it should have been “possible to connect all the dots and prevent this.” While there were no arguments over the facts, there were some disagreements over interpretations. The investigation’s outcome may lead to a fuller investigation by incoming IDF intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Shlomi Binder, due to tensions between Halevi and outgoing intel chief Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, who announced his resignation in April. However, other sources have described the probe as “very thorough” and not needing additional digging. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

BYE BYE: Hezbollah Confirms Israeli Airstrike Killed Senior Commander Muhammad Nisah Nasser

The Hezbollah terror group announced today that a senior commander, Muhammad Nimah Nasser, also known as Abu Nimah, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon. According to a statement from Hezbollah, Nasser was from the town of Haddatha and was killed “on the road to Jerusalem,” a term the group uses to refer to Israeli strikes. The strike occurred in the coastal city of Tyre. Nasser was a commander of Hezbollah’s Aziz regional division in southern Lebanon. It is rare for Hezbollah to refer to its senior operatives killed in Israeli strikes as commanders, showing that Nasser’s death is a significant loss for the group. Only a few other operatives have been referred to as commanders, including Taleb Abdullah, who was killed last month, and Wissam al-Tawil, the deputy head of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan unit, who was killed by Israel in January. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Nikki Haley Taunts George Stephanopoulos After Resurfaced Interview on Biden’s Mental Acuity

Former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley took a victory lap on social media after a tense exchange with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos last year resurfaced on Tuesday. The interview, which aired on “Good Morning America” in August, showed Haley asserting that President Biden would not finish his term and that Kamala Harris would become the next president. Stephanopoulos pushed back, asking Haley for evidence to support her claim, but she cited the decline in Biden’s mental acuity and the need for a new generation of leaders. Haley also called for mental competency tests for politicians over the age of 75. The exchange has gone viral again, and Haley taunted Stephanopoulos today on social media, saying “Believe me now, George?” The resurfaced interview comes as Biden is set to sit down with Stephanopoulos for his first interview since last week’s presidential debate, where he will likely face questions about his performance and his mental fitness for office. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

United Hatzalah and Philanthropist Dr. Miriam Adelson Launch New Emergency Fleet in Honor of Fallen Soldiers and Medical Volunteers

 United Hatzalah inaugurated its new emergency fleet of 76 ambucycles (emergency motorcycles), emergency vehicles and an ambulance at an emotional ceremony at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. The new fleet is a joint initiative of United Hatzalah in a matching partnership with philanthropist Dr. Miriam Adelson and her sons Adam and Matan Adelson. After October 7 and the war that followed, United Hatzalah has been expanding its ability to save lives during times of national crises as well as during daily emergencies. The new emergency vehicles will be deployed across Israel, including throughout the Gaza Envelope, the North, and the West Bank, to ensure that emergency medical aid is available to all civilians and soldiers in record speed during times of wars and attacks, and also in times of daily emergencies. An upgraded ambulance and emergency vehicle were dedicated by Dr. Adelson to the Hebron area in memory of the heroism of Maor Lavi, who fell in battle in Gaza six months ago, and served as a United Hatzalah volunteer medic, leaving behind his wife and four children. The ambulance will be added to the Alberto and Vicky Saba Unit. A bulletproof ambulance and an emergency vehicle were dedicated to the memory of Elad Tomer, a devoted United Hatzalah volunteer who was killed in the line of duty. His wife Tal and children attended the ceremony with Dr. Adelson in his honor. The 76 ambucycles mark 76 years to the establishment of the State of Israel, and stand as a testament to the resilience of Israel and its people. This resilience has been a pillar of United Hatzalah, which since October 7th, lost 18 volunteers and their family members, among them soldiers and medics who entered the line of fire to save countless lives in towns and kibbutzim in the Gaza envelope, and who fought in Gaza to defend Israel during the Iron Swords War. On October 7th and the days that followed, United Hatzalah medics, paramedics, doctors and personnel treated thousands of wounded civilians and soldiers on the ground in the Western Negev region, evacuating them to hospitals with ambucycles, ambulances, emergency vehicles, emergency SUVs, and helicopters. United Hatzalah is Israel’s volunteer emergency medical service (EMS) organization, providing professional lifesaving emergency medical treatment across Israel in record speed. The organization is made up of over 7,000 volunteers from across Israel- available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year – who respond to more than 2,000 emergencies daily. Since its establishment, United Hatzalah volunteers have provided lifesaving medical treatment in over 6.5 million medical emergency cases in Israel.  

