Yeshiva World News

Hamas Leader Calls On West Bank Palestinians To Carry Out Terror Attacks, Criticizes Palestinian Authority

Hussam Badran, a top Hamas official, is calling on West Bank Palestinians – including members of the Palestinian Authority security forces – to carry out attacks against Israelis. Badran, a former leader of Hamas’s military wing in the northern West Bank, said, “We are working to expand the resistance in the West Bank. I ask every person in the West Bank who carries a weapon, officially or unofficially, to fulfill his responsibility, because every person with a weapon in the West Bank can make a difference and have a qualitative impact.” “A Palestinian today does not need an order or decision by any party to act, and must take the initiative on his own,” the murderous terrorist added. He claimed that “resistance is a legitimate right” of Hamas, despite acknowledging the group’s lower military capabilities compared to Israel. The Hamas official also accused Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas of obstructing plans for a unity government and insisted that the Islamist group cannot be sidelined or forced to make concessions. He criticized the PA, saying it has “contributed to weakening the resistance in the West Bank” due to its security coordination with Israel. Badran’s comments come as reconciliation talks between Hamas and Fatah, the two main Palestinian factions, were delayed with no new date set. The talks, initially scheduled for mid-June in China, aimed to address the formation of a national consensus government and preparations for elections throughout the Palestinian territories. In the interview, Badran reiterated Hamas’s demands, claiming they represent the whole Palestinian people. He also emphasized the group’s refusal to discuss post-war arrangements in the Gaza Strip, stating, “We will not allow anyone to dictate to it the arrangement of the Palestinian house.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Netanyahu Reiterates Commitment to US Hostage Release Deal, Blames Hamas for Obstruction

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed Israel’s support for the hostage release deal presented by US President Joe Biden on May 31 during the weekly government meeting. Netanyahu emphasized that Hamas is the sole obstacle to the release of Israeli hostages. The Prime Minister’s Office issued a statement reiterating Israel’s commitment to the May 31 terms, following reports that the US is attempting to modify some of the terms to reach an agreement. Netanyahu argued that a combination of political and military pressure, with military pressure being the most important, would result in the return of all 120 hostages in Gaza. “There is no change in Israel’s position on the release outline that President Biden has welcomed. Today, everyone knows a simple truth: Hamas is the only obstacle to the release of our hostages. With the combination of diplomatic and military pressure, the latter first and foremost, we will return them all – all 120 hostages, the living and the deceased,” Netanyahu said. Netanyahu pledged that Israel would achieve all of its war objectives, stating, “To anyone who doubts the achievement of these goals, I repeat: there is no substitute for victory. Our warriors did not fall in vain. We will not end the war until we achieve all our goals.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Israeli Forces Conduct New Pinpoint Raid iIn Gaza City, Killing Dozens of Hamas Operatives

Israeli military forces have carried out a targeted operation in Gaza City’s Shejaiya neighborhood, resulting in the deaths of at least 40 Hamas operatives, according to an assessment by the IDF. The operation, which began on Thursday, was launched in response to intelligence indicating a regrouping of Hamas members in the area, alongside newly identified infrastructure belonging to the terror group. The IDF’s 98th Division, supported by the 7th Armored Brigade and Paratroopers Brigade, spearheaded the raid. Shejaiya, a focal point in previous ground offensives against Hamas, saw significant activity during the initial months of the conflict, culminating in the dismantling of Hamas’ local battalion by December. The area was revisited in April as part of a strategic shift towards intelligence-driven, targeted operations within Gaza. According to military sources, surviving Hamas operatives in northern Gaza have consolidated in Shejaiya, bolstering their ranks with new recruits. The recent IDF operation uncovered previously undisclosed tunnel networks and Hamas facilities, leveraging intelligence gathered from prior engagements across Gaza. Thursday’s operation commenced with an assault on a school complex reportedly converted into a “combat complex” by Hamas, where troops discovered and seized a long-range rocket launcher within 40 minutes of deployment. This site, previously inaccessible to Israeli forces, yielded valuable insights into Hamas’ operational tactics, military officials affirmed. The incursion encountered fierce resistance from Hamas forces, including RPG fire, explosive devices, sniper attacks, and close-quarters combat. Tragically, two Israeli soldiers lost their lives in separate incidents over the weekend, with two others sustaining serious injuries. Israeli military authorities anticipate that the Shejaiya operation will conclude within a few weeks, mirroring the timeframe of previous pinpoint raids in the northern Gaza Strip aimed at neutralizing Hamas threats. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15-Year-Old Convicted Of Bringing Semi-Automatic Weapon To Israeli Embassy In Sweden

