Yeshiva World News

MOVING VIDEO: Soldiers Listen To Tefilla & Shofar Blowing Before Entering Lebanon

All of Klal Yisrael is davening for the safety of IDF soldiers who entered Lebanon overnight Monday to continue Israel’s mission to decimate Hezbollah and protect the residents of Israel. Before entering southern Lebanon, the commander of the 7th Armored Brigade, Capt. Rabbi Moshe Chaim Makamel, recited a tefilla for Siyata Dishmaya and blew the shofar. The 7th Brigade, the oldest armored brigade in the IDF, is part of the Northern Command and operates Merkava Mark IV tanks. It is part of the elite 98th Division which was transferred from Gaza to lead the incursion into Lebanon. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

IDF Confirms Iranian Missile Strike Hit Airbases, No Impact on Operations

The IDF confirmed that several airbases were struck during last night’s Iranian missile attack on Israel. While the missiles caused some damage to office buildings and maintenance areas, the Israeli Air Force’s operational capabilities remain unaffected, according to military officials. No fighter jets, drones, or other critical aircraft were harmed in the strikes, and key infrastructure and munitions were left undamaged. The IDF characterized the missile impacts at the airbases as “ineffective,” ensuring that IAF operations continue without interruption. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Urgent From DansDeals: We Have Been Receiving Urgent Requests for Tefillin From IDF Soldiers Up North

We have been receiving urgent requests for tefillin from IDF soldiers being deployed at the northern border. Thanks to a generous Colel Chabad donor, all donations will be doubled to the Tefillin for Soldiers campaign until we reach our goal of $1,000,000 for the 750 soldiers on our waitlist right now. Double your donation here! With Rosh Hashana upon us and uncertainty in Israel, now is a perfect opportunity to help with the spiritual war to protect our brothers and sisters worldwide. If you donate $350 here that will sponsor one pair of mehudar tefillin for an IDF soldier or donating $700 here will sponsor a pair of mehudar tefillin for a civilian. Now it’s up to everyone to donate and let’s get more soldiers tefillin! The Torah tell us one secret to defeating our enemies in war, one way to get our enemies to fear us. The Torah says in Devarim: “וְרָאוּ֙ כָּל־עַמֵּ֣י הָאָ֔רֶץ כִּ֛י שֵׁ֥ם יְהֹוָ֖ה נִקְרָ֣א עָלֶ֑יךָ וְיָֽרְא֖וּ מִמֶּֽךָּ” – “All the peoples of the earth will see that the name of the Lord is called upon you, and they will fear you” The Gemara explains this is referring to the tefillin shel rosh. There has never been a more opportune time to wrap tefillin yourself and enable others to. We have a list of over 2,200 men around the world and over 750 soldiers who are requesting to start wrapping tefillin daily; the only thing holding those soldiers back from wearing tefillin is the money to buy them.  Donate to tefillin for men around the world here or donate to IDF solider tefillin here! With your help, our campaign has led recipients to wrap tefillin, 140,000+ times since 10/7! If you would like to join as a partner in this campaign, add matching funds, or donate via DAF please email All donations are tax-deductible. You can check out our Beta TefillinConnection website here!

Three Arrested After Explosions Near Israeli Embassy in Copenhagen; No Injuries Reported

Copenhagen police have detained three individuals in connection with two explosions near the Israeli embassy early this morning. “Two men were arrested on a train at Copenhagen Central Station. In addition, earlier in the day we arrested a man elsewhere in Copenhagen,” authorities shared in a post on X. Israel’s Foreign Ministry confirmed that no injuries were reported and the embassy building was not damaged in the blasts.

IDF Releases First Footage Of Ground Op. In Lebanon

In coordination with the IAF, IDF ground forces have eliminated multiple terrorists and dismantled Hezbollah’s military infrastructure through a combination of airstrikes and ground engagements. So far, over 150 Hezbollah facilities, including headquarters, weapons depots, and rocket launchers, have been destroyed in these ongoing operations.

