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IDF Destroys 45 Terror Targets In Gaza Over 24 Hours

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Israeli fighter jets destroyed some 45 terrorist targets across the Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours, the military said on Thursday.

Among the targets struck were command centers, armed terrorist squads, rocket launchers, tunnel shafts and other infrastructure, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

Ground troops continued to operate in the Rafah area in southern Gaza, conducting raids, locating weapons and eliminating several terrorists in close urban combat.


IAF aircraft also attacked a site in the Rafah area from which rockets were primed to be fired at nearby Israeli communities.

Earlier this week, forces operating in Rafah were ambushed by six armed terrorists who had exited a nearby building. The terrorists were eliminated by a military aircraft, after which troops raided the building, locating a tunnel shaft leading to an underground hideout and weapons stockpile.

The IDF offensive is continuing amid international efforts to forge a ceasefire deal.

On Wednesday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken described Hamas’s official response to the latest proposal as unworkable.

“A deal was on the table that was virtually identical to the proposal that Hamas made on May 6—a deal that the entire world is behind, a deal Israel has accepted. Hamas could have answered with a single word: ‘Yes,’” the secretary said.

“Instead, Hamas waited nearly two weeks and then proposed more changes, a number of which go beyond positions that had previously taken and accepted,” added the top American diplomat, who was in Israel for a two-day visit earlier this week. JNS

Two Wounded As Hezbollah Fires 150 Rockets At Northern Israel

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Two Israelis sustained light wounds on Thursday when rocket shrapnel fell in Katzrin, the largest Israeli community in the Golan Heights.

The victims, who were both said to be in their 20s, were treated by Magen David Adom medics and paramedics before being evacuated to Ziv Medical Center in the nearby city of Safed, the medical emergency response group tweeted.

Hezbollah terrorists in Southern Lebanon fired more than 100 rockets in the latest barrage, with direct hits and major damage reported across the Golan and Galilee.

Air-raid sirens blared incessantly in northern Israel on Thursday, warning of incoming rocket and missile fire, as well as suicide drones.

As of 3 p.m., seven “suspicious aerial targets” had attempted to penetrate the country’s skies, four of which were intercepted by air-defense systems, the IDF said.

Amid the escalation, schools in the Golan Heights and Safed were closed, with institutions in the latter city forced to stop matriculation exams as students rushed to shelter.


The rocket barrages sparked new fires throughout the northern region, including in Tzefas, with the Israel Fire and Rescue Services reporting blazes in at least 10 locations.

The Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist organization has attacked northern Israel nearly every day since joining the war in support of Hamas on Oct. 8, killing more than 20 people and causing widespread damage. Tens of thousands of Israelis remain internally displaced due to the violence.

A Hezbollah terrorist official told Qatar’s Al Jazeera channel that Thursday’s attack marked “the largest and most comprehensive attack” since Oct. 8, claiming the group launched 150 missiles and 30 drones.

On Wednesday, as Israeli families celebrated the festival of Shavuot (the “Feast of Weeks”), Hezbollah launched more than 200 rockets at the Jewish state in one of the heaviest attacks in recent months.

The attacks on civilian population centers came after the Israeli Air Force’s targeted killing of Hezbollah commander Sami Taleb Abdullah, who headed the Nasr Unit, or “Victory Force,” one of the terror group’s three divisions in Southern Lebanon, responsible for the eastern sector.

The United States is very concerned about the situation on the Israel-Lebanon border escalating further into full-out war, a senior Biden administration official told the Reuters press agency on Thursday.

“We have had consistent and urgent conversations at different times with Israel and Lebanon over the eight months, from the very beginning of this crisis, … to keep this from developing into a full-out war that could have implications to beyond elsewhere in the region,” said the official.

Jerusalem’s powerful War Cabinet—which currently consists of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, in addition to two observers—was set to meet on Thursday night to discuss the situation in the north.

The broader Security Cabinet is scheduled to meet in Jerusalem at 9 p.m. on Sunday.

“Lebanon and Hezbollah, under the guidance of Iran, bear full responsibility for the deterioration of the security situation in the north,” Israeli government spokesperson David Mencer said on Thursday.

“Whether through diplomatic efforts or otherwise—Israel will restore security on our northern border,” added the spokesperson.