A 15-year-old boy has been found guilty of possessing a semi-automatic weapon while heading to the Israeli embassy in Stockholm, just weeks after Sweden’s intelligence agency warned of Iranian plots to attack Israeli interests in the country. The boy was arrested on May 16 when police stopped a taxi in the Tyreso suburb, en route to the Israeli embassy. He was carrying the gun in his jacket and claimed he was unaware of the weapon’s presence until he was on his way to pick it up. The boy stated he was ordered to collect an item and believed it to be drugs, only discovering it was a gun en route. Despite his claims, the court found the boy guilty, sentencing him to 11 months of juvenile supervision. Prosecutors presented evidence from his smartphone showing he had looked up the route to the embassy, indicating he knew the destination. The court ruled that the weapon’s presence en route to the embassy suggested a criminal intent, although the exact plans for that night remain unknown. A separate investigation is ongoing into a shooting near the Israeli embassy the following night, involving a 14-year-old boy. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

WATCH: HaRav Yitzchak Yosef Slams Judges: “We Don’t Need To Be Afraid Of Supreme Court Judges”

Chief Rabbi HaRav Yitzchak Yosef, who concluded his term on Sunday, criticized the judges of the Supreme Court during his shiur on Motzei Shabbos. “The secular judges who aren’t familiar with a Daf Gemara – what do they know? It’s all chukos goyim. They don’t reach the ankles of our Rabbanim. I need to be afraid of them? No. We’ll do what we’ll do.” HaRav Yosef’s statements come after the Supreme Court judges ruled last week that bnei yeshivos must be recruited to the IDf and funding halted to yeshivos and kollelim. In the past, HaRav Yosef said: “The secular need to understand that without the kollelim and yeshivos, the IDF would not be successful. The success of the army is only in the zechus of the Bnei Torah.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Canada Imposes New Sanctions On “Extremist Settlers” In Yehuda And Shomron

Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly announced on Thursday the imposition of additional sanctions on seven individuals and five entities linked to “extremist settler” activities in the West Bank. The sanctions aim to hold accountable those facilitating, supporting, or financing violence against Palestinian civilians and their property. According to the Foreign Ministry, extremist settler violence has resulted in loss of life, property damage, forced displacement, and insecurity for both Palestinians and Israelis. These attacks undermine Palestinian human rights, prospects for a two-state solution, and pose significant risks to regional security, according to the Canadian government. The sanctioned individuals include Ben Zion Gopstein, Daniella Weiss, Einan Ben-Nir Amram Tanjil, Elisha Yered, Ely Federman, Meir Mordechai Ettinger, and Shalom Zicherman. The five entities listed are Amana, Hilltop Youth, Lehava, Moshe’s Farm, and Zvi’s Farm. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

HAUNTING: Eerie Discovery Made Under Auschwitz Floorboards 80 Years After Liberation

