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The Book That Has Inspired Thousands: The Perfect Shavuos Gift!

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[Purchase the book HERE.]

Thousands upon thousands of people have had their lives changed by the book Living Chessed, in which Rabbi Avrohom Asher Makovsky shares many Torah sources that talk about chessed, inspirational insights and guidance and, above all, stories of how chessed – even something as small as a compliment, a smile, or a hug – can transform the lives of both the one giving and the one receiving the chessed. In brief, readable chapters, we will discover how everyone can be a great baal chessed.

In Living Chessed, Rabbi Makovsky shows us how we can, indeed, “live chessed” throughout our days, enriching the lives of others. And enriching our own lives as well. [Purchase the book HERE.]


NY Official Offers Apology, But Doesn’t Retract Anti-Jewish Media Posts

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A New York state municipal leader has received blowback for a series of postings on social media.

Deputy Mayor Alexandria Wojcik in New Paltz, N.Y., wrote online about the “geopolitical interests of Zionism,” frequently used the pro-terror term “intifada” and pilloried police for arresting 132 people at the SUNY New Paltz campus. She further characterized anti-Israel activists as “brutally assaulted by law enforcement armed to the teeth in riot gear.”

The Jewish Congregation of New Paltz (JCNP), released a statement warning that Wojcik’s statements could contribute to “violent uprisings against Jews and Jewish institutions in Israel and elsewhere.” It pointed out that her words allude to “baseless conspiracy theories rooted in centuries-old antisemitic tropes.”

Rabbi Adam Cerino-Jones said the ideas infused in the deputy mayor’s postings “have no foundation in reality, and are used to scapegoat and discriminate against Jewish people.”

In response on Thursday to a query from the Mid Hudson News, Wojcik attempted to apologize for any harm she may have caused though did not retract any of her statements.

“It is unacceptable for any New Paltzian, for anyone, to feel unsafe. My entire life I’ve strived daily to be always anti-antisemitic, anti-racist, anti-hate, anti-bigotry, in all that I do,” she said. “I am sorry to learn that, unfortunately, some of my work has not landed the way I had intended. I sincerely appreciate JCNP for letting me know that is the case.”


Supreme Court to Hear Petitions Calling to Immediately Draft Charedim

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On Sunday morning, a nine-justice panel at the High Court of Justice will hear petitions demanding immediate conscription of Charedi men to the IDF.

On Thursday, Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara came out in support of the petitions, writing in the state’s response that the government was acting “without authority,” “violating express rules of the court,” and “undermining the rule of law” in it’s attempts to deal with the new legal situation regarding Charedim and the draft.

The government has tried to get private representation in the High Court, instead of that of the attorney general, as she opposes the governments position.

In late March, the court issued an interim order barring the government from providing funds to Charedi yeshivas for students eligible for IDF enlistment, since the legal framework for deferring their IDF service had expired.


Trump Joins TikTok, Gains a Million Followers

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Former President Donald Trump decided to join TikTok, and gained 1.3 million followers within a few hours.

Trump famously threatened to ban TikTok over national security concerns.

Trump is likely looking to win over younger voters, the demographic likeliest to be on the app. Trump is currently in a close race with President Biden from President.

While Biden’s campaign is also on TikTok, Biden has signed a bill that would ban it if it’s Chinese parent company does not sell it.

Trump launched his account with a video showing him meeting fans at an Ultimate Fighting Championship fight in Newark, New Jersey. His new account is @realdonaldtrump.

Trump’s campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said it will leave “no front undefended and this represents the continued outreach to a younger audience consuming pro-Trump and anti-Biden content.”

ByteDance, the Chinese parent company that owns TikTok, is challenging in courts the law that requires it to sell TikTok by next January or face a ban.

TikTok has argued it will not share the U.S. user data it has gathered with the Chinese government and that it has taken substantial measures to protect the privacy of its users.

Trump attempted to ban TikTok in 2020, but it was blocked by the courts.


JOE DOUBLES DOWN: Biden Says ‘It’s Time’ For Gaza War To End, Claims Hamas ‘No Longer Is Capable Of Carrying Out Another October 7th’

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President Joe Biden laid out the terms of a new Israeli ceasefire-for-hostages proposal on Friday that includes a permanent end to hostilities and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip.

Speaking in the State Dining Room at the White House, Biden said Israel proposed a three-phase ceasefire deal to Hamas through Egyptian, Qatari and U.S. mediators.