Asking for a Friend: What Should My Bais Medrash Bochur Do This Summer?

Every mature bochur knows that to get the most out of bain hazmamim – you need a plan. Camp Ramim has done all the planning for you: the learning, the atmosphere, the logistics – and the fun.  A summer of inspiration like no other! For more information call:929 309 2906Or

Shot Terrorist After Being Stabbed In Neck: Aleksandr Yakiminsky, H”yd, 19,Was Murdered In Karmiel Terror Attack

The Israeli who was murdered by a terrorist in a stabbing attack in a mall in Karmiel on Wednesday was identified by the IDF as Aleksandr Yakiminsky, H”yd, 19, from Nahariya. Yakiminsky, z’l, who was in uniform but off-duty at the time of the attack, served in the 71st Battalion of the 188th Brigade. Another soldier from the same battalion, also in uniform, was seriously wounded in the attack. Yakiminsky died a hero – after being stabbed in the neck, he managed to chase the terrorist, shooting and neutralizing him. He then collapsed on the floor. Paramedics who arrived at the scene performed CPR and tried to save his life. He was evacuated to the hospital where doctors fought to save his life. Sadly, his death was pronounced a couple of hours later. Security officials later identified the assailant as Jawwad Omar Rubia, 20, an Israeli citizen from the Arab town of Nahf, which is near Karmiel.  Channel 13 News reported that police arrested the terrorist’s sister after it was discovered that she works at the mall where the attack took place. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)


President Joe Biden has privately acknowledged to a close confidant that he may not be able to recover his campaign if he cannot persuade the public in the coming days that he is capable of leading, following a disappointing debate performance last week. While the president remains committed to his re-election campaign, a key ally, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, emphasized the urgency of his upcoming appearances. Biden has critical engagements ahead, including an interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC News and campaign events in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. “He knows if he has two more events like that, we’re in a different place by the end of the weekend,” the ally stated, referring to Biden’s stumbling and incoherent debate presentation. This private conversation marks the first public indication that Biden is seriously evaluating his prospects following the debate setback in Atlanta. Andrew Bates, a White House spokesman, said the claim was “absolutely false” and that the White House had not been given enough time to respond. Rising concerns about Biden’s candidacy are evident, particularly regarding his ability to endure another term. A senior adviser, also requesting anonymity, noted that the president is “well aware of the political challenge he faces.” The White House has not yet responded to requests for comments on the matter. Campaign officials are anxiously tracking poll numbers, aware that unfavorable results could intensify the crisis. A recent CBS News poll revealed former President Donald J. Trump holding a slight lead over Biden, with 50 percent to Biden’s 48 percent nationally and 51 percent to 48 percent in key battleground states since the debate. In response, Biden has begun reaching out to Democratic leaders and has planned a meeting with Democratic governors at the White House. He continues to seek advice from trusted advisors and has indicated to at least one person that his strategy to shift focus from his debate performance back to his challenger, Trump, might not be effective. Despite the challenges, Biden’s supporters, who have been in close discussions with him since the debate, assert that he is still in the midst of a critical political battle. They view this moment as yet another opportunity for Biden to stage a comeback, a feat he has achieved multiple times over his lengthy career. Nonetheless, they recognize the significant challenge he faces in convincing voters, donors, and the political elite that his debate lapse was a rare misstep. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

New Vehicle Sales Stagnant In The Second Quarter As Buyers Balked At Still-High Prices