A remarkable discovery has been made at the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland, shedding light on the daily lives of prisoners during one of the darkest periods in human history. More than 30 handmade chess pieces have been uncovered beneath the floorboards of a former prisoner block, revealing a hidden aspect of life inside the notorious camp. The 35 chess pieces, crafted from prefabricated cardboard, were found in block 8 of Auschwitz I camp, presumably hidden from Nazi guards. Despite being around 80 years old, the pieces are remarkably well-preserved, with images of rooks, pawns, bishops, and knights still easily distinguishable. Elżbieta Cajzer, head of the Auschwitz Museum’s Collections, said that the focus of whoever it was that created the pieces was functionality, portability, and quick concealment. The prisoners’ ability to hide the game quickly was crucial, as any discovery could have led to severe punishment – or even immediate execution. Auschwitz, established in 1940, was a place of unimaginable suffering, where over 1.1 million people were murdered during World War II. Prisoners were subjected to brutal conditions, and any form of escape or mental respite was vital. Games like chess and cards were popular among prisoners, who would often craft their own pieces using illegally acquired materials. The discovered chess pieces will be showcased in an upcoming exhibition focused on the daily lives of prisoners in concentration camps, providing a unique glimpse into the resilience and resourcefulness of those who suffered at Auschwitz. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Bug-a-Salt:  A Halachic Analysis of 10 Pertinent Questions

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for It is a toy, of sorts, or a device – that wives across America are purchasing for their husbands.  Why?  Because now, on account of this man-oriented device (or man-toy) their husbands are busy scouring the entire house eliminating flies, bugs, mosquitoes, drain flies, and other household pests. “Our apartment was invaded with crickets, and my husband went around to get rid of them,” remarked Dassi from Far Rockaway.  “Now he is willing to do it.  Prior to this he didn’t want to do it.” For many, however, the purchase is back-firing.  Husbands are so enamored by the device (or toy) that they are actually leaving the door open so that more insects will enter – thus giving them the opportunity to kill more insects. What is this crazy new device and what are the halachic questions involved that has inspired this article? WHAT IS IT? Essentially, the Bug-a-Salt is a pump action assault weapon that shoots table salt with a shotgun-like-choke (spread) that can instantly wipe out any bug that is found within three feet of it.  One does not need to aim particularly well, and the fly or bug, just-kind-of-like, instantly dies.  One does not need to waste time to reload the Bug-a-Salt either.  The capful of salt yields some 80 shots or more. The device has an appeal to the full spectrum of men.  This author tested the appeal with a cross-section of male society.  The appeal is to elderly men, 13 year olds, 21 year olds, Kollel Avreichim, FFBs and Baalei Teshuvah. THE HALACHIC QUESTIONS So what are the halachic questions?  There are many. May one use this device inside the home, on account of a general animadversion in Judaism to killing Hashem’s creatures? If one does use it, is it wrong to enjoy using it? Is there a prohibition of Tzaar Baalei Chaim with the Bug-a-Salt? May one kill an insect on one’s table? May one use it on spiders? May one use it outside of the home? Does one recite a shehecheyanu on the Bug-a-Salt 2.0? What about the 3.0? Is a woman allowed to use the device or is it considered kli gever – an item that is typically reserved for men? [Warning: The next question has graphic content – the faint-hearted are advised to skip to the next paragraph]. If one uses it to kill a fly sitting on a hotdog is this a violation of mevatel issur lechatchila (negating a prohibition at the outset with 60 parts kosher food outweighing 1 part non-kosher food in a mixture) since it is possible that liquid from the guts of the now dead fly will become imbedded in the hotdog, and one will be eating a hotdog that has a small negligible amount of non-kosher? Finally, there are some people in the Five Towns that use it to place salt on their Shabbos challah. If one does so, does the Bug-a-Salt need to be tovelled in a Mikvah since, in essence, it has become a hi-tech salt shaker? In answering question number one, the general consensus of Poskim is that one is permitted to kill bugs in one’s own home – even though we generally avoid killing Hashem’s creatures.  Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l deals with this question in […]

