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SICK AND GETTING SICKER: Candace Owens: ‘If You Criticize Israel, You Have To Be Afraid They’ll Kill You’

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Wacky commentator Candace Owens has sparked controversy once again with a new antisemitic diatribe, suggesting that critics of Israel face potential death threats.

In a widely shared video, Owens, previously a prominent figure in black conservative circles, questions: “Do you think it’s normal that basically, every person that speaks about Israel has to say a statement that ‘you know I don’t want to get killed’?”

Owens expressed her frustration over people advising her to enhance her security, stating: “That’s not [expletive] normal. It’s not normal that people have to think about their security.”

She went on to make the unfounded claim that Jews were involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, suggesting: “The way you get comfortable with it is, you’re like: ‘You know, they shot JFK in an open car, he was a sitting president, so my security doesn’t matter, if they want me they’re gonna get me.'”

Reiterating her point, Owens stated: “That’s not a normal thought process to have, we don’t have that about any other country in the world, except for the one that took over ours and that’s the truth.”

In response, Australian-Israeli conservative journalist Avi Yemini noted: “Weird how this platform is full of clout chasers who are obsessed with ‘Zionists,’ and not a single one has been killed yet.”

Over the past year, Owens, who was dismissed from her role at The Daily Wire, has increasingly spread anti-Israel and antisemitic rhetoric. Daily Wire founder Ben Shapiro criticized her actions as “disgraceful” following her comments about “secret Jewish gangs” controlling Hollywood and her endorsement of a tweet promoting the falsehood that Jews consume Christian blood, along with her post-October 7th condemnation of Israel. During a recent interview with the controversial influencer Tristan Tate, Owens made several unfounded claims, including that Joseph Stalin was Jewish and Sigmund Freud was a Kabbalistic pedophile.


Land Of Chelm: State-Attorney Recommends Probes Against Singers Who Called To Destroy Gaza

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State Attorney Amit Isman recommended launching criminal investigations against two popular singers for “inciting violence” against the “innocent civilians” of Gaza. Kan News reported on Sunday evening that Isman recommending open a probe against singer Eyal Golan for saying a few days after October 7 that “Gaza should be wiped out” and “not a single person should be left there.” On Monday, Kan reported that Isman is also considering launching a criminal investigation against singer Kobi Peretz on similar grounds. Golan’s statement was quoted in the lawsuit submitted by South Africa to the Hague, along with quotes by ministers such as Itamar Ben-Gvir and others. Last month, Isman also recommended launching an investigation against Ben-Gvir for incitement against Gazan civilians. Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara will make the decision on whether to launch the investigations. Former deputy state attorney Nurit Litman slammed Isman’s recommendations, saying: “One should not divorce common sense. I would not open a criminal investigation, and in my view, it’s not even in the gray area.”. Likud MK Moshe Saada stated: “Following an investigation into IDF soldiers who eliminated terrorists, the next enemy to be dealt with was found: a singer who expressed the rage felt by many Israeli citizens immediately after the terrible October 7 massacre. On the other hand, the Nukhba terrorists who slaughtered Israelis or the enemy from home [Israeli-Arabs] who incite on social media to carry out attacks and dreams of being a martyr – the State-Attorney prefers not to investigate or prosecute.” Likud MK Ariel Kellner sent a letter to MK Simcha Rothman, the head of the Knesset’s Constitution Committee, demanding to hold a discussion “on the policies of the Prosecutor’s Office that has a forgiving attitude toward an enemy and a severe attitude toward a loving brother.” National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said: “Isman’s lunacy continues. Instead of investing in Israel’s war efforts, Isman invests in Sinwar’s war efforts. I call on the Justice Minister and the Prime Minister to bring a resolution to the next Cabinet meeting to immediately remove him from office.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Chinese And Philippine Ships Collide Again In Disputed Waters, And The Countries Are Trading Blame

