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US National Security Adviser: Israel-Hamas Negotiations For A Ceasefire-Hostage Deal Down To “Nitty-Gritty” Details

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Talks aimed at achieving a Gaza ceasefire and securing a hostage-release deal have made significant progress, according to US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. Speaking to reporters in Beijing, where he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Sullivan provided an update on the ongoing negotiations, emphasizing that the discussions have entered a critical phase. “The negotiators are bearing down on the details, meaning that we have advanced the discussions to a point where it’s in the nitty-gritty, and that is a positive sign of progress,” Sullivan said. The discussions, involving officials from the United States, Egypt, Qatar, and Israel, took place in Doha on Wednesday, following a weekend of high-level talks in Cairo. Jerusalem’s delegation, which included representatives from the Israel Defense Forces, the Mossad, and the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), returned to Israel on Tuesday after participating in the Cairo negotiations. While the high-level talks in Cairo ended on Sunday without a deal, lower-level discussions continued on Monday as negotiators sought to resolve the remaining differences. In Doha, the Israeli delegation is expected to continue talks with representatives from Egypt, Qatar, and the United States. These discussions are aimed at finalizing the terms of a ceasefire and securing the release of hostages held by Hamas. US Special Coordinator for the Middle East Brett McGurk also engaged in preparatory talks on Tuesday with senior Qatari leaders ahead of Wednesday’s negotiations, according to a US official cited by the Associated Press. Despite the progress, challenges remain. Hamas has publicly rejected the current terms of the deal, accusing the United States of siding with Israeli demands. Egyptian officials have also expressed doubts about the likelihood of a breakthrough. “At the end of the day, nothing is done until it’s done. And so we’re just going to keep working at this until we finally get the ceasefire-and-hostage deal across the line,” Sullivan concluded. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


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Over the last 15 years, a new approach and method of limud Hashas has been nurtured and developed in Eretz Yisroel at Reshet Kollelei Shas Yiden. This phenomenon has captured the imagination and electrified lomdei Hatorah throughout the world, and has earned the avid support of Gedolim across the Torah spectrum. 

Shas Yiden in UK & USA

Shas Yiden not only grew from 6 avreichim metzuyonim to 122 avreichim geonim in five kollelim across Eretz Yisroel but, in response to repeated requests from abroad, a Shas Yiden kollel was first established in the UK, in Stamford Hill, London. The Shas Yiden reputation soared in this location and their first Annual Siyum Hashas with Gedolei Torah in attendance reflected the grandeur of those in Yerushalayim.

This foray into Chutz La’aretz has been followed by a long-awaited opening of a Shas Yiden kollel in Flatbush, NY. The Eretz Yisroeldike bren of learning the entire Shas has already had a significant local impact and is a source of inspiration to the local Flatbush kollelim. The incredible devotion to limud gantz Shas and its completion within a year by each avreich at Shas Yiden has encouraged many others to try and emulate this broader study of Shas.

This elevated level of Torah study at Shas Yiden and the ability of the avreichim geonim to face public oral farheren by world recognized Gedolei Torah, together with monthly tests on 225 blatt, is nothing short of remarkable. Shas Yiden has truly raised the bar in the study of Shas. Our unique system of learning, the tight demanding regimen and the motivation emanating from Eretz Yisroel has truly placed Shas Yiden in a Torah league of its own. 

In the Words of Maranan Hageonim

Sar Hatorah, רשכבה”ג Maran Hagadol Harav Chaim Kanievsky, זצ”ל – Nasi, Shas Yiden
I tested them, I know them throughout Shas – a Yissachar-Zevulun pact with Shas Yiden is the most mehudar partnership 

Rosh Hayeshiva, רשכבה”ג Maran Hagadol Harav Gershon Edelstein, זצ”ל
Shas Yiden has raised the bar of Torah learning in both depth and clarity, and its unique method of ameilus in Torah

The Sanzer Rebbe, שליט”א
A first in 2000 years of Jewish history – never before a Torah institution where ALL the avreichim know kol Hashas kulo, Rashi and Tosfos b’al peh

Over 1.6 Million Blatt at Shas Yiden
This Year Alone!

With each of the 122 avreichim geonim at Shas Yiden required to complete a minimum of 13,555 blatt per year, you are helping support some 1,654,000 blatt! 

At the most recent farheren, the reaction of the Gedolei Torah conducting the testing to the prowess of the Shas Yiden was simply one of amazement at the breadth and detailed knowledge and all-encompassing mastery of Shas – remarking: “They know it like others know Ashrei Yoshvei!” The joy of the avreichim geonim and their clear love of Torah electrifies each farher. (To see the different farheren in action, please click on our website: www.shasyiden.com.) It is no wonder that the overall reaction to the Shas Yiden Network is that in its 15 years it has certainly revolutionized and raised the bar in the learning and mastery of Shas

Caring for the Avreichim Families

Despite the difficulties of these last few years, Covid etc., Shas Yiden has made sure to keep our commitment to each of the Shas Yiden families to ensure their menuchas hanefesh to be free to focus on ShasEach month their salaries have been paid on time. Further, in Tishrei and, now again, for Nissan, they are all paid full extra salary checks to help them meet the extra Yom Tov expenses. 

