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More Than 2,300 Pounds Of Meth Found Hidden In Celery At Georgia Farmers Market

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Celery was used to conceal more than 2,300 pounds (1,043 kilograms) of methamphetamines that federal agents discovered in a truck at a farmers market outside Atlanta, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration said. In what the DEA called one of the largest seizures of its kind, agents confiscated the drugs being delivered to the Atlanta State Farmers Market in Forest Park, authorities said at a Monday news conference, WAGA-TV reported. The agency had learned about a semitrailer coming across the Mexican border and agents tracked the drugs to the farmers market, said DEA Special Agent in Charge Robert Murphy. The drugs were found inside the truck, he said. “This was contained in a cover load of celery,” Murphy said. “It was hiding in the celery. Obviously, we threw away the celery. That didn’t make it to the store.” A Mexican citizen was arrested, the Atlanta TV station reported. Details about the suspect and charges were not immediately available Tuesday. Using produce to conceal drugs has become a frequent tactic of smugglers, authorities said. (AP)

This Is A Powerful Zechus To Have Children!

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Trying to find your Bashert?  Sponsor Torah study as a Segulah to get engaged! 💌💍 Yearning to have that family of your own? Sponsor Torah study in the Zechus of having a healthy baby👶🏻. ✨ When you’re on the hunt for that new job.. Sponsor Torah study as a Segulah for Parnassah! 💼💰 Dealing with challenging Medical situations? Sponsor Torah Study as A Zechus for a complete Refuah 🚑 No matter the occasion Better Than A Segulah will help you set up the Torah study that will be an advocate for you or your loved one in a time of need.  Reach out today 

DRONE FOOTAGE: IDF Destroys 50 Terror Tunnels On Egypt Gaza Border

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The IDF reports that combat engineers have destroyed more than 50 tunnels along the Egypt-Gaza border, known as the Philadelphi Route, over the past week. While the military did not specify how many tunnels extended into Egypt, these tunnels are believed to be used by Hamas for smuggling weapons into Gaza.

DESPERATE: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Tried To Meet With Kamala Harris To Discuss Cabinet Job

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Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sought a meeting last week with Democratic nominee Kamala Harris to discuss the possibility of serving in her administration, perhaps as a Cabinet secretary, if he throws his support behind her campaign and she wins, according to Kennedy campaign officials.

Harris and her advisers have not responded with an offer to meet or shown interest in the proposal, say people familiar with the conversations.

The Kennedy outreach, made through intermediaries, follows a meeting in Milwaukee last month between Kennedy and Republican nominee Donald Trump to discuss a similar policy role and endorsement that resulted in no agreement. In those discussions, Kennedy spoke about advising Trump in a second term on health and medical issues.

The independent candidate and namesake of the most famous American political dynasty is exploring multiple options for the future of his presidential effort, which has seen a decline in national polling since President Joe Biden dropped out of the race. His campaign has produced polling, which it has tried to share with Democrats, that it claims shows both Harris and Trump would get a boost in their public support across 31 states if either candidate announced publicly that Kennedy would have a Cabinet role in their administration.

At the moment, Kennedy says he is continuing to campaign with the expectation that he will defeat both Trump and Harris, making regular interview appearances, releasing an “America Strong” plan for bipartisan governance and planning upcoming rallies in states like Arizona and Nebraska. But he has also left open the possibility of bowing out of the race if he finds another way to bring about the change he seeks in the country, his advisers say.

“From the beginning of this campaign, we were saying people should be talking to each other,” Kennedy said Wednesday in an interview. “That is the only way of unifying the country.”

Kennedy said he hopes Harris reconsiders his offer of a meeting. “I think it is a strategic mistake for them. That’s my perspective,” Kennedy said. “I think they ought to be looking at every opportunity. I think it is going to be a very close race.”

The latest round of outreach follows earlier efforts to convince Democrats that Kennedy would make a better candidate on their ticket than Biden. Even after Kennedy left the Democratic nomination fight to pursue an independent campaign for president last November, his advisers continued to press the case privately that he could replace Biden as the Democratic nominee.

Amaryllis Fox Kennedy, the campaign manager and daughter-in-law to the candidate, argued in an April email to Democrats, obtained by The Washington Post, that Biden could not win the race. “As things are, Biden is going to lose. If Bobby were to drop out, Trump would win by an additional two states,” she wrote. “If Biden were to drop out, Trump would lose. Only Bobby can win this.”

She argued that Democrats had to make sure a president is elected who could handle the responsibility of managing the nuclear arsenal. “I don’t want a president obsessed with the size of his crowds to be given that sacred charge. My bomb is bigger than your bomb is no path to peace,” she wrote. “Nor do I want to entrust my children’s lives to the alertness of a president who, despite honorable service and due to the natural toll of age, I wouldn’t leave babysitting my two-year-old while I went to the movies.”

