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Senior Gedolei Yisrael to Address Klal Yisrael at Historic “Kabbolas Shabbos” Gathering at The Prudential Center This Sunday

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If you want to engage in hatzalas nefashos, saving lives, not just the lives of others but your own spiritual life, you should be at the Prudential Arena this Sunday, 3 Sivan/June 9, for Dirshu’s Kinnus Olam HaTorah. It is there that Klal Yisrael will collectively be mekabel Shabbos by undertaking to start learning hilchos Shabbos in Dirshu’s daily Daf HaYomi B’Halacha program.  The greatest zechus that a person can have to bring with him to the upcoming Yom Tov of Kabbolas HaTorah when we are all seeking ways to strengthen our bond with Torah and with Hashem, is Kabbolas Shabbos!  The spectacular Kinnus Olam HaTorah promises to be a maamad, a tremendous maamad of chizuk, kabbolas ol malchus shomayim and kabbolas ol haTorah. Leading Gedolei Yisrael from both Eretz Yisrael and America will address the event live and via video, giving over the daas Torah and guidance as to how we should conduct ourselves during these difficult times. They will tell us what the call of the hour is, and what every Yid can do to invoke rachamei shomayim.  The Kabbolas Shabbos maamad of chizuk at the Prudential Center will feature a combination of live and video addresses exclusively for the maamad featuring luminaries such as the venerated Roshei Yeshiva of the Slabodka Yeshiva, HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau, shlita, and HaGaon HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, shlita.  The participants will be able to daven together with the gaon, tzaddik and mekubal, HaRav Shimon Galei, shlita and will be there in the room with him as he inspires us to new heights in advance of Kabbolas HaTorah. We will be able to prepare for Shavuos with a powerful, practical message and guidance from HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Sorotzkin, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of the Lakewood Mesivta and Telshe, who will stand at the podium and convey the “Call of the Hour” to Klal Yisrael.  Most important, however, is the ultimate objective of this historic gathering. To follow and heed the call of the Gedolei Yisrael who represent the entire spectrum of Torah Jewry to encourage and ensure that every observant Jew, whether he is a ben yeshiva or kollel yungerman, a businessman or professional, should undertake to learn hilchos Shabbos. What better opportunity than right now, Erev Shavuos when the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha program begins Chelek Gimmel of Mishnah Berurah with the start of hilchos Shabbos while simultaneously, Dirshu’s popular, new Amud HaYomi program is in the middle of Masechta Shabbos?!  In advance of the previous machzor of Daf HaYomi B’Halacha when the program began learning hilchos Shabbos, the venerated Rosh Yeshiva of Ponovezh, HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein, zt”l, was asked to give over a message. He said, “It is well known that from a lack of knowledge of hilchos Shabbos, a person can transgress Torah mandated prohibitions. It is so important to learn Mishnah Berurah daily! Learning Mishnah Berurah daily is mamesh hatzolas nefashos!” Klal Yisrael so desperately needs shemira today and the key to that shemira is Shabbos! It is in our hands! That is what the Gedolei Yisrael, Rav Dov Landau and Rav Yitzchok Zilberstein, taught us. That is what the Vizhnitzer Rebbe and Rav Reuven Elbaz taught us. Now, all we have to do is be mekabel Shabbos!  Let us all come together at the Prudential Center this Sunday […]

Billboard Truck Traverses NYC Showing Footage of Kidnapped Israeli Soldiers

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A mobile billboard truck displaying footage of the kidnapping of Israeli female soldiers on Oct. 7 was driven around Manhattan on Wednesday.

Arranged by Israel’s New York consulate, the initiative is a follow-up to the same footage shown on a Times Square billboard about two weeks ago.

“We will continue telling the truth about the atrocities of Oct. 7 in any way we can,” said Ofir Akunis, Israel’s consul general in New York. “This billboard truck’s screening of the terrible footage of the kidnapping of female soldiers is just one part of our relentless public diplomacy efforts to present the facts to the American public, in the face of incessant lies from Hamas and its supporters.”

The truck crisscrossed Manhattan’s business centers, with the slogan “Let My People Go” on the back and displaying images on all sides of the kidnapping of the soldiers from the Nahal Oz base.

The video, documenting the moments of the abduction of the five field observers—Karina Ariav, Agam Berger, Liri Elbag, Daniela Gilboa and Naama Levy— has been shown with the approval and consent of their families.

Akunis said previously that the video “is meant to shock the consciousness, if only for a moment, in the heart of the global entertainment and tourism center, and to remind everyone of the horror that struck us on that terrible day.”

He said he wants everyone who sees it “to understand that these are our daughters, who could easily be the sisters or daughters of anyone. We will not rest until they all return home.”

The footage on the truck includes descriptions of the fates of those hostages, along with a message urging public action to demand their immediate and unconditional release from captivity in the Gaza Strip. JNS

Man Pleads Guilty To Federal Hate Crimes And Firearms Offenses For Shooting Two Jewish Men in Los Angeles

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A 29-year-old man, Jaime Tran, has pleaded guilty to federal hate crimes and firearm offenses for shooting two Jewish men in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood of Los Angeles last year. The shootings occurred less than 24 hours apart, and Tran targeted the victims as they left shuls. Tran admitted to espousing antisemitic beliefs and making violent threats toward Jewish people. He had a history of making hate-filled statements, including at dental school in 2018, where he was eventually forced to leave. His antisemitic rhetoric escalated from August to December 2022, and he used violent language, including death threats, against a former classmate, police said. In November 2022, Tran sent an email to two dozen former classmates containing antisemitic propaganda, including a statement blaming the Covid-19 pandemic on a Jewish conspiracy. Despite being prohibited from purchasing firearms due to previous mental-health holds, Tran acquired two firearms in January 2023 through a third party. On February 15 and 16, 2023, Tran used the internet to research locations with a “kosher market” and planned to shoot someone near a kosher market because he believed there would be Jewish people in the area. He drove to Pico-Robertson and shot two Jewish victims, both wearing yarmulkes, as they left shul after davening Shacharis. Both victims survived the shootings. Tran pleaded guilty to all charges against him, including two counts of hate crimes with intent to kill and two counts of using, carrying, and discharging a firearm in relation to a crime of violence. He is expected to receive a prison sentence of 35 to 40 years at his sentencing on August 5. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

US Announces Another $90 Million In Aid To Gaza

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Samantha Power, administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, announced on Wednesday that Washington would provide another $90 million in aid to Gaza.

