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LAKEWOOD: Levaya Of Longtime Askan R’ Yisroel Schenkowleski Z”L

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YWN regrets to inform you of the petirah of R’ Yisroel Schenkowleski z”l, one of Lakewood’s earliest and most prolific askanim, who helped set the foundation for the town to become a thriving makom torah. He was 80 years old. In addition to his work with the local, county, state and federal governments for more than 40 years, R’ Yisroel was also a key factor behind the growth of Torah in the township, including by founding the Bais Kaila girls school. The levaya is scheduled to take place at 4:30 PM on Tuesday afternoon at BMG’s Bais Yitzchok bais medrash, with kevurah in Eretz Yisroel. THE FOLLOWING IS VIA LAKEWOOD ALERTS R’ Yisroel’s tireless efforts touched every aspect of the community, from education to emergency services, law enforcement, and government. Through unwavering dedication, R’ Yisroel formed strong relationships with officials across the state, earning respect and recognition far and wide. One of his most notable achievements was the implementation of virtual autopsies in Ocean County, a project that ensured kavod hameis in tragic circumstances. He was also known in Hatzolah as “Dispatch 1”, as he manned the phone lines for Hatzolah on the overnights every single day for around 25 years. R’ Yisroel’s connections in the political arena enabled him to work effectively with local, county, and state officials to address tzorchei tzibbur, and his influence was instrumental in shaping Lakewood into the thriving kehilla it is today. Thanks to R’ Yisroel’s selfless work, phone calls to state departments are met with respect and prompt attention. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…  

IDIOTIC: Rep. Jayapal Accuses Netanyahu of ‘Sacrificing’ Hostages, ‘Tens of Thousands of Innocent Palestinians’

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Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), who has called Israel a “racist state” and who, in December, twice hedged when condemning Hamas terrorists raping Israeli women, accused Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu of “sacrificing” hostages and civilians.

“Today’s labor strike and protests are extremely important,” Jayapal stated on Monday. “Netanyahu has no interest in a ceasefire—he’s prioritized his own political survival while sacrificing hostages and tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians.”

“The United States must use the entirety of our leverage to end this war,” the congresswoman added.

Jayapal’s statement didn’t mention Hamas, the U.S.-designated terror organization that executed the hostages.

In a fact sheet on the “elements of antisemitic discourse” by Kenneth Marcus, president and general counsel of the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law, posted on the website of the United Nations Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the suggestion that Jews “sacrifice” others is identified as Jew-hatred.

“Since medieval times, Jewry has frequently been depicted as a wealthy, powerful, menacing and controlling collectivity, demanding the sacrifice of others to their own greed,” per the fact sheet. JNS


Former Labor MK: “We Hate Bibi More Than We Care About The Hostages”

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Eli Goldschmidt, who served as a Knesset member for the Labor Party and One Israel from 1992-2001, called on the opponents of the current government to take stock and reflect on their part in Israel’s failure to reach a hostage deal with Hamas. “We and our side are also to blame for the fact that the hostages haven’t yet returned home,” Goldschmidt said. He then clarified that he does partially blame Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for the fact that Hamas has not agreed to a deal but claimed that it’s only because of his right-wing partners Betzalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir. “First and foremost Bibi, Smotrich and of course, Sinwar are to blame for the fact that there is no hostage deal. But Bibi allied himself with Smotrich and Ben-Gvir because he couldn’t form a coalition in any other way because our side refused to sit with him in the same government. By the way, if we would have, there would have been no judicial reform and there might not have been an October 7th.” “The very difficult truth is that we hate Bibi more than we want the best interests of the hostages. If we wanted their best interests, we would need to show restraint and forbearance. I know it’s difficult because we truly hate Bibi – but we would make the effort to save the lives of innocent people being held captive by Hamas. “I don’t know if there’s still a chance to change the matter [of forming a unity government] and I also think that Lapid and Gantz aren’t courageous enough to bring up the idea for fear that their base will have their heads.” “The matter causes me great angst because our side is not free of sin either. In another month and half, it will be Yom Kippur. I feel like we, our side, need to do a cheshbon nefesh.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Former Deputy Chief Of Staff To NY Gov. Hochul Arrested, Charged With Being Chinese Agent

