Yeshiva World News

Is The Champagne Nestled In A 19th-Century Shipwreck Still Fit For A Toast?

Is the 19th century Champagne on the bottom of the Baltic Sea still fit for a toast? A team of Polish divers has discovered the wreckage of an old sailing ship loaded “to the brim” with luxury goods including porcelain items and about 100 bottles of Champagne and mineral water about 58 meters (190 feet) deep off the Swedish coast. They believe the precious goods could have been on the way to the royal table in Stockholm or the Russian tsar’s residence in St. Petersburg when the ship sank sometime in the second half of the 19th century, according to the leader of the team, Tomasz Stachura. The private Baltictech group of divers which searches for shipwrecks on the Baltic seabed made the discovery on July 11 while checking spots of interest about 37 kilometers (20 nautical miles) south of the isle of Öland. They were ready to call it a day, but two divers, Marek Cacaj and Pawel Truszynski, decided to make a quick dive and emerged two hours later with the news of the wreckage and its valuable cargo. “I have been diving for 40 years, and it often happens that we find a bottle or two in a wreck, but to discover so much cargo, it’s a first for me,” Stachura told The Associated Press this week. The brand of mineral water, Selters, believed at the time to have medical properties, was imprinted on the stoneware bottles. The Champagne brand is still to be determined., but the letter R could be seen on one cork, Stachura said. He said he believes the contents are still in good condition. “At this depth the wreckage is perfectly preserved, the temperature is constant, there are no currents and it’s dark,” Stachura said. “That preserves the wreckage in a wonderful way.” He said Champagne and Selters experts have already contacted Baltictech and are interested in doing laboratory tests on the contents of the bottles. But it is Swedish authorities who will decide the next steps in exploring the wreck, Stachura said. Divers from Baltictech previously discovered the wreck of the SS Karlsruhe, the last ship to leave Koenigsberg in 1945 as part of the evacuation of German civilians in World War II. (AP)

H’YD: IDF Reservist Killed In Battle In Southern Gaza

The IDF on Friday announced the death of a reserve soldier who was killed in combat on Thursday in Rafah in southern Gaza. The soldier was identified as Cpl. (res.) Moti Rave, H’yd, 37, from the yishuv of Shani. He served as a combat engineer in the 84th Battalion of the Givati Brigade. An initial investigation showed that Rave, z’l, was killed by an anti-tank missile that hit the D9 bulldozer he was driving. Rave, z’l, left behind a wife and two daughters, aged two and four. His death increases the death toll of soldiers killed in Gaza to 330 and the number of soldiers killed since October 7 to 688. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

ALL TO WASTE? IDF Begins Cracking Down On Soldiers Using Donated Gear Despite Reported Shortages

The IDF has announced plans to implement stricter measures to prevent unapproved donations from reaching soldiers, citing concerns over transparency, control, and safety. According to Major Tamir Yadai, commander of the Ground Forces, “The findings are very alarming and disturbing. There is no transparency, there is no control, no record of what exists and what does not. Some things are being done that border on criminal or endanger the forces.” Despite repeated assurances from the IDF that there is sufficient equipment for all soldiers, frontline troops continue to report shortages and dangers posed by outdated and damaged gear. Israeli journalist Yinon Magal shared a photo of a soldier saying, “Everything I am wearing, head to toe, was donated, with the exception of my rifle.” Still, the IDF has begun issuing warnings to soldiers and units, threatening disciplinary measures, including court-martial, for accepting donated equipment. “The use of non-standard equipment, which has been assimilated into units outside the standard channels for assimilating equipment – may create a significant risk of ineffectiveness and/or safety hazard… Donated equipment that does not meet the IDF standard will be prohibited from use,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Office said. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

WATCH: Trump Rips Harris As An Antisemite: “She’s Totally Against The Jewish People”

