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Behind Last Week’s Rescue of Three Hostage’s Bodies In Gaza

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The IDF has released details about the operation to recover the bodies of the hostages Hanan Yablonka, Michel Nisenbaum and Orion Hernandez, Yehi Zichronam Livracha.

The bodies were recovered on Thursday night in an operation in Jabaliya, in northern Gaza, and returned to Israel by the IDF and the ISA. According to verified intelligence, the three hostages were murdered during the October 7th Massacre and were taken by Hamas Terrorists from the Mefalsim intersection into the Gaza Strip.

As part of the ongoing operations of the 98th Division in the Jabaliya area, soldiers of the 75th Battalion eliminated a terrorist who was appeared to be operating as a spotter over the area where the bodies of the hostages were being held. The soldiers then raided the area and located the site of the bodies.

Shortly afterwards, special forces of the Yahalom Unit, the ISA and soldiers from a special unit in the Intelligence Directorate (J2) arrived in the area, located the bodies of the three hostages and rescued them in a complex nighttime operation.

The operation relied on intelligence obtained and analyzed over the last few days by the division’s intelligence array, the ISA and the Abducted and Missing Persons Headquarters in the Intelligence Directorate (J2). The operations to rescue the bodies are part of a campaign planned and conducted both above and below ground under the leadership of the 98th Division in Jabaliya.

the Hostage Task Force Headquarters in the Intelligence Directorate (J2) is conducting the ongoing research effort, side by side with the ISA and other IDF units. The effort lasted several months and included gathering intelligence and analyzing intelligence indications to put together the overall assessment. Intelligence headquarters were in continuous and close communication with the forces on the ground and directed them to the exact location that the intelligence and analysis suggested.


IDF Soldier Threatens Coup if Palestinian Government Formed in Gaza, IDF Investigating

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A video was published on social media which appeared to feature a reserve IDF soldier calling for a military coup against Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and the Chief of General Staff, Lieutenant General Herzl Halevi.

The IDF announced that the Military Advocate General has ordered the opening of a Military Police investigation, and the Chief of General Staff has ordered an immediate command discussion in all units.

“The behavior documented in the video is a serious violation of IDF commands and values, and is suspected of criminal offenses,” said an IDF spokesperson.

In the video, the soldier calls for rebellion from a building inside the Gaza Strip, saying: “We, the reservist soldiers, do not intend to hand over the keys to any Palestinian Authority. We do not intend to transfer the keys of Gaza to any Hamas entity, Fatah, or any other Arab entity. Prime Minister, the reservist soldiers are behind you. We will stay here until the end, until the victory,”.

The soldier appears standing in front of graffiti praising former MK Rabbi Meir Kahane, who was banned from the Knesset for racism against Arabs.

Addressing Minister Gallant he goes on to say: “You cannot win a war. Resign – you cannot win the war and command us. I am informing you Mr. Gallant – if we do not go until victory, 100,000 reservist soldiers will stay on the border. We will not move from the fence. We call on the citizens of Israel to come to Gaza and under our protection, we will listen to one leader – not the Defense Minister and not the Chief of General Staff. It is the Prime Minister.”

The soldier continues: “Think very well whom you intend to give the keys to. Our brothers were not killed or raped in vain. We want victory, a decisive outcome.”

“Those who harmed the people of Israel and our brothers – we want to destroy them, and you, Mr. Gallant, cannot do that. Change your attitude or we will only go with the Prime Minister. If you wanted a military coup – we will show you what a decision and what a victory is, how true Jews win.”

The video was also shared by Yair Netanyahu, the son of Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, on his personal Telegram account. Netanyahu’s office put out a statement saying that, “The Prime Minister has repeatedly warned against refusal to serve, and the permissive approach toward it. The Prime Minister is consistent in this position; he completely rejects any display of refusal to serve from any side whatsoever, and expects all official agencies to deal with it uniformly.”

Opposition leader Yair Lapid reacted by saying: “The video calling for rebellion is dangerous, whether real or staged to cause chaos. The fact that Netanyahu’s poison machine and megaphones are echoing enthusiastically from videos that call for a civil war and the dismantling of the army is another attempt to escape responsibility for the biggest disaster in the history of the Jewish people since the Holocaust. This madness needs to stop. This government needs to be ousted from our lives before it ruins everything that is dear and holy to this state.”

Benny Gantz said, “In the IDF, as the army of the people, there are soldiers from all parts of the society, with a variety of perspectives and beliefs – but there is only one commander: the Chief of General Staff.”

“The expression of support for the call for rebellion during the war and in general, like in the video published yesterday – harms Israel’s security. I call on the Prime Minister, to condemn clearly and sharply the video of the rebellion and not to hide behind a word laundry. This is what all the leadership in Israel should do.”


Netanyahu: Israel Has ‘Surprising’ Plans For Hezbollah

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The Israeli government is determined to restore security on the border with Lebanon and create the conditions that will allow displaced citizens to return to the north, Israel Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu said.

“We have detailed, important and even surprising plans,” the premier told Israel Defense Forces troops during a visit to the army’s Northern Command headquarters in the Upper Galilee city of Safed. “But I will not share these plans … with the enemy,” said Netanyahu, adding the military is “constantly in action on the northern front.”

The IDF has already eliminated “hundreds” of Hezbollah operatives in Southern Lebanon since the Iranian-backed terrorist group joined the war against the Jewish state in support of Hamas on Oct. 8, he declared.

The Prime Minister’s Office said Netanyahu toured the army base and received a briefing by Northern Command head Maj. Gen. Ori Gordin on “the wide-ranging offensive and defensive activity in the sector.” The premier also discussed, “The detailed operational plans in the sector and heard about the determination among the divisions to take such action as may be necessary to restore the residents of the north to their homes with security,” according to the PMO readout.

Hezbollah terrorists fired a barrage of around 30 rockets from southern Lebanon at the Upper Galilee on Thursday. Most of the projectiles were intercepted, while others hit in open areas, the IDF announced.

According to the Upper Galilee Regional Council, there were no injuries, though the rockets caused several fires. Hezbollah took credit for the salvo, saying that it had fired “dozens of Katyushas” at a military base.

Hezbollah has carried out near-daily attacks on Israel since joining the war against the Jewish state. The attacks have killed more than 20 Israelis, as well as an Indian worker, and led to widespread damage.

More than 80,000 residents of 42 northern Israeli communities within 6.2 miles of the Lebanon border remain internally displaced, with most of them housed in hotels, due to the ongoing Hezbollah threat. JNS


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