Yeshiva World News

WATCH: Netanyahu Appeals To Iranians: “Your Leaders Don’t Care About You”

In a direct message to the people of Iran, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged them to resist their regime’s oppressive rule and expressed hope for a future where Iran and Israel could be at peace. The statement, delivered on Monday, marked a shift from Netanyahu’s usual focus on Iranian leadership to a more personal appeal to Iranian citizens. “I speak a lot about the leaders of Iran. Yet at this pivotal moment, I want to address you – the people of Iran. I want to do so directly, without filters, without middlemen,” Netanyahu said at the start of his statement, addressing what he described as the regime’s deepening involvement in regional conflicts. “Every day, you see a regime that subjugates you, makes fiery speeches about defending Lebanon, defending Gaza. Yet every day, that regime plunges our region deeper into darkness and deeper into war,” he said, referencing Iran’s military support of Hezbollah and Hamas. “If it cared about you, it would stop wasting billions of dollars on futile wars across the Middle East. It would start improving your lives,” Netanyahu said, encouraging Iranians to imagine a future where the country’s wealth is invested in education, healthcare, and infrastructure. Netanyahu also warned that Iran’s regime was leading the country towards greater peril, highlighting Israel’s reach across the region in confronting Iranian proxies. “Ask Mohammed Deif. Ask Nasrallah. There is nowhere in the Middle East Israel cannot reach. There is nowhere we will not go to protect our people and protect our country,” he declared. The prime minister expressed optimism about a future in which Iran and Israel could coexist peacefully, asserting that the current Iranian regime would not last. “When Iran is finally free—and that moment will come a lot sooner than people think—everything will be different. Our two countries, Israel and Iran, will be at peace,” he said, envisioning a future marked by “global investment, massive tourism, and brilliant technological innovation.” Netanyahu ended his message with a direct call to the Iranian people to resist the control of “a small group of fanatic theocrats” and pursue a brighter future. “You deserve better. Your children deserve better. The entire world deserves better,” he said. “The people of Iran should know – Israel stands with you.” “May we together know a future of prosperity and peace.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva – Rav Dovid Schustal: Sefardim vs. Ashkenazim on Slichos

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman The material below is based upon Maamar #1,2, and 8 of Vaadim published in Taf shin pay delivered by Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva – Rav Schustal Shlita and published by Rabbi Shimon Meir Perlman in a Kuntrus entitled, “Kol Dodi.” TWO CUSTOMS The Shulchan Aruch cites two customs for the strengthening that occurs during Elul.  The Mechaber writes that the custom is to awaken early in the mourning and recite slichos from Rosh Chodeh Elul onward – until Yom Kippur. The Ramah writes that the Minhag of the Bnei Ashkenaz is not so, rather from Rosh Chodesh onward they blow the shofar. The term, “not so” seems to be implying that it is actually not proper [for Ashkenaz]– and that only blowing the Shofar is the method in which to proceed.  This requires clarification. What exactly is the debate between the custom of Ashkenaiz and that of Sefarad? What is the problem with starting from Rosh Chodesh Elul? DATES BACK TO GAONIM The two differences in minhagim already dates back to the times of the Gaonim.  When we examine the underlying root of the matter we will unfold a fundamental difference which are essentially two different paths in how to understand the Avodah of Elul. ASHKENAZIC VIEW: ELUL IS PREPPING FOR TESHUVAH The Askenazic view based upon the view of Rav Hai Gaon( cited in the Rosh on Rosh Hashana 40a) is that the Avodah of Elul lies in preparing for Teshuvah, because Teshuvah is often unsuccessful if one does not prepare for it. At the sin of the Aigel, our forefathers had already prepared for Teshuvah for many days – so when Rosh Chodesh arrived they could engage in Teshuvah the entire 40 days before Yom Kippur.  But for the future generations, when Rosh Chodesh Elul arrives we need to prepare for the Teshuvah. SEFARDIC VIEW: ELUL IS FOR TESHUVAH ITSELF The segulah, or virtuous remedy, of the month of Elul is based on the power of Teshuvah.  It was formed in our very first year in the wilderness, when the nation of Israel engaged in penance for the sin of the golden calf.  At that point their penance enable Mosher Rabbeinu to bring down a second set of tablets and that time became immortalized as especially propitious for doing penance. WHAT THE SHOFAR DOES The Shofar is a call to prepare ourselves for Teshuvah,  Initially, the blast made on Rosh Chodesh was enough to awaken us and strengthen ourselves for the entire month.  However, on account of the fall in our spiritual stature and our fear of Heaven was not like it was – the sages of Ashkenaz deemed it proper to blast the shofar every day of Elul. RAV NOSSON WACHTFOGEL’S QUOTE OF RAV YERUCHEM LEVOVITZ Rav Chaim Volozhin zt”l (Ruach Chaim chapter 6) cites the pasuk in Tehillim (34:15), “Stay away from evil and do good” as being quite precise in terms of the order – distance from evil first because otherwise the good that you do will be tainted. Rav Nosson Wachtfogel zt”l, quoted an interesting idea from Rav Yeruchem Levovitz zt”l,  he illuminated a second understanding of the verse. It is possible that one can distance oneself from evil through the process of doing good.  [Rav Dovid Schustal shlita is of […]