Speaking to a crowd on Wednesday in Charlotte, North Carolina, Donald Trump spoke out against Jewish Americans who vote for the Democratic Party and blasted Vice President Kamala Harris for skipping Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress. “Now what she’s doing is she’s running away from Israel. Bibi Netanyahu is in Washington, and she refuses to be there,” Trump said. “Even if you’re against Israel, or you’re against Jewish people, show up and listen to the concept.” “But she’s totally against the Jewish people, and it amazes me how Jewish people will vote for the Democrats when they’re being treated so disrespectfully and badly. It amazes me. It’s shocking,” Trump added. This isn’t the first time that Trump has ripped into Jews who vote for Democrats. In April, he asserted that any Jewish person who votes for Joe Biden “does not love Israel” and “should be spoken to.” He made similar comments in March, as well. “The Democrat Party hates Israel…they also see a lot of votes,” he said on Sebastian Gorka’s radio show. “Don’t forget, when you see those Palestinian marches, even I am amazed at how many people are in those marches. And guys like Schumer see that and to him it’s votes. I think it’s votes more than anything else because he was always pro-Israel. He’s very anti-Israel now.” “Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion. They hate everything about Israel and they should be ashamed of themselves,” Trump declared. And last September, in a Rosh Hashana greeting, Trump slammed liberal Jews. “Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America & Israel because you believed in false narratives! “Let’s hope you learned from your mistake & make better choices moving forward! Happy New Year!” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

VP Harris Meets PM Netanyahu At White House Following Biden

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met separately at the White House Thursday with President Joe Biden and likely Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris to discuss the war in Gaza and the possibility of securing a cease-fire deal. Netanyahu’s first White House visit since 2020 comes a day after he gave a fiery speech to Congress and at a time of growing pressure in Israel and the U.S. to find an endgame to the nine-month war in Gaza. Dozens of Israeli hostages are still languishing in Hamas captivity. Harris said in remarks after what she called a “frank and constructive meeting” with the Israeli leader that she supports Israel’s right to defend itself, but said, “how it does so matters.” She expressed concern over the “devastating” humanitarian situation in Gaza and images of civilians killed in the conflict, saying, “We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies.” She echoed Biden in calling for a swift cease-fire to end the fighting, at least for a time, to boost humanitarian aid to Gaza and release some of the most vulnerable hostages from Hamas captivity. White House officials say the negotiations are in the closing stages, but there are issues that need to be resolved. “The gaps are closable,” White House national security spokesman John Kirby said. He added, “But it’s going to require, as it always does, some leadership, some compromise.” Harris met with Netanyahu in her ceremonial office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. She is also expected to press him on securing a deal to release the hostages kidnapped during Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel that launched the war. “We have a lot to talk about,” Harris said as she welcomed the Israeli leader. “We do indeed,” he replied. Thousands protested Netanyahu’s visit in Washington, and Harris condemned those who were violent or used rhetoric that praised Hamas. Netanyahu, last at the White House when former President Donald Trump was in office, is headed to Florida on Friday to meet with the Republican presidential nominee. (AP)

Multiple Crew Failures And Wind Shear Led To January Crash Of B-1 Bomber, Air Force Says

A fiery January crash of a B-1 bomber in South Dakota was caused by multiple crew failures, terrible winter weather and a last-minute brush with wind shear that resulted in all four members ejecting and the total loss of the $450 million warplane, Air Force Global Strike Command said Thursday. The command’s report was unusually blunt in describing what the investigation uncovered about the crews involved in the evening crash at Ellsworth Air Force Base. The investigators said the crash exposed an “organizational culture that tolerated decaying airmanship skills, a lack of discipline, poor communication, and inadequate focus on regulations.” The report is what is used to inform Air Force decisions on disciplinary action, so it is not yet clear whether any of the crew or their leaders will be disciplined as a result of the crash. The B-1 is one of three long-range U.S. bombers. The supersonic aircraft carries conventional weapons and is capable of taking off from the U.S. to strike targets overseas in a single mission. The aging warplane is being maintained by the Air Force until the new B-21 Raider stealth bomber comes online. On the night of the accident, the B-1 was the second of two bombers on a training flight that were about to land in quickly deteriorating winter weather. While both bombers came in too low for the weather they were facing, the first was able to correct its speed and altitude to land in visibility so poor the control tower could see neither the bomber nor its taxi lights once it landed. The second bomber also came in too low, but inside the cockpit, the crew was not doing what was required — relaying specific communications to one another and taking responsibility to monitor and cross-check the aircraft’s instrument readings to ensure they maintained the needed speed, altitude and descent. In the final 55 seconds of flight, the bomber encountered wind shear, and the pilot’s reactions resulted in the aircraft losing too much power. But neither the pilot nor a supervisory instructor pilot caught that in time, because they were looking outside the aircraft instead of monitoring their instruments, and the required communications that might have caught the error did not occur. Another crew member responsible for assisting with cross-checking testified they were reading a post-landing checklist instead of backstopping the instruments, the investigators found. The flight became unrecoverable. As the B-1 hit the ground short of the runway all four crew members successfully ejected. Almost every part of the flight exposed problems, even the ejection, the investigation found. While the scathing report has suggested there may be larger issues at Ellsworth to address, it also has raised questions on whether continued strain on personnel, resources and aircraft availability — an issue that military aviation overall is facing — played a role. Primarily, communication and supervision had eroded not only inside the crashed bomber, but also within its squadron and even from the control tower. A pre-flight squadron brief did not include a key advisory that required the crews to approach at a higher altitude, given the lost visibility, and investigators found that none of the eight aviators aboard the two bombers knew the Air Force’s instructions for the cold weather they were flying in. There was a “willful disregard” for the […]

