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Gazans Celebrate: ‘Gantz Retreated, So Too Will Netanyahu’

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Video footage emerged on Sunday night of Palestinians in northern Gaza celebrating after War Cabinet Minister Benny Gantz announced he would withdraw his party from Israel’s unity government.

The clip, first posted to X on the account of a pro-Hamas journalist by the name of Hossam Shabat, was captioned in Arabic: “The joy of citizens in northern Gaza after Gantz announced his resignation.”

One man can be heard saying in the video: “Just as he [Gantz] retreated, so too will [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu.”

A senior Hamas official, Sami Abu Zuhri, told Iran’s Press TV on Monday that Gantz’s decision to leave the government “points to the downfall of the regime’s [Israel’s] political system.

“There is no end in sight to the resignation of the Zionist regime’s political and military figures,” claimed Abu Zuhri.

Meanwhile, Qatar’s Al Jazeera cited a spokesperson for Iran’s foreign ministry as saying on Monday that “the repeated resignations in the government of the Zionist entity indicate its collapse from within.”

Speaking at a press conference in Ramat Gan on Sunday, Gantz announced his National Unity Party eight lawmakers’ departure from the government formed in the days after Hamas’s Oct. 7 massacre.

“Unfortunately, Netanyahu is stopping us from reaching true victory,” said the former Israel Defense Forces chief. “Therefore, we are leaving the unity government today. With a heavy heart, but wholeheartedly.”

Gantz called on the remaining 64 members of Netanyahu’s coalition to “listen to their conscience,” singling out Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who has frequently clashed with the premier.

Netanyahu issued a statement on X urging Gantz to reconsider his decision, saying that “this is not the time to abandon the campaign [against Hamas]—this is the time to join forces.”

On Monday morning, youth activists of Israel’s Religious Zionism Party left a flower bouquet at the door of Gantz’s office at the Knesset.

“Benny Gantz, thank you! With love and appreciation, Yahya Sinwar,” a note placed with the flowers read, a reference to the terrorist leader in Gaza.

The activists said, “We all saw the thousands of Gazans who celebrated after [Gantz’s] address. During wartime, we need to be united against the enemy and not be divided by cheap political considerations. We call on all of Israel: Now is the time for unity. Only united will we win.

“Gantz’s address was a gift to Sinwar and the Hamas terrorist group. As they aim to divide the citizens of Israel to hurt them, Gantz gave them exactly what they want with his move,” they added.