Will I Die Just Because My Dad Can’t Afford Treatment?

A month to live. That’s what the doctor told dad this morning, that I only have a month to live. That in a month I will be gone, my body will crash, and I’ll just die at the age of 8. At night, when I can’t fall asleep in the ward, I wonder about how it might feel to die: Do you feel anything? Think something? After you die, will you miss your mom and dad and want to return to the world? Or does only dad and mom miss you? Before the cancer I had many friends at school, will they miss me, or move on with their lives? There are so many questions that arise in my mind, fear and anger. So much anger at this world. Why do I have to die just because mom and dad don’t have money for the experimental treatment?  We have been through all the common treatments and my body is not responding to them, and my last chance is an experimental treatment that I can only get if mom and dad pay a lot of money.  Why am I not being treated only because we have no money? Why is it my fault that I was born into a simple family and not a family that has money? If my father and mother had money, I could continue living. It just feels like such an unnecessary death, at the age of 8. It is true that my parents can’t afford such a large sum of money for treatments, but they are a good, loving, and supporting parents. Do they deserve to lose their child because they have no money? Lots of questions, helplessness, so much anger at the world, excruciating pain, paralyzing fear from the approaching death… Please, If you see this post, give me a chance. I also deserve to live, my parents also deserve their child to live. Please. Help us finance the treatment, I still have hope. Donate now

Report: US Aiding Israel To Prepare For Major Iranian Retaliatory Attack

The US is preparing for a possible Iranian retaliatory strike on Israel following the elimination of  Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Iran’s Quds Force commander Abbas Nilforoushan, who was killed in the same strike, CNN reported on Sunday evening. Iran has vowed to avenge Nilforoushan’s killing, with Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Aragchi stating on Sunday that “the aggressor Zionist regime’s horrible crime” of eliminating Nilfouroushan will “not go unanswered.” The report quoted a US official as saying that the Biden administration is concerned that Iran is preparing to attack and is working with Israel to prepare for a possible strike, including “changes in  US military posture.” The official did not provide further details. Last week, US troops were deployed to Cyprus. Additionally, the U.S.S. Wasp is deployed in the eastern Mediterranean and the Navy has also dispatched the U.S.S. Harry S. Truman to the area. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Report: IDF Special Forces Launching Raids In Lebanon Ahead Of Ground Operation

IDF special forces have been carrying out small targeted raids into southern Lebanon in preparation for a possible larger ground operation that could begin as early as this week, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday. The raids, which include entering Hezbollah tunnels along the border, were also previously carried out in past months as part of the IDF’s efforts to root out Hezbollah’s operations along the border. The report quoted Amir Avivi, a former senior Israeli military official who continues to be briefed by defense officials, as saying that a ground incursion by Israel is imminent and that the raids are part of the preparation. “The IDF has made a lot of preparations for a ground incursion,” Avivi said. “Overall, this always includes special operations. This is part of the process.” According to Avivi, Hezbollah currently seems so weakened that Israel would now actually have to consider how far its forces should go in Lebanon. Last week, IDF Chief of Staff Herzi HaLevi told troops that the airstrikes against Hezbollah are being conducted in preparation for a ground operation in Lebanon. “We are preparing the process of a maneuver, which means your military boots, your maneuvering boots, will enter enemy territory,” Halevi told soldiers at the northern border. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Hamas Leader In Lebanon, UNWRA Employee, Eliminated In IDF Strike