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A former deputy chief of staff to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul was charged Tuesday with acting as an undisclosed agent of the Chinese government, federal prosecutors revealed in a sprawling indictment. Linda Sun, who held numerous posts in New York state government before rising to the rank of deputy chief of staff for Hochul, was arrested Tuesday morning along with her husband at their $3.5 million home on Long Island. Sun and her husband, Chris Hu, are expected to make an initial court appearance Tuesday afternoon, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Brooklyn said. A lawyer for Sun, Seth DuCharme, did not immediately return an email seeking comment. The FBI searched the couple’s $3.5 million home in Manhasset late July but declined to release further details at the time. Sun worked in state government for about 15 years, holding posts in the administration of former Gov. Andrew Cuomo and eventually becoming Hochul’s deputy chief of staff, according to her LinkedIn profile. In November 2022, Sun took a job at the New York Department of Labor, as deputy commissioner for strategic business development, but she left that job months later in March 2023, the profile said. In a statement, a spokesperson for Hochul’s office said the administration fired Sun after “discovering evidence of misconduct.” “This individual was hired by the Executive Chamber more than a decade ago. We terminated her employment in March 2023 after discovering evidence of misconduct, immediately reported her actions to law enforcement and have assisted law enforcement throughout this process,” the statement reads. Sun and Hu live in a gated community on Long Island called Stone Hill. The couple purchased the house in 2021 but placed it in a trust earlier this year, records show. (AP)

U.S. Forces Capture ISIS Leader Who Assisted Terrorist Fighters Escape Prison In Syria

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U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) announced that its forces, in collaboration with the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), captured an ISIS leader who played a key role in aiding the escape of terror group members from a detention facility in Syria. The ISIS leader, identified as Khaled Ahmed al-Dandal, was apprehended on Sunday, just days after five ISIS foreign terrorist fighter detainees broke out from the Raqqah Detention Facility. According to CENTCOM, two of the escapees were recaptured by the SDF, while three others remain at large. Al-Dandal was identified as a “facilitator” who was instrumental in assisting the escaped ISIS fighters. Currently, more than 9,000 ISIS detainees are held across over 20 SDF-operated detention facilities in Syria. The military warned that ISIS aims to free its imprisoned members in an effort to reignite the group’s activities. CENTCOM Commander Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla emphasized the threat posed by the large number of detained ISIS fighters, describing them as a “literal and figurative ‘ISIS Army’ in detention.” He added that a mass escape of these fighters would pose a significant danger to the region and beyond. Gen. Kurilla also highlighted ongoing efforts by the U.S. and the international community to repatriate the ISIS fighters to their countries of origin to mitigate the risk of a resurgence. This latest development follows a recent U.S. military operation in collaboration with Iraqi Security Forces that resulted in the death of at least 15 ISIS operatives in Western Iraq this past Thursday morning. The renewed focus on ISIS comes amid rising concerns about the threat posed by terrorist groups, three years after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Recent incidents, including an ISIS-linked stabbing attack in Germany and threats against a concert in Austria, have heightened these concerns among security experts. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Deri to Netanyahu: The Vote On Philadelphi Was a Grave Mistake

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Shas chairman MK Aryeh Deri informed Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu that the Cabinet’s decision on the Philadelphi corridor last Thursday was a misstep, according to a report by Kan 11 News on Monday.

“The vote on Philadelphi was a grave mistake that tied our hands,” Deri reportedly told Netanyahu. Referring to the killing of the six hostages, he added, “From the moment we voted and after what happened, we must not change the decision.”

In response to the report, Shas stated that “Deri never comments on security-related conversations, whether the leak is true or false.”

During a press conference on Monday evening, Netanyahu was questioned about the report and took the opportunity to condemn the leaks from cabinet meetings.

“It is wrong that the military censor allows the publication of quotes from the cabinet, it is wrong that there is no polygraph law and the legal advisers do not allow us to pass one, we will have to bring in legislation that will deal with this,” Netanyahu said.