Newsom Issues Executive Order For Removal Of Homeless Encampments In California

California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an executive order Thursday to direct state agencies on how to remove homeless encampments, a month after a Supreme Court ruling allowing cities to enforce bans on sleeping outside in public spaces. Newsom’s order is aimed at the thousands of tents and makeshift shelters across the state that line freeways, clutter shopping center parking lots and fill city parks. The order makes clear that the decision to remove the encampments remains in local hands. The order comes after a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this summer allowing cities to enforce bans on sleeping outside in public spaces. The case was the most significant on the issue to come before the high court in decades and comes as cities across the country have wrestled with the politically complicated issue of how to deal with a rising number of people without a permanent place to live and public frustration over related health and safety issues. “There are simply no more excuses. It’s time for everyone to do their part,” Newsom said in a statement. While Newsom cannot order local authorities to act, his administration can apply pressure by withholding money for counties and cities. California is home to roughly one-third of the nation’s population of homeless people, a problem that has dogged Newsom since he took office. Newsom touted that his administration has spent roughly $24 billion aimed at cleaning up streets and housing people but acknowledged the stubbornness of the issue. Newsom’s administration has also come under fire recently after a state audit found that the state didn’t consistently track whether the huge outlay of public money actually improved the situation. Newsom has worked hard to address the issue. He threw all of his political weight behind a ballot measure earlier this year to allow the state to borrow nearly $6.4 billion to build 4,350 housing units, which passed with a razor-thin margin. The order comes as Republicans have stepped up their criticisms of California and its homelessness crisis as Vice President Kamala Harris — a former California district attorney, attorney general and senator — launches her presidential campaign. Harris entered the race over the weekend after President Joe Biden’s announced that he would not seek reelection. Newsom himself has presidential ambitions. Under Newsom’s direction, state agencies — including state parks and department of transportation — would be required to prioritize clearing encampments that pose safety risks, such as those camping along waterways. Officials should give advance notice to vacate, connect homeless people to local services and help store their belongings for at least 60 days. Local cities and counties are urged to adopt similar protocols. (AP)

Archaeologists Uncover Remains Of Vilna’s 17th-Century Great Synagogue [VIDEO]

Archaeologists have unearthed parts of the floor of the 17th-century Great Synagogue in Vilnius, Lithuania, revealing the extent of its destruction by Nazi and Soviet forces. The excavation, led by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), uncovered sections of the women’s section, mikvah, and a giant pillar that once stood near the bimah. The findings, dated to the 17th and 18th centuries, provide a glimpse into the shul’s grandeur and the devastating impact of its destruction. The shul was a central hub of Jewish life in Vilnius – a city once fondly referred to as the “Yerushalayim of Lithuania.” Previous excavations have revealed the shul’s bimah and Aron Kodesh, while the latest discovery shows the floor was decorated with intricate flower patterns. The shul was burned during the Nazi occupation and later razed by Soviet authorities. At its peak, the Great Synagogue stood as the centerpiece of the Shulhoyf complex, a vibrant hub of Jewish life in Vilnius. Surrounding the large shul were smaller shul, a community council building, mikvaos, batei medrashim, a library, and the residence of the Vilna Gaon. However, the city’s fate took a tumultuous turn in the centuries that followed. Vilnius became part of Imperial Russia in the 19th century, falling within the Pale of Settlement, where Jews were restricted to living. After World War I, Vilnius briefly served as Lithuania’s capital before Soviet forces conquered the city. Polish troops carried out the city’s first modern pogrom while fighting the Soviets. During World War II, Vilnius fell to the Germans, who forced 55,000 Jews into a ghetto, ultimately deporting them to labor and death camps in 1943. The Nazis looted and burned the Great Synagogue, which was later liberated by the Red Army in 1944. Under Soviet rule, the communist regime’s hostility toward religion made it nearly impossible for Jews to practice their faith. The Great Synagogue, once a symbol of Jewish life, was closed and demolished in the mid-1950s, replaced by a school. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Greece Signs Deal To Buy 20 US-Made F-35 Jets In Major Military Overhaul

