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GOTTA KEEP HAMAS HAPPY: Democrats Planning “Large” Boycott Of Netanyahu’s Address To Congress

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Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s upcoming address to a joint session of Congress is expected to be met with a “large” boycott from the Democratic caucus who plan to use the move as a rebuke of him, amid ongoing Democratic objections to his handling of the war in Gaza. In 2015, Netanyahu’s speech to Congress – which was perceived as a major snub to the Obama administration –  was skipped by 58 Democratic lawmakers. This time around, many Democrats have voiced opposition to inviting Netanyahu in the first place, accusing Republicans of attempting to divide their party with the speech. Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal says that the boycott “will be large” and that many people are “extremely upset” about Netanyahu’s visit. Jayapal has spoken to lawmakers who attended Netanyahu’s 2015 speech but will not attend this time. Some Democrats are struggling with the decision to attend, balancing their support for Israel with their discomfort over the war’s prosecution. One anonymous House Democrat predicted to Axios that 50 to 100 Democrats might skip the speech if the war in Gaza continues. Another senior House Democrat mentioned discussions about disrupting the speech with vocal protests. Not all Democrats agree with the boycott, however. Rep. Mark Pocan said he hopes to engage in a conversation, suggesting that boycotting might not be the most effective approach. Rep. Dan Kildee said he expects some Democrats to boycott but believes in fulfilling his constituents’ expectations by occupying his seat. The date for Netanyahu’s speech is still being finalized, with Netanyahu’s office dismissing reports of a June 13 address, which would take place during Shavuos. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Russian Pressure Led To Sign Of Life From Hostage Sasha Trufanov

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Pressure from Russia was the catalyst that caused the Palestinian Islamic Jihad to release a “sign of life” video of hostage Sasha Trufanov last week, a Ynet report on Wednesday based on diplomatic sources revealed on Wednesday. Trufanov, who holds Israeli and Russian citizenship, was abducted by Hamas from Kibbutz Nir Oz with his mother Yelena, and his grandmother., who were released in November. His father was murdered in the assault. Yelena Tropanov was invited to Moscow for a meeting with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov along with the parents of Alex Lobanov and Andrey Kozlov after a request was made by The Hostages and Missing Families Forum. Hours after the meeting, the video was released. The Russian embassy in Tel Aviv issued a statement shortly after the video was released, saying: “We maintain constant contact with the families of all Russian nationals who are being held as hostages including Tropanov’s mother, grandmother and fiancée. Together with them, we share the hope for the return of all our citizens in the near future.” “Thanks to the consistent efforts of the leadership of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Russian diplomats and the Russian military in cooperation with the Israeli government, three Russian nationals and other Israelis were released. Russia continues to work toward the quick release of all civilians held hostage in Gaza.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Pro-Israel New Jersey Rep. Menendez Beats Back Progressive Challenger In Primary

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The pro-Israel Menendez political family of New Jersey had mixed fortunes on Tuesday, as Rep. Bob Menendez Jr. (D-N.J.) beat back a progressive challenger in New Jersey’s Democratic primary, while his father, Sen. Bob Menendez Sr. saw the Democratic nomination for his Senate seat go to Rep. Andy Kim (D-N.J.).

AIPAC has backed both the father and son for their pro-Israel positions. The elder Menendez filed on Monday to run as an independent to keep his Senate seat.

Democratic Majority for Israel PAC, which supports pro-Israel Democrats, congratulated Rep. Menendez and other pro-Israel Democrats for their victories.

“We appreciate each candidate’s support for Israel’s right to self-defense and for the safe return of all hostages being held by Hamas,” stated Mark Mellman, DMFI PAC chairman. “We look forward to supporting their campaigns in November.”

The group did not congratulate Kim, who has issued statements condemning the “famine-like conditions” in Gaza and calling for a “bilateral ceasefire to end the violence, release hostages and surge humanitarian assistance.”

The elder Menendez, who has long been one of Israel’s staunchest Democratic supporters in the Senate, is embroiled in a legal battle over allegations of criminal corruption. The U.S. Justice Department indicted him and his wife Nadine on federal bribery charges in September, alleging that they had received gold bars, cash and other illicit gifts in exchange for supporting the governments of Egypt and Qatar.

The senator’s trial entered its fourth week on Monday and remains ongoing.

The younger Mendendez is not accused of any wrongdoing, but the family scandal opened the door for a challenge from Ravinder Bhalla, the mayor of Hoboken.