The former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations made the announcement on the same day that the U.S. Department of Defense said that it projects the temporary pier anchored to the Gaza coast—which it used to deliver aid until the pier broke and required repairs—will cost $90 million less than expected.

It wasn’t clear if there was any connection between the $90 million increase and the projected $90 million in savings.

In remarks on Wednesday, Power said that a deal on the table “would advance Israel’s security, allow for a massive surge of humanitarian assistance into Gaza and set the conditions for people to return to their home areas.”

The deal, which U.S. President Joe Biden announced on Friday, “offers a roadmap for ending the crisis altogether so that we can move towards a long-term reconstruction plan,” Power said. “But while we wait for Hamas to take this deal that’s on the table, we have to do everything we can to mitigate the suffering of millions of Palestinian civilians now.”

The U.S. official referred to Israeli “escalation of hostilities in Rafah.”

“Partners on the ground have told us that since May 7, they have seen a 500% increase in patients with blast injuries and a 600% increase in patients with gunshot wounds,” Power said. “Yet the majority of Gaza’s health centers are non-operational. And virtually all 2.3 million people in the Gaza Strip require emergency food assistance.”

The U.S. official didn’t specify to which partners she was referring. Some organizations that are ostensibly focused on delivering aid have connections to Hamas, a U.S.-designated terror group of nearly 30 years, and the terror group runs official health organizations in Gaza.

“Today, I am announcing more than $90 million in additional shelter; water, sanitation and hygiene; health and protection assistance; and, of course, food,” Power said on Wednesday. “That brings the total humanitarian aid that the United States has announced for Palestinians since the beginning of the conflict to $270 million.”

She called on other donors “to step up as well and to help meet the staggering levels of need,” and she suggested that the Jewish state was not doing enough to protect Gazans and aid workers.

“We continue to press the Israeli government to do far more to protect aid workers, and to protect Palestinian civilians,” Power said. “Building upon President Biden’s recent coordination with Egypt and Israel on resuming aid from Egypt to Kerem Shalom, we are relentlessly pushing both countries to open the Rafah border crossing, and to keep all crossings into Gaza functioning at maximum capacity.”

“We are also working around the clock with our humanitarian partners to facilitate a massive surge in humanitarian assistance,” she said. “We are preparing for a ceasefire, which would prove the best opening to get aid safely and effectively distributed to all who need it.” JNS

16 World Leaders Back Biden Ceasefire Call, Urge Hamas To Take Deal

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Leaders of 16 countries, including many whose citizens were taken hostage by Hamas on Oct. 7, issued a statement on Thursday backing U.S. President Joe Biden’s May 31 ceasefire proposal, calling on the Gaza-based terror group to “close this agreement.”

“There is no time to lose,” read the statement signed by the leaders of Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Thailand and the United Kingdom. The United States also signed the statement.

“As leaders of countries deeply concerned for the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, including many of our own citizens, we fully support the movement towards a ceasefire and hostage release deal now on the table and as outlined by President Biden on May 31, 2024,” the text said.

Noting that Jerusalem is “ready to move forward” with the terms proposed by Biden on Friday, the world leaders stressed that the deal would lead to an “immediate ceasefire and rehabilitation of Gaza together with security assurances for Israelis, and Palestinians, and opportunities for a more enduring long-term peace and a two-state solution.”

“At this decisive moment, we call on the leaders of Israel as well as Hamas to make whatever final compromises are necessary to close this deal and bring relief to the families of our hostages, as well as those on both sides of this terrible conflict, including the civilian populations,” the statement continues.

“It is time for the war to end, and this deal is the necessary starting point,” it concludes.

Earlier on Thursday, Saudi Arabia’s Asharq al-Awsat daily reported that Hamas had rejected the deal, claiming it differed significantly from what was outlined by Biden last week.

The terror group sent a clarification memorandum to other Palestinian terror factions on Wednesday, the text of which was seen by the news outlet. It claims that the current proposal “does not promise a permanent ceasefire, the occupation’s forces will remain in Gaza, and when they receive the hostages, they will renew the destruction against our nation.”

Hamas is demanding an end to the war and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Strip, two conditions Jerusalem rejects. The Israeli War Cabinet’s goals remain the same: returning the hostages, defeating Hamas as a military and political force in Gaza and ensuring that the coastal enclave can never again threaten the Jewish state.

During a closed-door meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told lawmakers he would “not describe the details of the deal,” adding however that Biden’s portrayal of Israel’s position was “not accurate.”

“I am not willing to stop the war,” Netanyahu was quoted as saying. “We can stop the fighting for 42 days in order to return hostages, but we will not give up on total victory.” JNS

Spain Applies To Join South Africa’s Case At Top UN Court Accusing Israel Of Genocide

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Spain will ask a United Nations court for permission to join South Africa’s case accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza, its foreign minister announced Thursday. Mexico, Colombia, Nicaragua, Libya and the Palestinians have already requested to join the case currently being heard at the court in The Hague, Netherlands. The court has ordered Israel to immediately halt its military offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah but stopped short of ordering a cease-fire for the enclave. Israel has not complied. “We take the decision because of the ongoing military operation in Gaza,” Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares said in Madrid. “We want peace to return to Gaza and the Middle East, and for that to happen we must all support the court.” Spain, along with Norway and Ireland, officially recognized a Palestinian state last week. On Tuesday, Slovenia also passed a decree in its Parliament recognizing a Palestinian state. (AP)

Israel: More Than Third of Hostages Not Returned Are Dead

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Israel estimates that more than one-third of the hostages still held in Gaza are dead, according to a government report. Meanwhile, the United States is working on a plan to facilitate their rescue as part of a proposal to bring the conflict with Hamas to an end.

