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Kashrus Alert: Some Jelly Belly Products Will No Longer Be Kosher

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Jelly Belly has informed the Orthodox Union that, due to changes in one of their factories, Jelly Belly products produced in that location will soon no longer be kosher.

There is no change in the Jelly Belly formulation, but because of production changes, other non-kosher products will be produced on shared equipment.

As a result, all Jelly Belly products sold outside of North America will soon appear in packaging without an OU symbol. Some limited production Jelly Belly items (mostly seasonal items) in North America will also lose their OU symbol.

All bulk Jelly Belly jelly beans sold in North America will continue to be produced under OU’s supervision, and most retail-sized varieties that North American consumers see in stores will remain certified, as well.

Consumers are encouraged to check for the OU symbol on all Jelly Belly packaging before purchasing the products.


TEHILLIM: Massive Search Continues for Missing Boy in Arizona

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A massive search operation is continuing this morning in Flagstaff, Arizona, after eight-year-old Tzion Maron was reported missing in the the area. Tzion was last seen on Wednesday afternoon at the Lava River Cave, a popular site located north of Flagstaff, near the intersection of Forest Service Road 171 and Forest Service Road 245.


At approximately 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Tzion was at the Lava River Cave with his family when he walked in an unknown direction from the entrance of the cave.

He was last seen wearing a gray shirt with blue stripes, navy blue pants, and tennis shoes.

Tzion is described as being 4’2” tall, weighing 50 pounds, with brown eyes and brown hair.

As soon as it was realized that Tzion was missing, local askanim and various chesed organizations swiftly mobilized, launching an extensive search effort. Volunteers from nearby communities and well beyond, as well as trained search and rescue teams, have joined forces, scouring the vast and rugged terrain in hopes of locating the missing child.

The search, which began Wednesday afternoon, continued into this morning, with increasing urgency as time passes. Authorities and volunteers are doing everything in their power to bring Tzion safely back to his family.

All are urged to daven for the safe return of Tzion ben Chayah Rivkah.


EPIC SCANDAL: Biden-Harris Admin Loses Track of 320,000 Migrant Children — With Untold Numbers at Risk of Trafficking and Forced Labor

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The Biden-Harris administration has reportedly lost track of more than 320,000 migrant children who entered the United States without their parents, according to a startling new report.

An unknown number of these children, who were released to “qualified sponsors” within the U.S., now face the danger of being subjected to trafficking, forced labor, and other forms of exploitation, according to a Homeland Security Inspector General’s report released on Monday.

As of May 2024, approximately 291,000 migrant children who arrived in the U.S. unaccompanied have been released without being assigned a date to appear in immigration court, leaving their whereabouts untraceable.

In addition to these, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials released 32,000 more children into the U.S. who were assigned court dates but failed to appear, according to the 14-page report that covers the period from October 2018 to September 2023.

A federal whistleblower has expressed concern that many of these vulnerable children may already have fallen into the hands of criminals and traffickers.

Tara Rodas, who was hired as a federal government employee in 2021 to assist the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with the influx of migrant children, believed she was undertaking a noble task. However, she told The NY Post that she was horrified to discover that she was, in reality, handing these children over to “traffickers, members of transnational criminal organizations, bad actors, bad, bad, bad people.”

When children cross the border illegally and are apprehended by border agents, they are handed over to HHS, which is responsible for connecting them with a sponsor in the U.S.

The sponsor does not need to be a relative, and during the vetting process, they are not required to meet with HHS officials in person. The vetting is typically conducted over the phone, Rodas explained.

“At the very beginning of the Biden administration, they stripped all the vetting out of the process,” Rodas said.

Rodas informed a House panel last month of a case she encountered involving a 16-year-old migrant girl whose sponsor claimed to be her older brother.

“He was touching her inappropriately. It was clear her sponsor was not her brother,” Rodas said, adding that the girl “looked drugged” and as though “she was for sale” based on her sponsor’s social media posts.

