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Lev Mi Lo Yecherad

Matzav -

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz

Elul, the month of introspection and preparation for the Days of Judgment—Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur—is always a serious period. As the Days of Judgment approach, people become increasingly fearful of what will transpire with them during the coming year. They seek to rectify their actions and draw closer to Hashem, His Torah, and mitzvos.

This year, an extra jolt was delivered with the sudden passing of Rav Avrohom Ausband zt”l, the great gaon, rosh yeshiva, and rebbi, beloved and admired by many thousands in the Torah community. He was seen as a vibrant and energetic talmid chochom who devoted himself to learning Torah, living Torah, teaching Torah, and advancing its causes.

American-born and raised, he was a member of the post-Holocaust generation of roshei yeshiva. He opened his yeshiva over forty years ago and had been raising and developing exceptional talmidim ever since. His brilliance, erudition, and oratory were legendary, contributing to his highly respected standing in the Torah world.

News of his petirah spread quickly around the world, as those who appreciate Torah and gedolei Torah were overcome with grief and sadness at the loss of such an outstanding and unique gadol in the prime of his life.

Every morning, at the conclusion of Shacharis during Elul, the shofar is blown to awaken us to do teshuvah, as the posuk (Amos 3:6) states, “Im yitoka shofar ba’ir v’am lo yecherodu – When the shofar is blown in the city, [can] the people not become afraid?”

This is rooted in the Tur (Hilchos Rosh Hashanah 581), who writes that Chazal established the custom of blowing the shofar during Elul so that people will be alerted to perform teshuvah, as the posuk we previously quoted states. The question in the posuk demonstrates that the sound of the shofar causes people to fear.

Rav Dovid Cohen, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Chevron, who is currently in the United States on behalf of the Keren Olam Torah, points out in his sefer that the posuk, which is widely repeated and mentioned as the source of the custom to blow the shofar during Elul, does not directly refer to teshuvah or Rosh Hashanah. The posuk mentions the shofar and its ability to evoke fear as a tool of war. In times of war, people panic when they hear the shofar because they know that a battle will soon be near.

How, then, is this posuk, which refers to war, a source for the shofar we sound during Elul, which is a call for people to do teshuvah?

The Zohar sees this message in the opening of this week’s parsha, “Ki seitzei lamilchamah al oyvecha,” where the Torah ostensibly discusses the Jewish people going to battle against their enemies and the capture of an aishes yefas toar. The Zohar, as well as commentators such as the Arizal and later the Ohr Hachaim, teach that these pesukim guide us in battling our eternal enemy, the yeitzer hara.

The posuk states that the woman cries for her parents for a period of one month. The Zohar and the Arizal explain that this is an indication of the month of Elul, which is a time for teshuvah.

Doing teshuvah is like going to battle against our enemy, the yeitzer hara, who seeks to distance us from Hashem and proper observance of mitzvos. Therefore, just as in a time of war leisurely pursuits are limited, so too, during Elul, that same serious mindset must prevail. Activities acceptable throughout the year have no place now.

Elul and the blowing of the shofar infuse us with a sense of urgency and desperation. Every action we undertake should be weighed to determine whether it will bring us closer to Hashem’s embrace or, chas v’shalom, distance us further.

Those in sync with the ratzon Hashem are alert to the kol shofar. They are engaged in the milchemes hayeitzer that defines human existence. Thus, when they hear the sound of the shofar, they tremble with the knowledge of “hinei yom hadin.”

In normal times, when tzaddikim are taken from us, it is a message for us to do teshuvah and draw closer to Hashem. When two tzaddikim are taken at the beginning of Elul, the message is compounded, and it is as if a thousand shofros were blown, admonishing us to quickly do teshuvah and improve our actions and lives.