A Sikh, Bhalla garnered support from a group called Muslims of New Jersey, which claimed that he supports a ceasefire in Gaza, Jewish Insider reported. Bhalla clarified that he supports Israel’s right to self-defense, per the report.

The younger Menendez ultimately defeated Bhalla handily in Tuesday’s Democratic primary, 52.5% to 37%, with local businessman Kyle Jasey taking 10.5% of the vote.

Another pro-Israel stalwart in the House, Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.), won his primary Tuesday uncontested.

The general elections will be held on Nov. 5. JNS

Boeing Launches Nasa Astronauts for the First Time After Years of Delays

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Boeing launched astronauts for the first time Wednesday, belatedly joining SpaceX as a second taxi service for NASA. A pair of NASA test pilots blasted off aboard Boeing’s Starliner capsule for the International Space Station, the first to fly the new spacecraft. The trip by Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams was expected to take 25 hours, with an arrival Thursday. They will spend just over a week at the orbiting lab before climbing back into Starliner for a remote desert touchdown in the western U.S. on June 14. “Let’s get going!” Wilmore called out a few minutes before liftoff. Half an hour later, he and Williams were safely in orbit and giving chase to the space station. Back at Cape Canaveral, the relieved launch controllers stood and applauded. After all the trouble leading up to Wednesday’s launch, including two scrapped countdowns, everything went smoothly before and during liftoff, prompting congratulations from SpaceX’s Elon Musk and others. “Today it all lined up,” said Boeing program manager Mark Nappi. Years late because of spacecraft flaws, Starliner’s crew debut comes as the company struggles with unrelated safety issues on its airplane side. Wilmore and Williams — retired Navy captains and former space station residents — stressed repeatedly before the launch that they had full confidence in Boeing’s ability to get it right with this test flight. Crippled by bad software, Starliner’s initial test flight in 2019 without a crew had to be repeated before NASA would let its astronauts strap in. The 2022 do-over went much better, but parachute problems later cropped up and flammable tape had to be removed from the capsule. Wednesday’s launch was the third attempt with astronauts since early May, coming after a pair of rocket-related problems, most recently last weekend. A small helium leak in the spacecraft’s propulsion system also caused delays, but remained extremely low and manageable. “It’s just a tough endeavor to get to flight and huge kudos to the entire team for getting there,” said Steve Stich, NASA’s commercial crew program manager. Boeing was hired alongside Elon Musk’s SpaceX a decade ago to ferry NASA’s astronauts to and from the space station. The space agency wanted two competing U.S. companies for the job in the wake of the space shuttles’ retirement, paying $4.2 billion to Boeing and just over half that to SpaceX, which refashioned the capsule it was using to deliver station supplies. SpaceX launched astronauts into orbit in 2020, becoming the first private business to achieve what only three countries — Russia, the U.S. and China — had mastered. It has taken nine crews to the space station for NASA and three private groups for a Houston company that charters flights. The liftoff from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station was the 100th of an Atlas V for rocket maker United Launch Alliance. It was the first ride for astronauts on an Atlas rocket since John Glenn’s Mercury era more than 60 years ago; the rocket usually launches satellites and other spacecraft. Despite the Atlas V’s perfect record, the human presence cranked up the tension for the scores of NASA and Boeing employees gathered at Cape Canaveral and Mission Control in Houston. Boeing’s Starliner and SpaceX’s Dragon are designed to be fully autonomous and reusable. Wilmore and Williams occasionally will take manual control of […]

Tens of Thousands Gather In Yerushalayim For Yom Yerushalayim

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Tens of thousands of Israelis gathered in Yerushalayim on Wednesday to celebrate the anniversary of the reunification of the holy city under Jewish rule.

“We are gathering today in Yerushalayim, the capital of united Israel. Fifty-seen years ago, in the Six-Day War, we experienced a historic miracle. We returned home, to the holy city, to the heart of our people,” said Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu at a ceremony marking the day at the Bible Lands Museum.

“Then, as today, we were surrounded by enemies. They thought to suffocate us, to wipe us off the map. But we are an ancient people, a people of brave warriors, we stood up as one man and defended ourselves.”


The premier highlighting the growth of the city, including the hi-tech sector that is quickly gaining traction as an innovation center both in Israel and globally.

The main event of the day is the Flag March, a parade starting at the city center and making its way to the Western Wall by way of the Old City. The male marchers entered the Old City via Damascus Gate while the female participants used the Jaffa Gate.

The sometimes hectic, mostly uplifting march saw crowds of men, women, children and even toddlers singing and dancing their way through the historic corridors en route to the holiest site to the Jewish people.