The IDF Home Front Command is prepared for a full-out war with Hezbollah, commander Maj. Gen. Rafi Milo reiterated on Sunday.

“If the IDF needs to go to war in the north, we are ready. We have made great efforts to achieve this in recent months,” the Home Front Command head stated at the MuniWorld Conference in Tel Aviv. JNS

Takeaways From Supreme Court Ruling: Abortion Pill Still Available but Opponents Say Fight Not Over

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The Supreme Court unanimously upheld access to a drug used in the majority of U.S. abortions on Thursday, though abortion opponents say the ruling won’t be the last word in the fight over mifepristone. The narrow decision came two years after the high court overturned the nationwide right to abortion. Rather than fully dive into the issue, the high court found that anti-abortion doctors lacked the legal right to sue. That could leave an opening for anti-abortion states or other opponents to keep up the fight. Some takeaways from the decision: What does this say about the Supreme Court and abortion? Not necessarily very much. Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was part of the court majority two years ago to overturn Roe, employed a minimalist approach in the opinion that seemed designed to sidestep disagreements and arrive at a unanimous outcome. The court found that the abortion opponents couldn’t sue because they weren’t actually injured by the medication, in part because federal laws protect doctors from performing abortions if they object. The court did not address whether the FDA ultimately adhered to the law when it made changes to relax access to mifepristone, including allowing telehealth prescribing and mail delivery to patients. It said opponents could go elsewhere with their arguments, like to the president or the FDA. Not a word was written about the Comstock Act, a 19th-century law that some abortion opponents think can be used to prevent mifepristone from being sent in the mail and was mentioned by two conservative justices during oral arguments. The court’s ability to reach a unanimous decision was also surely made easier by the aggressive lower-court rulings that embraced much of the abortion opponents’ lawsuits and strayed from how courts typically decide whether someone can sue. This term, the Supreme Court is weighing several appeals of novel rulings by the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Kavanaugh delivered a rebuke in the form of a brief but pointed civics lesson, saying a federal court is “not a legislative assembly, a town square, or a faculty lounge.” What happens next? The legal fight over mifepristone doesn’t seem to be over. Erin Hawley, the lead attorney for the abortion opponents, said she expects states who previously joined the lawsuit to continue the case. They could argue that while doctors may not have legal standing to challenge the drug, states do. The attorney general in one of those states, Kris Kobach of Kansas, sounded a similar note, saying it is “essential” the case continues. One potential problem for the states is that the justices refused to let them intervene in the Supreme Court case. Abortion rights advocates have also said they expect the push to restrict mifepristone to continue. What does this mean politically? Thursday’s ruling sidesteps immediate seismic political effects, but the issue will still be center stage this election year. Democrats said the Supreme Court made the right call on abortion medication, but warned that the ruling wouldn’t end GOP threats to abortion rights. Vice President Kamala Harris said former President Donald Trump’s allies would still try to halt access to medication abortion and enact further restrictions, including a nationwide ban. Patient Kaniya Harris, 21, said she was deeply relieved the medication allowed her to self-manage her abortion in Bethesda, Maryland, during […]

The Hostages Thought The IDF Soldiers Came To Murder Them

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Disturbing details about the abuse of the three male hostages who were rescued last Shabbos were revealed in a report by the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday and in interviews that the parents of Andrey Kozlov held with many media outlets. The three men, Andrey Kozlov, 28, Almog Meir Jan, 21, and Shlomi Ziv, 41, were held together in a dark room for six months and spoke only with each other and the terrorists. They slept on thin mattresses on the floor. Andrey told his parents that for the first two months, their hands and feet were bound. Their hands were bound behind their back for the first few weeks, and afterward, their hands were bound in front of them. At times, to punish them, the terrorists would pile up blankets on top of them at the hottest part of the day and leave them like that for hours. Another punishment they received was being locked in the bathroom. At other times, they were forced to relieve themselves in a bucket and weren’t provided toilet paper. They also endured severe psychological abuse, with the terrorists repeatedly threatening to kill them and constantly telling them that no one wanted them and that Israel isn’t fighting for them. They told Andrey that his mother was on vacation in Greece and doesn’t care about him, and told Shlomi Ziv that his wife is dating someone else and his children weren’t doing anything to get him released. They even told them that the IDF wants to kill them in order to bring the war to an end. When the IDF soldiers came to rescue them, Andrey thought they were coming to murder them, not rescue them. He was also shocked when Prime Minister Netanyahu came to visit him in the hospital, not understanding why he would want to acknowledge him. Andrey’s father said that when he first came back, Andrey said that there were things he endured that he’ll never reveal. Dr. Itai Pessach, who treated the hostages at Sheba, told CNN on Monday that the hostages suffered “a harsh, harsh experience” and they were beaten and and abused almost daily. “Every hour, both physical, mental, and other types, and that is something that is beyond comprehension,” Pessach said. “We’ve heard stories that are beyond anything you can imagine.” He said that they also suffered from severe malnutrition. Although they did not appear emaciated, Pessach said that “they had no protein, so their muscles are extremely wasted, there is damage to some other systems because of that.” A nutritionist from Sheba said that the hostages are suffering from severe malnutrition and ate only a tenth of the calories they needed and no protein at all. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 MONTHS LATER: Body Found At The Gaza Border Area

