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WATCH LIVE IN ENGLISH: Netanyahu Explains His View On Philadelphi

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Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu held a press conference in English on Wednesday evening, explaining what he said in Hebrew on Monday evening about the significance of the Israeli presence on the Philadelphi Corridor. He repeated his fears that Hamas could smuggle the hostages out of Gaza and transfer them to Iran or Yemen if the IDF doesn’t remain in control of the corridor. Netanyahu said that the main reason Israel must remain at the corridor is to ensure that Hamas does not commit another October 7, as they promised they will. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Yerushalayim Court Allows Bereaved Families To Seize $43 Million In PA Funds

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The Yerushalayim District Court issued a provisional order on Wednesday allowing a group of Israeli families who have lost members to terrorism to seize 160 million shekels ($43 million) in Palestinian Authority funds frozen by Yerushalayim pending proceedings against the P.A., according to Ynet.

If the families win the lawsuit, the funds will be distributed among the dozens of plaintiffs, amounting to 10 million shekels ($2.7 million) per family.

The 210 million-shekel claim was filed in early July by dozens of Israeli families whose relatives were killed in recent years, including in the ax attack in the central city of Elad on Independence Day in 2022 and the Oct. 7 Hamas slaughter at the Supernova festival near the Gaza border.

The lawsuit marked the first action taken since the Knesset passed the “Compensation for Terror Victims Bill.” The law requires courts to award punitive damages of at least 10 million shekels per fatality.

To ease the collection of the punitive awards by victims and their heirs, judgments may be enforced against “any property of the defendant, including any property seized or frozen by the State of Israel.”

The families included in the class action base their claim on the fact that Ramallah “encouraged, supported and sanctioned” the attacks in which their loved ones were murdered, their attorney told Ynet in July.

“The war on terror is currently focused in two areas: in the Gaza Strip and in the courtrooms,” said attorney Barak Kedem of the Jerusalem-based Arbus, Kedem, Tzur law firm in a statement cited by the website.

“In Gaza, our soldiers are fighting terrorism. In the courtrooms, we fight the encouragement of terrorism by the Palestinian Authority, which pays vast monthly salaries to terrorists in exchange for the blood they shed, the blood of righteous and pure men, women and children,” he added.

The remarks referred to the P.A.’s “pay for slay” policy, under which it disburses monthly stipends to convicted terrorists and to the families of slain terrorists. The so-called Martyrs’ Fund is enshrined in P.A. law, granting terrorists or their next of kin the right to receive payments as long as they live.

Since the Oct. 7 massacre in Israeli communities near Gaza, the P.A. has added thousands of Palestinians to its list of those who qualify for terror stipends, an Israeli watchdog reported in January.

P.A. officials announced that 3,550 more terrorists imprisoned in Israel would qualify for payouts, as will the families of more than 20,000 slain “martyrs,” according to Jerusalem-based Palestine Media Watch. JNS

{Matzav.com Israel}

IDF Destroys Bomb-Making Lab In West Bank, Thwarts Explosive Planted In Baby Carriage [VIDEOS]

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The IDF has released footage of its operation in the West Bank city of Tulkarem, showcasing the demolition of a bomb-making lab and the neutralization of explosive devices. In one video, the IDF is seen targeting and destroying a lab used for manufacturing explosives, as part of an ongoing operation in the area. Another clip shows troops successfully neutralizing an explosive device planted under a road in Tulkarem, preventing potential harm to civilians and military personnel. In a separate incident, the IDF reported discovering a bomb hidden in a baby carriage in the same area. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Ishay Ribo Releases Soul-Stirring Performance from Historic Madison Square Garden Concert

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Last Elul, Ishay Ribo united Am Yisroel and stunned the world of Jewish music with a sold-out, record-breaking performance at Madison Square Garden — the world’s most famous arena. One year later, for Rosh Chodesh Elul, he’s sharing one of the night’s most poignant moments, a heartfelt rendition of the timeless Rosh Hashana tefillah, “Meloch,” as the enormous crowd, uniting every segment of the Jewish community, burst into shared song.