He also remarked that “this does not happen in any western country in the world. We are arming Hamas with information against us.”

{Matzav.com Israel}

China-Linked ‘Spamouflage’ Network Mimics Americans Online To Sway US Political Debate

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When he first emerged on social media, the user known as Harlan claimed to be a New Yorker and an Army veteran who supported Donald Trump for president. Harlan said he was 29, and his profile picture showed a smiling, handsome young man. A few months later, Harlan underwent a transformation. Now, he claimed to be 31 and from Florida. New research into Chinese disinformation networks targeting American voters shows Harlan’s claims were as fictitious as his profile picture, which analysts think was created using artificial intelligence. As voters prepare to cast their ballots this fall, China has been making its own plans, cultivating networks of fake social media users designed to mimic Americans. Whoever or wherever he really is, Harlan is a small part of a larger effort by U.S. adversaries to use social media to influence and upend America’s political debate. The account was traced back to Spamouflage, a Chinese disinformation group, by analysts at Graphika, a New York-based firm that tracks online networks. Known to online researchers for several years, Spamouflage earned its moniker through its habit of spreading large amounts of seemingly unrelated content alongside disinformation. “One of the world’s largest covert online influence operations — an operation run by Chinese state actors — has become more aggressive in its efforts to infiltrate and to sway U.S. political conversations ahead of the election,” Jack Stubbs, Graphika’s chief intelligence officer, told The Associated Press. Intelligence and national security officials have said that Russia, China and Iran have all mounted online influence operations targeting U.S. voters ahead of the November election. Russia remains the top threat, intelligence officials say, even as Iran has become more aggressive in recent months, covertly supporting U.S. protests against the war in Gaza and attempting to hack into the email systems of the two presidential candidates. China, however, has taken a more cautious, nuanced approach. Beijing sees little advantage in supporting one presidential candidate over the other, intelligence analysts say. Instead, China’s disinformation efforts focus on campaign issues particularly important to Beijing — such as American policy toward Taiwan — while seeking to undermine confidence in elections, voting and the U.S. in general. Officials have said it’s a longer-term effort that will continue well past Election Day as China and other authoritarian nations try to use the internet to erode support for democracy. A message left with the Chinese Embassy in Washington was not immediately returned. Compared with armed conflict or economic sanctions, online influence operations can be a low-cost, low-risk means of flexing geopolitical power. Given the increasing reliance on digital communications, the use of online disinformation and fake information networks is only likely to increase, said Max Lesser, senior analyst for emerging threats at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a national security think tank in Washington. “We’re going to see a widening of the playing field when it comes to influence operations, where it’s not just Russia, China and Iran but you also see smaller actors getting involved,” Lesser said. That list could include not only nations but also criminal organizations, domestic extremist groups and terrorist organizations, Lesser said. When analysts first noticed Spamouflage five years ago, the network tended to post generically pro-China, anti-American content. In recent years, the tone sharpened as Spamouflage expanded and began focusing on divisive […]

Antisemite Jeremy Corbyn Forms Alliance with Pro-Palestinian MPs To Push For Israel Arms Embargo

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Former UK Labour leader and independent MP for Islington North, Jeremy Corbyn, is set to launch a parliamentary alliance with four independent lawmakers who were elected on pro-Palestinian platforms. The group, dubbed the Independent Alliance, aims to push for an arms embargo on Israel, according to a statement. Corbyn, who was suspended from the Labour Party in 2020 over remarks made following an investigation into antisemitism, will join forces with MPs Shockat Adam, Ayoub Khan, Adnan Hussain, and Iqbal Mohamed. The alliance is calling for more MPs to join their cause. The move comes as Corbyn’s successor, Sir Keir Starmer, has sought to distance the Labour Party from the far-left legacy of extremism and racism that marred Corbyn’s leadership. Starmer has positioned Labour firmly in the electoral center, leaving Corbyn to forge his own path on the political fringes. Meanwhile, the British government announced on Monday that it would immediately suspend dozens of arms export licenses to Israel due to concerns that the equipment could be used to commit serious violations of international humanitarian law. Foreign Secretary David Lammy insisted that the decision to suspend 30 out of 350 licenses did not constitute a blanket ban or arms embargo, but rather a precautionary measure to ensure compliance with international law during the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. The decision was made in conjunction with Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds and follows a review of arms sales to Israel initiated by the Labour Party after winning the election in July. Israeli officials expressed disappointment and concern over the decision. “Israel is a state of law that operates in accordance with international law and has an independent and respected judicial system,” Israel’s Foreign Minister Yisroel Katz said in a statement. “We expect ally nations like Britain to recognize that every day, and especially mere days after the execution of six Israeli hostages by Hamas terrorists.” “A step like the one taken now by Britain sends a problematic message to the Hamas terrorist organization and its handlers in Iran,” Katz added. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