“For the past several months, my negotiators, of the foreign policy, intelligence community and the like, have been relentlessly focused, not just on a ceasefire that would inevitably be fragile and temporary, but on a durable end of the war,” Biden said. “That’s been the focus—a durable end to this war.”

At a background briefing after the speech, a senior U.S. administration official told reporters that the Israeli proposal was “nearly identical to Hamas’s own proposals.”

“If that’s what Hamas wants, they can take the deal,” the official said. “Alternatively, if its leaders choose to live deep underground, holding innocent hostages, including women, the war goes on and the people of Gaza suffer. That would be their choice.”

Biden described the deal as “the Israeli proposal,” although the senior U.S. official said that “this proposal has been accepted by Israel.”

JNS sought clarity on the apparent discrepancy between the White House and the National Security Council. “This is ultimately an Israeli proposal that was put together in coordination with the U.S., Egypt and Qataris,” a National Security Council spokeswoman told JNS.

The U.S. president said he wants a future “without Hamas in power” but described a series of steps that did not include the elimination of the terror group or its surrender.

“The first phase would last for six weeks,” Biden said. “Here’s what it would include: a full and complete ceasefire. The withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas of Gaza. Release of a number of hostages, including women, the elderly, the wounded, in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.”

That phase, which would also include the return of some of the remains of dead hostages and the continued daily delivery of 600 trucks of aid to the Palestinians, would lead to an indefinite period of negotiations between Israel and Hamas to end the war, he said.

“During the six weeks of phase one, Israel and Hamas would negotiate the necessary arrangements to get to phase two, which is a permanent end to hostilities,” the president added. “The proposal says if the negotiations take longer than six weeks from phase one, the ceasefire will still continue as long as negotiations continue.”

The United States, Egypt and Qatar “would work to ensure negotiations keep going until all the agreements are reached and phase two is able to begin,” Biden added.

In the second phase, “Israeli forces will withdraw from Gaza” and release additional Palestinian prisoners in exchange for the release of all remaining living hostages, the president said. Quoting the text of the proposal, he said that at that point, the ceasefire would become “the cessation of hostilities permanently.”

The third phase would include the reconstruction of Gaza and the return of any remaining dead hostages.

During the third phase, Biden said that the United States, Arab nations, the international community, along with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, would ensure that Hamas is not allowed to rearm.

The second and third phases are open-ended, allowing for additional negotiation, but the senior U.S. official told reporters that each is envisioned to last about 42 days.

According to Biden, Qatar transmitted the Israeli proposal to Hamas “today,” although the U.S. president later referred to the initiative as being made “yesterday.” (“It was transmitted yesterday,” the National Security Council spokeswoman told JNS on Friday.)

Qatar hosts many of Hamas’s leaders in its capital city of Doha. Still, U.S. officials have said that Hamas’s ultimate decision-maker regarding a ceasefire is Yahya Sinwar—the leader of the U.S.-designated foreign terror group—in Gaza and one of the architects of the Oct. 7 attacks.

Biden said that the Israeli public should accept the deal because Israel has already achieved its war aims against Hamas.

“The people of Israel should know they can make this offer without any further risk to our own security because they’ve devastated Hamas forces over the past eight months,” the president said. “At this point, Hamas no longer is capable of carrying out another Oct. 7.”

The senior U.S. official repeated that point and said Israel’s military operations since Oct. 7 made the deal possible.

“I think the reason the Israelis are able to make this offer is because of some of the success they’ve had in degrading Hamas’s military capacity,” the senior official said. “I don’t think this offer would have been possible three months ago.”

Hamas’s leaders “are dead or in deep hiding,” the senior official added.

Biden did not name Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu or any other Israeli politicians but said that Israeli leaders should stand by the deal despite some members of the Israeli cabinet opposing a withdrawal from Gaza.

“I know there are those in Israel who will not agree with this plan and will call for the war to continue indefinitely. Some are even in the government coalition,” Biden said. “They’ve made it clear they want to occupy Gaza. They want to keep fighting for years, and the hostages are not a priority to them. Well, I’ve urged the leadership of Israel to stand behind this deal despite whatever pressure comes.”

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir are among the Israeli politicians who have called for some form of a permanent Israeli presence in the Gaza Strip post-Oct. 7.

Biden also addressed the Israeli people and said he was speaking as someone who has had “a lifelong commitment to Israel.”

