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Netanyahu: “Whoever Murders Our Hostages Does Not Want A Deal”

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Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu released a recorded message on Sunday morning following the announcement earlier in the morning that the IDF had rescued the bodies of six hostages who were recently murdered by Hamas. It should be noted that Netanyahu’s statements come after left-wing groups, who have conveniently forgotten that their protests encouraged Hamas to carry out their murderous plans,  piggybacked on the tragic news to attack the government, blaming it for the lack of a hostage deal rather than blaming Hamas. Left-wing groups, including the Hostages and Missing Families Forum which represents the families of some of the hostages, have called to “shut down” the country in protest of the government and are urging the Histadrut and local politicians to call a general strike on Monday. “This is a difficult day,” Netanyahu said. “The hearts of the entire nation are broken. Along with all the citizens of Israel, I was shocked to the depths of my soul by the terrible cold-blooded murder of six of our hostages: Carmel Gat, Eden Yerushalmi, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Alex Lubnov, Almog Sarusi, and Ori Danino, Zichronam L’Bracha. Hashem Yikom Damam.” “Together with the entire nation, my wife and I share in the deep grief of the families. We all mourn with them. I would like to express my deep appreciation for our forces,  the brave IDF soldiers and Shin Bet operatives who risk their lives for the return of our sons and daughters. “I say to the Hamas terrorists who murdered our hostages and their leaders – your blood is on your heads. We will not rest and we will not be silent. We will hunt you down and make you accountable. “We are fighting on all fronts against a cruel enemy who wants to murder us all. Just this morning the enemy murdered three police officers in Chevron. My wife and I send our heartfelt condolences to their families. “We saw the unimaginable cruelty of the Hamas murderers on October 7 and we saw it again in the tunnels under Rafah. The fact that Hamas continues to commit atrocities like those they committed on October 7 obliges us to do everything so that it cannot commit these atrocities again. “Citizens of Israel, our efforts to free our hostages continue all the time. Since December, Hamas has refused to carry out real negotiations. Three months ago, on May 27, Israel agreed to a hostage release deal with the full backing of the United States. Hamas refused. Even after the United States updated the outline of the deal on August 16 – we agreed, and Hamas again refused. “These days, while Israel is conducting intensive negotiations with the mediators in a supreme effort to reach a deal, Hamas continues to adamantly refuse every proposal. Worse than that, at that very moment they murdered six of our hostages. Whoever murders hostages – does not want a deal. “From our side, we are not relenting. The Israeli government is committed, and I am personally committed, to continue striving for a deal that will return all our hostages and guarantee our security and existence.” Following the release of Netanyahu’s statements, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum called on Netanyahu to “stop blaming everyone and take responsibility for your failures.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

CATSKILLS: Massive Fire Engulfs Kossoner Shul in Woodbourne, Sifrei Torah Safely Rescued [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

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Woodbourne, Catskills: – Firefighters battled a large fire at the Kossener Shul on Riverside Drive in Woodbourne early Sunday morning, CATSKILL SCOOP REPORTED. The blaze caused a collapse of the building which was caught on dramatic video footage below, but Bichasdei Hashem, no injuries have been reported. Quick-thinking individuals managed to safely remove the Sifrei Torah from the shul before the situation worsened. The fire broke out as the summer season came to a close, with the camp already empty, minimizing the potential for casualties. It was unknown what sparked the blaze. THIS STORY WAS FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE CATSKILL SCOOP STATUS – SIGN UP NOW TO NEVER MISS A STORY IN LIVE TIME 24 HOURS A DAY! CLICK HERE SIGN UP TO THE CATSKILL SCOOP WHATSAPP STATUS TO BE INFORMED OF CATSKILL NEWS IN LIVE TIME (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

TERROR: 3 Killed In Shooting Attack Near Chevron

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TERROR: Three Israelis were killed in a drive-by terror shooting on Sunday morning near the Tarqumiya checkpoint, located around 7.5 miles northwest of Chevron in Judea.