WATCH: IDF Rescues 2 Israelis After Boat Drifted Into Lebanese Waters

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The IDF said on Thursday that military forces rescued two Israeli civilians after their boat drifted into Lebanese waters. “Earlier today, a report was received about two Israeli civilians on a disabled civilian vessel that drifted into Lebanese waters,” the IDF spokesperson said. “Upon receiving the report, naval and air forces were deployed to the area.” “After identifying and establishing contact with the vessel, the naval forces began a rescue operation and brought the civilian ship back to the sovereign waters of the State of Israel.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

$5 Billion National Scholarship Tax Credit Bill Passes Key Committee 23-16

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Agudath Israel celebrates the favorable vote on Wednesday of The Educational Choice for Children Act of 2024 (ECCA). Following a model already operating successfully in more than twenty states, H.R. 9462 will provide $5 billion in scholarships to cover expenses facing public and private school children. It does this by allowing a dollar-for-dollar federal tax credit for taxpayers who contribute to Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGO). These SGOs would then provide scholarships for a range of educational expenses, including private school tuition. Agudath Israel played a key role in the crafting and promotion of this legislation. Working with the sponsors and coalition partners over the last several years, Agudah staff participated in hundreds of meetings and most recently submitted a memo (here) of support and generated thousands of letters of support from constituents across the country. Following nearly two hours of discussion, the US House Ways and Means Committee voted in favor of the proposal, clearing the way for the bill to be brought to the floor of the House “We thank the 23 members of the Ways and Means Committee who voted with families today and we encourage their colleagues on both sides of the aisle to follow their lead and support this important legislation on the floor of the House.” Said Rabbi Avi Schnall, Agudath Israel’s Director of Federal Education Affairs.

100 Rockets From Lebanon Batter North; IDF Reservist Injured By Anti-Tank Missile

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An Israeli reservist soldier sustained injuries on Wednesday during a Hezbollah anti-tank missile attack from Lebanon, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

The incident coincided with a barrage of roughly 100 rockets launched from Lebanon, striking northern Israel.

The injured reservist, a 39-year-old member of Kibbutz Dan’s local security team, was transported to Rambam Hospital in Haifa after being struck by a missile in his community.

Hospital officials reported that the soldier was conscious but had suffered injuries from shrapnel. He underwent surgery and was listed in serious condition.

Earlier on Wednesday afternoon, more than 60 rockets were fired from Lebanon toward northern Israel, followed by an additional 40 in the early evening.

The IDF reported that a volley of about 30 rockets landed in open areas near Abirim, in the Western Galilee. Shortly after, another 30 rockets were fired into the Galilee Panhandle, with impacts reported near Kfar Szold.

Residents in both the upper and western Galilee were instructed to stay near bomb shelters during the attacks. Fortunately, there were no injuries as most of the rockets landed in uninhabited areas.

During the second wave of rocket fire, the IDF confirmed that 30 rockets were fired at the Arab al-Aramshe region, and another 10 targeted Matat. Many rockets landed in open fields, though some reached Matat. No injuries were reported in these incidents.

In response, the IDF launched artillery strikes against Hezbollah observation posts and other targets in southern Lebanon.

Later in the day, Israeli fighter jets conducted airstrikes on Hezbollah positions in Khraibeh, a rocket launcher in Ayta ash-Shab, and buildings used by Hezbollah in Houla, Ayta ash-Shab, and Marwahin, according to the IDF.

The series of rocket attacks and missile strikes followed the IDF’s earlier confirmation that it had carried out a drone strike in southern Lebanon’s Mays al-Jabal, targeting two Hezbollah operatives.

One of the operatives was killed, and the other was injured in the strike.

Additionally, Israeli fighter jets destroyed a Hezbollah rocket launcher in Marimin, which had been previously used to launch attacks on Israel, according to the IDF.

Another rocket launcher, ready for use, was targeted in Rashaya al-Foukhar, the military added.

Lebanese media outlets also reported two drone strikes near Maroun al-Ras in southern Lebanon, though there was no immediate response from the IDF.