IDF Eliminates Nukhba Terrorist Who Oversaw Netiv Ha’asara Massacre

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Israeli forces in Gaza have killed the Hamas terrorist who led the Oct. 7 assault on the northwest Negev moshav of Netiv Ha’asara, the Israel Defense Forces and Israel Security Agency said on Tuesday.

Israeli fighter jets struck a Hamas compound near the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City, killing eight terrorists from Hamas’s Daraj Tuffah Battalion, according to the joint statement. Among those killed was Ahmed Fozi Nazer Muhammad Wadia, a member of the terror group’s Nukhba force who led the invasion of Netiv Ha’asara, located directly adjacent to the Gaza fence.

Another terrorist killed in the strike was “responsible for several combat specialties in the Daraj Tuffah Battalion, including engineering, sniping and anti-tank operations, and was responsible for supplying the explosives used to blow up the security fence in the Daraj Tuffah Battalion’s area during the Oct. 7 massacre,” according to the IDF.

On Oct. 7, Wadia, who was active in Hamas’ parachute array, infiltrated the moshav using a paraglider and oversaw the massacre of 21 residents and the kidnapping of one to Gaza.

One of those murdered in the moshav that day was Gil Taasa, 46, a senior firefighter in the Ashkelon fire station. On the morning of Oct. 7, Taasa was at home with his two youngest sons, Koren, 12 and Shay, 8. After he ran out of ammunition, the terrorists threw a grenade into the shelter where they were hiding. Taasa leapt on the grenade to save his sons, who were wounded but survived.

Wadia was captured on video opening the door of the family’s refrigerator and sipping a Coke in front of the bleeding children before leaving the home. Koren and Shay then ran next door to their mother’s home and hid in the safe room for hours before being evacuated.

Taasa’s oldest son, Or, 17, was murdered by Hamas terrorists at Zikim Beach, where he had gone early in the morning to surf with friends.

“My sons are happy and that’s the most important thing,” said Gil’s widow, Sabin Tassa, after receiving the news of Wadia’s death, according to Channel 12. “My son Koren told me he wanted to see a picture of [Wadia] dead. I personally will close the circle only after I know that all Hamas members and [Hamas leader in Gaza Yayha] Sinwar have been eliminated,” she added.

Terror tunnel with freight rail line destroyed

Israeli forces in recent weeks destroyed a massive terror tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip that was used to transport freight via rail, the IDF revealed on Tuesday.

Based on intelligences, forces from the Engineering Unit of the Gaza Division and the Northern Brigade, in cooperation with the Yahalom Unit, located the over 1-kilometer (0.6-mile) Hamas tunnel in the Beit Lahia area.

Soldiers located weapons, electrical infrastructure, and a transport rail along the route.

“The engineering forces of the Northern Brigade in the Gaza Division destroyed an offensive terrorist tunnel in the north of the Gaza Strip,” said Major S., the engineering officer of the Northern Brigade, “inside the tunnel we found infrastructure proving that the route was used by Hamas significantly for terrorist operations against our forces.” JNS