U.S. new-vehicle sales rose only slightly in the second quarter, despite larger discounts and slightly lower prices. But brisker sales could be on the horizon: Auto industry analysts say they expect prices to drop further and there’s a possibility of interest-rate cuts that would make taking out a loan for a new vehicle more affordable. Overall, U.S. sales were up only 0.1% compared to a year ago, as still-high prices kept many potential buyers out of the market, according to preliminary tallies Tuesday by Sales were crimped in late June, when cyberattacks knocked out software from CDK Global that dealerships use to do sales paperwork. CDK said most dealers were back up by Tuesday afternoon, but companies such as General Motors said the problem pushed some deliveries into the third quarter. Analysts say inventories on dealer lots are building, especially for pickup trucks and other higher-priced vehicles. Discounts vary by demand for vehicles, with smaller, less-expensive models and gas-electric hybrids generally being in shorter supply. Many customers are delaying purchases, figuring that bigger discounts are coming. “Waiting may be the optimal strategy here,” said Cox Automotive Senior Economist Charlie Chesbrough. Toyota, which sells many popular gas-electric hybrids, posted a 9.2% sales increase from April through June. Honda sales were up 2.7%, while General Motors posted just a 0.3% gain and Hyundai reported a 1.8% increase. Subaru had a 5.4% sales gain. Sales at Stellantis fell 20.7% in the second quarter, with the Ram brand off 26% and Jeep sales falling 19%. Nissan sales fell 3.1%, while Kia was down 1.6%. Together, automakers reported selling roughly 4.13 million new vehicles from April through June. That’s on pace to reach forecasts of nearly 16 million for the year, a little above last year’s 15.6 million. Ivan Drury, director of insights at, said interest rates for new vehicles are averaging just above 7%, a high number for people who bought or leased vehicles years ago but now find they need to replace their rides. Many, he said, are going for what few lower-priced vehicles remain in the mid- to upper- $20,000 range. “The stuff that’s very affordable, that’s where it’s at,” said Drury. “You really have to have an attractive product at an attractive price for it to move today.” For instance, sales of the Chevrolet Trax compact SUV, which starts at $20,400 excluding shipping, were up 152.7% during the quarter. Kevin Roberts, director of analytics for the CarGurus auto site, said automakers want to keep making higher-profit SUVs and trucks when a big chunk of buyers are after less-expensive vehicles such as compact sedans. “You’re seeing people search more and more for affordable vehicles. You’re seeing people searching for under $30K,” Roberts said. The U.S. industry, he said, is at an inflection point where automakers will have to add discounts to get the prices down, or they’ll have to change what they produce to “try to get more attractive price points and try to keep those inventory levels lighter.” A move toward lower prices, though, could hurt Detroit automakers, which exited the lower-priced small and midsize sedan markets years ago after having trouble making money on the vehicles. Ever since the coronavirus pandemic began early in 2020, autos have been in short supply as a shortage of vital computer chips […]

SOULLESS: Lawyer Of Pro-Hamas Scoundrel Uses Her Jewishness In Attempt To Get Case Thrown Out

Anas Saleh, the pro-Hamas activist who ordered “Zionists” to identify themselves on the New York subway and told them “Raise your hand if you’re a Zionist. This is your chance to get out,” was arraigned in New York Tuesday morning, and the Manhattan DA is now officially prosecuting him, with his next court date scheduled for August 12. At least one woman told authorities she left the train out of fear she would be attacked. His lawyer is one Moira Meltzer-Cohen, who shamefully used her Jewishness to try and get the case thrown out by the judge, who thankfully didn’t bite. “My court, my rules,” Judge Michele Weber told Moira Meltzer-Cohen as she denied the request, cutting off the defense attorney a second time when the lawyer tried arguing that she, too, was “a Jew.” Meltzer-Cohen describes herself as an attorney “committed to supporting people’s struggles for liberation.”  She is an “educator, attorney, and abolitionist, serving overlapping communities of activists, queers, and prisoners. My work includes criminal defense, particularly for those arrested in the course of justice struggles; representation of witnesses before federal grand juries; and advocacy for those seeking gender affirming and other necessary (but often withheld) health care while in prison,” according to her website bio. On the positive side, she doesn’t mention on her bio that she is Jewish. Which is probably a good thing, since she seems not to be in any touch with her yiddishe neshama. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Rep. Lloyd Doggett Becomes First Democrat In Congress To Call For Biden’s Withdrawal From 2024 Race