Netanyahu Meets Security Chiefs in Tel Aviv to Discuss Response to Iranian Missile Attack

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened with top security officials in Tel Aviv to evaluate Israel’s potential response to last night’s missile strike by Iran. Present at the meeting were Shin Bet head Ronen Bar, Mossad director David Barnea, IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Israel continues to weigh its next steps following the attack.

Fulfill Seven Mitzvos You’ve Never Performed

Fulfill seven mitzvos you’ve never performed  With Rosh Hashana just around the corner, many of us are searching for ways to tip the scales in our favor. We give more tzedakah, say more Tehillim, and strengthen our shmiras halashon.  But what if you could fulfill seven Mitzvos Hateluyos Ba’aretz—mitzvos traditionally reserved for landowners in Eretz Yisroel?  L’Kayeim offers a unique opportunity for anyone, anywhere, to lease a grapevine in Israel and perform mitzvos tied to the holy land. These mitzvos, once the exclusive domain of farmers, can now be done by anyone—no matter their location.  Here are the seven mitzvos you can perform through L’Kayeim:  Pe’ah: Leaving a corner of the vineyard unharvested for the poor.  Peret: Allowing fallen grapes to remain for the needy.  Olelos: Leaving underdeveloped grape clusters for the poor.  Terumah Gedolah: Giving a portion of the harvest to the kohanim.  Maaser Rishon: Donating 10% of the crops to the Levi.  Terumas Maaser: Giving 10% of the LEvi’s portion to kohanim.  Maaser Sheni: Redeeming 10% of the remaining produce during years 1, 2, 4, and 5 of the Shmitah cycle.  How it works: For as little as $15 a month, you can lease a grapevine in a Shomer Shviis vineyard. You’ll receive a partnership agreement with your grapevine’s plot number and a plaque with your name will be hung on your vine. Rabbi Reichenberg shlit”a, foremost agricultural expert in Eretz Yisroel, will act as your shaliach, ensuring all the mitzvos as fulfilled on your behalf.  Why Now? With the Yom Hadin rapidly approaching, this is the perfect time to secure unique zechusim for the coming year. Don’t let this rare opportunity pass you by!.  Sign Up Today! Join L’Kayeim and take part in thse sacred mitzvos from the Land of Israel.  CLICK HERE | 646.394.9531

HY”D: Two IDF Soldiers Killed in Lebanon as Ground Operation Intensifies

Early Wednesday morning, two IDF soldiers were tragically killed during Israel’s ground operation in Lebanon. Cpt. Eitan Itzhak Oster, 22, a team commander from Modi’in and a member of the elite Egoz Commando Unit, was one of the fallen soldiers. His death was confirmed by the IDF. The second fatality was announced by Kiryat Ata Mayor Yaakov Peretz, who confirmed the death of IDF soldier Nezer Itkin, also from the Egoz unit, who was killed during the fighting in southern Lebanon. These are the first two confirmed fatalities in Israel’s ongoing ground offensive against Hezbollah. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

100 Hezbollah Rockets Fired Into Northern Israel So Far Wednesday

The IDF reports that more than 100 rockets have been launched from Lebanon into northern Israel since the morning. While several buildings sustained damage in the earlier strikes, no injuries have been reported, largely due to the evacuation of many towns in the affected areas.

Why Did HaRav Shternbuch Burst Into Tears Before Selichos?

HaGaon HaRav Moshe Shternbuch spoke at his yeshivah in Ramat Beit Shemesh on Motzei Shabbos before the start of Selichos, Kikar H’Shabbat reported. HaRav Shternbuch, who chillingly spoke about a massacre on Simchas Torah last year before the October 7 assault happened, began his drasha by saying: “ארי שאג מי לא ירא” and then burst into bitter tears. The Rav continuing by saying: “The Navi cries: ‘היתקע שופר בעיר והעם לא יחרדו’. We’ll also cry out and say, so many tragedies happened this past year, so much blood was spilled, so much tzaros and yissurim – and the Am doesn’t tremble.” “Indeed Hakadosh Baruch Hu decides everything on Rosh Hashanah,” HaRav Shternbuch emphasized. “How  could it be that we’re not full of fear and actual trembling?” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

