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LAWSUIT: NY Thruway Authority Sues Cuomo Bridge Builders, Alleging Shoddy Parts Impact Span’s Durability

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The New York State Thruway Authority has taken legal action against the constructors of the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, asserting that certain sections of the bridge do not meet required standards, even though the structure remains secure for use.

Amidst worries about the quality of the anchor pipes—the locations where the cables attach to the bridge’s supporting framework—the Thruway Authority initiated the lawsuit against Tappan Zee Constructors in Albany’s Supreme Court.

The Thruway Authority claims that 61 out of the 192 anchor pipes are substandard and need to be upgraded, which will increase the costs associated with maintaining the bridge.

The lawsuit alleges that TZC—a coalition of four construction companies—has declined to correct the deficient work and is indebted to the Thruway Authority by at least $6 million over the matter.

Tappan Zee Constructors has not yet responded, and the company had previously filed a lawsuit against the Thruway Authority in 2021, claiming it was owed payments.

The newly built bridge, which was inaugurated in 2017 to replace the Tappan Zee Bridge linking Nyack and Tarrytown, is designed to have a lifespan of one hundred years.

Rockland County Executive Ed Day mentioned that he had a conversation with Frank Hoare, the leader of the Thruway Authority, who assured him that the bridge is safe for use and that the issues pertain to its durability and upkeep.

“I will drive over the bridge,” Day said.

Regarding the upgrading of the components that did not meet the standards—the procedure is currently in progress.

“They have already put together a program of inspections, replacements, so they’re moving it along,” Day said.

“He feels strongly that everything will be fine,” Day said of Hoare. “But he wants to add an extra level of caution and an extra level of inspection to make sure that everything is fine.”

In a statement released on Thursday, Thruway Authority spokesperson Jennifer Givner stated: “The New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA) is committed to ensuring contractor compliance to guarantee the toll payers get what they paid for in the construction of the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, which independent experts have confirmed is safe.”

“NYSTA and Tappan Zee Constructors (TZC) have a dispute regarding material compliance of several stay cable anchorage components,” Givner’s statement continued. “NYSTA asserts that these components are not contractually compliant and require remediation. TZC has disagreed and refused to act in accordance with their contract.”

“To ensure contract compliance, NYSTA has filed a lawsuit to recover the costs of evaluation and remediation of these components,” Givner said. “Simultaneously, NYSTA has begun the process to retrofit these components, under the guidance of nation-leading experts in material science, engineering and design. NYSTA has also commissioned a full independent safety review of the GMMCB, which determined that the retrofit of the components is necessary to ensure their durability and full service life that toll payers paid for.”


Statement by Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant

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Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant: “The IDF and ISA have rescued Qaid Farhan Alkadi from Gaza where he was held hostage, and brought him to his family in Israel. This operation was part of the IDF’s daring and courageous activities conducted deep inside the Gaza strip. This operation joins a series of actions taken by the IDF that bring us closer to achieving the goals of this war. I would like to reiterate and emphasize: Israel is committed to taking advantage of every opportunity to return the hostages home to Israel.”

Woman Fed Up With Stolen Mail Sends Apple AirTag To Herself To Catch Thief

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A Southern California woman fed up with her packages getting stolen out of her post office box sent an Apple AirTag to the address and cleverly tracked down the suspected thief, police said. The woman had had several items stolen from her mailbox at the Los Alamos Post Office already when she thought of the idea, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office said Tuesday. Apple’s $29 AirTags have become popular items since their 2021 release, helping users keep tabs on the location of anything from their lost keys to wallets and luggage. On Monday morning, sheriff’s deputies were called to the post office where the woman told officials her mail had been stolen again — including the package with the AirTag. Law enforcement tracked the AirTag to a block in Santa Maria, about 16 miles (26 kilometers) from the post office and arrested two suspects — a 27-year-old woman from Santa Maria and a 37-year-old man from Riverside. They located the package with the AirTag among the victim’s mail, as well as items believed to have been stolen from more than a dozen other people. The woman declined to be identified, the sheriff’s department said. The two suspects were booked in jail on charges of possession of checks with intent to commit fraud, conspiracy, and identity and credit card theft. The 37-year-old was also booked on a burglary charge and several other theft warrants from Riverside County. The sheriff’s department commended the mail theft victim for contacting law enforcement so they could apprehend the suspects rather than attempting to contact them on her own. (AP)

In Short: L’maaseh!