Magen David Adom paramedics treated a man and a woman in their 30s at the scene before declaring them both dead. Another man in his 50s was evacuated to the hospital, where he was later pronounced dead as well.

The Israel Defense Forces opened a manhunt for the Palestinian terrorists, who opened fire from their car at passing vehicles on Route 35.

“Many forces launched a pursuit of the terrorists,” the IDF said.

The road was closed to traffic and security forces were preparing to search the Palestinian village of Idna.

Yaron Rosenthal, Head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council, expressed his concern over the incident, saying, “Unfortunately, this morning we witnessed a serious attack on a bus in the area of Tarkumiya, which joins the car bombs on Shabbat and the explosive device that was detonated last week in the east of Gush Etzion. We must preemptively go out to a purge operation of the terrorist nests in the Hebron district and the surrounding area. Terror must not be allowed to raise its head. I send my best wishes for a speedy recovery to the wounded and encourage the IDF soldiers who are fighting valiantly against terror.”

On Shabbos, an Israel Defense Forces soldier was killed and three others were wounded during clashes with Hamas terrorists in Jenin in northern Samaria.

The slain man was named as Staff Sgt. Elkana Navon, 20, of the Bislamach Brigade’s 906th Training Battalion, from Petach Tikvah.

Also on Shabbos, the Hamas terrorist group hailed the previous day’s “double heroic operation” after car bombers wounded three Israelis in the Gush Etzion region of Judea.

{Matzav.com Israel}

TRAGIC: IDF Spokesperson Says The Six Hostages ‘Brutally Murdered’ Shortly Before Troops Arrived

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In an overnight operation, the IDF uncovered the bodies of six Israeli hostages inside a Hamas tunnel in Rafah, located in the southern Gaza Strip. The military indicated that the hostages were killed by their captors shortly before being discovered by Israeli troops.

The victims were identified as Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Ori Danino, 25, Alex Lubnov, 32, Carmel Gat, 40, and Almog Sarusi, 25.

According to military sources, Hamas executed the six hostages not long before the troops reached them, possibly within a day or two prior. While the IDF lacked precise intelligence on the exact location of the hostages, they had general indications of the area where they might be held. As a result, the military exercised extreme caution while operating in that region.

The search began in a tunnel network yesterday, culminating in the tragic discovery of the deceased hostages in the afternoon. Their bodies were then transported out of Gaza overnight and brought to Israel for official identification.

The IDF confirmed that no direct engagements occurred with Hamas terrorists inside the tunnel. The individuals guarding the hostages, who are believed to have carried out the killings, fled the scene before the troops arrived.

This particular tunnel, where the six hostages were found, is situated about a kilometer from the location where IDF soldiers rescued hostage Farhan al-Qadi earlier this week.

Goldberg-Polin, Yerushalmi, Danino, Lubnov, and Sarusi were abducted by Hamas terrorists from the Nova music festival near Kibbutz Re’im on October 7, while Gat was taken from Kibbutz Be’eri.

IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari confirmed the brutal killing of the hostages by Hamas just before the IDF’s arrival. “According to an initial assessment… they were brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists a short while before we reached them. They were abducted alive on the morning of October 7 by the Hamas terror group. Their bodies were found during the fighting in Rafah, in a tunnel, about a kilometer away from the tunnel from which we rescued Farhan al-Qadi a few days ago,” Hagari stated during a press conference.

Hagari also emphasized the heightened caution exercised by the troops following the rescue of Farhan al-Qadi, driven by the suspicion that other hostages might still be in the vicinity. “Since Farhan was found, troops were given an emphasis on operating carefully even more than usual, because of the understanding that additional hostages may be in the area. We did not have information on the exact location of the hostages,” he said.

He further noted that Israeli forces engaged Hamas operatives on the surface near the tunnel during the operation.

