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Biden Secretly Orders US to Prepare for Nuclear Threats from China, Russia and North Korea

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President Biden has authorized a top-secret directive that redirects America’s nuclear strategy, now focusing on China as a significant nuclear threat. This plan also involves preparing for the potential alliance between China, North Korea, and Russia against the United States, as revealed in a recent report.

The decision was made by Biden in March, following the Pentagon’s assessment that China’s nuclear capabilities are rapidly advancing and may soon be comparable to those of the US and Russia, according to a report by the New York Times on Tuesday.

This updated strategy, referred to as the “Nuclear Employment Guidance,” also includes provisions for the US to prepare for a potential coordinated threat involving China, Russia, and North Korea, as detailed by the newspaper.

In a series of recent speeches, two high-ranking administration officials have alluded to the increasing nuclear threat posed by China.

“The President recently issued updated nuclear weapons employment guidance to account for multiple nuclear-armed adversaries, and, in particular, the significant increase in the size and diversity of [China’s] nuclear arsenal,” stated Vipin Narang earlier this month while still serving as the acting assistant secretary of defense for space policy.


CHAYOS: Protesters Confront Police Outside Israeli Consulate And Set US Flag On Fire On 2nd Night Of DNC

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Police handcuffed at least four people and led them away from a pro-Palestinian demonstration after protesters charged a line of officers on the second night of the Democratic National Convention. A small crowd of a few dozen protesters chanted “Let them go!” outside a Chicago skyscraper that houses the Israeli consulate while police penned demonstrators in on the street, preventing them from marching. Officers with wood clubs pushed protesters back, shouting “move.” Some demonstrators set an American flag on fire in the street as the celebratory roll call for Vice President Kamala Harris took place 2 miles away. Others carried Palestinian flags, while many others wore black and covered their faces. A man in Chicago Bulls hat, his face covered by a balaclava, called on protesters to “shut down the DNC.” The group, which is not the same coalition of over 200 groups that organized Monday’s protests, advertised the demonstration Tuesday under the slogan of “Make it great like ’68,” invoking the anti-Vietnam War protests that seized the city during the 1968 Democratic National Convention. Dozens of Chicago police officers were posted outside the building, where law enforcement had closed down most of the entrances to the building on Tuesday, allowing commuters to come in only one entrance where armed officers were also posted. Many of the building’s shops were closed. Martha Hill, a spokeswoman for the Metra commuter rail service, says train service is running as normal. Meanwhile, the sites of demonstrations from the previous night were largely quiet. Thirteen people were arrested during Monday’s protests, most them related to a “brief breach” of security fencing “within sight and sound of the United Center,” the city’s police superintendent said. In downtown Chicago, security was tighter than usual — including law enforcement officers with weapons slung across their bodies — outside the office building that houses the Israeli Consulate and a major city transportation hub. Metal barricades were set up, and an officer said they were preparing for a 7 p.m. demonstration. The consulate, located about 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) from the United Center, has been the site of numerous demonstrations since the war in Gaza began in October. It is in a building connected to the Ogilvie Transportation Center, a major commuter rail station. Israel supporters, including some relatives of people kidnapped by Hamas, gathered earlier in the day at a pro-Israel art installation not far from the consulate to call on U.S. leaders to continue backing Israel and pushing for the release of hostages. The art installation included giant milk cartons bearing photos of some of the hostages. Elan Carr, CEO of the Israeli-American Council, condemned the pro-Palestinian protesters who have descended on Chicago this week, calling them “fringe crazies” and demanding that U.S. leaders “stand unequivocally with the state of Israel.” More protests were planned throughout the week. However, attendance at the main rally on Monday was far below estimates of organizers who had predicted more than 20,000 would show up. Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling said Tuesday that the crowd was around 3,500 strong and that the vast majority of the protesters were peaceful. However, some clashed with police, used pepper spray against them and threw water bottles at officers during the clash in the park where there was a breach in security fencing, Snelling said. […]

N.J. Drivers Will Be Able To Write Off Their E-Zpass Tolls If Proposed Legislation Is Passed

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A group of New Jersey lawmakers is advocating for a tax break for drivers who have endured four consecutive toll increases on state highways. Their proposal aims to allow E-ZPass users to deduct toll payments from their state income tax. The specifics of the deductible amounts vary across the different legislative drafts. However, the idea of permitting toll deductions on state income taxes has struggled to gain momentum in New Jersey and other states in the past.