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Dear Friends & Supporters:

Approximately 30 years ago, Rav Zechariah Gelley zt”l, Rav of K’hal Adas Yeshurun in Washington Heights, was invited to join the rabbinic presidium (Nesius) of Agudas Yisroel of America and to participate in the upcoming meeting of the Nesius.

Rav Gelley graciously accepted the invitation, but he had a question: “What is accomplished at these meetings? I’m sure it’s very nice to drink coffee or tea with rabbonim and roshei yeshiva from different backgrounds, but does anything tangible, l’maaseh, come out of these meetings?”

To which Rav Elya Fisher zt”l, Rosh Kollel of Ger and fellow member of the Nesius, replied; “There is much l’maaseh, as you will see. But even if the Nesius existed for the sole purpose of creating a table at which we all sit together and drink coffee and tea, that itself would be a great thing.”

From time to time, even today some three decades later, we at Agudas Yisroel hear a slight variation on Rav Gelley’s question: “L’maaseh, what does the Agudah do?” 

The reality is that Agudah is very much a l’maaseh-focused organization. Hence the theme of our upcoming fifth annual Charidy fundraising campaign: THIS IS WHAT WE DO

We will tell you about Agudas Yisroel’s advocacy efforts in Washington, D.C. and throughout the country that help bring in millions upon millions of dollars in government programs, services and funding to the yeshiva community across the USA.

We will tell you about the central role Agudah plays in the battle to preserve the independence of our yeshivos against inappropriate governmental intrusion.

We will tell you about the work Agudas Yisroel does in promoting the legal rights of our special needs population, and about the trailblazing activities of the growing national network of Yahalom offices servicing this population.

We will tell you about Agudah’s essential role in combatting antisemitism in America, with special emphasis on the growing cancer of anti-charedi’ism.

We will tell you about Agudah’s immensely popular “H3” business halacha seminars in venues across the United States, and even in the UK, which have given essential halachic guidance to thousands of businessmen and professionals from all types of backgrounds.

We will tell you about the remarkable work of our Chayim Aruchim division, dealing with end-of-life halachic and legal challenges; about our recently started Zahav division to help seniors and their families in navigating the federal and local bureaucracies for various forms of government assistance programs; about the numerous court cases in which we have filed legal briefs to make sure that our community’s interests are protected.

There’s more — lots more 
— but enough for now. 

The bottom line, as the unforgettable President of Agudas Yisroel Rabbi Moshe Sherer would often say, is that while it is true that the Agudah is an ideological organization — the ideology is
an ideology of activism!
In short: l’maaseh!

And so, dear friends, please read the literature and watch the videos we will be publishing for Agudas Yisroel’s upcoming Charidy fundraising campaign. Learn more about what we do, about the many thousands whose lives are directly impacted by our work, about the wonderful tangible accomplishments that are the hallmark of the Agudah. 

And then, open up your hearts and your pockets to enable us to continue doing what we do to meet the needs of a growing Klal Yisroel in these most challenging times.

One final request: as you learn more about what the Agudah does, please pause for a moment to remember Rav Elya Fisher’s response to Rav Zechariah Gelley. Agudas Yisroel represents a large table around which all chareidim lidvar Hashem sit together, drinking coffee and tea and strengthening our bonds to
one another b’ahava v’achva v’shalom v’reius. 

This is what we do, yes. But it’s also who we are. Won’t you please join us around the table?


Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel
Executive Vice Presiden

Chani Pleads for Help as Family Faces Crisis Due to Father’s Illness

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😢“Cancer has RUINED my family!!!”😢 CLICK HERE “Cancer has RUINED my family!!!” With my father’s latest hospitalization and inability to work, we are STRUGGLING emotionally & with BASIC necessities like food, clothing, and keeping our home. We’ve used up EVERY PENNY, taken out loans, and sold anything valuable we owned. Our mother is OVERWHELMED, having to care for 5 children and navigate this crisis without ANY support. Any donation would mean the world to us. PLEASE HELP support my 5 siblings

Israeli Forces Rescue Hostage Alive from Southern Gaza

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Israeli forces have rescued a hostage alive from a tunnel in the southern Gaza Strip, the Israel Defense Forces and Israel Security Agency said in a joint statement on Tuesday.

Qaid Farhan Alkadi, 52, from the Bedouin Negev city of Rahat, was rescued in a “complex operation” by the IDF’s Shayetet 13, 401st Brigade and Yahalom together with ISA forces under the command of the 162nd Division.

He was alone at the time of his rescue.

The father of 11 is in stable condition and being transferred to a hospital for medical tests, according to the military. His family has been updated and the IDF is accompanying them.

He was held in captivity for 326 days after the guard at a packing factory in Kibbutz Magen was abducted by Hamas terrorists from nearby Mivtahim.

His rescue leaves the number of hostages still held by the Hamas terror group in Gaza at 108, including 104 of the 251 hostages taken on Oct. 7, which includes the bodies of 34 confirmed deceased.

“Israeli security forces will continue to operate with all means to bring home the hostages,” the military said.

The Hostages and Missing Families Forum, a group advocating for the return of the abductees, said that Alkadi freed himself from Hamas captivity and escaped to Israeli forces.

“The wonderful news of his return is a sign of light amongst the darkness for the families of the hostages and the people of Israel. We wish to thank the wonderful forces of our IDF who helped Qaid return home safely,” the forum said, adding that a ceasefire agreement “is the only way to secure the return of the remaining 108 hostages- The living for rehabilitation and the murdered for proper burial.”

Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant commented on the rescue operation.

“Within the bold and determined operations of the IDF and Shin Bet forces deep in the Gaza Strip, our fighters succeeded in rescuing Kadi and returning him to his family in Israel. This operation joins a series of impressive operational activities, bringing us to achieve all the goals of the war.”

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi completed a situational assessment after the rescue was confirmed that included the commander of the Southern Command and other senior military and intelligence officers.

“We are doing everything to save all the abductees. IDF and Shin Bet forces demonstrate courage, determination and initiative in complex operations in the field,” Halevi said.

“I congratulate the IDF, the Shin Bet and the security forces for a successful rescue,” Israeli President Isaac Herzog said.

“Farhan, a resident of Rahat, was kidnapped on October 7 from the packing house where he worked in Kibbutz Magen, when Hamas terrorists came kidnapping, murdering and raping – without distinction between blood and blood. This is a happy moment for the State of Israel and the entire Israeli society. I wish for the immediate and speedy return of our 108 abductees who are brutally held captive in Gaza,” Herzog continued.

His brother, Hatem, said that “God willing, we thank everyone very much and hope to see him in good health. We are very happy to receive this news.”

Last Tuesday, the Israel Defense Forces recovered the bodies of six hostages kidnapped on Oct. 7, from a tunnel in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip.

In an operation involving the IDF and Israel Security Agency, the bodies of Avraham Munder, Yoram Metzger, Nadav Popplewell, Yagev Buchshtav, Chaim Peri and Alex Dancyg were located more than 10 months after the Hamas massacre.


Saudi Arabia Denounces Ben Gvir for Saying He’d Support a Shul On the Har Habayis

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Saudi Arabia has condemned the far-right Israeli National Security Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir, following his expression of support for establishing a shul on the Har Habayis located in Yerushalayim’s Old City.

In a statement issued by the Saudi foreign ministry, Ben Gvir is not directly mentioned by name, but is instead referred to as “a minister in the Israeli occupation government.”

“The kingdom affirms its categorical rejection of these extremist and inflammatory statements, and its rejection of the ongoing provocations of the feelings of Muslims around the world,” the statement declares.

“The kingdom stresses the need to respect the historical and legal status quo at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, renewing its call to the international community to assume its responsibilities in putting an end to the humanitarian catastrophe endured by the brotherly Palestinian people and activating serious mechanisms to hold Israeli officials accountable for the ongoing violations of international laws, norms and resolutions.”