Ishay Ribo – Meloch (Live at Madison Square Garden)


The release comes as Ribo gears up for a second performance at Madison Square Garden on 12 Elul, 15 September. It showcases his soulful music’s ability to connect Jews of every background—secular or Chareidi, and every side of the political divide. This unique ability to bridge all divides catapulted Ribo to take an unprecedented step to become the first-ever Jewish performer at Madison Square Garden and return for a second and final sold-out year.

The upcoming concert, part of his Elul tour, promises to be a night of healing and unity after a heartbreaking year worldwide for Am Yisrael. Ishay expressed a prayer that the upcoming concert usher in a year of comfort for the Jewish people, “May Rosh Chodesh Elul bring goodness, comfort, and blessing for us and the entire Am Yisrael.”

To purchase tickets visit: https://www.ticketmaster.com/ishay-ribo-new-york-new-york-09-15-2024/event/3B0060C4F0C34518

Ishay Ribo Releases Soul-Stirring Performance from Historic Madison Square Garden Concert

Yeshiva World News -

Last Elul, Ishay Ribo united Am Yisroel and stunned the world of Jewish music with a sold-out, record-breaking performance at Madison Square Garden — the world’s most famous arena. One year later, for Rosh Chodesh Elul, he’s sharing one of the night’s most poignant moments, a heartfelt rendition of the timeless Rosh Hashana tefillah, “Meloch,” as the enormous crowd, uniting every segment of the Jewish community, burst into shared song. Ishay Ribo – Meloch (Live at Madison Square Garden) __ The release comes as Ribo gears up for a second performance at Madison Square Garden on 12 Elul, 15 September. It showcases his soulful music’s ability to connect Jews of every background—secular or Chareidi, and every side of the political divide. This unique ability to bridge all divides catapulted Ribo to take an unprecedented step to become the first-ever Jewish performer at Madison Square Garden and return for a second and final sold-out year. The upcoming concert, part of his Elul tour, promises to be a night of healing and unity after a heartbreaking year worldwide for Am Yisrael. Ishay expressed a prayer that the upcoming concert usher in a year of comfort for the Jewish people, “May Rosh Chodesh Elul bring goodness, comfort, and blessing for us and the entire Am Yisrael.” To purchase tickets visit: https://www.ticketmaster.com/ishay-ribo-new-york-new-york-09-15-2024/event/3B0060C4F0C34518

Terrorists Hide Explosive Device Inside Baby Carriage In Tulkarm

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Avichay Adraee, who leads the Arab media division within the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, revealed on Tuesday a shocking image of an explosive device cleverly concealed within a baby carriage in Tulkarm.

“Palestinian terrorists exploit the civilian population and exploit roads and infrastructure – but the ones who pay the price are the citizens,” Adraee stated.

He issued a direct plea to the residents of Tulkarm, urging them to stand up against the terrorists, saying, “It’s time for the population to tell these terrorist thugs, enough, stay away from us.”

In the meantime, defense officials believe that the car bomb discovered on Monday at the entrance to Ateret was intended to target a school bus scheduled to transport children to nearby schools.

Upon examining the vehicle, investigators found an explosive device containing 49 kilograms of explosives and a small camera inside.

The camera provided a live feed to the terrorists lurking nearby, who were waiting for the right opportunity to remotely detonate the car and cause maximum casualties among Israelis.

Currently, security forces are conducting a widespread search for the terrorists believed to be connected to this attempted attack.

{Matzav.com Israel}

Federal Judge Decries Discrimination Against Conservative Group That Publishes Voters’ Information