Out of the approximately 250 individuals who were taken into Gaza by Hamas-led Palestinian gunmen during the October 7 cross-border assault that initiated the conflict, many were released during a ceasefire in November. Others have been recovered, either alive or deceased, by Israeli forces.

The government report indicates that 120 hostages remain in captivity, with 43 declared dead in absentia by Israeli authorities. This determination is based on various sources, including intelligence reports, CCTV footage, bystander videos, and forensic evidence.

Some officials have suggested privately that the actual number of deceased hostages could be even higher.

Initially, Hamas threatened to execute hostages in retaliation for Israeli air strikes. They later claimed that such strikes had resulted in the deaths of some hostages. While Israel has acknowledged this possibility in certain cases, they have also reported that some of the recovered bodies bore signs of execution.

On Monday, four more names were added to Israel’s list of hostages confirmed dead.

{Matzav.com Israel}

A Parent’s Tefillah from the Shelah to Be Recited Today

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All parents want the best for their children – that they should be good and upright, that they have everything they need for a fruitful, joyous life. The classic work, Shelah HaKadosh, contains a tefillah that parents should recite for their children at any time of the year – but especially before Rosh Chodesh Sivan, which is Sunday, for that is the month when Hakadosh Boruch Hu gave us the Torah, and when the Yidden began to be called His Children.

This year, it is preferable to recite it today, the day of Yom Kippur Koton for Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan.

As a public service, we offer the text of the tefillah for downloading.

To download, click here.

{Matzav.com Newscenter}

SHOMER YISHMOEL: Trump Rips Chuck Schumer As Having “Become Like A Palestinian”

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Donald Trump took a swing at Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, saying he has “become like a Palestinian” during a discussion about Israel with Fox News host Sean Hannity. In the interview, Trump insisted that Israel must be allowed to wipe out Hamas – quickly. “They have to finish the job. Israel has to finish that job. They have to finish it quickly, strongly, and they have to get back to life again because it’s taking too long. They have to finish the job.” He also compared people who deny that atrocities occurred on October 7 to Holocaust deniers. “You watch these people on television and they’re now just like you have Holocaust deniers also. They say the Holocaust never – it’s the exact same people. They’re saying it never happened.” Trump went on to say that Israel no longer has the same level of support it once had, citing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Representative Rashida Tlaib as examples. “Israel was the most powerful lobby in the country 15 years ago. Today, between Tlaib and AOC and all of these people, what they’re doing, Israel, they don’t have the backing that they once had.” Hannity replied, “You’ll give it to them.” Trump insisted, “I’m good. I’m good. But they don’t have the backing. Even Schumer, he’s become like a Palestinian. Chuck Schumer, Jewish, always strong for Israel, he’s become like a Palestinian.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Hezbollah Drone Kills IDF Soldier In Northern Israel

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An Israel Defense Forces reservist was killed in a Hezbollah drone attack on the Druze town of Hurfeish near the Lebanon border on Wednesday evening, the military announced on Thursday morning.

The casualty was identified as Sgt. (res.) Refael Kauders, 39, from Tzur Hadassah. Nine other soldiers were also wounded, one of them seriously.

The IDF is investigating why the attack did not trigger air-raid sirens. Hurfeish is located more than 3 kilometers (nearly 2 miles) from the Lebanese border and its residents have not been evacuated.

Kauders’s death raises the Israeli military’s death toll on all fronts to 644 since the start of the war on Oct. 7.

Hezbollah took responsibility for launching the two drones towards a soccer field, with Lebanon’s Al-Mayadeen outlet claiming that “the Islamic Resistance fighters targeted…a deployment of Israeli enemy soldiers in the Baram Forest with rocket weapons and hit them directly.”

Israeli President Isaac Herzog commented on the attack during his speech at Yom Yerushalayim celebrations in the capital, saying Israel cannot remain indifferent to Hezbollah terrorism.

“Israel is attacked every day, for long months, by Iran’s proxies in Lebanon, who crudely violate international treaties, said Herzog. “The world must wake up and understand that Israel is left with no choice but to defend its citizens.”

Hezbollah has attacked northern Israel nearly every day since joining the war in support of Hamas on Oct. 8, killing more than 20 people and causing widespread damage. Tens of thousands of Israelis remain internally displaced due to the violence.

Earlier on Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu said the Jewish state is “prepared for very intense action in the north” to restore security” and return the 60,000 displaced residents to their homes near the Lebanese border.

“We said at the start of the war that we would restore security in both the south and the north, and this is what we are doing,” the premier said after earlier being briefed by commanders at the IDF’s Gibor base. JNS

Elevate Your Organization’s Impact: Join 200+ Organizations

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With over 200 organizations already signed up, the anticipation is building for a momentous event at the Hilton Meadowlands where the .ORG Expo awaits. This exclusive gathering promises a fusion of unparalleled networking, top-tier hospitality, sophisticated ambiance, and game-changing opportunities, all set against the backdrop of refined cuisine. Join us for a full-day immersion designed to empower organizations like yours to elevate operations, broaden donor networks, and drive significant impact both now and in the future.

For who?
Intended for CEOs, COOs, heads of grants, marketing, fundraising, development, and technology within organizations, the .ORG Expo is structured around the core principles of ORG: Operate, Radiate, and Generate.

Donor & Community Operate On a Higher Level: Learn how to engage and maximize your donors and community.

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But that’s not all. In addition to the myriad benefits of attending this premier conference, we’re thrilled to introduce the Spark Tank session. Here, organizations have the opportunity to pitch their causes to a panel of judges and the assembled audience, with over $50,000 in collective grants up for grabs. The grand prize winner will receive $20,000, providing the spark your organization needs to ignite change.

