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The US And Britain Formally Accuse Iran Of Sending Russia Missiles To Use In Ukraine

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The United States and Britain formally accused Iran on Tuesday of supplying short-range ballistic missiles to Russia to use in the war in Ukraine, and said they will take measures to punish those involved. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, speaking alongside British Foreign Secretary David Lammy during a visit to London, said that sanctions would be announced later Tuesday. “Russia has now received shipments of these ballistic missiles and will likely use them within weeks in Ukraine, against Ukrainians,” Blinken said. “The supply of Iranian missiles enables Russia to use more of its arsenal for targets that are further from the front line.” It comes as Blinken and Lammy are preparing to make a joint visit Wednesday to Ukraine, where they will meet President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and other senior officials to discuss bolstering the country’s defenses. The Kremlin is trying to repel Ukraine’s surprise offensive that has claimed hundreds of miles of territory in Russia’s Kursk region. The accusations about Iranian missiles could embolden Zelenskyy to further ramp up pressure on the U.S. and other allies to allow Ukraine to use Western-supplied missiles to strike deep inside Russia and hit sites from which Moscow launches aerial attacks. President Joe Biden has allowed Ukraine to fire U.S.-provided missiles across the border into Russia in self-defense but largely limited the distance over concerns about further escalating the conflict. That has not stopped Ukraine from using its own weapons to hit targets deeper in Russia, launching on Tuesday one of the biggest drone attacks on Russian soil in the 2 1/2-year war that targeted multiple regions including Moscow. The rare joint visit to Kyiv was, unusually, announced in advance, in a public signal of U.S-.U.K. support for Ukraine ahead of what’s likely to be a brutal winter of Russian attacks. It will be followed by a meeting at the White House on Friday between Biden and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, with support for Ukraine’s defense on the agenda. Asked whether the U.S. would allow weapons it supplied to strike targets in Russia, Blinken said all use of weapons needed to be allied to a strategy. He said one goal of the joint visit this week “is to hear directly from the Ukrainian leadership, including … President Zelenskyy, about exactly how the Ukrainians see their needs in this moment, toward what objectives, and what we can do to support those needs.” “All I can tell you is we will be listening intently to our Ukrainian partners, we will both be reporting back to the prime minister, to President Biden in the coming days and I fully anticipate this is something they will take up when they meet on Friday,” he said. Word of the alleged transfers from Iran began to emerge over the weekend with reports that U.S. intelligence indicated they were underway, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity. Lammy called the missile transfers part of “a troubling pattern that we’re seeing. It is definitely a significant escalation.” Iran has denied providing Russia with weapons for its war in Ukraine. “Iran considers the provision of military assistance to the parties engaged in the conflict — which leads to increased human casualties, destruction of infrastructure, and a distancing from ceasefire negotiations — to be inhumane,” according […]

Refuah Helpline Marks 30 Years Since Its Founding With Historic Campaign

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It is hard to imagine a world without Refuah Helpline. Whenever a medical issue arises, Yidden know

where they can turn to, and on whom they can fully rely to guide and support them until they see a

refuah shleimah BEZ”H. 

But it wasn’t always this way. 30 years ago, this modest mission was launched, one that has over the

years grown to become the extended family of every patient, moving heaven and earth to ensure the

best available care and standing beside them diligently until their ordeal is over BEZ”H.

This week, the organization is celebrating the 30-year milestone by recommitting itself further to Klal

Yisroel, and by inviting the community to step up and partake in its annual fundraising event towards

this mission — donating millions of dollars in support of these vital year-round efforts. 

This year’s campaign will also see the launch of a first-of-its-kind initiative uniting the many raisers in a

way that will go even further on behalf of Cholei Yisroel.

‘Kapitel-A-Day’ will see each raiser take upon themselves a perek in Tehillim that they will recite every

single day, and together see the entire Tehillim completed thousands of times throughout the year


“We envision Kapitel-A-Day to become not just a vessel for yeshuos, but also unite our raisers in one

exclusive membership group, and have those close to them honor their participation with generous

donations,” a member of the Refuah Helplime Campaign Team shared with us.

The truth is that Tehillim has long been a part of how Refuah Helpline operates, with the case workers

and other staff complementing their far-reaching efforts with the power of tefilah. The organization has

always gone all the way for every patient — whether it’s a transfer or a transplant, an emergency

procedure or an experimental trial, or anything a patient may need — but truly powering impactful

results requires the one tool that our nation has always been able to rely on: tefilah.

The cost of Refuah Helpline’s unparalleled and unyielding devotion is great, and it is wholly dependent

on the community contributing their fair share. As one of the leading raisers told us, “this isn’t just

Refuah Helpline’s mission, it belongs to all of us!” 