In fact, one of the only two states that previously allowed such deductions for E-ZPass users repealed the provision in 2021.

There are five different versions of the proposal, but all share a common stipulation: E-ZPass fees, fines, or tolls that qualify as business expenses and are either reimbursed by an employer or deducted from federal taxes cannot be deducted under this bill.

Should the legislature pass the bill and Governor Phil Murphy sign it into law, New Jersey would offer a tax benefit to its residents that is rare among states and not permitted by the IRS — allowing tolls paid during commutes to be deducted from state income taxes.

A bipartisan bill provides the most substantial tax relief for drivers. This proposal, introduced by state Senator Patrick Diegnan, a Democrat from Middlesex, and state Senator James Holzapfel, a Republican from Ocean, would allow drivers to deduct up to $1,000 from their state income taxes for travel on any toll road within the state or any bi-state bridge and tunnel authority connecting to New Jersey.

This bill was introduced in January and is currently awaiting a hearing by the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee.

Diegnan credited Holzapfel for the concept that led to the legislation. “It’s basically to give tax relief to folks who have to commute to live their lives,” Diegnan explained in an interview. “The idea at the time was (due to) the increase in the gas taxes, but it’s even more relevant with the increases in tolls.”

On March 26, Governor Phil Murphy signed into law legislation (A4011) renewing the state’s Transportation Trust Fund, which finances major highway, bridge, and transit construction projects within New Jersey. The renewal generates a total of $15.6 billion over five years to support these projects, funded by a 1.9-cent annual increase in the current 42.3-cent-per-gallon gas tax over five years.

Diegnan highlighted the high cost of commuting into New York City, where drivers face a $17 cash toll in addition to other expenses, as another justification for the bill.

A version of the bill introduced by state Assemblyman Gregory McGluckin, a Republican from Ocean, would limit the $1,000 annual tax deduction to users of the New Jersey Turnpike, Garden State Parkway, and Atlantic City Expressway if they spend more than $1,000 in tolls via E-ZPass.

In the bill statement, McGluckin pointed out that the Turnpike Authority contributes $455 million annually to NJ Transit’s operating budget, and noted that toll payers are “paying more than their fair share for transportation and economic development projects.”

Another bill would allow drivers to write off 50% of their E-ZPass tolls on the Turnpike and Parkway, excluding fines, fees, and tolls reimbursed by an employer or deducted from federal taxes as business expenses.

This proposal was introduced by Assemblyman Robert J. Karabinchak, a Democrat from Middlesex, with co-sponsorship from Assemblywomen Shama Haider and Ellen Park, and Assemblyman Clinton Calabrese, all Democrats from Bergen County.

A variation of that bill would have the state establish and fund a $250 million toll relief program, crediting 50% of tolls paid on the Turnpike, Parkway, and Atlantic City Expressway to a driver’s private E-ZPass account, with the credit valid for one year only.

Holzapfel sponsored the Senate version, while Assemblymen Paul Kanitra and McGluckin, both Republicans from Ocean County, sponsored the Assembly version.

“We wish tolls were fair and toll diversion was nonexistent but since that is not the case, we appreciate the attempts at compensation to make up for the disparity,” said Steve Carrellas, National Motorists Association state policy director.

The association’s preference, Carrellas noted, would be “more legislative constraints on the two NJ toll road authorities for toll rate setting.” He was referring to the 2020 policy change that introduced an annual 3% toll increase on the Parkway and Turnpike through a process called indexing, which lacks an end date.

“That is the most direct and efficient solution and would lead to much more transparency than exists today,” Carrellas added.

Currently, the federal Internal Revenue Service only allows toll deductions for business travel, meaning that commuting and other driving expenses cannot be written off.

However, the proposed bills face significant challenges. Similar bills have been introduced in past years but failed to progress beyond the legislative committees to which they were assigned.

“We’re not talking about a monumental amount,” Diegnan said. “I think the governor and senate president and speaker are concerned about giving tax relief to folks. I believe it has a good chance of passing.”

Lawmakers in other states, including Maine, New York, and Indiana, have also tried, without success, to pass their own versions of New Jersey’s toll deduction legislation.

Only two states have ever allowed drivers to deduct E-ZPass tolls. West Virginia previously offered a deduction of up to $1,200 for tolls paid via E-ZPass or two state-issued cards for non-commercial travel, but that law was repealed in 2021. Massachusetts remains the only state that still allows a deduction for tolls and transit fares exceeding $150 per person, with a maximum deduction of $750, a provision in place since 2006.