The statement emphasizes Saudi Arabia’s strong disapproval of the remarks, labeling them as extremist and provocative, and reiterates the importance of upholding the longstanding status quo regarding the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Additionally, the statement calls on the global community to take decisive action to end the suffering of the Palestinian people and to hold Israeli leaders responsible for the continuous breaches of international law.

{Matzav.com Israel}

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: Trump Honors Service Members Killed in Afghanistan on Anniversary While Biden Vacations

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According to a report from The New York Post, former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden took vastly different approaches to marking the anniversary of the thirteen U.S. Service Members killed during the botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

From The New York Post:

Monday marked the third anniversary of the day 13 service members died in a terror bombing during the Biden administration’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal. On Aug. 26, 2021, ISIS-K suicide bomber Abdul Rahman al-Logari detonated an explosive vest outside Hamid Karzai International Airport’s Abbey Gate, killing the troops and nearly 200 Afghans.

The White House had not published a statement at the time of publication on the anniversary on Monday. Biden is spending the week at his beach house in Rehoboth, Del., after spending the better half of last week vacationing in California. Vice President Kamala Harris has no public events on her schedule.

The Trump team has heavily criticized Biden for how they handled the evacuation – and skewered the president for never honoring the families of the service members who perished in an official ceremony.

The private event at Arlington was meant to stress Biden’s – and Harris’ – roles in the withdrawal, especially after Harris said she was the last person in the room when the pullout was directed.

The Trump War Room X account blasted the Biden-Harris Administration for failing to acknowledge the deaths of the Service Members in any official capacity.


Footage of Trump honoring the fallen Service Members was shared widely on X.


More over at The New York Post:


RESCUED ALIVE: Bedouin Hostage Is Rescued From Gaza In Shin Bet-IDF Op

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The IDF announced on Tuesday that Farhan Kadi, 52, a Bedouin-Israeli who was abducted on October 7 from a village south of Rahat, was rescued on Tuesday. He was rescued in a complex operation by the Shin Bet and IDF in southern Gaza. Further details of the operation have not been released. The IDF stated that “it is not possible to elaborate due to issues of security of our hostages, our forces and the security of the state. His medical condition is normal and he was transferred to the hospital for further medical tests. His family has been updated with the details and the IDF is supporting them. The security forces will continue to engage in all efforts to return the hostages.” The video below shows Kadi arriving at Soroka Hospital: Kadi is the father of 11 children and worked for many years as a guard at the Kibbutz Magen’s packaging factory. In the video below, Kadi’s relatives run to the hospital to greet him: (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

U.S. Lawmakers Visit Butler, Pa., In Probe of Trump Assassination Attempt

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Lawmakers investigating the assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump visited the site of the shooting in Butler, Pa., Monday and said they were working methodically to produce a definitive, nonpartisan account of an event whose facts remain murky.

The nine members of a House of Representatives task force toured the Butler Farm Show grounds and met with local law enforcement officials. Several members expressed astonishment at the proximity – about 430 feet – between the rooftop where 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks took aim on July 13 and the podium from which Trump was speaking to a crowd of his supporters.

“When you’re actually walking these grounds, when you’re actually going to the building, when you’re actually up on the roof … if you can actually look at that, right now, in person … it’s like, okay, I got it, I know where that was,” said Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.), who represents the Butler area.

The visit was led by Kelly, the panel’s chairman, and Rep. Jason Crow (D-Colo.), an army Special Forces veteran who is the ranking Democrat.

The task force, established July 29 by a unanimous vote, is composed of seven Republican and six Democratic lawmakers. It has subpoena authority and has assumed control over all House committee investigations into the assassination attempt and the security lapses that surrounded it.

Crooks was able to fire eight times before he was killed by Secret Service sharpshooters. The bullets killed rallygoer Corey Comperatore, seriously injured two others and wounded Trump in his right ear.

Lawmakers from both parties said the panel’s work would transcend political divisions to establish what happened and give the public an accounting they could trust.