{Matzav.com Israel}

7 Gedolei Yisroel To Embark On New Fundraising Missions to North And South America Amid Israeli Budget Cuts

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Gedolei Yisroel are continuing their historic efforts to support the Olam Hatorah in Eretz Yisroel amid draconian budgets cuts by the Israeli government affecting tens of thousands of Lomdei Torah. This coming week, seven Gedolei Torah will embark on trips to North and South America in furtherance of these efforts, YWN has learned. Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsh, Rav Don Segal, Rav Yaakov Hillel, Rav Avraham Salim, and Rav Shimon Galai, all of Eretz Yisroel, will join Rav Malkiel Kotler of Bais Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, for a trip to South American countries. Beginning Sunday and lasting until Thursday, they will fundraise for Keren Olam Hatorah, the foundation established to assist Yeshivos and Kollelim across Eretz Yisroel who have had their government funding drastically cut. Over the course of their trip, the Gedolim are scheduled to meet Jewish communities and philanthropists in Brazil (Sunday and Monday), Panama (Tuesday), and Mexico (Wednesday), with the Gedolim set to return home on Thursday. A similar trip to North America will be made by Rav Dovid Cohen, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron. Rav Dovid is scheduled to come to Lakewood this coming Wednesday, spend Thursday through Shabbos in Monsey, followed by a trip to Passaic on Sunday, Toronto on Monday, Miami on Tuesday, and back in Lakewood again on Wednesday, where he will deliver a shiur in Bais Medrash Govoha. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

The Trump And Harris Presidential Campaigns Brace For An Intense Sprint To Election Day

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After a summer of historic tumult, the path to the presidency for both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump this fall is becoming much clearer. The Democratic vice president and the Republican former president will devote almost all of their remaining time and resources to just seven states. They will spend hundreds of millions of dollars targeting voters who, in many cases, have just begun to pay attention to the election. And their campaigns will try to focus their messages on three familiar issues — the economy, immigration and abortion — even in the midst of heated debates over character, culture and democracy. The candidates will debate in one week in what will be their first meeting ever. The nation’s premier swing state, Pennsylvania, begins in-person absentee voting the week after. By the end of the month, early voting will be underway in at least four states with a dozen more to follow by mid-October. In just 63 days, the final votes will be cast to decide which one of them will lead the world’s most powerful nation. Privately, at least, both camps acknowledge that victory is no sure thing as they begin the eight-week sprint to Election Day. Harris and Trump are neck-and-neck in most national polls conducted since President Joe Biden ended his reelection campaign. The Harris campaign still put out a memo over the weekend casting itself as “the clear underdogs” in the contest. “There’s not a scenario here that’s easy,” Harris senior adviser David Plouffe said in an interview. “The pathway to beating Donald Trump, the pathway to 270 electoral votes for Kamala Harris, is exceedingly hard, but doable. And that’s just a reality.” Trump, meanwhile, rejects any indicators that suggest Harris is ahead even as he lashes out at her in deeply personal and sometimes apocalyptic terms, declaring that “our country is finished” if she wins. “As we move past Labor Day, we will really get into the time where voters start to harden their opinions,” said James Blair, the Trump campaign’s political director. “We feel pretty good about things. We feel energized. Our people are energized. But there’s certainly plenty of work to be done.” The electoral map settles on seven states Just over a month ago, Trump allies suggested Democratic-leaning states like Minnesota, Virginia or even New Jersey might be in play. Neither side believes that is still the case on Labor Day weekend. In replacing Biden as the party’s nominee, Harris breathed new life into the Democrats’ political prospects, especially across the Sun Belt states of Arizona, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina. All four states have significant numbers of African Americans and Latinos, traditionally Democratic constituencies who were down nationally on Biden but appear to have come home to rally behind Harris. South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham was among the senior GOP officials who brokered a peace between Trump and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, whose feud threatened to undermine the Republican effort in the state. Graham told The Associated Press he was worried about Georgia’s shift leftward. “Trump was up 5 or 6 points, and all over the course of a month it’s become much more competitive,” he said. Republican pollster Paul Schumaker, an adviser to North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis, said even a slight uptick in the Black vote has the potential to give Harris the edge in North Carolina, pointing […]

Israeli President Asks Murdered Hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin’s Family for Forgiveness

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Israeli President Isaac Herzog delivered a eulogy for American-Israeli hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin, one of the six hostages who were found dead in Gaza. In his speech, Herzog asked Goldberg-Polin’s family—and to Goldberg-Polin himself—for forgiveness for his failure to secure his release.