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A dead body was discovered by a civilian on Thursday morning near the Gaza border during construction work in the Sha’ar HeNegev area. The body, which was found in an advanced stage of decomposition and is believed to have been there since October 7th, was transferred to the Kabir Institute of Forensic Medicine. There were fierce battles on October 7th in the area where the body was found. There is one Israeli who is still listed as missing and whose fate was never discovered. On the other hand, the body could be a Hamas terrorist who was killed during the battles. Later on Thursday, Hebrew media reports reported more information indicating that the body was that of a Hamas terrorist. A shirt was found on the body with writing in Arabic, along with boots, cartridges, two stun grenades, military pants, and a military vest. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Pro-Hamas Rioters Trap President In Cal State LA Building, Deface It With Anti-Israel Graffiti

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Pro-Hamas rioters occupied the Student Services Building on Wednesday night with the employees still inside, including President Berenecea Johnson Eanes. The rioters, many wearing masks, assembled barriers by overturning furniture, copy machines and golf carts in front of the building and surrounding plaza. Eight hours later, the president and several other employees were still trapped. They claimed that they were “sheltering in place” and denied being held hostage. The university initially refused to call the police, instead issuing a shelter-in-place warning for the employees inside the building and instructing employees outside the building to leave the campus. ”I can confirm that there are still a small number of administrators in the building,” a university spokesperson told ABC 7. ”We are working through options to bring this fluid situation to the best resolution possible.” Students for Justice in Palestine at CSULA was sharing photos from inside the building with anti-Israel graffiti on the walls. The account was later taken down. Later, the police were called and police helicopters were seen hovering over the building. By Thursday morning, the rioters had left the building. It is unknown whether they did so on their own accord. The building was heavily vandalized with smashed windows and graffiti inside and and overturned furniture, utility carts, and even a vending machine outside. The university announced on its website that all classes will be remote until further notice and asked students and employees to stay away from the campus. (YWN’s Jerusalem desk is keeping you updated on Isru Chag in Israel)

Antisemitic Vandals Mark Homes Of Brooklyn Museum Leaders With Hamas Symbols, Including Jewish Director

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Antisemitic vandals defaced the homes of the Jewish director of the Brooklyn Museum with red Hamas triangles early Wednesday morning. The red inverted Hamas triangles are used to indicate targets for death or destruction. The door of director Anne Pasternak’s home in Brooklyn Heights was targeted as well as the homes of other board members. The vandals also hung a sign saying “Anne Pasternak Brooklyn Museum White Supremacist Zionist” as well as a sign that said: “You have blood on your hands.” (YWN’s Jerusalem desk is keeping you updated on Isru Chag in Israel)

2 Injured As Hezbollah Pounds Israel, 15 Fires Rage, Tzfas Cancels School

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The Hezbollah terror group in southern Lebanon continued to bombard Israel with rockets and drones on Thursday [Isru Chag] following the barrage on Wednesday, which was the largest barrage since the war began. Non-stop sirens sounded throughout the day warning of rockets and drone infiltrations, with 100 rockets and drones launched by Hezbollah by early afternoon. Numerous rockets hit northern Israel, including several that hit the Katzrin area in Ramat HaGolan and sparked fires. Also, two men in their 20s were lightly injured by shrapnel. Numerous fires also broke out in other areas of northern Israel due to rocket hits and interceptor missiles and several buildings sustained direct hits. Tzfas was particularly targeted, with non-stop sirens sounding in the city. By early afternoon, the Tzfas municipality unannounced the cancellation of classes for the rest of the day and the closure of the city shuk. (YWN’s Jerusalem desk is keeping you updated on Isru Chag in Israel)