Shavuos 5784 in New York Is Different With the Advent of Shas Yiden Flatbush

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Over the last 15 years, a new approach and method of limud Hashas has been nurtured and developed in Eretz Yisroel at Reshet Kollelei Shas Yiden. This phenomenon has captured the imagination and electrified lomdei Hatorah throughout the world, and has earned the avid support of Gedolim across the Torah spectrum.  Shas Yiden in UK & USA Shas Yiden not only grew from 6 avreichim metzuyonim to 122 avreichim geonim in five kollelim across Eretz Yisroel but, in response to repeated requests from abroad, a Shas Yiden kollel was first established in the UK, in Stamford Hill, London. The Shas Yiden reputation soared in this location and their first Annual Siyum Hashas with Gedolei Torah in attendance reflected the grandeur of those in Yerushalayim. This foray into Chutz La’aretz has been followed by a long-awaited opening of a Shas Yiden kollel in Flatbush, NY. The Eretz Yisroeldike bren of learning the entire Shas has already had a significant local impact and is a source of inspiration to the local Flatbush kollelim. The incredible devotion to limud gantz Shas and its completion within a year by each avreich at Shas Yiden has encouraged many others to try and emulate this broader study of Shas. This elevated level of Torah study at Shas Yiden and the ability of the avreichim geonim to face public oral farheren by world recognized Gedolei Torah, together with monthly tests on 225 blatt, is nothing short of remarkable. Shas Yiden has truly raised the bar in the study of Shas. Our unique system of learning, the tight demanding regimen and the motivation emanating from Eretz Yisroel has truly placed Shas Yiden in a Torah league of its own.  In the Words of Maranan Hageonim Sar Hatorah, רשכבה”ג Maran Hagadol Harav Chaim Kanievsky, זצ”ל – Nasi, Shas YidenI tested them, I know them throughout Shas – a Yissachar-Zevulun pact with Shas Yiden is the most mehudar partnership  Rosh Hayeshiva, רשכבה”ג Maran Hagadol Harav Gershon Edelstein, זצ”לShas Yiden has raised the bar of Torah learning in both depth and clarity, and its unique method of ameilus in Torah The Sanzer Rebbe, שליט”אA first in 2000 years of Jewish history – never before a Torah institution where ALL the avreichim know kol Hashas kulo, Rashi and Tosfos b’al peh Over 1.6 Million Blatt at Shas YidenThis Year Alone! With each of the 122 avreichim geonim at Shas Yiden required to complete a minimum of 13,555 blatt per year, you are helping support some 1,654,000 blatt!  At the most recent farheren, the reaction of the Gedolei Torah conducting the testing to the prowess of the Shas Yiden was simply one of amazement at the breadth and detailed knowledge and all-encompassing mastery of Shas – remarking: “They know it like others know Ashrei Yoshvei!” The joy of the avreichim geonim and their clear love of Torah electrifies each farher. (To see the different farheren in action, please click on our website: www.shasyiden.com.) It is no wonder that the overall reaction to the Shas Yiden Network is that in its 15 years it has certainly revolutionized and raised the bar in the learning and mastery of Shas.  Caring for the Avreichim Families Despite the difficulties of these last few years, Covid etc., Shas Yiden has made sure to keep our commitment to each […]

Hezbollah Tries To Down Israeli Fighter Jets Over Lebanon

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Hezbollah terrorists in Southern Lebanon launched anti-aircraft missiles at Israeli fighter jets on Sunday, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

“A terrorist cell fired anti-aircraft missiles toward IDF fighter jets operating above Lebanon. No danger was posed to the fighter jets and no injuries were reported. A few minutes later, an IAF aircraft struck and eliminated the terrorist cell that carried out the launches in the area of Tyre,” the military reported.

The incident marks the first time since the start of the war some eight months ago that the Iranian terror proxy has attempted to bring down IDF jets, and comes as Hezbollah has been ratcheting up its attacks against northern Israel in recent weeks.

The IAF struck multiple Hezbollah terror targets throughout Southern Lebanon on Sunday, including in the areas of Chebaa, Aitaroun, Markaba, At Tiri and Houla.

Overnight Sunday, air-raid sirens were sounded in Acre in northwestern Israel, as well as in Kiryat Bialik, near Haifa. The sirens were triggered due to fear of falling interceptor fragments, after Israeli air defense systems attempted to intercept a “suspicious aerial target” that had crossed into Israel from Lebanon. The incident was later declared to have been due to a “false identification.”

Gallant holds situation assessment at northern border

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant visited Israel’s northern border area with senior IDF officials on Sunday, where he held an operational assessment.

“Minister Gallant was briefed on recent developments in the arena and discussed efforts to thwart UAV attacks conducted by Hezbollah. Minister Gallant emphasized the importance of continuing efforts to eliminate Hezbollah terrorists and terror targets,” his office said.

IDF Home Front Command ‘ready’ for war with Hezbollah

The Israel Defense Forces Home Front Command is prepared for a full-out war with Hezbollah terrorists on the Jewish state’s northern border with Lebanon, commander Maj. Gen. Rafi Milo reiterated on Sunday.

“If the IDF needs to go to war in the north, we are ready. We have made great efforts to achieve this in recent months,” the Home Front Command head stated at the MuniWorld Conference in Tel Aviv.

“On Oct. 7, we did not manage to protect the [Gaza] Envelope towns, and now there is a major crisis of confidence in the army,” said Milo.

Meanwhile, Moshe Davidovich, who heads the Mateh Asher Regional Council in the western Galilee, told the conference that border towns are “neither prepared nor protected” if the conflict expands.