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We eagerly anticipate your presence at this day of unity, innovation, and collaboration, centered around the principles of Operating, Radiating, and Generating a more generous world.

Monday, June 17th, 2024
at the Hilton Meadowlands

Register today!
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IDF Soldier Killed During Hamas Infiltration Attempt From Gaza

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The IDF announced on Thursday afternoon that a soldier was killed during a pre-dawn infiltration attempt from Gaza by Hamas terrorists that was thwarted by Israeli forces.

The slain soldier was named as Warrant Officer Zeed Mazarib, 34, a tracker in the Gaza Division’s Southern Brigade, from the Lower Galilee Bedouin village of Zarzir.

His death brings the total number of slain military personnel since the start of the Gaza ground operation on Oct. 27 to 294, and to 646 on all fronts since the start of the war on Oct. 7.

Hamas took responsibility for the attempt, in which Israeli forces killed three terrorists who tried to infiltrate into Israel from the Rafah area of the Gaza Strip.

The gunmen opened fire at troops as they approached the security fence, with soldiers returning fire. An Israeli drone that was monitoring the terrorist cell’s movements struck two of them, with the third being killed shortly thereafter by tank fire.

“We emphasize that the terrorists did not cross the fence built along the Gaza Strip,” the IDF said, adding that the incident was under review.

According to an initial IDF probe, the attempted infiltration took place around 4 a.m., with the terrorists using foggy weather for cover. They were spotted by surveillance officers monitoring cameras.

Desert Reconnaissance Battalion troops arrived to the area on the Gaza side of the border, across from the Israeli border kibbutzim of Kerem Shalom and Holit. At around 5 a.m., the terror cell fired at troops around 400 meters from the border.

The cell was armed with assault rifles and RPGs.

The military is looking into whether a fourth terrorist may have fled back into Gaza and how the gunmen reached the border area.

IDF strikes Hamas terrorists hiding in UNRWA school

IAF fighter jets carried out a precision strike on a Hamas terror compound inside an UNRWA school in the Nuseirat area of central Gaza overnight Wednesday.

“Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists who belonged to the Nukhba Force and took part in the murderous attack on communities in southern Israel on October 7 were operating in the compound,” the IDF said.

Several terrorists were killed in the strike; the IDF said they were planning to carry out terrorist attacks and promote terrorist activities against Israeli troops in the immediate time frame.

“The terrorists directed terror from the area of the school while exploiting it and using it as a shelter,” the army said.

The military emphasized that several steps were taken before the strike to reduce the risk to the noncombatant population, including conducting aerial surveillance and additional intelligence information.

Hamas claimed that at least 27 people were killed in the strike, calling it a “massacre.”

Israel released an infographic showing where the terrorists were operating in the school complex. JNS

Report: Hamas Rejects Israeli Ceasefire Proposal, Citing Differences With U.S. Offer

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Hamas has rejected the Israeli hostage-ceasefire deal, claiming that it is fundamentally different than the one presented by U.S. President Joe Biden on May 31, the Saudi daily Asharq al-Awsat reported on Thursday.

The Gaza-based terror group sent a clarification memorandum to the Palestinian terror factions on Wednesday, the text of which was seen by the news outlet. It claims that the current proposal “does not promise a permanent ceasefire, the occupation’s forces will remain in Gaza, and when they receive the hostages, they will renew the destruction against our nation.”

Hamas is demanding an end to the war and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Strip, two conditions Jerusalem rejects. The Israeli War Cabinet’s goals remain the same: returning the hostages, defeating Hamas as a military and political force in Gaza and ensuring that Gaza can never again threaten Israel. Hamas has pledged multiple repeats of its Oct. 7 atrocities.

Hamas spokesman Jihad Taha confirmed to the Qatari news outlet Al-Araby Al-Jadeed the terrorist group’s demands for a permanent ceasefire and a comprehensive Israeli withdrawal.

Qatar’s foreign ministry said on Tuesday that it had handed Biden’s three-phase ceasefire proposal to Hamas, and that the document is “much closer” to the positions of both sides.

An Israeli official told Kan News on Thursday that Israel has not received a formal reply from Hamas regarding the proposal.

The War Cabinet decided on Wednesday not to send a delegation to Qatar until Hamas provides a formal answer. The Cabinet was again scheduled to meet on Thursday night, but that meeting was canceled, along with a broader Security Cabinet meeting.

Al-Araby Al-Jadeed reported on Thursday that discussions have started in Cairo between senior Egyptian officials and Palestinian terror factions on the day after the war in Gaza. At the same time, a delegation of Egyptian intelligence officials arrived in Ramallah to meet with senior Palestinian Authority officials about a potential role they could play in post-war Gaza.

A U.S. official in Cairo told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that “the American administration has finally settled on the need for the next day’s talks to stop the war to go in parallel with the ceasefire negotiations,” stressing that CIA Director William Burns and U.S. Middle East adviser Brett McGurk are visiting the region this week for that purpose.

U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on Tuesday “the ball is in Hamas’s court.”

“We are waiting for a response from Hamas,” said Sullivan. He acknowledged that the terror group in Gaza might well choose to continue the conflict instead.

“That wouldn’t be terribly out of character for a vicious and brutal terror group, but what we hope they do in the end is see that the best pathway to an end to this war, the return of all the hostages, a surge of humanitarian assistance, is to accept this proposal,” he added.

“The onus is on Hamas and will remain on Hamas until we get a formal response from them,” said Sullivan.

The Biden envoy also clarified that Israel had accepted the deal when a reporter suggested otherwise.

“I take issue with the end of your question when you said Israel rejected the proposal,” said Sullivan. “The prime minister’s own adviser went out publicly and said they accepted the proposal. They have reaffirmed that they have accepted the proposal…[it] is a proposal Israel accepted before and continues to accept today. The ball is in Hamas’s court,” he added.

In an interview with Time magazine published on Tuesday, Biden said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was under “enormous pressure” to forge a ceasefire deal with Hamas.