“I apologize in the name of Israel… for failing to return you home in peace,” he said, according to CNN. “I’m sorry the state you migrated to when you were 7 years old … did not manage to keep you safe.” Goldberg-Polin was one of six hostages, all of whom were taken during the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attacks, whose bodies were recovered in a tunnel under Rafah. According to an Israel Defense Forces spokesperson, they were killed shortly before Israeli forces could reach them alive.

“I’m sorry for the fact we couldn’t bring home your Hersh alive,” Herzog told Goldberg-Polin’s family. Most of Herzog’s eulogy was delivered in Hebrew. In English, he said, “As a human being, as a father and as the president of the State of Israel, I want to say how sorry I am, how sorry I am that we didn’t protect Hersh on that dark day, how sorry I am that we failed to bring him home.”

In her eulogy, Goldberg-Polin’s mother, Rachel, said that she prays Hersh’s death will be a “turning point in this horrible situation.” Rachel Goldberg and her husband, Jon Polin, had worked tirelessly to advocate for their son’s release. She said it had become “absolutely certain” that he would return alive, but, in the end, “it was not meant to be.”

She named the five other hostages whose bodies were found alongside her son. “I take such comfort knowing you were with Carmel, Ori, Eden, Almog and Alex,” she said. “From what I have been told, they each were delightful in very different ways, and I think that is how the six of you managed to stay alive in unimaginable circumstances for so very long.” Read more at CNN.

The Fed Welcomes A ‘Soft Landing’ Even As Many Americans Don’t Feel Like Cheering

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When Jerome Powell delivered a high-profile speech last month, the Federal Reserve chair came the closest he ever had to declaring that the inflation surge that gripped the nation for three painful years was now essentially defeated. And not only that. The Fed’s high interest rates, Powell said, had managed to achieve that goal without causing a widely predicted recession and high unemployment. Yet most Americans are not in the same celebratory mood about the plummeting of inflation in the face of the high borrowing rates the Fed engineered. Though consumer sentiment is slowly rising, a majority of Americans in some surveys still complain about elevated prices, given that the costs of such necessities as food, gas and housing remain far above where they were before the pandemic erupted in 2020. The relatively sour mood of the public is creating challenges for Vice President Kamala Harris as she seeks to succeed President Joe Biden. Despite the fall of inflation and strong job growth, many voters say they’re dissatisfied with the Biden-Harris administration’s economic record — and especially frustrated by high prices. That disparity points to a striking gap between how economists and policymakers assess the past several years of the economy and how many ordinary Americans do. In his remarks last month, given at an annual economic symposium in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Powell underscored how the Fed’s sharp rate hikes succeeded much more than most economists had predicted in taming inflation without hammering the economy — a notoriously difficult feat known as a “soft landing.” “Some argued that getting inflation under control would require a recession and a lengthy period of high unemployment,” Powell said. Ultimately, though, he noted, “the 4-1/2 percentage point decline in inflation from its peak two years ago has occurred in a context of low unemployment — a welcome and historically unusual result.” With high inflation now essentially conquered, Powell and other central bank officials are preparing to cut their key interest rate in mid-September for the first time in more than four years. The Fed is becoming more focused on sustaining the job market with the help of lower interest rates than on continuing to fight inflation. Many consumers, by contrast, are still preoccupied most by today’s price levels. “From the viewpoint of economists, central bankers, how we think about inflation, it really has been a remarkable success, how inflation went up, has come back, and is around the target,” said Kristin Forbes, an economist at MIT and a former official at the United Kingdom’s central bank, the Bank of England. “But from the viewpoint of households, it has not been so successful,” she added. “Many have taken a big hit to their wages. Many of them feel like the basket of goods they buy is now much more expensive.” Two years ago, economists feared that the Fed’s ongoing rate hikes — it ultimately raised its benchmark rate more than 5 percentage points to a 23-year high in the fastest pace in four decades — would hammer the economy and cause millions of job losses. After all, that’s what happened when the Fed under Chair Paul Volcker sent its benchmark rate to nearly 20% in the early 1980s, ultimately throttling a brutal inflationary spell. In fact, at Jackson Hole two years ago, Powell himself warned […]

Looking Into Programming? Join the Open House for the Software and Web Development Course @ PCS!