Greece formally approved an offer to buy 20 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters from the United States as part of a major defense overhaul, government officials said Thursday. “The letter of acceptance for the F-35s has been signed and sent to the United States,” Defense Minister Nikos Dendias said while visiting a military air base near Athens. The purchase, he said, would create “a powerful deterrent presence in our region.” Delivery of the fifth-generation jet made by Lockheed Martin is expected to start in 2028, while Greece maintains the option to purchase 20 additional F-35 jets as part of an $8.6 billion deal. The purchase of the first 20 jets along with additional support will cost some $3.5 billion, Greek officials said. Greece is overhauling its military in a decade-long program following a protracted financial crisis and continued tension with neighbor and NATO ally Turkey, mostly over a volatile sea boundary dispute. Turkey was dropped from the F-35 program five years ago over its decision to buy Russian-made S-400 surface-to-air missile system, a move seen in the United States as a compromise to NATO security. In Athens, government spokesman Pavlos Marinakis described the current military modernization campaign as the most significant in “many decades.” “We will continue to implement this major program, equipping our country and armoring its defenses,” Marinakis said. Athens has been seeking an advantage in the air since Turkey’s exclusion from F-35 purchases and has also acquired advanced French-made Rafale fighter jets. Deliveries to the Greek air force began in 2021, starting with jets previously used by France’s military that will be supplemented by new aircraft built by French defense contractor Dassault Aviation. Bridget Lauderdale, Lockheed Martin’s vice president and general manager of the F-35 program, described the aircraft as being ideal to “strengthen Greece’s sovereignty and operational capability with allies.” “It is our honor to continue (our) relationship as Greece becomes the 19th nation to join the F-35 program,” she said, The U.S. State Department in January approved the sale that could eventually total 40 F-35 aircraft, along with 42 engines as well as services and equipment including secure communications devices, electronic warfare systems, training, logistics, and maintenance support. Current members of the F-35 program, either as participants or through military sales, are: the United States, Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Canada, Australia, Denmark, Norway, Israel, Japan, Korea, Belgium, Poland, Singapore, Finland, Switzerland, Germany, and the Czech Republic. (AP)

STUNNING DETAILS: Hamas Terrorist Led IDF And Shin Bet Into Khan Younis Tunnel To Recover Hostages

The Shin Bet security service shared footage from the operation in Khan Younis that resulted in the recovery of the bodies of 5 hostages. What went unnoticed by most is that one of those photos shows a Shin Bet officer seated next to a handcuffed terrorist dressed in IDF uniform with blue shoes. Sources tell YWN that the unidentified terrorist told Israeli interrogators that he knew where Hamas was holding the bodies of some hostages. However, he said, he was unable to provide them with enough details to find the bodies without showing them himself. As such, the IDF brought the terrorist into Khan Younis to show Shin Bet officers the precise location of the tunnel where the bodies of five kidnapped individuals were recovered. The bodies were buried in a grave dug into one of the tunnel walls and covered with soil. Hamas had hidden the bodies in such a way that without precise intelligence, they would not be found by the IDF during searches within the tunnel. The recovered bodies were those of Mia Goren, 56, from Nir Oz; Ravid Katz, 51, from Nir Oz; Oren Goldin, 33, from Nir Yitzhak; Sergeant First Class Tomer Achimas, 20, from Lehavim; and Sergeant Kirill Brodsky, 19, from Ramat Gan. These individuals were found in Khan Yunis and have been returned to Israel. The bodies were discovered in black bags during a raid by Division 98. The IDF has conducted similar operations in the past, which sometimes resulted in the discovery of Palestinian bodies instead. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