A House Democratic lawmaker has become the first in the party to publicly call for President Joe Biden to step down as the party’s nominee for president, citing Biden’s debate performance against Donald Trump failing to “effectively defend his many accomplishments.” Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas said in a statement Tuesday that Biden should “make the painful and difficult decision to withdraw.” “My decision to make these strong reservations public is not done lightly nor does it in any way diminish my respect for all that President Biden has achieved,” Doggett said. “Recognizing that, unlike Trump, President Biden’s first commitment has always been to our country, not himself, I am hopeful that he will make the painful and difficult decision to withdraw. I respectfully call on him to do so.” Doggett, who represents an Austin-based district and is serving his 15th term in Congress, is the first sitting lawmaker in his party to publicly state what many have been privately whispering behind closed doors since last week’s debate. Biden’s weak performance caused immediate panic among even his most ardent supporters, leading many to question whether the 81-year-old career politician is the strongest Democratic candidate to take on Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, in November. “I represent the heart of a congressional district once represented by Lyndon Johnson,” Doggett, who is the No. 2 Democrat on the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, continued. “Under very different circumstances, he made the painful decision to withdraw. President Biden should do the same.” Biden himself conceded the debate didn’t go well for him, but he insisted he was ready to fight for a second term as president. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, asked Tuesday about growing concerns among Democrats, said they respect the opinions and thoughts of concerned party members, adding, “that’s what makes this party different than the other side.” As for Doggett, she said: “He’s going to have his thoughts. That’s for him to speak to.” Beyond the White House, control of both chambers of Congress is also hanging in the balance in November, and Democrats find themselves defending far more Senate seats than Republicans. The Democrats hold the Senate with a slim 51-49 majority, while Republicans control the House by only a handful of seats. Doggett’s explosive statement came minutes after former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told MSNBC that she believes “it is a legitimate question” whether Biden’s halting performance is just “an episode or is this a condition.” “When people ask that question, it’s legitimate — of both candidates,” Pelosi said. Pelosi said she had not spoken with Biden since the debate, but she emphasized that the president is on “top of his game, in terms of knowing the issues and what is at stake.” It all amounts to a stunning and swift turn of events for Biden, his campaign and his allies on Capitol Hill, who have spent the better part of the last several years combatting criticism about the president’s fitness and defending his ability to serve another four-year term, at the end of which he would be 86 years old. But Biden’s shaky performance during the debate with Trump has shaken Democratic support to its foundations, with members of the party at all levels entertaining the possibility that he can no longer be […]

Biden Proposes New Rule To Protect 36 Million Workers From Extreme Heat

President Joe Biden on Tuesday proposed a new rule to address excessive heat in the workplace, warning — as tens of millions of people in the U.S. are under heat advisories — that high temperatures are the country’s leading weather-related killer. If finalized, the measure would protect an estimated 36 million U.S. workers from injuries related to heat exposure on the job — establishing the first major federal safety standard of its kind. Those affected by excessive heat in the workplace include farmworkers, delivery and construction workers, landscapers and indoor workers in warehouses, factories and kitchens. Biden highlighted the proposed rule as one of five steps his Democratic administration is taking to address extreme weather as Hurricane Beryl is already ripping through the Caribbean in an ominous sign for the summer. Biden used his remarks at the D.C. Emergency Operations Center to blast those Republican lawmakers who deny the existence of climate change, saying, “It’s not only outrageous, it’s really stupid.” Biden noted that there are human and financial costs from climate change, saying that weather-inflicted damage last year cost the economy $90 billion. “More people die from extreme heat than floods, hurricanes and tornadoes combined,” Biden said. “These climate fueled extreme weather events don’t just affect people’s lives. They also cost money. They hurt the economy, and they have a significant negative psychological effect on people.” The Democratic president, who’s seeking reelection in part on his environmental record, said that the Federal Emergency Management Agency was also finalizing a rule to factor in possible flooding risks for federal construction projects. In addition, FEMA was announcing $1 billion in grants to help communities deal with natural disasters, while the Environmental Protection Agency was releasing a new report on climate change’s impacts. Lastly, Biden said his administration would hold a conference titled “White House Summit on Extreme Heat” in the coming months. Despite increased awareness of the risks posed to human health by high temperatures, extreme heat protections — for those routinely exposed to heat index readings above 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius) — have lagged. “The purpose of this rule is simple,” a senior White House administration official told reporters. “It is to significantly reduce the number of worker-related deaths, injuries, and illnesses suffered by workers who are exposed to excessive heat … while simply doing their jobs.” Under the proposed rule, employers would be required to identify heat hazards, develop emergency response plans related to heat illness, and provide training to employees and supervisors on the signs and symptoms of such illnesses. They would also have to establish rest breaks, provide shade and water, and heat acclimatization — or the building of tolerance to higher temperatures — for new workers. Penalties for heat-related violations in workplaces would increase significantly, in line with what workplaces are issued for violations of Occupational Safety and Health Administration rules, a senior White House administration official said. An estimated 2,300 people in the U.S. died from heat-related illness in 2023. From 1992 to 2022, a total of 986 workers across all industry sectors in the U.S. died from exposure to heat, with construction accounting for about 34% of all occupational heat-related deaths, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. During that time, 334 construction workers died due to heat exposure on the job. As […]

