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Matzav Inbox: The Outrageous Extortion of Camp Tips: Enough is Enough

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Dear Matzav Inbox,

I am writing with a sense of outrage about the tipping practices that have become an untenable burden for parents sending their children to camp.

I’ve just forked over nearly $400 (!) in tips for my two boys, on top of the already exorbitant camp fees.

Let me be clear: I paid over $3200 per child for the privilege of sending them to camp, not to mention the additional costs of transportation, canteen, and various other expenses.

So, why am I expected to cough up even more for tips? It seems that the camp demanded that every person involved in the camp experience—counselors, co-counselors, rabbeim, nurses, waiters, and who knows who else—receive a tip from is. Where does it end? When did paying thousands of dollars for camp become just the beginning of a never-ending stream of financial demands?

In any other job, my boss either pays me a fair wage or doesn’t. I don’t get asked to tip my colleagues or supervisors, nor do I see any justification for it. If the camp’s staff needs more compensation, then the camp should adjust its fees accordingly—not demand extra payments under the guise of tipping.

This tipping culture is not just a minor inconvenience. It’s an outright exploitation of parents who are already stretched thin. It reflects a broader trend where service providers feel entitled to double-dipping into people’s pockets. We are not customers in a restaurant, but parents investing in our children’s summer experience. The expectation that we should supplement the camp’s revenue with tips is both insulting and infuriating.

Enough is enough. It’s time for a reckoning. Camps need to rethink their policies and acknowledge that the fees they charge should be inclusive of proper compensation for their staff. Until then, we, the parents, will continue to be the unwilling victims of this outrageous tipping racket.


A Frustrated Parent

To submit a letter to appear on Matzav.com, email MatzavInbox@gmail.com

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H’YD: Navy Soldier Killed In Hezbollah Attack On Northern Israel

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The Binyamin Regional Council announced on Sunday that Petty Officer First Class Dovid Moshe Ben-Shitrit, H’yd, was killed during the Hezbollah attack on northern Israel on Sunday morning. He was killed by shrapnel from an interceptor missile while on the “Dvora” patrol ship during operational activity off the coast of Nahariya. Two other soldiers were injured in the incident, one moderately and one lightly. Although the IDF foiled a major Hezbollah attack on Sunday morning, the terror group fired over 200 missiles and drones at northern Israel following the IDF strikes in Lebanon. Dovid, z’l, 21, was a member of the yishuv of Adam (also known as Geva Binyamin) in Southern Binyamin. Sadly, he is the second member of the yishuv to fall in combat in the past week. He is survived by his parents and three sisters. The video below shows the interceptor missile exploding next to the ship: Hashem Yikam Damo.   (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

PM Netanyahu at the Start of the Government Meeting

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Following are Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks [translated from Hebrew], today (Sunday,25 August 2024), at the start of the Government meeting, at the _Kirya_ in Tel Aviv: “What happened today is not the end of the story. Early this morning, Hezbollah tried to attack the State of Israel with rockets and drones. We directed the IDF to carry out an intense pre-emptive attack to remove the threat. The IDF destroyed thousands of short-range rockets, all of which were designed to attack our citizens and our forces in the Galilee. Also, the IDF intercepted all of the drones that Hezbollah launched at a strategic target in the center of the country. We are striking Hezbollah with surprising crushing blows. Three weeks ago, we eliminated its Chief-of-Staff and today we thwarted its attack plan. Nasrallah in Beirut and Khamenei in Tehran need to know that this is an additional step in changing the situation in the north, and returning our residents securely to their homes. And I reiterate – this is not the end of the story.”

Ruti Fried 8-month-old Baby Is Fighting a Cruel Cancer That Threatens Her Life

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*My name is Yisrael Fried, Ruti’s father.* Our baby is now fighting for her life. While most of you are enjoying quality time with your families, going out on trips, and spending these warm summer days together, we are living our worst nightmare. Instead of planning Ruti’s first summer vacation, *we are battling a vicious cancer that has attacked her small body.* Each passing day brings new pain and greater fear. The doctors say that only urgent treatment in Boston can save her life, but the costs are beyond our means. I am begging you—help us save Ruti. *Every donation,* can be the hope that gives her the chance to grow up, *Please don’t leave us alone in this fight.*  Donate now *Our baby, 8-month-old Ruti, is fighting for her life against a cruel cancer.* 😰 We are begging for your help—only an expensive treatment in Boston can save her.  Every donation you make could be the miracle that Ruti so desperately needs. 💓 *Please, don’t leave us alone.* 

Netanyahu: ‘Whoever Tries To Harm Us Will Themselves Be Harmed’

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Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu commenced the political-security cabinet meeting at the Kirya in Tel Aviv on Sunday morning by addressing the IDF’s proactive strike in Lebanon early that day.