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Chinese and Philippine coast guard ships collided at sea, damaging at least two vessels, in an encounter early Monday near a new flashpoint in their increasingly alarming confrontations in the disputed South China Sea. Each blamed the other for the collision near Sabina Shoal, a disputed atoll in the Spratly Islands, where Vietnam and Taiwan also have overlapping claims. There were no reports of injuries. China’s coast guard accused the Philippines of deliberately crashing one of its ships into a Chinese vessel. It said in a statement on its website that two Philippine coast guard ships entered waters near the shoal, ignored a warning from the Chinese coast guard and intentionally collided with one of the Chinese boats at 3:24 a.m. “The Philippine side is entirely responsible for the collision,” spokesperson Gan Yu said. “We warn the Philippine side to immediately stop its infringement and provocation, otherwise it will bear all the consequences arising from that.” Jonathan Malaya, assistant director-general of the Philippine government’s National Security Council, accused the Chinese coast guard of falsely saying the Philippine coast guard ships had rammed its vessels. Video and photographs, including ones taken by journalists from a U.S. TV network who were on board one of the Philippine coast guard ships, showed that the Chinese ships caused the collisions, Malaya told a news forum in Manila. The Philippines’ National Task Force on the West Philippine Sea said two of the coast guard ships, BRP Bagacay and BRP Cape Engaño, “encountered unlawful and aggressive maneuvers” from Chinese coast guard vessels while en route to Patag and Lawak islands, which are occupied by Filipino forces, in the contested region. “These dangerous maneuvers resulted in collisions, causing structural damage to both Philippine Coast Guard vessels,” the statement said. The Philippine coast guard said one of the Chinese ships rammed the BRP Cape Engaño, ripping a 1.1-meter (3.6-foot) hole on the right side. An engine exhaust was also damaged, it said. About 16 minutes later, the other Philippine ship, BRP Bagacay, was rammed twice on its left and right sides by another Chinese vessel, leaving a hole 3 feet (36 inches) wide and 2.5 feet (30 inches) long and a dent that was 1 foot (12 inches) deep, the Philippine coast guard said. “This is the biggest structural damage we have incurred as a result of the dangerous maneuvers carried out by the Chinese coast guard,” Commodore Jay Tarriela of the Philippine coast guard said at the news forum. The task force said the Philippine coast guard “stands firm in its responsibility to ensure the safety and security of our maritime domain while addressing any threats to our national interests.” Gan, the Chinese coast guard spokesperson, said China claims “indisputable sovereignty” over the Spratly Islands, known in Chinese as the Nansha Islands, including Sabina Shoal and its adjacent waters. The Chinese name for Sabina Shoal is Xianbin Reef. In a separate statement, he said a Philippine ship that was turned away from Sabina Shoal entered waters near the disputed Second Thomas Shoal, ignoring the Chinese coast guard’s warnings. “The Chinese coast guard took control measures against the Philippine ship in accordance with law and regulation,” he added. China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs also blamed the Philippines for the incident. “Not only did they ignore China’s coast guard’s […]

OFF-SCRIPT DISASTER: Kamala Harris Confounds PA Crowd with Word Salad on ‘Duality of Democracy’

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While speaking at a campaign stop in Pennsylvania on Sunday, Vice President Kamala Harris appeared to stumble over her words while explaining what the 2024 presidential election is “about” and what the United States stands “for around the globe,” Breitbart reports.

“Our election is about understanding the importance of this beautiful country of ours in terms of what we stand for around the globe as a democracy,” Harris told the crowd. “As a democracy, we know, there’s a duality to the nature of democracy.”

Writer Greg Price posted a video of Harris’s speech on X, and commented, “Kamala word salads are so back.”

“On the one hand, incredible strength when it is intact,” Harris added. “What it does for its people to protect and defend their rights, their liberty, their freedom. Incredibly strong, and incredibly fragile.”

As Breitbart News reported, Harris has made “word salads” in her speeches before, where she has mentioned “odd phrases and explanations for simple ideas.”

In March 2022, during a speech in Louisiana, Harris marveled about the “significance of the passage of time.”

During a trip to Poland, Harris appeared to stumble over her words and stated she was standing in “the northern flank.”

“I am here, standing here on the northern flank, on the eastern flank, talking about what we have in terms of the eastern flank and our NATO allies, and what is at stake at this very moment,” Harris said at the time. “What is at stake this very moment are some of the guiding principles around the NATO alliance.”

Harris recently delivered another word salad when she spoke unscripted about a prisoner swap with Russia.

“This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy,” Harris said. Breitbart

Man Bitten By Crocodile at Yerushalayim Zoo Remains In Serious Condition

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A 45-year-old staff member attacked by a crocodile at Yerushalayim’s Biblical Zoo on Sunday was in serious condition on Monday following major surgery at Hadassah Medical Center Ein Kerem.

The hospital said the man underwent a nine-hour procedure and remains hooked up to a ventilator.

The attack occurred on Sunday, and the man’s life was likely saved when a security guard opened fire on the crocodile, which according to the zoo later died.

“They alerted me and I rode in on a motorcycle,” the guard, Nati Cohen, told Ynet. “I shot seven bullets at the crocodiles.”

Police opened an investigation into the incident.