The campaign organizers report that the community, from major philanthropists to grassroots donors, is

already showing its eagerness to do its part during the pre-campaign period — with much more yet to


The campaign will culminate on Tuesday and Wednesday, Sep. 10 and 11, with tens of thousands of

individual donors helping the organization reach its multimillion dollar goal so that they can meet their

annual budget demands. 

To do your part, visit Charidy.com/Refuah or call 845.606.9222 and submit your donation. 

Cholei Yisroel are counting on you! CLICK BELOW!


Let’s Get One Thing Straight… It Doesn’t Take Two to Save a Marriage

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“Telling your wife your needs and wants” is a complete waste of time for married men who want to get the passion and I’ll tell you why. So many marriage experts claim they have the secret to a happy marriage and that it all comes down to communication, boundaries and bringing in more money. They tell you to help out more at home, talk about the past, go together to a marriage professional but never stop to take inventory of whether ANY of these methods are actually WORKING in creating happiness and joy! I am not saying those strategies don’t work at all, but they are the long… slow… painful way of having a happy home. And for the few that make it with these strategies, they’ve done it while he doesn’t get what he needs, and she doesn’t get what she needs.  Meanwhile, we’re helping our clients connect with their wives on the highest level, living lives full of passion and excitement and it gets more and more joyful by the day where both husband and wife feel happiness and passion… … all without needing their wife to meet them halfway! To check out how they do this, click below to watch my free presentation where I share all the details … you’re going to thank me for it! 5 Steps Married Men Use to Get Rid of Friction and Create Passion and Intimacy… Without Needing Their Wife to Meet Them Halfway!

IDF Search and Rescue Col. Golan Vach Seriously Injured in Gaza Tunnel Collapse

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On Tuesday morning, IDF Col. (Res.) Golan Vach was seriously injured in central Gaza when a tunnel shaft collapsed on him.

Col. Vach was rescued by the IDF and taken to a hospital in Israel in stable condition, and his family has been notified.

Following the 2021 Surfside building collapse, Col. Vach led the Israeli search and rescue unit which famously arrived to help the local authorities. He also led the Israeli team in Turkey following a massive earthquake in 2023, and led the IDF’s search and rescue operations in southern Israel following October 7th.

Following the tunnel collapse, the IDF released a statement saying: ‘Earlier this morning (Tuesday), during operational activity to investigate and dismantle underground infrastructure in the central Gaza Strip, a tunnel shaft collapsed, trapping an IDF officer.
The officer was rescued and was evacuated to a hospital to receive further medical treatment. His family has been notified.’


Israel Rejects Hamas Claim of Mass Casualties in Khan Yunis Strike

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The Israel Defense Forces on Tuesday rejected Hamas’s claims that dozens of civilians were killed and wounded in an overnight airstrike on a Hamas command-and-control center in the humanitarian area near Khan Yunis in southern Gaza.

Three senior Hamas operatives were among the terrorists killed in the strike, carried out by Israeli Air Force fighter jets acting under the direction of the Israel Security Agency and the IDF.

The military named them as Samer Ismail Khadr Abu Daqqa, head of Hamas’ aerial unit in Gaza; Osama Tabesh, head of the observation and targets department in Hamas’s military intelligence; and Ayman Mabhouh, another senior Hamas terrorist.

“These terrorists were directly involved in the execution of the October 7th Massacre and have been recently operating to carry out terror activities against the IDF and the State of Israel,” the military stated.

The terrorists’ presence was confirmed before the strike via extensive intelligence gathering and aerial surveillance, according to the IDF.

Hamas authorities claimed that more than 40 people were killed and at least 60 others wounded in the attack, with many remaining missing as rescue workers continued to search the area. The IDF refuted the figures, citing the terror organization’s history of making up and distorting statistics.

“According to an initial review, the numbers published by the Hamas-run Government Information Office in Gaza, which has consistently broadcast lies and false information throughout the war, do not align with the information held by the IDF, the precise munitions used, and the accuracy of the strike,” the military said.

Reuters cited “residents and medics” in Gaza who said that at least four missiles struck the tent encampment in the Al-Mawasi area near Khan Yunis. The Hamas-run Gaza civil emergency service told the news agency that at least 20 tents caught fire and that the missiles had left craters at least 30 feet deep.

The IDF accused Hamas of continuing to endanger noncombatants by conducting terrorist activities from within safe zones.

“Despite the extensive measures taken by the IDF to enable the Gazan population to move away from combat zones, including by designating a Humanitarian Area, the Hamas terrorist organization continues to embed its operatives and military infrastructure in the Humanitarian Area and systematically use Gazan civilians as a human shield for its terrorist activities,” the IDF statement concluded.