“Early this morning, we identified Hezbollah’s efforts to launch an attack against Israel. After consulting with the Defense Minister and the Chief of Staff, we directed the IDF to take preemptive action to neutralize the danger. The IDF has been actively working to counter these threats since then. It has successfully destroyed thousands of rockets aimed at northern Israel, and continues to tackle numerous other threats with significant force – both defensively and offensively,” Netanyahu stated.

“I urge you, citizens of Israel, to adhere to the directives issued by the Home Front Command. We are committed to safeguarding our nation, ensuring the safe return of residents in the north to their homes, and adhering to a straightforward principle: whoever threatens us, we will strike back,” he added.

Early Sunday morning, IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari reported that Israeli Air Force fighter jets targeted Hezbollah positions that were deemed an imminent danger to Israeli citizens.

Reports suggest that Hezbollah was preparing to launch approximately 6,000 rockets and missiles at Israel when the IDF executed its preemptive strike.

Lebanese sources indicated that around 40 sites were hit by the IDF’s operations.

During this period, sirens were activated in several towns within the Upper Galilee. Multiple explosions were reported, but no injuries were noted.

Following the IDF’s announcement, residents along the conflict line and in the Golan Heights were advised to remain close to their shelters.

{Matzav.com Israel}

Rebbetzin Esther Rivka Levenberg a”h

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It is with profound sadness that Matzav.com reports the petirah of Rebbetzin Esther Rivka Levenberg a”h, whose passing leaves a void in the hearts of many.

Rebbetzin Levenberg was the aishes chover of Rav Yehuda Levenberg, one of the eminent talmidei chachomim of Lakewood, a towering figure in Bais Medrash Govoah for decades, and the author of the multi-volume classic Imrei Chein seforim.

Rebbetzin Levenberg was the daughter of Rav Mordechai Schwab zt”l, the famed “Tzaddik of Monsey” and mashgiach of Yeshiva Bais Shraga. Inheriting her father’s spiritual greatness, she was a paragon of humility, modesty, and kindness.

As a true bas gedolim, Rebbetzin Levenberg excelled in her own right, embodying extraordinary middos and a deep avodas Hashem. Her acts of chesed were remarkable, and her devotion to her illustrious husband and family was unwavering. Her heartfelt davening and awe-inspiring yiras Shomayim touched the lives of all who knew her.

She is survived by her husband and their wonderful mishpacha.

The levayah will take place today at 12 noon at Bais Medrash Govoah’s Bais Medrash Bais Yitzchok, with the kevurah following at the Mount Sinai Cemetery, located adjacent to the Congregation Sons of Israel Holocaust Memorial Chapel off of East Seventh Street in Lakewood, NJ.

Yehi zichrah boruch.


Kamala Harris Called Out For Showing Off Border Walls She Claims To Hate In Campaign Ad

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Supporters of Donald Trump are criticizing Kamala Harris for showcasing the US-Mexico border wall in a recent campaign video, despite having previously condemned the barrier proposed by the former President.

The advertisement features two images of the wall, erected during Trump’s presidency, while a voiceover highlights Harris’s credentials as a “border-state prosecutor.”

In the video, released earlier this month, the male narrator asserts, “As president, she will hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking. Fixing the border is tough. So is Kamala Harris.”

The commercial also includes various other visuals, such as Harris at border-related press events and border agents in action. However, supporters of Trump focused on the images of the wall.

Mike Howell, who heads the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, took to social media to share screenshots of the wall images from the ad and criticized Harris for her apparent contradiction.

“What is that in this ad?” he asked on X on Friday. “Looks like the @realDonaldTrump BORDER WALL to me!”

