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“I’M NOT LEAVING”: Biden Vows To Keep Running As Signs Point To Rapidly Eroding Support

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A defiant President Joe Biden vowed on Wednesday to keep running for reelection, rejecting growing pressure from Democrats to withdraw after a disastrous debate performance raised questions about his readiness. But in an ominous sign for the president, a leading ally publicly suggested a way that the party might choose someone else. “Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running… no one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving. I’m in this race to the end and we’re going to win,” Biden said in a call with staffers on his reelection campaign, according to a top aide who posted his comment on the X social media platform. Biden was pulling every possible lever to try to salvage his reelection campaign — talking to top legislators, pumping up his campaign staff and meeting later in the day with Democratic governors before a planned weekend blitz of travel and a network TV interview. But there were signs that support for Biden was rapidly eroding among Democrats on Capitol Hill. Rep. Jim Clyburn, a longtime Biden ally, said he would back a “mini-primary” in the run-up to the Democratic National Convention next month if Biden were to leave the race. Clyburn, D-S.C., floated an idea that appeared to be laying the groundwork for alternatives by delegates during the Democrats’ planned virtual roll call that is scheduled before the more formal party convention. “You can actually fashion the process that’s already in place to make it a mini-primary and I would support that,” Clyburn told CNN. He said Vice President Kamala Harris, governors and others could join the competition. “It would be fair to everybody. … Because if she were to be the nominee we need to have a running mate. And need a strong running mate.” Clyburn, a senior lawmaker who is a former member of his party’s House leadership team, said he has not personally seen the president act as he did on the debate stage last week. “I saw what I saw last Thursday night, and it is concerning,” Clyburn said. Some suggested Harris was emerging as the favorite to replace Biden if he were to withdraw, although those involved in private discussions acknowledge that Govs. Gavin Newsom of California and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan remain viable alternatives. But for some insiders, Harris is viewed as the best prospect to quickly unify the party and avoid a messy and divisive convention fight. Even as pressure around Biden mounted, he and Harris made a surprise appearance on a call with staffers from his reelection campaign and offered a pep talk, stressing the stakes of the election and returning to Biden’s previous post-debate comments that he would get back up after being knocked down. The president told those assembled that he was not leaving the race and would not be dragged out. Asked a short time later whether Biden would consider stepping down, White House press secretary Karine Jean Pierre said “absolutely not.” “He understands it is fair for people to ask that question.” she said, while adding, “I cannot lay out something that would change the president’s mind” about seeking a second term. She also said Biden “is clear-eyed. And he is staying in the race.” Democrats are unsatisfied with the […]

PRESIDENT MICHELLE OBAMA? Poll Finds Former First Lady Only Candidate Who Would Beat Trump

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According to a new post-debate poll conducted by Reuters/Ipsos, Former first lady Michelle Obama is the only hypothetical presidential candidate that would beat Donald Trump.

Michelle Obama also tops the charts among hypothetical candidates in favorability ratings among registred voters, with both Trump and Biden trailing her by more than 10 points.

Reportedly, Obama is not interested in running for office, but given Biden’s current issues, calls for her to step in will only increase.

According to the Reuters/Ipsos poll, almost 60% think Biden should drop out of the race, including 33% of Democrats.

Meanwhile Obama earned support from 50% of registred voters, with only 39% saying they were support Trump in a head-to-head matchup.

Obama reportedly has had no interest in running for office, but calls for Biden stepping out of the race are reaching a fever pitch after his debate performance last week.

Nearly 60% agree Biden should drop out of the race – that included about 33% of Democrats – according to the poll.

Michelle Obama earned support from 50% of registered voters, while just 39% say they would vote for Trump.

Importantly, every other potential Biden replacement would also lose to Trump, according to the poll.

However, previous polls do show a Biden vs. Trump matchup as being a close race, with Trump only up 2%. Only one fifth of voters said they were undecided. The same percentage of voters also said they would support RFK Jr. if he is on the ballot.