Democrats have for months attacked Kennedy because Timothy Mellon, a scion of a Pittsburgh banking family, is a top donor to both an independent group supporting Kennedy and a separate group supporting Trump.

“No one has any intention of negotiating with a MAGA-funded fringe candidate who has sought out a job with Donald Trump in exchange for an endorsement,” said Lis Smith, an adviser to the Democratic National Committee.

Kennedy’s campaign reached out earlier this summer to Democratic intermediaries, including Hollywood talent agent Ari Emanuel and director Rob Reiner, in the hopes of starting a dialogue with Democratic officials, according to people familiar with the effort who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations. No meetings resulted. Representatives for Emanuel and Reiner did not respond to requests for comment.

One day after Biden had a disastrous performance in a June debate with Trump, Kennedy campaign staff reached out to a relative of Airbnb founder Joe Gebbia in an effort to get a message to Ron Klain, a longtime Biden adviser who had recently been hired by Airbnb as chief legal adviser.

“The Dems should nominate Kennedy. He is the only candidate under consideration who can beat Trump,” the message read, according to a copy obtained by The Post. “Please give it some thought. Kennedy would win, the Dems would keep the White House, and Americans would avoid the Trump reprise that so many across this nation dread.”

Klain said in a text message Wednesday that he heard secondhand that the Kennedy campaign was trying to reach him, but that he did not respond to the request.

A person who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the interaction spotted Kennedy at a hotel this week in West Palm Beach, Fla., not far from Trump campaign headquarters and Trump’s Florida home. Kennedy, in the interview Wednesday, declined to comment on whether he was in West Palm Beach or whether he has continued conversations with the Trump campaign.

Trump campaign advisers, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations, said they are still in touch with Kennedy and his senior team, and some of the advisers are expecting Kennedy to drop out and endorse Trump. In his pitch to Trump in Milwaukee, he also discussed a Cabinet-level job.

Since Biden exited the race in July, Kennedy’s standing in national polls appears to have declined, suggesting that Harris has been able to attract some of his previous supporters. A Post average of national polls in July when Biden was still in the race showed Kennedy polling at about 9 percent. Since Biden dropped out of the race, the same average shows Kennedy polling at about 5 percent nationally.

Kennedy campaign officials believe that overall he is pulling support disproportionately from Trump at this point in the race, though there are state-by-state variations. Even if Kennedy did withdraw from the race and endorse one of the two candidates, his campaign believes there are states where he would not be able to remove his name from the ballot. Early voting in some states begins next month.

Kennedy said Wednesday that he had not had any contact with the Democratic Party since launching his campaign. The Democratic National Committee has launched an aggressive legal and political effort to diminish the appeal of Kennedy and other third-party contenders.

“The only contact I have with the DNC is them suing me through intermediaries,” Kennedy said.

(c) 2024, The Washington Post · Michael Scherer, Josh Dawsey 

CHUCKY: Announcement of Schumer Book ‘Warning’ About Jew-Hatred Draws Ridicule, Criticism

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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who frequently self-identifies as the highest-ranking elected Jewish official in U.S. history and claims that his family name refers to being the Jewish people’s “guardian,” is slated to publish a book titled Antisemitism in America: A Warning next February.

Grand Central Publishing, a Hachette Book Group division, lists Feb. 18 as the publication date for the 224-page book, which sells for $28 in hardcover. It calls the book “urgent and personal,” and states that Schumer “sheds light on the Jewish American experience and sounds the alarm about the troubling resurgence of antisemitism.”

The announcement drew ridicule from some of those who have criticized Schumer in the past.

“It’s been 105 days since the House passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act—and it has been languishing in the Senate ever since,” wrote the Republican Jewish Coalition. “Instead of writing a book, Sen. Schumer should bring the Antisemitism Awareness Act to the floor of the Senate for a vote immediately.”

Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) wrote that he has a “great suggestion” for Schumer’s preface. “Pass the Antisemitism Awareness Act immediately. It’s sitting on your desk and has over 75 Senators ready to vote for it,” Lawler wrote. “Once you pass it, then you can claim credit for tackling antisemitism in America.”

“Is this an autobiography?” wrote David Friedman, a former U.S. ambassador to Israel. (In the past, Friedman has written that Schumer lacks a conscience and is guilty of a “stunning betrayal of Israel.”)

“Did he have to add ‘a warning,’ because people would assume it was a how-to manual?” wrote Karol Markowicz, a prominent conservative writer and commentator.

“Hold my calls,” wrote Seth Mandel, senior Commentary editor and former magazine editor at Washington Examiner.