Howell’s post sparked a wave of online reactions, with Trump supporters pointing out Harris’s past criticism of the wall project.

“Hey Kamala Harris I thought ‘walls’ are racist? You and Biden stopped building a wall. Now you use it in your campaign video?” one commenter questioned.

Harris and her campaign have not addressed the wall featured in the ad, but the Democratic presidential contender has consistently opposed the construction project.

In 2017, during her tenure as a US Senator from California, Harris labeled the project a “stupid use of money” and pledged to obstruct its funding.

She maintained her stance against the wall as Vice President, despite its ongoing construction, noting that the Biden administration faced limitations in halting 20 miles of the wall’s extension due to Congressional funding decisions.

Under her role as “Border Czar,” illegal crossings at the southern border reportedly surged by 140% compared to the Trump administration, according to the House Committee on Homeland Security.


US Kills ‘Senior Leader’ in Syrian Affiliate of Al-Qaeda

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U.S. Central Command announced on Friday that its forces had killed Abu-’Abd al-Rahman al-Makki, a “senior leader” of Hurras al-Din in Syria.

The terror group is associated with Al-Qaeda and “shares Al-Qaeda’s global aspirations to conduct attacks against U.S. and western interests,” according to CENTCOM, which added that the leader who was killed was “responsible for overseeing terrorist operations from Syria.”

“CENTCOM remains committed to the enduring defeat of terrorists in the CENTCOM area of responsibility who threaten the United States, its allies and partners and regional stability,” said Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central Command.


BD”E: Sergeant Amit Tsadikov Killed in Southern Gaza, Becomes 700th Soldier To Fall In War

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On Sunday morning, it was released for publication that Sergeant Amit Tsadikov Hy”d was killed in Gaza.

Tsadikov was a soldier in the 202nd Battalion, Paratroopers Brigade. He fell in battle in the southern Gaza strip. He was the 700th IDF soldier to be killed since the war began on October 7th.

This announcement comes after the IDF released for publication the names of two more soldiers who were killed in an explosion in Gaza last week. Those two soldiers were in addition to a third soldier killed in that explosion, whose name was released for publication on Friday

{Matzav.com Israel}

White House Responds to Israel’s Battle with Hezbollah

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On Motzei Shabbos, the White House responded to Israel’s fighting with Hezbollah, with National Security Council Spokesperson Sean Savett saying: “President Biden is closely monitoring events in Israel and Lebanon. He has been engaged with his national security team throughout the evening. At his direction, senior US officials have been communicating continuously with their Israeli counterparts. We will keep supporting Israel’s right to defend itself, and we will keep working for regional stability.”

Axios reported that the US agreed with Israel’s assessment that an Iranian attack was imminent. This assessment led Israel to decide to conduct a preemptive strike on Hezbollah. In response, Hezbollah has fired hundreds of rockets at Israel.

Vice President and presidential hopeful Kamala Harris had not released her own statement.


Gideon Sa’ar Slams IDF’s Limited Response To Hezbollah: “An All-Out War Is Essential”

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New Hope chairman Gideon Sa’ar exorciated the IDF’s preemptive strikes against Hezbollah on Sunday morning as a continuation of Israel’s failed containment policy. “Faced with Hezbollah’s decision to fire thousands of missiles and rockets, once again the government chose the least correct strategic response,” Sa’ar stated. “The choice to only thwart the attack after ten and a half months of Hezbollah’s attacks on Israel is the continuation of the policy of containment. This decision has one meaning: only our enemies determine the timing and scale of escalation.” “This opportunity should have led to a decision on a comprehensive pre-emptive attack to change the reality in the north.” “Leaving the existing reality in the north of the country unchanged means the continuation of constraint. There will never be a point in time in the future with the perfect conditions for a war. Whoever runs away from war – war will chase him,” Sa’ar ominously concluded. Yisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Leiberman responded to the attack by stating: “Israel’s government needs to act per the enemy’s intentions and not according to the results.” “If Hezbollah indeed intended to fire 6,000 projectiles (missiles, drones, etc.) with the central goal of striking Israel’s strategic infrastructure, just removing the threat cannot suffice. Israel must stop with the defense and go on the offensive and end the war of attrition and the abandonment of the residents of the north for almost 11 months, even at the price of a dramatic escalation.” “Security must be restored to the residents of Israel and the residents of the north in particular,” he concluded. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