“The Israeli government has failed in all matters of preparedness regarding the defense of the conflict line [with Lebanon],” he charged.

The Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist organization has attacked northern Israel nearly every day since joining the war in support of Hamas on Oct. 8, killing more than 20 people and causing widespread damage. Tens of thousands of Israelis remain internally displaced due to the violence.

Air-raid sirens sounded in towns on the northern border throughout the day on Sunday, warning of incoming rockets and drones. At least 10 rockets were launched towards Israeli towns in the Galilee panhandle and the northern Golan Heights. Several rockets exploded in open areas, setting fields ablaze, but no casualties were reported.

Hezbollah took responsibility for the attacks, announcing in a statement it had fired Katyusha rockets at Israeli “military positions” in the Golan Heights, including an alleged IDF post in the Mount Dov area.

In addition, at least two suicide drones managed to penetrate Israeli air defenses, exploding in an open area in the northern Golan. There were no injuries, and the IDF is investigating the incident, local reports said.

The drone attack was said to have sparked a fire which quickly spread. Multiple units of Israel’s Fire and Rescue Services were reportedly called to the scene to stop the fire from reaching nearby civilian communities.

On Shabbos, Hezbollah fired a salvo of Iranian “Falaq 2” rockets at an IDF command center in northern Israel, marking the first time the terror group had deployed the projectile, a “security source” told Reuters.

In response, the Israeli Air Force hit terror infrastructure in Southern Lebanon, including in Aitaroun and Rab El Thalathine. On Sunday morning, fighter jets also targeted a rocket launcher in the Houla area.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu said the Jewish state is “prepared for very intense action in the north” to restore security” and return displaced citizens to their homes near the border.

“We said at the start of the war that we would restore security in both the south and the north, and this is what we are doing,” the premier said after earlier being briefed by commanders at the IDF’s Gibor base. JNS

White House Officials Mull Separate Deal To Free US Hostages

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The Biden administration has talked about negotiating a unilateral deal for the release of five Americans held hostage by Hamas in Gaza, NBC News reported on Monday.

The talks wouldn’t include Israel and would take place via Qatari mediators, two current senior U.S. officials and two former ones told NBC.

One of the current officials called it a “very real option.”

The five American hostages were abducted on Oct. 7 when the terror group invaded Israel. They are Edan Alexander, Sagui Dekel-Chen, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Omer Neutra and Keith Siegel.

Three other U.S. hostages are believed to have been killed that day, with their remains being held by Hamas. America wants to recover their bodies as well.

The officials said they didn’t know what the United States could exchange for the hostages, but that Hamas might agree to a deal to “strain relations between the U.S. and Israel and put additional domestic political pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”

The administration has also discussed the possibility that a separate U.S. deal might pressure Netanyahu to agree to a ceasefire, one of the former officials said.

A separate, unilateral deal would be pursued if the current Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal on the table falls through. Last week, a Saudi paper reported that Hamas had rejected the deal, however, Israel denied that a formal rejection had taken place.

Hamas is demanding an end to the war and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Gaza. Israel rejects those conditions.

Israel says that 120 hostages are still held by Hamas, of whom 43 have been killed. The prime minister is under internal pressure from vocal proponents of a hostage deal at all costs.

Netanyahu spoke on Motzoei Shabbos with the four hostages and their families at Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan, praising the soldiers who carried out the daring daytime rescue operation in Gaza earlier in the day.

“Israel just carried out a remarkable rescue operation of four hostages held by Hamas. This operation required ingenuity and courage of the highest degree, and our soldiers performed in an unmatchable way,” the premier said after meeting the rescued abductees and their relatives.

“We’re committed to getting the release of all the hostages, and we expect Hamas to release them all—but if they don’t, we’ll do whatever it takes to get them all back home,” he continued.