{Matzav.com Israel}

TERROR IN ISRAEL: 3 Injured, 2 Critically, In Shooting Attack Near Chevron

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There are initial reports of a shooting attack at a bus at the Tarqumiyah Junction near Chevron. Three people were critically and seriously injured after they came under heavy fire from terrorists in a passing car. MDA paramedics treated a man and a woman, both in their 30s, who were critically injured, and a man of about 50 who was seriously injured. The terrorists fled the scene. A large number of Israeli security forces have arrived at the area and launched a manhunt after the terrorists, including setting up roadblocks in the area. This is a developing story. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Body of Hostage Hersh Goldberg Polin HY’D Identified

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“With broken hearts, the Goldberg-Polin family is devastated to announce the death of their beloved son and brother, Hersh. The family thanks you all for your love and support and asks for privacy at this time.” The crushing announcement from the family of American-Israeli hostage Hersh Goldberg Polin.

BROKEN HEARTS: Family of Hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin Announces His Death

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The family of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, a young man who had been held hostage, announced on Sunday morning that he has passed away.

Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an Israeli-American who was abducted on October 7, has been confirmed dead, according to his parents. “With broken hearts, the Goldberg-Polin family is devastated to announce the death of their beloved son and brother, Hersh. The family thanks you all for your love and support and asks for privacy at this time,” the family shared in a Facebook post.

It remains unclear if this tragic news is linked to the Israel Defense Forces’ statement on Saturday night, in which they reported efforts to identify bodies found in Gaza that were believed to be those of hostages who had been killed.

There has been no immediate response from the IDF regarding this development.

Originally from California, Goldberg-Polin was captured while attempting to flee terrorists who were attacking the Nova music festival. During the assault, he lost his hand in a grenade explosion. He was later seen in a video being taken into Gaza alive and appeared in a Hamas propaganda video in April.

Subsequently, the families of two other hostages, Eden Yerushalmi and Ori Danino, also announced that their loved ones had died while being held by Hamas.

{Matzav.com Israel}

HY”D: 3 Young Hostages Confirmed Murdered By Hamas After Bodies Found By IDF In Gaza Tunnel

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The families of three hostages who were abducted by Hamas have confirmed that their loved ones were murdered in captivity, hours after the IDF said it had located bodies in Gaza. 23-year-old Hersh Goldberg-Polin hy”d was the first to be identified among the bodies. He was seized by terrorists at the Nova music festival in southern Israel on Oct. 7. He lost part of an arm in the attack. Goldberg-Polin’s parents became perhaps the most high-profile relatives of hostages on the international stage. They met with President Joe Biden and others and addressed the United Nations. On Aug. 21, they addressed a hushed hall at the Democratic National Convention, where the crowd chanted: “Bring them home.” A Hamas-issued video in April showing Goldberg-Polin clearly speaking under duress sparked new protests in Israel urging the government to do more to secure his and others’ freedom. The family of Ori Danino confirmed a short time later that he, too, was killed in captivity by Hamas terrorists. The family of a third hostage, Eden Yerushalmi hy”d, also confirmed that she had been killed and her body discovered by IDF troops earlier today in a Gaza terror tunnel. The bodies of three other hostages were found as well, but we are waiting for official confirmation to publish their names. “I am devastated and outraged,” President Joe Biden said about the horrific discovery.  It is as tragic as it is reprehensible. Make no mistake, Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes. And we will keep working around the clock for a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages.” The finding of the deceased hostages is certain to put pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to reach a deal to bring home remaining hostages. The Israeli leader has said military pressure is needed to win their release as cease-fire efforts falter. Before Israel’s announcement, Israel said it believed 108 hostages were still held in Gaza and about one-third of them were dead. (YWN/AP)

Youngkin Signs Legislation Criminalizing Ethnic Discrimination, including Jew-Hatred, into Law

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Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, a Republican, signed identical state House and Senate bills on Wednesday that extend the state’s protections against hate crimes to discrimination based on ethnicity, including antisemitism.

“Today, we come together as Virginians to sign legislation that builds the framework to take action because hatred, intolerance and antisemitism have no place in the commonwealth,” he stated. “We remain steadfast in our commitment to prioritize the safety and security of all Virginians as our commonwealth continues to be a beacon of freedom and opportunity.”