This year’s celebration comes as war continues to rage against terrorists in the Gaza Strip and daily rocket fire from Lebanon.

Netanyahu mentioned this in his remarks, pledging total victory over Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in the north.

Moshe Feiglin, a former Knesset member and current head of the Zehut Party, spoke to JNS at the head of the March. “The war today is over Jerusalem. They [Hamas] told us that by calling their attack [on Oct. 7] Al-Aqsa Storm.

“We have to understand the war isn’t about the borders, it’s about Temple Mount, the Jewish people, and all civilization, and we are on the front lines of [the fight] for civilization,” Feiglin said.

‘Jerusalem is ours’

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir attended the march, speaking to reporters outside the Old City.

“I came back here for one thing: to convey a message to Hamas and to every house in Gaza and the north … Jerusalem is ours. Damascus Gate is ours. Temple Mount is ours,” he said.

Ben-Gvir added that his policies have allowed free entry of Jews to all parts of the Old City, including prayer on the Temple Mount (something forbidden under the “status quo”).

“We say in the simplest way, it is ours,” the minister said.

Netanyahu pushed back on this, his office releasing a message saying, “The status quo on the Temple Mount has not changed and will not change.”

Marchers came from all over the country, including busloads of Israelis from Judea and Samaria. Those who spoke to JNS expressed their excitement of being there, many of them first-timers to the annual march.

At the conclusion of the march at the Western Wall, the attendees danced together to classical Jewish songs, everyone carrying Israeli flags.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich addressed those gathered at the Western Wall.

Directing his remarks to the prime minister, he said, “Go to war with Hezbollah, subdue it, destroy it, move the security strip from the Galilee to Southern Lebanon. Let our heroic warriors win, restore our national honor, national pride and security and allow the heroic residents to return home safely.

“Mr. Prime Minister, the people of Israel are behind you! The powerful and deep living connection of the people of Israel to the Land of Israel begins from here in Jerusalem, from the Temple Mount, from history, from the divine promise from the Bible. We also understand this and derive faith, determination and strength from this and from this strengthen the IDF fighters. We will pursue our enemy and destroy them and we will not return home until they are all gone,” Smotrich said.

Of the tens of thousands in attendance, a few caused trouble, leading the arrest of 18 people, mostly teenagers.

The event was heavily protected, with some 3,000 police officers and border police maintaining order.

A police spokesperson before the event said “stringent security measures will be implemented, including aerial surveillance and undercover operations.”

Germany’s Ambassador to Israel Steffen Seibert wrote on X that these teens “do not speak of the deep spiritual connection to the city that Jews have felt for thousands of years. They speak of blind hate that these kids have been taught.”

Yom Yerushalayim, celebrated on 28th day of the Hebrew month of Iyar, commemorates the reunification of the city during the 1967 Six-Day War, an event of profound historical and religious significance for the Jewish people, bringing all of Jerusalem under Jewish rule for the first time in nearly 2,000 years.

Alongside the Bible Lands Museum event and the Flag March, celebrations included guided tours, lectures and cultural performances highlighting Jerusalem’s rich heritage.

According to data published by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics ahead of Jerusalem Day, the country’s largest city has surpassed one million residents, adding 13,400 residents last year, with most of the new residents coming from Bnei Brak, Beit Shemesh and Tel Aviv-Jaffa. The latter two cities, plus Beitar Illit, were the localities that welcomed the most out-migration from Yerushalayim.

Jerusalemites are as satisfied with their lives as the rest of Israelis, at 91% (93% for Jews and 86% for Arabs) compared 90% nationally. They are also satisfied with their work at 87%, versus 89% nationally. JNS

חובת הזעקה והתפילה אל ה’ בעת הזאת – מהרה”ק מצאנז קלויזענבורג זי”ע

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#51 דברים נוקבים חדרי בטןמאת הרה”ק מצאנז קלויזענבורג זי”ע‘על חובת הזעקה והתפילה אל הבעת הזאת על כלל ישראלשה פזורה בין שבעים זאבים אין לנו להישען אלא על אבינו שבשמיםמתוך שיעור חומש רש”י פרשת אמור תשמ”א צו הערן קליקט דא

NYPD Preparing To Revoke Trump’s Permit To Carry Firearm

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The New York City Police Department is set to revoke former President Donald Trump’s license to carry a firearm, according to a senior police official who spoke with CNN. Trump’s New York concealed carry license was quietly suspended on April 1, 2023, following his indictment on criminal charges in the state, the official revealed. On March 31, 2023, two of the three pistols Trump was licensed to carry were handed over to the NYPD. The third firearm listed on his license was legally relocated to Florida, the source added. Following Trump’s conviction on 34 felonies on May 30, 2024, he could be in violation of various state and federal laws if he still possesses the third gun in Florida. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

SHOCK: Shabbos Goy in Shikun Skver Let Go….for Being a Yid

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A long-time Shabbos goy in Shikun Skver has been dismissed….for being a Yid.