“Hamas is committing war crimes every day, including the holding of these hostages. Our soldiers are performing in the most valiant and moral way to end this war with a victory against these killers and against these kidnappers, and we shall prevail,” he said. JNS

Sen. Cruz: Biden, Dems ‘Funded the Death Squads’ on Oct. 7

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Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, in an interview with Newsmax’s John Huddy, criticized President Joe Biden and the Democrats for allegedly financing the groups that attacked Israel on Oct. 7 and for funding the ongoing conflict against Israel.

“It’s indisputable,” Cruz stated during his interview in Normandy, France, which aired on Newsmax’s “Sunday Agenda.” He claimed that $100 billion has flowed to Iran, a known supporter of Hamas, due to the policies of the Biden administration.

Cruz cited $80 billion that Biden allegedly facilitated by not enforcing oil sanctions on Iran that were initially imposed by former President Donald Trump, in addition to $6 billion spent as ransom for five American prisoners and $10 billion in unfrozen assets.

“[Before] Joe Biden came into office, the Trump administration had vigorously enforced oil sanctions at my urging, and oil exports had plummeted from a million barrels a day, all the way down to 300,000 barrels a day,” Cruz said. “Joe Biden came into office and the Iranian economy was on its knees. The Ayatollah was teetering and could very well have fallen, and Joe Biden and the Democrats immediately stopped enforcing those sanctions.”

As a consequence, Iran’s oil revenues surged, now exceeding 2 million barrels a day, Cruz noted. “That’s $80 billion, and that money, in a very direct sense, funded those death squads,” he added.

Cruz emphasized the importance of the U.S. preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, warning that such weapons “would be used to murder Americans.” He expressed concern that a nuclear-armed Iran poses the risk of a “mushroom cloud above the skies of Tel Aviv or New York or Los Angeles,” underscoring the gravity of the Ayatollah’s threats of “Death to America and death to Israel.”

Reflecting on the recent Israeli military operation that rescued four hostages from Gaza, Cruz praised the “extraordinary heroism of the IDF [Israel Defense Force].” He highlighted the difficulty and importance of the mission, saying, “This was not an easy operation and to go into Gaza to get them out, to rescue four hostages alive is incredibly important.”

Cruz stressed that the U.S. should “unshakably” support Israel as it continues its mission to eliminate and destroy Hamas. However, he criticized Biden’s administration as being “the most anti-Israel White House we have ever seen.”

In a different context, Cruz lauded the 80th anniversary celebration of the D-Day invasion, describing the experience of meeting the veterans as profound. “They’re strong and they’re humble,” he remarked. “When you talk, when you’re in the presence of a hero, it takes your breath away.”

He recounted visiting Omaha Beach, where many soldiers lost their lives on June 6, 1944. “The first wave at D-Day, 92% of the soldiers died,” Cruz said. “They came out of those boats immediately into hellfire. We went on a Blackhawk helicopter along the cliffs of Normandy. When you look at those white cliffs that those boys scaled and look, they were 17, 18, 19 year old boys. They were teenagers who in a different world would be going to senior prom. Yeah. And instead, they were climbing 100-foot cliffs and defeating the Nazis.”