“The last offer Israel made was very generous in terms of who [Palestinian prisoners] they’d be willing to release, what they’d give in return, et cetera. Bibi [Netanyahu] is under enormous pressure on the hostages…and so he’s prepared to do about anything to get the hostages back,” said Biden.

Freeing the hostages is the main reason the White House is pushing for a ceasefire, Biden said.

Hostage families call for pressure on Hamas

On Thursday, The Hostages Families Forum released a statement calling for additional pressure to be applied on Hamas to agree to the deal.

“After eight months, the Israeli government has proposed a deal, with support from the international community. A deal that aims to bring all the hostages home—the living for rehabilitation and the murdered for burial,” the statement reads.

“The recent tragic news of the murder of four hostages—Chaim, Yoram, Amiram and Nadav—who were kidnapped alive, highlights the urgent need for an immediate resolution. Their deaths serve as a reminder that each day in captivity puts the lives of the remaining hostages at grave risk.

“The negotiating parties have a moral and ethical obligation, supported by the mediators and the international community, to apply the necessary pressure on Hamas to accept the proposed deal. Negotiating teams must convene immediately to bridge any gaps and finalize the agreement without delay.”

Eyal Kalderon, whose cousin Ofer Kalderon was abducted from Kibbutz Nir Oz on Oct. 7 and is still being held in Gaza, told JNS on Thursday that he hopes the reports regarding Hamas’s rejection of the ceasefire are wrong.

“I am hoping that this will not be Hamas’s official response because Israel gave a lot in this proposal, we are even willing to end the war at the end of the process, and we are very much hoping that Hamas will understand how good a deal this is,” he said.

“We demand from all sides, including the mediators, that they do everything to seal this deal. We will not accept failure because of minor details,” he added.

“If reports that Hamas rejected the deal are true, we would need to understand the cause for their rejection. If they were to ask for a clear declaration regarding the end of the war, we would demand our government make one,” he said.

However, he continued, “If Hamas demands the full withdrawal of IDF forces without returning the hostages in the first phase of the deal, we will not accept it.”

Yael Adar, whose son Tamir, 38, was declared dead in captivity in January, told JNS, “Unfortunately, nothing changes. I understand that we must wait, but all this waiting for Hamas’s answer to the Israeli proposal is unbearable.”

She expressed hope for a deal to “bring an end to the tragedy that the families are experiencing” and give them “hope for a different reality.”

Zvika Mor, whose 23-year-old son Eitan is being held by Hamas in Gaza, told JNS on Thursday, “I think that I knew before seeing reports that Hamas would not take this deal, because the terrorists want to maintain their sovereignty over Gaza and Israel cannot allow it to happen. As such…it was a bad deal for Hamas.”

Mor is the co-founder of the Tikva Forum for Families of Hostages, an alternative to the Hostages and Missing Families Forum.

In April, Mor organized a rally outside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem advocating for increased military pressure on Hamas by launching an operation in Rafah to destroy the terror group’s last bastion.

“Israel must keep pressing Hamas through military operations and we must keep fighting until we’ve achieved all the objectives of this war,” Mor told JNS. “That is, to destroy this terror organization and to release our hostages. Israel cannot allow Hamas to remain in Gaza,” he added.

World leaders back Biden proposal

Also on Thursday, leaders of 16 countries, including many whose citizens were taken hostage on Oct. 7, issued a statement backing Biden’s ceasefire proposal, calling on Hamas to “close this agreement.”

“There is no time to lose,” read the statement, which was signed by the leaders of Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Thailand and the United Kingdom. The United States, too, signed the statement.

“As leaders of countries deeply concerned for the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, including many of our own citizens, we fully support the movement towards a ceasefire and hostage release deal now on the table and as outlined by President Biden on May 31, 2024,” the text stated.

Noting that Israel is “ready to move forward” with the terms proposed by Biden on Friday, the world leaders stressed that the deal would lead to an “immediate ceasefire and rehabilitation of Gaza together with security assurances for Israelis, and Palestinians, and opportunities for a more enduring long-term peace and a two-state solution.” JNS

Terrorists Who Took Part In October 7 Massacre Eliminated In IDF Strike In Gaza

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Early Thursday morning, Israeli Air Force (IAF) fighter jets, guided by intelligence from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), executed a targeted strike on a Hamas facility located within a United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) school in Nuseirat.

According to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, who were part of the Nukhba Forces and participated in the brutal assault on southern Israeli communities on October 7th, were operating within the compound.

The militants were conducting terrorist activities from within the school, using it as both a base and a refuge. The statement noted, “Several terrorists who planned to carry out terror attacks and promote terrorist activities against IDF troops in the immediate time frame were eliminated in the strike.”

Palestinian reports indicated that the air strike resulted in 30 fatalities and that the school in question was being used as a refuge for displaced individuals.

Hamas’s “communications ministry” in Gaza commented, “We expect the death toll to rise due to the number of seriously and critically injured in the attack.”

The IDF statement emphasized, “Before the strike, a number of steps were taken to reduce the risk of harming uninvolved civilians during the strike, including conducting aerial surveillance, and additional intelligence information.”

{Matzav.com Israel}

This Free Line-Cutting App Could Save You Hours At The Airport

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A month ago, I flew from Paris back to Baltimore full of despair: My vacation was over, and the trip home seemed to take an eternity.

Then I saw the snaking line for customs and immigration.

What could have sunk me into a deeper woe actually revived me, because I didn’t have to wait in that soul-sucking purgatory. I didn’t have to wait in the shorter but still well-populated Global Entry line, either.

Instead, I headed to a third option that most people miss: the Mobile Passport Control (MPC) line. Thanks to this secret national treasure, I was out of the airport and hailing my Uber in 8 minutes. (I timed it.)

You, too, can experience this completely free VIP treatment the next time you fly internationally. Here’s how.

What is Mobile Passport Control?

Think of Mobile Passport Control like a fast pass for international travel. It’s a free service that allows select travelers to access a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) express lane with a smartphone app.