The zoo was also probing the attack, which “at no point posed a danger to visitors.” JNS

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House Republicans Release Their Impeachment Report On Biden But The Next Steps Are Uncertain

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House Republicans have released their initial impeachment inquiry report on President Joe Biden, alleging an abuse of power and obstruction of justice in the financial dealings of his son Hunter Biden and family associates. The nearly yearlong inquiry by Republicans stops short of alleging any criminal wrongdoing by the president. Instead, the almost 300-page report out Monday, the opening day of the Democratic National Convention, covers familiar ground, asserting the Biden family traded on its “brand” in business ventures in corrupt ways that rise to the Constitution’s high bar for impeachment. With Biden no longer running for reelection, next steps are highly uncertain. House Republicans have not had support from their own ranks to actually impeach the president, and removal by the Senate is even further afield. Many Republicans prefer to focus attention on the Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris, with some probes getting underway. The White House has dismissed the House impeachment inquiry as a “stunt” and encouraged House Republicans to “move on.” “The totality of the corrupt conduct uncovered by the Committees is egregious,” wrote the House Oversight and Accountability, Judiciary and Ways & Means panels leading the inquiry. The report said the Constitution’s “remedy for a President’s flagrant abuse of office is clear: impeachment by the House of Representatives and removal by the Senate.” Republicans have spent the better part of their time in the House majority with a hyper focus on Biden and his family’s businesses, encouraged by Donald Trump as the twice impeached and indicted former president makes a comeback bid for the White House. The impeachment inquiry has been a cornerstone of the House GOP’s effort, launched by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy shortly before he was booted from leadership and formalized in December under new Speaker Mike Johnson. Republicans are investigating many aspects of Biden family finances going back to 2009 when he was vice president to Barack Obama. Through bank records, interviews from some 30 witnesses, whistleblower accounts and millions of documents, House Republicans allege a years-long practice by Hunter Biden and his associates to solicit foreign business deals using the family’s proximity to power in Washington. Much of the focus of the report is not on Biden’s time as president, but on the years when the Biden family was in turmoil after the 2015 death of his oldest son, Beau, and as the vice president was bowing out of elected office, declining to run for president in 2016. Hunter Biden has acknowledged a serious addiction to crack in these years. He was convicted in June of felony gun charges and is set to stand trial next month on federal tax charges. Former Hunter Biden associate Devon Archer, who was sentenced to a year in prison in 2022 in another matter, told the committee, “At the end of the day, part of what was delivered is the brand.” To tie the elder Biden to his son’s actions, the Republicans rely on a series of phone calls and pop-by dinner meeting visits Joe Biden made while Hunter was conducting business. At times, Hunter would put his dad on speakerphone for his guests as the father and son exchanged pleasantries. The Bidens are a famously tight-knit family and acknowledge they speak almost daily, including during this time, with the father checking […]

Former Saudi Official Alleges Prince Mohammed Forged King’s Signature On Yemen War Decree

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A former Saudi official alleged in a report that Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman forged the signature of his father on the royal decree that launched the kingdom’s yearslong, stalemated war against Yemen’s Houthi rebels. Saudi Arabia did not immediately respond to a request for comment over the allegations made without supporting evidence by Saad al-Jabri in an interview published Monday by the BBC, though the kingdom has described him as “a discredited former government official.” Al-Jabri, a former Saudi intelligence official who lives in exile in Canada, has been a yearslong dispute with the kingdom as his two children have been imprisoned in case he describes as trying to lure him back to Saudi Arabia. The allegation comes as Prince Mohammed now serves as the de facto leader of Saudi Arabia, often meeting leaders in place of his father, the 88-year-old King Salman. His assertive behavior, particularly at the start of his ascension to power around the beginning of the Yemen war in 2015, extended to a wider crackdown on any perceived dissent or power base that could challenge his rule. In al-Jabri’s remarks to the BBC, he said a “credible, reliable” official linked to the Saudi Interior Ministry confirmed to him that Prince Mohammed signed the royal decree declaring war in place of his father. “We were surprised that there was a royal decree to allow the ground interventions,” al-Jabri told the BBC. “He forged the signature of his dad for that royal decree. The king’s mental capacity was deteriorating.” A U.S.-based lawyer for al-Jabri did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The Yemen war against the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, launched with promises by the prince it would quickly be over, has ground on for nearly a decade. The war has killed more than 150,000 people and created one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters, killing tens of thousands more. Prince Mohammed was the defense minister at the time. The Houthis also since the start the Israel-Hamas war in the Gaza Strip have launched attacks on shipping that have disrupted traffic through the Red Sea — and led to the most intense combat faced by the U.S. Navy since World War II. Al-Jabri once worked for former Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, a trusted confidant of the U.S. in the battle against al-Qaida militants in the kingdom after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. King Salman replaced the crown prince for his son in 2017 and Prince Mohammed bin Nayef is believed to have been held under house arrest after. Al-Jabri had sued Prince Mohammed bin Salman in U.S. federal court, alleging the crown prince sought to have him killed after he fled abroad. Speaking to the BBC, al-Jabri again alleged Prince Mohammed considered assassinating former King Abdullah with a poison ring from Russia — something he claimed in a 2021 interview with CBS News. He also described his fears that the crown prince still wanted him killed as his children remain imprisoned in the kingdom. “He planned for my assassination,” al-Jabri told the BBC. “He will not rest until he sees me dead. I have no doubt about that.” (AP)