Elevate Your Organization’s Impact: Join 200+ Organizations

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With over 200 organizations already signed up, the anticipation is building for a momentous event at the Hilton Meadowlands where the .ORG Expo awaits. This exclusive gathering promises a fusion of unparalleled networking, top-tier hospitality, sophisticated ambiance, and game-changing opportunities, all set against the backdrop of refined cuisine. Join us for a full-day immersion designed to empower organizations like yours to elevate operations, broaden donor networks, and drive significant impact both now and in the future. For who?Intended for CEOs, COOs, heads of grants, marketing, fundraising, development, and technology within organizations, the .ORG Expo is structured around the core principles of ORG: Operate, Radiate, and Generate. Operate:– Donor & Community Operate On a Higher Level: Learn how to engage and maximize your donors and community. – Systems & Compliance: Discover the Top 10 ways the legal system can enhance generosity. – Science & Technology: Explore how technology electrifies your fundraising and debugs your worries. Radiate:– Identity & Awareness: Uncover how authenticity has no artificial ingredients in building and rejuvenating legacy institutions. – Creativity & Execution: Delve into why there’s no PhD in Fundraising. Generate:– Vision & Innovation: Explore new horizons in fundraising with visionary strategies. – Shark Fundraising: But that’s not all. In addition to the myriad benefits of attending this premier conference, we’re thrilled to introduce the Spark Tank session. Here, organizations have the opportunity to pitch their causes to a panel of judges and the assembled audience, with over $50,000 in collective grants up for grabs. The grand prize winner will receive $20,000, providing the spark your organization needs to ignite change. Ready to learn more and seize the chance to win $20,000? Sign up now! We eagerly anticipate your presence at this day of unity, innovation, and collaboration, centered around the principles of Operating, Radiating, and Generating a more generous world. Monday, June 17th, 2024at the Hilton Meadowlands Register today!Use code ywn for 25% off 

Blinken Arriving In Israel To Push Gaza Ceasefire Deal

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U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is set to arrive in Israel on Monday amid the Biden administration’s efforts to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza and avoid a wider war against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

It will be Blinken’s eighth visit to the Middle East region since the start of the Israel-Hamas war last October.

The top American diplomat will first visit Egypt on Monday, and will also stop in Jordan and Qatar during his visit to the region, which will wrap up on Wednesday.

In Cairo, he will meet with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, before meeting in Israel with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

“The Secretary will discuss with partners the need to reach a ceasefire agreement that secures the release of all hostages. He will emphasize the importance of Hamas accepting the proposal on the table, which is nearly identical to one Hamas endorsed last month,” according to a statement by State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller.

“The Secretary will discuss how the ceasefire proposal would benefit both Israelis and Palestinians. He will underscore that it would alleviate suffering in Gaza, enable a massive surge in humanitarian assistance, and allow Palestinians to return to their neighborhoods.

“It would unlock the possibility of achieving calm along Israel’s northern border—so both displaced Israeli and Lebanese families can return to their homes—and set the conditions for further integration between Israel and its Arab neighbors, strengthening Israel’s long-term security and improving stability across the region. The Secretary will also continue to reiterate the need to prevent the conflict from escalating further.”

While in Jordan, Blinken is scheduled to attend a conference on the humanitarian response to Gaza, co-hosted by Jordan, Egypt and the United Nations, according to the State Department.

Prior to his Mideast swing, Blinken accompanied President Joe Biden on his trip to Normandy and Paris, France for commemorations to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day and for a state visit. Blinken will also be with the president in Apulia, Italy from June 13-14 for the G7 Leaders’ Summit. JNS


Netanyahu’s Congress Address: White House Won’t Say If Biden Will Meet Netanyahu

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The White House has not confirmed whether President Joe Biden will meet with Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu during Netanyahu’s upcoming visit to Washington next month, where he will address the US Congress, according to a report from Reuters.

Biden’s national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, stated on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” “I don’t have anything to announce today,” but emphasized that the two leaders maintain regular communication. “He’s coming to address the Congress. The president talks to him all the time,” Sullivan noted.

House Speaker Mike Johnson and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell announced last Thursday that Netanyahu is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, July 24.

In their joint statement, Johnson and McConnell highlighted, “The bipartisan, bicameral meeting symbolizes the US and Israel’s enduring relationship and will offer Prime Minister Netanyahu the opportunity to share the Israeli government’s vision for defending their democracy, combatting terror, and establishing just and lasting peace in the region.”

Netanyahu expressed his gratitude in a statement, saying, “I am very moved to have the privilege of representing Israel before both Houses of Congress and to present the truth about our just war against those who seek to destroy us to the representatives of the American people and the entire world.”

Initially, it was reported that Netanyahu would address Congress on Thursday, June 13, but this date conflicted with the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. Had it proceeded on this date, Biden would have been unavailable due to attending a G7 summit.

The formal invitation followed a statement from Johnson, where he mentioned that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer had agreed to extend the invitation to Netanyahu.