Harris Surpasses Biden As Favorite To Win Democratic Nomination In Betting Market

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Vice President Kamala Harris has overtaken President Joe Biden as the favorite to win the Democratic presidential nomination in a major betting market. According to PredictIt, a political wagering website, Harris’ shares surged to $0.52, while Biden’s plummeted to $0.30, following a report from The New York Times that Biden is considering dropping out of the race. The odds shift occurred rapidly, with Harris’ shares jumping from $0.40 to $0.52 in a matter of minutes. This sudden change in odds reflects a significant loss of confidence in Biden’s ability to win the nomination and the general election. ElectionBettingOdds, a site that tracks odds across multiple betting markets, shows Biden with a 14.9% chance of winning reelection, making him a 6-1 underdog against Trump. Harris fares slightly worse, with a 14.2% chance of winning the general election. Trump, on the other hand, is favored to win with a 58.2% chance. Biden has been leading the Democratic field for months in the betting markets; However, his campaign has faced numerous challenges, and this latest report has seemingly spooked bettors, leading to a massive shift in odds in favor of Harris. It’s important to note that betting markets are not always predictive of political outcomes, but they can provide valuable insights into public perception and sentiment. In this case, the sudden shift in odds suggests a growing lack of confidence in Biden’s candidacy and a rising possibility of Harris becoming the Democratic nominee. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Hy”d: IDF Soldier Killed in Battle in Gaza

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The mayor of Kiryat Shmona, Avichai Stern announced on Wednesday evening that resident of the city, Ilai Logassi, was killed in battle in the Gaza Strip.

Stern mentioned that Ilai is “the precious only child of municipal employee Smadar Logassi.

Ilai was wounded early in war, and bravely returned to active duty after he recovered, only to be killed.

Mayor Stern eulogized, “Ilai was a brave warrior and an amazing man, the salt of the earth, who was wounded at the beginning of the war, but bravely insisted on returning and fighting as soon as he was on his feet again.”

The mayor continued: “I am writing these lines in complete shock and under unbearably deep pain. Dear Smadar, the whole of Kiryat Shmona embraces and hugs you, our city lost one of its finest sons and heroes today! Rest in peace Ilai, and may we all be worthy of your sacrifice.”

{Matzav.com Israel}

EVIL: Islamic Jihad Says it is Worsening Conditions for Hostages

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The terror group Palestinian Islamic Jihad announced in a statement it is worsening it’s treatment of Israeli hostages, in response to the IDF’s recent hostage rescue mission, and alleged “torture” of Palestinian prisoners in Israel, and their worsening conditions.

The terror group continued it’s psychological warfare efforts, claiming that several Israeli hostages have attempted to commit suicide.

The terror group also published their condolences to Hezbollah after Israel eliminated a senior commander, Muhammad Neamah Naser, of the Aziz unit.

In the message, the terror group said it appreciated Naser’s assistance, and that his death strengthens the determination to continue on their evil path of jihad.


Activists Demand IDF And Government Officials To Begin Drafting Charedim En Masse Following High Court Ruling

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The Movement for Quality Government in Israel is urging the defense minister, IDF chief of staff, and attorney general to immediately begin issuing conscription orders to ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students, following last week’s High Court ruling that the state must draft such men. In a letter, the movement wrote, “You have the urgent obligation to begin equitable conscription in accordance with the Law for Security Service, specifically for 63,000 haredi yeshiva students for whom recruitment procedures have not yet been taken, or whose service was [previously] postponed.” The letter notes that despite the High Court ruling, no conscription orders have been sent to the 63,000 yeshiva bochurim who are obligated to enlist. The Attorney General’s Office has instructed the IDF and Defense Ministry to “act immediately” to draft them, with a minimum of 4,800 Charedi men required to be drafted in 2024. The Defense Ministry has refused to comment on its actions to comply with the order. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has stated that the IDF needs 10,000 new soldiers due to losses sustained during the current war, a point which the group says underscored why drafting yeshiva bochurim is important. Eliad Shraga, chairman of the Movement for Quality Government, said, “We are in the midst of a war and the IDF needs all the manpower it can get. Failure to draft the ultra-Orthodox at this stage is not just a violation of the High Court’s ruling but also a severe blow to state security and the principle of equality. We are demanding immediate and determined action to draft all yeshiva students who are obligated to perform military service without further delay.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Zelensky Challenges Trump to Reveal Plans for Quick End to War

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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said Donald Trump should come forward with his plan to quickly end the war with Russia, warning that any proposal must avoid violating the nation’s sovereignty.

“If Trump knows how to finish this war, he should tell us today,” Zelenskiy said in a Bloomberg Television interview in Kyiv on Wednesday. “If there are risks to Ukrainian independence, if we lose statehood – we want to be ready for this, we want to know.”

The former US president, who leads in polls over President Joe Biden ahead of the November election, has boasted that he’ll end the war by the time he’s inaugurated in January. In the televised debate last week, Trump decried the billions of dollars spent on Ukraine’s defense, saying that Kyiv is “not winning the war.”