TAKING CREDIT: Hamas, Islamic Jihad Claim Failed Tel Aviv Suicide Bombing

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The “military” wings of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist groups accepted responsibility on Monday afternoon for a failed suicide bombing attack in south Tel Aviv the previous night.

In a statement, Hamas vowed to continue to carry out suicide attacks “as long as Israel continues its massacre and policy of assassinations in Gaza.”

The Israel Police and Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) earlier on Monday determined that the incident was an attempted terrorist attack.

The bomber, who was killed in the blast, was a Palestinian from the area of Nablus (Shechem) in central Samaria. An accomplice is believed to have transported him to Tel Aviv.

“It can be said that this was a terror attack, with the detonation of a powerful explosive device,” the police and Shin Bet said in a joint statement following a situation assessment led by the commander of the Tel Aviv Police District, who ordered increased alertness in the Dan region.

The blast occurred on Lehi Road around 8 p.m. A 43-year-old passerby on an electric scooter was moderately wounded.

Paramedics pronounced the bomber dead at the scene and the wounded man was taken to the hospital.

Dr. Eyal Hashavia, head of trauma surgery at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov Hospital), said on Monday that the injured man suffered from a shrapnel wound, described as a penetrating chest injury, and will be operated on soon to remove the fragment. He emphasized that the victim’s life was not in danger and that he was very lucky it wasn’t worse.

According to estimates the bomb weighed less than 10 kilograms (22 pounds). The security establishment is very concerned about copycat attacks.

Extensive searches by security forces were underway across the Tel Aviv metropolitan area.

“Citizens are urged to be vigilant and notify the police at the 100 hotline,” the statement said.

A local police commander said earlier Monday that it is “99%” certain that the explosion was a failed terrorist attack, calling it a “miracle” that it had not resulted in mass casualties.

Ayalon District Police Commander Haim Bublil told Kan News Radio that “it is possible that the assailant planned to reach the nearby synagogue or perhaps the shopping center. We have no ability to understand why [the bomb] exploded at this point in time.”

“The scene here speaks for itself, it is a powerful charge that could have caused significant damage. We are in a kind of miracle that the incident did not end in dozens of deaths,” said Bublil.

Police spokesman Eli Levy also confirmed to Kan News that there is a high probably the incident was an attempted terrorist attack.

“A great miracle happened here. It’s a very serious incident that was investigated by the police and the ISA [Shin Bet],” he said. JNS

Bike4Chai Celebrates 15 Years of Impact and Support for Chai Lifeline Families

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Nearly 650 cyclists from around the world are gearing up for the 15th annual Bike4Chai, a premier two-day cycling event which raises critical funds and awareness for Chai Lifeline, the Jewish community’s leading health and crisis support network. The event kicks off Wednesday morning, August 21, in Pocono Manor, Pennsylvania. Participants will embark on an endurance ride through the scenic Pocono Mountains, with route options of 100, 75, and 58 miles. Each route offers fully stocked rest stops with food and drinks, as well as mechanical and medical support and entertainment along the way. On Thursday, August 22, cyclists will continue with 75 and 50-mile routes, navigating through the Pocono Mountains and upstate New York. The ride culminates at The World’s Greatest Finish Line—the entrance to Camp Simcha Special, Chai Lifeline’s renowned overnight camp for children with chronic illnesses and disabilities, located in Glen Spey, NY. There, the riders will be greeted by hundreds of ecstatic campers, staff, family, and friends, celebrating their remarkable journey and dedication. “Bike4Chai stands out as a summer highlight for our campers and serves as a crucial fundraiser that empowers Chai Lifeline to assist more than 6,000 families year-round,” said Rabbi Simcha Scholar, CEO of Chai Lifeline. “Every cyclist and donor makes a real difference in the lives of those facing illness, crisis, and loss.” Rabbi Sruli Fried, executive director of Bike4Chai, added, “Bike4Chai is not just an event; it’s a movement of chesed, generosity, and hope. The impact of this ride extends far beyond the finish line.” Participants of all ages and skill levels join Bike4Chai, united by a common mission: to support the children and families of Chai Lifeline. The funds raised enable Chai Lifeline to provide a wide array of year-round services, including professional case management and counseling, meal delivery to hospitals and homes, transportation to medical appointments, emergency financial assistance, crisis intervention and trauma response, insurance advocacy, i-Shine afterschool programming, Camp Simcha summer programming, and much more. For more information about Bike4Chai or to donate visit www.bike4chai.com.