“I ask you to take a step back and think what will happen if this moment is lost,” Biden said. “Indefinite war in pursuit of an unidentified notion of total victory will only bog down Israel in Gaza, draining the economic, military and human resources, and furthering Israel’s isolation in the world.”

“That will not bring hostages home,” he said. “That will not bring an enduring defeat of Hamas. That will not bring Israel lasting security.”

‘I need your help,’ says the president

Biden claimed that the deal could also lead to calm on Israel’s northern border with Lebanon, and eventually, to a normalization of diplomatic relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

After the speech, the Israeli Prime Minister’s office issued a statement confirming that Netanyahu approved the proposal. “The government of Israel is united in its desire to return the hostages as soon as possible and is working to achieve this goal,” the office stated.

“The prime minister authorized the negotiating team to present a proposal to that end, which would also enable Israel to continue the war until all its objectives are achieved, including the destruction of Hamas’s military and governing capabilities,” Netanyahu’s office added. “The actual proposal put forward by Israel, including the conditional transition from one phase to the next, allows Israel to uphold these principles.”

The war in Gaza has created a significant rift within the Democratic party and prompted substantial street protests against Biden and other administration officials.

Biden campaign re-election events are now routinely disrupted by anti-Israel protesters with chants like “Genocide Joe has got to go,” and Arab-American and left-wing anti-Israel voters could play a key role in swing states like Michigan in the November presidential election.

Biden concluded the speech with a call to end the war.

“I need your help,” Biden said. “Everyone who wants peace now must raise their voices. Let the leaders know they should take this deal. Work to make it real, make it lasting and forge a better future out of the tragic terror attack and war.”

“It’s time for this war to end,” he added. “For the day after to begin.” JNS

Ben Gvir and Smotrich Threaten to Leave Government if it Accepts Biden’s Ceasefire Proposal

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National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich both announced on Motzei Shabbos that that would not agree to US President Joe Biden’s proposal and threatened to leave the government if his plan was accepted.

Smotrich said in a post on X, “I just spoke with the prime minister and made it clear that I will not be part of a government that agrees to the proposed outline and ends the war without destroying Hamas and bringing back all the hostages.”

He continued saying, “We will not agree to stop the war before Hamas is destroyed. We will not accept undermining the achievements of the war so far by withdrawing the IDF and allowing Gazans to return to the northern part of the [Gaza] Strip. We will not permit the wholesale release of terrorists who might return to murder Jews.”

Smotrich demanded “the continuation of the fight until Hamas is destroyed and all hostages are returned.”

“We seek the creation of a completely different security reality in Gaza and Lebanon, the return of all residents to their homes in the North and South, and massive investment in the accelerated development of these areas,” he emphasized.

Ben-Gvir said after Shabbos that “the deal, as its details were announced today, means the end of the war and the abandonment of the goal to destroy Hamas. This is a reckless deal, which constitutes a victory for terrorism and a security threat to the State of Israel.”

He continued saying that “agreeing to such a deal is not an absolute victory, but an absolute defeat.”

“We will not allow the war to end without the complete eradication of Hamas. If the prime minister proceeds with the reckless deal under the conditions published today, which means the end of the war and abandoning the goal to destroy Hamas, Otzma Yehudit will dissolve the government,” Ben-Gvir warned.


Remains Of Jewish-American Soldier Missing For 70 Years Recovered From Mass Grave Where He Was Buried With Nazis

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A Jewish-American hero of World War II who stormed Utah Beach on D-Day and disappeared after an ambush in the Battle of Cherbourg has been found in a German mass grave, buried alongside Nazis.

Nearly 80 years after his death on June 23, 1944, Lt. Nathan Baskind is set to receive a proper burial.

Baskind, the son of Lithuanian and Russian immigrants who settled in Pittsburgh and ran a wallpaper business, was drafted into the U.S. Army in 1942 at the age of 26, as documented by the Rauh Jewish Archives.

“He came from a successful family, he could have gotten out of [the war] if he wanted to,” said Shalom Lamm, co-founder of Operation Benjamin, a non-profit that identifies Jewish U.S. war veterans mistakenly buried under incorrect religious designations in American military cemeteries.

Baskind commanded four M-10 tank destroyers — modified Sherman tanks — in the US Army’s 899th Tank Destroyer Battalion during the fierce D-Day invasion.

After securing the beachhead, Allied forces aimed to capture the port city of Cherbourg, France.