That we are able to do so, a big ‘thank you‘ is due to you all. You have an eternal stake in the incredible learning of Shas Yiden. Your on-going interest and support in this unique ‘Entire-Shas’ Torah-learning venture is most sincerely appreciated. Collectively and individually, you are singular partners in changing the way the Torah world views the ability to both learn and master the entire Shas. Whatever you can do to help in defraying their extra Yom Tov expenses will be a great chesed to these Bnei Torah who are true bnei aliyah.

Ukraine’s Military Says One Of Its Foreign-Donated F-16 Warplanes Has Crashed

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One of the handful of F-16 warplanes that Ukraine has received from its Western partners to help fight Russia’s invasion has crashed, Ukraine’s air force said Thursday. The fighter jet went down on Monday, when Russia launched a major missile and drone barrage at Ukraine, a military statement posted on Facebook said. Four of those Russian missiles were shot down by F-16s, the statement said. The crash was the first reported loss of an F-16 in Ukraine, where they arrived at the end of last month. At least six of the warplanes are believed to have been delivered. The Defense Ministry has opened the investigation into the crash. Earlier Thursday, Russia conducted a heavy aerial attack on Ukraine for the third time in four days, again launching missiles and scores of drones that mostly were intercepted, Ukraine’s air force said. Russian forces fired five missiles and 74 Shahed drones at Ukrainian targets, an air force statement said. Air defenses stopped two missiles and 60 drones, and 14 other drones presumably fell before reaching their target, it said. Authorities in the capital, Kyiv, said debris of destroyed drones fell in three districts of the city, causing minor damage to civilian infrastructure but no injuries. Russia’s relentless and unnerving long-range strikes on civilian areas have been a feature of the war since it invaded its neighbor in February 2022. Ukrainian officials have recently become more vocal in their long-standing insistence that Western countries supporting their war effort should scrap restrictions on what Ukraine is allowed to target inside Russia with long-range weapons they have provided. Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy renewed his pleas for Western allies to untie his hands in deciding what to strike on Russian soil. “All our partners should be more active — much more active — in countering Russian terror,” Zelenskyy said late Wednesday. “We continue to insist that their determination now — lifting the restrictions on long-range strikes for Ukraine now — will help us to end the war as soon as possible in a fair way for Ukraine and the world as a whole.” The European Union’s top diplomat on Thursday backed Zelenskyy’s push for international backers to end their limits. Ukraine has deployed domestically produced drones to strike Russia. The Russian military said Thursday it had thwarted an overnight attack on Crimea. The Russian Defense Ministry said its forces destroyed three Ukrainian sea drones aimed at the Black Sea peninsula that Moscow annexed from Ukraine in 2014. The Russia-installed governor of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozhayev added that four Ukrainian aerial drones and three sea drones were destroyed “at a significant distance” from the peninsula’s shore. In the meantime, Ukraine’s Army General Staff acknowledged Thursday Ukraine’s involvement in strikes this week on oil depots deep inside Russia, where blazes broke out. The attacks in the Rostov and Kirov regions were part of Ukraine’s effort to disrupt logistical infrastructure supporting Russia’s war machine. (AP)

Hostages’ Families Burst Through Gaza Fence During Border Protest

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Dozens of families of hostages held a demonstration at the Gaza border on Thursday, shouting through loudspeakers in the hope that their loved ones would hear. Some of the demonstrators broke through a fence near the border and ran toward the Strip.

Rachel Goldberg-Polin, mother of Hersch Goldberb-Polin, 23, shouted, “This is mom. Hersch. This is the 328th day. We’re all here. All the families of 107 abductees who remain in captivity,” Ynet reported.

“Hersch, we work day and night and we will never stop. I you need to know that I bless you every morning and every Friday evening, and I raise my hands toward Gaza and I give you the blessing, ‘May God bless you and keep you,’” she said.

His father, Jon, said, “Hersh, this is dad. We need you to know, and all 107 abductees need to know that not only the families here today, and not only 9 million people in this country, but the whole world—we will not stop until you all come home soon.”

Hamas footage of Hersh from Oct. 7 shows him with one arm missing at the elbow. He suffered the wound tossing back a grenade thrown by terrorists into a shelter where he and others were hiding.

His best friend, Aner Shapira, had thrown back seven grenades before being killed.

Shira Elbag, mother of the abducted soldier Liri Elbag, 19, said, “We are on the 327th day of this war; 327 days and nights of hearing Liri cry for help, calling ‘Mom,’ and me not being able to come. Can you imagine that feeling, knowing your child is suffering and you’re powerless to help?”

Hagit Chen, whose son Itay’s body is being held in Gaza, said, “My Itay, I miss you so much and can’t fathom the situation we find ourselves in. When you decided to join the army and become a fighter, I didn’t foresee the dreadful state it would bring us to.

“You said, ‘Mom, don’t worry,’ you believed in the system. I wanted you to come home and fulfill your dreams. What did you manage to achieve in this life? I ache for your absence in ways I never knew were possible,” she said, according to Ynet.

Itay’s father, Rubi, added, “We, the parents, after seeing the current round of talks ending without result, are compelled to wage a battle and embark on a journey to Gaza, to remind the Israeli government to fulfill its moral, ethical and Jewish duty, so we can bring our Itay to burial in Israel.”

The hostages’ families arrived at the border on Wednesday as part of a convoy of over 300 vehicles that traveled from Hostage Square in Tel Aviv to Kibbutz Be’eri on the Gaza border to protest the lack of movement in ceasefire talks. They hold the Netanyahu government responsible for that failure.