In a nearly hour-long interview, the Ukrainian leader lamented the delays in weapons deliveries from Western allies and said he was “potentially ready” to meet with Trump to hear his team’s proposals.

“They can’t plan my life and life of our people and our children,” he said. “We want to understand whether in November we will have the powerful support of the US, or will be all alone.”

Zelenskiy pushed back on the notion that Ukrainian and Russian forces are in a deadlock on the battlefield, saying that the military is better positioned in terms of manpower than it was months ago and a new offensive is a matter of arming its brigades.

And while he lauded the $61 billion assistance package approved by the US Congress this year – after a six-month long delay – he said the military equipment was taking too long to make it to the front.

“This is the biggest tragedy of this war, that between the decision and real fact, we have real long, long, long wait,” Zelenskiy said.

The Ukrainian leader also said China could play a “tremendous role” in resolving the conflict, since Moscow is so dependent on its market for exports. He suggested that the US and China, should they put aside differences, could act together to end the war.

–With assistance from Volodymyr Verbianyi and Olesia Safronova.

(c) Washington Post

TWO NEW POLLS: Wall Street Journal, NY Times Both Have Trump Crushing Biden

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Two newt national polls suggests that former President Trump’s advantage over President Biden in their potential 2024 election rematch is growing following Biden’s widely criticized debate performance last week. Released on Wednesday by the New York Times and Siena College, the survey highlights mounting concerns that 81-year-old Biden, the oldest president in U.S. history, may struggle to effectively govern the nation. Biden is currently navigating one of the toughest phases of his campaign for a second term in the White House. His hesitant delivery and stumbling responses during the debate with Trump in Atlanta, Georgia, have triggered widespread anxiety within the Democratic Party. This has led political analysts, editorial writers, and some party donors to urge Biden to consider stepping aside as the Democratic nominee for 2024. Furthermore, over the past 24 hours, a growing number of House Democrats have also joined calls for Biden to end his re-election bid. According to the NY Times poll, Trump now leads Biden 49% to 43% among likely voters nationwide, marking a three-point increase for the presumptive GOP presidential nominee since the previous New York Times/Siena College poll just a week ago. Among registered voters, Trump’s lead over Biden has expanded to 49% to 41%. Shortly after the release of the New York Times/Siena College poll, another prominent national survey produced similar findings. In a Wall Street Journal poll, Trump led Biden 48% to 42% among registered voters. This reflects an increase from a two-point margin in February for the former president over the Democratic incumbent. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Senior Hezbollah Commander Eliminated

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On Wednesday, two people were killed by a drone strike on a car in Tyre, Lebanon, including the commander of Hezbollah’s Aziz unit, Muhammad Neamah Naser.

The Aziz unit is one of three regional Hezbollah units in southern Lebanon, responsible for the area along the easter part of the border with Israel.

Both the IDF and Hezbollah confirmed Naser was killed in the strike.

The IDF released a statement saying: “Earlier today (Wednesday), the IDF eliminated the terrorist Muhammad Neamah Naser, the commander of the Hezbollah terrorist organization’s Aziz Unit which is responsible for firing from southwestern Lebanon at Israeli territory,”

“Muhammad Neamah Naser entered his position in 2016 and led the firing of rockets and anti-tank missiles from southwestern Lebanon toward Israeli civilians, communities, and security forces. Furthermore, Naser directed a large number of terror attacks toward Israel both during and before the war, and he previously held several central roles within the Hezbollah terrorist organization.”

Naser was the counterpart of the commander of Hezbollah’s Nasser unit, Sami Taleb Abdullah, who was eliminated last month. Both terrorists are considered to be the two most senior Hezbollah terrorists killed since Hezbollah joined the Hamas attack on Oct. 7th.

According to Lebanese media reports, 50 rockets were fired at Israel in retaliation.

Nasser was involved in the kidnapping and murder of two IDF soldiers in 2006, leading to the second Lebanon War.