ALARMING: Survey Reveals 40% Globally Agree With Antisemitic Stereotypes

A survey conducted by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in seven countries with significant Jewish populations has uncovered a disturbing trend: nearly 40% of respondents harbor antisemitic beliefs. The poll, which surveyed individuals in the US, France, Germany, Argentina, the UK, Canada, and Australia, presented participants with 10 statements perpetuating harmful stereotypes about Jews, including claims of disloyalty, excessive power, and responsibility for global conflicts. The results are alarming: – 56% of respondents across all countries agreed that Jews are more loyal to Israel than their country of residence. – 23% of Argentinians, 21% of Australians, 19% of Americans, and 17% of French and Germans believe Jews are responsible for most global wars – a significant increase from previous years. – A majority in every country surveyed (ranging from 53% in the US to 71% in the UK) believe Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Netanyahu To Address Congress Accompanied By Families Of Hostages And War Victims

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be accompanied by families of hostages held in Gaza and those who have lost loved ones in the war against Hamas when he travels to Washington to address Congress on July 24. Netanyahu received the invitation to address Congress three weeks ago from its four top leaders: House Speaker Mike Johnson, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. In a statement, Netanyahu expressed his gratitude, saying, “I am very moved to have the privilege of representing Israel before both Houses of Congress and to present the truth about our just war against those who seek to destroy us to the representatives of the American people and the entire world.” The invitation was announced by House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, who highlighted the significance of the bipartisan and bicameral meeting. “This meeting symbolizes the US and Israel’s enduring relationship and will offer Prime Minister Netanyahu the opportunity to share the Israeli government’s vision for defending their democracy, combatting terror, and establishing just and lasting peace in the region,” they said in a statement. The address is expected to focus on Israel’s efforts to defend its democracy and combat terrorism, as well as its vision for achieving peace in the region. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

LAUGHINGSTOCK: US Adversaries Mock Biden-Trump Debate As “Most Chaotic Ever”

In a stunning display of global disdain, America’s adversaries have declared the United States the real loser in Thursday’s presidential debate. President Biden’s faltering performance left viewers stunned, and foreign media outlets, many government-run, seized the opportunity to criticize the US. Rebekah Koffler, a strategic military intelligence analyst, noted, “Every outlet, big and small, carries a piece describing what happened… Most of them, if not all, are derogatory of both candidates and mocking America.” Koffler added, “Putin likely believes that Russia wins either way, no matter who wins, because he expects the US to plunge into chaos in the aftermath of the elections, because the country is so divided and polarized.” Russian media touted the debate as a victory for Russia, highlighting Biden’s “half-open mouth, unblinking eyes” and “blank expression on his face.” Chinese media labeled the debate “the most chaotic presidential debate ever” and “like a reality show.” Middle East expert Lisa Daftari warned, “Any American adversary may look at President Biden’s performance as a reminder that the leader of the free world is currently less than competent… That has not always been the case with the Biden administration, and Thursday night’s performance allows for an even more extreme perception of American weakness.” Reaction from allied nations was also less than glowing, with Polish Foreign Minister Radslaw Sikorski making an unfavorable comparison between Biden and Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, and French and German outlets describing the debate as a “terrible storm” and “car accident.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

NASA Astronauts Will Stay At The Space Station Longer For More Troubleshooting Of Boeing Capsule