Titled the “End the Abandonment” convoy, it featured cars adorned with yellow flags, pictures of the hostages, and burned-out cars on trailers, which had been destroyed in the Oct. 7 attack.

“Every day that passes is another lost opportunity to bring them home; it’s time to end the abandonment,” said the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, which organized the event.

Hamas killed 1,200 Israelis, mostly civilians, and took 250 hostage on Oct. 7.

An estimated 107 are still held in captivity following the rescue of Bedouin captive Kaid Farhan Alkadi, 52, on Tuesday.


Consumers Should Immediately Stop Using This Magnetic Game Due To Ingestion Risks

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The Consumer Product and Safety Commission is warning people to immediately dispose of a magnetic game because it poses serious ingestion risks for children. The CPSC posted a warning Thursday that “Magnetic Chess Games” sold by China-based seller JOMO contain magnets that do not comply with U.S. federal safety regulations. As a result, the “loose, hazardous magnets pose a risk of serious injury or death,” according to the warning. The CPSC said it issued a violation notice to JOMO, but that the company has not agreed to recall its Magnetic Chess Games or provide a remedy. The commission urged people to stop using the game and throw it away immediately. The games were sold online at walmart.com in a blue box with the word “Magnetic” on the front and back, according to the CPSC. They include about 20 loose black magnets but not chess-shaped pieces, despite its marketing. It’s unclear when or how long these games were sold. A CPSC spokesperson said the commission could not provide further information since JOMO is not cooperating. Experts have long noted the serious health hazards tied to swallowing magnets, with children particularly at risk. When high-powered magnets are ingested, the CPSC noted, they can attract each other or another metal object in the body and become lodged in the digestive system — potentially resulting in blockage, infection, blood poisoning or death. Overall, the CPSC estimates that a total of 2,400 magnet ingestions were treated in hospitals annually between 2017 and 2021. The commission said it is aware of eight related deaths from 2005 through 2021, two of which were outside the U.S. (AP)

Surgeon General on Parental Stress: We’re Still Living with Impact of COVID School Closures

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On Wednesday’s broadcast of “PBS NewsHour,” Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy discussed his advisory on parental stress and said that while there are many reasons for increased parental stress, “we’re still living with some of the aftereffects” of the stress imposed on parents from school closures during the coronavirus pandemic, Breitbart reports.

Murthy said, “I think the pandemic certainly created an increase in stress in many parents’ lives. I so viscerally remember what it was like to have to homeschool our kids during that time on top of work, and how challenging all of that was, and I think we’re still living with some of the aftereffects of that stress.”

He continued, “But the pandemic also changed how we live our lives. I think, in some ways, being able to do hybrid work was helpful for some parents, as it gave them the flexibility to be able to be there for mealtimes, for example, at dinner or being able to be there to pick up their kids or be there during the day if their child needed something. But I think being available all the time, via video or whatever remote means, it may be your choice, that also creates additional stresses for parents because it can create this expectation that you’re available all the time. And so, one of the things that it’s really important in the workplace is to have a culture where leaders understand what the stresses are that parents are managing, where they have policies that support parents, like predictable schedules, so that parents can schedule and balance work and home and where there’s also some degree of flexibility so that if issues come up, like a sick child, a parent has the ability to respond in that scenario and care for their family without worrying that they’re going to suffer at work.”


Suspect In Attack On French Shul Planned By Researching Shuls, Shabbos And Yomim Tovim

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A 33-year-old man faced terrorism charges over an arson attack on a French synagogue last weekend that he said was aimed at defending Palestinians and changing Israeli policy, prosecutors said Wednesday. The attack revived concerns about antisemitism in France, notably linked to the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, and led to heightened security at Jewish places of worship around the country. A police officer was injured after the suspect set multiple fires around the Beth Yaacov synagogue Saturday in the Mediterranean resort town of La Grande Motte. The suspect, identified by prosecutors only by his initials EHK, fled the scene but was later arrested. He was injured in the thorax, arm and face during the arrest, France’s national counterterrorism prosecutor’s office said in a statement. EHK, an Algerian with French residency, was presented to a judge Wednesday. Prosecutors said they are seeking preliminary terrorism charges against him including attempted murder and arson committed for reasons of race or religion, as well as armed violence against police. Two other people suspected of providing him help are also facing potential charges. Under questioning, the suspect admitted staging the attack, and told investigators he acted to support the Palestinian cause and make Israeli authorities react, the statement said. He said he did not have any homicidal intent but wanted to scare people. Based on questioning by police and his social media posts, EHK appears to have become more radical in his religious beliefs in recent months, and told acquaintances that he wanted to go fight in Gaza, prosecutors said. He also ‘’has for a long time nursed a hatred toward Jews, specifically focused on the situation in Palestine,’’ the statement added. In recent weeks he purchased a firearm and conducted internet searches about synagogues in the region, Jewish holidays and Sabbath practices, according to the statement. He went alone to the Beth Yaacov synagogue Saturday with a handgun, several plastic bottles full of fuel, and an axe upon which he had written statements about Palestine, Gaza and Muslim blood, prosecutors said. They asked for him to be jailed pending further investigation. “Once again, French Jews have been targeted and attacked because of their beliefs,” caretaker Prime Minister Gabriel Attal said after visiting La Grand Motte. “We are outraged and repulsed.” (AP)

Iran Has Further Increased Its Stockpile Of Uranium Enriched To Near Weapons-Grade Levels, UN Says