At Shul? This Is What You Should Do If You Hear A Siren

As part of the preparations for Rosh Hashanah, the Home Front Command is urging the public to stay alert and familiarize themselves with the guidelines. Capt. (res.) Doni Cohen, the head of the Religious-Chareidi division in the Home Front Command’s public awareness department, explains that three days during which the Shomrei Shabbos public is disconnected from communication tools is a significant challenge, and the public needs to prepare accordingly. “First of all, it’s important for people to be aware of the guidelines in the case of a siren during tefillos at shul,” Cohen began. “Mispallelim should use their judgment to decide whether they can safely move to a protected space without causing overcrowding at the entrance of the shul. If it’s not possible to safely evacuate to a protected area, mispallelim should crouch down as much as possible to distance themselves from the windows.” Additionally, the Home Front Command is calling the public to keep a radio on  one of the quiet channels over the Chag, noting that besides warnings that can be received over the Chag and Shabbos, the Home Front Command will break into the quiet frequencies if life-saving instructions are required. The Home Front Command emphasizes that it’s very important to follow the guidelines as its policy is based on intelligence assessments and professional expertise and therefore should be regarded with seriousness and responsiblity. In areas where there are restrictions on gatherings, the congregations should adhere to the numbers and not exceed them. In many communities in the north, gatherings of only up to 10 people are allowed outside and up to 150 inside a building. “We expect the public to familiarize themselves with the restrictions and act accordingly to protect our lives and the lives of our family members,” officials from the Home Front Command said. “Anyone planning to be in the north during the Chag must ensure that there won’t be a gathering exceeding the permitted number at places of tefillah. I urge people to comply,” Cohen emphasized. “Continue to show responsibility and be aware of the situation on the ground. For example, at the Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai site in Meron, gatherings of more than 150 people are not allowed. The police are deployed on the roads and are enforcing the defense policy in the area for the safety of citizens.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

IDF Ground Offensive in Southern Lebanon Intensifies as Troops Target Hezbollah Infrastructure [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

The IDF says that troops have launched a full-scale ground operation in southern Lebanon, deploying the 36th Division, which includes soldiers from the Golani Brigade, 188th Armored Brigade, 6th Infantry Brigade, and other forces. These units are now actively participating in localized, precise raids on Hezbollah targets, a campaign that began on Monday. Backed by the Israeli Air Force and the 282nd Artillery Brigade, IDF soldiers have been engaging Hezbollah terrorists in close-quarters combat while systematically dismantling the terror group’s attack infrastructure. The 98th Division is also continuing its targeted operations across several regions in southern Lebanon. Troops from the elite Commando Brigade, including the renowned Egoz Unit, successfully located and neutralized a Hezbollah attack site, which included rocket launchers, explosive stockpiles, and other military assets. In coordination with the IAF, IDF forces have eliminated multiple terrorists and dismantled Hezbollah’s military infrastructure through a combination of airstrikes and ground engagements. So far, over 150 Hezbollah facilities, including headquarters, weapons depots, and rocket launchers, have been destroyed in these ongoing operations. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

FLATBUSH: NYPD Commanders Meet With FJCC And Community Leadership At Pre Holiday Security Meeting