Two NASA astronauts will stay longer at the International Space Station as engineers troubleshoot problems on Boeing’s new space capsule that cropped up on the trip there. NASA on Friday did not set a return date until testing on the ground was complete and said the astronauts were safe. “We’re not in any rush to come home,” said NASA’s commercial crew program manager Steve Stich. Veteran NASA test pilots Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams blasted off aboard Boeing’s Starliner capsule for the orbiting laboratory on June 5. It was the first astronaut launch for Boeing after years of delays and setbacks. The test flight was expected to last a week or so, enough time for Wilmore and Williams to check out the capsule while docked at the station. But problems with the capsule’s propulsion system, used to maneuver the spacecraft, prompted NASA and Boeing to delay the flight home several times while they analyzed the trouble. They also wanted to avoid conflicting with spacewalks by station astronauts. But a spacewalk this week was canceled after water leaked from an astronaut’s spacesuit. The issue hasn’t been resolved and the planned spacewalk next week was postponed. As Starliner closed in on the space station a day after launch, last-minute thruster failures almost derailed the docking. Five of the capsule’s 28 thrusters went down during docking; all but one thruster was restarted. Starliner already had one small helium leak when it rocketed into orbit and several more leaks sprung up during the flight. Helium is used to pressurize fuel for the thrusters. Boeing said this week that the two problems aren’t a concern for the return trip. In delaying the astronauts’ return, NASA and Boeing said they needed more time to collect information about the thruster trouble and leaks while the capsule was docked. Both are in the service module, a unit attached to the capsule that burns up during reentry. NASA initially said the Starliner could stay docked at the space station for up to 45 days due to battery limits. But in-flight tests have shown that limit can be extended, Stich said. Officials said they won’t set a return date while they do ground tests of capsule thrusters in the New Mexico desert, which were expected to last a couple of weeks. They want to try to replicate the situation that occurred during docking. “I want to make it very clear that Butch and Suni are not stranded in space,” said Stich, adding that Starliner is designed for a mission of up to 210 days. Stich said the astronauts could return to Earth in Starliner in the case of a space station emergency. After the space shuttle fleet retired, NASA turned over astronaut rides to private companies. Elon Musk’s SpaceX has made nine taxi flights for NASA since 2020. NASA plans to alternate between SpaceX and Boeing in ferrying crews to and from the space station. (AP)

US Shifts Assault Ship To The Mediterranean To Deter Hezbollah

The amphibious assault ship USS Wasp entered the eastern Mediterranean Sea this week as the U.S. positions warships to try to deter Hezbollah from attacking Israel. While the Wasp has the capability to assist in the evacuation of civilians if full-scale war breaks out between Israel and Hezbollah along the Lebanon border, that’s not the primary reason it was rotated in, a U.S. official said. “It’s about deterrence,” the official said. A second U.S. official said the rotation is similar to the U.S. sending the USS Bataan assault ship into the waters around Israel shortly after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, with the vessel remaining for months in the eastern Mediterranean to help provide options and try to contain the conflict. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive operational details. U.S. officials said last week that the deployment of the Wasp was likely as the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower,aircraft carrier and its air wing left the region. The Wasp carries F-35 fighter jets, which do short takeoffs and vertical landings, so they can do airstrike missions off smaller ships. U.S. European Command, which is responsible for ships operating in the Mediterranean, announced the move this week, saying the Wasp and the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit aboard would sail with the dock landing ship USS Oak Hill, which is used to transport Marines, landing craft, vehicles and cargo. The Oak Hill is already in the Mediterranean. The Wasp also is sailing with the amphibious transport dock ship USS New York, which can deliver troops either by on-deck helicopters or landing vessels. A U.S. official said concerns about a major escalation are now lower than they were last week but remain higher than they were last month. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to relate internal Biden administration thinking, said the assessment had less to do with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant’s meetings in Washington this week and more to do with a reduction in attacks from both Hezbollah and Israel in recent days. The Israeli army said last week that it has “approved and validated” plans for an offensive in Lebanon, although any decision would come from the country’s political leaders. Gen. CQ Brown, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Sunday that any Israeli military offensive into Lebanon would risk an Iranian response in defense of Hezbollah, triggering a broader war that could put American forces in the region in danger. The Eisenhower, based in Norfolk, Virginia, is returning home after a deployment of more than eight months countering Houthi strikes on commercial shipping in the Red Sea, which the Navy says is its most intense mission since World War II. The San Diego-based USS Theodore Roosevelt will take the Eisenhower’s place. (AP)