The Hamas terror group announced on Monday morning that its representative in Lebanon, Fateh Sherif Abu Al-Amin, was killed in an IDF strike in the south of the country. According to the statement, he was killed in an attack on his home in the Al-Bass “refugee camp” in southern Lebanon. Abu Al-Amin, also known as Fatah Al-Sharif, was the chairman of the UNRWA teachers’ organization in Lebanon. Hamas described him as the movement’s leader in Lebanon and a member of the leadership abroad. According to the National News Agency in Lebanon, this is the first time the Al-Bass “refugee camp” has been attacked. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)


The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) announced on Monday morning that three of its leaders were killed in an IDF strike in Beirut shortly after midnight. The attack was Israel’s first strike within the city limits of Lebanon’s capital city of Beirut, with previous strikes mainly executed in Dahieh, a suburb of Beirut and a Hezbollah stronghold. The PFLP statement said that the three leaders were killed in a strike on the upper floor of an apartment building in the Kola district of Beirut. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Pindrus: “The Funds You Cut To Yeshivos Is Exactly The Amount Moody’s Downgraded”

UTJ MK Yitzhak Pindrus spoke from the Knesset podium on Sunday and said Moody’s decision to lower Israel’s credit rating was due to the budget cuts to yeshivos. Moody’s on Friday downgraded Israel’s credit rating two notches to “Baa1” from “A2.” According to Pindrus, the cost of the rating downgrade is 350 million shekels. “The actual amount that will be affected by the downgrade and the cost of credit is of 350 million shekels, not seven billion,” Pindrus said. “There’s a midrash about Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai who convinced his nephews to give tzedaka. By year-end, the minister came and asked them for a tax – and jailed them. The family came to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and told him about it. Rabbi Shimon replied: ‘Check how much they actually gave in charity. For the amount they gave, they won’t have to pay tax. On the difference – they will.'” “Do you know what 350 million shekels is?” Pindrus asked. “That’s the amount you cut from the yeshiva world; you will have to pay that amount.” It should be noted that the decision to cut the funding to yeshivos was not made by the current government but by Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara and the Supreme Court. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

What Did HaRav Zilberstein Tell The IDF Officer Who Injured His Hand Twice?

HaGaon HaRav Yehuda Aryeh Dinner, the Rav of the Divrei Shir kehilla in Bnei Brak, shared a story in his weekly shiur. HaRav Dinner began by addressing the constant nissim seen in Eretz HaKodesh in recent weeks and months. “How fortunate we are, how good is our portion, that Hakadosh Baruch Hu protects us like a father protects his son and shields us from all evil,” HaRav Dinner said. “We see nissim with our own eyes – how the enemies try again and again to harm us, chas v’chalilah, and their schemes fail. Many times, they themselves end up getting killed by the various explosives and missiles they prepare to launch at Eretz  Yisrael. This is something that doesn’t happen anywhere else in the world, and only Am Yisrael, the beloved children of Hakadosh Baruch Hu, are privileged to have such divine and miraculous protection.” “There was a story about an officer in the army whose hand was injured After undergoing surgery in the hospital, he returned to battle and injured his hand again. They recommended that since this injury was more complicated, he should fly abroad for surgery with top specialists.” The officer decided to to visit the home of HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein to consult with him and receive a bracha. “The officer asked if this might be a hint from Shamayim that he injured the same hand twice. HaRav Zilberstein told him to check his mezuzahs. The officer had his mezuzahs checked and it turned out that one of them was missing the word ‘your hand.’” “When HaRav Zilberstein heard this, he immediately instructed him to replace all the mezuzahs with kosher and mehudar ones, and added that since he found what he needed to be metakein, he no longer needed to fly abroad; he could have the surgery here in the country, and everything would be fine. And indeed, the officer was treated in the country and recovered.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Cleveland Hatzalah Participates In MCI Drill At Cleveland Hopkins International Airport [PHOTOS]

Hatzalah of Cleveland joined multiple emergency response agencies in a large-scale Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) training drill held at Cleveland International Airport. The drill, conducted in coordination with airport staff and various emergency response teams, aimed to prepare responders for potential large-scale emergencies. Although Hatzalah of Cleveland has yet to officially launch, the organization is already recognized as a key emergency response agency in the region. Due to their reputation, Cleveland Hatzalah was invited to participate in the exercise, where members played a critical role in triaging simulated patients. Following their participation in the drill, Cleveland Hatzalah has been added to a special list of agencies prepared to respond in the event of a major incident at the airport. The organization’s involvement in the drill highlights their growing presence in the emergency response community as they gear up for their official launch in the coming months. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