“If only he was in a position to actually do something/take real action to counter the historic rise of antisemitism that has occurred under his watch,” wrote David Milstein, who advised Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. JNS


DRAMATIC CHASE IN HAR NOF: This Is How A Serial Thief Was Caught In Action

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In recent weeks, the residents of the Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem have been suffering from a rash of bicycle robberies. On Wednesday at 12:25 p.m., the Mishmar Har Nof received an alert from security cameras that a wanted bike thief had entered the neighborhood. Mishmar Har Nof volunteers launched a dramatic chase through the streets of the neighborhood while blocking the escape routes until the thief was arrested by the police. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Ruling That Bounced Kennedy From New York Ballot Could Challenge Him In Other States

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent presidential campaign suffered a blow this week when a judge in New York invalidated his petition to put his name on the state ballot, a ruling that could potentially create problems for the candidate as he faces challenges elsewhere. Kennedy’s attorneys filed an appeal Wednesday to a ruling this week from Justice Christina Ryba, who said the residence listed on his nominating petitions was a “sham” address he used to maintain his voter registration and to further his political aspirations. The judge ruled in favor of the challengers, who argued Kennedy’s actual residence was the home in Los Angeles he shares with his wife, the “Curb Your Enthusiasm” actor Cheryl Hines. New York is just one of more than a half-dozen states where challenges have been made to Kennedy’s petitions from Democrats and their allies. Some of the challenges allege he falsely listed the same New York address that was the subject of litigation in that state, or that there were problems with petition signatures. In Pennsylvania, challengers contend that papers filed by Kennedy list an incorrect address in New York and that he and his running mate demonstrated “at best, a fundamental disregard” of state law and the process by which signatures are gathered. An attorney for Kennedy said the challenge contained specious allegations. A court will conduct an evidentiary hearing next Tuesday in Harrisburg. Kennedy’s campaign says it has collected enough signatures for ballot access in all 50 states and that it is officially on the ballot in 17 states. His candidacy has at various times drawn concerns from both Democrats and Republicans who think he could siphon votes from their candidates. National Democrats in particular have been active in trying to undercut his candidacy, while former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, has alternated between criticizing Kennedy as liberal and courting his endorsement or the backing of some of his supporters. Here’s a look at what is happening in New York, what it might mean and other ballot access challenges Kennedy faces. What happened in New York? What’s next? The ruling Monday followed a short trial in state court over whether Kennedy falsely listed a New York residence on his state nominating petitions. The candidate listed a residence in the well-off suburb of Katonah, where he said he rents a bedroom in a friend’s house. Kennedy testified that he moved to California a decade ago so he could be with his wife, and that he always planned to return to New York, where he is registered to vote. The lawsuit bought by several voters and backed by Democrat-aligned Clear Choice Action claimed Kennedy’s actual residence is in Los Angeles. Days after the non-jury trial ended, Ryba ruled that using “a friend’s address for political and voting purposes, while barely stepping foot on the premises, does not equate to residency under the Election Law.” In announcing the appeal Wednesday, the environmental lawyer and scion of a famous political family said the current Democratic Party was unrecognizable to him. “The party of my father and uncle’s time was committed to expanding voters’ rights and understood that competition at the ballot box is an essential part of American Democracy,” he said in a statement. Kennedy’s legal team also promised to seek injunctive relief in federal court in […]

Billboard In New York’s Times Square Seeks To Highlight Iranian Terror

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The Israeli Consulate in New York launched a campaign in Times Square this week against Iran and its Hezbollah proxy in Lebanon in Times Square amid ongoing threats by the Islamic Republic to attack the Jewish state.

“Iran and Hezbollah. Partners in terror. 150k rockets aimed at Israel, 40 years of global terror,” reads the billboard advertisement, which was launched on Wednesday and set to run throughout the weekend.

The calls on passersby to learn more about Iranian terror by scanning a QR code that leads to an Israeli Foreign Ministry website outlining the atrocities committed by Iran and its terror proxies since joining the war in support of Hamas one day after the Islamist group’s Oct. 7 massacre.

The cost of a billboard on Times Square ranges between $5,000 and $50,000 a day, depending on the complexity and location of the ad.

The campaign comes as intelligence reports indicate that Iran and Hezbollah are preparing to drag the Middle East into an all-out regional war by attacking the Jewish state “within days.”

Tehran and its proxies have vowed to avenge both the killing of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas’s “political” bureau, and of Fuad Shukr, a senior member of Hezbollah’s Jihad Council, whom Israeli defense officials have described as the terror organization’s No. 2 man. JNS

Palestinian On Terror Watchlist Caught At US Border

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A Palestinian migrant whose name is on the US terror watchlist for using explosives/firearms was caught at the southern border on Monday, the New York Post revealed on Thursday in an exclusive report. According to the report, Border Patrol agents caught Omar Shehada, 35, at the border in Santa Teresa, New Mexico. The incident comes only weeks after three other suspected Palestinian terrorists were caught at the California border. Following the Oct. 7 attack in Israel, the Border Patrol sent a memo to its agents warning about Palestinian terrorists trying to infiltrate the border. The memo stated: “Individuals inspired by, or reacting to the current Israel-Hamas conflict may attempt travel to or from the area of hostilities in the Middle East via circuitous transit across the Southwest border.” Since Biden-Harris entered office, the number of migrants on the terror watchlist caught at the border has increased dramatically. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

GOOD RIDDANCE: Minouche Shafik Resigns As Columbia President Citing ‘Period of Turmoil,’ ‘Toll On My Family’

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Citing a “period of turmoil where it has been difficult to overcome divergent views across our community” that has taken a “considerable toll on my family,” Minouche Shafik announced on Wednesday that she is stepping down, immediately, as president of Columbia University.