As U.S. troops clashed with Nazi soldiers, who had orders from Adolf Hitler to defend the city at all costs, Baskind ventured behind enemy lines with only his driver on a reconnaissance mission.

They were ambushed.

Despite being “seriously wounded,” the driver managed to return to Allied lines and reported that Baskind had been struck by machine-gun and rifle fire and was presumed dead, according to Baskind’s personnel file at the National Archives.

US troops conducted an extensive search but found “no trace of Lt. Baskind or his vehicle,” the file states.

Listed as Missing in Action on July 13, 1944, Baskind was posthumously promoted from second to first lieutenant and awarded a Purple Heart.

Baskind’s name was added to the Wall of the Missing at the American Cemetery in Normandy, and his fate remained a mystery for nearly eight decades.

In 2022, a US genealogist visiting the German Marigny cemetery noticed a name on a plaque among 17 German soldiers that stood out — Baskind’s.

This prompted him to inform Operation Benjamin, and Lamm, along with his partner Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter, began their investigation.

The sleuths concluded it could be the long-lost lieutenant, and their senior genealogist, Rachel Silverman, contacted the German War Graves Commission, known as the Volksbund.

Digging through their archives, the Volksbund uncovered detailed documents that revealed Baskind’s fate.

After being captured and shot, Baskind was taken to a decrepit Luftwaffe hospital in Cherbourg, notorious for its “cesspool” conditions.

He died the night of his capture.

His remains were placed in a mass grave with 24 German soldiers in the hospital’s courtyard.

In 1957, this mass grave was unearthed, and the remains were reinterred in another mass grave 50 miles away at the German Marigny cemetery.

It is there, under three Gothic crosses, that Baskind’s remains were buried with 52 Nazi soldiers.

German officials found Baskind’s dog tag, a patch from the 899th Tank Destroyer Battalion, and lieutenant’s bars.

They informed the US Army, which twice failed to identify the remains.

Baskind’s family was told his body was “unrecoverable” — but were never informed of the Nazi grave.

“You have a Jewish kid from Pittsburgh buried with these enemy soldiers,” Lamm emotionally told The Post.

Lamm and Rabbi Schacter, a Yeshiva University professor, were committed to retrieving Baskind’s remains and returning him to his “family, his people, and his country.”

Operation Benjamin organized a visit to the mass grave where Baskind was buried — the first Jewish visit in 79 years.

At the gravesite, they recited the mourner’s kaddish and other traditional Jewish prayers.

“We are family, we are brothers, we are sisters,” Rabbi Schacter said in an emotional eulogy at the grave.

“We will never forget you.”

Baskind was the son of Lithuanian and Russian immigrants who settled in Pittsburgh.

“Everybody cried, everybody,” Lamm recalled.

“It was a magical, very sad, very emotional moment.”

Before the trip, Lamm sought the blessing of Lt. Baskind’s great-niece, Samantha Baskind, a professor of art history and Holocaust studies at Cleveland State University.

She made one request: “Would you put a stone there for me?” she asked.

This traditional Jewish gesture of placing a stone at a grave, which the Talmud says helps “keep a soul down in this world,” had significant implications.

In a meeting with German Brigadier Gen. Dirk Backen, Lamm played a video of Baskind’s great-niece urging him to allow Operation Benjamin to exhume the body.

“Knowing that he’s been buried in a German cemetery, so far from home and under a cross, is a jagged scar for my family,” Professor Baskind said.

Since the Germans wanted to identify another soldier’s remains in the same mass grave, they finally granted permission to exhume.

“The coincidence was amazing,” Lamm noted.

The exhumation, carried out over three days from Dec. 18 to 20, involved a team of 17 experts, including French and German anthropologists and University of Wisconsin specialists.

“I felt terrified,” Lamm admitted.

“It’s great to talk about it in theory but what if we’re wrong? What if we can’t find him? This is our one and only shot.”

The odds of finding Baskind’s remains were slim.

“We were exhausted, out of our minds,” Lamm recalled.

“The grave was soaked in water, and the soil was in terrible condition. The anthropologists doubted we’d find anything.”

“Our chances of success seemed to diminish at every step. It was looking very bleak.”

After retrieving numerous bones and separating potential matches for DNA testing, the remaining remains had to be reburied.

A German official asked Lamm, an Orthodox Jew, to lead the reburial service for the 52 German soldiers.

“I had a moment of panic,” Lamm confessed.

“You can’t make up a more surreal circumstance.”