“We’re in the midst of an election cycle right now, and all of us are going to have those tough debates,” Crow said. “But in the United States of America, you do not get to attempt to assassinate our elected officials and our candidates. It’s unacceptable. And we are standing here in a bipartisan way to send the message that we won’t tolerate it.”

Four of the seven Republican members of the panel missed the tour: Reps. Mark Green (Tenn.), Michael Waltz (Fla.), Clay Higgins (La.) and Pat Fallon (Tex.). Their absence was not explained at the news conference.

Along with Kelly, GOP Reps. David Joyce (Ohio) and Laurel Lee (Fla.) were there, as well as Democrats Crow and Reps. Lou Correa (Calif.), Madeleine Dean (Pa.), Chrissy Houlahan (Pa.), Glenn Ivey (Md.) and Jared Moskowitz (Fla.).

“It is so important that this task force has the opportunity to do what we did here, to actually walk these grounds, to see this area, to get an understanding of the physical space and where this security shortcoming took place,” Lee said. “And I’ll tell you, for many of us, it raises more questions than we came here with today.”

Panel members declined to answer questions about preliminary findings they might have. Asked about earlier comments made by Waltz, who told the New York Post last week that he was skeptical of reports that Crooks acted alone, Moskowitz said it was “too early to make that determination.”

“I don’t think anyone on the task force has seen any hard evidence that would suggest that would be the case,” the lawmaker said.

Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesman for the U.S. Secret Service, said the agency is cooperating with oversight efforts by the House congressional task force as well as the Department of Homeland Security’s independent review panel, the DHS Office of the Inspector General and the FBI.

“Our desire to learn from this failure and ensure it never happens again is unwavering, and we welcome any and all efforts towards that end,” Guglielmi said in a statement.

The panel has said its primary goals are to ensure accountability, prevent future security failures and investigate the communications breakdowns between the Secret Service and other law enforcement agencies that enabled an armed man to access the roof and nearly kill the former president.

House lawmakers have made clear they want decisive action in response to the security failures.

Late last week, just before Secret Service officials briefed lawmakers on their investigation into the assassination attempt, the agency headquarters notified five agents involved in the Butler rally that they were being asked to work from home on “nonoperational duties,” according to two people familiar with the action who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss it.

The five included three agents and the top boss from the Secret Service’s Pittsburgh field office, which took the lead in crafting or overseeing a security plan for Trump’s July 13 rally in Butler, and also an agent on Trump’s security detail who visited Butler ahead of the visit to help with that plan, the people said.

The five agents were told to telework, which is not a disciplinary action and does not involve any finding of possible wrongdoing, the people said.

Asked Friday why these employees were instructed to telework, Guglielmi said the Secret Service’s “mission assurance review is progressing, and we are examining the processes, procedures and factors that led to this operational failure.”

“The U.S. Secret Service holds our personnel to the highest professional standards, and any identified and substantiated violations of policy will be investigated by the Office of Professional Responsibility for potential disciplinary action. Given this is a personnel matter, we are not in a position to comment further,” Guglielmi said in a statement.

(c) 2024, The Washington Post · Nick Miroff, Carol D. Leonnig 

Democrats Claim Georgia Election Board Rules Invite ‘Chaos’ in New Suit

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Democrats, supported by Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign, sued the Georgia state election board on Monday, alleging that new election rules were illegal and could be exploited by pro-Trump members of the board to bring “chaos” in November.

The lawsuit, filed by the Democratic National Committee, the Georgia Democratic Party, local election officials, and candidates for office, comes a few weeks after the board approved rules allowing election officials to conduct a “reasonable inquiry” into the vote and to be given “all election related documentation” before certifying the result.

Quentin Fulks, a deputy campaign manager for Harris, told The New York Times that the lawsuit is a response to Republicans’ efforts “to lay the groundwork to challenge the election results when they lose again in November.”

At a Georgia rally earlier this month after the new rules were approved, Trump called the development “a very positive thing,” and praised three members of the board as “pitbulls fighting for honesty, transparency, and victory.” Trump remains indicted in Georgia for trying to overturn the 2020 election results in the state, which he lost. Read more at The New York Times.


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