“I am making this announcement now so that new leadership can be in place before the new term begins,” she wrote. She added that at the request of the U.K. foreign secretary, he next job will be to chair “a review of the government’s approach to international development.”

Under Shafik’s leadership, Columbia’s campus became a place that Jewish faculty and students have said is rife with Jew-hatred and unsafe for Jews. In June, the Ivy League school in Manhattan settled a lawsuit with a Jewish student.

The House Education and the Workforce Committee has said that Columbia is refusing to turn over documents and is threatening to subpoena the school, and three Columbia deans recently resigned after exchanging text messages—which the university said “touched on ancient antisemitic tropes”—during an event about Jew-hatred on campus.

“During Shafik’s presidency, a disturbing wave of antisemitic harassment, discrimination and disorder engulfed Columbia university’s campus,” stated Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), chair of the House education committee. “Jewish students and faculty have been mocked, harassed and assaulted simply for their identity. Every student has the right to a safe learning environment. Period. Yet, flagrant violations of the law and the university rules went unpunished.”

“Columbia’s next leader must take bold action to address the pervasive antisemitism, support for terrorism and contempt for the university’s rules that have been allowed to flourish on its campus,” Foxx said.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) wrote that “as a result of president Shafik’s refusal to protect Jewish students and maintain order on campus, Columbia University became the epicenter for virulent antisemitism that has plagued many American university campuses since Hamas’s barbaric attack on Israel last fall.”

“I stood in President Shafik’s office in April and told her to resign, and while it is long overdue, we welcome today’s news,” Johnson said. “Jewish students at Columbia beginning this school year should breathe a sigh of relief.”

“We hope that President Shafik’s resignation serves as an example to university administrators across the country that tolerating or protecting antisemites is unacceptable and will have consequences,” he said.

“Three down, so many to go,” wrote Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), chair of the House Republican Conference and a member of the House education committee, referencing the resignations of the presidents of Harvard University and University of Pennsylvania.

“As I have said consistently since her catastrophic testimony at the Education and Workforce Committee hearing, Columbia University’s President Minouche Shafik’s failed presidency was untenable and that is was only a matter of time before her forced resignation,” Stefanik wrote. “After failing to protect Jewish students and negotiating with pro Hamas terrorists, this forced resignation is long overdue.”

“We will continue to demand moral clarity, condemnation of antisemitism, protection of Jewish students and faculty and stronger leadership from American higher education institutions,” she added.

“President Shafik came before the House education committee and refused to tell us the truth about how antisemitism was really handled on campus,” wrote Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.). “Columbia has much more work to do but this is a step in the right direction.”

“Long overdue,” wrote the Republican Jewish Coalition. “Good riddance.” JNS


WAKING UP LATE: Hunter Biden Sought US Government Help For Ukrainian Gas Company, NYT Says