Scared-of-Interviews-Harris Says Trump is a ‘Coward’

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On Sunday, Vice President Kamala Harris subtly took aim at her rival, former President Donald Trump, labeling him as a “coward” whose approach involved disparaging opponents, according to CNN. Her comments were made during a campaign event in Pennsylvania, a key battleground state, alongside her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. This appearance was part of her preparation for the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, which begins on Monday.

Harris expressed her concern about a troubling trend she perceives, stating, “Over the last several years there’s been this kind of perversion that has taken place, I think, which is to suggest that the measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you beat down. When what we know is the real and true measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you lift up.” She emphasized her belief that any leader focused on diminishing others is essentially displaying cowardice, declaring, “Anybody who’s about beating down other people is a coward.”

While she did not explicitly name Trump, who had earlier criticized her as a “radical” and a “lunatic” during his own campaign event in eastern Pennsylvania, her remarks were clearly aimed at him. At that rally, Trump also made derogatory remarks about Jewish voters who support Democrats, saying, “Any Jewish person that votes for [Harris] or a Democrat has to go out and have their head examined.”

Additionally, Trump remarked during a rally on Saturday that he found Harris to be a more vulnerable opponent compared to President Biden, who recently withdrew from the race after a poor performance in a debate against Trump.

In the 2016 election, Pennsylvania, along with Wisconsin and Michigan, was crucial to Trump’s victory. However, in 2020, Biden, a native of Scranton, Pennsylvania, managed to reclaim these states for the Democrats, and Harris is now focused on retaining their support.


US And South Korea Begin Military Drills Aimed At Strengthening Their Defense Against North Korea

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U.S. and South Korean troops kicked off a large-scale exercise Monday aimed at strengthening their combined defense capabilities against nuclear-armed North Korea, which again accused the allies of practicing an invasion. The annual summertime exercise comes amid heightened tensions on the Korean Peninsula as the pace of both North Korea’s weapons demonstrations and the U.S.-South Korea combined military exercises have intensified in a cycle of tit-for-tat. The exercise began hours after North Korea’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement repeating the North’s contention that such exercises are “provocative war drills for aggression.” It said the North’s nuclear ambitions are thus justified, adding that it is crucial to “constantly maintain the balance of power for preventing a war by stockpiling the greatest deterrence.” The United States and South Korea described their joint drills as defensive in nature and have been expanding and upgrading their training in recent years to cope with the North’s evolving threats. The U.S. and South Korean militaries did not immediately react to the North Korean Foreign Ministry statement. The Ulchi Freedom Shield drills, which continue for 11 days, through Aug. 29, include both computer-simulated war games and more than 40 kinds of field exercises, including live-fire drills. The allies said this year’s program is focused on enhancing their readiness against various North Korean threats, including missiles, GPS jamming and cyberattacks and will also reflect lessons learned from recent armed conflicts. About 19,000 South Korean military personnel will participate in the drills, which will be held concurrently with civil defense and evacuation drills from Monday through Thursday that will include programs based on North Korean nuclear attack scenarios. The U.S. military has not confirmed the number of American troops participating in the drills or said whether they will involve U.S. strategic assets. The United States in recent months has increased its regional deployment of long-range bombers, submarines and aircraft carrier strike groups to train with South Korean and Japanese forces. The drills could trigger a belligerent response from North Korea, which has been flaunting its growing weapons program and issuing verbal threats of nuclear conflicts against Washington and Seoul. Earlier this month, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un staged a huge ceremony in the country’s capital, Pyongyang, to mark the delivery of 250 nuclear-capable missile launchers to frontline military units and called for a ceaseless expansion of his military’s nuclear program. The event added to concerns about Kim’s weapons program as he demonstrates an intent to deploy battlefield nuclear weapons along the North’s border with South Korea and claims that his military could react with preemptive nuclear strikes if it perceives the leadership as under threat. Analysts say Kim may seek to dial up pressure in a U.S. election year as he advances his long-term goals of forcing Washington to accept the idea of the North as a nuclear power and negotiate economic and security concessions from a position of strength. During last year’s Ulchi Freedom Shield exercises, North Korea conducted ballistic missile tests that it described as simulating “scorched earth” nuclear strikes on South Korean targets. The North in recent weeks has also flown thousands of balloons carrying trash toward the South in a psychological warfare campaign that has further deteriorated relations between the war-divided rivals. (AP)

Virtual Judaica – Huge Manuscript Judaica and Hebraica Auction Own A Piece Of Jewish History Today

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Virtual Judaica is proud to present another diverse auction of rare Jewish seforim, posters, photos, and manuscripts. In our 25 years of business, we have successfully auctioned over 50,000 items to thousands of satisfied clients. Begin your collection today with as little as $10 and own a piece of Jewish history. Auction Ends August 20th – BID NOW View our rare Judaica items in our online auctions by CLICKING HERE Printed Amulet, R. Eleazar of Worms, 19th CenturyPirke Avot Painting, Zalman Kleinman, Brooklyn 20th C.