{Matzav.com Israel}

DRAMA IN SYRIA: IDF Commandos Rappelled From Helicopters, Captured Iranian Officers

Yeshiva World News -

An unusual and dramatic Israeli-attributed operation, including a ground infiltration, took place in the Masyaf area of Syria earlier this week. As YWN reported, the IDF carried out airstrikes in Syria overnight Sunday, described as the “most massive wave of attacks in years,” that destroyed an IRGC chemical arms production site. Media reports on Wednesday evening, including Syrian TV, a Syrian opposition media outlet based in Turkey, said that the raid included a rare Israeli ground operation. According to the reports, after Israeli fighter jets bombed targets from the air, Israeli commandos descended from helicopters on ropes, raided the facility, and captured several Iranian officers. The operation began with airstrikes on the roads leading to the facility and on the facility’s security vehicles and points. Afterward, IDF helicopters carrying special forces approached the facility and hovered in the air as IDF commandos descended to the facility via ropes. Violent clashes at the site ensued, during which at least three Syrians were killed and others were injured, and the IDF commandos captured several Iranian officers. They also nabbed documents and key equipment and then rigged the facility with explosives. The IDF forces withdrew from the area under the cover of combat and helicopters and drones, and later detonated the explosives, destroying the facility. According to reports, the Syrian regime blocked rescue teams from reaching the target area. The slain and injured Syrian operatives were taken to an unknown location. According to sources quoted in reports, it can be assumed that the Syrian regime or elements within it facilitated the attack and the landing of the forces. An eyewitness, a journalist from the Masyaf region, told the channel that on the night of the attack, he woke up to the sounds of explosions shaking the city and its surroundings. He stated that the sites hit by Israel are well-known to residents and have been attacked several times in the past, but this attack was “special because of its precision and power.” He added that Israeli helicopters entered the area after the strikes and carried out a quick ground operation. Greek researcher Eva J. Koulouriotis wrote that “the targeted facility is directly affiliated with the IRGC and is responsible for developing ballistic missiles and drones and provides logistical support to the Hezbollah militia in Lebanon. The facility has been operating for more than ten years and was subjected to Israeli air strikes last year.” “This special operation in Syria is considered an important development in the recently escalating scene in the Middle East. It is certain that what happened in Masyaf will become more clear in detail as the days pass and may be an indication of the imminence of a new escalation, whether on the Syrian or Lebanese arena.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

IDF Eliminates One Of Noa Marciano’s Captors In Gaza

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The IDF and Shin Bet announced on Wednesday evening that two terrorists involved in the October 7 massacre were eliminated in a joint operation in Gaza last week. One of the slain terrorists was Abdallah Abu Reala, a Hamas terrorist who was involved in the abduction of Cpl. Noa Mariciano, H”yd, who was later murdered in cold-blood by a “doctor” in Shifa Hospital. Reala was also involved in carrying out attacks against IDF troops in Gaza throughout the war. In a separate operation, another Israeli airstrike killed Ayman Abu Alhayani, a Nukhba terrorist who was involved in the October 7 attack near  the Erez crossing Another one of Marciano’s captors was killed in an IDF strike in May. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

ON THE ROPES: IDF Reveals Hamas Document Outlining The Terror Group’s Desperate Circumstances

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Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has revealed a document, allegedly written by Rafa’a Salameh, the former commander of Hamas’s Khan Younis Brigade, which provides an inside look into the current struggles of the terror group. The document, reportedly addressed to Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and his brother Muhammad, outlines the “difficult situation” facing Hamas. In the letter, Salameh paints a bleak picture of the group’s depleting resources and manpower. “We maintain the remaining weapons and equipment, as we have lost 90-95% of our rocket capabilities; and we have lost some 60% of our personal weapons; we have lost at least 65-70% of our anti-tank launchers and rockets, and most importantly that we have lost at least 50% of our fighters between those who are martyred and wounded, and now we are left with 25%,” the document states, according to excerpts translated and provided by the Israeli Defense Ministry. Salameh goes on to highlight the declining morale among Hamas fighters, noting that the remaining members of the group are mentally and physically worn down. “The last 25% of our people have reached a situation where the people do not tolerate them anymore, broken on a mental or physical level,” he wrote. Gallant emphasized that the document showcases the immense challenges Hamas is currently facing. “This is a real hardship that affects Hamas and affects the most senior commanders,” he said. He also pointed out that Salameh, who was killed in an IDF strike in July, had been desperately seeking assistance from the Sinwar brothers. “He cries out for the help of the Sinwar brothers, but of course, they cannot save him,” Gallant remarked. He added, “Why? Because we are continuing the effort that started in October and continues step by step… and reaches all senior Hamas officials. He wrote this to the Sinwar brothers, we will get to them as well.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Smotrich In, Ben-Gvir Out: Prime Minister Netanyahu’s New War Forum