GUILTY: Teen Convicted Of First-Degree Murder In Death Of Efraim Gordon Hy”d In Baltimore

William Holloman, a 19-year-old who participated in the murder of Efraim Gordon z”l, an Israeli resident visiting Baltimore in May 2021, has been found guilty by a jury of first-degree murder. Efraim z”l was outside his family’s home on Ford Lane in Baltimore’s Park Heights neighborhood when he was shot and killed by a group of carjackers. Prosecutors say Holloman and two accomplices – Rasheed Morris and Omarion Anderson – demanded that he give them his car keys. When he refused, they shot him and then fled. Anderson and Morris had previously pled guilty for their roles in Gordon’s murder. Both of them testified for the prosecution in Holloman’s trial, saying that he handed the gun to Morris, who allegedly shot Gordon in the stomach. Another defendant, William Clinton III, previously pled guilty to providing the teens used in the shooting. A resident of Israel, he had been in Baltimore for a cousin’s wedding. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

WATCH: Trump Calls For Jail Sentences For Anti-Israel Protesters Who Burned American Flag

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Thursday morning condemned the burning of the American flag by anti-Israel protesters in Washington, D.C., calling it a “disgraceful display” that warrants a one-year jail sentence. “Rarely have we seen anything like this. And I think you should get a one-year jail sentence if you do anything to desecrate the American flag,” Trump told “Fox & Friends.” “We have to work in Congress to get a one-year jail sentence. When they’re allowed to stomp on the flag and put lighter fluid on the flag and set it afire, when you’re allowed to do that, you get a one-year jail sentence and you’ll never see it again.” Trump criticized those who argue that such a sentence would be unconstitutional, calling them “stupid people.” He also noted that world leaders like Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin are viewing Americans “as a bunch of babies” due to the lack of consequences for such actions. Trump also called again for a quick end to the war with Hamas, and urged that Israel do a better job at managing its public relations. He said Israel has to end the war fast “because they are getting decimated with this publicity, and you know Israel is not very good at public relations.” The former president is set to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday, who called for unity between Israel and the United States to stand against the threat of Hamas and release all hostages held by the terrorists during his speech to Congress on Wednesday. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Incredible: Heroic 7- Year Old Kidnapped Boy Refused Treif For Over 6 Months! Court Date Tomorrow

In the ongoing heartrending saga of the Sephardi French children, in which three innocent Jewish children were forcibly taken from their home, the court case has commenced and the judges will issue their ruling in less than Tomorrow. The future of these children hangs in the balance; whether they will be allowed to return to their heartbroken mother or not. In another alarming development, the court has decided to consider whether the two remaining children, a toddler and a baby boy a few months of age, will be allowed to remain home. The ruling is set to be delivered on July 25th.  In the interim, with tremendous siyata diShmaya Askanim succeeded in having the children transferred from the non-Jewish institution to one under Jewish ownership which is somewhat accommodating to the religious needs of the children. The current institution is still primarily irreligious, but here the children are able to keep Shabbos and have contact with other Jews. In addition, this coming week they will hopefully be able to start attending a religious day school. In a sensational incident this past week, the local Chabad rabbi Rabbi Dovid Ben-elbaz was able to bring them Yarmulka and tzitzis as well as kosher food and cake for Shabbos, which were accepted excitedly by the children. Upon receiving the kosher meat and chicken, seven year old Maimon exclaimed excitedly in a tear choked voice, “For over 6 months I resisted eating the treife food that they tried feeding me. Now for the first time in over 6 months I am able to eat fleishigs!” Incidentally, other children, formerly from frum households, were given the opportunity to join the three children, and a bittersweet Shabbos seudah ensued.  The legal process as well as the constant shtadlanus is extremely costly and we have only been able to reach these milestone with the help of the entire community. However the Judge has the power to overturn all the progress that has been made by the July 25th verdict. A tremendous amounts of funds are still needed so that the askanim will be able to continue their efforts and successfully save these children and return them to their mother. Tefilos Yisroel are still needed for Rachamei shomyim  to ensure the continuous progress and for a positive verdict on Tomoroow July 25th. Please continue to daven for Rivkah bas Gila and her children Maimon, Esther, Shlomo, Rochel Bracha and Avrohom. Bez”H in the zechus of this great mitzva everyone will be zoicheh to see only nachas from their children and we will be zoicheh soon to celebrate the redemption of the children with their return to the mother and the Geulas Yisroel with Moshiach Tzidkeinu very soon. Donations for the astronomical legal expenses are welcome. To help or to donate click here. Or call 646-718-9907