WATCH: CNBC Hosts SHRED Trump’s “Economic Disaster” Deportation And Tariffs Plan

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CNBC’s Jim Cramer and David Faber tore into former President Donald Trump’s economic proposals, calling his plans for mass deportation and tariffs a recipe for disaster. On Monday’s “Squawk on the Street,” the hosts slammed Trump’s ideas as “massively inflationary” and likened them to the economic catastrophe of the Great Depression. Faber questioned the impact of Trump’s policies on wages, asking, “What happens when you put tariffs on goods and stop immigration and force migrants to leave? In terms of wages, isn’t that going to be inflationary?” Cramer responded, “Of course! Of course! I mean, when you see tariffs like that, obviously you think about 1929 to ’32 and realize how wrong they are.” In a tongue-in-cheek remark, Cramer suggested Trump might have gotten his inspiration from the Broadway show “Hamilton,” saying, “Maybe Trump has seen the show. Maybe he saw it twice. It’s very pro-tariff.” The hosts agreed that immigration benefits the US, with Faber saying, “Our country benefits from immigration.” Cramer added, “Immigration keeps voices down, but I don’t know if you’re – it’s a double-edged sword.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Tuition Assistance Can Become a Reality in ALL 50 States – TAKE ACTION NOW

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Dear Agudah Activists: 

We need your help!

The first step in our community’s current struggle to obtain tuition and other educational relief for our families is scheduled for this Wednesday, September 11, when the House Ways and Means Committee will consider a multi-billion-dollar tax credit proposal entitled the “Educational Choice for Children Act (ECCA)” (H.R. 9462). This bill has gained momentum in Congress and is the fastest and surest way to bring school choice to all 50 states.

We need you to urge your representatives to support the bill.

ECCA offers one critical form of “school choice” – methods that lessen the financial burden on parents and provide broader options for parents to choose schools best suited for their children, whether they be public, private, or religious. This bill will encourage taxpayers to invest in education and cover a range of expenses facing all children regardless of the school they attend. It does this by allowing a dollar-for-dollar federal tax credit for taxpayers who contribute to Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGO). These SGOs would then provide scholarships for a range of educational expenses, including private school tuition!

We all appreciate how devastating the tuition burden is on our community. This approach, with its nearly universal eligibility, promises to be of great benefit to Jewish parents who are committed – but struggle — to giving their children a sound Torah education.

It is vital that you contact your representatives by email using the action alert by clicking here. Congress must hear your voice.

Agudath Israel has been at the forefront of crafting and promoting ECCA as well as similar school choice legislation on the state and federal levels. We have submitted a legislative memo to the House Ways and Means Committee in support of ECCA, explaining the impact the legislation would have for the Orthodox Jewish community and on the benefits to all schoolchildren.

But we can’t do this without you.

The Committee will take up the bill on Wednesday, so time is of the essence.

MSCI Accused of Using Site Tied to Gaza Hostage Holder to Penalize Companies Doing Business with Israel

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In July, the heads of three House committees—on education, oversight and on ways and means—urged the U.S. Justice Department to investigate the Palestine Chronicle and its parent nonprofit People Media Project, which they said “appear to be at the very least complicit in supporting Hamas, and at worst full-fledged financiers of terrorism.”

The letter came after the revelation that a writer from the publication both supported Hamas and held Israeli civilian hostages in his home. But despite this context, a major U.S. investment advisory firm uses Palestine Chronicle as a source to assign damaging ratings to two major U.S. companies that do business in Israel.

A source familiar with the practices of the New York-based MSCI told JNS that the firm, which is already under separate multi-state investigations for assigning damaging investment ratings to an Israeli military defense contractor and to Israeli banks, uses information from the publication to assign a “severe controversy” rating to the telecommunications company Motorola and the construction equipment manufacturer Caterpillar.

JNS sought comment from MSCI, which has consistently denied supporting or practicing boycotts against Israel.

In a 2024 report on Caterpillar, MSCI cites a Palestine Chronicle article about British college students calling on their university to divest from Caterpillar, because the company makes equipment used for demolitions in Yehuda and Shomron.

Socially-conscious investors often turn to the environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings of firms like MSCI for guidance on investment options and could be swayed from investing in companies accused of poor corporate practices, including human rights violations.

“College campuses can just have votes and movements and generate press coverage, and that’s enough to create a severe ESG controversy for an American company,” Richard Goldberg, a senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told JNS.

“It’s so wild,” added Goldberg, the architect of the first Illinois law barring boycotting Israel.