Netanyahu, Biden Meeting Expected During Trip To Washington

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is likely to meet US President Joe Biden during the prime minister’s trip to Washington later this month to address Congress, a White House official said. According to a CNN report, the details of the meeting are still being finalized. In response to a query by the Times of Israel, a White House official stated: “The President has known Prime Minister Netanyahu for three decades. They will likely see each other when the prime minister is here over the course of that week, but we have nothing to announce at this time.” Netanyahu’s speech to Congress is scheduled for July 24. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Biden Threatened Bibi: “If You Launch A Big Attack On Iran, You’re On Your Own”

In an article discussing the topic of the day – US President Joe Biden’s fitness to be president – White House aides and administration officials spoke to the New York Times about their interactions with the president in the last few weeks. Most agreed that Biden has moments of sharpness but also has increasing moments of confusion and disorientation. In the article, entitled Biden’s Lapses Are Said to Be Increasingly Common and Worrisome, some White House officials rejected doubt about Biden’s ability to lead by providing the example of the night Iran attacked Israel, April 13, when he very forcefully ordered Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu not to carry out a large-scale retaliatory attack against Iran. [It should be noted that the incident seems irrelevant as proof of Biden’s capabilities as many of the interviewees noted that Biden’s condition has worsened considerably in the past few months and even weeks.] The officials said that Biden was in top form that night, monitoring the response to the missile and drone attack and asking relevant questions throughout the night. After it was over, and almost all of the missiles and drones had been shot down, Biden called Netanyahu to persuade him not to escalate. “Take the win,” Mr. Biden told the prime minister, without reading from a script or extensive notes, according to two people in the room. Aides present in the Situation Room that night t portrayed a president in commanding form, lecturing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by phone to avoid a retaliatory escalation that would have inflamed the Middle East. “Let me be crystal clear,” Mr. Biden said. “If you launch a big attack on Iran, you’re on your own.” The officials noted that Netanyahu ultimately “opted for a much smaller and proportionate response that effectively ended the hostilities.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

FDA Approves A Second Alzheimer’s Drug That Can Modestly Slow Disease

U.S. officials have approved another Alzheimer’s drug that can modestly slow the disease, providing a new option for patients in the early stages of the incurable, memory-destroying ailment. The Food and Drug Administration approved Eli Lilly’s Kisunla on Tuesday for mild or early cases of dementia caused by Alzheimer’s. It’s only the second drug that’s been convincingly shown to delay cognitive decline in patients, following last year’s approval of a similar drug from Japanese drugmaker Eisai. The delay seen with both drugs amounts to a matter of months — about seven months, in the case of Lilly’s drug. Patients and their families will have to weigh that benefit against the downsides, including regular IV infusions and potentially dangerous side effects like brain swelling. Physicians who treat Alzheimer’s say the approval is an important step after decades of failed experimental treatments. “I’m thrilled to have different options to help my patients,” said Dr. Suzanne Schindler, a neurologist at Washington University in St. Louis. “It’s been difficult as a dementia specialist — I diagnose my patients with Alzheimer’s and then every year I see them get worse and they progress until they die.” Both Kisunla and the Japanese drug, Leqembi, are laboratory-made antibodies, administered by IV, that target one contributor to Alzheimer’s — sticky amyloid plaque buildup in the brain. Questions remain about which patients should get the drugs and how long they might benefit. The new drug’s approval was expected after an outside panel of FDA advisors unanimously voted in favor of its benefits at a public meeting last month. That endorsement came despite several questions from FDA reviewers about how Lilly studied the drug, including allowing patients to discontinue treatment after their plaque reached very low levels. Costs will vary by patient, based on how long they take the drug, Lilly said. The company also said a year’s worth of therapy would cost $32,000 — higher than the $26,500 price of a year’s worth of Leqembi. The FDA’s prescribing information tells doctors they can consider stopping the drug after confirming via brain scans that patients have minimal plaque. More than 6 million Americans have Alzheimer’s. Only those with early or mild disease will be eligible for the new drug, and an even smaller subset are likely to undergo the multi-step process needed to get a prescription. The FDA approved Kisunla, known chemically as donanemab, based on results from an 18-month study in which patients given getting the treatment declined about 22% more slowly in terms of memory and cognitive ability than those who received a dummy infusion. The main safety issue was brain swelling and bleeding, a problem common to all plaque-targeting drugs. The rates reported in Lilly’s study — including 20% of patients with microbleeds — were slightly higher than those reported with competitor Leqembi. However, the two drugs were tested in slightly different types of patients, which experts say makes it difficult to compare the drugs’ safety. Kisunla is infused once a month compared to Leqembi’s twice-a-month regimen, which could make things easier for caregivers who bring their loved ones to a hospital or clinic for treatment. “Certainly getting an infusion once a month is more appealing than getting it every two weeks,” Schindler said. Lilly’s drug has another potential advantage: Patients can stop taking it if they […]