Jason Miyares, the state’s attorney general, stated that the “unanimous passage of these bills reflects the shared commitment across party lines of upholding the principles of equality and justice in Virginia.”

State House Delegate Dan Helmer said “as the grandson of Holocaust survivors and a Jewish parent whose kids have confronted antisemitism, I know how important it is that all Virginians are safe regardless of their ethnicity.”

Bryce Reeves, a state senator, said Youngkin signed the “much-needed protections” into law “as Israel stands on the verge of a two-front war.”

“I have personally witnessed the atrocities imposed upon the Jewish people based on antisemitic beliefs. We have a moral obligation to stamp it out in the Commonwealth of Virginia and these United States,” Reeves stated.

“I have and will continue to stand with Israel, and I’m proud to have been the chief patron of this important legislation and thank my Democrat colleagues for their co-patrons and bipartisan support,” he added.


Harris and Trump Offer Starkly Different Visions on Climate Change and Energy

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As the Earth sizzled through a summer with four of the hottest days ever measured, Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump have starkly different visions on how to address a changing climate while ensuring a reliable energy supply. But neither has provided many details on how they would get there. During her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, Harris briefly mentioned climate change as she outlined “fundamental freedoms” at stake in the election, including “the freedom to breathe clean air and drink clean water and live free from the pollution that fuels the climate crisis.” As vice president, Harris cast the tiebreaking vote on the Inflation Reduction Act, President Joe Biden’s landmark climate law that was approved with only Democratic support. As a senator from California, she was an early sponsor of the Green New Deal, a sweeping series of proposals meant to swiftly move the United States to fully green energy that is championed by the party’s most progressive wing. Trump, meanwhile, led chants of “drill, baby, drill” and pledged to dismantle the Biden administration’s “green new scam” in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. He has vowed to boost production of fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal and repeal key parts of the 2022 climate law. “We have more liquid gold under our feet than any other country by far,” Trump said at the convention. “We are a nation that has the opportunity to make an absolute fortune with its energy.” ‘Climate champion’ or unfair regulations? Environmental groups, which largely back Harris, call her a “proven climate champion” who will take on Big Oil and build on Biden’s climate legacy, including policies that boost electric vehicles and limit planet-warming pollution from coal-fired power plants. “We won’t go back to a climate denier in the Oval Office,” said Lena Moffitt, executive director of Evergreen Action. Republicans counter that Biden and Harris have spent four years adopting “punishing regulations” that target American energy while lavishing generous tax credits for electric vehicles and other green priorities that cost taxpayers billions of dollars. “This onslaught of overreaching and outrageous climate rules will shut down power plants and increase energy costs for families across the country,” said Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo. “Republicans will work to stop them and fight for solutions that protect our air and water and allow our economy to grow.” Democrats have a clear edge on the issue. More than half of U.S. adults say they trust Harris “a lot” or “some” when it comes to addressing climate change, according to an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll conducted in July. About 7 in 10 say they have “not much” trust in Trump or “none at all” when it comes to climate. Fewer than half say they lack trust in Harris. A look at where the two candidates stand on key climate and energy issues: Fracking and offshore drilling Harris said during her short-lived 2020 presidential campaign that she opposed offshore drilling for oil and hydraulic fracturing, an oil and gas extraction process better known as fracking. But her campaign has clarified that she no longer supports a ban on fracking, a common drilling practice crucial to the economy in Pennsylvania, a key swing state and the nation’s second-largest […]