In some instances, non-family sponsors have been found to be hosting multiple children released by HHS, which Rodas identified as a “red flag.”

In 2023, hundreds of such cases were reported, with NBC News revealing that 344 unaccompanied migrant children released by the Biden administration were living with non-family sponsors who were housing at least three migrant children.

Dr. Jason Piccolo, a retired federal agent who exposed the government’s practice of releasing unaccompanied children to potential criminals in 2015, described the latest findings about the missing children as “deeply concerning.”

Media reports have indicated that some of these children, released by the federal government into the U.S., are working in exploitative conditions in slaughterhouses and factories.

“There needs to be an immediate standard operating procedure put in place to track the status and whereabouts of every single unaccompanied migrant child across all involved agencies,” Piccolo urged.

“One child lost to trafficking is one too many. This systemic failure demands immediate attention and reform to ensure the safety of all children in our care,” Piccolo added.

Rodas also highlighted that the children themselves are not adequately “vetted,” and she has witnessed cases where adults falsely claimed to be minors to navigate the process.

Within a span of less than six months, Rodas observed numerous such cases.

“It’s fraud on the part of the adult who’s pretending to be the unaccompanied child, but it’s also fraud on the part of the sponsor attempting to sponsor them. This is very serious.”

According to the government watchdog report, only one out of eight audited ICE offices made any effort to locate the missing migrant children.

“Nobody at DHS is actually looking,” Rodas said.

There have also been tragic instances of migrant crime in the U.S. linked to unaccompanied migrant children released to sponsors by the federal government.

One such case involved an MS-13 gang member who allegedly brutally raped and murdered Kayla Hamilton, a young autistic woman in Maryland in July 2022.

Her mother, Tammy Nobles, has accused HHS of “operational neglect” that “further sealed my daughter’s fate.”

At the border, federal authorities failed to check the alleged killer for gang tattoos and did not contact officials in his home country of El Salvador, Nobles testified before Congress in January.

“Had they done so, El Salvador government officials would have confirmed that the assailant was a known MS-13 gang member with a prior criminal history,” she testified.

HHS employees later “neglected and recklessly failed to verify a legitimate family member of the assailant or sponsor before allowing him to enter U.S. soil,” Nobles said, adding that HHS “allowed the MS-13 gang member, as a minor, to rent a room in a trailer park from another individual who was also an illegal immigrant.”


Arrests In Fatal Texas Smuggling Attempt Climb 2 Years After 53 Migrants Died In Tractor Trailer

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Arrests following the 2022 deaths of 53 migrants in Texas who were left in a sweltering tractor-trailer have climbed to more than a dozen, and now stretch to Central America, following years of investigations into the deadliest smuggling attempt from the U.S.-Mexico border. Guatemalan officials announced the arrests of seven people accused of helping smuggle the migrants. They included the alleged ringleader of a smuggling operation whose extradition has been requested by the United States, Interior Minister Francisco Jiménez told The Associated Press. The Justice Department was scheduled to hold a news conference Thursday in San Antonio to discuss a “significant” arrest in the case but did not provide details. Jiménez said the arrests were made possible after 13 raids in three of the country’s departments. Police also seized vehicles and cash and rescued other migrants during the operations, Guatemalan officials said in a statement. “This is a collaborative effort between the Guatemalan police and Homeland Security, in addition to other national agencies, to dismantle the structures of human trafficking, one of the strategic objectives of the government President Bernardo Arévalo in order to take on the phenomenon of irregular migration,” Jiménez said. Six people were charged previously. They include Homero Zamorano Jr., who authorities say drove the truck, and Christian Martinez, who were arrested shortly after the migrants were found. Both are from Texas. Martinez has since pleaded guilty to smuggling-related charges, while Zamorano pleaded not guilty and is awaiting trial. Four Mexican nationals were also arrested in 2023. Authorities say the men were aware that the trailer’s air-conditioning unit was malfunctioning and would not blow cool air to the migrants trapped inside during the sweltering, three-hour ride from the border city of Laredo to San Antonio. When the trailer was opened in San Antonio, 48 migrants were already dead. Another 16 were taken to hospitals, where five more died. The dead included 27 people from Mexico, 14 from Honduras, seven from Guatemala and two from El Salvador. Authorities allege that the men worked with human smuggling operations in Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico, and shared routes, guides, stash houses, trucks and trailers, some of which were stored at a private parking lot in San Antonio. Migrants paid the organization up to $15,000 each to be taken across the border. The fee would cover up to three attempts to get into the country. The arrests in Guatemala include Rigoberto Román Mirnado Orozco, the alleged ringleader, who was arrested in the department of San Marcos, on the border with Mexico. The other arrests occurred in Huehuetenango and Jalapa departments. Several of those arrested are related and carry the Orozco surname, officials said. Guatemalan officials accuse the group of housing and transferring hundreds of migrants to the United States over several years. (AP)