Hurricane Season 2024 Is Here. Here’s How To Stay Prepared

Hurricane season is upon us, known for disastrous flooding and high-speed winds in coastal areas of the United States and in the Caribbean and Central America, and emergency management officials are urging people to stay prepared. Unlike previous hurricane seasons, this summer brings record hot temperatures nationwide and an early onset of storms. Hurricane season runs June 1 to Nov. 30, but usually the most hurricanes occur in September and October, said Jaime Hernandez, the emergency management director for Hollywood, on Florida’s Atlantic Coast. “That’s a little bit different this year because of the reality we’re dealing with with global warming, warmer sea surface temperatures, atmosphere conditions that are more favorable to tropical cyclone development,” Hernandez said. “It could develop at any time.” Since the start of this week, Hurricane Beryl broke records as the first Category 4 storm to form in the Atlantic Ocean in June — abnormally early compared to past trends. Here’s how to prepare, what to have on hand, and who should evacuate in a hurricane: How do I make sure I’m prepared? Hernandez said his emergency team encourages people to do three key things: make a plan, have an emergency kit and stay informed. “We trust the people particularly, especially those who live in an evacuation zone, that they need to have a plan because of if an evacuation order is issued ahead of the hurricane,” Hernandez said. “You don’t know what the impacts are going to be. You don’t know what the infrastructure disruptions are going to look like.” Preparing for a hurricane includes getting supplies in advance, including nonperishable foods and water in case power is lost and supplies are low in the community. Preparedness also includes ensuring all medical items and medications are ready in case people are unable to leave their homes. In this case, it’s important to consult a doctor about what to have ready in your home. Hernandez directed people to look at checklists provided by local or state emergency management departments to ensure they are prepared. What are some emergency kit necessities? The rule of thumb is to have 1 gallon (3.8 liters) of water per day per person for about seven days, Hernandez said. In addition, supplies on hand should include nonperishable foods, flashlights, batteries, medications and medical items, sunscreen, mosquito repellent and portable power banks. It’s also a good idea to have cash on hand since ATMs may not be working. Also keep documents such as birth certificates, Social Security cards and other important papers in a go-bag in case you have to leave your home quickly, Hernandez said. What about vehicles? It’s always wise to fill up all of your vehicles in case evacuations are ordered. Hernandez noted that it’s also important to think ahead if you have an electric car by parking it in an elevated location or away from the storm area until it is over, since he said electric cars could struggle with flooding and storm surges. About 20 electric vehicles caught fire after exposure to saltwater from Hurricane Ian. Florida’s Hillsborough County has a webpage including guidance for electric vehicle owners, which encourage residents to park the vehicle about 50 feet (15 meters) away from any structure or vehicle due to fire risk. Who should evacuate ahead of a storm? People who live in low-lying or flood-prone […]

GOOD LUCK WITH THAT: Biden Plans Public Events Blitz To Reassure Democrats He’s Fit For Duty