NYC Mayor Eric Adams Goes To DNC Without Speaking Spot In Snub: ‘This Is A Slap In The Face’

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Eric Adams is set to attend the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, but unlike other prominent figures, he won’t have the honor of addressing the gathering, a notable slight for the mayor of the country’s largest city, according to political insiders.

The cold reception Adams is expected to receive during his visit to the DNC on Wednesday and Thursday stems from his clashes with President Biden over the migrant crisis and the ongoing federal corruption investigation involving City Hall, sources suggest.

“This is a snub. This is a slap in the face,” remarked Hank Sheinkopf, a Democratic political consultant who was involved in Bill Clinton’s re-election campaign.

“This is punishment for Adams criticizing the administration on the migrant crisis. It’s not just bad for him. It’s bad planning by the party.”

A source close to Adams expressed surprise that New York City’s black mayor has been sidelined as the Democrats rally around Vice President Kamala Harris as their candidate.


Canadian Drugs and Halacha – Is it Legal?

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by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Sefas Tamim Foundation QUESTION:  I have some very expensive medications even after my health insurance kicks in.  My Brilinta costs $418.54 for 30 days worth of pills.  I can get my American doctor to call the prescription in to a Canadian pharmacy and the pharmacy can ask a Canadian doctor to look it over and they can ship it to the USA.  The price for buying Brilinta this way is only $122.89.  My Farxiga is $365 per month as a co-pay, but in Canada the whole bill is only $99.76. My Entresto copay in the United States is $639.45. In Canada, the entire cost of it is $139.94.   Is this enabling a lie, because I am sure that both AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP who manufactures the first two and Novartis who manufactures Entresto probably made Canada promise that they wouldn’t sell to Americans? ANSWER:  There are three issues here.  Firstly, is it a violation of American law? Our research shows that it is not.  Secondly, is it a violation of US Customs law? Our research shows that it depends on the class of drugs – these three drugs are legal to mail because they are not considered a narcotic.  The third issue is are you allowed to purchase something from a gentile who may be in violation of his initial agreement?  The answer to the third question is further broken up into two sections and is somewhat complex – the first part involves defining what is called a clear and defined mekach ta’us in the first sale.  If that would be the case, then it would be forbidden to do so because the Brilinta and the Farxiga would not belong to the pharmacy.  It would seem, however, that in this case – the first party would be fine with the sale because of two factors 1] They know about it anyway and 2] It would be too much of a pain in the neck to stop those sales.  The second part involves the issue of Lifnei Iver on lying. WHY NOT SUBSCRIBE? Each week the Sefas Tamim Foundation publishes a parsha sheet with four columns.  To subscribe please send an email to the author at yairhoffman2@gmail.com Although there is a prohibition of lifnei Iver regarding non-Jews as well, here there are two mitigating factors:  1] We are not sure if these companies made this arrangement with Canada in the first place, thus rendering it a safaik and thus permissible (see the author’s sefer, “Misguiding the Perplexed”) and also there is a three way debate as to how we understand this pasuk of MiDvar Sheker Tirchak. The Chofetz Chaim rules in his ahavas chessed that there is an out and out prohibition to lie. This is in accordance with the view of many Rishonim. Other Rishonim hold that the verse is merely good advice, but not halacha. A third opinion holds that it is applicable to judges adjudicating law. Generally speaking, the view of the Chofetz Chaim is normative halacha but for gentiles this may not be the case.  It would therefore be entirely permitted. There is also a Mitzvah in saving money, when you can.  Rabbi Yaakov ben Asher, author of the Tur, in the Choshen Mishpat section of Shulchan Aruch, chapter 35) discusses a person who […]

Man Punches Chareidi In Face During Protest Against Draft In Jerusalem

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Chareidi extremists held a protest next to the recruitment center in Jerusalem on Wednesday, the day 200 bnei yeshivos were scheduled to report to the center for their first summons. According to Army Radio, the IDF instructed soldiers not to report to work at the center on Wednesday. Instead, a large number of Border Police and Israel Police officers were stationed in the area. As the protesters streamed to the area, they began blocking the surrounding streets as well as the nearby light rail station on Rechov Yaffo, leading to skirmishes between the protestors and police. The police declared the protest illegal due to the disturbance of public order and began forcibly removing the protesters. Five protesters were arrested. Some of the passersby began arguing with the protesters and one man punched a protester in his face. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