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Hunter Biden asked the U.S. ambassador to Italy for help regarding an energy project a Ukrainian gas company was pursuing while his father was vice president, according to The New York Times. Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, wrote a letter to the ambassador in 2016 seeking assistance for Burisma, which had been working on a geothermal project in Italy, the newspaper reported, citing newly released records and interviews. At the time, Hunter Biden sat on the board of Burisma, which was having trouble getting regulatory approval for the project, a businessman involved in the project told the newspaper. The revelation is likely to fuel Republican criticism of Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings, which have been the center of GOP investigations into the president’s family. The report comes weeks before Hunter Biden is set to stand trial on federal charges alleging he failed to pay taxes on money he received from Burisma and other foreign businesses. Prosecutors indicated last week in court papers they want to introduce evidence at trial about Hunter Biden’s other business dealings, including an arrangement with a Romanian businessman who was trying to “influence U.S. government policy” during Joe Biden’s term as vice president. Hunter Biden’s lawyer said his client’s outreach to the ambassador on behalf of Burisma was a “proper request” and that he had asked “various people” to help arrange an introduction between Burisma and the president of Italy’s Tuscany region. “No meeting occurred, no project materialized, no request for anything in the U.S. was ever sought and only an introduction in Italy was requested,” attorney Abbe Lowell said. The records suggest that embassy officials were uneasy about Hunter Biden’s request, according to the newspaper. One official wrote: “I want to be careful about promising too much.” A White House spokesperson told The Times that the president was not aware when he was vice president that his son had reached out to the embassy on Burisma’s behalf. “He’s not in business with his son,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Wednesday of the president. “He’s certainly not aware of this and this is something that Hunter Biden has to speak to. He’s a private citizen, it is something for him to focus on.” Pressed on whether Biden was satisfied with how his son conducted himself, Jean-Pierre told reporters: “I can’t speak to this. This is something that is an ongoing process.” John R. Phillips, the U.S. ambassador to Italy at the time, said he received a lot of letters and did not remember Hunter Biden reaching out to him. “I certainly would pay attention to it” if the younger Biden had contacted him, Phillips told the newspaper. “Out of courtesy, I’d probably make sure he got a response of some sort, but not necessarily from me. And I wouldn’t even want to encourage it, because I wouldn’t get us involved in something like that.” Burisma’s project never materialized, and it’s not clear whether the embassy ever agreed to help the company. Hunter Biden’s trial set to begin in Los Angeles in September alleges a four-year scheme to avoid paying at least $1.4 million in taxes during a time in which the president’s son has acknowledged struggling with a drug addiction. Hunter Biden’s lawyers have indicated they will argue at trial that drug […]

Nachamu: From Darkness to Light

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By Rabbi Pinchos Lipchutz

We are all familiar with the concept that the tefillah of Ashrei, which we recite three times daily, is comprised of pesukim that begin with all the Hebrew letters in corresponding order. All of the letters, that is, except one. There is no posuk in Ashrei that begins with the letter nun.

The source of this appears in the Gemara Brachos (4b): Rabi Yochanan taught that the reason there is no posuk in Ashrei beginning with the letter nun is because that letter is used to depict the defeat of Klal Yisroel, for the posuk states (Amos 5:2), “Noflah, she fell, and will never be able to get back up, the girls of Yisroel.”

The Gemara (ibid.) says that in Eretz Yisroel, the posuk was read to express a positive message. They read it like this: “Noflah, lo sosif, kum besulas YisroelShe fell, but not for long, rise up the girls of Yisroel.”

The Vilna Gaon asks how the Gemara can go out of its way to explain the posuk with a positive connotation when it appears among the harsh prophecies that Amos Hanovi envisioned for the Jewish people? A posuk with a comforting prophecy clearly doesn’t fit there.

He explains that this awful prophecy contains a happy prophecy as well, as it foretells that the Jewish people will fall to such a low level that they will not be able to fall any lower. Therefore, the way the people of Eretz Yisroel read the posuk is justified, for the posuk fits in with those surrounding it. “Noflah lo sosif, Klal Yisroel will fall so low that it will not be able to fall any lower.” First, the posuk speaks of the terrible times. Then it says, “Kum besulas Yisroel,” meaning that since they will have fallen so low, the only place for them to go from there would be up.

With this, the Vilna Gaon explains another Gemara that deals with prophetic curses. The Gemara in Chagigah (14a) states that Yeshayahu Hanovi cursed Klal Yisroel with 18 curses, but he wasn’t pacified until he recited this posuk (Yeshayahu 3:5): “The youth will behave with arrogance, raising themselves above their elders, and the low people will behave this way with those who are deserving of respect.”

He asked why Yeshayahu would be pacified by this prophecy. He did not hate Am Yisroel. Rather, he was the prophet of consolation. In fact, the seven haftaros of nechomah that we read for the next seven weeks are all prophecies of Yeshayahu. Why would this terrible prophecy bring Yeshayahu happiness?

He answers along the same lines with which he explained the Gemara in Brachos. Yeshayahu understood that the Jewish people would not commence their upward climb until they had fallen to the lowest level possible. When constructing a new building to replace one that was destroyed, it is necessary to clear away the entire building until its foundation or the new building will fall.

When Klal Yisroel sinks to this level of chutzpah and insolence, it will be a sign of ikvesa d’Meshicha, for they will have fallen to the lowest levels of human behavior, and from there the only way to go is up, and the process that will lead to Moshiach can begin.

Thus, Yeshayahu, the novi of nechomah, was happy when he foresaw that the people would sink to such a low level, because he knew that the geulah would then begin.

This is what took place when Hashem redeemed the Jews from Mitzrayim. Chazal teach that they had sunk to the 49th level of tumah when Hashem took them out of Mitzrayim. They sunk as low as it was possible to sink and still be saved, and therefore Hashem took them out. Reaching the lowest level of tumah is what brought about their redemption.

We can also understand the words of the Tur and Bais Yosef in Hilchos Tisha B’Av (siman 557), which discusses when on Tisha B’Av we recite the prayer of Nacheim, which refers to a consolation for Klal Yisroel following the awful churban. The Tur cites his father, the Rishon, known as the Rosh, who questions why Nacheim is only recited at Mincha and not at Maariv and Shacharis.

