Yeshiva World News

IDF Uncovers Extensive Hezbollah Weapons Caches and Command Center in Southern Lebanon

Israeli forces operating in southern Lebanon have uncovered significant stockpiles of weapons left behind by Hezbollah, according to the IDF. Officers report that Hezbollah had concealed arms in nearly every house within certain villages. Recent operations by the 188th Armored Brigade under the 36th Division have revealed multiple weapons caches, tunnels, and a command center used to orchestrate rocket attacks on Israel. Colonel Or Vollozinsky, the brigade commander, emphasized their ongoing efforts to dismantle Hezbollah’s infrastructure to ensure the safety of northern Israeli residents.

Netanyahu Visits IDF Base On Northern Border

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Sunday, 6 October 2024), visited an IDF base on the northern border where he held a security assessment with Head of Northern Command Maj.-Gen. Ori Gordin and 36th Division Commander Brig.-Gen. Moran Omer. The Prime Minister was briefed on the deployment of forces in Lebanon, the operational achievements to date and future objectives. Prime Minister Netanyahu heard from Maj.-Gen. Gordin about the destruction of Hezbollah’s capabilities that has been achieved during the ground effort and the use of intense fire. During the briefing, the Prime Minister spoke with 36th Division brigade commanders about the intense combat on multiple fronts which they have been taking part in for almost a year. Prime Minister Netanyahu then spoke with fighters from the division. Prime Minister Netanyahu [translated from Hebrew]: “I am here with IDF soldiers on the northern border. Several meters from here, over the border, their fellow soldiers are dismantling the terrorist infrastructure that Hezbollah had prepared in order to attack our communities. I told them: You are heroes worthy of commendation. You – together with your fellow soldiers, IDF fighters and the security forces in Gaza, Judea and Samaria, throughout the region – are doing amazing things; you are lions. A year ago, we took a terrible blow. In the 12 months since then, we have changed the reality across the board. The entire world is astonished by the blows you are landing on our enemies. I salute you and tell you: You are the generation of victory. Together we will fight and together we will win – with G-d’s help.” The Prime Minister was accompanied by his Chief-of-Staff, Tzachi Braverman, his Military Secretary, Maj.-Gen. Roman Gofman and his spokesperson, Dr. Omer Dostri.

International Rescue Teams Arrive In Bosnia After Devastating Floods And Landslides

Rescue teams from Bosnia’s neighbors and European Union countries on Sunday were joining efforts to clear the rubble and find people still missing from floods and landslides that devastated parts of the Balkan country. Bosnia sought EU help after a heavy rainstorm overnight on Friday left entire areas under water and debris destroyed roads and bridges, killing at least 18 people and wounding dozens. Officials said that at least 10 people are still unaccounted for, many of them in the village of Donja Jablanica, in southern Bosnia, which was almost completely buried in rocks and rubble from a quarry on a hill above. Residents there have said they heard a thundering rumble and saw houses disappear before their eyes. Luigi Soreca, who heads the EU mission in Bosnia, said on X that the EU stands with Bosnia and that teams are arriving to help. Bosnia is a candidate country for membership in the 27-nation bloc. Authorities said Croatian rescuers have already arrived while a team from Serbia is expected to be deployed in the afternoon, followed by a Slovenian team with dogs. Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Czechia and Turkey have also offered help, a government statement said. Sunday is the date of a local election in Bosnia. Election authorities have postponed voting in the flood-hit regions, but the flooding has overshadowed the vote across the country. Ismeta Bucalovic, a resident of Sarajevo, Bosnia’s capital, said “we are all overwhelmed by these flooding events. We all think only about that.” Impoverished and ethnically divided, Bosnia has struggled to recover after the brutal war in 1992-95. The country is plagued by political bickering and corruption, stalling its EU bid. (AP)