To be eligible, you must be a U.S. citizen, a lawful permanent resident, a Canadian B1/B2 citizen visitor or a returning Visa Waiver Program traveler with approved Electronic System for Travel Authorization.

You can only use the app when returning from an international trip at an MPC-approved site. That currently includes more than 30 U.S. international airports, 14 pre-clearance locations (among them airports in Abu Dhabi, Aruba and Ireland) and four seaports.

Why don’t more people use it?

While you’ll see signs promoting Mobile Passport around those sites and sometimes ads on in-flight entertainment systems, most people aren’t taking advantage of the service. Just 8 percent of eligible travelers used the app in the 2024 fiscal year, according to CPB spokesman Aaron Bowker, though that’s a 50 percent increase from the year before.

The company Airside Mobile originally developed the app and launched it in 2014, first at Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. Awareness of its powers seemed to spread mostly by word-of-mouth and some signs around airports. In 2022, CBP officially took over the app, launching an updated version that left the original defunct. Some travelers missed the memo and figured the service had been discontinued when their app no longer worked.

But CBP is invested in the program’s growth.

“We’ve expanded the population of travelers that are able to use it. We’ve started to educate the airports. Airports have started to put in a better queuing system,” Bowker said. “And so we’re expecting to see this continue to increase.”

How Mobile Passport works

First, download the Mobile Passport app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Unlike line-cutting services like Global Entry or TSA PreCheck, MPC doesn’t require preapproval or an application process. Even if you forget to do it before your trip, it’s so quick to set up, you can install it as you’re walking up to customs.

When it’s time to pass through, eligible travelers can just fire up the app, answer the standard few questions about their trip that they would at a customs kiosk, take a selfie and proceed to a dedicated Mobile Passport lane, where an officer will confirm their details and wave them through. Individual travelers and families of up to 12 people can use the app at once.

It makes me feel like a fancy diplomat – not someone who just spent 12 hours in economy – every time I use it.

Mobile Passport vs. Global Entry

Mobile Passport and Global Entry both promise a faster airport experience. Both also come with pros and cons.

One MPC downside: While it’s completely free to use and rarely has a line of more than a few travelers, it’s not at every airport. And Mobile Passport lanes may not always be available even in places that claim to offer it.

CBP spokeswoman Corey Daboin said the agency is aware of that problem. Sometimes, issues are due to infrastructure constraints – some airports may not have the lanes available to operate MPC continuously – or management. The agency stresses, however, that Mobile Passport is a priority, and “we are working on making that so it’s not an issue moving forward,” Daboin said.

If you fly internationally and your home airport doesn’t have MPC yet, Global Entry is a great option. It does cost $100 and requires an application and interview process. But it also comes with a TSA PreCheck membership and is good for five years – plus it’s still light-years better than waiting in that endless regular line.

(c) 2024, The Washington Post · Natalie B. Compton 

That’s What We’re Here For

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By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz

Back at the beginning of the world, when creation was still unsullied by man and his struggles, nothing was guaranteed.

The Gemara in Shabbos (88a) quotes Reish Lakish, who taught that when Hashem finished creating the world, He, so to speak, put everything on hold and conditioned the world’s existence. Hashem told His creations that if the Jewish people would accept the Torah when He would present it to them, everything would continue to exist, but if the Jews would have a negative response, the world would be over and everything would revert to nothingness.

The existence of the world depended on what would happen on the sixth day of Sivan. That day, when the Jews stood at Har Sinai in complete achdus, the Medrash states that Hashem said He would take advantage of their unity to deliver the Torah to them.

When Hashem presented His offer, they responded in unison, “Naaseh v’nishma.”

The Gemara (ibid.) quotes Rav Sima’i, who taught that when the Jewish people proclaimed naaseh v’nishma, six hundred thousand malochim came to each person and tied two crowns on their heads, one for naaseh and one for nishma.

Rabi Elozor taught (see Shabbos ibid.) that a Heavenly voice rang out and declared, “Who taught this secret of the Divine angels to My children?”

What was so special about naaseh v’nishma that those two words created such a Heavenly response?

Seforim such as those of Rav Chaim Vital and the Maharal teach that Hashem created us comprised of two differing entities, chomer and tzurah. Chomer refers to the physical aspects, and tzurah to the spiritual, the abstract, the goal, the direction to be taken through utilizing the chomer. There is a perpetual struggle between the body and the soul, the guf and the neshomah. All throughout our lives, every day, as we make decisions about how to live, the neshomah and the guf, the yeitzer hara and yeitzer tov, are debating. How we proceed is determined by which side wins.

When the Jews proclaimed naaseh v’nishma, they were saying, in effect, that they recognized this steady battle and were committing themselves to follow the word of Hashem and be people of tzurah, not chomer. They were saying that they would work to subjugate the physical to the spiritual.

When we sing on Shavuos, “Naaseh v’nishma omru k’echod,” we are celebrating that promise and renewing the vow.

Naaseh means that we will observe the mitzvos that Hashem will give us, and nishma means that we will study the Torah that teaches us those mitzvos. The greatness of their response was that they weren’t only accepting upon themselves to study Torah so that they would be able to properly obey the mitzvos. They were also stating that they would learn Torah with no ulterior motive other than to study Hashem’s words. It was this that Rav Yosef was referring to (Pesochim 68b) when he addressed the greatness of the Yom Tov of Shavuos and said, “Ih lav hai yoma kama Yosef ika beshuka.” In today’s vernacular, he said, “If not for this day, I would be just another Yosef out there in the street.”

There are many explanations of what Rav Yosef meant, but Rashi is succinct and clear. He writes that Rav Yosef was saying, “If not for this day upon which we were given the Torah, which I studied and which raised me, I would be just a regular person.”

Rav Yosef was referring to Klal Yisroel’s statement that they would study Torah lishmah, for its own sake and not for any other reason. Because he studied Torah purely for the sake of studying Torah, he was raised to a higher level.