NORTHERN ESCALATION: Hezbollah Pummels Civilian Area, 1 Injured, Homes Go Up In Flames

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Rocket alert sirens blared across the Golan on Wednesday morning as Hezbollah fired a barrage of about 50 rockets and drones at northern Israel. The yishuv of Katzrin absorbed most of the fire. Ynet reported that Hezbollah directly targeted the yishuv rather than military bases – considered a serious escalation as Hezbollah fired directly at civilian targets. The IDF’s defense systems intercepted some of the projectiles but others scored direct hits on the yishuv, moderately injuring one man and causing heavy property damage. Several fires broke out and firefighters are currently fighting the flames at several sites. The injured victim, a man in his 30s, was at home when the rocket hit and was injured by shrapnel and the impact of the blast. MDA paramedics administered emergency medical aid at the scene and evacuated him to Ziv Hospital in Tzfas. Two others were treated for shock. Ynet military correspondent Yossi Yehoshua wrote: “It was a targeted barrage of 40 rockets at Katzrin. The Iron Dome defense system successfully intercepted about 90% of the barrage. There is no airtight defense and there certainly won’t be during an all-out war. Therefore: 1. It’s required to heed the directives of the Home Front Command, they’re life-saving. 2. Defense is not enough. We must exact a price from Hezbollah and create deterrence. In the video below, Uri Kellner, head of the Golan Regional Council, says: “We were sure that there were people trapped in their homes. The State allows miracles to happen instead of taking the initiative and providing security. We cannot allow Hezbollah to win.”   (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Chabad Lubavitch Providing Food, Minyanim To Jewish Attendees At The DNC In Chicago [PHOTOS]

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With the Democratic National Convention ongoing in Chicago, Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois is rolling out the red carpet for Jewish visitors. The Chabad Jewish Center of South Loop, led by Rabbi Mordechai and Mushky Gershon, has set up a vibrant “Chabad Hub” near the McCormick Place Convention Center, offering a range of amenities and services. Daily minyanim, kosher breakfast and meal options, and a welcoming space for connection and community are just a few of the highlights. And, at Booth #213 within the Convention itself, Chabad is sharing Jewish resources, promoting the Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach, and encouraging acts of kindness through customized ARK charity boxes. “The ARK encourages daily acts of giving, turning each of us into giving people and changing the world,” said Rabbi Meir Moscowitz, Regional Director of Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois, which partnered in sponsoring the initiative. “As elected officials and guests from around the world gather in Chicago, we look forward to inspiring a heightened sense of moral and purposeful living.” Visit JewishattheDNC.com for more information on the Chabad Hub and services for Jewish DNC attendees. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

The Inside Story: How the IDF Found the Bodies of 6 Hostages Hidden in a Secret Hamas Tunnel

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In a swift and covert operation early Tuesday morning, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) successfully recovered the remains of six Israeli hostages from the southern Gaza Strip. These hostages had been abducted nearly ten months ago by Hamas terrorists, and their deaths had been feared for months.

This recent mission, which marks the fastest recovery operation to date during the ongoing conflict, reflects the IDF’s evolving capabilities in gathering and acting on intelligence, and efficiently maneuvering within Hamas’s intricate tunnel network.

The six Israelis whose bodies were retrieved have been identified as Alex Dancyg, 75; Yagev Buchshtav, 35; Chaim Peri, 79; Yoram Metzger, 80; Nadav Popplewell, 51; and Avraham Munder, 78. The IDF had previously confirmed the deaths of Dancyg, Buchshtav, Peri, Metzger, and Popplewell, while Munder was presumed alive, albeit with significant concerns for his health and safety.

Sources within the IDF highlighted that this rapid recovery underscores the military’s ability to regain control over areas from which it had previously retreated. The IDF had conducted extensive operations in Khan Younis for several months earlier in the year before withdrawing from the area.

The recovery was part of an ongoing, broader offensive by the IDF’s 98th Division in Khan Younis, which was intensified over the past week. The division swiftly shifted its focus to a different sector of the city, securing operational control over a neighborhood believed to house the hostages’ bodies.

While the IDF had gathered reasonably accurate intelligence regarding the tunnel where the hostages were being held, pinpointing the exact location required further investigation. Combat engineers were dispatched to explore four different sites within the neighborhood.