The White House announced Tuesday that President Joe Biden will meet with congressional leaders and Democratic governors, sit for a network TV interview and hold a press conference in the coming days, a blitz designed to push back against growing pressure for the 81-year-old president to step aside in the 2024 race after his disastrous performance in last week’s debate with Republican Donald Trump. “We really want to turn the page on this,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said of the intensifying calls for Biden to bow out of the race. She added that the president had no intention of stepping aside, characterizing his debate failings as simply evidence of “a bad night” when he had a cold. During a campaign event later Tuesday, Biden blamed it on jet lag after two back-to-back European trips. “I wasn’t very smart. I decided to travel around the world a couple of times,” he said. The president added that he “didn’t listen to my staff” about travel and joked that he “fell asleep on stage” during the debate. But Democratic leaders were increasingly signaling that they were not buying White House attempts to brush off Biden’s performance in the face-off as a momentary lapse, after he gave halting and nonsensical answers and trailed off at times. There’s growing anxiety among donors and on Capitol Hill about the president’s ability to win come November, according to people who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss internal conversations. And it’s not helping that Biden has yet to reach out to legislators, who are growing increasingly frustrated that the White House has not satisfactorily explained how such a seasoned politician could have performed so badly. Questions swirled about whether this was an isolated incident or part of a pattern. Two people who spend time with Biden behind closed doors described him similarly: He was often very sharp and focused. But he also had moments, particularly later in the evening, when his thoughts seemed jumbled and he’d trail off mid-sentence or seem confused. Those people spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss the president’s interactions behind closed doors. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told MSNBC that she believes “it is a legitimate question” whether Biden’s performance was just “an episode or is this a condition.” “When people ask that question, it’s legitimate — of both candidates,” Pelosi said. But she did not go so far as to ask him to step aside. Pelosi said she had not spoken with Biden since the debate, but she emphasized that the president is on “top of his game, in terms of knowing the issues and what is at stake.” And a spokesperson later said Pelosi had full confidence in Biden and “looks forward to attending his inauguration on January 20, 2025.” Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas became the first Democratic member of Congress to publicly call for Biden to step down. Doggett, who is 77 and has been a fixture on Capitol Hill since the mid-1990s, said Biden should “make the painful and difficult decision” to withdraw, citing the president’s inability to “effectively defend his many accomplishments” in the debate. Rep. Jared Golden, a moderate Democrat from Maine, said in a local newspaper column Tuesday that the debate “didn’t rattle me […]

PHOTO ALBUM: Senior Eretz Yisroel Roshei Yeshiva Raise Astonishing $83 Million During Visit To US

The recent visit to the U.S. by six senior roshei yeshiva from Eretz Yisroel not only marked an unprecedented moment in Jewish history, but also sparked an equally unparalleled revolution of American Jewry rallying to the support of the Lomdei Torah thousands of miles away in Eretz Yisroel through the newly established Keren Olam Hatorah. Over the course of the roshei yeshiva’s short trip, an astounding $83 million was raised from philanthropists in the tri-state area and Toronto. Of that figure, $14.8 million was raised in Lakewood, $13.3 million in Brooklyn, $12.4 million in Manhattan, $11.5 million in Deal, $9.9 million in the 5 Towns, $8.5 million in Monsey, and $6 million in Toronto. In addition, significant funds were raised for the Keren in areas the roshei yeshiva did not visit. Most notably among them are Chicago, where $1 million was raised, and Brazil, where baalebatim combined to donate $5 million. A widespread initiative is now being launched to raise the remaining $25 million of the original $107 million goal – the figure in funds that the Israeli government recently cut from the stipends of yeshivos and kollelim – from everyday machshivei and machzikei torah. Donations can already be made by visiting Rayze.It/olamhatorah. Below are photos from the roshei yeshiva’s fundraising events during their four-day trip trip to the U.S. The roshei yeshiva participating in the events – on behalf of all affected yeshivos and kollelim in Eretz Yisroel – were: Rav Dov Landau, Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rav Don Segal, Rav Yaakov Hillel, Rav Avraham Salim and the Rachmastrivker Rebbe. Lakewood  Monsey 5 Towns Deal Toronto