FBI Investigating Possible Maggot Attack at DNC Breakfast in Chicago (Video)

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Federal law enforcement have launched an investigation into an incident where maggots were reportedly placed at a hotel breakfast for delegates at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, according to local media.

A Fairmont Chicago spokesperson confirmed that “a group of individuals caused a disruption at a DNC-related breakfast event” on Wednesday morning. Both the FBI and Chicago Police are looking into the incident, according to WGN-TV. Law enforcement sources told the station that it appeared as though the maggots had been smuggled in by activists looking to send a message.

The DNC’s information center said in a statement that multiple “unknown female offenders” had slipped into the Fairmont “and began placing unknown objects onto tables containing food.” The suspects then left the scene. “One victim was treated and released on-scene,” the center said, without clarifying whether the victim had consumed any maggots. The Fairmont is hosting delegates from Indiana, Minnesota, Ohio, Missouri and South Dakota, according to WGN-TV. Read more at WGN-TV.

Watch: Inside the Agudah: Rabbi Yeruchim Silber

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In this episode of “Inside the Agudah,” Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Director of New York Government Relations at Agudath Israel of America, sits with Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger, Director of Torah Initiatives at Agudath Israel of America, to discuss his work on behalf of the frum community. Prior to joining Agudath Israel, Rabbi Silber served in various roles, including as Executive Director of the Boro Park Jewish Community Council (BPJCC), Vice President of Community Affairs for Metropolitan Jewish Health System, and on the staff of then Councilmember Bill de Blasio as a Community Liaison. Watch and learn more about what Rabbi Silber and the Agudah do each day.


COWARD: Sinwar Adds Demand For Ceasefire Deal: “Don’t Kill Me”

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Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, who is hiding in tunnels surrounded by Israeli hostages, has added a new demand for a ceasefire deal: his own survival. The stipulation was communicated to US negotiators by an Egyptian official who said that Sinwar insists that Israel must commit not to assassinate him after the agreement. Sinwar, who has stated that the tens of thousands of Gazans killed in the war are “necessary sacrifices,” is apparently not willing to risk his own hide. He values his life more than those of his own children, saying that his slain sons would only “infuse life into the veins of this nation, prompting it to rise to its glory and honor,” according to leaked messages obtained by the Wall Street Journal in June. US officials believe that Sinwar favors a deal with Israel as he is stuck in tunnels with his stock of ammunition and supplies dwindling, according to Washington Post journalist David Ignatius. But Sinwar is also “playing a waiting game” – in the hope that Iran or Hezbollah will attack Israel. However, a deal seems elusive as Hamas refuses to tolerate any Israeli presence along the Philadephi Corridor. Israel cannot cede on this point as it must prevent Hamas from rearming itself and carrying out another October 7 style attack. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Poorly Trained Recruits Contribute To Loss Of Ukrainian Territory On Eastern Front, Commanders Say