MASSIVE FAILURE: IDF Probe Finds Warning Signs of Hamas Attack Were Ignored, Catastrophe Could Have Been Prevented

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A preliminary investigation by the IDF Military Intelligence Directorate into the October 7 Hamas invasion and slaughter in southern Israel has found that there were sufficient indications of the imminent attack to have prevented the catastrophe. The findings, presented to Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, suggest that warning signs were ignored, and that the tragedy could have been averted. Sources familiar with the probe told Channel 12 that there were signs ahead of the attack that should have “lit up all the red lights” and that “we’ve mobilized various fronts in the past on less than this.” The investigation found that the IDF Gaza Division had assessments from 2018 until October 7 that could have been used to prevent the attack. The presentation covered what each of the IDF elements knew, what information they shared with each other, and what steps were taken in light of what they understood. The investigation’s findings have sparked deep frustration among those who have seen the material, as it should have been “possible to connect all the dots and prevent this.” While there were no arguments over the facts, there were some disagreements over interpretations. The investigation’s outcome may lead to a fuller investigation by incoming IDF intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Shlomi Binder, due to tensions between Halevi and outgoing intel chief Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, who announced his resignation in April. However, other sources have described the probe as “very thorough” and not needing additional digging. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Thompson Fire Spreads in Northern California, Forcing Evacuations

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An aggressive wildfire quickly spread Tuesday in Northern California, forcing authorities to issue evacuation orders and shut off power as parts of California suffered under a heat wave.

The Thompson Fire started shortly before 11 a.m. in Butte County, a high-risk fire zone that has been experiencing temperatures topping 100 degrees. By early Wednesday, the blaze had spread to more than 3,000 acres and was still zero percent contained, according to California fire officials. Local journalists photographed several homes on fire.

“Approximately 400 personnel” have responded to the fire, the Butte County Fire Department said in a statement, adding that helicopters, fire crews and water tenders have been pressed into service. Resources will continue to pour into the county from across the state, officials said at a news conference earlier that evening.

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) announced that the state has obtained a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to ensure the availability of resources to fight the fire.

The county sheriff’s office issued evacuation orders in parts of Oroville, and about 13,000 people were under evacuation orders as of 6 p.m. local time, Butte Fire Unit Chief Garrett Sjolund said. After two wet winters and mild fire seasons, fires have surged in California this summer, fueled by dried-out, overgrown grasses and vegetation.

“The conditions out there in our county this summer are much different than we have experienced the last two summers. The fuels are very dense, the brush is dry, and as you can see, any wind will move a fire out very quickly,” he said.

The National Weather Service issued an excessive-heat warning Tuesday for several areas in California, including Oroville. For some areas, the warning is in place until July 10.

Because of the red-flag conditions, Cal Fire asked PG&E to shut off power to risky areas, affecting about 2,000 people, said Dan Collins, a captain at Cal Fire’s Butte County station. Two evacuation centers have been set up for residents.

Three firefighters experienced heat-related issues while working and went to area hospitals for evaluation. However, Collins pointed out that firefighters have trained in and for this heat, which is not abnormal for the region in June.

The blaze started Tuesday morning in Oroville, between Cherokee Road and Thompson Flat Road, and was spreading to the Kelly Ridge area about nine miles away by late evening.

Butte County has experienced deadly wildfires before. The Camp Fire nearly incinerated the town of Paradise in 2018, killing 85 people. In 2021, the Dixie Fire, which was sparked by PG&E power lines, devastated the town of Greenville and ended up burning nearly 1 million acres, the second-largest fire in state history. On Tuesday, residents in Paradise, which still has not been fully rebuilt, were sharing photos on Facebook of thick plumes of smoke as the Thompson Fire rapidly spread just 20 miles south.

Experts have warned that California’s fire season could escalate this week amid a prolonged heat wave and strong winds. Some places in the state’s interior experienced their warmest June on record. More than 131,483 acres have burned this year – which is unusually high for this early in the season, The Washington Post reported.

– – –

Masih reported from Seoul.

(c) Washington Post

Report: State Prosecutor Seeking Criminal Probe Against Ben-Gvir Over Gaza ‘Incitement’

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Israel’s state attorney has requested permission to open a criminal probe into Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir over allegations of “incitement to violence” against Gazans, local media reported on Tuesday.

According to Israel’s Kan News broadcaster, prosecutor Amit Aisman has asked Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara for permission to launch the inquiry into the minister’s comments on the war against Hamas, claiming his immunity does not protect him in this case.

In the nine months since Hamas massacred 1,200 people, mainly Israeli Jews, during its Oct. 7 attack on the Jewish state, Ben-Gvir has repeatedly urged the government to eradicate the terrorist group.

“To destroy Hamas, we have to go into Rafah to the end, do a root canal. To return our hostages, we need to stop the fuel [supply to Gaza], establish that humanitarianism is only for humanitarianism,” the Otzma Yehudit Party leader stated in May remarks from the Temple Mount.