Netanyahu last addressed Congress in March 2015.

President Biden has faced criticism from his left-wing supporters regarding his stance on Israel and has experienced some tensions with Netanyahu, especially concerning Israel’s military actions in Rafah, Gaza.

Biden had previously warned of halting American weapon shipments to Israel if Netanyahu ordered a significant invasion of Rafah. However, a senior Biden administration official later indicated that Israel had addressed many of Biden’s concerns about the operation.

Sullivan expressed hope on Sunday that a ceasefire and a hostage deal would be in place by the time Netanyahu visits Washington. He stated that Hamas only needs to “say ‘yes'” to the current proposal on the table.


Released Hostage: ‘The Citizens Of Israel Hurt Me, They Reacted Negatively To My Release’

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Agam Goldstein-Almog, recently freed from Hamas captivity, shared her experience and emotions at the Local Government Convention on Sunday. She discussed the rescue operation that freed four hostages on Shabbos and reflected on her own feelings since her release.

Goldstein described her current state as surreal: “I feel like I’m in a hallucination since yesterday. It is so exciting and I can’t fathom it. On the day that I returned, I thought, ‘Wow, this morning I relieved myself in a tunnel.’ I see that the hostages who returned are overcome with feelings. They aren’t returning to their lives, they are rebuilding them from nothing. I still haven’t returned to life, I’m not in my house, I am contending with loss, I still haven’t touched the trauma.”

Expressing her pain, she said, “I am hurt by the citizens of Israel for things I did as well. I, 18-year-old Agam, lost my father and brother, but as far as the state is concerned, I’m Agam, and I returned from captivity. I received shocking reactions from people who live here on the same land as me. I came back after living with Arabs for 51 days. I got reactions as if you’re my enemies. Why would they react badly? It finished me.”

She also touched on the criticism she faced for discussing her captors: “I recounted things about the relationships I had with my captors and people didn’t like it. I presented a side of human interactions and for that, I was criticized. People’s reactions were tough.”

Goldstein questioned the judgment faced by returning hostages, stating, “Why are we judging the hostages who returned from captivity? Because they came back smiling? It’s a crazy experience which can’t be dealt with. I’m not sure it’s possible to understand and process it.”

She concluded with a call for continued efforts to rescue remaining hostages: “Thank G-d they got out safe and sound and met their families. We need to increase the pressure so everyone comes home smiling like that.”

{Matzav.com Israel}

It’s Day 47 of the Sefira – Are You Ready for Shavuos?

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As you prepare for your Kabbolas HaTorah, embrace the zechus of helping all of Klal Yisroel be Mekabel the Torah as well.                                                               

Since October 7th, many non-religious families have been registering their children in a Shuvu school in Eretz Yisroel to learn about Torah and Mitzvos.         

In fact, close to 6,000 children are registered to learn Torah in a Shuvu school next year! Yet, 400 of those children may be turned away for lack of funds. Their families are asking Shuvu to take them in so they too can learn Torah – but we lack the funding to do so! Please go to shuvuusa.org/donate to help us take in these children.

With the haskamos of Harav Reuven Feinstein shlita and Harav Elya Brudny shlita, we ask that you please help this desperate situation. Head into Shavuos showing HKB’H  that you are thinking of Kabbolas HaTorah for ALL of Klal Yisroel, including these 400 children from non-religious homes, so desperate to grow in Yiddishkeit. Thank you in advance and a great Yom Tov.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Fears Trump Will Throw Her in Jail if He Wins

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Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) expressed her concerns about the potential repercussions if former President Donald Trump wins the upcoming election in November. During an interview on Kara Swisher’s podcast “On with Kara Swisher,” Ocasio-Cortez shared her fears about possible imprisonment under a Trump administration.

“I mean, it sounds nuts, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy threw me in jail,” she remarked. “He’s out of his mind. I mean, he did his whole first campaign around ‘lock her up.’ This is his motto.” Ocasio-Cortez emphasized her belief that Trump intends to “round up people” if he returns to office.