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Iran has further increased its stockpile of uranium enriched to near weapons-grade levels in defiance of international demands, a confidential report by the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog said Thursday. The report by the International Atomic Energy Agency said that as of Aug. 17, Iran has 164.7 kilograms (363.1 pounds) of uranium enriched up to 60 %. That’s an increase of 22.6 kilograms (49.8 pounds) since the IAEA’s last report in May. Uranium enriched up to 60% purity is just a short, technical step away from weapons-grade levels of 90%. The IAEA report, which was seen by The Associated Press, says Tehran has also not reconsidered its September 2023 decision to ban the most experienced nuclear inspectors from monitoring its nuclear program and that IAEA surveillance cameras remain disrupted. The report further says that Iran has still not provided answers to the nuclear watchdog’s years-long investigation about the origin and current location of man-made uranium particles found at two locations that Tehran has failed to declare as potential nuclear sites. The locations are known as Varamin and Turquzabad. The IAEA report comes just days after Iran’s supreme leader opened the door to renewed negotiations with the United States over his country’s rapidly advancing nuclear program, telling its civilian government there was “no harm” in engaging with the “enemy.” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s remarks on Tuesday set clear red lines for any talks taking place under the new government of reformist President Masoud Pezeshkian and reiterated his warnings that Washington was not to be trusted. The IAEA said that as of Aug. 17, Iran’s overall stockpile of enriched uranium stood at 5,751.8 kilograms (12,681 pounds). The report acknowledged that before the June elections in Iran, the IAEA was told “that further engagement with the agency would be determined by the new government of Iran.” The IAEA congratulated Pezeshkian on his election and offered to send teh agency’s chief to Tehran “to re-launch the dialogue and cooperation between the agency and Iran,” the report said. But while the newly elected Iranian president confirmed “his agreement to meet” with the IAEA chief, no discussions on the subject have taken place since. (AP)

Matzav Inbox: To Those Who Went Away for the Summer, Don’t Come Home

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Dear Matzav Inbox,

To all my friends and neighbors who escaped to the Catskills or wherever your fancy took you this summer, I have one simple message: Stay there. Don’t rush back with your glowing tans and sun-kissed faces, flaunting your relaxation while the rest of us stayed behind in the heat and grind of the city.

You know, the city was surprisingly peaceful. Traffic was lighter, stores were less crowded, and life had a certain ease to it that I could get used to. We managed just fine without the extra bodies clogging up the roads and sidewalks. We didn’t need your complaints about how much better the weather was in the mountains or how refreshing the lake was.

And now, after disappearing for two to three months, you waltz back into town like nothing happened. Well, here’s a newsflash: Life went on without you. The world didn’t stop spinning just because you were off sipping iced lattes in the sun.

And maybe, just maybe, don’t get too comfortable. In a month and a half, you’ll probably be packing your bags again, running off to your hotel or vacation spot for Sukkos. So, if your summer was so idyllic, why not make it permanent? Keep enjoying your endless sunsets and cool breezes. We’ll continue holding down the fort here, dealing with reality while you perfect your tan lines.

So, take hold of your memories and your sun hats, and don’t feel pressured to rush back. We’ll be just fine without you.

Enjoy the rest of your endless vacation.

A Local Who Stayed

To submit a letter to appear on Matzav.com, email MatzavInbox@gmail.com

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Foiled ISIS Plot To Attack Concerts In Vienna Was Intended To Kill Thousands, CIA Says

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The suspects in the foiled plot to attack concerts in Vienna earlier this month sought to kill “tens of thousands” of fans before the CIA discovered intelligence that disrupted the planning and led to arrests, the agency’s deputy director said. The CIA notified Austrian authorities of the scheme, which allegedly included links to the Islamic State group. The intelligence and subsequent arrests ultimately led to the cancellation of three sold-out shows by an American music star, devastating fans who had traveled across the globe to see her in concert. CIA Deputy Director David Cohen addressed the failed plot during the annual Intelligence and National Security Summit, held this week in Maryland. “They were plotting to kill a huge number — tens of thousands of people at this concert, including I am sure many Americans — and were quite advanced in this,” Cohen said Wednesday. “The Austrians were able to make those arrests because the agency and our partners in the intelligence community provided them information about what this ISIS-connected group was planning to do.” Austrian officials said the main suspect, a 19-year-old Austrian man, was inspired by the Islamic State group. He allegedly planned to attack outside the stadium, where upwards of 30,000 fans were expected to gather, with knives or homemade explosives. Another 65,000 fans were likely to be inside the venue. Investigators discovered chemical substances and technical devices during a raid of the suspect’s home. Austria’s interior minister, Gerhard Karner, previously said help from other intelligence agencies was needed because Austrian investigators, unlike some foreign services, can’t legally monitor text messages. The 19-year-old’s lawyer has said the allegations were “overacting at its best,” and contended Austrian authorities were “presenting this exaggeratedly” in order to get new surveillance powers. Concert organizer Barracuda Music said it canceled the three-night Vienna run that would have begun Aug. 8 because the arrests made in connection to the conspiracy were too close to showtime. The main suspect and a 17-year-old were taken into custody on Aug. 6, the day before the cancellations were announced. A third suspect, 18, was arrested Aug. 8. Their names have not been released in line with Austrian privacy rules. The Vienna plot drew comparisons to a 2017 attack by a suicide bomber at a concert in Manchester, England, that killed 22 people. The bomb detonated at the end of another American singer’s concert as thousands of young fans were leaving, becoming the deadliest extremist attack in the United Kingdom in recent years. Cohen on Wednesday praised the CIA’s work in preventing the planned violence, saying that other counterterrorism “successes” in foiling plots typically go unheralded. “I can tell you within my agency, and I’m sure in others, there were people who thought that was a really good day for Langley,” he said, referring to the CIA headquarters. (AP)

Rare First Bais Hamikdosh-Era Stone Seal Unearthed in Yerushalayim

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A rare and unique First Bais Hamikdosh-era stone seal inscribed with a name in paleo-Hebrew script has been uncovered near the Har Habayis in Yerushalayim, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced on Thursday.