You see, the 70-year-old Shabbos goy – who identifies as Catholic and previously worked for the NYPD – is actually Jewish.

The truth emerged during a casual chat with a Skverer resident, during which the Shabbos goy revealed that his grandmother was Jewish and had lived in a village near Kiev, Ukraine.

Word spread rapidly, and Skverer dayanim directed local askanim to investigate and verify the claim.

A thorough investigation into the man’s background confirmed that the man, who had served as a Shabbos goy for over 15 years, is indeed halachically Jewish.

Consequently, he was politely let go from his position, with askanim explaining that he could no longer be employed in that capacity.


Biden Will Mark D-Day Anniversary in France as Western Alliances Face Threats at Home and Abroad

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United States President Joe Biden will mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion in France this week as he tries to demonstrate steadfast support for European security at a time when some allies fear Donald Trump threatens to upend American commitments if he wins another term in the White House. The trip comes as the deadliest fighting on the continent since World War II continues in Ukraine and allied countries struggle to find ways to turn the tide against Russia, which has recently gained ground on the battlefield. It is also set against deepening cracks between the U.S. and many European allies over how to manage the ongoing Israel-Hamas war in Gaza. Biden arrived in Paris on Wednesday morning, and he was welcomed by French officials and an honor guard. On Thursday, he’ll visit hallowed ground near the beaches of Normandy, where rows of bone-white headstones mark the graves of U.S. soldiers who died to bring an end to World War II. He’ll also speak on Friday at Pointe du Hoc, a spot on the French coast where Army Rangers scaled seaside cliffs to overcome Nazi defenses. White House National Security adviser Jake Sullivan said aboard Air Force One on the way to France that Biden will stress how the men on those cliffs “put the country ahead of themselves” and detail “the dangers of isolationism, and how, if we bow to dictators and fail to stand up to them, they keep going and ultimately America and the world pays a greater price.” “Eighty years later, we see dictators once again attempting to challenge the order, attempting to march in Europe,” Sullivan said, “and that freedom-loving nations need to rally to stand against that, as we have.” He also said Biden would be meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in France to discuss “how we can continue and deepen our support for Ukraine.” On Saturday, Biden, along with his wife Jill, will be honored by French President Emmanuel Macron with a state visit, including a military parade in Paris and a banquet at the Élysée Palace, as well as business sessions where the leaders are to discuss strengthening their alliance, trade, and security cooperation for the upcoming Olympic games. The two leaders also are expected to discuss the Middle East. Biden has invested geopolitical capital in brokering a ceasefire to the Israel-Hamas war that would see the release of hostages, even as he has maintained his staunch support for Israel and resisted European efforts to recognize a Palestinian state or investigate Israel over its handling of the war. Biden, a Democrat, is scheduled to return to the United States on Sunday, but before he leaves France he’s expected to stop at a cemetery where American soldiers who died in World War I are buried. Trump, a Republican, skipped plans to visit the same site during a 2018 trip to France, a decision that the White House blamed on weather at the time. However, subsequent reporting found that Trump told aides he didn’t want to go because he viewed the dead soldiers as “suckers” and “losers.” He has denied the comments, which Biden referenced during a fundraiser in Greenwich, Conn., on Monday. “This guy does not deserve to be president,” Biden said. Although foreign trips are ostensibly nonpartisan, Biden left […]

Iran’s Guard Head Vows Revenge For Syria Strike: Israel Will ‘Pay For The Bloodshed’

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The commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, Hossein Salami, threatened retaliation on Wednesday following an alleged Israeli strike that resulted in the death of an Iranian adviser in Aleppo, Syria earlier this week.


In statements made a day after IRGC adviser Saeed Abyar was laid to rest in Tehran, Salami was quoted by Iranian media warning that Israel would “pay for the bloodshed.”

According to The New York Times, Abyar was part of the IRGC’s expeditionary Quds Force and had been stationed in Syria since 2012. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that 16 other members of pro-Iran groups were killed in the strike, which the war monitor attributed to Israel, “including Syrian and foreign fighters.”

“Israel must wait for a response to the killing of Iranian military adviser Saeed Aviar in Syria,” Salami was quoted as saying by Iran’s semi-official Mehr news agency.