Ben-Gvir has also been pushing for the voluntary emigration of Palestinians and the resettlement of the Strip by Israeli civilians.

“Complete occupation of Gaza,” Ben-Gvir said on May 21. “Full Israeli control, including Jewish settlement and encouragement of voluntary emigration [for Gazans].” He said he would be willing to live in the enclave himself.

Kan News said Aisman’s request drew criticism from within the ranks of the Office of the State Attorney, with associates warning that the probe is unlikely to lead to charges.

Sources inside Aisman’s office told Kan that the request came against the background of the Jan. 26 International Court of Justice ruling ordering Israel to “punish the direct and public incitement to genocide.”

However, a police investigation into Ben-Gvir is unlikely to sway the court in The Hague and has the potential to bring about “dramatic” damage to the country’s global reputation, the legal sources added.

Responding to the Kan report on Tuesday, Ben-Gvir said the probe was part of a “deep state” effort to undermine elected officials.

“The state prosecutor is trying to make an Israeli minister stand trial for ‘incitement’ against citizens of an enemy state that danced on the blood of our soldiers on the streets of Gaza on Oct. 7,” tweeted Ben-Gvir. “Instead of the Israel Security Agency and state prosecutor carrying out assassinations in Gaza, they are trying to assassinate an Israeli minister,” he added.

Aisman and Baharav-Miara issued a statement noting that a decision had yet to be made on whether to open a probe. However, “as the State of Israel told the International Court of Justice in The Hague,” authorities are examining all comments that may have violated the law, they noted.

Israeli ground forces entered Gaza on Oct. 27 following a weeks-long air campaign in response to the Oct. 7 massacre. Jerusalem’s stated goals for the war are to destroy Hamas as a military and governing force in Gaza, ensure that it can not threaten Israel again and return all hostages.


BYE BYE: Hezbollah Confirms Israeli Airstrike Killed Senior Commander Muhammad Nisah Nasser

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The Hezbollah terror group announced today that a senior commander, Muhammad Nimah Nasser, also known as Abu Nimah, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in southern Lebanon. According to a statement from Hezbollah, Nasser was from the town of Haddatha and was killed “on the road to Jerusalem,” a term the group uses to refer to Israeli strikes. The strike occurred in the coastal city of Tyre. Nasser was a commander of Hezbollah’s Aziz regional division in southern Lebanon. It is rare for Hezbollah to refer to its senior operatives killed in Israeli strikes as commanders, showing that Nasser’s death is a significant loss for the group. Only a few other operatives have been referred to as commanders, including Taleb Abdullah, who was killed last month, and Wissam al-Tawil, the deputy head of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan unit, who was killed by Israel in January. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Nikki Haley Taunts George Stephanopoulos After Resurfaced Interview on Biden’s Mental Acuity

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Former Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley took a victory lap on social media after a tense exchange with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos last year resurfaced on Tuesday. The interview, which aired on “Good Morning America” in August, showed Haley asserting that President Biden would not finish his term and that Kamala Harris would become the next president. Stephanopoulos pushed back, asking Haley for evidence to support her claim, but she cited the decline in Biden’s mental acuity and the need for a new generation of leaders. Haley also called for mental competency tests for politicians over the age of 75. The exchange has gone viral again, and Haley taunted Stephanopoulos today on social media, saying “Believe me now, George?” The resurfaced interview comes as Biden is set to sit down with Stephanopoulos for his first interview since last week’s presidential debate, where he will likely face questions about his performance and his mental fitness for office. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

IDF Demolishes Home of Jewish Teen’s Killer

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Israel Defense Forces troops overnight Tuesday demolished the Duma home of Ahmed Duabsha, who in April murdered 14-year-old Jewish shepherd Binyamin Achimeir in the Shomron.

Duabsha was arrested on April 22, 10 days after he killed Achimeir, who went missing while herding sheep at Gal Farm, located 17 miles northeast of Ramallah.

In late June, a redacted indictment said Duabsha and his friends became interested in jihad and Islamic State approximately a year before the terror attack.

“The suspect decided that he would go on a killing spree the next morning at first light,” read the indictment, filed at Ofer Military Court. “He took a knife of around 20 centimeters [8 inches] long, picked out clothes and laid down in his room. The next day, he put on his clothes, prayed, took the knife in his sheath and put a black scarf on his head.”