The Bais Yosef, in his commentary, quotes the Gemara where this issue is first discussed and the disputes that followed as to when the consoling prayer of Nacheim should be recited. He writes, “It appears to me that the reasoning for the shitah that says to only recite Nacheim at Mincha is because the Bais Hamikdosh was [fully destroyed and] set on fire towards evening. Therefore, [in the tefillah which is recited] at that time, we mention the baseness of Yerushalayim and its mourning and daven for its consolation.”

With the answer of the Vilna Gaon, we can understand the Bais Yosef, for when the Bais Hamikdosh was totally destroyed, it was evident that Yerushalayim was at its lowest and there would be no further destruction. From that point, they would begin their upward trajectory and work to bring back that which had been lost. This is the time to offer and accept consolation, because it will not get worse; it will only get better. That is why we wait until the time when the Bais Hamikdosh was totally destroyed and set ablaze to recite Nacheim.

This concept is found in previous sources, such as the Abarbanel (Bereishis 5:2), Maharal (Netzach Yisroel 26), and Rav Tzadok Hakohein of Lublin (Tzidkas Hatzaddik). They state that we learn from the way the world was created, night before day, that with everything that happens in the world, darkness precedes light and emptiness comes before growth.

This is apparent when a seed is planted. Nothing grows from that seed until it rots away into nothingness, and when that happens, it begins to sprout.

This also explains why Rabi Akiva smiled when he viewed the Har Habayis where the Bais Hamikdosh stood and saw a fox exit from the place of the Kodesh Hakodoshim. He explained that when he saw that the prophecy that the holy place would be totally destroyed came to pass, he knew that the prophecy about Yerushalayim being repopulated and the Bais Hamikdosh being rebuilt would also be realized.

The utter destruction comforted him, because out of desolation comes growth.

The posuk (Micha 7:8) states, “Ki eishev bachoshech Hashem ohr li.” This is commonly understood as “When I sit in darkness, Hashem provides me light.” Rav Tzadok explains it differently, writing that it expresses the thinking of people of faith: “When I am surrounded by darkness and experience loss, and it appears as if Hashem is hidden, I know that Hashem will shine His light upon me and I will find salvation.”

For such is the way of life. Success and light follow darkness and failure.

So often in life, people experience a downturn, and it seems as if Hashem has forgotten them and allowed them to fail. But those who maintain their faith and a positive outlook are able to regroup, rebuild, and succeed where they had failed.

Following the Holocaust and its tragic losses, people who lived through unimaginable human tragedy and misery were shattered and devastated. When the war ended, they had a choice, a very difficult choice, so difficult for us to conceive in the comfortable golus we now find ourselves in. They could either give in to the sadness that overwhelmed them and become lost in the darkness, devoid of faith in Hashem and the future, or they could gather themselves together, and understand that Hashem would rescue them from the depths of devastation if they would look ahead to a better future. They went on to rebuild what they had lost and gave birth to new families and communities where they flourished.

We find ourselves now in a time of darkness. Iran and its proxies seek our destruction. The nations of the world detest, condemn, and torment us. The socialist Jew-haters are gaining, and it is difficult to trust that should they grab the levers of power, they will look kindly to our interests and to Israel. In Israel, at the same that the country fights for its very survival, the left has launched a war against the institutions of Torah and those who dedicate their lives to its study.

For many, it is a fearful time, and people fret about what the future will bring. Will the forces of morality and decency win, or will the others? How strongly will Iran attack Eretz Yisroel and its inhabitants? Will the small country be empowered to repel the evil empire and its proxies? How many will die in the effort?

The novi Yeshayahu calls out to us in our darkness, in the depths of golus, and says, “Nachamu, nachamu,” it is time now to be consoled. Be comforted in your sorrow and fears. You are suffering. Am Yisroel is suffering. But you must know that the sadness and deprivation indicate that recovery and redemption are on their way.

Nachamu. The pains are birth pangs, indications that we are in ikvesa d’Meshicha, the period leading to the arrival of Moshiach, which will herald the end of the golus and the onset of the redemption.

Nachamu. When we see the yeitzer hora seemingly empowered to tempt and corrupt people through more vices and devices, when we see the forces of tumah and evil on the march, when inflation climbs incessantly and we are unable to keep up, we should know that these are further signs of the imminent nechomah and geulah.

Nachamu. When we see the faithless anxious and fearful over what the next day will bring, when we see those who deny Hashem’s existence battling Torah, its students, and its followers, know that if you remain strong and dedicated, things will turn around and the yeshuah will surely arrive.