DAMNING: House GOP Report: Biden Committed ‘Impeachable Conduct,’ ‘Defrauded United States To Enrich His Family’

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President Biden’s actions have been described as “impeachable conduct” by House Republicans, who, after months of investigation, concluded in a much-anticipated report that he “abused his office” and “defrauded the United States to enrich his family.”

The extensive 292-page document was compiled by the House Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means Committees, the three panels spearheading the impeachment investigation against Biden.

“The Committees have accumulated evidence demonstrating that President Biden has engaged in impeachable conduct,” the report declares, summarizing the findings gathered thus far.

According to Republicans, there is “overwhelming evidence” that Biden was involved in a “conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust to enrich his family.” They claim that the Biden family and their business associates received substantial sums of money from foreign entities, with these entities believing that their payments would grant them access to and influence over President Biden.

The committees report that the Biden family and its associates have received over $27 million from foreign sources since 2014.

They further allege that Biden’s role as vice president was exploited to secure more than $8 million in loans from Democratic donors. These loans, according to the report, “have not been repaid, and the necessary documentation for many of the loans is either missing or has not been provided to the committees.”

Republicans assert that the conspiracy occurred during Biden’s tenure as vice president.

“While serving as Vice President, President Biden actively participated in this conspiracy by attending dinners with his family’s foreign business partners and speaking to them by phone, often when Hunter Biden placed him on speakerphone,” the report states.

One specific event highlighted by Republicans is a 2014 dinner Biden attended with his son, Hunter, and Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina. Following this dinner, Baturina transferred $3.5 million to Hunter Biden’s firm, Rosemont Seneca Thornton.

Fox News Digital had previously reported Biden’s attendance at dinners with Hunter Biden’s business partners, including Baturina, at Café Milano in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., in both 2014 and 2015. Additionally, Biden met with Jonathan Li of BHR in China in 2013.

Fox News Digital also previously disclosed that Biden met with Ye Jianming, the chairman of the Chinese energy company CEFC, in 2017.

“Considering the entirety of the evidence, it is inconceivable that President Biden did not realize he was involved in an effort to enrich his family by misusing his public office,” the report claims.

The report also accuses the Biden family of taking extensive measures to cover up this conspiracy.

“Foreign money was funneled to the Biden family through intricate financial transactions,” the report states. “The Biden family laundered funds using intermediary entities and broke down large sums into smaller transactions.”

Republicans contend that Hunter Biden and his business partners leveraged Joe Biden’s vice-presidential position to secure “favorable outcomes in foreign business deals and legal matters.”

“Witnesses testified that Hunter Biden invoked his father in negotiations with Romanian, Chinese, Kazakhstani, and Ukrainian companies, which resulted in millions of dollars being funneled to the Biden family,” the report explains.

They argue that “President Biden’s involvement in this conspiracy to enrich his family constitutes impeachable conduct.” By monetizing the Vice Presidency for his family’s benefit, he abused his office of public trust, placing the welfare of his family above that of the United States.”

Republicans also noted, “He prioritized foreign interests over the interests of the American people.”

Moreover, the report accuses Biden of using his official position to “conceal his mishandling of classified information as a private citizen.”

“During his vice presidency, Joe Biden removed highly sensitive classified documents from the White House without the necessary authority,” the report states.

Special Counsel Robert Hur conducted a months-long investigation into Biden’s improper retention of classified documents but ultimately did not recommend charges against the president. The documents included sensitive information related to military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, as well as other national security-related records that involved “sensitive intelligence sources and methods.”

However, earlier this year, Hur described Biden as a “sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory” and said it “would be difficult to convince a jury they should convict him.”

The report also references allegations from IRS whistleblowers, who claimed that federal investigators allowed the statute of limitations to expire on Hunter Biden’s alleged tax offenses.

“The Justice Department obstructed line attorneys from conducting crucial interviews and pursuing essential lines of inquiry,” the report states. “The special treatment for Hunter Biden, which only ended with the onset of congressional scrutiny on the Department’s investigation, may be grounds for impeachment, as the distortion of an official investigation was a factor in the prospective impeachment of President Nixon in 1974.”