As Affordable Housing Disappears, States Scramble To Shore Up The Losses

For more than two decades, the low rent on Marina Maalouf’s apartment in a blocky affordable housing development in Los Angeles’ Chinatown was a saving grace for her family, including a granddaughter who has autism. But that grace had an expiration date. For Maalouf and her family it arrived in 2020. The landlord, no longer legally obligated to keep the building affordable, hiked rent from $1,100 to $2,660 in 2021 — out of reach for Maalouf and her family. Maalouf’s nights are haunted by fears her yearslong eviction battle will end in sleeping bags on a friend’s floor or worse. While Americans continue to struggle under unrelentingly high rents, as many as 223,000 affordable housing units like Maalouf’s across the U.S. could be yanked out from under them in the next five years alone. It leaves low-income tenants caught facing protracted eviction battles, scrambling to pay a two-fold rent increase or more, or shunted back into a housing market where costs can easily eat half a paycheck. Those affordable housing units were built with the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, or LIHTC, a federal program established in 1986 that provides tax credits to developers in exchange for keeping rents low. It has pumped out 3.6 million units since then and boasts over half of all federally supported low-income housing nationwide. “It’s the lifeblood of affordable housing development,” said Brian Rossbert, who runs Housing Colorado, an organization advocating for affordable homes. That lifeblood isn’t strictly red or blue. By combining social benefits with tax breaks and private ownership, LIHTC has enjoyed bipartisan support. Its expansion is now central to Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris’ housing plan to build 3 million new homes. The catch? The buildings typically only need to be kept affordable for a minimum of 30 years. For the wave of LIHTC construction in the 1990s, those deadlines are arriving now, threatening to hemorrhage affordable housing supply when Americans need it most. “If we are losing the homes that are currently affordable and available to households, then we’re losing ground on the crisis,” said Sarah Saadian, vice president of public policy at the National Low Income Housing Coalition. “It’s sort of like having a boat with a hole at the bottom,” she said. Not all units that expire out of LIHTC become market rate. Some are kept affordable by other government subsidies, by merciful landlords or by states, including California, Colorado and New York, that have worked to keep them low-cost by relying on several levers. Local governments and nonprofits can purchase expiring apartments, new tax credits can be applied that extend the affordability, or, as in Maalouf’s case, tenants can organize to try to force action from landlords and city officials. Those options face challenges. While new tax credits can reup a lapsing LIHTC property, they are limited, doled out to states by the Internal Revenue Service based on population. It’s also a tall order for local governments and nonprofits to shell out enough money to purchase and keep expiring developments affordable. And there is little aggregated data on exactly when LIHTC units will lose their affordability, making it difficult for policymakers and activists to fully prepare. There also is less of a political incentive to preserve the units. “Politically, you’re rewarded for an announcement, a groundbreaking, a ribbon-cutting,” […]

Can You Blame Her?

There’s a simple reason thousands of women in Eretz Yisroel don’t keep taharas hamishpacha

HY”D: IDF Soldier Injured In June Tragically Passes Away, IDF Officer Seriously Injured In Gaza Fighting

The IDF on Sunday announced that Sergeant First Class (Res.) Nir Hadad, 28, from Petach Tikva, has succumbed to his wounds after being critically injured during combat in the northern Gaza Strip. Hadad, a soldier in the 129th Battalion of the 8th Brigade, was injured on June 15, and despite extensive medical efforts in the months since, he sadly passed away due to the severity of his injuries. The IDF also reported that an officer from the ‘Shaked’ Battalion (424th) of the Givati Brigade was severely injured earlier on Sunday during combat in the northern Gaza Strip. Additionally, two soldiers from the 932nd Battalion of the Nahal Brigade were seriously wounded in a separate clash in the same area. All injured soldiers were evacuated to a hospital for medical treatment and their families have been notified of their condition. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

IDF On High Alert Ahead Of October 7: Hamas May Fire Rockets At Tel Aviv Area

The IDF is on high alert for the anniversary of the October 7 massacre, which falls out on Monday. Security officials believe that Hamas will try to disrupt the expected memorial events with rocket fire – including toward central Israel – or via other attacks. The IDF Southern Command has bolstered its forces along the Gaza border and in the Netzarim Corridor in the center of the Strip. “Our forces are operating in the north, south and center of Gaza, conducting numerous strikes and eliminating terrorists,” Southern Command head Maj. Gen. Yaron Finkelman said. “The Southern Command is on high alert for the coming days.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