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Are you Looking into Programing?
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Have You Always Wanted to Get Smicha? This Is The Program For You

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Looking for a structured program that will give you the tools and resources you need to get Smicha? Hilchos Shabbos? Dayanus? Chuppah v’Kiddushin? Join Machon Smicha, the premier halachah institute serving the English-speaking Torah community. Machon Smicha is a unique, online, halacha-learning program that makes learning, getting tested and receiving smicha possible. We offer rigorous and structured learning programs in halachah across a broad spectrum of topics, which enables learners to grow and succeed in their Torah learning, from the novice to the scholar. Be empowered to learn Shulchan Aruch like never before, from the Mishnah and Gemara all the way to contemporary Poskim and Minhagim. Our programs include:  Smicha: Achieve your dream of finally receiving smicha in a program that will empower you to succeed, Shabbos: Learn and master Hilchos Shabbos, from the original sources down to their practical application Chuppah v’Kiddushin: Become proficient in the halachos of weddings and marriage, and become equipped to be a mesader kiddushin. Dayanus: Dive deep into the halachos of beis din, halachic litigation, business, and interpersonal responsibility. Machon Smicha offers each student a complete curriculum, consisting of: Online portal with access to all the program content. Flexible schedule. Shiurim. English Study Guide, containing introductions, overviews, translations, and in-depth summaries of every halachah. Access to forums and teachers for questions, discussions, etc. Rabbi and teachers available to answer questions and aid in the learning. Quizzes, review material, and mock tests. Tests with prominent rabbis. Signed certificate for those who successfully complete the program. Machon Smicha’s next semester begins on September 4th ( Rosh Chodesh Elul)To learn more, or to apply, visit onlinemachon.com.

WATCH: Kamala Harris Goes Viral With ‘Cringe’ New Accent At Detroit Rally, Sparks ‘Foghorn Leghorn’ Comparisons

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Vice President Kamala Harris sparked attention at a Labor Day event in Detroit, Michigan, where she revealed what some observers have described as a new “accent.”

Harris spent her holiday in Detroit, aiming to connect with blue-collar union workers in this pivotal swing state, crucial to maintaining a Democratic win in the upcoming November election.

“You better thank a union member for the five-day work week,” Harris emphasized to the audience, her speech marked by a noticeable change in her tone. “You better thank a union member for sick leave. You better thank a union member for paid leave. You better thank a union member for vacation time.”

The conservative X account Johnny MAGA posted a video clip critiquing Harris’ “Detroit speak,” labeling the Vice President as “cringe and fake.”

“This is her seventh new accent in four weeks,” commented Trump senior advisor Stephen Miller. “She has literally never used this accent before. She grew up in Canada. Phoniest politician in all of politics.”

“There are countless traits that I despise in humans, few as much as inauthenticity,” remarked professor and podcast host Gad Saad.

“For Kamala Harris, all of politics is a performance,” GOP strategist Matt Whitlock added. “She changes fake accents like she changes policy positions and political personas. Today she’s talking in a fake southern accent, pretending to be a moderate. Next week she’ll be back to San Francisco liberal.”

The Trump campaign drew further attention to her “cringe” accent with another clip where Harris tells a rally attendee, “Let’s just get through the next 64 days, how about that!?” followed by a laugh.

“What did I just watch… what’s with this new accent?”, questioned Libs of TikTok. “The fakeness and cringe here is off the charts.”

Other X users likened Harris’ accent to the voice of the well-known Looney Tunes character Foghorn Leghorn.

Fox News Digital reached out to the Harris campaign for a comment, but they did not respond immediately.

Harris has often faced accusations of modifying her accent depending on her audience.

In July, she was criticized for adopting a fake Southern accent while speaking at a rally in Atlanta. Similarly, during her 2021 trip to France, critics alleged that Harris employed a “French accent” while visiting a COVID lab.



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