As security concerns are increasing with the rise of anti-Semitism, the Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition, FJCC hosted a pre holiday meeting that gave representatives of Flatbush shuls and yeshivas an opportunity to speak directly to NYPD commanders. The police participation was led by Assistant Chief Charles McEvoy, Commander of Patrol Borough Brooklyn South; Deputy Chief Richie Taylor, Commanding Officer Community Affairs Bureau Community Outreach Division; Deputy Chief Frank DiGiacomo, Executive Officer Patrol Borough Brooklyn South; and coordinated by Lieutenant Ira Yitzy Jablon Special Assignment at Patrol Borough Brooklyn South Community Affairs, and the six precinct commanders and their community affairs officers that cover the greater Flatbush community, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, and 70. Rabbi David Ozeri offered special prayers for the safety of the NYPD, FJCC Chairman Josh Mehlman chaired the meeting and Executive Board member and Police Liaison Rafi Treitel introduced the commanders and discussed the community’s needs for the upcoming holidays. Others who addressed the meeting included Flatbush Shomrim Coordinator Robert Moskovitz, Flatbush Hatzoloh Coordinator Moshe Wulliger, Misaskim President and co-founder Meyer Weill, and the Dean of YDE Rabbi Rephael Netanel. FJCC Executive Board members attending included Peter Rebenwurzel, Tzvi Weill, Eli Goldbaum and Avrumi Schonfeld. Leaders from community organizations, Shuls, Yeshivas and Bais Yaakov schools presented issues of concern. Chief McEvoy thanked the FJCC for coordinating the annual meeting, and stated that the NYPD is prepared with extra patrols for the holidays to ensure the communities safety. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Victims Identified in Deadly Jaffa Light Rail Terror Attack

Authorities have named the victims of last night’s terror attack at a Jaffa light rail station, which claimed seven lives and injured 16 others. Among those killed was Nadia Sokolenco, 40, a Moldovan-Israeli national. Four other victims identified earlier include 24-year-old computer science student Revital Bronstein from Bat Yam, Ilia Nozadze, 42, a Georgian citizen, Shahar Goldman, 30, from Lod, and 33-year-old Inbar Segev Vigder from Tel Aviv. The attack unfolded when two Palestinian terrorists, aged 19 and 25, both residents of Hebron, opened fire inside a train car before stepping outside and shooting at people in the surrounding area. One of the attackers was killed on the scene, while the other was critically wounded. In response, Israeli police and the Shin Bet conducted overnight raids in Hebron, arresting several individuals believed to have assisted in planning and executing the attack. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Over 100 Rockets Fired from Lebanon Target Northern Israel

The IDF reports that more than 100 rockets have been launched from Lebanon into northern Israel since the morning. In the most recent attack, around 10 rockets were aimed at the Western Galilee and Haifa Bay regions. While several buildings sustained damage in the earlier strikes, no injuries have been reported, largely due to the evacuation of many towns in the affected areas. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

ANOTHER HINT: Netanyahu Cryptically Implies That Yahye Sinwar Is Dead

Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu made a cryptic remark that has further fueled speculation about the fate of Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas leader in Gaza. Netanyahu, while addressing Tuesday’s ballistic missile attack from Iran, lumped Sinwar and other terrorist leaders together, saying, “Sinwar and Deif did not understand this; neither did Nasrallah…” The phrasing appears to suggest that Sinwar, like Mohamed Deif and Hassan Nasrallah, is dead. This marks the second time within a week that Israeli officials have hinted at Sinwar’s possible demise. Earlier this week, YWN pointed out a photo of Sinwar displayed in an IDF underground bunker was conspicuously marked with a question mark. Netanyahu’s remarks were part of a broader warning directed at Iran following today’s missile attack.  He emphasized that the attacks had failed due to Israel’s advanced air defense systems and warned Tehran directly, saying “This evening, Iran made a big mistake – and it will pay for it.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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BIG SALE! Save 10% off site-wide at Shop Eichlers with coupon code: SAVE10 added to your cart!! Checkout our extended Rosh Hashanah section to get all your shopping done in one spot! Get free same day local deliveries on all orders placed by 2 PM (no minimum required) to Boro Park, Flatbush, Wiliamsburg, Crown Heights, Queens, Five Towns, Far Rockaway Same day delivery to Staten Island, Lakewood, Toms River, Jackson, Monsey, & Surrounding Areas are free on orders of $59 or more. Get Free Nationwide Shipping on orders over $59. CLICK HERE TO ORDER

Should New Realities Change How We Make an Eiruv Tavshilin?