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Some new Ukrainian soldiers refuse to fire at the enemy. Others, according to commanders and fellow fighters, struggle to assemble weapons or to coordinate basic combat movements. A few have even walked away from their posts, abandoning the battlefield altogether. While Ukraine presses on with its incursion into Russia’s Kursk region, its troops are still losing precious ground along the country’s eastern front — a grim erosion that military commanders blame in part on poorly trained recruits drawn from a recent mobilization drive, as well as Russia’s clear superiority in ammunition and air power. “Some people don’t want to shoot. They see the enemy in the firing position in trenches but don’t open fire. … That is why our men are dying,” said a frustrated battalion commander in Ukraine’s 47th Brigade. “When they don’t use the weapon, they are ineffective.” The accounts come from commanders and soldiers who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity in order to speak freely about sensitive military matters. Others spoke on the condition that they be identified only by their call signs in keeping with Ukrainian military protocol. Commanders say the recruits have contributed to a string of territorial losses that enabled Russia’s army to advance, including near the city of Pokrovsk, a critical logistics hub. If it falls, the defeat would imperil Ukraine’s defenses and bring Russia closer to its stated aim of capturing the Donetsk region. Russian soldiers are now just 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) away. Adding to Ukraine’s woes are Russia’s huge advantage in manpower and its willingness to accept staggering losses in return for capturing small objectives. The recently conscripted Ukrainians are a far cry from the battle-hardened fighters who flocked to join the war in the first year of the full-scale invasion. The new troops lack even a minimal level of training, commanders and soldiers from four brigades defending the Pokrovsk area said. They described having to plan operations with infantry who are unable to shoot targets and uninformed about basic topography. Some recruits simply lacked faith in the battle plans of their superiors and walked away from prepared positions. Frustrated with the quality of the new conscripts sent to the front line by territorial recruitment centers, commanders are now seeking to conduct their own mobilization drives to better screen and train new fighters, multiple commanders and soldiers said. “The main problem is the survival instinct of newcomers. Before, people could stand until the last moment to hold the position. Now, even when there is light shelling of firing positions, they are retreating,” said a soldier with the 110th Brigade. Not everyone is turning around and running away from battle, he added. “No, there are motivated people, but they are just very, very few,” he said. “The position is held as far as there are these people who are motivated and committed.” Following the implementation of a controversial mobilization law in May that established clearer regulations for territorial recruitment centers, Ukraine is reportedly drafting tens of thousands of fighters per month. Demand is highest in the infantry. But there are logistical hurdles to train, equip and pay so many incoming people, and commanders constantly demand new soldiers. To ease that pressure, military leaders have had to take units from brigades in one region and transfer them to […]

US Military Deployments ‘Ongoing’ To Defend Israel, Biden Tells Netanyahu

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President Joe Biden discussed the “active and ongoing U.S. efforts to support Israel’s defense against all threats from Iran, including its proxy terrorist groups Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis,” with Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, per a White House readout of the Wednesday call.

That support includes “ongoing defensive U.S. military deployments,” the White House said.

It added that Biden “stressed the urgency of bringing the ceasefire and hostage release deal to closure and discussed upcoming talks in Cairo to remove any remaining obstacles.”

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for president, was also on the call, per a pool report.

The Israeli Prime Minister’s Office had not yet read out the call in English at press time.