NASA Says No Return Date Yet For Astronauts And Boeing Capsule Stranded At Space Station

Already more than a month late getting back, two NASA astronauts will remain at the International Space Station until engineers finish working on problems plaguing their Boeing capsule, officials said Thursday. Test pilots Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams were supposed to visit the orbiting lab for about a week and return in mid-June, but thruster failures and helium leaks on Boeing’s new Starliner capsule prompted NASA and Boeing to keep them up longer. NASA’s commercial crew program manager Steve Stich said mission managers were not ready to announce a return date. “We’ll come home when we’re ready,” said Stich, adding that the goal is to bring Wilmore and Williams back aboard Starliner. Stich acknowledged that backup options are under review. Engineers last week completed testing on a spare thruster in the New Mexico desert to try to understand what went wrong during docking. Five thrusters failed as the capsule approached the space station on June 6, a day after liftoff. Four have since been reactivated. It appeared degraded seals are to blame for the helium leaks and thruster problems, but more analysis is needed. The team will test-fire the thrusters this week while docked to the space station to gather more data, said Boeing’s Mark Nappi. After the space shuttles retired, NASA hired private companies for astronaut rides to the space station, paying Boeing and SpaceX billions of dollars. This was the Boeing’s first test flight with a crew aboard. SpaceX has been ferrying astronauts since 2020. (AP)

WATCH: Netanyahu Meets With Biden, Thanks “Proud Irish America Zionist” President

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House Thursday to discuss the war in Gaza with President Joe Biden and likely Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris at an important moment for all three politicians. Netanyahu’s first White House visit since 2020, when former President Donald Trump was in office, comes at a time of growing pressure to find an endgame to the nine-month war that’s left more than 39,000 dead in Gaza. Dozens of Israeli hostages are still languishing in Hamas captivity. Biden greeted Netanyahu in the Oval Office, where the Israeli leader thanked the president for his service. The conservative Likud Party leader Netanyahu and centrist Democrat Biden have had ups-and-downs over the years. Netanyahu, in what could be his last White House meeting with Biden, reflected on the roughly 40 years they’ve known each other. “From a proud Jewish Zionist to a proud Irish American Zionist, I want to thank you for 50 years of public service and 50 years of support for the state of Israel,” Netanyahu told Biden at the start of their meeting. Biden thanked Netanyahu and joked that his first meeting with an Israeli prime minister, Golda Meir, in 1973 soon after he was elected to the Senate came when he was only 12. Biden planned to use the meeting in part to press Israel and Hamas to seal a U.S.-backed proposal to release remaining hostages in Gaza over three phases — something that would be a legacy-affirming achievement for the 81-year-old Democrat, who abandoned his reelection bid and endorsed Harris. It could also be a boon for Harris in her bid to succeed him. White House officials say the negotiations are in the closing stages but there are issues that need to be resolved. Following their talks, Biden and Netanyahu met with the families of American hostages. Harris, who will meet separately with Netanyahu later, is trying to demonstrate that she has the mettle to serve as commander in chief. She’s being scrutinized by those on the political left who say Biden hasn’t done enough to force Netanyahu to end the war and by Republicans looking to brand her as insufficient in her support for Israel. A senior administration official, who briefed reporters on the condition of anonymity under ground rules set by the White House, said there is “no daylight between the president and vice president” on Israel. Harris’ last one-on-one engagement with Netanyahu was in March 2021, but she’s taken part in more than 20 calls between Biden and Netanyahu. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