North Korea And China Mark Their 75th Anniversary Of Ties As Outsiders Question Their Relationship

The leaders of North Korea and China marked the 75th anniversary of their diplomatic relations on Sunday by exchanging messages that expressed hopes for stronger ties, as outsiders raised questions about their relationship. The message exchange came as North Korea and Russia have been sharply expanding their cooperation while China apparently keeps its distance. Experts say that the level of exchanges and commemorative programs between North Korea and China in the coming months will provide a clue to the exact status of their ties. In a message sent to Chinese President Xi Jinping, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said his government will “steadily strive to consolidate and develop the friendly and cooperative relations” between the two countries, according to North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency. Xi, in his message to Kim, said that China is ready to jointly promote “the stable and further advance of the socialist cause in the two countries,” KCNA said. Since North Korea and China established diplomatic ties on Oct. 6, 1949, their relationship has often been described as being “as close as lips and teeth.” China, North Korea’s biggest trading partner and main aid provider, has been suspected of avoiding fully implementing U.N. sanctions on North Korea and sending clandestine aid shipments to help its impoverished neighbor stay afloat and continue to serve as a bulwark against U.S. influence on the Korean Peninsula. But many observers say China is reluctant to form a three-way, anti-West alliance with North Korea and Russia as it prefers a stable regional security environment to tackle numerous economic challenges and maintain relationships with Europe and its Asian neighbors. North Korea and Russia have moved significantly closer to each other amid widespread outside suspicions that North Korea has supplied conventional weapons to Russia for its war in Ukraine in return for military and economic assistance. During a meeting in Pyongyang in June, Kim and Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a pact stipulating mutual military assistance if either country is attacked, in what was considered the two countries’ biggest defense deal since the end of the Cold War. North Korea is locked in confrontations with the U.S., South Korea and their partners over its advancing nuclear program. Kim has said he was forced to expand both nuclear and conventional capabilities to cope with U.S.-led security threats. On Sunday, KCNA reported that Kim oversaw a live artillery firing drill by cadets of a military academy. After watching the drill, Kim said training programs at the military academy must focus on “the guerrilla war tactics to wipe out the enemies through rapid mobile and surprise operations,” according to KCNA. (AP)

MUSK AT MAGA: If Trump Doesn’t Win, This Will Be The Last Election [VIDEO]

In a surprise appearance at a rally for former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, billionaire Elon Musk donned a black “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) hat and made an impassioned plea for Pennsylvanians to vote for Trump in the upcoming election, calling it “the most important election in our lifetime.” “We had one president who couldn’t climb a flight of stairs and another who was fist-pumping after getting shot,” Musk said. He praised Trump’s composure following the July assassination attempt, during which Trump and two of his supporters were injured, and one person was killed by a gunman. “The true test of someone’s character is how they behave under fire,” he said. Musk declared to the crowd, “I’m not just MAGA, I’m dark MAGA,” which was met with loud cheers. His speech focused on urging supporters to rally others to vote, stressing the importance of voter turnout in battleground states like Pennsylvania. He warned that if Trump does not win the upcoming election, “it will be the last election.” Musk also touched on broader political themes, expressing concern over the erosion of civil liberties. “The other side wants to take away your freedom of speech. They want to take away your right to bear arms,” he asserted, while criticizing recent voter ID laws. Musk went on to argue that free speech is essential for a functioning democracy, stating, “If people don’t know the truth, how can they make an informed vote? You must have free speech in order to have democracy.” In a call to action, Musk implored attendees to register to vote and ensure their friends and family did the same, emphasizing the urgency with only “48 hours left to register to vote in Georgia and Arizona.” He concluded with a stark warning: “If they don’t vote, this will be the last election.”   (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Frum Lubavitch Father of Three in Jail Pleads for Help