TRAGEDY IN KERISTIER- R’ Chaim Yeshaya Shteinberg Zt”l Killed in an Crash

R’ Chaim Yeshaya, at the peak of his life, traveled to Kerestir to pray at the gravesite of the holy tzaddik, Rabbi Yeshayale of Kerestir. On the way, the car was involved in a terrible accident. The car was struck by a truck, injuring several passengers including R’ Chaim Yeshaya.  Shortly after he lost consciousness. For a week and a half, he fought for his life. Jews everywhere prayed for his recovery…  But there was a decree from Heaven!  R’ Chaim Yeshaya, only 26 years old, was tragically taken from us, leaving behind a devastated and heartbroken young widow and three innocent, small orphans. Dear Jews… The widow cries out, “Help me!” The young orphans cry out, “Help us!” Have mercy! And take upon yourselves Pidyon Nefesh before Rosh Hashanah!… Please Donate generously

IDF Releases Photos Of Fighter Jets Taking Off To Beirut To Eliminate Nasrallah

The IDF on Sunday published photos of F-15i fighter jets taking off from Chatzerim Airbase on Friday to fly to Beirut and eliminate Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. The fighter jets dropped bunker-buster bombs on the Hezbollah headquarters in Dahieh, flattening six buildings above the bunker compound where Nasrallah was hiding. The video below shows the crater in the ground formed by the attack:   (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

NYT: Israel Sent Commandos Deep In Lebanon To Execute Intel Missions

How has Israel pulled off such stunning and far-reaching operations in Lebanon in the past two days, culminating with the elimination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Friday? The New York Times revealed details about Nasrallah’s elimination, saying that Israeli intelligence had successfully penetrated Hezbollah’s inner circle. The paper notes that within a few weeks, Israel decimated the senior and mid-level ranks of Hezbollah, leaving the organization reeling. This success, it stated, is a direct result of Israel’s decision to invest significant effort in intelligence on Hezbollah following the Second Lebanon War in 2006. The 34-day war ended with a ceasefire brokered by the UN, allowing Hezbollah, despite heavy losses, to regroup and prepare for the next conflict with Israel. Israel has spent the years since 2006 bolstering its intelligence capabilities. Unit 8200, Israel’s signals intelligence agency, developed advanced cyber systems to better intercept Hezbollah’s cell phones and other communications, and formed new teams within combat units to ensure that valuable information was rapidly relayed to the Air Force and soldiers. Israel also started deploying more drones and launched a highly advanced satellite over Lebanon to photograph Hezbollah strongholds and document even the smallest changes in structures that might, for instance, reveal a weapons cache—an effort that one former Israeli intelligence official described as ‘Sisyphean.’ In the last week, the Israeli Air Force struck many of these targets. Additionally, Unit 8200 and its American counterpart, the National Security Agency, forged stronger ties, deepening the Israeli government’s understanding of mutual adversaries like Iran and Hezbollah. Israel took advantage of its proximity to Lebanon to insert covert undercover commando forces deep into the country to execute sensitive intelligence missions. Most significantly, former US and Israeli officials say that Israel’s daring to carry out audacious operations sets it apart from other intelligence agencies. [The report did not mention the fact that Israel has no choice but to be daring and audacious, standing alone in the world in the sheer number of vicious enemies it faces, surrounded by hostile Arab countries suffused with radical Islamic jihadism, and facing constant attacks even from its own Arab citizens.] “They understand this has been and will be a protracted conflict,” said Chip Usher, a former top C.I.A. Middle East analyst who has worked extensively with Israeli intelligence. “They are putting in capabilities to serve their needs for the long term.” “The secrets of their success come down to a couple of factors. They have a fairly defined target deck. That makes it easier for them to bring a tremendous amount of focus to what they do. They’re in a shadow war with Hezbollah and Iran.” “And they’re extraordinarily patient,” he added. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

NONE OF THEM CARE: Saudi Crown Prince: I Personally Don’t Care About The Palestinian Issue