Suicide Drone Explodes In The Golan, 9 Wounded, 2 Seriously

A suicide drone launched by Hezbollah fell in northern Ramat HaGaolan on Sunday afternoon, injuring nine Israelis, two seriously and the rest moderately and lightly. Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the attack and said that it targeted an IDF base. At the same time, a drone fell in an open area in Beit Hillel. Earlier on Sunday, Hezbollah launched three anti-tank missiles at Metula. One missile scored a direct hit on a home in Metula, one hit groves west of the area, and one fell within Lebanon. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

What To Know About Water Safety Before Heading To The Beach Or Pool This Summer

With school out for the summer and temperatures rising across the country, many families will visit the beach, lake or local swimming pool. Now is the time to review safety tips to keep children safe around water. Drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages 1 to 4 and the second leading cause of unintentional death for children in the 5 to 14 age group, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the United States, 973 children under the age of 19 drowned in 2021, and another 6,500 were treated in emergency rooms following near drowning incidents, according to Gary Karton of Safe Kids Worldwide, a nonprofit organization working to prevent childhood injury. In fact, more drownings occur in the summer, and specifically in July, than any other time of the year, according to the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. Palm Beach County Ocean Rescue lifeguard Daniel Barnickel said there always should be an adult monitoring the water. “As a whole, never swim alone,” he said. Taking the time to go over safety procedures and rules before heading to the pool or beach can benefit children and their parents. If you have a backyard pool The most important safety feature of a backyard swimming pool is a barrier, such as a safety fence, to prevent unsupervised access to the water. Many children who drowned at home did so during times they were not expected to be in the water, according to the American Red Cross. In some cases, children were out of sight for less than five minutes and in the care of one or both parents when they slipped into the pool and drowned, the agency said. That said, it is vital to make sure children learn to swim. There are many programs that teach children to swim, including Red Cross swimming courses across the U.S. If a child goes missing, remember that seconds count. Check the water first, safety experts advise. It’s also important to have appropriate equipment available at home. This includes something to throw into the water for a child to grab onto, a cell phone to call for help, life jackets and a first aid kit. Skills children should learn to prevent drowning All children should learn to step or jump into water that’s above their head and safely return to the surface and also be able to float or tread water, according to Safe Kids Worldwide. They should also be able to quickly turn around in the water and find a safe place, combine breathing with moving forward in the water and get out of the water. Create a safe environment If several adults are at the pool, beach or lake with a group of children, choose a water watcher who can have eyes on the children at all times. It’s a great idea to rotate the water watcher among the adults for brief amounts of time, such as 15-minute intervals, experts at Safe Kids Worldwide recommend. While at the pool or around water, it’s advisable to avoid distractions. Put away phones, books and magazines, because drowning is often silent and can happen in less than five minutes. When you’re finished swimming, make sure to remove all floats and pool toys so young children won’t be enticed to reach for them. Teach […]

NOA SPEAKS: Hostage Rescued In IDF Special Forces Operation Talks Publicly For First Time

In a heartfelt video message played at a protest rally in Tel Aviv, Noa Argamani, one of the four hostages rescued by the Israeli military in a special operation in Gaza this month, spoke publicly for the first time since her rescue. Argamani expressed her gratitude for being reunited with her family, particularly her mother who has late-stage cancer, but emphasized her concern for the remaining 120 hostages still in Hamas captivity, including her partner Avinatan Or. “As an only child to my parents – and a daughter to a mother with a terminal illness – my biggest worry in captivity was for my parents,” Argamani said in the two-minute clip. “Although I’m home now, we can’t forget about the hostages who are still in Hamas captivity, and we must do everything possible to bring them back home.” Argamani and her partner Avinatan were abducted by Hamas at the Nova music festival on October 7. She was held captive for eight months before being rescued in a daring Israeli operation. The video message was played before a crowd of protesters who have been holding large rallies in Tel Aviv for months, demanding the return of all hostages and a resolution to the crisis. Some protesters have called for a ceasefire deal with Hamas, while others have demanded the ouster of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. During the latest demonstration, a group of protesters lit fires and tires in the middle of the street, prompting Israeli police to intervene. Footage showed officers confronting the crowd and briefly restraining lawmaker Naama Lazimi, who participated in the rally, before releasing her. No arrests were reported. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