Abdallah Aljamal, a former spokesman for Hamas’s labor ministry in Gaza and a writer for the Palestine Chronicle in Gaza, was found to have held three Israeli hostages in his home.

In addition to Palestine Chronicle, MSCI used other information from other groups that support boycotting the Jewish state, including Al Jazeera, Human Rights Watch, War on Want and Amnesty International in its Caterpillar report, per the JNS source.

The JNS source also said that MSCI tagged Motorola with three controversies, including one “severe” controversy, related to the company’s dealings in Israel-controlled territory.

The severe controversy is based on Motorola’s supply of surveillance equipment used to detect human movement near the security barrier that Israel built in response to numerous Palestinian suicide bombings during the Second Intifada from 2000 2005.

The systems also surveil perimeters around Jewish communities beyond the Green Line to prevent terrorist attacks.

MSCI classifies a class action wiretapping lawsuit filed against Motorola this year in U.S. district court as only a “minor” controversy, according to the JNS source. The suit was brought against the company and the Massachusetts State Police, which used Motorola technology to surreptitiously record citizens without a warrant, in violation of the state wiretap law.

A state police audit found more than 180 likely cases of covert recordings that weren’t turned over to prosecutors.

“The growing body of evidence makes clear that MSCI is intentionally inflicting economic harm on firms operating in Israel on a discriminatory and politically-motivated basis,” Goldberg told JNS. “Any state with an anti-BDS law should be activating that law right now.”


North Korea’s Kim Vows To Put His Nuclear Force Ready For Combat With US

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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un vowed to redouble efforts to make his nuclear force fully ready for combat with the United States and its allies, state media reported Tuesday, after the country disclosed a new platform likely designed to fire more powerful intercontinental ballistic missiles targeting the mainland U.S. Kim has repeatedly made similar pledges, but his latest threat comes as outside experts believe Kim will perform provocative weapons tests ahead of the U.S. presidential election in November. In recent days, North Korea has also resumed launches of trash-carrying balloons toward South Korea. In a speech marking the 76th founding anniversary for his government on Monday, Kim said North Korea faces “a grave threat” because of what he called “the reckless expansion” of a U.S.-led regional military bloc that is now developing into a nuclear-based one. Kim said such a development is pushing North Korea to boost its military capability, according to the official Korean Central News Agency. Kim said North Korea will “redouble its measures and efforts to make all the armed forces of the state including the nuclear force fully ready for combat,” KCNA said. North Korea has been protesting the July signing of a new U.S.-South Korean defense guideline meant to integrate U.S. nuclear weapons and South Korean conventional weapons to cope with growing North Korean nuclear threats. North Korea said the guideline revealed its adversaries’ plots to invade the country. U.S. and South Korean officials have repeatedly said they don’t intend to attack the country. Since 2022, North Korea has significantly accelerated its weapons testing activities in a bid to perfect its capabilities to launch strikes on the U.S. and South Korea. The U.S. and South Korea have responded by expanding military drills that North Korea calls invasion rehearsals. Many analysts believe North Korea has some last remaining technological barriers to overcome to acquire long-range nuclear missiles that can reach the U.S. mainland, though it likely already possesses missiles that can hit key targets in South Korea and Japan. South Korean officials and experts say North Korea could conduct nuclear tests or ICBM test-launches before the U.S. election to increase its leverage in future diplomacy with the U.S. Observers say North Korea likely thinks a greater nuclear capability would help it win U.S. concessions like sanctions relief. North Korea as of Tuesday morning did not appear to have staged any major military demonstration to mark this year’s anniversary. But the North’s main Rodong Sinmun newspaper on Sunday published a photo of Kim inspecting what appeared to be a 12-axle missile launch vehicle, which would be the largest the country has shown so far, during a visit to a munitions plant. This sparked speculation that the North could be developing a new ICBM that is bigger than its current Hwasong-17 ICBM, which is launched on an 11-axle vehicle. When asked about the photo on Monday, Pentagon spokesperson Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder refused to provide a specific assessment of North Korea’s missile capabilities and reiterated that Washington was working closely with Seoul, Tokyo and other partners to preserve regional security and deter potential attacks. “It’s not unusual for North Korea to use media reports and imagery to try to telegraph, you know, to the world,” he said. North Korea flew hundreds of huge balloons carrying rubbish toward […]

Matzav Inbox: Where, Oh Where, Are the Teachers?

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Dear Matzav Inbox,

I write today with an issue that weighs heavily on my heart—and should weigh on the heart of every parent in Klal Yisroel.