Yisroel G, a 34-year-old Lubavitch father of three, has been involuntarily incarcerated for four years due to untreated mental illness. Once a beloved entertainer, he now urgently needs funds for medical care, legal representation, and essential support. Without assistance, Yisroel’s health and chances for recovery may decline further. CLICK HERE TO DONATE Prominent Rabbonim, including Rabbi Aron Lankry and Rabbi Ariel Mekaiten, recognize this situation as a case of piydon shvuyim, highlighting the importance of this mitzvah. Your generous support can help Yisroel reclaim his life and reunite with his family.CLICK HERE TO DONATE

How Can We buy Esrogim and Wine From Erfetz Yisroel?

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman A number of Daf Yomi learners have brought up the following question:  The Gemorah in Bava Basra 90b indicates clearly that fruits cannot be exported outside of Eretz Yisroel.  How then can Esrogim, or wines be purchased from there? The Gemorah there states: The Sages taught: One may not export produce from Eretz Yisrael if it consists of items that sustenance, such as wines, oils, and flours, Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira permits export in the case of wine, because lessens licentiousness [in Eretz Yisrael]. Not only is this a Gemorah, but the Rambam (Hilchos Mechira chap. 14) writes it and so does the Shulchan Aruch (CM 231:26). The Shaarei Tzedek, authored by the Chayei Odom (in Chochmas Odom chapter 11) writes that this is even true if it is within the same malchus.  During his time, Eretz Yisroel was controlled by the Ottoman empire.   His explanation for the halacha is that since the majority of Eretz Yisroel’s residents are indigent, this will likely raise the prices of these items in Eretz Yisroel.  The Chochmas Odom provides two exceptions – spices and items in small quantities. The SMA (231:44) explains that this enactment was only made for Eretz Yisroel in order to promote the settling of the land in Eretz Yisroel. It seems, however, that the leniency is based upon the words of Rav Yoseph Trani 1570-1630, the author of the Maharit.  He writes (Vol. I Siman 127) that if it is for their benefit, it would be permitted no different than when we deal with Yesomim.  Rav Shmuel Vosner zt”l (1913-2015), in his Shaivet HaLevi (Volume II #108) also writes that in current times, where there is enough to go around and if they did not export – it would go to waste – then they certainly never forbade it. It would seem, however, that if the internal price within Eretz Yisroel would be affected the Gzeirah would be in force.  If this is correct, and if our Gedolei HaPoskim would agree, perhaps legislation in Eretz Yisroel should be introduced to make sure that exports will not cause excess pricing in Israel itself.  Just food for thought. The author can be reached at  

TERROR IN ISRAEL: 1 Murdered, 8 Injured, In Be’er Sheva Attack

A young woman of about 20 was murdered and eight people were injured in a multi-scene shooting and stabbing attack at the central bus station in Be’er Sheva early Sunday afternoon. According to MDA reports, a young woman is in moderate to serious condition, four victims are in moderate condition and three are in light condition. MDA said that the attack took place at three different areas of the central bus station. The terrorist was neutralized by security forces. However, there are reports about a police chase after a car in the city and it is possible that another terrorist was involved in the attack. The police warned that the incident has not ended and no one should approach the area as they are still searching the area. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)        

Is Israel Imposing A Seige On Northern Gaza? IDF Invades Jabaliya For 4th Time

The IDF announced on Sunday morning that IDF forces stationed in the Philadelphi Corridor in southern Gaza were redeployed to Jabaliya in northern Gaza in the wake of intelligence information indicating that Hamas is regrouping and rearming in the northern Gaza Strip. “The forces of the 162nd Division began operating overnight in the Jabaliya area following prior intelligence and after an ongoing situational assessment and the forces’ activities on the ground which indicated the presence of terrorists and terror infrastructures in the area, along with Hamas attempts to rebuild terror infrastructure in the region,” the IDF stated. The forces focused massive fire on the area from two directions in the surprise raid, eliminating numerous terrorists. On Sunday, fighter jets also carried out a targeted airstrike on Hamas terrorists operating from a command center housed in a local school. It is the fourth time that the IDF has invaded Jabaliya since the start of the war in Gaza. The IDF also began evacuating tens of thousands of Gazan civilians from Jabaliya on Sunday while Hamas terrorists pressured civilians to ignore the IDF warnings and stay in their homes. According to military analysts, the IDF may be implementing a limited military siege of northern Gaza in order to weaken Hamas’s control over the area, a plan known as the “Eiland initiative.” The Eiland initiative, presented last month by two retired IDF generals, Giora Eiland and Gershon HaCohen, consists of transferring civilians from northern Gaza to the south, ceasing the supply of food and other humanitarian aid to the north and imposing a military siege on the area, forcing the terrorists in Gaza City to surrender or die. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)  