The same way Torah raised Rav Yosef, it can raise us if we dedicate ourselves to it and follow the words of Chazal at the beginning of Parshas Bechukosai. Hashem says to us, “Im bechukosai teileichu, if you will follow the ways of My commandments, I will bless you.”

Rashi, however, based on Chazal, explains the word teileichu to mean that if you would work hard to study the Torah, you will earn Hashem’s blessings. Along with those blessings, you will also become a holy person. Torah raises the spiritual levels of those who study it, for when you are learning Torah, you are studying the words of Hashem and connecting to Him.

Chazal teach, “Yisroel v’oraisa v’Kudsha Brich Hu chad huKlal Yisroel and Torah and Hashem are one.” The more we learn, the higher we rise and the more connected we become to Hashem. We bring additional pleasure to Hashem as we also fulfill the purpose for which He created the world.

This is conditional on us being connected to the rest of Klal Yisroel, as we shall see.

The Shulchan Aruch (428:4) states that we always read Parshas Bamidbar on the Shabbos prior to Shavuos. The commentators explain that this is based on the Gemara in Megillah (32b) that this was instituted by Ezra. [See the Gemara.] Tosefos and the Levush explain that this is done to separate the curses of Parshas Bechukosai from the Yom Tov of Shavuos.

Perhaps we can offer another reason for this practice and say that it is because in Parshas Bamidbar, the Jews were counted. The Torah states that if the Jewish people are counted numerically one by one, they will be punished with a plague.

The Torah prescribes that we are to be counted with the machatzis hashekel coin. Every person who is included in the count contributes a half-shekel coin to the Bais Hamikdosh, and the population number is arrived at by adding up the number of coins.

When the people see that everyone is equal and no single person is worth more than another, and they observe that each one on his own is only a half—they need another person to be considered one and whole—this brings unity, achdus. And when there is achdus amongst Klal Yisroel, the Shechinah can dwell in our midst. Where the Shechinah is, there can be no plague.

Therefore, we lain Parshas Bamidbar prior to Shavuos to remind us to be b’achdus as we approach the Yom Tov of Matan Torah.

Achdus on Shavuos is not only a good idea, but a prerequisite to Kabbolas HaTorah. Each year on the sixth day of SivanShavuos—we receive the Torah anew, just as we did on the sixth day of Sivan when we stood at Har Sinai.

This is derived from the posuk which states, referring to the Bnei Yisroel at Har Sinai, “Vayichan shom Yisroel neged hohor,” using the singular form of the words vayichan and Yisroel to teach us that they stood there as one person with one heart, in complete unity. This harmony was necessary for Hashem to deliver them the Torah. The Medrash states that when Hashem saw that the people were united, He said, “This is the time that I will give the Torah to My children.” Had they not been unified b’achdus, they would not have received the Torah.

The Korban Ha’eidah on the Yerushalmi (Rosh Hashanah 4) states that each year, on Shavuos, it is like the day we stood at Har Sinai to receive the Torah. Since we receive the Torah anew each year on the sixth of Sivan, we have to properly prepare ourselves for the annual Kabbolas HaTorah. One of the ways to do that is to be b’achdus.

The Shelah goes further and cites from the sefer Tolaas Yaakov that Shavuos is a Yom Hadin on what share we will have in the Torah.

Therefore, it stands to reason that just as the Jewish people prepared themselves for the original Kabbolas HaTorah, we have to do the same. Through the days of Sefirah from Pesach until Shavuos, we refrain from frivolity and concentrate on raising ourselves day by day through the 48 levels of proper conduct, purity, and holiness required to accept the Torah. As we mourn the death of the talmidim of Rabi Akiva, we work on improving the way we deal with each other. This includes speech and conduct, perfecting our middos and treating everybody the way we want people to treat us, with decency, respect, and love. In light of what we wrote, to be prepared for the din of Shavuos, we must put an extra emphasis on working towards the goal of achdus, which is necessary for Kabbolas HaTorah.

The Shelah writes that just as on the day Hashem created the world He revisits it and examines people and their actions to determine what the next year will be like, so too, on the day of Matan Torah, which is “moreh al chiddush ha’olam,” Hashem wants to examine what is happening in the world as He judges it regarding Torah.

I am perplexed by what the Shelah means when he writes that the day of Matan Torah, namely Shavuos, points to creation. Perhaps we can explain that his intention is to say that, in effect, the act of creation was completed on the sixth day of Sivan at Matan Torah, as we saw from Reish Lakish that the totality of the briah was dependent on whether the Jewish people would accept the Torah.

Thus, the day of Shavuos, when the world began in earnest, is truly a beginning of the world, worthy of a day of judgment, similar to the day of judgment on the first day of Tishrei, the day the world was created, which we refer to as Rosh Hashanah.

We can also say that on the day the Torah was given to the Jewish people, the world entered a new period, for Torah is what gives us life and sustains us. It is the reason Hashem created us and the reason He created the world. Therefore, it is fitting that on this day, He reviews the success of His world and whether it is reaching its purpose. He reviews whether His nation is realizing their purpose in Torah.

Hashem looks down at us and observes us to see if we are toiling in Torah and if we are spending our time immersed in our Torah learning to arrive at its truth, which He meant to be the essence of our life. He looks at our thoughts and actions. He views the way we conduct ourselves and deal with others as He determines what type of Torah year we will have. Will it be a year of serious learning, of understanding what we are learning and remembering it, or will it be a year during which we will have to work extremely hard to understand and retain anything we learn?

Hashem looks to see how we go about our study and observance of Torah. If He sees that we are studying in a lackadaisical and superficial manner, He may not be happy with us and will chas veshalom grant us a year during which it will take superhuman effort to fulfill our purpose in the world.

Additionally, prior to giving the Torah, Hashem told Moshe to tell the Jewish people to make themselves holy and to purify themselves (Shemos 19:10) in order to be able to receive the Torah.