“I take him at his word when he says that he’s going to round up people. I take him at his word when he threatens journalists. I take him at his word,” she explained. “I feel like what we saw in his first presidency was an amuse-bouche to what his intentions are. He has learned from his mistakes of appointing professionals, and he will not make that mistake next time.”

When asked about Trump’s chances in the November election, Ocasio-Cortez affirmed that she believes he could win against Biden. “Trump does absolutely have a chance to win. That is why I have thrown my support behind Biden early and I support it vociferously,” she said. “It is unequivocal that if Donald Trump wins, we are looking at the potential dissolution of democracy in the United States of America and the question about what would happen to me or the Democratic Party is a joke compared to the question of what is going to happen to our country.”

Although Trump has previously vowed to be his supporters’ “retribution,” he recently conveyed a different message in an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, where he expressed a desire not to further divide the country. “Number one, they’re wrong,” Trump told Hannity. “It has to stop, because otherwise, we’re not going to have a country. Look, when this election is over, based on what they’ve done, I would have every right to go after them, and it’s easy, because it’s Joe Biden and you see all the criminality, all of the money that’s going into the family and him, all of this money from China, from Russia, from Ukraine.”

Actor Robert De Niro also voiced similar concerns, fearing personal repercussions if Trump is reelected. Speaking on HBO’s Real Time, De Niro said, “If he wins the election, you won’t be on the show anymore. He’ll come looking for me. There’ll be things that happen that none of us can imagine.” He further added, “We wanna live in a world that we want to live in and enjoy living in, or live in a nightmare? Vote for Trump and you’ll get the nightmare, vote for Biden and we’ll be back to normalcy.”


Report: Security Council To Vote On US Ceasefire Deal

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The United States circulated a new draft UN Security Council resolution on Sunday, urging Hamas to agree to the hostage and ceasefire deal recently proposed by President Joe Biden, according to Barak Ravid of Axios.

Sources with direct knowledge indicated that a vote on this resolution is anticipated on Monday, Ravid reported.

The resolution, as per Ravid’s report, expresses that the Security Council “welcomes the new ceasefire proposal announced on May 31, which Israel accepted, calls upon Hamas to also accept it, and urges both parties to fully implement its terms without delay and without condition.”

Additionally, the resolution highlights that the Security Council “stresses the importance of the parties adhering to the terms of this proposal once agreed and calls upon all Member States and the United Nations to support its implementation.”

The United States first submitted this resolution to the UN Security Council last week.

Israel reportedly opposed the initial draft of the resolution, arguing that it did not fully align with the Israeli offer and could potentially lead to an end to the conflict without the option to resume if necessary.

Biden’s proposal outlines a three-phase process, with the first phase lasting six weeks. This phase includes a comprehensive ceasefire, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas in Gaza, and the release of certain hostages, such as women, the elderly, and the wounded, in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian Arab prisoners.

In the second phase, all remaining living hostages would be released. The third phase involves “a major reconstruction plan for Gaza,” according to Biden, as well as the return of the remains of deceased hostages to their families.

White House national security spokesman John Kirby clarified last Monday that Biden’s proposal was indeed an Israeli initiative.

“I’ve heard different statements coming out of Israel,” Kirby said, emphasizing that Biden’s proposal “accurately reflects that proposal that we worked with the Israelis on.”

Kirby’s comments followed a discussion by Netanyahu in the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, where he addressed the deal proposed by Biden.

“I will not be ready to stop the war. Despite what President Biden said, it has not yet been agreed how many hostages will be released in the first phase. We can stop the fighting for 42 days in order to return the hostages. We cannot stop the war. The Iranians and all our enemies are looking at us, and want to see if we surrender,” stressed the Prime Minister.

Netanyahu also noted, “there are many more details in the deal and the war will not end without achieving all of our objectives. Don’t pay attention to the publications, there’s a lot of fake news going around. We will not give up on total victory.”