REPORTS: Iranian Quds Force Chief MIA Since Israeli Strike In Lebanon

Speculation is mounting regarding the fate of Esmail Qaani, the head of Iran’s Quds Force, who was last seen in Beirut over a week ago. Some reports claim that Qaani may have been killed in an Israeli airstrike in the Lebanese capital. He was in Beirut to support Hezbollah after a series of lethal Israeli airstrikes. Israel’s Channel 12 reported on Saturday that Ghaani may have been hit in an airstrike that targeted Hashem Safieddine in an underground bunker in Beirut’s Dahiyeh neighborhood late on Thursday. Three Israeli officials confirmed to Axios that Safieddine was the target of the strike. Hezbollah “is trying to reach the underground headquarters that were targeted, but every single time Israel starts striking again to impede rescue efforts,” he said. Safieddine “was with Hezbollah’s head of intelligence,” known as Hajj Murtada, when the strikes took place, he said. According to three Iranian officials cited by the New York Times, Ghaani, 67, was in the Lebanese capital to assist Hezbollah following a series of devastating Israeli attacks that have disrupted its chain of command. If reports are to be believed, Qaani was with Safieddine when the IDF airstrike struck them in an underground bunker. His predecessor Qassem Soleimani was killed by an American drone strike in Iraq in 2020. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Donald Trump to Visit Ohel Of Lubavitcher Rebbe On Monday Amid Tight Security

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is scheduled to visit the Ohel of the Lubavitcher Rebbe in Queens, New York, on Monday, sources have confirmed to YWN. The visit, expected to be conducted under tight security, is being facilitated by David Friedman, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel, who has maintained close ties with Trump since leaving his post following Trump’s departure from the White House in 2021. Soueces tell YWN that the Secret Service were at the Ohel on Rosh Hashanah checking the entire area. Trump’s visit to the Ohel on Oct. 7 is seen as a gesture of solidarity with Jewish communities on the one-year anniversary of the murderous Hamas attack on southern Israel. It also follows a canceled visit to Gottlieb’s restaurant in Williamsburg due to the sudden passing of the restaurant’s proprietor. Security at the Ohel will be extremely tight, as Trump has been under presidential-level protection following a second assassination attempt at his golf course in Miami Beach, Florida, last month. Trump’s visit to the Ohel will be followed by a flight back to Florida, where he is scheduled to attend a memorial event for the victims of the October 7 Hamas attack. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Homeowners Hit by Hurricane Helene Face the Grim Task of Rebuilding Without Flood Insurance