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman told U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken that he does not personally care about the “Palestinian issue” during a meeting earlier this year, The Atlantic reports. The conversation, which took place in January in al-Ula, Saudi Arabia, occurred amid ongoing discussions about Saudi Arabia normalizing relations with Israel. According to the report, the Crown Prince expressed that while he might not have personal investment in the Palestinian issue, many young Saudis do care. “Seventy percent of my population is younger than me,” he reportedly told Blinken. “For most of them, they never really knew much about the Palestinian issue. And so they’re being introduced to it for the first time through this conflict. It’s a huge problem. Do I care personally about the Palestinian issue? I don’t, but my people do, so I need to make sure this is meaningful.” However, a Saudi official has since described this version of the conversation as “incorrect.” Publicly, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has said that Saudi Arabia will not normalize ties with Israel without the establishment of a Palestinian state. “The Kingdom will not cease its diligent efforts to establish an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital,” he said in a recent address before the Shura Council in Riyadh. The report further revealed that the Crown Prince expressed concerns to Blinken about the personal risks of pursuing a normalization deal with Israel, citing the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat as an example of the potential dangers involved. Despite official talks about normalizing relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, the report highlights significant public opposition, with over 90% of Saudis reportedly favoring cutting ties with Israel during the early stages of the Gaza war. Meanwhile, there have been reports of crackdowns on Palestinian solidarity in Saudi Arabia, including arrests related to social media posts and the wearing of Palestinian keffiyehs in Mecca. Prince Turki al-Faisal, another senior Saudi royal, recently dismissed claims that Palestinian solidarity is restricted in the kingdom, stating, “What I see of the Saudi press, whether written or on television or in social media, is full support for Palestine and no restriction on expressing support for Palestinians.” He also voiced skepticism about normalization with Israel, saying that the current Israeli government’s stance on Palestinian statehood made such an agreement unlikely. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Gedolei Yisroel Are Urging American Citizens Living in Israel to Register to Vote

Tens of thousands of American citizens living in Israel are being encouraged by Gedolei Yisroel to register to vote in the upcoming US presidential election. Many of these individuals, including students, and olim (immigrants), often don’t prioritize voting or fail to register. Leaders of the Jewish community, including prominent Gedolim and world leaders, recognize the importance of American Jews in Israel making their voices heard. They fear that without a strong show of support from this demographic, future US administrations may relegate Israel’s interests to secondary status. A coalition has been formed to promote voter registration among American citizens in Israel. The campaign aims to demonstrate to US presidential candidates that Americans living in Israel value their support for the Jewish state. Time is of the essence, as registration deadlines are looming. The coalition urges Americans in Israel to register to vote without delay, emphasizing that they can still decide on their preferred candidate later. By registering, American citizens in Israel can ensure their voices are heard and demonstrate to US leaders that support for Israel is a critical issue. The Gedolim Cannot Stress How Important It Is To Register! Don’t Stay Silent. REGISTER TO VOTE NOW! FVAP.GOV

Gedolei Yisrael Sign the ‘Vehasirosi’ Certificate – The Special Segulah for a Good and Sweet Year

The segulah established by Maran Sar HaTorah Rabbeinu HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l continues even after his passing* His talmidim and close relatives held a moshav beis din with the Gedolei HaPoskim and unanimously determined that the special segulah helps with health and protection from illness; it’s also effective for those awaiting their shidduch* Hundreds have already participated and received the certificate, which is signed by the Gedolei Torah Diseases, pains, and suffering experienced by those around us are hardly invisible to us. As the new year approaches, what we all yearn for the most becomes clear: that we should be healthy- we, our spouse, our parents, and it goes without saying- our children. This overwhelming concern of each parent for his children, each child for his parents, and each person for himself was something that Maran Sar HaTorah Rabbeinu HGR’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l wanted to eliminate, and to this end he instituted the special segulah handed down to him from his father, Rabbeinu the holy Steipler Gaon zt”l. This segulah, entitled ‘Vehasirosi,’ is meant to create a protective shield for those who contribute a significant sum to tzedaka, to defend them against all illness and disease. In the last few days the Rabbanim of the ‘Vehasirosi Machala Mikirbecha’ Fund, who were appointed for this task still during the lifetime of Maran Sar HaTorah zt”l, convened: HaGeonim HaGedolim Maran HGR’ Yitzchak Zilberstein shlit”a, Maran HGR’ Shimon Gala’i shlit”a, Maran HGR’ Moshe Shaul Klein shlit”a, Maran HGR’ Shmuel Eliezer Stern shlit”a, author of Shavivei Aish, the son-in-law of Maran Sar HaTorah zt”l Maran HGR’ Yitzchak Kolodetsky shlit”a, and the son of Maran Sar HaTorah zt”l Maran HGR’ Yitzchak Shaul Kanievsky shlit”a. The fund’s Rabbanim publicized their warm recommendation: “A wise person will employ this ‘defense attorney’: a donation made to the ‘Vehasirosi’ Fund; for it’s a clear and proven reality that whoever contributes to the unwell- the cholim– he will have no cholim in his household!” For the brocha of “there will be no cholim in his household” click here>>> The Rabbanim added a special innovation, an interesting new psak din: “Those who are awaiting their zivugim are considered as ‘part of a person,’ and they too are in the category of cholim, and are thus included in the brocha and the decree of Rabbeinu zt”l that ‘there will be no cholim in his household.'” The Rabbanim have also determined that every erev Rosh Chodesh a Kupat Ha’ir emissary will visit the kever of Rabbeinu Chaim Kanievsky zt”l to daven that his brocha and decree that there will be no cholim in their households should be fulfilled in the Kupat Ha’ir donors for this month as well- as Maran himself used to do, davening every erev Rosh Chodesh for this during his lifetime. Another unusual decision made by the Rabbanim of the ‘Vehasirosi‘ Fund was to appoint Amud HaTefilla Maran HGR’ Shimon Gala’i shlit”a to convene, every erev Rosh Chodesh, a moshav beis din of Gedolei Yisrael and Rabbanim of the ‘Vehasirosi‘ Fund for tefilla, as was the custom of Rabbeinu zt”l, who would daven for each upcoming month that those who contribute to the fund for the cholim- midda k’negged midda there should be no cholim in his home. For additional brocha and protection, the Rabbanim also committed themselves “to bli […]