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman First there was the icebox.  Then came the expensive refrigerators with the poison gas.  And then came freon based refrigerators.  And the world changed for the better. This Wednesday before Rosh HaShana, we will all be making an Eiruv Tavshilim.  Generally speaking, we use an egg and a Matzah for an Eruv Tavshillin.  But should we continue doing this in light of refrigeration?  Whatever happened to Hidur Mitzvah – doing a Mitzvah in the best possible way? Although most people use an egg, the Mishna Brurah (527:8) recommends that one should use meat or fish. This is on account of the idea of Hidur Mitzvah – beautifying a Mitzvah. Why then did the custom of using an egg develop? The Aruch HaShulchan explains that the hard-boiled egg was used because it spoiled less than fish or meat.  But nowadays, is there still a reason not to follow the idea of hiddur Mitzvah? OTHER THINGS TO KNOW Whenever any day of Yom Tov comes out on a Friday – an Eruv Tavshilin must be made before the Yom Tov begins. What is an Eruv Tavshilin? An Eruv Tavshilim is a Rabbinic device – that involves 3 things: • a baked item • a cooked item • and a special formula to recite. This Rabbinic device allows one to “continue preparing and cooking” for Shabbos on Yom Tov. In other words, through the Eruv Tavshilin, one actually begins the Shabbos preparations on the day before Yom Tov. The Malachos performed on the Yom Tov for Shabbos are considered to be a continuation of these preparations. (Rema O.C. 527:1). FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION We know, however, that performing Malacha on a Yom Tov for another day other than the Yom Tov itself is, in fact, a Torah prohibition. If this is the case, how can a Rabbinical enactment allow one to get around a Biblical prohibition? ANSWER The answer is that, technically, it was permitted by the Torah to cook on Yom Tov for Shabbos. Why was it permitted? There is an argument about this very point that is found in the Gemara: • Rabbah said that it was permitted because “you never know when guests may drop in and eat.” • Rav Chisda, on the other hand, said that the Torah actually made an exception for Shabbos. The Rabbis, however, forbade cooking on Yom Tov even when it was done for Shabbos. Why did they forbid it? • Either because they were afraid that people would take the best items for Yom Tov and leave nothing significant for Shabbos (Rabbah’s explanation). • Or because they were afraid that it would lead to much confusion in that people would think that one could also cook for another day of the week, too, not just Shabbos (Rav Chisda’s explanation). DIFFERENCE IN HALACHA There is a difference between the two approaches. According to Rabbah, all the food would have to be cooked before Shabbos. According to Rav Chisda, the food may still be cooking over Shabbos. WHO DO WE RULE LIKE? According to whom do we pasken? Ideally, we should be concerned to make sure the food is all cooked from before Shabbos starts. Post fact, we can rely on the opinion of Rav Chisda. According to both opinions, however, the cooking and […]

WATCH LIVE 9 PM: JD Vance And Tim Walz Go Head-To-Head In 2024 Vice Presidential Debate

Barring a late addition to the schedule, Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate between J.D. Vance and Tim Walz could be the last debate of the 2024 campaign between the Republican and Democratic tickets. Both Vance, a GOP senator from Ohio, and Walz, the Democratic governor of Minnesota, have embraced the traditional role of attack dog for the person at the top of the ticket. That could be on full display during the vice presidential debate in New York hosted by CBS News. Although conventional wisdom says the matchup between the candidates with second billing on the ticket seldom have much impact, polls are so tight that it could sway voters on the margins. It also could be the last head-to-head matchup between the tickets because Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, and former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, haven’t agreed to a second meeting. Although Vance has said he didn’t “have to prepare that much” for the debate because he had “well-developed views on public policy,” he had been doing debate prep sessions with his wife, Usha Vance, senior aides, and Rep. Tom Emmer, who has played Walz. Walz’s debate prep included sessions hunkered down in a Minneapolis hotel, with Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg standing in for Vance.