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Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu dissolved the war cabinet in June after the resignation of National Unity chairman Benny Gantz from the government and in the wake of National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s demand to join it. However, Kan News reported on Tuesday evening that Netanyahu has quietly established a new small war forum from which Ben-Gvir has been completely excluded. The ministers in the forum are Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, Justice Minister Yariv Levin, Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich, Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer, Foreign Affairs Minister Yisrael Katz, and Shas chairman Aryeh Deri. The forum members receive security briefings from IDF Chief of Staff Hertzi HaLevi and the heads of the security establishment on the management of the war on all fronts. A source told Kan: “Netanyahu invited Smotrich because he trusts him not to leak anything from the meetings and to try to persuade him to support a hostage release deal – so far, without success.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

GOOD RIDDANCE: Terrorist Who Held Noa Marciano Captive Eliminated

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The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit made an announcement on Wednesday evening, confirming that last week, in a collaborative effort between the IDF and the ISA, led by IDF intelligence, the IAF successfully targeted and killed Abdallah abu Reala, a terrorist belonging to Hamas’ Shati Battalion.

Reala had been involved in the horrific October 7th Massacre, participated in multiple attacks against IDF soldiers during the ongoing conflict, and was one of the terrorists responsible for holding CPL Noa Marciano captive. Marciano was taken hostage on October 7th and was tragically killed at the Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

In a separate operation carried out by the IDF and ISA, the IAF also neutralized Ayman Khaled Ahmed Abu Allahyani, a Nukhba terrorist. Allahyani had been involved in the assault on the Erez Humanitarian Crossing, which took place on October 7th.

Noa Marciano’s body was discovered in a building near the Shifa Hospital in Gaza in November 2023. Her family later revealed the devastating news that she had been murdered by a doctor at the hospital after being kidnapped alive during the October 7th Massacre.

Marciano, who had been wounded during the IDF’s airstrikes on Gaza, was taken to the Shifa Hospital by her captors for medical attention. However, instead of receiving care, a doctor at the hospital cruelly killed her.

{Matzav.com Israel}

$5 Billion National Scholarship Tax Credit Bill Passes Key Committee 23-16

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Agudath Israel celebrates the favorable vote earlier today of The Educational Choice for Children Act of 2024 (ECCA). Following a model already operating successfully in more than twenty states, H.R. 9462 will provide $5 billion in scholarships to cover expenses facing public and private school children. It does this by allowing a dollar-for-dollar federal tax credit for taxpayers who contribute to Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGO). These SGOs would then provide scholarships for a range of educational expenses, including private school tuition.

Agudath Israel played a key role in the crafting and promotion of this legislation. Working with the sponsors and coalition partners over the last several years, Agudah staff participated in hundreds of meetings and most recently submitted a memo (here) of support and generated thousands of letters of support from constituents across the country. Following nearly two hours of discussion, the US House Ways and Means Committee voted in favor of the proposal, clearing the way for the bill to be brought to the floor of the House

“We thank the 23 members of the Ways and Means Committee who voted with families today and we encourage their colleagues on both sides of the aisle to follow their lead and support this important legislation on the floor of the House,” said Rabbi Avi Schnall, Agudath Israel’s Director of Federal Education Affairs.


BREAKING WITH PUNDITS: Undecided Voters Back Trump 2-to-1 After Debate – Reuters

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While pundits in the media mob were quick to hand Kamala Harris the “W” in Tuesday night’s presidential debate, a focus group of undecided voters isn’t so sure.

According to a Reuters focus group, undecideds broke for Donald Trump by a 2-to-1 margin due to Harris’s “vague” answers and confidence in Trump to do more for the economy.


From Reuters:

Reuters interviewed 10 people who were still unsure how they were going to vote in the Nov. 5 election before they watched the debate. Six said afterward they would now either vote for Trump or were leaning toward backing him. Three said they would now back Harris and one was still unsure how he would vote.