In April, Iran fired approximately 300 missiles and drones at Israel, almost all of which were intercepted by Israeli and allied air defenses, following an alleged Israeli strike that killed a senior IRGC general and several high-ranking officers in Damascus.

Israel did not comment on the strike. The country has conducted hundreds of airstrikes in Syria since the start of the civil war there, primarily targeting efforts to transfer weapons to Hezbollah, an Iranian proxy, or to prevent Iranian fighters from establishing a presence near Israel’s border.

Aleppo, located on the opposite side of Syria from Israel, is further than most previous attacks attributed to Israel, though Israel is believed to have ordered strikes in the area before.

The most recent alleged Israeli strike in Syria took place on May 29, resulting in the death of a girl in the coastal city of Baniyas. According to the Observatory, three Hezbollah members nearby were also killed in a simultaneous strike. Shrapnel from the Syrian interception of an Israeli missile was blamed for the girl’s death.

Alleged Israeli strikes increased following the outbreak of war in Gaza after Iran-backed Hamas’s October 7 massacre, which saw about 3,000 terrorists cross the border into Israel, killing approximately 1,200 people and taking 251 hostages amid acts of brutality and sexual assault.

However, the Observatory noted a slowdown in strikes after the deadly April 1 attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus, attributed to Israel, which escalated regional tensions and led to Iran’s first-ever direct attack on Israel.

Since the day after the Hamas attack on southern Israel, Hezbollah-led forces in Lebanon have been launching near-daily attacks on Israeli communities and military posts along the northern border, claiming to do so in support of Gaza amid the ongoing conflict there.


DISASTER AVERTED: Hamas Killed A K-9 Dog & Rigged It With Explosives

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A disaster was averted recently after Hamas terrorists killed an attack dog in the northern Gaza Strip and then booby-trapped its body with explosives. About two weeks ago, IDF forces who were operating in the Jabaliya area sent an attack dog into a building where it was suspected that terrorists were hiding, Ynet reported. But unlike most times, the dog did not return to the forces and no sounds of struggle were heard from inside the building, not even barking. The IDF forces realized that something unusual had occurred and dispatched a drone to search for the dog. After a few minutes, the drone located the dog lying in an alley near the building. It was unclear if it was still alive. The IDF forces approached the area with heavy backup in order to retrieve the dog but when they reached the ally, the dog had disappeared. They re-deployed the drone and this time they saw the dog lying on the floor of a nearby building. By now, their suspicions were aroused and they estimated that the terrorists somehow killed the dog quietly and rigged its body with explosives. Sure enough, their theory proved correct and a disaster was averted. The explosives were neutralized and the dog was buried in the cemetery for Oketz K-9 dogs near Modi’in. About 30 Oketz K-9 dogs have been killed since the start of the war. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

CONGESTION PRICING ON HOLD: Manhattan Tolling Plan Postponed Weeks Before Launch, Sources Say

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New York’s congestion pricing plan, scheduled to launch soon, has been delayed indefinitely, sources informed 1010 WINS on Wednesday.

This unexpected development comes just weeks before the planned June 30 start date for the Manhattan congestion toll, which aimed to charge most drivers at least $15 daily for entering the borough below 60th Street.

On Tuesday, reports surfaced that Governor Kathy Hochul was contemplating postponing the plan’s implementation. While she still supports the plan in principle, she is concerned about its economic impact on New York and its potential effects on vulnerable Democrats in swing districts ahead of the 2024 Election, according to sources.

The MTA has continued to push for the tolling program despite numerous lawsuits and opposition from various groups, including cab drivers, truckers, suburban commuters, small business owners, and the state of New Jersey. Some of these legal challenges are still ongoing.

Rep. Josh Gottheimer, a Democrat who has led New Jersey’s opposition to congestion pricing, celebrated the news, stating, “After a five year fight, New York appears to have done right by hardworking Jersey families and backed off their outrageous Congestion Tax.”

Proponents of the plan argue it will increase public transit use, reduce pollution, speed up public buses, and provide essential funding for the subway system.

Transportation Alternatives, a group that supports the plan, criticized the postponement, accusing the governor of siding with powerful special interests and calling the decision a “slap in the face to the millions of New Yorkers who rely on public transportation.”

Their statement continued, “The next time your train is late, your bus is trapped in traffic, your subway station is still missing an elevator, you know who to blame: Governor Kathy Hochul.”