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A federal judge says New Mexico election regulators and prosecutors discriminated against a Republican-backed group in refusing access to voter registration rolls. The Friday ruling bars the state from refusing to turn over voter data to Voter Reference Foundation, bolstering the group’s efforts to expand a free database of registered voters so that groups and individuals can take it upon themselves to try to find potential irregularities or fraud. State prosecutors plan to appeal the ruling, said Lauren Rodriguez, a spokesperson for the New Mexico Department of Justice. The VoteRef.com website recently restored New Mexico listings to its searchable database of registered voters — including street addresses, party affiliations and whether voters participated in recent elections. Election officials in several states and privacy advocates have raised alarms about a push by several conservative groups to gain access to state voter rolls. They say the lists could find their way into the hands of malicious actors and that voters could be disenfranchised through intimidation, possibly by canceling their registrations to avoid public disclosure of their home addresses and party affiliation. But Albuquerque-based U.S. District Court Judge James Browning ruled that state election regulators engaged in viewpoint-based discrimination and free speech violations in denying the Voter Reference Foundation access to voter data and by referring the matter to state prosecutors. The foundation’s VoteRef.com database includes voter information spanning more than 32 states and the District of Columbia. It is run by Gina Swoboda, chair of the Arizona Republican Party and organizer of former President Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign in Arizona. Browning previously ruled that New Mexico authorities violated public disclosure provisions of the National Voter Registration Act by refusing to provide voter rolls to the same foundation, overriding a provision of a state law that restricts the use of voter registration data. The VoteRef.com site doesn’t list whom people voted for. It preserves confidentiality under a program that shields victims of domestic violence or stalking. Addresses also remain confidential for more than 100 publicly elected or appointed officials in New Mexico, including Democrats and Republicans, enrolled in a separate safety program enacted in the aftermath of drive-by shootings on the homes of local lawmakers in Albuquerque in December 2022 and January 2023. (AP)

Danish Police Arrest Greta Thunberg During Pro-Hamas Protest

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Danish police on Wednesday detained the anti-Israel Swedish activist Greta Thunberg at a demonstration at the University of Copenhagen against the war on Hamas terrorists in Gaza, local media reported.

She was among six people apprehended after a group of 20 protesters blocked the entrance to a university building.

The 21-year-old left-wing activist, who rose to international fame for calling attention to climate change, has previously accused Israel of genocide over the nearly 11-month-old war against Palestinian terrorists in Gaza.

Last year, she called to “crush Zionism” at a pro-Hamas rally in Sweden.

The school drop-out has pursued a full-time career against what she warns is an impending climate-related crisis.


INCREDIBLE: Bochurim’s Tefillos Miraculously Bring Rain To Drought-Plagued Pecan Farmer On Texas Border [MUST WATCH]

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A group of bochurim visiting the US-Mexico border in Eagle Pass, Texas, experienced what appears to be an outright miracle after their tefillos for rain on behalf of a local pecan farmer was suddenly and unexpectedly answered. The boys, led by Shloime Zionce, were visiting the area near the Texas-Mexico border when they encountered a local woman who owned a pecan farm. Struck by their faith and background, she approached them, sharing her deep connection to the land and the struggles her farm had been facing due to a severe two-year drought. “We’ve been praying for rain, but nothing has worked,” she told the group. “I know the Jewish people have a special connection to God, and I wonder if you could say a prayer for us.” Moved by her plea, Shloime led a short Mi Sheberach-style tefillah in English, asking for rain to help the struggling crops. The woman then asked if the boys could sing a song from Psalms, which she said she often read herself. The boys sang “Esa Einai El Heharim.” The woman told the bochurim that the weather forecast showed no rain in sight, but she thanked them for their prayers and promised to let them know if anything changed. The group continued their trip, heading deeper into the border area before making their way back to San Antonio, where they were staying, later that day. To their surprise, the woman called them that evening, overwhelmed with emotion. “You won’t believe this,” she said, her voice trembling with tears. “It’s pouring rain here. The skies have opened up, and it’s a downpour like we haven’t seen in years. We’ve been praying for this rain for so long, and now it’s finally here.” The woman attributed the rain to the boys’ tefillos, saying, “I see now when God sends His army—His soldiers—things happen. Your prayers made a difference.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Simply Amazing: The Complex Questions Maran Posek Hador Pulled From His Cuff & the Reverberating Responses of the Avreichim

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• Maran Posek Hador, the Gaon Harav Moshe Shternbuch, shlit”a, arrived at the siyum Hashas of the Shas Yiden kollel network. Without any advanced warning, he was asked if he would test the avreichim
• The masterful questions and in-depth and comprehensive answers and sources amazed all who were present.
• Maran’s excitement was palpable when he declared: In yesteryear, it was just a dream that Yiden would be knowledgeable of the entire Shas, and in detail. And here, today, we see so many avreichim being tested orally on the entire Shas.