The ancient black stone seal, which was unearthed in an excavation by the Har Habayis’s southern wall, is believed to date back 2,700 years, and was used by a senior official in the Kingdom of Yehuda’s administration, the state-run archaeological body said.

“The seal, made of black stone, is one of the most beautiful ever discovered in excavations in ancient Yerushalayim, and is executed at the highest artistic level,” said Yuval Baruch and Navot Rom, who directed the excavations with funding by the City of David Foundation.

The object—which is engraved with reverse script, served its owner both as an amulet and as a signature for legal documents and certificates, according to the IAA.

It has a hole drilled through its length so that it could be strung onto a chain and be worn around the neck.

The artifact is engraved with the words “LeYehoʼezer ben Hoshʼayahu”—“For Yeho’ezer son of Hosh’ayahu”—in paleo-Hebrew script.

Experts said that the seal is an extremely rare and unusual discovery.

“This is the first time that a winged ‘genie’—a protective magical figure—has been found in Israeli and regional archaeology,” said Filip Vukosavović, IAA archaeologist and assyriologist. “Figures of winged demons are known in the Neo-Assyrian art of the 9th-7th centuries BCE, and they were considered a kind of protective demon.”

The seal was apparently made by a local craftsman, “a Judahite, who produced the amulet at the owner’s request. It was prepared at a very high artistic level,” Vukosavović said.

The name Yehoʼezer appears in Tanach in its abbreviated form, Yoʼezer, one of Dovid Hamelech’s fighters. In Sefe4r Yirmiyahu (43:2), which depicts events thought to have occurred during the same period the seal was in use, the name “Azariah ben Hosh’aya” appears. “Hosh’aya” is the abbreviated form of Hoshʼayahu.

“This is further evidence of the reading and writing abilities that existed in this period,” said Baruch. “Contrary to what may be commonly thought, it seems that literacy in this period was not the realm only of society’s elite. People knew how to read and write—at least at the basic level, for the needs of commerce.”

When Hosh’ayahu died, his son Yeho’ezer inherited the seal, and he “added his name and his father’s name on either side of the demon,” in an effort to “directly appropriate to himself the beneficial qualities he believed the talisman embodied as a magical item,” the archaeologists believe.

The paleo-Hebrew inscription “was done in a sloppy manner,” unlike the “careful engraving of the demon,” indicating that it could have been “Yehoʼezer himself who engraved the names on the object,” said professor Ronny Reich of the University of Haifa, who took part in the research.

“The spectacular and unique find opens another window for us into the days of the Kingdom of Judah during the First Bais Hamikdosh period, and attests to that administration’s international connections,” said Israeli Heritage Minister Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu. “In doing so, it demonstrates the importance and centrality of Yerushalayim already 2,700 years ago. It is impossible not to be moved by such an unmediated and direct encounter with a chapter of our past, a time in which the First Bais Hamikdosh stood in all its glory.”

Additional information about the seal is to be presented to the public next week at the annual “City of David Research Conference,” which takes place on Wednesday, Sept. 4 in Yerushalayim. JNS

{Matzav.com Israel}

Sullivan: Israel-Hamas Truce Talks Down To ‘Nitty-Gritty’

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U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on Thursday that Gaza ceasefire-and-hostages-for-terrorist-prisoner talks were making progress.

“The negotiators are bearing down on the details, meaning that we have advanced the discussions to a point where it’s in the nitty-gritty, and that is a positive sign of progress,” Sullivan told reporters in Beijing, where he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

On the Gaza issue, officials from the United States, Egypt, Qatar and Israel met in Doha on Wednesday to follow up on talks that took place in Cairo over the weekend and extended to Monday.

Jerusalem’s delegation, composed officials from the Israel Defense Forces, the Mossad and the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), had returned on Tuesday from the round of negotiations in Cairo.

The high-level Cairo talks ended on Sunday without a deal, but discussions continued on Monday with lower-level officials to attempt to bridge the remaining gaps.

“In Doha, the delegation is expected to meet with representatives of Egypt, Qatar and the United States who are continuing the negotiations and work with Israel and Hamas,” according to Israel’s Channel 12.

U.S. Special Coordinator for the Middle East Brett McGurk held talks on Tuesday in Doha with senior Qatari leaders ahead of Wednesday’s negotiations, the Associated Press reported, citing a U.S. official.

While American officials have expressed optimism about closing a deal, Hamas has publicly rejected the terms on the table and is accusing the U.S. of supporting Israeli demands. Egyptian officials have also expressed skepticism.