“All the international pressure appears to be on Israel and I don’t see any public pressure on Hamas aside from Israel’s military campaign,” wrote Jason Brodsky, policy director at United Against Nuclear Iran, about an earlier report of the call. “Hamas keeps refusing proposals and is betting Biden will go back to Netanyahu and ask him to be more flexible.” JNS


100+ Jewish Institutions Across Canada Receive Bomb Threats in Coordinated Email Attack

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More than 100 Jewish institutions across Canada were targeted with bomb threats in a series of emails early Wednesday morning, prompting police investigations. Community groups reported that the threatening emails claimed bombs had been planted at various Jewish premises and would be detonated later in the day. By Wednesday afternoon, no bombs had been found, though investigations remained ongoing. “This was a threat that we took very seriously,” a spokesperson for B’nai Brith Canada told CP24. “We’re very grateful for the swift response from law enforcement.” Eta Yudin, Quebec vice-president of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), reassured the public that the threats appeared to be “nuisance emails designed to disrupt lives” and posed “no imminent threat.” Montreal police responded to an emergency call from a shul at 7:10 a.m. and conducted sweeps of several threatened locations. Similar actions were taken by police in Toronto and Ottawa. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) confirmed it was working with local authorities and engaging with community leaders to provide information and support. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau condemned the threats on social media, calling the incident “blatant antisemitism.” He assured Canadians that the RCMP was coordinating with local law enforcement to ensure the safety of Jewish communities across the country. “Jewish Canadians will not be intimidated,” he added. Despite the alarming nature of the threats, Rabbi Reuven Poupko of the Beth Israel Beth Aaron Congregation in Montreal said, “The purpose of that email is really an assault on the psyche of a community. But if that was the intent, it certainly failed. Every synagogue [in Montreal] was open.” This incident follows a disturbing rise in antisemitic attacks in Canada. Last month, Prime Minister Trudeau appointed Anthony Housefather as an adviser on combating antisemitism after violent incidents at shuls and Jewish schools in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver earlier this year. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

We Will Not Be Silenced: Agudath Israel Event at DNC Focuses on Rising Antisemitism

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On Tuesday, Pro-Hamas agitators attempted to disrupt an Agudath Israel event on the sidelines of the Democratic National Convention. The gathering was intended in part to bring awareness to growing antisemitism in the U.S., in particular aimed at Orthodox Jews. The irony of the fact that the mindless slogan-chanters chose to trail Orthodox Jews and try to disrupt a gathering about antisemitism cannot be understated. It demonstrates the societal evil better than any speech or chart. Those who wish to silence us will not succeed, as our Chairman of the Board Mr. Shlomo Werdiger said in his opening remarks, “They thought they could intimidate us so that we would not be here, so that our voices would be silenced. And that’s exactly why we are here. We are the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, and we will never cower or be silenced. On the contrary, we intend to stand up for our rights and for our freedoms, and we need you to stand with us now against this hate and antisemitism.” Agudath Israel engages with elected officials and candidates so that they can better understand our community and its priorities and acts as a liaison between our community and all levels of government. That is especially important now, with the explosion of antisemitism in America, much of it directed at those who are most visibly Jewish — the Orthodox. The Agudath Israel event was an opportunity for prominent elected officials and party leaders to address this issue by showing solidarity with the Orthodox community and detailing how they intend to combat antisemitism and protect Jewish citizens, including students, from the scourge of Jew-hatred. Orna and Ronen Neutra, whose son Omer is being held hostage in Gaza addressed those gathered. Orna delivered a moving address saying, “The issue of the hostages is in the heart and soul of the Jewish people… We must make sure that the hostages are not forgotten that their stories are being told,” followed by Ronen reciting Psalm 130. Chairman of the DNC Host Committee Michael Sacks spoke about the work Agudath Israel does on behalf of the community, stating, “Agudath clearly punches above its collective weight. Agudath organizes. Agudath turns out voters. Agudath plays nice in the sandbox with others, builds powerful coalitions. They are trusted advisors to many elected officials, helping them pass legislation, not seeking to take credit for the legislation. And when Agudath does that for the Orthodox community, they advance the ball for all Jews.” Speakers included New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser, New Jersey Congressman Josh Gottheimer, Illinois Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, Illinois State Senator Ram Villivalam, New Jersey Assemblyman Avi Schnall, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, and Mr. Gary Torgow, Detroit philanthropist. Over 150 individuals including dozens of elected officials from local state and federal government attended the event including NJ Senator designee George Helmy, NY Congressman Pat Ryan.