Local media reported in April that there was a long struggle between Achimeir and Duabsha, and that some of the teenager’s clothing items were found scattered near his body.

“Duabsha brandished the knife, shouted at the deceased, ‘I will kill you,’ and started to chase him. While trying to escape, the deceased fell to the ground and the terrorist caught up. Achimeir stood up and tried to defend himself against the accused,” the indictment states.

Following the murder, Duabsha looked for additional victims in the area, including at Gal Farm, but got frightened by a dog in the area and returned home as “got tired,” the indictment continues.

Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu condemned “the heinous murder” of the young shepherd.

“We will get the murderers and those who helped them, as we do to all who harm the citizens of the State of Israel,” the prime minister said. “I send my heartfelt condolences to his family,” added the statement.

According to data collected by Israeli authorities, Arab aggression and terror against Jewish shepherds has been on the rise in recent months.

“Jewish farmers are grazing their sheep in open areas; Arabs don’t like that, even if it happens in Area C [of Yehuda and Shomron, where Israeli communities are located]. They’re trying to stop them by using violence,” an official responsible for documenting illegal Arab activities told JNS last year.


UN Gaza Coordinator Blames ‘Data Gap’ with Israel for Aid Row

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The United Nations point person on Gaza said on Tuesday that a “data gap” with Israel is leading to “different conclusions” where the Gaza Strip is concerned.

Sigrid Kaag, the U.N. senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for Gaza, briefed the U.N. Security Council in an open setting before following members into closed consultations.

During the discussion, she noted that while additional supply routes for humanitarian aid were provided by Israel and the process has been streamlined under a mechanism created by the council in December, the process “has been fraught with challenges.”

In the end, Kaag said, “There is no substitute for political will” to change the conditions on the ground.

Kaag, a Dutch politician, diplomat and veteran U.N. administrator, cited the start of the Israeli military operation in Rafah and the subsequent closure of the Rafah border crossing in early May as a turning point, since which “the volume of aid entering into or distributed across Gaza has dropped significantly.”

The “near-total breakdown of civil order has further led to an environment of lawlessness and criminality,” according to Kaag, who noted that the United Nations “has asked Israel to find solutions to enable the safe delivery of aid that includes its distribution.”

With respect to ongoing disputes between the United Nations and Israel regarding the amount of aid being screened by Israel and entering Gaza, “and the ability of the U.N. actually to come and collect it and distribute it, you see a data gap there. And those are obviously different conclusions that we draw,” said Kaag during a later press briefing in answer to a JNS query.

However, she added, the mechanism created by the Security Council to enhance the flow of aid led to a single database, via which “you can see which types of goods go in, what’s approved, what’s denied, and where’s the follow up.”

That database, Kaag said, will “hopefully” provide “common ground in order to fix” any aid delivery issues.

Nicolas de Riviere, France’s U.N. ambassador, told the council that Paris was calling on Israel to immediately reopen the Rafah crossing and “provide immediate, safe and unimpeded humanitarian access, as demanded by the International Court of Justice,” including providing the scandal-plagued United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) with “necessary authorizations.”

Israel has accused UNRWA, the U.N.’s Palestinian-only refugee agency, of links to Hamas.

Stephanie Sullivan, the United States’ acting deputy U.N. representative, told the council that Washington has “consistently conveyed to Israel’s senior leadership the need to provide sustained and unhindered access for humanitarian assistance to enter via all routes into Gaza.” Washington welcomes “Israel’s commitment to fulfill specific U.N. requests and continue constructive conversations with U.N. officials on how to best meet the further needs of U.N. agencies and facilitate their work,” she added.

She criticized the IDF for what she characterized as an “unacceptable” delay in creating a more reliable, robust mechanism to protect humanitarian workers in the war zone. The topic was the subject of a letter last week from the United Nations to Israeli military authorities, which reportedly included a threat to shut down humanitarian aid delivery if security for humanitarian workers was not improved.

However, Sullivan said a ceasefire was the most effective way to scale and speed up aid and that, “Unfortunately, Hamas has ignored the calls from this council and across the international community, coming back with new demands outside of the framework” of the ceasefire deal proposed by Israel and backed by the United States.

“We urge all council members to continue to press Hamas to accept this deal without delay or conditions and to bring about the ceasefire with a release of hostages,” said Sullivan.

Vasily Nebenzya, Russia’s U.N. ambassador, refused to lay the blame on Hamas. Moscow holds the presidency of the Security Council this month, and has been heavily critical of Israel during the war.