DISGRACE: Rashida Tlaib Held ‘War Criminal’ Sign As Netanyahu Addressed Congress

Politicians, media personalities, and social media users excoriated Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich. who sat in the audience at Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress on Wednesday wearing a keffiyeh and holding a sign stating “war criminal” on one side and “guilty of genocide” on the other side. Many social media users commented on how the sign reflected on her, with author Aviva Klompas writing: “Talib holding up her own name tag.” Dr. Eli David stated: “Breaking: Rashida Tlaib just announced who she is.” “Rashida Tlaib continues to be an absolute disgrace,” Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., wrote.   Some people made it into a joke by altering photos: See other responses below: (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Spicy Dispute Over The Origins Of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Winds Up In Court

A court case could soon settle a spicy dispute: Who invented Flamin’ Hot Cheetos? A former PepsiCo executive is suing the company, saying it destroyed his career after questioning his claim that he invented the popular flavor of Cheetos snacks. PepsiCo said Thursday it has no comment on the lawsuit, which was filed July 18 in California Superior Court. According to his lawsuit, Richard Montanez began working for PepsiCo as a janitor at its Frito-Lay plant in Ranch Cucamonga, California, in 1977. Montanez was the son of a Mexican immigrant and grew up in a migrant labor camp. One day, a machine in Montanez’s plant broke down, leaving a batch of unflavored Cheetos. Montanez says he took the batch home and dusted them with chili powder, trying to replicate the flavor of elote, the popular grilled seasoned corn served in Mexico. In 1991, Montanez asked for a meeting with PepsiCo CEO Roger Enrico to pitch his spicy Cheetos, confident they would be a hit with the Latino community. Enrico granted the meeting, liked the presentation and directed the company to develop spicy Cheetos, according to the lawsuit. Montanez said PepsiCo sent him on speaking engagements and actively promoted his story. But in the meantime, Montanez claims the company’s research and development department shut him out of its discussions and testing. PepsiCo introduced Flamin’ Hot Cheetos in 1992. Montanez says he continued to develop spicy snacks, like Flamin’ Hot Popcorn and Lime and Chili Fritos, and in 2000 he was promoted to a business development manager in Southern California. Montanez eventually became PepsiCo’s vice president of multicultural marketing and sales. Montanez said demand for speaking engagements was so great that he retired from PepsiCo in 2019 to become a motivational speaker full time. He published a memoir in 2021 and his life story was made into a movie, “Flamin’ Hot,” in 2023. But according to the lawsuit, PepsiCo turned on Montanez in 2021, cooperating with a Los Angeles Times piece that claimed others in the company were already working on spicy snacks when Montanez approached them, and that they – not Montanez – came up with the name, “Flamin’ Hot.” Montanez said PepsiCo’s about-face has hurt his speaking career and other potential opportunities, including a documentary about his life. He is seeking damages for discrimination, fraud and defamation, among other charges. (AP)

H’YD: IDF Soldier Dies Of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In Gaza, 2 Others In Serious Condition

The IDF on Thursday announced the death of Staff Sgt. Noam Douek of the 401st Armored Brigade’s 9th Battalion while serving in the southern Gaza Strip. Douek, z’l, 19, from Kiryat Motzkin, it is believed to have died in his sleep from carbon monoxide poisoning, apparently due to a generator that was operating in the room he was sleeping in to power fans due to the hot weather. The generator, which caused the emission of toxic gases in a closed space for hours, was operated in violation of military regulations. Two other soldiers from the 9th Battalion who slept in the same room also suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning. They were evacuated to the hospital via helicopter in serious condition. The Military Police have launched an investigation into the incident. This is the second tragic death of an IDF soldier in Rafah this week that was not directly related to combat. On Monday. Cpt. Mordechai Kadmon, z’l, was killed by an accidential grenade explosion. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

HISTORIC: Fidelity Unveils New Identity in Grand Event Marking Largest Jewish Rebrand