Have You Always Wanted to Get Smicha? This Is The Program For You

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Looking for a structured program that will give you the tools and resources you need to get Smicha? Hilchos Shabbos? Dayanus? Chuppah v’Kiddushin? Join Machon Smicha, the premier halachah institute serving the English-speaking Torah community. Machon Smicha is a unique, online, halacha-learning program that makes learning, getting tested and receiving smicha possible. We offer rigorous and structured learning programs in halachah across a broad spectrum of topics, which enables learners to grow and succeed in their Torah learning, from the novice to the scholar. Be empowered to learn Shulchan Aruch like never before, from the Mishnah and Gemara all the way to contemporary Poskim and Minhagim. Our programs include:  Smicha: Achieve your dream of finally receiving smicha in a program that will empower you to succeed, Shabbos: Learn and master Hilchos Shabbos, from the original sources down to their practical application Chuppah v’Kiddushin: Become proficient in the halachos of weddings and marriage, and become equipped to be a mesader kiddushin. Dayanus: Dive deep into the halachos of beis din, halachic litigation, business, and interpersonal responsibility. Machon Smicha offers each student a complete curriculum, consisting of: Online portal with access to all the program content. Flexible schedule. Shiurim. English Study Guide, containing introductions, overviews, translations, and in-depth summaries of every halachah. Access to forums and teachers for questions, discussions, etc. Rabbi and teachers available to answer questions and aid in the learning. Quizzes, review material, and mock tests. Tests with prominent rabbis. Signed certificate for those who successfully complete the program. Machon Smicha’s next semester begins on September 4th ( Rosh Chodesh Elul)To learn more, or to apply, visit onlinemachon.com.

Pollster Silver: Trump Favored in Electoral College

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Former President Donald Trump currently holds a 5.1 percentage point lead over Vice President Kamala Harris in Electoral College projections, according to election forecast data from pollster Nate Silver.

While Harris has a 3.8-point advantage over Trump in the popular vote, as tracked by the updated Silver Bulletin, her likelihood of winning the Electoral College has dropped to 47.3%, compared to Trump’s 52.4%. Silver attributed this to a “convention bounce adjustment” that the model applies to polls conducted during or after the Democratic National Convention.

“It assumes Harris’s polls are somewhat inflated right now, in other words — just as it assumed Trump’s numbers were inflated after the [Republican National Convention],” Silver explained on Thursday.

However, Trump’s position is not entirely secure. “The good news for Harris is that if she merely holds her current numbers for a couple more weeks, she’ll begin to track up again in our forecast as the model will become more confident that she’s out of the convention bounce period,” Silver added.

Since President Joe Biden exited the race in late July, Harris has gained momentum against Trump in both national polls and in crucial swing states. Following her official acceptance of the Democratic nomination last week, Harris has focused her campaign efforts on key battleground states, such as Georgia, where Biden had been losing support before ending his campaign.


Mississippi Bus Crash Kills 7 People and Injures 37

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Seven people were killed and dozens were injured in Mississippi after a commercial bus overturned on Interstate 20 on Saturday morning, according to the Mississippi Highway Patrol. Six passengers were pronounced dead at the scene and another died at a hospital, according to a news release. The bus was traveling west when it left the highway near Bovina in Warren County and flipped over. No other vehicle was involved. The crash was caused by tire failure, the National Transportation Safety Board said on the social media platform X. The bus was operated by Autobuses Regiomontanos. A woman who answered the phone at its Laredo, Texas, office said it was aware of the crash, but she didn’t answer questions or provide her name. The transit company says it has 20 years of experience providing cross-border trips between 100 destinations in Mexico and the U.S. Its website promotes “a modern fleet of buses that receive daily maintenance,” and offers “trips with a special price for workers.” The dead included a 6-year-old boy and his 16-year-old sister, according to Warren County Coroner Doug Huskey. They were identified by their mother. Authorities were working to identify the other victims, he said. Thirty-seven passengers were taken to hospitals in Vicksburg and Jackson. The department is continuing its investigation and hasn’t released the names of the deceased. No other information was immediately provided. (AP)

Matzav Inbox: To My Friends and Neighbors, Welcome Home!

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Dear Matzav Inbox, 

To all my friends and neighbors who had the opportunity to escape to the mountains or wherever you were lucky enough to vacation:

Welcome back home! Though you would have loved to stay, I’m happy to see you all return with glowing tans and sun-kissed faces. I’m truly glad you didn’t have to endure the heat and grind of the city.