The congestion pricing plan, mandated by a state law passed in 2019, would charge most passenger vehicles $15, with tolls varying based on the time of day and vehicle size, from $1.75 for motorcycles crossing overnight to $36 for sightseeing buses and trucks with trailers during the day.

The future of the plan is now uncertain, as are the consequences of not implementing it. The MTA has indicated that the plan would generate about $1 billion annually, which is crucial for modernizing the century-old subway system.


Putin Warns That Russia Could Provide Long-Range Weapons to Others to Strike Western Targets

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Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Wednesday that Russia could provide long-range weapons to others to strike Western targets. His remarks came after he warned Germany that the use of its weapons by Ukraine to strike targets inside Russia would mark a “dangerous step.” THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. AP’s earlier story follows below. ST. PETERSBURG, Russia (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Germany on Wednesday that the use of its weapons by Ukraine to strike targets inside Russia would mark a “dangerous step” and ruin relations between Berlin and Moscow. Germany joined the United States recently in authorizing Ukraine to hit some targets on Russian soil with the long-range weapons they are supplying to Kyiv. The deliveries of German tanks to Ukraine came as a shock to many in Russia, he said. “Now if they use missiles to strike facilities on the Russian territory it will completely ruin Russian-German relations,” he said. On Wednesday, a Western official and a U.S. senator said Ukraine has used U.S. weapons to strike inside Russia under newly approved guidance from President Joe Biden. It allows American arms to be used for the limited purpose of defending Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city. The official was not authorized to comment publicly on the sensitive matter and spoke on condition of anonymity. Taking questions from international journalists for the first time since his inauguration last month to a fifth term, Putin also said nothing will change in terms of Russia-U.S. relations regardless of whether Biden or Donald Trump wins the American presidential election in November. “We will work with any president the American people elect,” Putin said, speaking on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. “I say absolutely sincerely, I wouldn’t say that we believe that after the election something will change on the Russian track in the American politics,” he added. “We don’t think so. We think nothing that serious will happen.” Putin also said Trump’s felony conviction at his hush money trial last week was the result of “the use of the court system as part of the internal political struggle.” The Russian leader faced questions on a wide range of topics from senior news leaders of international news agencies, including The Associated Press, although the over two years of fighting in Ukraine dominated the session. Asked about Russian military losses, Putin said that no country would reveal that information during hostilities but claimed without providing details that Ukraine’s casualties are five times greater than Russia’s. He also said Ukraine has more than 1,300 Russian troops in captivity, while more than 6,400 Ukrainian soldiers are being held in Russia. The claims could not be independently verified. Putin has used the annual forum as a showcase for touting Russia’s development and seeking investors. While meetings with journalists were part of previous sessions, he has not taken questions from Western journalists at the St. Petersburg event since sending troops to Ukraine. Last year, journalists from countries that Russia regards as unfriendly — including the U.S., the U.K. and the European Union — were not invited, and Western officials and investors also steered clear of the session after wide-ranging sanctions were imposed on Moscow over Ukraine. (AP)

חובת הזעקה והתפילה אל ה’ בעת הזאת – מהרה”ק מצאנז קלויזענבורג זי”ע

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דברים נוקבים חדרי בטן
מאת הרה”ק מצאנז קלויזענבורג זי”ע

‘על חובת הזעקה והתפילה אל ה
בעת הזאת על כלל ישראל

שה פזורה בין שבעים זאבים

אין לנו להישען אלא על אבינו שבשמים

מתוך שיעור חומש רש”י פרשת אמור תשמ”א

צו הערן קליקט דא

FBI Director Warns: ‘Threat of Terror Attacks On Whole ‘Nother Level After October 7’

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FBI Director Christopher Wray has cautioned about an escalating risk of a major Islamic terrorist attack, reminiscent of the fatal ISIS-K assault on a concert venue in Moscow this past March.

Wray presented this warning during a hearing of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies yesterday (Tuesday), while advocating for an $11.3 billion budget for the FBI to address rising threats, which marks an increase of over $600 million from the previous year.

“We’ve seen the threat from foreign terrorists rise to a whole ‘nother level after October 7,” Wray informed the subcommittee. “Just in the time I’ve been Director, we’ve disrupted multiple terrorist attacks in cities and communities around the country. We need funding to continue protecting America from terrorism.”

He further stated, “There was already a heightened risk of violence in the United States before October 7. Since then, we’ve seen a rogue’s gallery of foreign terrorist organizations call for attacks against Americans and our allies. Given those calls for action, our most immediate concern has been that individuals or small groups will draw twisted inspiration from the events in the Middle East to carry out attacks here at home.”