US And Europe Warn Hezbollah To Stop Strikes On Israel And Back Off From Wider Mideast War

U.S., European and Arab mediators are pressing to keep stepped-up cross-border attacks between Israel and Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorists from spiraling into a wider Middle East war that the world has feared for months. Iran and Israel traded threats Saturday of what Iran said would be an “obliterating” war over Hezbollah. Hopes are lagging for a cease-fire in Israel’s conflict with Hamas in Gaza that would calm attacks by Hezbollah and other Iranian-allied militias. With the stalled talks in mind, American and European diplomats and other officials are delivering warnings to Hezbollah — which is far stronger than Hamas but seen as overconfident — about taking on the military might of Israel, current and former diplomats say. The Americans and Europeans are warning the group it should not count on the United States or anyone else being able to hold off Israeli leaders if they decide to execute battle-ready plans for an offensive into Lebanon. And Hezbollah should not count on its fighters’ ability to handle whatever would come next. On both sides of the Lebanese border, escalating strikes between Israel and Hezbollah, one of the region’s best-armed fighting forces, appeared at least to level off this week. While daily strikes still pound the border area, the slight shift offered hope of easing immediate fears, which had prompted the U.S. to send an amphibious assault ship with a Marine expeditionary force to join other warships in the area in hopes of deterring a wider conflict. Despite this past week’s plateauing of hostilities, said Gerald Feierstein, a former senior U.S. diplomat in the Middle East,“ it certainly seems the Israelis are still … arranging themselves in the expectation that there will be some kind of conflict … an entirely different magnitude of conflict.” The message being delivered to Hezbollah is “don’t think that you’re as capable as you think you are,” he said. Beginning the day after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks on Israel triggered the war in Gaza, Hezbollah has launched rockets into northern Israel and vowed to continue until a cease-fire takes hold. Israel has hit back, with the violence forcing tens of thousands of civilians from the border in both countries. Attacks intensified this month after Israel killed a top Hezbollah commander and Hezbollah responded with some of its biggest missile barrages. U.N. humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths used the word “apocalyptic” to describe a war that could result. Both Israel and Hezbollah, the dominant force in politically fractured Lebanon, have the power to cause heavy casualties. “Such a war would be a catastrophe for Lebanon,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said as he met recently with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant at the Pentagon. “Another war between Israel and Hezbollah could easily become a regional war, with terrible consequences for the Middle East.” Gallant, in response, said, “We are working closely together to achieve an agreement, but we must also discuss readiness on every possible scenario.” Analysts expect other Iran-allied militias in the region would respond far more forcefully than they have for Hamas, and some experts warn of ideologically motivated militants streaming into the region to join in. Europeans fear destabilizing refugee flows. And if it looks like any Israeli offensive in Lebanon is “going seriously south for the Israelis, the U.S. will intervene,” Feierstein said. “I don’t think […]

Gov’t Approves Danny Danon As Next Israeli Ambassador To The UN

The Israeli government on Sunday unanimously approved the appointment of Likud MK Danny Danon to replace Gilad Erdan as the next Israeli ambassador at the UN. Danon previously served as the UN ambassador from 2015 to 2020. He will enter the new position in August, when Erdan returns to Israel. “I am proud to return to serve the State of Israel as Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations during this critical period,” Danon stated. “With Israel confronting challenges on multiple fronts, it is imperative for each of us to contribute to the best of our abilities and experiences. This principle has guided my actions in the past and will continue to guide me in the future. In light of the diplomatic challenges we currently face, I am committed to boldly presenting the truth for the sake of the people of Israel and our shared future here.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Driver Charged With DWI After New York Nail Salon Crash Kills 4 And Injures 9