A once in a generation happening! Maran Hagaon Harav Shternbuch arrived to attend a siyum Hashas of Shas Yiden, under the leadership of its founder, the Pozna Rov, Hagaon, Harav Avrohom Eisen, shlit”a.

After Maran delivered words of encouragement, the Pozna Rov turned to him with a special request: would he agree to test the Shas Yiden avreichim?

Maran pondered for a few minutes and then responded in the affirmative. The comprehensive in-depth questions that Rav Shternbuch seemed to produce off-the-cuff, one after the other, were simply astounding. They came from sugyos throughout Shas, disputes between Rashi and Tosfos, implications of different peirushim in Tosfos, jumping and connecting Chulin, Kesubos, Zevochim and Kedushim – a veritable whirlwind of Torah coming together. So he would go from the beginning of the Talmud to the end, and then from the end to the middle.The sight was amazing.  

And the sight was, literally, spellbinding. The Shas Yiden avreichim geonim were truly amazing in their comprehensive and detailed responses. Questions on the laws of Me’ilah,  definitions of ‘migo’, ‘shaliach lidvar aveirah’, ‘sfeik sfeika’ and other sugyos in Shas.

Maran was clearly very excited from the detailed responses. After hour of give-and-take, he again took up the microphone and expressed his delight and appreciation of the avreichim geonim. However, he departed from his prepared remarks and declared:
“In yesteryear, it was just a dream that Yiden would be knowledgeable of the entire Shas, and in detail. Here, today, we see so many avreichim being tested orally on the entire Shas.
“You clearly are causing great satisfaction before Hakadosh Baruch Hu (the Holy One, Blessed Is He), and this is a great zechus for all of the Jewish people.” And then he added “It should be known that anyone who studies and knows Shas is covered by a certain aura – the light of the Shechina. Ashreichem v’ashrei chelkechem – Praised are you all and your portion – even the malochim (angels) on High envy you all.”

To watch this dynamic farher with English subtitles, and previous farheren, or for more info on Shas Yiden, or to donate, click on www.shasyiden.com or call 718-702-1528 or Mail: 1274 49th Street #562, Brooklyn, NY 11219. London: UK Registered Charity # 1191225 – 2 Timberwharf Road, London N16 6DB, England or call 0208-066-1566

Hezbollah Fires 65-Rocket Barrage at Northern Israel

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Hezbollah terrorists launched sixty-five rockets from Lebanon into Israeli territory on Wednesday afternoon, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

The Iranian terror proxy took responsibility for the barrage, claiming to have targeted Israeli military positions.

IDF aerial defenses intercepted some of the projectiles, while others fell in open areas, the military said, adding that several rockets impacted near the northernmost border town of Kiryat Shmona.

The impacts sparked fires across the Hula Valley.

Local authorities confirmed that at least one home was damaged in a direct hit, causing the house to burn.

No injuries were reported.

In response, the IDF said that it was striking Hezbollah terror targets in Southern Lebanon.

Ynet reported that most of Kiryat Shmona’s residents evacuated when the war broke out in October of last year, with at least two-thirds of the town still deserted.

When the rocket attack began, residents of the Upper Galilee were instructed to remain in shelters.

Shortly thereafter, sirens sounded in Netu’a and Shtula in northern Israel.

Overnight Tuesday, Israeli Air Force fighter jets attacked a Hezbollah rocket launcher in the area of Zabqin in Southern Lebanon that had been used to carry out launches against Israel, the IDF said on Wednesday morning.

The IAF also struck Hezbollah infrastructure in the areas of Khiam and Ayta ash Shab in Southern Lebanon.

Furthermore, IDF artillery targeted threats in the areas of Kfarchouba, Aalma El Chaeb and Kfarkela in Southern Lebanon, according to the military.