Within less than 24 hours, troops identified a 10-meter-deep shaft that led to an extensive tunnel system. According to IDF officials, one team observed telltale signs that indicated the likely location of the hostages’ remains.

The recovery of the bodies took place during the night between Monday and Tuesday, marking the most expedient operation of its kind since the conflict began. Previous efforts to recover hostages’ bodies have typically spanned several days.

Hamas had gone to great lengths to conceal the hostages’ remains, placing them in a hidden underground passage obscured behind a false wall within the tunnel system. During their search, IDF troops discovered a loose panel in the tunnel wall, which led them to the concealed passage where the bodies were located.

Combat engineers from the elite Yahalom unit, alongside Shin Bet security agency operatives, managed to breach reinforced doors and other obstacles within the tunnel. In addition to the bodies, they uncovered weapons, explosive devices, and other materials belonging to Hamas operatives.

The operation was executed following intense clashes in the vicinity, during which IDF forces conducted building searches, eliminating several gunmen and quickly establishing control over the area. Some of the terrorists who had been guarding the tunnel managed to escape, while others were killed in combat with IDF troops, according to military sources.

Several dead Hamas operatives, likely tasked with guarding the tunnel, were found within a few hundred meters of the shaft where the hostages’ bodies were hidden. Their weapons were also recovered, and their remains were transported to Israel along with the hostages’ bodies for identification.

All six hostages had initially been captured alive during the Hamas-led invasion of southern Israel on October 7, 2023, only to be killed over the course of the ensuing ten months of conflict.

Dancyg and Buchshtav were confirmed dead by the IDF in late July, while the deaths of Peri, Metzger, and Popplewell were confirmed in early June. The five were believed to have been killed in Khan Younis in early 2024, although the exact causes of their deaths remain undetermined.

Munder, who had not previously been confirmed dead, was listed among the presumed living hostages until the recovery of his body on Tuesday. The IDF will now investigate the circumstances of their deaths, including whether any of the six were killed by Israeli military actions during previous operations in Khan Younis.

Currently, it is believed that 105 of the 251 hostages abducted by Hamas on October 7 remain in Gaza. This figure includes the bodies of 34 hostages whose deaths have been confirmed by the IDF. Additionally, Hamas is still holding two Israeli civilians who entered Gaza in 2014 and 2015, as well as the remains of two IDF soldiers who were killed in 2014.

{Matzav.com Israel}

Delta Won’t Resume Israel Flights Until October At The Earliest

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Delta Airlines revealed on Tuesday that it has postponed the resumption of its flights to and from Israel until October, contrary to its previous plans to restart operations in early September.

This move by Delta means that El Al will remain the sole airline offering flights between Israel and the United States for an additional month.

The airline initially suspended its flights to Israel following threats from Iran to launch a major attack on Israel, a retaliation for the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran at the end of July.

In related developments, Delta had previously announced on August 5 that its flight suspension would extend through August.

Other airlines, including United Airlines, Lufthansa, Fly Dubai from the UAE, British Airways, Air India, and Wizz Air, have also halted their flights to Israel due to the current security concerns. Additionally, American Airlines has stated that it will not resume flights to and from Israel until Spring 2025.


HATERS: Masked Anti-Israel Protesters Crash Agudah Antisemitism Event At DNC

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Agudath Israel hosted an event on the sidelines of the DNC in Chicago bringing together elected officials and stakeholders from federal, state, and local government including, Senator Debby Stabenow (D- Michigan), NJ Governor Phil Murphy, NJ Congressman Josh Gottheimer, NY Congressman Pat Ryan, Illinois Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiss, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, and numerous state and local officials from across the country to highlight the alarming rise of antisemitism and the growing electoral strength of Orthodox Jewish community. Agudah Chairman Shloime Werdiger opened the jammed packed event with a straightforward explanation: “The Jewish people are living though very trying times. As the banners around the room sadly show, the rise of antisemitism is extremely alarming. The identifiable Orthodox Jewish communities we represent have been subjected to an unprecedented level of antisemitic incidents over the past few years. “You may have noticed that outside of this convention, not too far away from here, there are thousands of anti-Israel protesters. Perhaps they thought they could intimidate us so that we would not be here so that our voices would be silenced. And that’s exactly why we are here. We are the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, and we will never cower or be silenced. On the contrary, we intend to stand up for our rights and for our freedoms, and we need you to stand with us now against this hate and antisemitism.” Despite the event not being advertised and tightly controlled by invitation only, anti-Israel protestors nearly crashed the gathering before being repelled by the heavy security, ironically adding an exclamation point to the event meant to highlight antisemitism. The most emotional moment of the afternoon came from the parents of hostage Omer Neutra, who made an emotional bipartisan plea to bring their son, held hostage by Hamas for over 10 months, home. Tehillim was led by Mr. Neutra. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