Hezbollah Fires 215 Rockets After IDF Kills Hezbollah Commander; Netanyahu Holds Security Assessment

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The Hezbollah terror group in southern Lebanon launched hundreds of rockets, anti-tank guided missiles, and suicide drones at northern Israel on Shavous (Wednesday) in the largest rocket barrage since the war began. Rockets were fired at Tiveria for the first time as well as at Haifa, Tzfas, Meron and nearby yishuvim. B’Chasdei Hashem, there were no injuries in the attacks. Most of the rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system but one anti-tank missile hit an armored vehicle factory in Kibbutz Sasa and several rockets sparked fires after they hit open areas. About 25 firefighter crews were required to fight the fires that broke out. The massive barrage was in response to the elimination of one of Hezbollah’s most senior commanders, Sami Taleb Abdullah, in an Israeli Air Force strike overnight Tuesday. He was the commander of the Nasr Unit in southern Lebanon and planned and carried out numerous terror attacks against Israelis over many years. On Motzei Yom Tov on Wednesday evening, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu held a security assessment on the escalated situation on the northern border with all top IDF, security, and emergency officials. The video below shows rockets near the Kinneret: The video below shows the interception of a drone in Kiryat Shmona: The video below shows the airstrike that eliminated Abdullah: (YWN’s Jerusalem desk is keeping you updated on Motzei Yom Tov in Israel)

FLATBUSH: Petira of Reb Bentzion Kornreich Z”L, Well-Known Gabbai At Landau’s Shul

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YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Reb Bentzion Kornreich Z”L, one of the well-known Gabboyim at “Landaus Shul” on Avenue L in Flatbush. The Niftar suffered a cardiac arrest a few weeks ago and was rushed by Hatzolah to the hospital, where he remained on life support until his Petira on Tuesday, Erev Shavuos. Due to the late hour, there will be no Levaya, and the Kevura will take place before Yom Tov at the Har Shalom Beis Hachaim in Airmont (Monsey). An article about the Niftar will I”H be published after Shavuos. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

Virginia School Board Sued over Reinstated Confederate School Names

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The Virginia NAACP and five students are suing a school board that voted last month to restore the names of two schools previously named for Confederate leaders, saying the decision creates a discriminatory educational environment for Black students.

The federal complaint filed Tuesday outlines a history of segregation and discrimination in Shenandoah County and says the school board’s recent decision denies Black students an equal opportunity to education by forcing them to attend a school named after Confederate leaders.

The Shenandoah County School Board voted 5-1 last month to restore the names of Stonewall Jackson High School and Ashby Lee Elementary School. A previous board agreed in 2020 to change the names to Mountain View High School and Honey Run Elementary School amid a reckoning on race in Virginia and across the country after the killing of George Floyd.

The schools are named for Confederate military leaders Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee and Turner Ashby.

Board member Thomas Streett, who voted to restore the Confederate names, said during the meeting that the 2020 decision was a “knee-jerk reaction” that showed a lack of “loyalty” to the community. A group called the Coalition for Better Schools had urged the board to bring back the earlier names, saying it was “essential to honor our community’s heritage.”

But on Tuesday, some community members criticized that choice.

“When students walk through the halls of renamed Stonewall Jackson High School and Ashby Lee Elementary School, they will do so with inescapable reminders of Confederate legacies that enslaved and discriminated against African-descended people. This community deserves better,” the Rev. Cozy Bailey, president of the NAACP Virginia State Conference, said in a statement about the lawsuit.

School board chair Dennis Barlow did not immediately respond to a request for comment Tuesday.

The vote last month was the Shenandoah board’s second attempt to restore the Confederate names. An earlier push failed in a 3-3 tie in 2022 after voters replaced half of the board with new candidates.