Nachamu. Monday night and Tuesday morning, we sat with lights dimmed, on the floor, reciting painful lamentations and hearing the plaintive wail of Eicha. This Shabbos, we will lain Parshas Va’eschanon and identify with Moshe Rabbeinu’s desperate desire to behold the Land, to touch its soil, and to fulfill its special mitzvos. And then the pleasant chords of Nachamu tug at our souls, as we echo Moshe Rabbeinu’s prayer with much eagerness.

Nachamu. Our nation has endured much suffering and hardship. We have had periods of great tragedy, losses, and sadness. Our parents and grandparents, and their parents, suffered through the awful pogroms in der heim. They were poor and hungry, freezing cold during the winter and boiling hot during the summer. Then came the Great Depression and the terrible Holocaust. They hit rock bottom. From there, it was only uphill. Their lives were spared, their souls restored. They found homes and jobs. Communities began to blossom and haven’t stopped growing. Shuls, schools and yeshivos were opened and haven’t stopped expanding. There are more people studying Torah than ever before. There have been bumps along the way, many bumps, but each failure, each regression, each period of weakness was followed by even more success and growth.

Nachamu. The darkness surrounding us in this period of golus underscores how close we are to the coming of the geulah. The darkness will give way to a great light that will shine upon the world when Hashem returns His Shechinah to the Har Habayis, which is now utterly defiled. The Bais Hamikdosh will soon be rebuilt, and sadness and grieving will be replaced by sasson v’simcha with the arrival of Moshiach, speedily in our days.


American Handed 15-Day Sentence By Moscow Court On Charges Of Disorderly Conduct

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A court in the Russian capital on Wednesday handed a 15-day sentence to a U.S. citizen on charges of minor disorderly conduct. Moscow’s District Court ordered the American, identified as Joseph Tater, to spend 15 days under administrative arrest on “petty hooliganism” charges. Earlier Wednesday, Russia’s Investigative Committee, the country’s top criminal investigation agency, said that it had opened a criminal case against an unidentified U.S. citizen accused of attacking a police officer. Russian state news agencies Tass and RIA-Novosti said that the American became abusive after being asked to show his documents at an upscale hotel on Monday evening. They claimed that the American “behaved aggressively” and used profanities when the hotel refused to accommodate him, citing a lack of required documents. The reports said that the man attacked a police officer when he was taken to a police precinct. Officials at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow said they were aware of the reports, but wouldn’t make further comments because of privacy restrictions. Several Americans are serving sentences in Russia on drug or theft convictions. A U.S.-Russian dual national, Ksenia Khavana, is expected to be sentenced on Thursday after pleading guilty in a closed trial to raising money for Ukraine’s military. Prosecutors called for a 15-year term. In the largest Russia-West prisoner exchange since the end of the Cold War, Russia this month released Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and American corporate security executive Paul Whelan, both of whom were imprisoned on espionage convictions. Russia also released U.S.-Russian dual national Alsu Kurmasheva, a Radio Liberty/Radio Free Europe journalist sentenced to 6½ years for spreading “false information” about the Russian military. (AP)

World Heath Organization Declares Mpox Outbreak a Global Health Emergency

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The World Health Organization declared mpox, formerly known as monkeypox, a public health emergency of international concern, the most severe declaration the organization can issue, according to CNN.

“In addition to other outbreaks of other clades of mpox in other parts of Africa, it’s clear that a coordinated international response is essential to stop these outbreaks and save lives,” WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a statement on his decision to invoke the declaration, according to the Washington Post.

Mpox has a staggeringly high death rate, with 450 of the 13,791 cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, resulting in death, according to the WHO.

The virus has spread to Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Kenya and South Africa. The newest strain of mpox, wreaking havoc in the D.R.C., is more virulent and deadly than the 2022 strain which infected 100,000 people, killing 1,700 of them, according to the The New York Times. Researchers have found this strain to be most harmful to children under 15 and women. Read more at CNN.

UNSUSTAINABLE: NYC Has Spent $5 Billion On Migrants – And It’s Expected To DOUBLE

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New York City has spent over $5 billion on services for migrants, with nearly $2 billion allocated for housing, according to city data. The financial burden is expected to double, reaching $10 billion by June 30, 2025. Mayor Eric Adams’ administration has acknowledged the crisis, with Chief of Staff Camille Joseph Varlack stating, “This is not a New York City issue or even a United States issue, this is a worldwide issue.” The city is currently caring for over 63,900 migrants across 210 shelter sites. Despite efforts to move migrants out of hotels and into other locations, many hotels remain converted into emergency shelters. Adams has expressed cautious optimism, saying, “The worst is behind us” but warning, “We’re not out of the woods.” He credits shelter limits and decreased border crossings for reducing the migrant influx and associated costs. The mayor emphasized the need for resilience, saying, “We need to document this story… This is a real New York story.” However, he also acknowledges ongoing challenges, including monitoring violent gang members in the city. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