A week after Hurricane Helene overwhelmed the Southeastern U.S., homeowners hit the hardest are grappling with how they could possibly pay for the flood damage from one of the deadliest storms to hit the mainland in recent history. The Category 4 storm that first struck Florida’s Gulf Coast on September 26 has dumped trillions of gallons of water across several states, leaving a catastrophic trail of destruction that spans hundreds of miles inland. More than 200 people have died in what is now the deadliest hurricane to hit the mainland U.S. since Katrina, according to statistics from the National Hurricane Center. Western North Carolina and the Asheville area were hit especially hard, with flooding that wiped out buildings, roads, utilities and land in a way that nobody expected, let alone prepared for. Inland areas in parts of Georgia and Tennessee were also washed out. The Oak Forest neighborhood in south Asheville lives up to its name, with trees towering over 1960s era ranch-style houses on large lots. But on Sept. 27, as Helene’s remnants swept through western north Carolina, many of those trees came crashing down, sometimes landing on houses. Julianne Johnson said she was coming upstairs from the basement to help her 5-year-old son pick out clothes that day when her husband began to yell that a giant oak was falling diagonally across the yard. The tree mostly missed the house, but still crumpled part of a metal porch and damaged the roof. Then, Johnson said, her basement flooded. On Friday, there was a blue tarp being held on the roof with a brick. Sodden carpet that the family torn out lay on the side of the house, waiting to go to the landfill. With no cell phone service or internet access, Johnson said she couldn’t file a home insurance claim until four days after the storm. “It took me a while to make that call,” she said. “I don’t have an adjuster yet.” Roof and tree damage are likely to be covered by the average home insurance policy. But Johnson, like many homeowners, doesn’t have flood insurance and she’s not certain how she’ll pay for that part of the damage. Those recovering from the storm may be surprised to learn flood damage is a completely separate thing. Insurance professionals and experts have long warned that home insurance typically does not cover flood damage to the home, even as they espouse that flooding can happen anywhere that rains. That’s because flooding isn’t just sea water seeping into the land – it’s also water from banks, as well as mudflow and torrential rains. But most private insurance companies don’t carry flood insurance, leaving the National Flood Insurance Program run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as the primary provider for that coverage for residential homes. Congress created the federal flood insurance program more than 50 years ago when many private insurers stopped offering policies in high-risk areas. North Carolina has 129,933 such policies in force, according to FEMA’s latest data, though most of that protection will likely be concentrated on the coast rather than in the Blue Ridge Mountains area where Helene caused the most damage. Florida, in comparison, has about 1.7 million flood policies in place statewide. Charlotte Hicks, a flood insurance expert in North Carolina who has led […]

NEW YEAR, SAME HATE: Flatbush Driver Swerves At Jews, Yells Antisemitic Profanities As They Walk To Shul On Rosh Hashana

A driver hurled antisemitic slurs and swerved his vehicle toward congregants walking to a Brooklyn shul on the first day of Rosh Hashana. The victims were en route to Shaare Shalom on Avenue S near Ocean Avenue around 5:25 p.m. Thursday when the driver “edged toward” them in a threatening manner, according to police. The motorist reportedly shouted, “Drop dead Zionist!” as he veered toward at least two men, attempting to intimidate them. A 50-year-old witness, who asked to remain anonymous, recounted the incident, telling the NY Post that the driver didn’t attempt to hit him but created a scene. “He was speeding through the block, with loud foreign music playing,” the witness said. “He visibly stopped those people in the crosswalk and inched up his car. That’s when he made the antisemitic comments.” Although the driver did not physically harm anyone, the witness was disturbed by the aggressive behavior and hateful remarks. “This guy was definitely reckless, but after I heard he made statements to those individuals, I figured it was a bias incident,” he said. The driver, described as a man in his 30s, fled the scene in a black Ford Transit truck, heading north on Ocean Avenue, and remains at large. The NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force is investigating the incident. In 2024 alone, complaints of antisemitic incidents in New York City have accounted for nearly 56% of all bias reports. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Biden Pledged to Campaign Hard for Harris. So Far, He’s Been Mostly a No-Show