New Brunswick, NJ – July 16,2024 In an event that will be remembered as a landmark moment in the Jewish business world, Fidelity, a pioneer and leader in payment processing technology for over 28 years, announced its rebrand. Held at the New Brunswick Performing Arts Center, the event marked the unveiling of Fidelity’s new brand identity: Sola. A Celebration of Legacy and Innovation Aptly named The Dawn of a New Day, the event was a celebration of Fidelity’s rich history and its forward-looking vision. The evening began with a sense of anticipation as guests filled the elegant New Brunswick Performing Arts Center lobby for a cocktail reception at 6:30pm. Including employees, agents, and partners, attendees enjoyed hors d’oeuvres and light drinks.  At 7:15pm, the theater doors opened and the crowd began to fill up the arena, abuzz with anticipation. Shlomo Weissman, Fidelity’s Senior VP of Marketing , began the program with a heartfelt opening speech. He spoke of the transformative journey that led to this rebrand, highlighting the tireless efforts and dedication of the Fidelity team over the past two years to make it happen.  “Tonight, we celebrate not just a rebrand, but the beginning of a new era,” he shared. “An era where we embrace change, innovation, and the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.”  A Performance of Song and Inspiration To kick-off the performance, the renowned and beloved singer and tenor Shulem Lemmer took to the stage. His soulful renditions resonated with the audience, echoing the theme of new beginnings and the promise of a brighter future. Singing the iconic “Keep Climbing” by Avraham Fried, Shulem paid tribute to the hard work of Fidelity’s agents and employees. Lemmer went on to sing “My Little Town” by Abie Rottenberg, a reflection on pre-war European life, its beauty, its destruction, and ultimately the rebuilding in America, capturing the spirit of hope and renewal that defined the night.  Commenting on the camaraderie felt throughout the event, Shulem quipped, “Fidelity is one big happy family!” Bridging the past and the present, Shulem’s powerful voice filled the venue, stirring emotions and setting a tone of inspiration for the program ahead. Next up was a stirring speech given by the one and only Rabbi YY Jacobson. With his signature eloquence and wit, Jacobson told captivating stories and spoke about the power of every individual. “You are [each] a walking divine presence,” he shared. Connecting to the rebrand concept, he drew a parallel between earth’s creation and the goal of humanity, explaining that we can all spread positivity and make an impact on the entire world. “G-d created light before anything else,” Jacobson explained,” Jacobson explained, “Because the mission statement of this world is —  ‘Let there be light!’ ”  Following Rabbi Jacobson, LED dancers took the stage. Synchronizing vibrant lights and pulsating music, their impressive performance was a visual representation of the cutting-edge technology and creative spirit that Sola embodies. The crowd was mesmerized, and the energy in the room was electric. From Fidelity to Sola Then, the lights dimmed for the highlight of the evening — a stunning video production.The captivating film took the audience on a historical journey, showcasing the evolution of commerce. Beginning with scenes of ancient trade, the production highlighted how commerce has always been central to human interaction, from bartering […]

Panic In Israel After Boy Contracts Brain-Eating Amoeba, 100 Israelis Flock To ERs

Over 100 Israelis flocked to emergency rooms at several hospitals in northern Israel overnight Wednesday due to fears of having contracted the rare brain-eating amoeba [Naegleria fowleri] in the Kinneret. Panic spread on Wednesday after the Health Ministry stated that a ten-year-old boy who is critically ill with the brain-eating amoeba likely contracted the infection at a water park at Gai Beach in Tiveria. The boy, who is currently sedated and ventilated in the PICU at Ziv Hospital, was at the water park three weeks ago. Shortly beforehand, a 25-year-old man who was at the same water park died only days after being diagnosed with encephalitis caused by the brain-eating amoeba. The boy, who has no underlying health conditions, is the third person ever diagnosed in Israel with the rare amoeba. Only 400 cases have ever been diagnosed worldwide. Forty Israelis, adults and children, who were at Gai Beach and feared they were suffering from symptoms of encephalitis caused by the amoeba arrived at the emergency room at Poriyah Hospital near Tiveria. “Following an examination in the emergency room, 36 were released home and four children were hospitalized for further testing and observation,” the medical center stated on Thursday morning. About another 60 people who swam in the Kinneret and complained of symptoms such as fever or neck pain, showed up at the emergency rooms of Rambam Hospital in Haifa, Emek Hospital in Afula, Ziv Hospital in Tzfas, and the Galil Medical Center in Nahariya. Five children were hospitalized at Ziv for further testing but the rest were fortunately found to be in good health and were released. The Health Ministry closed the park on Wednesday [although inspectors found no evidence of contamination at the site] and called on anyone who was there in the past two weeks to seek immediate medical treatment if experiencing symptoms such as headache, fever, vomiting, or blurred vision. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