Last year, my daughter, a beloved teacher with a sterling reputation in the classroom, made the difficult decision to leave chinuch for an office job. Why? Because despite her passion, dedication, and the countless hours she invested in our children, she simply couldn’t pay her bills. She left, disillusioned and broken, not because she wanted to, but because the system left her no choice.

What is happening to us? What is happening to our chinuch system?

The dedicated, professional teachers we so desperately need are leaving b’achas, and in their place? Young, inexperienced seminary girls who are fresh out of school, trying their best, but who lack the seasoned experience and depth that only years in the classroom can provide.

Don’t believe me? Speak to any menahel, and they’ll tell you the same thing. The turnover is staggering, and it’s Klal Yisroel that’s paying the price.

Our children are being shortchanged. The chashuve teachers who used to dedicate their lives to chinuch are disappearing, and we are left scrambling to find anyone willing to fill their shoes. We’ve created a situation where teaching has become a stop-gap job, not a lifelong calling.

Yes, we pay tuition—often exorbitant amounts. But it’s clearly not enough. We seem to find money for everything else, from our incredible mosdos like Hatzolah and tzedakos that Baruch Hashem flourish, but when it comes to those who spend hours day in and day out with our most precious commodity—our children—suddenly, the funds are nowhere to be found.

We must, we must, find a way to compensate our teachers k’fi kvodam, so we can keep them in the classrooms, giving our children the quality chinuch they deserve. Because right now, let’s be honest: we’re accepting mediocrity, and it’s our children who will suffer.

We are shooting ourselves in the foot by allowing this to continue. There is no greater investment than our children’s future, and yet, we are watching helplessly as the best and brightest leave because they cannot make ends meet.

We cannot afford second-rate chinuch. We cannot afford to lose any more of our top talent. This issue must be addressed miyad!

B’virchas kol tuv,
A deeply worried father

To submit a letter to appear on Matzav.com, email MatzavInbox@gmail.com

DON’T MISS OUT! Join the Matzav Status by CLICKING HERE. Join the Matzav WhatsApp Groups by CLICKING HERE.

The opinions expressed in letters on Matzav.com do not necessarily reflect the stance of the Matzav Media Network.

Moldova Blocks Chassidim Traveling To Uman For Rosh Hashana, Will Reroute Them Through Romania And Poland

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Thousands of Israelis traveling to the tziyon of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov in Uman, Ukraine, ahead of Rosh Hashanah will no longer be able to connect through Moldova and will instead be rerouted through Romania and Poland, a trip organizer said on Sunday. This year’s trip has become even more challenging after Moldovan authorities decided last week to bar Israeli charter flights from landing in their country, citing security concerns at the airport. The decision came after months of negotiations to facilitate the flights. “We feel exploited by the Moldovans after months of talks on the issue,” said Levi Yitzhak Gvirtz of Ichud Breslev in Uman. The change is expected to affect approximately 15,000 passengers on charter flights, half of the 30,000 visitors anticipated this year, with the majority coming from Israel. Organizers are now working to reroute all travelers through neighboring Romania and Poland, as flights directly to Ukraine are not possible due to the ongoing war. “People will not give up on the trip,” Gvirtz noted, “but now they will face more discomfort, and that’s a shame.” Despite warnings from Israeli and Ukrainian officials last year, including a cautionary statement from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the pilgrimage to Uman continues. Netanyahu had urged travelers to take full responsibility for their safety, stunningly saying, “God has not always protected us, both on Ukrainian and other European soil.” The United States has also issued a travel advisory against American citizens traveling to Uman. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


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Over the last 15 years, a new approach and method of limud Hashas has been nurtured and developed in Eretz Yisroel at Reshet Kollelei Shas Yiden. This phenomenon has captured the imagination and electrified lomdei Hatorah throughout the world, and has earned the avid support of Gedolim across the Torah spectrum. 

Shas Yiden in UK & USA

Shas Yiden not only grew from 6 avreichim metzuyonim to 122 avreichim geonim in five kollelim across Eretz Yisroel but, in response to repeated requests from abroad, a Shas Yiden kollel was first established in the UK, in Stamford Hill, London. The Shas Yiden reputation soared in this location and their first Annual Siyum Hashas with Gedolei Torah in attendance reflected the grandeur of those in Yerushalayim.

This foray into Chutz La’aretz has been followed by a long-awaited opening of a Shas Yiden kollel in Flatbush, NY. The Eretz Yisroeldike bren of learning the entire Shas has already had a significant local impact and is a source of inspiration to the local Flatbush kollelim. The incredible devotion to limud gantz Shas and its completion within a year by each avreich at Shas Yiden has encouraged many others to try and emulate this broader study of Shas.