SEE THE FOOTAGE: IDF Troops Have Killed Dozens Of Terrorist Gunmen In Gaza Over The Past Day

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Israeli troops have killed approximately 40 gunmen in the Gaza Strip over the past day, according to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). The clashes and airstrikes took place in various locations across southern and central Gaza. In the Tel Sultan neighborhood of Rafah, troops with the 162nd Division engaged in fierce battles with gunmen, resulting in the deaths of around 40 terrorists. In one incident, the military directed a drone strike on a building where a cell of RPG-wielding operatives was spotted, eliminating the threat. Further north, in Khan Younis, troops with the 98th Division killed several terror operatives and destroyed sites belonging to terror groups, including rocket launchers used in recent attacks. In the Netzarim Corridor, reservists with the 252nd Division directed airstrikes, killing several terror operatives. Additionally, reservists from the Jerusalem Brigade foiled an attempt by two gunmen to plant a bomb near troops in central Gaza, killing both operatives as they emerged from a tunnel. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

BECHASDEI HASHEM: Two Missing Bochurim Rescued After Overnight Search in Catskills

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Two bochurim, aged 19 and 21, were safely found this morning after going missing during a hike on Slide Mountain, the highest peak in the Catskills, located in Shandaken.

The pair had set out from their homes at around 3:00 PM yesterday to embark on the hike. However, after several hours passed without any communication, their concerned families contacted Chaveirim to initiate a search.

The young men managed to briefly obtain cell service at approximately 7:00 PM, during which they called their families to inform them of their location on a specific trail and that they planned to stay put. This call provided a crucial lead for the search teams.

A coordinated effort was quickly organized, involving several agencies, including the Catskills Hatzalah Search and Rescue team, Rockland Chaveirim, New York State Police, Matzil Search & Rescue, Shandaken Police, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Forest Rangers, and the New York State Police Drone Unit. These teams worked tirelessly throughout the night.

At around 9:00 AM this morning, after an extensive and intensive search, bechasdei Hashem, the two bochurim were located in good condition, bringing relief to their families and the broader frum community.

{Matzav.com / Photo: Rockland Daily}

FLASHING RED: House Intel Committee Chairman Says Iran Could Be Nuclear State By End Of The Year

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U.S. House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Mike Turner warned on Sunday that Iran may declare itself a nuclear weapons state by the end of this year, citing rapid advancements in the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program. Turner blamed the Biden administration’s policies for reversing gains made during former President Donald Trump’s tenure. Speaking on CBS’s Face the Nation, Turner noted the impact of Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign on Iran, which included economic and military measures. “Donald Trump… put the most pressure on Iran that they have had in any administration. Both economically, militarily, they were on the ropes,” he told host Margaret Brennan. “What we see now with this administration, they might declare themselves a nuclear weapons state by the end of this year.” “The flexibility and freedom that [Iran has] had under the Biden administration has given them the ability to… continue their nuclear weapons and nuclear enrichment programs,” he added. Recent reports from Iran International, a London-based opposition media outlet, indicate that Tehran is advancing its secret nuclear program. According to three independent sources, Iran is restructuring its Organization of Defensive Innovation and Research (SPND), resuming tests to produce nuclear bomb detonators, and retaining Mohammad Eslami as the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. In response to these developments, the Biden administration issued private warnings to Tehran in June regarding its nuclear research activities, according to Axios. Both U.S. and Israeli officials have detected suspicious activities by Iranian scientists, fueling fears that Iran may use the period around the U.S. presidential election to push closer to nuclear weaponization. American and Israeli officials met in Washington in mid-July to discuss coordinated efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. The White House confirmed that these discussions focused on measures to ensure Iran never achieves nuclear weapon status. The mounting tension has also triggered debates within Iran’s leadership, with some officials advocating for nuclear weapons as a deterrence strategy. Iranian lawmaker Mohammad-Reza Sabbaghian voiced his support for such a path during a parliamentary session, asking, “What logic or law dictates that arrogant powers should have nuclear weapons, but Iran should not?” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


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