(c) Washington Post

FOR THE UMPTEENTH TIME: Hamas Rejects Israeli Proposal For Hostage And Ceasefire Deal

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Two Israeli officials have told Axios that Hamas has turned down an Israeli proposal for a hostage and ceasefire deal. The proposal was first outlined by President Biden in a speech two weeks ago, and since then, the White House has been working to build international pressure on Hamas to accept the deal. According to senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan, the organization has submitted an official response to the proposal, which includes several comments and concerns. However, the Israeli officials did not specify which aspects of the proposal Hamas rejected. In a joint statement, Qatar and Egypt confirmed receiving a response from Hamas and other Palestinian groups regarding the Israeli proposal. The two nations, along with the United States, will continue their mediation efforts to reach a mutually acceptable agreement. White House spokesman John Kirby confirmed that the US has also received Hamas’ response and is currently evaluating it. Secretary of State Tony Blinken is currently in the region, meeting with key leaders to push for a deal. He met with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in Cairo and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, reaffirming their commitment to the proposal. Blinken expressed confidence in the strong consensus among senior Israeli officials to move forward with the proposal. When asked if he received explicit assurance that the deal would be finalized if Hamas accepts the proposal, Blinken responded affirmatively. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

US Announces Additional $400 Million in Aid to Palestinians

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The US State Department has announced that America will provide an additional $404 million in “lifesaving humanitarian aid to support Palestinian civilians in Gaza, the West Bank, and the region, bringing the total U.S. assistance to more than $674 million over the past eight months.”

“As the largest single-country humanitarian donor to the Palestinian people, we recognize the urgent need for more assistance to reach civilians given the dire humanitarian conditions and call on all donors to support life-saving operations for Palestinians in Gaza and the region,” says the State Department announcement.

The announcement continued: “This new funding will provide essential support to vulnerable Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and the region, including food, safe drinking water, health care, protection, education, shelter, and psychosocial support. The United States remains committed to addressing the humanitarian needs of those affected by the crisis.”

“We urge other donors to contribute to the humanitarian response in Gaza and the region, increase support to those affected by the conflict, and work together to find lasting solutions to the crisis,” concluded the announcement.

STUNNING ANTISEMITISM: New York Filled With Unbridled And Menacing Hamas And Hitler Supporters

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New York City subway cars were filled with dangerous, hateful, and threatening antisemites on Monday before and following a protest outside the a memorial for the victims of the Nova music festival who were murdered in cold blood on October 7. Footage from the subways show shocking scenes, including one in which one antisemite announces, “Raise your hands if you’re a Zionist. This is your chance to get out.” Imagine changing the word “Zionist” to “Black” and see what reaction politicians would have. In another clip, filmed near the site of the Oct. 7 memorial, a protestor made clear what the “river to the sea” chanters mean. “I wish Hitler was still here. He would have wiped all of you out,” the man said. Ironically, the man himself would have been killed by Hitler too, given his “inferior” skin color, according to Nazi ideology, which he seems to support. Thus far, most prominent New York officials – most notably Governor Kathy Hochul – have not said a word regarding the sickening actions of the pro-Hamas protestors. New York City Mayor Eric Adams has thus far had the decency to call out the haters, and in a surprise, somehow Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called them out, too (must be election season!) (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Things to Know About Simchas Yom Tov