“But now, increasingly concerning is the potential for a coordinated attack here in the homeland, akin to the ISIS-K[horasan] attack we saw at the Russia Concert Hall in March,” he said.

On March 22, terrorists linked to ISIS-K attacked Moscow’s Crocus City concert hall, resulting in 137 fatalities and over 180 injuries.


Chareidi Parties Come Out In Favor of Hostage Deal

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Israel’s chareidi parties have expressed support for the hostage deal with Hamas currently on the table.

“The faction decided to fully support the Israeli proposal, which includes far-reaching measures for the return of the abducted and the observance of the mitzvos of redeeming captives,” read a statement released by the Shas Party.

“Shas supports the proposal and strengthens the prime minister and the War Cabinet to withstand all the pressures, bring the deal to a conclusion and save the lives of many of our brothers and sisters who are in trouble and captivity,” it continued.

Israel’s Housing and Construction Minister Yitzchak Goldknopf, the chairman of the United Torah Judaism Party, also expressed support for the deal.

“I told the representatives of the hostage families today that our position is that there is nothing greater than the value of life and the mitzvah of redeeming captives, because there is a real and tangible danger to their lives. Therefore, any proposal that will lead to the release of the hostages, we will support it,” he tweeted.

The agreement referenced was announced publicly by U.S. President Joe Biden in a televised address on Friday evening. Calling it an Israeli proposal, the deal laid out by Biden on Friday aims for a “permanent” end to hostilities and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip.

The U.S. president claimed he wants a future “without Hamas in power,” but described a series of steps that did not include the elimination of the terrorist group or its surrender.

Due to this, the announcement led to pushback within Israel’s governing coalition erupted, with Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich threatening to leave the coalition if a deal as outlined by Biden was implemented.

Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu claimed during a meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Monday that Biden’s outline of the proposal was “inaccurate.”

“I am not willing to stop the war. I will not describe the details of the deal, but what the president of the United States described is not accurate,” Netanyahu said during the closed-door session, Kan News reported.

“We can stop the fighting for 42 days in order to return hostages, but we will not give up on total victory,” he told lawmakers, according to the report.

The premier also said that Biden had omitted “other details” during his Friday address. JNS

HaRav Landau Calls For Special Tefillos On Erev Rosh Chodesh

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HaGaon HaRav Dov Landau issued a letter following the Supreme Court’s discussion on the Chareidi draft law. In the letter, the Rosh Yeshivah calls on Bnei Torah to gather for the recital of Tehillim and tefillas Yom Kippur Katan over the impending decrees for Bnei Torah and the precarious security situation in Eretz Yisrael. “To Acheinu Beis Yisrael, residents of our Eretz Hakedosha and in every location,” HaRav Landau wrote. “All of us, yirei Hashem, see and feel the yoke of the galus that is burdening us in all walks of our life, in the wickedness of the Umos HaOlam and the evil plots of the people in power in our land to uproot us from the source of our chiyus, to uproot the bnei yeshivos and kollelim from limmud haTorah.” “And therefore we call upon the bnei yeshivos and kollelim and all yirei Hashem to gather on erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan for tefillas Yom Kipper Katan and the recital of Tehillim to awaken rachamim. And Hashem should save us and provide us with the zechus to receive the Torah b’ahavah uv’simcha…” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

What Will Become of the Epoch Times With Its Chief Financial Officer Accused of Money Laundering?