“We heard that allegedly Israel agreed for the implementation” of the U.S.-backed proposal, “but then we heard at the same meeting where we adopted the latest resolution that Israel will not be negotiating with Hamas,” Nebenzya told reporters.

“Then Hamas came up with their view of how the resolution should be implemented and was immediately accused of refusing the deal. Negotiations mean that countries talk and negotiate with each other how a deal will be implemented, but whatever Hamas said to the proposal that was initially put on the table was flatly rejected immediately,” said Nebenzya.

Ultimately, he added, Kaag was trying her best but her mandate “really doesn’t function because of the absence of ceasefire. The absence of the ceasefire, the absence of the ceasefire and the absence of the ceasefire,” he said.

Nebenzya told JNS before Tuesday’s session that “day-after” scenarios for Gaza were not expected to be discussed in detail with Kaag, who touched briefly on the topic during the open portion of the meeting.

Kaag said that the Palestinian Authority has a critical role to play in Gaza, and will be foundational to the Strip’s recovery and reconstruction. She urged the international community to back the P.A.’s financial stability and its reform.

The Israeli government has ruled out allowing the P.A. to resume governance of the Gaza Strip, which it held before Hamas’ violent 2007 takeover.

Netanyahu said in a television interview last week that he would prefer the establishment of a “civil administration—if possible with local Palestinians and hopefully with support from countries in the region,” to govern Gaza.

Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, said in a Tuesday press briefing that while Guterres “would want to see a reinvigorated Palestinian Authority resume the authority of all Palestinian territories,” he acknowledged that “there will have to be some sort of an interim arrangement” to govern Gaza and that “the voice that matters the most here will be the voice of the Palestinian people themselves.”


White House: Biden’s Threat to Netanyahu Over Iran Strike Proof of Fitness

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White House aides pointed to U.S. President Joe Biden’s ability to go toe-to-toe with Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu as evidence of the president’s mental acuity in a New York Times feature questioning the president’s fitness for office, a topic that has taken center stage since the June 27 debate.

Although the Times presented numerous instances of the president’s recent “disorientation,” including his confusion at points during a D-Day anniversary ceremony in France and forgetting the name of his homeland security secretary, Biden’s staff insisted he was still sharp.

However, the only detailed example provided (indeed, the Times presented it twice in the same article) was Biden’s behind-the-scenes handling of Netanyahu following Iran’s April 13 cruise and ballistic missile attack on Israel. Biden warned the Israeli prime minister not to launch a large-scale counterstrike.

“Aides present in the Situation Room the night that Iran hurled a barrage of missiles and drones at Israel portrayed a president in commanding form, lecturing Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu by phone to avoid a retaliatory escalation that would have inflamed the Middle East. ‘Let me be crystal clear,’ Mr. Biden said. ‘If you launch a big attack on Iran, you’re on your own.’

“Mr. Netanyahu pushed back hard, citing the need to respond in kind to deter future attacks. ‘You do this,’ Mr. Biden said forcefully, ‘and I’m out.’ Ultimately, the aides noted, Mr. Netanyahu scaled back his response.”

The Times repeated the very same example later on in the report.

“Some White House officials adamantly rejected the suggestion of a president not up to handling tough foreign counterparts and told the story of the night Iran attacked Israel in April,” the report said again.

“Mr. Biden and his top national security officials were in the Situation Room for hours, bracing for the attack, which came around midnight. Biden was updated in real time as the forces he ordered into the region began shooting down Iranian missiles and drones. He peppered leaders with questions throughout the response.

“After it was over, and almost all of the missiles and drones had been shot down, Mr. Biden called Mr. Netanyahu to persuade him not to escalate. ‘Take the win,’ Mr. Biden told the prime minister, without reading from a script or extensive notes, according to two people in the room. In the end, Mr. Netanyahu opted for a much smaller and proportionate response that effectively ended the hostilities,” the paper reiterated.

Israel limited its retaliatory action to launching a missile at an airbase near Isfahan (though it never formally took credit for that strike).

Netanyahu’s reported concerns that failing to strike back hard would lead to future Iranian aggression appear to have been validated by recent Iranian statements.

On Monday, a senior Iranian general said the Islamic Republic was prepared to launch another attack on the Jewish state, similar to the one in April.

“We await an opportunity for ‘True Promise II’ … in which I do not know how many missiles will be fired,” Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps aerospace force commander Brig.-Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh said.