The report further notes, “In certain situations, the President may be impeached for the actions of subordinate officials.”

“The scope of the corrupt conduct uncovered by the Committees is alarming,” the report declares. “President Joe Biden conspired to engage in influence peddling and corruption. In doing so, he misused his office and, by consistently lying about this misconduct, has defrauded the United States to enrich his family.”

Republicans assert that “none of these transactions would have occurred without Joe Biden’s official position in the U.S. government.”

“This pattern of behavior ensured his family – who provided no legitimate services – enjoyed a luxurious lifestyle. The evidence uncovered during the Committees’ impeachment inquiry reveals a family selling the ‘Biden brand’ globally, with President Biden – the ‘big guy’ – stepping in to finalize deals on speakerphones or at private dinners,” the report states. “It demonstrates a coordinated effort to obscure President Biden’s involvement in the family’s influence peddling scheme.”

House Republicans cited the Constitution, stating that the appropriate response to a president’s “blatant abuse of office is clear: impeachment by the House of Representatives and removal by the Senate.”

“Despite the Democrats’ recent trivialization of the impeachment power, the House’s decision to pursue articles of impeachment must not be taken lightly,” the report asserts. “This report aims to present the evidence gathered so far to enable all House Members to evaluate the extent of President Biden’s corruption.”

The impeachment inquiry report from House Republicans comes shortly after Biden paused his re-election campaign due to mounting pressure from within the Democratic Party following the first presidential debate in June against former President Trump.

House Republicans have been leading the impeachment inquiry since mid-2023, with the full House of Representatives formalizing the inquiry in December 2023.

In June, House Republicans referred criminal charges to the Justice Department, recommending that Hunter Biden and James Biden, the president’s brother, be charged with providing false statements to Congress regarding “key aspects” of the impeachment investigation.

Earlier this year, Hunter Biden was convicted on federal gun charges in Delaware, stemming from a case brought by Special Counsel David Weiss. His trial on federal tax charges is scheduled to begin in California in September.


Favorable Views Of Kamala Harris Have Risen This Summer Heading Into The DNC, Poll Shows

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Vice President Kamala Harris is entering the Democratic National Convention with increased excitement from Democrats and a steady rise in her favorability ratings among Americans as a whole. About half of U.S. adults — 48% — have a very or somewhat favorable view of Harris, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. That is up from 39% at the beginning of the summer, before President Joe Biden’s poor performance in his debate against former President Donald Trump ultimately led him to drop out of the presidential race. That’s not just an improvement for Harris but also from where President Joe Biden stood before he dropped out, when 38% said they had a favorable opinion of him. It’s also somewhat better than the 41% of adults who say they have a favorable opinion of Trump. The rise in favorability for Harris comes as more Americans overall have formed an opinion about her while the Harris and Trump campaigns rush to define her nascent candidacy. The share saying they don’t know enough about her to have an opinion has halved, from 12% in June to 6% now. The latest measurement is in line with how Americans viewed Harris in early 2021, when she and Biden first took office. It suggests renewed positivity toward Harris — the share of Americans who have a “very favorable” opinion of her has also increased over the same period — but she risks hitting a ceiling as she approaches her previous highest rating. Potential strengths for Harris Since June, Harris’ favorability has slightly risen among some groups that generally already favor the Democratic Party. She’s seen slight increases in favorability among Democrats, independents, women and young adults under age 30. There’s been no significant movement from Black adults or Hispanic adults — other constituencies Harris will likely need the support of in November. Half of adults under 30 have a very or somewhat favorable view of Harris in the latest poll, up from 34% in June. That comes as more young adults have formed an opinion about her, with the share of adults who say they don’t know enough to say shrinking from about 2 in 10 to roughly 1 in 10. The number of young adults with an unfavorable view of her has not changed significantly. Harris has relatively high levels of favorability among Black adults, though it’s been relatively steady over the last month. Around two-thirds of Black adults have a very or somewhat positive view of Harris. That includes around 4 in 10 who say their opinion of her is “very favorable.” Black adults are more likely than Americans overall to have a favorable impression of Harris. About 6 in 10 nonwhite men and women have a positive view of Harris. Johnita Johnson, a 45-year-old Black woman living in North Carolina, said she plans to vote for Harris in November, but she wants the campaign to be honest and realistic about what it can promise. She has a problem with politicians, generally, who overpromise what they will be able to accomplish in office. “If (Harris) was able to do exactly what she wants to do and what she says she would do, she would do an awesome job,” Johnson said. “Well, we all know that is not going to go like […]

OFF THE DEEP END: “Conservative” Candace Owens Goes On Another Insane Antisemitic Rant [VIDEO]