Trump Lashes Out At “Total Hater” NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Over “Nastiest” DNC Speech

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Former President Donald Trump took to his social media platform, Truth Social, on Wednesday morning to express outrage over New York Governor Kathy Hochul’s remarks at the Democratic National Convention (DNC). Trump labeled Hochul as the “nastiest” speaker at the event, singling out her criticism of him during her address on Monday evening. “Kathy Hochul, the very unpopular Governor of New York, was the nastiest speaker on Monday evening (at the Democrat National Convention) as it pertains to your favorite President, me,” Trump posted. He further complained about Hochul’s “total hatred” for him, writing that her statements “had no bounds.” Trump defended his record in New York, claiming, “I did a GREAT job in New York, employed thousands of people, built some of the most beautiful and successful buildings, and paid billions of dollars in taxes.” He also questioned the wisdom of Hochul’s criticism, noting that if he were to win the presidency again, it would be in New York’s interest to have a governor who cooperates with the President. “Adversarial relationships are not good in politics!” he added. The former president went on to denounce what he described as an “unfair” and “biased” judicial system in New York, which he claims is largely controlled by Hochul. He argued that the negative treatment he has received from judges in the state is a direct result of the governor’s animosity. “The whole system is RIGGED, and companies are leaving because of it!!!” Trump wrote. Governor Hochul’s speech was one of the more prominent addresses at the DNC, with The New York Times calling it one of the biggest moments of her political career. Described as a “political journeywoman” for her unconventional rise to power, Hochul used her platform to attack Trump directly, highlighting his numerous legal battles and calling him a “fraud.” “Trust me, America,” Hochul said during her speech. “If you think you’re tired of Donald Trump, talk to a New Yorker.” She went on to emphasize her Irish-Catholic upbringing in Buffalo, which instilled values of “grit,” “determination,” and “compassion,” contrasting those traits with Trump’s conduct. Hochul didn’t hold back in her critique of the former president, calling him a “fraud, a philanderer, and a felon,” before quipping, “It’s no wonder he had to flee to Mar-a-Lago. Sorry about that, Florida.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Some Jelly Belly Products To Lose OU Kosher Certification Due To Factory Changes

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Jelly Belly announced Wednesday that certain Jelly Belly products will no longer be kosher due to changes in one of the company’s factories. Although the formulation remains the same, shared equipment will be used to produce non-kosher products, rendering the Jelly Belly products non-kosher. As a result, Jelly Belly products sold outside of North America will no longer bear the Orthodox Union (OU) symbol on their packaging. Additionally, some limited-production seasonal items in North America will also lose their OU certification. However, bulk Jelly Belly jelly beans sold in North America will continue to be produced under OU supervision, and most retail-sized varieties will remain certified. Consumers are advised to check for the OU symbol on Jelly Belly packaging before purchasing to ensure the product meets their kosher dietary requirements. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

We Will Not Be Silenced: Agudath Israel Event at DNC Focuses on Rising Antisemitism (Photos)

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Yesterday, Pro-Hamas agitators attempted to disrupt an Agudath Israel event on the sidelines of the Democratic National Convention. The gathering was intended in part to bring awareness to growing antisemitism in the U.S., in particular aimed at Orthodox Jews.

The irony of the fact that the mindless slogan-chanters chose to trail Orthodox Jews and try to disrupt a gathering about antisemitism cannot be understated. It demonstrates the societal evil better than any speech or chart.

Those who wish to silence us will not succeed, as our Chairman of the Board Mr. Shlomo Werdiger said in his opening remarks, “They thought they could intimidate us so that we would not be here, so that our voices would be silenced. And that’s exactly why we are here. We are the children and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors, and we will never cower or be silenced. On the contrary, we intend to stand up for our rights and for our freedoms, and we need you to stand with us now against this hate and antisemitism.”