“At the end of the day, nothing is done until it’s done. And so we’re just going to keep working at this until we finally get the ceasefire-and-hostage deal across the line,” Sullivan said. JNS


Hostages Held For 246 Days Speak Out For The 1st Time

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Shlomi Ziv and Almog Meir Jan, two of the hostages rescued from Gaza in Operation Arnon, have opened up for the first time about their harrowing ordeal in captivity. They were interviewed as part of the Government Press Office’s national documentation project. Andrey Kozlov, who was held together with Ziv and Jan, has spoken to numerous media outlets, (including the GPO’s project earlier this month) about the physical and emotional abuse he and his fellow captives endured. Their hands and feet were bound for the first two months, they were locked in the bathroom buried under blankets in the summer heat, and were told time and time again that Israel and their loved ones had abandoned them. Recently, he described more harrowing scenes in which his captors forced him to use the bathroom with bound hands while laughing at him. Jan said that their main captor was particularly cruel: “Let’s just say he had an issue with us moving around. If he caught one of us standing, he’d say suddenly: ‘Oh, you stood up? Fine. Now I want you sitting for a week. If you need the bathroom – crawl. I don’t want to see you on your feet.'” Ziv said: “But we’d wear him down after about four days. We did our best to comply. We’d win him over by playing the role of obedient children.” Almog added: “We were itching to retaliate, but we suppressed it, detaching ourselves emotionally.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Trump: Biden and Harris Partially to Blame for Assassination Attempt

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Former U.S. President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has accused President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris of contributing to last month’s foiled assassination attempt against him. Trump claimed their actions made it challenging for the Secret Service to provide adequate protection.

Trump made these statements during an interview with Dr. Phil.

“When this happened, people would ask, whose fault is it?” Trump said. “I think to a certain extent it’s Biden’s fault and Harris’ fault. And I’m the opponent. They were weaponizing government against me, they brought in the whole DOJ to try and get me, they weren’t too interested in my health and safety.”

According to Trump, the Biden administration’s actions created obstacles for the Secret Service.

“They were making it very difficult to have proper staffing in terms of Secret Service,” added the former President.

Trump suggested that the heightened political tension and rhetoric, especially before the rally, may have played a role in inciting the assassination attempt.

“They’re saying I’m a threat to democracy,” he told Dr. Phil. “They would say that, that was standard line, just keep saying it, and you know that can get assassins or potential assassins going. That’s a terrible thing … Maybe that bullet is because of their rhetoric.”

Following the July 13 assassination attempt at Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, several Secret Service agents from the Pittsburgh Field Office, along with a member of Trump’s security team, were reassigned to administrative roles and instructed to work remotely.

In the days following the attempt, the Secret Service acknowledged that Trump’s security team had previously raised concerns about inadequate protection and staff shortages over the past two years. The agency admitted to denying certain requests.

Multiple investigations are currently underway, including an internal review, congressional probes, and an independent commission appointed by the Department of Homeland Security.

Just days after the incident, the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general launched an investigation into how the Secret Service planned and executed security measures for the rally.

An eyewitness to the assassination attempt described to the BBC how he saw “a guy crawling, bear-crawling, up the roof of the building beside us, 50 feet away from us. So we’re standing there, we’re pointing at the guy crawling up the roof.”

The gunman’s rifle was clearly visible. “The police are down there, running around on the ground. We’re like, ‘Hey man, there’s a guy on the roof with a rifle.’ And the police are like, ‘huh, what?’ Like they didn’t know what was going on. We’re like, ‘Hey, right here on the roof, we can see him from right here! We see him! He’s crawling!'”

A video posted on X captured the moment when bystanders spotted the gunman and tried for a significant period of time to warn the police before shots were fired.


WATCH: Al-Qadi Kisses His Mother’s Feet In Reunion After Rescue

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Kaid Farhan Al-Qadi, who was rescued from Gaza on Tuesday after 326 days in captivity, was released from the hospital on Wednesday and reunited with his 87-year-old mother. “I missed my mother very much, I was afraid I would never see her again,” he said after the emotional reunion. “Thank G-d, I came back and hugged her. We’re both alive. I’ll do anything for my mother, she is my strength in life.” Qadi’s relatives said, “Farhan is very attached to his mother. She is his life. He’s been by her side since he returned. They talk, smile, and hug. It is a meeting that was not expected, but in the end, it happened. It’s immense happiness for all of us.”   (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Master Halacha with Clarity: Join Chavra D’Hilchisa!

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Do you want to master the intricacies of Hilchos Shabbos or Basar B’Chalav in just one year? Now you can, with Chavra D’Hilchisa.

Chavra D’hilchisa provides you the opportunity to become proficient in Halacha with our professional, innovative, fast-paced, and interactive program featuring world class magidei shiur, first-rate course materials, with a Teudas Halachah or Keser Halacha Certificate upon completion.

Chavra D’hilchisa is perfect for the serious loimed who wants to attain mastery in Halacha through a clear, professional and comprehensive program.

Starting this September, the program will offer both in-person and Zoom classes, providing unparalleled access to top-tier Rabbanim and Magidei Shiur instruction regardless of your geographic location.

The program is under the guidance of Rabbi Daniel Glatstein, Rav and Morah D’asra of Kehilas Tiferes Mordechai in Cedarhurst, New York, Rabbi Glatstein is a prolific speaker and mechaber sefarim, with a global following. Rabbi Glatstein will be teaching HIlchos Issur V’Heter, beginning with Basar B’Chalav this Elul.

The HIlchos Shabbos Shiur will be taught by Rabbi Daniel Osher Kleinman, a renowned posek and the Rov of K’hal Nachlas Dovid in Brooklyn, NY. He is the mechaber of the nine-volume Kovetz Halachos featuring the piskei halacha of HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky Shlit”a.  