INSANITY: An Online Webinar Was Only Training Most Agents At Trump Assassination Attempt Received

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In an interview on “Jesse Watters Primetime” on Tuesday, Senator Josh Hawley made a stunning revelation: whistleblowers informed him that many of the agents protecting Trump during his attempted assassination in July were Homeland Security personnel with minimal protective training. According to Hawley, instead of the typical Secret Service detail, the majority of agents guarding Trump on July 13 were Homeland Security agents who had only completed a brief online training session. “A two-hour, online webinar. And I’m told that half the time, the sounds to the webinar didn’t even work,” Hawley claimed. “So think about this: The former president of the U.S. is sent out on stage, most of the people there are not trained, they’re not qualified. They only got a webinar training and even that didn’t work,” he added. Hawley described the situation as “absolutely outrageous,” adding that the Homeland Security agents were reportedly pulled from child exploitation cases and other important investigations to serve on Trump’s protective detail—something outside their normal duties. The senator also ripped the Secret Service and FBI for not providing more information about the rally and the assassination attempt by shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks. “The only reason we have this information is because of whistleblowers,” Hawley said. In a related development, Rep. Clay Higgins recently revealed that a local Butler SWAT team was responsible for the initial shots that damaged Crooks’ rifle and ended the shooting spree before the Secret Service intervened. Hawley noted that when acting Secret Service director Ronald Rowe Jr. testified before Congress about the incident on July 31, he did not mention the SWAT team’s crucial role, a point that was also highlighted by Watters during the interview. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

US-Sanctioned Serbia Official Meets Putin, Says Belgrade Is An Ally And Won’t Join Western Penalties

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Serbia is a Russian ally and will never impose sanctions against Moscow or join NATO, the Balkan nation’s deputy prime minister said Wednesday as he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The remarks by Aleksandar Vulin, a former intelligence chief who is under U.S. sanctions, reflect persistent close relations between Belgrade and Moscow despite Serbia’s proclaimed bid to join the European Union. “It’s a great honor for me to have the privilege to talk to you,” Vulin told Putin. “Please believe me when I say it is a great encouragement for all Serbs, wherever they may live.” Serbia has refused to join Western sanctions against Russia over the war in Ukraine though it has condemned Moscow’s aggression. Populist President Aleksandar Vučić has said that imposing the sanctions wasn’t in Serbia’s national interest. “Serbia is not only a strategic partner of Russia, Serbia is also Russia’s ally,” Vulin said. “This is why pressure on us by the West is huge.” Vulin’s meeting with Putin in Russia’s far-eastern city of Vladivostok came just days after French President Emmanuel Macron visited Serbia when Belgrade signed an agreement to buy French Rafale fighter jets, a move that was seen as possible a shift away from Moscow. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz earlier also visited Belgrade for the signing of a tentative EU deal with Serbia on raw materials needed in green transition. The two met in Vladivostok on the sidelines of an economic forum designed to attract foreign investment and showcase Russia to them. Greeting Vulin as the two sat down for talks, Putin expressed hope that Serbia’s deputy prime minister will be able to “take a close look and evaluate the possibilities of cooperation with such a large and promising region” as Russia’s far east. Vulin told Putin that Serbia’s close ties with Russia will continue in the future. “Serbia led by Aleksandar Vučić is a Serbia that will never become a member of NATO, which will never impose sanctions against the Russian Federation and which will never allow its territory to be used for any anti-Russian actions,” he said. “Serbia has not become and will not become part of anti-Russian hysteria,” Vulin said. The U.S. imposed sanctions on Vulin last July, accusing him of involvement in illegal arms shipments, drug trafficking and misuse of public office and aiding Russia’s influence in the volatile Balkans. Vulin has received two medals of honor from Russia. The U.S. sanctions against individuals and companies in the Balkans are designed to counter attempts to undermine peace and stability in the volatile region and Russia’s “malign” influence. The West has stepped up efforts to lure the troubled region into its fold, fearing that Russia could stir unrest to avert attention from the war in Ukraine. The Balkans went through multiple wars in the 1990s, and tensions still persist. (AP)


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