This elevated level of Torah study at Shas Yiden and the ability of the avreichim geonim to face public oral farheren by world recognized Gedolei Torah, together with monthly tests on 225 blatt, is nothing short of remarkable. Shas Yiden has truly raised the bar in the study of Shas. Our unique system of learning, the tight demanding regimen and the motivation emanating from Eretz Yisroel has truly placed Shas Yiden in a Torah league of its own. 

In the Words of Maranan Hageonim

Sar Hatorah, רשכבה”ג Maran Hagadol Harav Chaim Kanievsky, זצ”ל – Nasi, Shas Yiden
I tested them, I know them throughout Shas – a Yissachar-Zevulun pact with Shas Yiden is the most mehudar partnership 

Rosh Hayeshiva, רשכבה”ג Maran Hagadol Harav Gershon Edelstein, זצ”ל
Shas Yiden has raised the bar of Torah learning in both depth and clarity, and its unique method of ameilus in Torah

The Sanzer Rebbe, שליט”א
A first in 2000 years of Jewish history – never before a Torah institution where ALL the avreichim know kol Hashas kulo, Rashi and Tosfos b’al peh

Over 1.6 Million Blatt at Shas Yiden
This Year Alone!

With each of the 122 avreichim geonim at Shas Yiden required to complete a minimum of 13,555 blatt per year, you are helping support some 1,654,000 blatt! 

At the most recent farheren, the reaction of the Gedolei Torah conducting the testing to the prowess of the Shas Yiden was simply one of amazement at the breadth and detailed knowledge and all-encompassing mastery of Shas – remarking: “They know it like others know Ashrei Yoshvei!” The joy of the avreichim geonim and their clear love of Torah electrifies each farher. (To see the different farheren in action, please click on our website: www.shasyiden.com.) It is no wonder that the overall reaction to the Shas Yiden Network is that in its 15 years it has certainly revolutionized and raised the bar in the learning and mastery of Shas

Caring for the Avreichim Families

Despite the difficulties of these last few years, Covid etc., Shas Yiden has made sure to keep our commitment to each of the Shas Yiden families to ensure their menuchas hanefesh to be free to focus on ShasEach month their salaries have been paid on time. Further, in Tishrei and, now again, for Nissan, they are all paid full extra salary checks to help them meet the extra Yom Tov expenses. 

That we are able to do so, a big ‘thank you‘ is due to you all. You have an eternal stake in the incredible learning of Shas Yiden. Your on-going interest and support in this unique ‘Entire-Shas’ Torah-learning venture is most sincerely appreciated. Collectively and individually, you are singular partners in changing the way the Torah world views the ability to both learn and master the entire Shas. Whatever you can do to help in defraying their extra Yom Tov expenses will be a great chesed to these Bnei Torah who are true bnei aliyah.

US Official Warns Israel War On Hezbollah Would Be ‘Catastrophic,’ Likely Fail To Achieve Goals

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A high-ranking US official has warned that a full-scale conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon could result in “catastrophic and unforeseen consequences,” according to remarks made at the Middle East America Dialogue (MEAD) summit in Washington, DC. The official, who chose to remain anonymous, expressed concern about the potential fallout of such a war, stating, “There is no war in lab conditions. It’s not a game. I don’t doubt the capabilities of the IDF, but we have to think about the fact that there will be serious consequences for both sides,” as reported by Israeli journalist Barak Ravid and other Hebrew media sources.

These remarks come amid a surge in attacks from Hezbollah on Israeli positions and communities along the border, which have occurred almost daily since October 8. Hezbollah has claimed that its actions are intended to support Gaza and its ally, the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, in the ongoing conflict that began on October 7.

At the same MEAD summit, former Israeli war cabinet minister Benny Gantz suggested that Israel should shift its attention to Hezbollah and the Lebanese frontier. He warned, “we are late on this,” and emphasized that a conflict with the Iran-supported militant group is likely if Israel fails to negotiate a ceasefire with Hamas in Gaza soon.

Despite the arguments from Gantz and other Israeli officials that a significant military campaign in Lebanon might be necessary to enable the return of thousands of Israelis to their homes along the northern border, the US official cautioned that such an action could lead to substantial civilian casualties and result in many people being unable to return to their homes. According to Ravid, the official said, “There is an idea of let’s go to war and then we will destroy all the missiles Hezbollah has and everything will be fine. It’s not that simple. There is no magic solution. The other side cannot be annihilated. At the end of the war, Israel may pay a heavy price and not achieve its goals,” and recommended pursuing a diplomatic resolution to de-escalate tensions along the border.