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The arrest of an executive at The Epoch Times in a money-laundering scheme this week has drawn attention to a media outlet that has lived largely in the shadows since its founding in 2000 and a transformation during the Trump administration. Federal prosecutors in New York charged Weidong “Bill” Guan of Secaucus, N.J., chief financial officer of The Epoch Times, of steering at least $67 million in criminal proceeds, much from fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits, to the company, its affiliates and himself. Guan pleaded not guilty but was suspended by The Epoch Times, which agreed to cooperate with prosecutors. The case calls into question the future of a company that was a key online supporter of Trump and spreader of conspiracy theories. WHAT IS THE EPOCH TIMES? Started first as a newspaper, the company produces news websites and videos, and is now available in 23 languages. Its founder, John Tang, is a Chinese-American who practices Falun Gong, a form of meditation and exercise. The Chinese government has denounced, banned and, according to members, has consistently oppressed and mistreated Falun Gong followers. While the outlet has sought to distance its operations from the Falun Gong movement itself, the company has said it “sees the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and the remarkably heroic ways in which practitioners have responded to the persecution, as one of the most underreported stories of the last 20 years.” It is by no means a one-issue news organization, and the lead story on its website Wednesday was about U.S. political primaries the night before. But The Epoch Times does frequent and tough reporting on the Chinese government; stories on its website Wednesday included an opinion piece on the origins of the COVID virus and a look back at the Tiananmen Square massacre on its 35th anniversary. The site also prominently touts a book by Falun Gong founder Li Hongzhi. The Epoch Times says that “our aim is not to force our perspective on you, but to give you the information you need to make up your own mind.” HOW DID THE EPOCH TIMES CHANGE? The Epoch Times website currently has testimonials from Trump administration figures Peter Navarro and Sebastian Gorka and U.S. Rep. Paul Gosar, a Republican from Arizona. That’s a clue. The news organization transformed itself during the Trump years by becoming a site that the supported the former president and his causes. It was opportunistic in two ways: leaders saw in Trump a president they believed would fight against the Chinese government, and sensed the chance to win funding from others who believe in the cause, said A.J. Bauer, a University of Alabama professor who studies conservative media. In a few years’ time, the outlet became a partisan powerhouse and “has also created a global-scale misinformation machine that has repeatedly pushed fringe narratives into the mainstream,” The New York Times reported in 2020. It embraced various conspiracy theories, many surrounding COVID. The Epoch Times and affiliates advanced the false story that the Obama administration spied on Trump’s 2016 campaign and spread theories promoted by the QAnon conspiracy site and claims about voter fraud. The Epoch Times was particularly aggressive on Facebook through advertising and the creation of different pages that guided social media users to their content. Following an investigation […]

Ben-Gvir Suspends Gov’t Role Until Terms Of Ceasefire Deal Made Clear

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Otzma Yehudit Party leader Itamar Ben-Gvir on Wednesday said he would suspend his role in Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s governing coalition until the premier revealed the details of the ceasefire proposal announced by U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday.

“As long as the prime minister continues to hide the details of the deal, Otzma Yehudit will disrupt his coalition,” tweeted the right-wing leader, who also serves as Israel’s national security minister.

The proposal was announced publicly by Biden in a televised address on Friday. Calling it an Israeli proposal, the agreement laid out by the White House on Friday suggests a “permanent” end to hostilities and the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip.

The U.S. leader claimed his administration wants to see a future “without Hamas in power,” but described a series of steps that did not include the elimination of the terror group or its surrender.

Biden’s announcement led to pushback within the Israeli coalition, with Ben-Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich (Religious Zionism Party) threatening to bolt the government if the deal was implemented.

Ben-Gvir on Saturday night called the deal as outlined by Biden “surrender” to Hamas, saying it obliged Israel to end the war without achieving its aim of destroying the terror group.

“This is a reckless deal, which is a victory for terrorism and a security danger to the State of Israel. Agreeing to such a deal is not absolute victory—but absolute defeat. We will not allow the end of the war without the complete elimination of Hamas,” he tweeted.

“Should the prime minister implement this reckless deal under the conditions published today…Otzma Yehudit will dissolve the government,” Ben-Gvir concluded.

The combined Religious Zionism-Otzma Yehudit faction holds 14 seats in the Knesset, meaning it plays a pivotal role in maintaining Netanyahu’s 64-member coalition, elected in November 2022.

Earlier this week, Yisrael Hayom quoted sources in Netanyahu’s office as saying that the premier intended to show Ben-Gvir the full draft of the agreement.

During a closed-door meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Monday, Netanyahu told lawmakers he would “not describe the details of the deal,” adding however that Biden’s portrayal of Yerushalayim’s negotiating position was “not accurate.” JNS

IDF Denies Report It Nixed Shifa Hospital Raid To Save Hostages In Early Days Of War

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The IDF has vehemently denied a report claiming that Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi rejected a plan to raid Gaza City’s Shifa hospital to rescue hostages in the aftermath of the October 7 massacre. The report, based on an upcoming memoir by former officer Ido Nordin, alleged that a multidimensional attack on Hamas’s leadership, believed to be under the hospital, was proposed, but Halevi dismissed the idea. The IDF responded, calling the report “false and baseless claims.” According to the IDF, the plan lacked operational plans, intelligence, and information on hostages in the hospital. “If there was intel like that, the plan would have been advanced to be carried out. The plan as presented would have killed hostages and harmed our security and our forces,” the IDF stated. The IDF also refuted claims that Halevi withheld information from political leadership, stating that he has spent hundreds of hours exploring various plans to rescue hostages. “The chief of staff has approved rescue operations that take reasonable risks, and when the operational conditions allow it,” the statement read. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


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