As for me, although I dreamed of the country air and a cool, refreshing swim in a clear blue lake, I was among those who stayed behind, keeping watch over the city. Surprisingly, the city was peaceful—the traffic was lighter, the stores were less crowded, and life had a certain ease to it that I could get used to.

Summer moved along, and it was good, doing what the Borei Olam had in mind for me to accomplish. I’m sure all of you who had the chance to relax while sipping your lattes in the sun were doing yours: saying more Tehillim for Klal Yisroel, maybe even dabbling in shidduchim, performing countless acts of chesed, and perhaps engaging in some self-introspection—things we don’t always get to do in the hectic city life.

If this is true, then I did mine and you did yours. Together, we fulfilled the will of the One Above.

Welcome home again!

P.S. No need to feel bad for me—I got to take care of and really enjoy my family, and I even had a bit of fun in the sun and water, too! I even got to ride a [missing word here].

A lover of Klal Yisroel

To submit a letter to appear on Matzav.com, email MatzavInbox@gmail.com

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Brazilian Judge Orders Suspension of X in Dispute With Elon Musk

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RIO DE JANEIRO – A Brazilian Supreme Court justice on Friday ordered the suspension of X in Latin America’s largest country, a dramatic escalation in a months-long dispute with platform owner Elon Musk over the limits of free speech in an era gripped by polarization and disinformation.

The order by Justice Alexandre de Moraes, which did not immediately take the site down, could affect more than 20 million X users in Brazil and deprive the platform of one of its largest and most active markets. The closely watched dispute has made Brazil – X’s fourth-largest market – a key venue in the global debate between free speech and disinformation, and has become central to Musk’s mission of making X a “free speech public square.”

It was the second time this week that a foreign government has clamped down on a social media platform. On Monday, French authorities said they had arrested Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov in an investigation of illegal child abuse activity on the messaging app. Musk, among others, condemned Durov’s arrest as an attack on free speech; the future, he suggested, could include “being executed for liking a meme.”

The ruling on his own platform came after he declined to comply with a request by Moraes to reestablish a physical presence in Brazil. Moraes, one of the world’s most aggressive prosecutors of disinformation, says X needs a representative in this country of 215 million people to respond to government requests to suspend accounts found to be spreading fake news.

Musk refused, saying anyone he appointed would be exposed to the possibility of arrest. Moraes responded by freezing the bank accounts of Starlink, a satellite company owned by Musk and active in Brazil, and giving him 24 hours to name a representative in Brazil. Musk has said that entities from schools and hospitals to Brazil’s military depend on Starlink for internet service in the country – and he would seek to keep the service operational despite the freeze on its bank account.

“SpaceX will provide Internet service to users in Brazil for free until this matter is resolved, as we cannot receive payment, but don’t want to cut anyone off,” he said Thursday.

Starlink, which has more than a quarter-million customers in Brazil, and its owner SpaceX did not respond to a request for comment.

The 24-hour deadline expired Thursday evening as Musk assailed the judge on X, calling him “an evil dictator cosplaying as a judge” who is “absolutely trying to destroy democracy in Brazil.” After Friday’s ruling, Musk said, “free speech is the bedrock of democracy and an unelected pseudo-judge in Brazil is destroying it for political purposes.

X said Thursday that it viewed Moraes’s orders to suspend accounts as “illegal” and it would publish them “in the coming days.”

“Unlike other social media and technology platforms, we will not comply in secret with illegal orders,” the company said in a statement.

In a post on X Friday, X CEO Linda Yaccarino said: “This is a sad day for X users around the world, especially those in Brazil, who are being denied access to our platform.”

Moraes, who is seen by supporters as defending Brazilian democracy, has demanded the removal of accounts that he has accused of undermining Brazil’s institutions. Disinformation about Brazil’s 2022 election helped fuel riots in Brasília by supporters of defeated President Jair Bolsonaro.

Musk has accused Moraes of censorship. The debate divides not only international observers, but many in Brazil, too, where tens of millions of people use social media to discuss news and politics.