Iran’s next attack “will lead to a complete victory for the Palestinian people,” he added.


United Hatzalah and Philanthropist Dr. Miriam Adelson Launch New Emergency Fleet in Honor of Fallen Soldiers and Medical Volunteers

Yeshiva World News -

 United Hatzalah inaugurated its new emergency fleet of 76 ambucycles (emergency motorcycles), emergency vehicles and an ambulance at an emotional ceremony at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. The new fleet is a joint initiative of United Hatzalah in a matching partnership with philanthropist Dr. Miriam Adelson and her sons Adam and Matan Adelson. After October 7 and the war that followed, United Hatzalah has been expanding its ability to save lives during times of national crises as well as during daily emergencies. The new emergency vehicles will be deployed across Israel, including throughout the Gaza Envelope, the North, and the West Bank, to ensure that emergency medical aid is available to all civilians and soldiers in record speed during times of wars and attacks, and also in times of daily emergencies. An upgraded ambulance and emergency vehicle were dedicated by Dr. Adelson to the Hebron area in memory of the heroism of Maor Lavi, who fell in battle in Gaza six months ago, and served as a United Hatzalah volunteer medic, leaving behind his wife and four children. The ambulance will be added to the Alberto and Vicky Saba Unit. A bulletproof ambulance and an emergency vehicle were dedicated to the memory of Elad Tomer, a devoted United Hatzalah volunteer who was killed in the line of duty. His wife Tal and children attended the ceremony with Dr. Adelson in his honor. The 76 ambucycles mark 76 years to the establishment of the State of Israel, and stand as a testament to the resilience of Israel and its people. This resilience has been a pillar of United Hatzalah, which since October 7th, lost 18 volunteers and their family members, among them soldiers and medics who entered the line of fire to save countless lives in towns and kibbutzim in the Gaza envelope, and who fought in Gaza to defend Israel during the Iron Swords War. On October 7th and the days that followed, United Hatzalah medics, paramedics, doctors and personnel treated thousands of wounded civilians and soldiers on the ground in the Western Negev region, evacuating them to hospitals with ambucycles, ambulances, emergency vehicles, emergency SUVs, and helicopters. United Hatzalah is Israel’s volunteer emergency medical service (EMS) organization, providing professional lifesaving emergency medical treatment across Israel in record speed. The organization is made up of over 7,000 volunteers from across Israel- available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year – who respond to more than 2,000 emergencies daily. Since its establishment, United Hatzalah volunteers have provided lifesaving medical treatment in over 6.5 million medical emergency cases in Israel.  

TERROR: One Killed, One Wounded In Terror Stabbing In Northern Israel

Matzav -

One Israeli soldier was killed and another seriously wounded in a terrorist stabbing in a shopping center in the northern city of Karmiel on Wednesday.

Magen David Adom paramedics treated the two victims, both males in their 20s, on the scene before evacuating them to Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya, where one of them died of his wounds.

The slain victim was identified on Wednesday evening as Israel Defense Forces Sgt. Aleksandr Iakiminskyi, 19, from Nahariya. The military said he served as a driver in the 188th Armored Brigade’s 71st Battalion.

Slain Israel Defense Forces Sgt. Aleksandr Iakiminskyi. Credit: IDF.

The terrorist was shot dead by the second victim, the commander of the Israel Police Northern District, Maj. Gen. Shuki Tahauko, told local media following a situational assessment.

Tahauko told reporters that the terrorist arrived at the mall on foot before stabbing the two victims, one of whom managed to “keep it together and immediately neutralized the terrorist.”

Police identified the terrorist as 21-year-old Jawwad Omar Rubia, from the nearby town of Nahf. Tahauko was said to have ordered the arrest of his relatives, with local media reporting a large police presence in Nahf.

“When I arrived at the shopping mall I was sent to the second floor. I saw two casualties, males in their 20s, lying close to the stalls with penetrating wounds. One was unconscious,” said MDA paramedic Ran Moskowitz.

In January, an Israeli soldier was wounded in a car-ramming attack near a naval base in the northern city of Haifa. The terrorist, identified as Wassim Abu al-Hoga—an Arab Israeli from Tamra in the Lower Galilee—drove a car into the 20-year-old victim and then attacked him with an ax.

On Tuesday, an Israeli man was moderately wounded when Palestinian terrorists fired on the Mitzpe Yosef outpost on Mount Gerizim near Nablus (Shechem) in Samaria. JNS


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