In his speech at the grave, Lamm cited the Jewish custom of spilling drops of wine on Passover to symbolize not exalting in enemies’ demise.

“You are those drops of wine,” Lamm said about the fallen Germans.

Four weeks later, the moment of truth arrived.

DNA results confirmed a 99.989% match with samples from Baskind’s surviving family members.

After 79 years, Lt. Baskind was finally found.

“The match was spectacular — that was the hand of God,” Lamm said.

“The recovery of my great uncle… is almost surreal… it brings a measure of long-awaited solace to my family,” Professor Baskind stated.

Professor Baskind formally received her great-uncle’s Purple Heart from the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency on May 22.

The German Army handed over Lt. Baskind’s remains to the US Army in a ceremony at Ramstein Air Force Base on May 28.

On June 23, the 80th anniversary of his death, Baskind will be buried at the American cemetery in Normandy with full military honors in a Jewish ceremony presided over by Rabbi Schacter.


Netanyahu Formally Invited To Address Joint Session Of Congress

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All four United States congressional leaders signed on to a letter on Friday inviting Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu to Washington to address a joint meeting of Congress. The letter was delivered to the Israeli embassy in Washington.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) and Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) wrote to Netanyahu that “the existential challenges we face, including the growing partnership between Iran, Russia and China, threaten the security, peace and prosperity of our countries and of free people around the world.”

“To build on our enduring relationship and to highlight America’s solidarity with Israel, we invite you to share the Israeli government’s vision for defending democracy, combating terror and establishing a just and lasting peace in the region,” the letter added.

It notes that Hamas continues to hold hostages from both nations.

“We join the State of Israel in your struggle against terror, especially as Hamas continues to hold American and Israeli citizens captive and its leaders jeopardize regional stability,” the leaders wrote. “For this reason … we would like to invite you to address a joint meeting of Congress.”

While media reports indicate that the goal is to schedule the address in the next two months, it is understood that a tight Capitol schedule in an election year might push the visit back to after the August recess.

Earlier on Friday, U.S. President Joe Biden announced a multi-phased Israeli proposal to end its war with Hamas, including the gradual release of hostages and a release of hundreds of Palestinian security prisoners.

While Biden said Israel had degraded Hamas’s military and governing capabilities, he made no mention of any component of the proposal which would force Hamas from power in Gaza.

Elements of Biden’s Democratic party, including the president himself, have at times been harshly critical of Israel’s response to Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre, causing a partisan splinter following near-universal sympathies from the Capitol in the wake of the brutal terror attack.

Hezbollah Fires Burkan Rocket, Hits Base in Kiryat Shmona

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Over Shabbos, Hezbollah fired Burkan rockets, hitting the Gibor military base in Kiryat Shmona in a direct hit.

In the afternoon, two rockets were found in the city, one on a military base and the other in a supermarket, which was closed.

The rockets damaged the base, along with vehicles and structures in the city. In addition, several fires broke out in the area, and firefighters were called to the scene.

The Burkan rockets are not very precise, but they are capale of carrying up to half a ton of explosive material. The rockets were developed with Iranian guidance, at the start of the Syrian Civil War in the previous decade, to aid Assad’s forces. Once operational, they were diverted for use against Israel, primarily from hidden launchers operated remotely.


Hamas Reacts “Positively” to Biden’s Ceasefire Proposal, Will Not Change their Demands

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In a statement on Friday, Hamas responded positively to Biden’s ceasefire proposal to end the war in Gaza. Hamas said it is ready to consider positively any proposal based on a permanent ceasefire, a complete IDF withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, reconstruction of the Strip, return of the Palestinians to their homes throughout Gaza, and the implementation of a ‘serious’ swap deal.

Abu Hamza, the spokesman for the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of Islamic Jihad, said that the return of the hostages will not take place until after the end of the “aggression,” meaning the the complete withdrawal of the IDF from the Gaza Strip.

Abu Hamza said in a recorded message published on the Islamic Jihad’s Telegram channel that ending the war in the Gaza Strip is the only way to free the hostages and return the residents to the settlements around the Gaza Strip.

“We tell the Israelis: Do not listen to your leadership, for your return to the settlements will not happen except after the end of the war against Gaza,” said the terrorist spokesman.

According to Abu Hamza, over the past few weeks, terrorists from Islamic Jihad have downed 11 unmanned Israeli aircraft and launched rockets at Be’er Sheva, Sderot, and Ashkelon.



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