IDF Chief: Military Can Continue Operating Against Hamas Even If Hostage Deal Forces Them To Leave Philadelphi Route

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IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi visited troops securing the Gaza-Egypt border area and said that the military can continue to operate against Hamas even if required to leave the Philadelphi Route under a hostage deal. Halevi emphasized that soldiers will maintain surveillance on the border area, a key smuggling route, and conduct pinpoint incursions when necessary. He noted that the decision on troop movement rests with the political leadership. “If we stay in Philadelphi, we’ll know how to stay strong. If we need to monitor and carry out raids, we’ll do it,” Halevi said. He highlighted the importance of holding the Philadelphi Route, which Israel claims Hamas uses to smuggle arms from Egypt into Gaza, saying it hinders Hamas’s force build-up. Halevi warned Hamas that “every day it holds our hostages, it will be more bitter for it than the previous day. We will act harder until we return the hostages, and after that, we won’t allow Hamas to raise its head.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

INFIGHTING BEGINS: Dan Bongino Accuses Kellyanne Conway And GOP Insiders Of Sabotaging Trump’s Campaign

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Former Fox News host Dan Bongino has accused Kellyanne Conway and other Republicans of undermining Donald Trump’s campaign, particularly regarding his choice of running mate, JD Vance. During Wednesday’s episode of The Dan Bongino Show, Bongino dismissed media reports suggesting Trump regrets picking Vance as his vice-presidential candidate, calling them fake news. He speculated that the rumors were fueled by leaks from within Trump’s own team. Bongino specifically referenced a Daily Mail article that claimed Trump was having a “meltdown” over Vance. “There’s a lot of internal sabotage going on right now that I honestly did not want to highlight because I like to stay focused on the Democrats and I was hoping it would go away. It’s not,” Bongino said. He suggested that some Republicans are upset with Vance’s cautious stance on Ukraine, contrasting it with the more aggressive approaches favored by others. “I suspect strongly this was a leak from people who wanted another candidate for vice president,” Bongino added, pointing to the “Kellyanne Conway camp” as a possible source. Bongino praised the Trump-Vance ticket as “great” but expressed frustration with those he believes are undermining it. “Instead of just shutting up and trying to win now with this great ticket, there are people out there sabotaging the ticket right now,” he said, addressing Conway and others directly with, “You’ve been warned. I’ve had about enough.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Social Media Influencers Descend On The White House, Where Biden Calls Them The New ‘Source Of News’

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Social media influencers got the royal treatment at the White House on Wednesday as President Joe Biden gave a nod to their ability to hold sway with millions of loyal followers. The White House played host to a group of more than 100 influencers, also known as content creators, across a range of media platforms — from chefs and makeup artists to fitness gurus and medical students — to talk about issues including mental health, pay equity and the abuse of artificial intelligence. Biden stopped by to tell the influencers gathered in the Indian Treaty Room in the White House complex: “The fact is, you are the future.” “You’re the source of the news,” he said. “You are the new possibilities. You are the new breakthrough in how we communicate.” Biden added, to laughter: “And that’s why I invited you to the White House, because I’m looking for a job.” Those in attendance included makeup artist Jackie Aina, chef My Nguyen and medical student Joel Bervell. Together, the influencers count millions of followers. In showcasing the importance and heft of the content creator economy — valued at roughly $250 billion worldwide — the White House is also recognizing the youth vote that will be a crucial constituency for Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris and Republican nominee Donald Trump in the November election. In late July, a coalition of 17 youth-led groups endorsed the vice president. The youth-led progressive organizations had warned for months that Biden, 81, had a problem with young voters, pleading with the president to work more closely with them to refocus on issues most important to younger generations or risk losing their votes. They’re hoping Harris can harness a new explosion of energy among young voters. Trump has also spent time courting influencers. Notably, his campaign is counting on younger male voters to give him the edge in November. Trump participated in an interview last week with Twitch streamer and online personality Adin Ross, who has more than 7 million Instagram followers. The internet personality ended his interview with the former president by gifting him a Tesla Cybertruck wrapped in images of Trump raising his fist after the assassination attempt against him. The White House event comes as the Biden administration is embroiled in a legal battle with TikTok over a federal law that will determine the future of the platform in the U.S. Many creators who earn income on TikTok have opposed the law, which requires TikTok’s China-based parent company ByteDance to sell the popular platform to a U.S.-approved buyer or face a ban. In May, TikTok and ByteDance sued to block the law, arguing divestment isn’t commercially, legally or technologically possible and that they would have to shut down the platform in the U.S. by January 19 if the law were to go into effect. The measure was passed after it received bipartisan backing in Congress and by top-level administration officials who expressed concerns about how the Chinese government could influence ByteDance. TikTok was previously in negotiations with the Biden administration to resolve some of those concerns. However, those talks fizzled out before the two sides reached a deal. (AP)


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