Five said they found Harris vague during the more than 90-minute debate on how she would improve the U.S. economy and deal with the high cost of living, a top concern for voters.

Four of those six also said Harris did not convince them she would pursue different economic policies than Democratic President Joe Biden, a Democrat they largely blame for the high cost of living.

Six of the undecided voters were men, four were women.

“I felt like the whole debate was Kamala Harris telling me why not to vote for Donald Trump instead of why she’s the right candidate,” said Robert Wheeler, a security firm executive in Nevada leaning toward Harris before the debate.

“I still don’t know what she is for,” an entrepreneur from Florida, Mark Kadish, said. “There was no real meat and bones for her plans.”

More over at Reuters:


MAILBAG: In The Wake Of Tragedy, Did We Miss The Opportunity For Real Change?

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Several months ago, YWN published an editorial following a tragic incident in Lakewood where a mentally unstable woman took the lives of her two children. The piece called out those gossiping about the story under the guise of “spreading awareness.” At the time, YWN faced major backlash, accused of vilifying well-meaning people, ignoring those trying to make a positive difference, and misjudging our community’s response to the horrific event. I heard both sides of the debate and found myself on the fence. Rather than choosing a side, I decided to sit back and observe. With all the noise and supposed “awareness campaigns” surrounding the tragedy, I wondered if anything truly positive would come from it. I hoped YWN would be proven wrong, and I would be writing today to urge them to apologize for their harsh criticism. Unfortunately, I’m saddened to say that didn’t happen. Despite all the talk, nothing substantial emerged from the conversations that followed. The “awareness” was nothing more than gossip, and no meaningful initiative or communal action was taken to address whatever issue this tragedy was supposed to highlight. No new organization was formed, no communal response stepped forward to fill any perceived gaps. I am not writing this to defend YWN or their tone in the original op-ed. I still believe it could have been written with more nuance and without sweeping generalizations. However, I felt compelled to respond after reading a separate recent article on YWN citing research from Nishma, which found that Orthodox Jews overwhelmingly believe their weakest middah in bein adam l’chaveiro is in the realm of lashon hara and gossip. The gap wasn’t even close. To me, this reveals something troubling: we, as a community, inherently know when we are engaging in gossip, even when it involves tragic and extremely sensitive circumstances. Yet, when confronted about it, we rush to defend our actions, unwilling to openly admit (beyond anonymous surveys) that we are falling short. As we approach Rosh Hashanah, I hope we can reflect on this. Let’s work on improving our middos, particularly those related to speech. If we can do that, then maybe the next time YWN publishes an op-ed criticizing us, I will be able to confidently write a letter defending our community and excoriating YWN for being motzi laaz about us. Sincerely, A.C.  The views expressed in this letter do not necessarily reflect those of YWN. Have an opinion you would like to share? Send it to us for review. 

WATCH: US Ambassador Lew Visits Harav Dov Landau To Discuss Tensions Surrounding Har Habayis Visits

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U.S. Ambassador to Israel Jacob Lew made a private visit to the home of Harav Dov Landau shlit”a on Monday. During the meeting, Ambassador Lew conveyed a personal message from President Joe Biden, expressing the president’s opposition to Jewish visits to the Har Habayis. The ambassador thanked the gadol hador for his ongoing efforts to maintain calm and prevent security escalations, particularly following recent tensions sparked by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s visit to the Har Habayis. Visits such as Ben-Gvir’s are in violation of halacha according to all major contemporary poskim – a position Rav Dovid reaffirmed to Ambassador Lew. It was under Rav Dov’s directive that the Hebrew-language Yated Ne’eman recently published an unusual headline in Arabic, condemning the visit and emphasizing its opposition. Ben-Gvir’s remarks during his visit, where he suggested that a shul should be built on the Har Habayis, further inflamed tensions. Many rabbanim and Charedi political party leaders and members were angered by the suggestion, which they viewed as exacerbating an already delicate situation. Monday’s meeting ended on a positive note, with Rav Dov wishing Ambassador Lew L’Shana Tova ahead of the upcoming new year. This meeting between Ambassador Lew and Rav Dov was not their first. Upon his arrival in Israel, the ambassador visited the gadol to receive his a bracha. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


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