Participants will receive an elucidated Shulchan Aruch or Mishnah Berurah, and extensive course materials including charts, diagrams, clear and concise summaries and more. The program is designed to maximize the success of each lomeid.

So if you have always wanted to learn Halacha with clarity, this is your chance.

Enrollment for Chavra D’Hilchisa is now open, and interested individuals are encouraged to register early to secure their spot. 

Join us this September and embark on a journey to master Halacha with clarity and confidence through Chavra D’Hilchisa.

For more information and to sign up, please visit our website at https://www.chavradehilchisa.com or contact us at 347-459-7352

UN Chief Urges Israel to Stop Judea and Samaria Operation, Ambassador Danon Responds

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The United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, on Wednesday voiced criticism of Israel’s counterterrorism activities in Judea and Samaria, urging an immediate halt to the operations.

In a statement issued by his spokesperson, Stephane Dujarric, Guterres expressed “deep concern over the latest events in the occupied West Bank,” highlighting that Israel had initiated large-scale military actions in the Jenin, Tulkarm, and Tubas regions, which included airstrikes resulting in both casualties and damage to civilian property. He strongly condemned the resulting deaths, particularly those of children.

“The Secretary-General demands an immediate cessation of these operations,” the statement read, further urging Israel to adhere to its obligations under international humanitarian law, particularly regarding the protection of civilians. Guterres also called on security forces to practice maximum restraint, emphasizing that lethal force should only be used as a last resort to safeguard lives.

“All injured individuals must be granted access to medical treatment, and humanitarian workers should be allowed to assist everyone in need. These alarming developments are exacerbating an already volatile situation in the West Bank and further destabilizing the Palestinian Authority,” Dujarric added.

The statement concluded by stating, “Ultimately, only by ending the occupation and returning to a meaningful political process aimed at achieving a two-state solution can the cycle of violence be halted. The United Nations remains committed to working with all involved parties to seek a de-escalation of the current tensions and to promote stability in the region.”

Israel’s UN Ambassador, Danny Danon, responded firmly to Guterres’ remarks, stating, “Since October 7th, Iran has been actively working to smuggle advanced explosive devices into Judea and Samaria, which are intended for suicide bombings in Israeli urban centers.”

Danon continued, “The State of Israel will not passively wait for catastrophic scenes of exploding buses and cafes in its cities. The IDF’s operations in Judea and Samaria are aimed at thwarting Iranian-backed terrorism that threatens Israeli civilians.”

Guterres’ statements followed the launch of an Israeli counterterrorism mission targeting locations in Jenin, Tulkarm, and the Jordan Valley.

During the night, an IDF aircraft targeted and neutralized three armed terrorists in Jenin who posed an immediate danger to Israeli forces on the ground. The operation led to the arrest of several wanted terrorists, and the discovery and confiscation of weapons, including an M16 rifle, ammunition, and other military supplies. Additionally, undercover Border Police officers eliminated two more armed terrorists.

Palestinian Arab sources reported that at least 15 terrorists have been killed so far in this operation.

Guterres has consistently criticized Israel since the onset of the Gaza conflict. In late October, he remarked that Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7 “did not happen in a vacuum,” seemingly suggesting that Israel bore responsibility for the assault.

After receiving widespread criticism for his comments, Guterres insisted that his statements had been misunderstood and reaffirmed his condemnation of Hamas.

Later, he mentioned sexual violence committed by Hamas during the October 7 attack on Israel, while simultaneously referencing “reports of sexual violence against Palestinian detainees.”

Following this, Guterres appeared to draw a parallel between Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

In a social media post, Guterres stated, “Nothing can justify the 7 Oct terror attacks by Hamas,” but then added, “Nothing can justify the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.”

He also emphasized the need for “a humanitarian ceasefire, the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, and unrestricted humanitarian access across Gaza.”


REMEMBER ME? Biden Chills On Delaware Beach During Marathon Vacation — After Vowing To Finish Out Strong

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President Biden was spotted unwinding on a Delaware beach Wednesday, marking his second consecutive week away from the White House.

The 81-year-old president spent about two hours on the North Shores near Rehoboth Beach, Del., accompanied by First Lady Jill Biden and two of her sisters.

Dressed in vibrant swim trunks, a white T-shirt, and a black cap, Biden appeared at ease as he lounged on a beach chair, sifting through documents.

It’s been close to 10 days since the president last stepped foot in the Oval Office — even though he has asserted that he would continue to advance his policy agenda during the final months of his term.

On August 19, Biden departed the White House to attend the Democratic National Convention, where he delivered a stirring speech on the first night of the four-day event that formally nominated Vice President Kamala Harris as the party’s candidate.

Rather than staying in Chicago for the remainder of the convention, Biden chose to travel to Santa Ynez, Calif., where he stayed at the $37 million estate of Joe Kiani, CEO of medical technology firm Masimo.

Biden’s stay at the luxurious ranch of the billionaire donor concluded on Sunday when he traveled to Rehoboth Beach, where he owns a vacation home and is expected to remain until at least Friday, according to the White House schedule.

On Labor Day, Biden is slated to campaign alongside Harris in Pittsburgh, Pa., marking their first joint appearance since she was elevated to the nomination.

The Democratic National Convention was initially anticipated to serve as Biden’s triumphant moment, solidifying his role as the party’s nominee for the 2024 presidential race.