FM Katz Urges Israel’s Allies To Support Israel Against Iran & Its Proxies

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Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz sent messages to Israel’s allies around the world urging them to support Israel against Iran and its proxies in the wake of Hezbollah’s intended massive attack on Israel early Sunday morning. “This morning, I sent a direct message to dozens of foreign ministers worldwide, urging them to support Israel against the Iranian axis of evil and its proxies, led by Hezbollah,” Katz stated. “I informed them that Israel acted after definitively identifying a large-scale planned attack of missiles and drones by the Hezbollah terrorist organization against targets in Israel, and we delivered a preemptive strike to prevent the assault and protect Israeli citizens and territory.” “Israel is confronting the axis of evil led by Iran, which has the explicit aim of destroying Israel. “We do not seek a full-scale war – but we will do whatever it takes to protect our citizens.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)  

WATCH: Netanyahu Speaks From Tel Aviv Kiryah: “Whoever Harms Us, We’ll Harm Them”

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Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu began a meeting of Israel’s political-security cabinet at the Kiryah in Tel Aviv on Sunday morning by addressing the IDF’s massive preemptive strike on Hezbollah earlier that morning. “This morning we identified Hezbollah preparations to attack Israel,” Netanyahu said. “In consensus with the Defense Minister and the IDF Chief of Staff, we directed the IDF to initiate action to eliminate the threat.” “Since then, the IDF has been taking strong action to foil the threats. It has eliminated thousands of rockets that were aimed at northern Israel. It is thwarting many other threats and is taking very strong action – both defensively and offensively. “Citizens of Israel, I request that you adhere to the directives from IDF Home Front Command. We are determined to do everything to defend our country, to return the residents of the north securely to their homes, and to continue upholding a simple rule: Whoever harms us – we’ll harm them.” The IDF’s Home Front Command on Sunday morning issued restrictions on Israeli citizens from Tel Aviv northward for the next 48 hours. Workplaces and educational or camp programs can be open only if a nearby shelter can be quickly and easily accessed and gatherings are restricted to 30 people outdoors and 300 people indoors. Beaches near the Lebanese border have been closed. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

H’YD: IDF Announces Death Of Soldier Killed In Southern Gaza

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The IDF on Sunday morning announced the death of a soldier who was killed in battle in the southern Gaza Strip. The soldier was identified as Staff Sgt. Amit Tsadikov, H”Yd, 20, from Beit Dagan. He served in the Paratroopers Brigade’s 202nd Battalion. He was killed by an explosive device detonated by Hamas terrorists in Khan Younis. A soldier from the 401st Armored Brigade’s 601st Engineering Battalion was seriously wounded in the same incident. His death increases the toll of IDF soldiers killed in the ground war in Gaza to 337 and the number of soldiers killed since October 7 to 700. On Motzei Shabbos and Friday, the IDF announced the deaths of four soldiers killed in Gaza, three by an explosive device detonated by Hamas terrorists in Gaza City and one in a battle with Hamas terrorists in the Netzarim Corridor. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Hezbollah Intended To Strike Mossad HQ, Ben-Gurion Airport; IDF Destroyed 6,000 Rockets & Drones

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Israel destroyed thousands of Hezbollah rocket launchers on Sunday morning after it became clear that Hezbollah intended to carry out a massive attack on Israel on Sunday morning at about 5 a.m. Hezbollah planned to target strategic sites in central Tel Aviv, including Ben-Gurion Airport and the Glilot base near Hertzliya, where the Mossad headquarters and 8200 intelligence unit are located. The IDF struck over 40 launch sites in Lebanon, destroying about 6,000 launchers, drones and rockets. At about 5 a.m., Israel Airports Authority announced that Ben-Gurion Airport has been closed and arriving flights will be redirected to other airports. The airport re-opened about two hours later and flights resumed shortly later. However, some airlines canceled their flights to Israel and according to reports, the flight schedule was significantly disrupted and it will take some time until normal operations are resumed (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)


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