On the last day of August, President Joe Biden was asked about his fall campaign plans. He promised a Labor Day appearance in Pittsburgh and said he would be “on the road from there on.” Biden did campaign with Vice President Kamala Harris on Labor Day, but he largely has been a campaign no-show since. Beyond that, sometimes his official events push hers to the background. Case in point: After Hurricane Helene, Harris scrapped campaign events in Las Vegas to hurry back to Washington for a briefing at the Federal Emergency Management Agency. But as Harris stepped to a podium in the command center, Biden was delivering his own storm response comments from the Oval Office, pulling the political spotlight away from his intended successor. The lack of presidential campaigning and occasional schedule clashes could matter not just for Harris but as Democrats try to hold control of the Senate and retake the House and compete in races further down the ballot. Even former President Barack Obama announced he will campaign for Harris. Obama will appear in Pittsburgh on Thursday and plans to spend the remaining time before the Nov. 5 election traveling to battleground states. He also recorded ads promoting Democratic Senate candidates in Michigan, Maryland and Florida. It can be tricky juggling being president and campaigning for someone new It is not uncommon for a lame-duck president to struggle with finding the right balance between fulfilling the job and carving out a role in a would-be successor’s campaign. Biden’s situation is unusual because he was seeking a second term until his dramatic departure from the race left Harris with a condensed time frame for her own run. “I think he’s doing his job as president,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Friday. “I think that’s the most important thing.” Hurricane Helene has complicated matters in the short term. Biden canceled a campaign stop in Pennsylvania this past week and he and Harris made separate trips Wednesday to the Carolinas and Georgia, respectively, to survey the damage and offer support. That time, their remarks did not overlap. But on Friday, while Harris was speaking about the importance of unions outside Detroit, Biden caused a stir by making a surprise appearance in the White House briefing room. It was the first of his presidency. Biden has taken official trips to battleground states and he will be in suburban Philadelphia on Tuesday to campaign for Democratic Sen. Bob Casey. The Harris team had no comment on its hopes for Biden’s campaign role. The president was born in Pennsylvania and maintains a strong connection to its union leaders and blue-collar voters, and former Democratic National Committee chief Donna Brazile said she would “put him on a bus” to campaign there. “I would make sure he is out there in the closing weeks and days of the campaign,” Brazile said. “He connects with people she will need.” Biden and Harris have appeared together at several other official events, including a recent one at the White House on combating gun violence, and at a health care-related event in August where Biden said, “We cannot let Kamala lose.” Both have been in the Situation Room frequently to discuss the growing conflict in the Middle East. The lone joint campaign event by Biden and Harris […]

Former New York Governor and Stepson Assaulted During Evening Walk

Former New York Gov. David Paterson and his stepson sustained minor injuries when they were assaulted on a Manhattan street by four men and a woman as they went for an evening walk, police said Saturday. The 70-year-old former governor, a Democrat, and his 20-year-old stepson, Anthony Sliwa, were walking on an Upper East Side street about 8:30 p.m. Friday when they were attacked, the New York Police Department and a spokesperson for Paterson said. Both were treated at a nearby hospital for minor injuries to the face and were released early Saturday, authorities said. Paterson, who is legally blind, also sustained minor injuries to his body. In a statement, police labeled the attack a “gang assault” and sought help from the public to learn more about the assault. Paterson served as governor from 2008 to 2010, assuming the post after Gov. Eliot Spitzer resigned in a prostitution scandal. Sean Darcy, a spokesperson for Paterson, said in a statement that the people involved in the assault apparently had a previous interaction with Sliwa. Paterson and Sliwa were able to fight off their attackers, Darcy said. Paterson and his wife, Mary, “are thankful for the quick response time from the police and the outpouring of support they have received from people across all spectrums,” Darcy said. He added that Paterson’s main concern Saturday was New York Mets pitcher Kodai Senga as he leads the Mets in their opening playoff game against the Philadelphia Phillies. (AP)

BOBBIE’S PLACE: Absolutely Priceless! Give Where Your Impact Is… Priceless

What makes Bobbie’s Place truly priceless? Besides for the non-existent price tags of course. It’s the joy of a child’s face lighting up, the pride in a new outfit, and the relief of knowing that all this is available without financial worry. At Bobbie’s Place, we turn shopping into a happy outing, providing families with an opportunity to experience priceless joy and relief. Our goal is to raise $600,000 to keep this extraordinary mission alive. With your help, we can continue offering a place where every outfit comes along with a smile. Support one or all of Bobbie’s Place’s 7 locations; Flatbush, Monsey, Queens, Passaic, Baltimore, Chicago, and Toronto. Join us in making priceless moments possible for countless families. Click Here to Donate!