However, this plan was derailed after his stumbling debate performance against former President Donald Trump on June 27 led to growing dissent within the Democratic Party. This culminated in Biden’s shocking July 21 announcement that he would be withdrawing from the race.

Since that momentous decision, the president has maintained a low profile — and has seemingly spent nearly three-quarters of his time away from Washington, including periods at Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland.

Rumors have circulated that Biden is deliberately staying out of the spotlight due to frustration with fellow Democrats who turned against him, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

“A number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate thought that I was going to hurt them in the races. And I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic — you’d be interviewing me about why did Nancy Pelosi say [something] … and I thought it’d be a real distraction,” Biden said in an interview with “CBS News Sunday Morning” earlier this month.

While Pelosi didn’t join the dozens of Democrats who publicly called for Biden to step aside, her actions have raised some concerns.

This includes a guest appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” — rumored to be one of Biden’s favorite political shows — where Pelosi hinted that it was uncertain whether he would stay in the race, despite Biden telling Congress just two days earlier that he was “firmly committed.”

Behind closed doors, Pelosi reportedly questioned Biden and some of his aides about the viability of his candidacy.

“Sometimes you have to take a punch for the children,” Pelosi told CNN when asked about her role in Biden’s decision.

After leaving the convention, Biden told reporters, “No I haven’t spoken to her. No one made my decision but me. No one knew it was coming.”

Harris’ approval ratings have risen, and the contest between her and Trump has become much closer since Biden’s announcement.

The vice president, who still refers to herself as the “underdog,” was preparing Wednesday to kick off a bus tour in Savannah, Ga.

She is scheduled to sit down with CNN for her first major televised interview since becoming the nominee, which will air on Thursday.


SPOT ON: Rep. Torres to US Airlines: Suspension of Flights to Israel Has the Effect of a Boycott

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Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) voiced strong disapproval on Wednesday over the ongoing halt of flights to Israel by three leading US airlines, asserting that they are “effectively boycotting” the nation.

In correspondence addressed to the CEOs of American, Delta, and United Airlines, Torres criticized the “prolonged” suspension of their Israel routes, as reported by The Hill. He argued that this action has significantly reduced the accessibility and affordability of air travel to Israel.

Torres highlighted the impact of reduced airline competition, stating, “The lack of competition has made air travel to Israel less available and less affordable, putting customers at the mercy of a de facto monopoly that can easily gouge prices with impunity.” These remarks were directed at American Airlines CEO Robert Isom, Delta CEO Ed Bastian, and United CEO Scott Kirby.

He further pointed out that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has not enforced a travel ban to Israel following Hamas’ attacks on October 7, unlike the 36-hour ban imposed on US flights to Ben Gurion Airport in 2014.

Torres emphasized the difference between a temporary suspension for security reasons and the indefinite halt of flights. “It is one thing to temporarily suspend air travel to Israel on security grounds as defined by the FAA. But to unilaterally suspend air travel indefinitely until mid-2025, as American Airlines has done, has the practical effect of a boycott,” he stated.

American Airlines recently declared that its flights to Israel would remain suspended until late March 2025. A spokesperson for the airline mentioned that affected passengers could either reschedule at no additional cost or cancel for a refund.

Delta Air Lines also announced on the same day that it would prolong its suspension of flights to Tel Aviv until October 31.

These US airlines are part of a broader group that ceased operations to and from Israel in October 2023.

However, earlier this week, several airlines indicated their plans to resume flights to Israel, although none of them are US-based.

Wizz Air, Ethiopian Airlines, Etihad, Air France, and British Airways are among the carriers that have resumed flights.

Torres, known for his unwavering support for Israel, has continued to stand by the Jewish state during its conflict with Hamas.


LEV TAHOR: Guatemalean Police Probing Child Abuse Allegations Inside Cult’s Compound

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Guatemalan authorities are currently investigating serious allegations of child abuse within the Lev Tahor cult, a community already facing accusations of forced marriages. This past Friday, authorities attempted to check on the condition of children living on a farm owned by Lev Tahor in Oratorio, located southwest of Guatemala City. Despite having a court order, officials reported that access to the premises was restricted by members of the cult. “We’re very concerned about the situation within the community,” said Lucrecia Prera, a lawyer representing the state in matters concerning children and adolescents. “There are reports that there are (forced) marriages, that there are pregnant girls, that there is abuse within the community.” One of the most alarming allegations involves a teenager who was reportedly forced into marriage at the age of 13. According to Prera, the girl sought help earlier this year to return to her home country. Following a court hearing on Friday, Lev Tahor sect took to social media to accuse authorities of engaging in “a reprehensible campaign of persecution against our community, motivated solely by religious intolerance and discrimination.” The cult also accused Israel of playing a role in “instigating these actions.” Authorities estimate that around 100 minors are currently living within the community, which comprises roughly 50 families from Guatemala, the United States, Canada, and other countries. Despite a judge being granted access to the premises on Friday and observing 29 children, Prera noted that the investigation remains inconclusive. “We cannot be certain whether the allegations (of abuse) are true or false, since we have not been allowed to carry out our work properly,” Prera said. In response to accusations of persecution, Prera firmly denied that the investigation was politically or religiously motivated. “It’s very important that people know that it’s not political persecution, it’s not religious persecution. What we are seeking is to ensure the comprehensive protection of the rights of children and adolescents within the community,” she said. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


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