Agudath Israel engages with elected officials and candidates so that they can better understand our community and its priorities and acts as a liaison between our community and all levels of government. That is especially important now, with the explosion of antisemitism in America, much of it directed at those who are most visibly Jewish — the Orthodox.

The Agudath Israel event was an opportunity for prominent elected officials and party leaders to address this issue by showing solidarity with the Orthodox community and detailing how they intend to combat antisemitism and protect Jewish citizens, including students, from the scourge of Jew-hatred.

Orna and Ronen Neutra, whose son Omer is being held hostage in Gaza addressed those gathered. Orna delivered a moving address saying, “The issue of the hostages is in the heart and soul of the Jewish people… We must make sure that the hostages are not forgotten that their stories are being told,” followed by Ronen reciting Psalm 130.

Chairman of the DNC Host Committee Michael Sacks spoke about the work Agudath Israel does on behalf of the community, stating, “Agudath clearly punches above its collective weight. Agudath organizes. Agudath turns out voters. Agudath plays nice in the sandbox with others, builds powerful coalitions. They are trusted advisors to many elected officials, helping them pass legislation, not seeking to take credit for the legislation. And when Agudath does that for the Orthodox community, they advance the ball for all Jews.”

Speakers included New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser, New Jersey Congressman Josh Gottheimer, Illinois Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, Illinois State Senator Ram Villivalam, New Jersey Assemblyman Avi Schnall, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, and Mr. Gary Torgow, Detroit philanthropist.

Over 150 individuals including dozens of elected officials from local state and federal government attended the event including NJ Senator designee George Helmy, NY Congressman Pat Ryan.


Canada’s 2 Major Freight Railroads Come To A Full Stop Without New Labor Contracts

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Both of Canada’s major freight railroads have come to a full stop because of a contract dispute with their workers, and businesses fear widespread harm if the trains don’t resume running quickly. Canadian National and CPKC railroads both locked out their employees after the deadline of 12:01 a.m. Eastern Thursday passed without new agreements with the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference that represents some 10,000 engineers, conductors and dispatchers. More than 30,000 commuters in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal will be scrambling to find a new way into work because their trains won’t be able to operate over CPKC’s tracks while the railroad is shut down. Business groups had urged the government to intervene, but Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has declined to force both sides into arbitration yet. CN said it made one final offer that it was waiting on a response for. CPKC spokesperson Patrick Waldron said the union rejected its last offer that CEO Keith Creel made at the table in person. Both railroads have offered binding arbitration as a way to resolve the contract dispute. Many companies across all industries rely on railroads to deliver their raw materials and finished products, so without regular rail service they may have to cut back or even close. That’s why the U.S. government kept rail workers from going on strike two years ago and forced them to accept a contract despite their concerns about demanding schedules and the lack of paid sick time. All rail traffic in Canada and all shipments crossing the U.S. border have stopped, although CPKC and Canadian National’s trains will continue to operate in the U.S. and Mexico. Canada’s railroads have sometimes shut down briefly in the past during contract negotiations — most recently CPKC was offline for a couple days in March 2022 — but it is rare for both railroads to stop at the same time. The impact on businesses will be magnified now because both CN and CPKC have stopped. Both Canadian National and CPKC had been gradually shutting down since last week ahead of the contract deadline. Shipments of hazardous chemicals and perishable goods were the first to stop, so they wouldn’t be stranded somewhere on the tracks. As the Canadian contract talks were coming down to the wire, one of the biggest U.S. railroads CSX, broke with the U.S. freight rail industry’s longstanding practice of negotiating jointly for years with the unions. CSX reached a deal with several of its 13 unions that cover 25% of its workers ahead of the start of national bargaining later this year. The new five-year contracts will provide 17.5% raises, better benefits and vacation time if they are ratified. The unions that have signed deals with CSX include part of the SMART-TD union representing conductors in one region, the Transportation Communications Union, the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen and the Transport Workers Union. TCU President Artie Maratea said he’s proud that his union reached a deal “without years of unnecessary delay and stall tactics.” Trudeau has been reluctant to force arbitration because he doesn’t want to offend the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference and other unions, but he urged both sides to reach a deal Wednesday because of the tremendous economic damage that would follow a full shutdown. “It is in the best interest of both sides to continue […]