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Candace Owens, once a significant figure within the black conservative movement, went on yet another antisemitic rant during a Sunday broadcast on X. During a show she titled The Truth About Zionism, Owens made comments suggesting Jewish involvement in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and peddled other conspiracy theories, warning that criticism of Israel could result in her death. VIDEO HAS BEEN OMITTED DUE TO EXTREME VULGAR LANGUAGE “Do you think it’s normal that basically, every person that speaks about Israel has to say a statement that ‘you know I don’t want to get killed?’” Owens asked during the broadcast, which quickly circulated across conservative media platforms. She then referenced the 1963 assassination of JFK, implying a connection to Israel: “They shot JFK in an open car, he was a sitting president, so my security doesn’t matter, if they want me they’re gonna get me.” Owens insisted that such concerns were uniquely tied to Israel, claiming that the nation had “taken over” the United States. Her remarks have drawn sharp condemnation from prominent figures within the right-wing media sphere. Fox News contributor Sarah Carter was particularly vocal, releasing a scathing statement: “Sadly, something seems to have gone wrong with Candace, so that she is now engaging in and spreading the most vile & vicious Jew-hating conspiracy theories, some of them dating back to the depths of ignorance from the Middle Ages!” Carter continued: “I condemn Candace Owens, I condemn her disgraceful fall to espousing pure antisemitism, and I know there is no room in the conservative movement for an antisemite like Owens.” The outrage extended beyond Carter, with Pro-Trump influencer and academic Gad Saad expressing disbelief over Owens’ comments. “What happened to this woman? A few years ago, I hosted her on my show, and she seemed reasonable and composed,” he said. Conservative activist and journalist Christopher Rufo added that Owens had become a victim of “algorithm-chasing,” explaining that the promotion of antisemitic content is designed to generate negative attention on uncensored platforms. “She fell into the trap and there is no way out,” Rufo lamented. Owens, who was previously fired from conservative media outlet The Daily Wire, has increasingly embraced more extreme rhetoric over the past year. After endorsing a controversial tweet about Jews drinking Christian blood and condemning Israel following the October 7th Hamas attacks, Daily Wire founder Ben Shapiro labeled her behavior as “disgraceful.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Biblical Zoo Worker Still In Serious Condition After Crocodile Attack

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The Biblical Zoo worker who was attacked by a crocodile on Sunday is still in serious condition, according to a statement from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital on Monday. When he arrived at the hospital on Sunday, he was rushed to the surgical ward for emergency surgery. He endured a nine-hour surgery and is now hospitalized in the ICU, sedated and ventilated. The victim is a veteran zoo worker who has tended to the crocodile’s needs for 12 years. A security guard shot the crocodile, saving the worker’s life. The crocodile later died of its wounds. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)  

Netanyahu’s Office: ‘Serial Info Leakers Harming Chances for Hostage Deal’

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On Sunday, the office of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a rare statement targeting individuals they labeled as “serial information leakers” who are undermining the progress of negotiations for a hostage agreement.

The statement read, “There are serial information leakers who harm the ability to advance a deal. They claimed for months that Hamas would never agree to forgo the end of the war as a condition for a deal, and proposed surrendering to Hamas’ demand. They were mistaken then, and they are mistaken now as well. The Prime Minister insisted on this basic demand, which is imperative for reaching the war’s objectives, and Hamas changed its position.”

The office further remarked, “Now as well, the Prime Minister insists that we remain in the Philadelphi Corridor to prevent the re-arming of terror elements. The Prime Minister will continue to work to advance a deal that would maximize the number of living hostages and would allow for the achievement of all of the war’s objectives.”

The statement from the Prime Minister’s Office was a response to comments made by individuals involved in the negotiation process, who claimed that the mandate provided to the delegation preparing to travel to Cairo later in the week had been “reduced” and needed to be broadened. According to these sources, an expanded mandate would be essential for reaching a successful agreement.


WATCH: Hundreds Of Jews In Tehran Celebrate Siyum HaShas

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A number of Jews in Iran were certified as Rabbanim, shochtim and sofrei stam in a festive ceremony on Sunday headed by the Rav of Tehran, Rav Yehuda Gerami. Two of the Jews who received semicha will serve as Rabbanim in Tehran and one will serve in the city of Isfahan. Fifteen Jews from Tehran, Isfahan and Shiraz were certified as shochtim and sofrei stam. A Siyum HaShas was also held at the ceremony and was attended by about 300 members of the Jewish Kehilla. At the beginning of the month, HaRav Gerami held a siyum on Masechtas Brachos with his talmidim in Isfahan. At the end of the ceremony and siyum, the participants danced to the songs of “מי שמאמין לא מפחד” and “לא לפחד כלל.”   (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)


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