A Long Island man has been arrested on a charge of driving while intoxicated after authorities say he crashed his SUV into a nail salon, killing four people and injuring nine others, police said Saturday. Suffolk County Police said Steven Schwally, of Dix Hills, had been speeding through the parking lot when he drove his SUV through the front window of Hawaii Nail & Spa in Deer Park at around 4:30 p.m. Friday. The salon was open and conducting business at the time of the crash, police said. Fire officials responding to the crash said Schwally was semiconscious when his vehicle came to stop nearly at the back of the store, which is located in a strip mall. Spokespersons for the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office and the police department said they did not have contact information for his lawyer. Three women and a man were pronounced dead at the scene. Eight females and one man were transported to hospitals, at least two of them with serious injuries, police said. One of the injured victims was a 12-year-old girl. The remaining were all adults, police said. Schwally was transported to a hospital for treatment of injuries that were not life-threatening. Suffolk County police identified the dead victims as Jiancai Chen, 37; Yan Xu, 41; Meizi Zhang, 50 — all from Queens — as well as Emilia Rennhack, 30, of Deer Park. The New York Police Department said Rennhack was stationed at a precinct in Queens and had been on the police force since 2018. “Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the loss of Police Officer Emilia Rennhack, whose life was taken far too soon,” Police Commissioner Edward Caban wrote on the social platform X. “Our hearts are breaking,” the New York Police Benevolent Association wrote on X. “Please join us in praying for her family, friends and coworkers. Funeral arrangements to follow.” Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney’s office said Schwally remained hospitalized as of late Saturday and will be arraigned later. (AP)

UNESCO Finds ISIS-Era Bombs In Mosque Walls In Mosul, Iraq

The U.N. cultural agency has discovered five bombs hidden within the walls of the historic al-Nouri Mosque in the city of Mosul in northern Iraq, a remnant of the Islamic State militant group’s rule over the area, UNESCO said in a statement Saturday. The mosque, famous for its 12th-century leaning minaret, was destroyed by IS in 2017 and has been a focal point of UNESCO’s restoration efforts since 2020. The U.N. agency said that five large-scale explosive devices, designed for significant destruction, were found inside the southern wall of the Prayer Hall on Tuesday. “These explosive devices were concealed within a specially rebuilt section of the wall,” the statement said. “Iraqi authorities were promptly notified, secured the area, and the situation is now fully under control.” It added that “one bomb has been defused and removed, while the remaining four are interconnected and will be safely disposed of in the coming days.” Iraqi authorities have requested that UNESCO halt all reconstruction operations at al-Nouri mosque and evacuate the entire complex until the devices are disarmed. IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared an Islamic caliphate from the mosque a decade ago on June 29, 2014, leading to its destruction when extremists blew it up during the battle to liberate Mosul in 2017. The discovery of these bombs underscores ongoing challenges in clearing Mosul of explosives and revitalizing its devastated urban areas. International efforts, supported by the United Nations, focus on mine clearance and aiding in the city’s recovery. Despite progress, much of Mosul’s old city remains in ruins, marked by minefield warning signs, highlighting the complexity of post-conflict reconstruction. UNESCO aims to complete the full reconstruction of al-Nouri Mosque by December, “finally erasing the stigma of the Daesh occupation,” the statement said, using the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group’s name. A decade after the Islamic State group declared its caliphate in large parts of Iraq and Syria, the extremists no longer control any land, have lost many prominent leaders and are mostly out of the world news headlines. Still, the group continues to recruit members and claim responsibility for deadly attacks around the world, including lethal operations in Iran and Russia earlier this year that left scores dead. Its sleeper cells in Syria and Iraq still carry out attacks against government forces in both countries as well as U.S.-backed Syrian fighters, at a time when Iraq’s government is negotiating with Washington over a possible withdrawal of U.S. troops. (AP)