Let’s Get One Thing Straight… It Doesn’t Take Two to Save a Marriage

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“Telling your wife your needs and wants” is a complete waste of time for married men who want to get the passion and I’ll tell you why. So many marriage experts claim they have the secret to a happy marriage and that it all comes down to communication, boundaries and bringing in more money. They tell you to help out more at home, talk about the past, go together to a marriage professional but never stop to take inventory of whether ANY of these methods are actually WORKING in creating happiness and joy! I am not saying those strategies don’t work at all, but they are the long… slow… painful way of having a happy home. And for the few that make it with these strategies, they’ve done it while he doesn’t get what he needs, and she doesn’t get what she needs.  Meanwhile, we’re helping our clients connect with their wives on the highest level, living lives full of passion and excitement and it gets more and more joyful by the day where both husband and wife feel happiness and passion… … all without needing their wife to meet them halfway! To check out how they do this, click below to watch my free presentation where I share all the details … you’re going to thank me for it! 5 Steps Married Men Use to Get Rid of Friction and Create Passion and Intimacy… Without Needing Their Wife to Meet Them Halfway!

WATCH: USS Abraham Lincoln Equipped With Fighter Jets Arrives In Middle East

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The USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier arrived in the Middle East on Wednesday. “USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), equipped with F-35C and F/A-18 Block III fighters, entered the U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) area of responsibility,” a statement from the US Central Command said. “The USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), the flagship of Carrier Strike Group 3, is accompanied by Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 21 and Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 9.” Last week, as an Iranian attack on Israel seemed imminent, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin ordered the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group to speed its deployment to the area from its post in the Asian Pacific as well as the deployment of the USS Georgia guided missile submarine to the Middle East.  (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Iran May Postpone Attack On Israel But Is Urging Hezbollah To Strike

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Iranian officials are signaling this week that their promised retaliatory attack on Israel may not be imminent, The Washington Post reported. Following Israel’s elimination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, Iran vowed to punish Israel. However, on Wednesday, the Iranian mission to the United Nations stated that a response “must be carefully calibrated” to avoid a possible ceasefire in Gaza. “Perhaps when their eyes are fixed on the skies and their radar screens, they will be taken by surprise from the ground — or perhaps even by a combination of both,” the mission said in its statement. “The timing, conditions, and manner of Iran’s response will be meticulously orchestrated to ensure that it occurs at a moment of maximum surprise.” A day earlier, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps spokesperson said, “time is at our disposal. The waiting period for this response could be long.” The talk about a “possible ceasefire in Gaza” is a cover for Iran’s fear of sparking an all-out war with Israel, especially as it deals with growing domestic discontent amid a faltering economy. “Their dilemma is that they don’t know how to respond without starting a war,” said Gregory Brew, an Iran analyst at the Eurasia Group, adding that “doing something that everyone sees as symbolic doesn’t solve the problem of restoring deterrence with Israel.” According to another Washington Post report, one way Iran is trying to “punish” Israel without sparking an all-out war is its customary cowardly behavior of hiding behind in its proxies – in this case by pushing its proxy Hezbollah to attack. US officials believe that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has backtracked from his vow to fire at Tel Aviv, which would trigger a massive Israeli retaliation. However, he remains determined to avenge Israel’s elimination of Hezbollah command Fuad Shukr and as the report says, “he has many Israeli targets to choose from.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)


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