The official also suggested that if a conflict were to erupt, international actors would likely step in to broker a diplomatic resolution similar to what could be achieved through current negotiations. Since the October 7 massacre carried out by Hamas, Israel has indicated that it can no longer tolerate Hezbollah’s activities near its border and has warned that it will resort to military measures to push Hezbollah away if a diplomatic solution is not reached.


Apple Embraces The AI Craze With Its Newly Unleashed iPhone 16 Lineup

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Apple on Monday charged into the artificial intelligence craze with a new iPhone lineup that marks the company’s latest attempt to latch onto a technology trend and transform it into a cultural phenomenon. The four different iPhone 16 models will all come equipped with special chips needed to power a suite if AI tools that Apple hopes will make its marquee product even more indispensable and reverse a recent sales slump. Apple’s AI features are designed to turn its often-blundering virtual assistant Siri into a smarter and more versatile sidekick, automate a wide range of tedious tasks and pull off other crowd-pleasing tricks such as creating customized emojis within seconds. After receiving a standing ovation for Monday’s event, Apple CEO Tim Cook promised the AI package will unleash “innovations that will make a true difference in people’s lives.” But the breakthroughs won’t begin as soon as the new iPhones — ranging in price from $800 to $1,200 — hit the stores on September 20. Most of Apple’s AI functions will roll out as part of a free software update to iOS 18, the operating system that will power the iPhone 16 coming out in December. English will be the featured language at launch but an update enabling other languages will come out next year, according to Apple. It’s all part of a new approach that Apple previewed at a developers conference three months ago to create more anticipation for a next generation of iPhones amid a rare sales slump for the well-known devices. Since Apple’s June conference, competitors such as Samsung and Google have made greater strides in AI – a technology widely expected to trigger the most dramatic changes in computing since the first iPhone came out 17 years ago. Just as Apple elevated fledgling smartphones it into a must-have technology in 21st-century society, the Cupertino, California, company is betting it can do something similar with its tardy arrival to artificial intelligence. In an attempt to set itself apart from the early leaders in AI, the technology being baked into the iPhone 16 is being promoted as “Apple Intelligence.” Despite the unique branding, Apple’s new approach mimics many of the features already available in the Samsung Galaxy S24 released in January and the Google Pixel 9 that came out last month. “Apple could have waited another year for further development, but initial take up of AI- powered devices from the likes of Samsung has been encouraging, and Apple is keen to capitalize on this market,” said PP Foresight analyst Paolo Pescatore. As it treads into new territory, Apple is trying to preserve its long-time commitment to privacy by tailoring its AI so that most of its technological tricks can processed on the device itself instead of relying on giant banks of computers located in remote data centers. When a task need to connect to a data center, Apple promises it will be done in a tightly-controlled way that ensures that no personal data is stored remotely. While corralling the personal information shared through Apple’s AI tools inherently reduces the chances that the data will be exploited or misused against a user’s wishes, it doesn’t guarantee iron-clad security. A device could still be stolen, for instance, or hacked through digital chicanery. For users seeking to access even more AI tools […]

In ‘Bibi Files,’ PM Repeats ‘I Don’t Know,’ Wife Sara Says Questioning Cops Fed With Lies

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The Toronto, Canada screening of the two-hour film “The Bibi Files” has taken place, showcasing excerpts from police interrogations involving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his wife Sara, their son Yair, and others, as part of the ongoing corruption investigations leading to Netanyahu’s trial.

Despite the film’s use of leaked interrogation footage, which makes it illegal to broadcast in Israel, the producers — Alexis Bloom, Alex Gibney, and Israeli journalist Raviv Drucker — remain hopeful that the film will eventually reach Israeli viewers through alternative means.

Reports from the Toronto event indicate that the film features numerous instances where Netanyahu responds with “I don’t know” or “I don’t remember,” which Haaretz describes as appearing almost absurdly implausible.

In one notable scene, Netanyahu is queried about the number of champagne bottles gifted by billionaire Arnon Milchan to his wife. Netanyahu responds by dismissing the importance of bottle-counting and instead referring to the number of warheads possessed by Israel’s adversaries as the relevant figures he knows.

Another segment shows Netanyahu reacting angrily to claims made by his former advisor Nir Hefetz and Bezeq major shareholder Shaul Elovitch. In this scene, Netanyahu vehemently denounces them as “Liars! Liars!”

The film also portrays Sara and Yair Netanyahu confronting their interrogators individually. Yair accuses them of being involved in a conspiracy to depose his father and aligning with the “extreme left,” while Sara is depicted criticizing the officers for spreading falsehoods and threatening to leave if the accusations continue, asserting: “What will you do? Stop me with force?”