Moraes has led probes into alleged fake news and anti-democratic disinformation online. He has ordered social media companies, including X, to remove scores of accounts and issued arrest warrants against dozens of individuals. In orders to X earlier this year, he wrote that “social media networks are not a lawless land” and accused Musk of waging a “disinformation campaign” against the court.

X said this month it was shuttering its operations here after Moraes allegedly threatened to arrest the company’s legal representative for refusing to shut down certain accounts. In a post on X, the company accused the judge of “censorship” and posted what the company said were his orders to “expose his actions.”

“Despite our numerous appeals to the Supreme Court not being heard, the Brazilian public not being informed about these orders and our Brazilian staff having no responsibility or control over whether content is blocked on our platform, Moraes has chosen to threaten our staff in Brazil rather than respect the law or due process,” X said. “As a result, to protect the safety of our staff, we have made the decision to close our operation in Brazil, effective immediately.”

The service has remained active. In Moraes’s order Friday, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Post, he directs Brazil’s telecommunications agency and internet providers to block users here from accessing X and gives Apple and Google five days to prevent downloads of its app.

Google declined to comment. Apple did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Moraes said anyone caught using a virtual private network to access the site could be fined nearly $9,000 a day.

Proton, a Swiss company behind a VPN that people use to circumvent government internet restrictions around the world, said the number of sign-ups in Brazil surged 1,200 percent Thursday compared with a typical day. Bluesky, an alternative to X, said in a post Friday it was setting all-time highs for activity on its platform.

The fight in Brazil has been central to Musk’s mission of making X “the free speech public square” in which users may say whatever they want without fear of being censored or banned. Since he took over the platform in October 2022, he has significantly weakened its content-moderation apparatus. He fired much of Twitter’s trust and safety team, loosened the site’s rules against hate speech, reinstated suspended accounts and lifted a ban on campaign advertising.

Musk has increasingly used his platform to promote his own right-leaning politics and, in the United States, the reelection of former president Donald Trump. Twitter banned Trump’s account, a venue for conspiracy theories, misinformation and lies, after his supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Musk, who renamed the platform X, restored the account about a month after he purchased it.

Musk endorsed Trump last month. He also live-streamed a two-hour conversation with Trump in which he was allowed to deliver false or misleading statements largely unchecked.

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) sent a letter this month urging House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) to investigate claims of bias on the platform after users reported difficulty following a campaign account of Vice President Kamala Harris. Accounts supporting Harris have been labeled as spam or restricted.

“Egregious falsehoods and conspiracy theories are becoming commonplace on X,” Nadler wrote. “While we may have significant disagreement over the degree and extent of content moderation, I hope that we can at least agree that enforcement on a major platform like X should be fair to both sides.”

(c) 2024, The Washington Post · Terrence McCoy, Trisha Thadani, Marina Dias 

Pandemic of Hate: New York City Sees Alarming Rise in Antisemitic and Anti-Muslim Attacks

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New York City is grappling with a disturbing surge in hate crimes, with attacks against Jews and Muslims skyrocketing this year. According to NYPD data, antisemitic incidents have increased by 74% (240 from 138) and anti-Muslim attacks have ballooned by 357% (32 from 7) through August 25. Overall, hate crimes across the city have surged by 29% (427 from 332), with Manhattan leading the charge (174 incidents), followed by Brooklyn (157), Queens (64), and the Bronx and Staten Island (both 16). Notably, Queens saw a 36% drop in hate crimes, despite three swastikas being found in Woodhaven on August 14. The NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force has made 177 arrests, a 23% increase from last year. However, some perpetrators remain at large, including the individual who attacked 70-year-old Allan Ripp in Central Park, calling him a “[expletive] Jew pig” and threatening to kill him. The NYPD has vowed to take hate crimes seriously, saying, “Crimes that are motivated by hate are vigorously investigated by the NYPD Hate Crime Task Force.” Despite the challenges, victims like Allan Ripp remain optimistic, saying, “There’s still too much basic humanity and there are plenty of good New Yorkers.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


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