THE TORCH HAS BEEN PASSED: Hagaon HaRav David Yosef Elected Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel

HaGaon HaRav David Yosef, the Rav of Har Nof, has been elected as the new Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel. He will succeed his older brother, Hagaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef, with both brothers now following in the footsteps of their illustrious father, Chacham Ovadia Yosef zt”l. HaRav David Yosef is a a tremendous Gaon and Talmud Chochom, having authored dozens of Seforim on Halacha, the most famous among them titled “Halacha Berurah.” Additionally, he is fluent in multiple languages, including English, and often travels the world delivering Shiurim. Meanwhile, the election for the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi ended in a tie, with all candidates advancing to a runoff scheduled for tonight. The results of this second round are expected to be announced after 11 p.m. The elections come three months after the terms of the previous Rabbanim ended, marking the first time in Israeli history that the country was without Chief Rabbanim. The delay was attributed to legal disputes following petitions to the Supreme Court regarding the appointment of women as “Rabbanim,” a demand the Rabbanim had refused. The electoral body, which usually consists of 150 members, was reduced to 140 following the Court’s decision to block the appointment of 10 representatives of the Chief Rabbanim. The current body includes 80 Rabbanim and 70 public figures such as ministers, Knesset members, mayors, and heads of religious councils. There are five candidates vying for the position of Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi, including HaRav Kalman Bar, supported by the UTJ party, and HaRav Meir Kahane, endorsed by the Religious Zionist Rabbinical Council. Other candidates include HaRav Eliezer Igra, HaRav Moshe Chaim Lau, and HaRav Micha HaLevi, the Rav of Petach Tikvah, who has the backing of Religious Zionist chairman Betzalel Smotrich and Shas. There were three candidates for the position of Sephardi Chief Rabbi: HaRav Dovid Yosef, who was supported by the Motetzet Chachmei HaTorah and Degel HaTorah; HaRav Shmuel Eliyahu, the Rav of Tzfas; and HaRav Michoel Amos, the acting head of the  Beis Din HaGadol. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

IS HE DEAD? Photo From IDF Underground Bunker Shows Question Mark On Photo of Sinwar

On Sunday afternoon, Chief of the General Staff, LTG Herzi Halevi, released photos showing him observing the Israeli airstrikes in Yemen. Notably, the images also reveal Hezbollah and Hamas leadership displayed on a wall nearby. On the left side of the display, Hezbollah’s entire command structure is visible, with the majority of individuals marked with a “Red X,” signifying their elimination. Only three members remain unmarked. On the right side, showing Hamas leadership, the photo of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar bears a “Question Mark,” indicating uncertainty about his status. this leaves many to wonder if the IDF appears to be unsure whether Sinwar is alive or dead. Last week, YWN reported that the military was investigating the possibility that Sinwar had been killed in a recent IDF airstrike. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