Various reports suggest that while the film does not present much new information beyond what has already been reported, the visual footage offers a deeper insight into the dynamics and Netanyahu’s mindset during the interrogations. It is noted that the film is primarily intended for international audiences.

The movie is structured in chronological order, beginning with Netanyahu’s 2015 election victory and extending to the present day. Interspersed between the interrogation footage are interviews and commentary from Drucker — who identifies himself as “the enemy of the Netanyahu family” — as well as remarks from former Shin Bet chief Ami Ayalon and ex-prime minister Ehud Olmert.

According to Haaretz, the screenings proceeded without incident, despite the presence of numerous anti-Netanyahu protesters outside the venue.

{Matzav.com Israel}

Hezbollah Fires 45 Rockets At Meron, Galil; Gallant Hints At War In North [Videos]

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Hezbollah launched a heavy barrage of at least 30 rockets at Meron and 15 rockets at the western Galil on Tuesday afternoon. B’Chasdei Hashem, no injuries were reported. Some of the rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome and others fell in open areas. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant visited the northern border on Tuesday morning and hinted that the IDF is preparing for an all-out war in the north. He spoke to the commanders and soldiers stationed near the border, saying: “The center of gravity is moving north. We’re about to complete our mission in the south but we have a mission here that hasn’t been completed – to change the security situation and bring the residents back to their homes.” “The instructions you’ve been waiting for here today were given in the south and I saw the forces acting. After three weeks of waiting, they were told to ‘Get moving.’ They got moving and completed their mission, and it will happen here too. You need to be prepared and ready to carry out this mission.” “We’re finishing training all the units for a ground operation in all its aspects – from the platoon level to the command level. We’re ready for action; we will know when to begin. Do everything you need to do, make the most of your time, because once it happens – it happens.” “Be prepared, this is unlike any other mission. You have the full capability to carry out the mission you’re training for. Thank you, thank you to the families who support you, and thank you to the commanders.” Rocket fire and interceptions at Meron: (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Trump Signals Support For Reclassifying Pot As A Less Dangerous Drug

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Donald Trump has signaled support for a potentially historic federal policy shift to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug, putting his position in line with that of his Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris. The commonality reflects a major shift toward broad public support for legalization in recent years and marks the first time that both major-party presidential candidates support broad cannabis reform, according to the U.S. Cannabis Council. The Republican presidential nominee posted on his social media platform late Sunday that he would “continue to focus on research to unlock the medical uses of marijuana to a Schedule 3 drug,” and also said he would be voting “yes” on a proposal to allow the sale of marijuana to adults for any reason in Florida. Coming shortly before the two will meet for a pivotal debate, Trump’s post sets up the possibility that he could criticize Harris for her past cannabis prosecutions when she was district attorney in San Francisco. Because drug prosecutions disproportionately affect nonwhite defendants in the U.S., the line of attack could also fit with Trump’s efforts to increase his support among nonwhite men. Harris backs decriminalization and has called it “absurd” that the Drug Enforcement Administration now has marijuana in the Schedule I category alongside heroin and LSD. Earlier in her career, she oversaw the enforcement of cannabis laws and opposed legalized recreational use for adults in California while running for attorney general in 2010. Harris has absorbed attacks on her prosecutorial record on the debate stage before, most notably from Democrat-turned-Trump supporter Tulsi Gabbard, who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020 and announced in 2022 that she was leaving the party. Trump said during his 2016 run that pot policy should be left up the states. During his term in the White House, though, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions lifted an Obama-era policy that kept federal authorities from cracking down on the marijuana trade in states where the drug is legal. The DEA process to change the drug’s federal classification is already underway, kickstarted by President Joe Biden’s call for a review. But the DEA hasn’t made a final decision on the shift, which would not legalize recreational marijuana outright. It may not decide until the next presidential administration, putting a spotlight on the candidates’ positions. Federal drug policy has lagged behind that of many states in recent years, with 38 having already legalized medical marijuana and 24 legalizing recreational use. About 70% of adults supported legalization in a Gallup poll taken last year, the highest level yet recorded by the polling firm and more than double the roughly 3 in 10 who backed it in 2000. Support was even higher among young voters, a key demographic in seven main battleground states. “We believe cannabis reform is a winning issue,” said David Culver, senior vice president of public affairs at the U.S. Cannabis Council, in a statement Monday. The federal policy shift would wouldn’t legalize marijuana outright for recreational use. Instead, it would move marijuana out of Schedule I to the Schedule III category, alongside ketamine and some anabolic steroids. The proposed shift is facing opposition from advocates who say there isn’t enough data and from attorneys general in more than a dozen states, according to the group Smart Approaches to Marijuana. (AP)

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