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By Rabbi Yair Hoffman SPECIAL LIGHT There is a fascinating Zohar Chadash (Shir HaShirim 1a) that tells us of a special holy light that encompasses every Jewish Neshama on each of the six Yomim Tovim (and most Poskim include Rosh HaShana as well). This light, however, is unable to shine forth and impact the soul unless it is accompanied with Simcha. In other words, the key to unlock the special light is through Simcha. TO WHOM The parameters of the obligation are explained by the Rambam (Hilchos Yom Tov 6:17,18) to forbid eulogies and fasting. He must also be happy and cheer-hearted – he, his wife, his children, his grandchildren, and all of his household. THE THREE EXTRAS The Rambam (ibid 6:18) explains that part of this Mitzvah of Simcha is to feed the convert, the orphan, and the widow. The Ksav Sofer (Responsum OC #78) explains that this obligation stems from the Simcha obligation of Yom Tov and not the Mitzvah of Tzedakah. MEAT Originally, of course, the Mitzvah of Simcha was tied to the consumption of the Korban Shlamim. Which are tied to the consumption of actual meat of a B’heima.  The Mishna Brurah (529:11) writes that if a person cannot afford meat for Yom Tov then he may use fowl or chicken and this is sufficient.  The Mishna Brurah proves this from a Rambam in Hilchos Shabbos (30:10) and extends it to Yom Tov. The method of Simcha is each according to their individualized needs. How so? Children should be given nuts and nice foods, one should purchase for the women clothing and jewelry, according to what he can afford. The Biur Halacha suggests shoes (529:2 k’fi mamono.) Meats and wine should also be consumed for there is no joy without meat and wine.  The Rambam is of the opinion that this obligation stands today as well, even though there is no Korban Shlamim after the loss of the Beis HaMikdash.  The Shaages Aryeh (Siman 65), on the other hand, that in our days the obligation of Simcha is not specifically with meat but one can fulfill the obligation even with other things that bring joy. The Chazon Ish (OC 124 p.71a) is unsure whether the meat obligation of the Korban Shlamim is for once a day or it also includes the evening. The same question would apply for wine and regular meat as well. WINE According to the Rambam there is an obligation to drink wine specifically. According to the Shaages Aryeh one can fulfill the drink obligation with grape juice or with other drinks that he is not accustomed to drink throughout the year.  The Shvus Yitzchok (10:2), however, cites Rav Elyashiv zt”l that one cannot fulfill the simcha obligation of wine through other hard alcohols, but it does fulfill the notion of Simcha with other foods. THE AMOUNT How much wine must he drink? Rav Elyashiv zt”l held that it should be a full revi’is.  Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l and Rav Vosner zt”l held that one also fulfills it with less than a reviis.  Clearly, however, if wine bother the person there is no Mitzvah of Simcha in drinking it. Rav Elyashiv zt”l explained that the Mitzvah of Simcha on Pesach night is just on drinking the wine, but not on each individual cup […]

Israeli Forces Conclude 18-Hour Counter-terror Op in Jordan Valley

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Israeli security forces on Monday completed an 18-hour counterterror raid in the al-Fari’ah camp in the foothills of the Jordan Valley, arresting eight suspects and killing another, the Israel Defense Forces announced.

The operation in al-Fari’ah, located east of Shechem, included troops of the IDF’s Duchifat and Lions of the Jordan Valley Battalions and the elite unit Duvdevan, as well as Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) officers. No Israeli casualties were reported in the operation.

As part of the raid, the forces discovered and destroyed an explosives laboratory where more than 80 bombs were found, according to the IDF.

One Palestinian gunman was confirmed killed in an exchange of fire with Israeli troops, while several other terrorists were “hit,” the army said. In addition, the Combat Intelligence Collection Corps’ Unit 636 launched a drone strike on two armed terrorists about to attack.

Forces also confiscated terrorists’ weaponry that was discovered inside a suspicious vehicle that approached during the operation in the area. All eight detained suspects and their weapons were transferred to the security forces for interrogation, stated the military.

Yehuda and Shomron saw a dramatic rise in Palestinian terrorist attacks in 2023 compared to the previous year, with shootings reaching their highest level since the Second Intifada of 2000-05, IDF data show.

Since Hamas launched its war against the Jewish state on Oct. 7, Israeli forces have arrested more than 4,150 wanted Palestinians throughout Yehuda and Shomron, 1,750 of whom are affiliated with the terror group.

On Monday, IDF soldiers and Israel Border Police officers operated in Kafr Ni’ma near Ramallah to capture a Hamas cell responsible for an attempted attack at the Sde Ephraim Farm near Neria on Sunday.

Overnight Sunday, two terrorists entered the farm with drawn guns and proceeded to burn down a caravan.

Undercover Border Police officers and IDF troops on Monday night located a hideout in Kafr Ni’ma where the terror cell was gathered, causing four suspects to attempt to escape in a vehicle, police said.

The suspects then tried to ram into the officers, who responded by opening fire at the car, killing the four terrorists. Inside the vehicle, security forces found a sub-machine gun, military fatigues and IEDs.

Hamas said in a statement that four Palestinians were killed in the clash, including “military” commander Mohammed Jaber Abdo, who served 20 years in Israeli prisons on security offenses.



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