Untreated Water Tied To Salmonella Outbreak In Cucumbers This Spring

Untreated water used by a Florida cucumber grower is one likely source of salmonella food poisoning that sickened nearly 450 people across the U.S. this spring, federal health officials said Tuesday. But that grower doesn’t account for all of the cucumber-related illnesses and 125 hospitalizations that were reported from late March through early June, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said. Salmonella found in untreated canal water used by Bedner Growers Inc. of Boynton Beach, Florida, matched a strain of the bacteria that caused some of the illnesses in reported in more than 30 states and Washington, D.C. Additional types of salmonella were detected in soil and water samples collected at the site, FDA officials said. Bedner Growers supplied Fresh Start Produce Sales of Delray Beach, Florida, which recalled crates of cucumbers in late May after the first illnesses were reported. Bedner Growers also supplied cucumbers to multiple places where ill people reported buying or eating the produce, FDA said. Investigators originally said there were two outbreaks of salmonella possibly tied to cucumbers, but combined them into one because of several similarities, including the timing and the type of food. Nearly 70% of sick people interviewed reported eating cucumbers before they fell ill, the FDA said. The investigation is continuing. Bedner Growers’ cucumber growing and harvesting season is over. There is no product from the farm remaining on the market, the FDA said, so there’s likely no ongoing risk to the public. (AP)

TERROR IN ISRAEL: 3 Israelis Injured, 1 Critically, In Stabbing Attack In Karmiel

Three Israelis were injured in a stabbing attack on the second floor of a mall in Karmiel in northern Israel on Wednesday at about noon. One is in critical condition, one is in serious condition and the third is in light condition. The two seriously injured victims, both men in their 20s, were evacuated to the Galil Medical Center in Nahariya. The terrorist was neutralized at the scene of the attack by a soldier who was in the mall. The police are searching for any possible accomplices. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Dangerously High Heat Builds In California And The South-Central United States

Swaths of California sweltered Tuesday and things were only expected to get worse during the Fourth of July holiday week for parts of the United States with nearly 90 million people under heat alerts. The torrid conditions were being caused by a ridge of high pressure just off the West Coast and a separate ridge that spawned heat warnings and advisories from Kansas and Missouri to the Gulf Coast states, according to the National Weather Service. California’s capital, Sacramento, was under an excessive heat warning expected to last until Sunday night, with temperatures forecasted to reach between 105 degrees and 115 degrees (40.5-46 Celsius). John Mendoza, 35, called it a “firehose of heat” as he walked around the Capitol on Tuesday morning with an iced coffee in his hand. By 9 a.m., he had already been in a pool once — and planned to go back later in the day. “I felt like I needed to be submerged in water,” he said. With the temperatures rising before noon in Sacramento, Katherine Powers sought refuge in the shade of Cathedral Square. Powers, who is homeless, sipped sparkling water while resting her bare feet on the shaded sidewalk. Powers said she had loaned her shoes to a friend. She had not yet visited one of Sacramento County’s nine “cooling centers,” she said, because of the difficulty in bringing all the possessions she carries. “I’m just going to go to a park with a water fountain just to stay cool, stay in the shade and just keep pouring water on me, basically,” she said. “There’s not too much that I can do.” Darlene Crumedy, who lives in Fairfield about an hour’s drive from Sacramento, said she doesn’t use air conditioning because it’s too expensive. “I’m good, I have a hundred fans,” she said, adding she tries to stay inside and drink cold water. Kim Mims, a Sacramento native, said she prefers the heat — but only up to 100 degrees (38 C). “Anything over that you start to feel that difference,” she said. An analysis by The Associated Press found that heat killed more than 2,300 people in the U.S. last year, setting a record. That figure is likely a major undercount, dozens of experts told AP reporters. Dr. Arthur Jey, an emergency services physician with Sutter Health in Sacramento, told reporters that getting out of the heat is important, along with wearing a hat and loose clothes, hydration and watching out for signs of heat stroke. “With heat stroke, it looks like a stroke,” Jey said, describing symptoms that may include acting unusual, significant headaches, blurry vision, profuse sweating and then no sweating. “And that’s a really big deal,” Jey said. “So we want to prevent them getting even close to heat stroke.” California’s heat was expected to spread from north to south over the week, with the worst of it focused on interior areas including the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys and the southern deserts. But warnings extended out to just short of the coast. San Francisco, famous for its cool summers, was expected to have a high Tuesday in the upper 80s (31 C) downtown but mid-60s (18.3 C) at Ocean Beach, forecasters said. “The high pressure dome will linger over California for at least a week, with more long […]