Again: Ahmadinejad Barred From Running For President Of Iran

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Iran’s Guardian Council has approved six candidates to run in the June 28 presidential election, and among the approved candidates is the hard-line parliament speaker, while former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been disqualified.

This decision marks the beginning of a brief, two-week campaign period to find a successor for Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash last month.

The leading contender is Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf, 62, a former mayor of Tehran with strong connections to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. Qalibaf has previously run for president in 2005 and 2013, and he withdrew from the 2017 race to back Raisi in his first presidential attempt. Raisi eventually won the 2021 election, which saw historically low voter turnout due to the disqualification of major opponents.

Other candidates in the race include Saeed Jalili, a former senior nuclear negotiator; Tehran mayor Alireza Zakani; former justice minister Mostafa Pourmohammadi; Amirhossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi, who was Raisi’s vice president; and reformist Masoud Pezeshkian, who is not considered a strong contender.

Ahmadinejad had registered for the election last week, hoping to make a comeback to the country’s top political office. Despite his efforts, he was once again barred by the Guardian Council, as he was in 2017.

Ahmadinejad served as Iran’s President from 2005 to 2013. Notably, he once stated that his “proudest moment” as President was denying the Holocaust. In 2019, he claimed he was not antisemitic, clarifying that he opposed the “Zionist government” rather than Jewish people.


TERROR IN ISRAEL: Terrorists Set Home Of Chassan & Kallah On Fire In Binyamin [Video]

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A serious terror attack occurred overnight Sunday when two terrorists dressed in military vests and helmets infiltrated the the Sde Ephraim farm in Binyamin. The terrorists, one of whom was armed, entered the trailer and when they found it empty, they decided to set it on fire. They poured flammable liquid on it and set it on fire. They then fled the scene. The trailer was home to a newlywed couple who got married less than a week ago. B’Chasdei Hashem, since their Sheva Brachos that night was a far trip, they decided to sleep there, saving their lives. The firefighters who arrived at the scene worked for hours under heavy IDF guard to quell the fire and prevent it from spreading to the rest of the farm. The trailer was completely destroyed. The IDF launched a manhunt for the terrorists. Yesha Council chairman Yisrael Gantz said: “We’ve been warning for a long time about the dangers from the Arabes in the villages in the area who continue to carry out terrorist attacks and constitute a significant security threat to the State of Israel. If you want to prevent the next attack, the army must launch an operation today in the terrorists’ village and protect the area and the State of Israel.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

HEADCAM FOOTAGE: Rescued Hostages Are Transferred To Helicopters In Gaza

Yeshiva World News -

The IDF on Sunday evening released footage from the camera of an IDF Shayetet 13 commando in Gaza. The footage shows the moments in which the rescued hostages were transferred to helicopters in Gaza to return home to Israel. The transfer was carried out under fire by Yamam officers, Shin Bet agents and Paratrooper soldiers. According to details that emerged about the daring rescue operation on Sunday, the special forces unit that first entered Gaza disguised themselves as displaced Gazas from Rafah. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

In A First, Hezbollah Tries Downing IDF Jets With Anti-Aircraft Missiles

Yeshiva World News -

In the first attack of its kind, Hezbollah terrorists on Sunday attempted to down Israeli fighter jets over southern Lebanon by firing anti-aircraft missiles at them, the IDF said. Baruch Hashem, their attempt was unsuccessful. Shortly later, the IDF killed the terror cell in a drone strike. The IDF emphasized that the fighter jets were not seriously threatened by the missiles. However, the unprecedented attack is another escalation in Hezbollah’s steadily increasing war on Israel. The elimination of the terror cell that launched the anti-aircraft missiles: Hezbollah also launched numerous rocket and drone attacks at northern Israel on Sunday, including a rocket barrage of at least 10 rockets in the morning, some of which hit open areas in the northern Golan and caused fires to break out. Shortly later, two suicide drones landed in open areas in Ramat HaGolan, also sparking fires. In return, the IDF struck two Hezbollah compounds, a rocket launcher and additional terror infrastructure in southern Lebanon (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)


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