We must do the same. During the period leading up to Shavuos and on Shavuos itself, we must work to sanctify ourselves and our actions and make ourselves holy. We have to raise ourselves from the nonsense we are busy with and rip ourselves away from things that do not lead to holiness or purity. We must examine the things we read and what we speak about, and work to improve ourselves, so that we are not busy with petty things or talking about other people, especially when being judgmental and mocking. We must be uplifted and positive, working to make ourselves and those around us better.

Our society is steeped in too much silliness and shallowness. There are so many causes and so many people suffering. It is so expensive to live these days and we should be trying to find ways to help people and lighten their load. The topic of last week’s Yated Chinuch Roundtable was sad and vital. People of goodwill need to sit down and figure out how regular, normal people in our world can make ends meet. It is nearly impossible today to survive on an average salary, and even on two average salaries.

There are so many poor people desperate for help, but no less desperate are families where both parents work. That itself is not optimal, but that’s a topic for a different time. There isn’t enough money to pay for a mortgage, own a car, have health insurance, and cover tuition. People are crashing and a solution must be found.

We need to work on achdus, which means caring about other people and their situations. It means the little things that we encounter every day. It means that we find a way to get along even with people who are different from us and think differently than we do.

Being a Torah Yid means learning and growing and caring, having high goals and reaching them. It means to be holier and better, nicer and more moral and honest, righteous and spiritual, and committed to excellence. It means to always seek to place tzurah over chomer, to do what the yeitzer tov, not the yeitzer hara, wants. It means saying naaseh v’nishma all day and every day.

We can all do it. That’s what we are here for, pre-Shavuos, on Shavuos, post-Shavuos, and all year round.

May we all be zoche to the wonderful blessings reserved for those who study and follow the Torah.

Have a good Yom Tov.


Thousands Gather In Crown Heights For Levaya Of Renowned Chabad Shliach Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky Z”L [PHOTOS & VIDEO]

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Thousands gathered at Chabad World Headquarters in Crown Heights on Wednesday to pay give Kavod Acharon to Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky z”l, a beloved and key figure in the Chabad movement and global Jewish community. Tens of thousands more joined via live broadcast to honor the life and legacy of Rabbi Kotlarsky, who was niftar on Tuesday at the age of 74. Rabbi Kotlarsky was a pioneer of Jewish life around the globe, serving as the Vice Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch (Chabad’s Outreach Division) and Chairman of the International Conference of Shluchim. For over 50 years, he worked tirelessly to expand the Chabad network, which now includes nearly 6,000 centers in over 110 countries. The levaya passed by Rabbi Kotlarsky’s home on Crown Street in Crown Heights, proceeded to the Lubavitch World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway, and concluded at the Old Montefiore Cemetery in Cambria Heights, Queens, where he was laid to his eternal rest near the Ohel of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. During the levaya, Rabbi Kotlarsky’s eldest son-in-law, Rabbi Zalman Wolowik, read a farewell letter written by niftar in his final days. The letter addressed the Shluchim he loved so dearly, urging them to continue their vital work. He requested that his son, Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, assume his responsibilities, ensuring the continuation of his efforts. Rabbi Kotlarsky is survived by his wife, Mrs. Rivka Kotlarsky, their nine children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and numerous siblings, nieces, and nephews. He was known for his boundless energy and dedication, and his work continued even amidst health challenges, reflecting his unwavering commitment to the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s vision of fostering Jewish identity and community worldwide. Rabbi Kotlarsky’s initiatives included the Roving Rabbis initiative, Chabad on Campus International, CTeen International, Chabad Young Professionals, and the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute, all of which have significantly impacted Jewish education and outreach globally. Yehi Zichro Baruch. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Gaza Pier Will Cost $90 Million Less Than Expected, Pentagon Says

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The U.S. Department of Defense is projecting that the floating pier, which it used to transport aid to Palestinians until it broke on May 25 and had to be taken offline for repairs, will cost more than 25% less than expected.

Sabrina Singh, the deputy Pentagon press secretary, told reporters on Wednesday that the U.S. Central Command’s Joint Logistics, Over-the-Shore—the technical name for the pier—is expected to cost $90 million less. It was predicted to cost $320 million.

The new estimate, $230 million, includes costs of repairs, Singh said.

“Costs for contracted trucks, drivers and commercial vessels were lower than expected and the United Kingdom contributed a berthing vessel for soldiers and sailors,” the Pentagon said.

Singh added “a reminder, these are estimates and initial assessments,” and “the cost could fluctuate depending on the length of the mission and future cost—an example of that being additional repairs.”

She added that the repairs could be done, and the pier delivered and reattached to the shore as soon as the end of the week. “As soon as the temporary pier is re-anchored to the beach in Gaza, we expect aid to flow pretty immediately,” she said. JNS

SERIOUS INCIDENT: 4 Heavily Armed Terrorists Try To Infiltrate Israel’s Southern Border, 1 Soldier Killed

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The IDF on Thursday afternoon announced the death of Warrant Officer Zeed Mazarib, 34, who was part of the Bedouin Gaza Division’s Southern Brigade. He was killed early Thursday morning in a serious incident when four heavily armed terrorists from the Rafah area of Gaza tried to infiltrate the Israeli border near Kerem Shalom. IDF soldiers from a Bedouin border patrol unit encountered the terrorists, who opened fire on them. A gun battle ensued which lasted for several long moments and led to the death of Mazarib. Meanwhile, a fighter jet deployed to the area attacked the terrorists and killed two of them. Another terrorist was killed by tank fire shortly afterward. The terrorists were also armed with RPGs. The fourth terrorist managed to escape back to the Gaza Strip despite the fighter jets and tanks deployed to the area. The IDF emphasized that the terrorist did not cross the security fence along the Gaza Strip and that the incident is under investigation. Ynet reported that IDF forces have been seeing an increasing number of attempts by Gazan terrorists to infiltrate Israel, mainly from the Khan Younis area. The incident on Thursday morning was one of the most serious infiltration attempts since the first week of the war. The IDF has emphasized that the threat of infiltration attempts by terror cells from Gaza will continue in the coming years. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)


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