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IS BIDEN TOAST? Trump Gains Historic Ground with Black Voters, Polling Shows

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In a surprising shift, former President Donald Trump has made significant gains with black voters. On “News Central” Monday, CNN commentator Harry Enten noted that Trump’s support among African-American voters has risen to 21%, up from just 7% in 2020. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden’s support among black voters has dropped 16 points, from 86% in 2020 to 70% currently. Enten noted that this trend is unprecedented, saying, “I keep looking for signs that this is going to go back to normal. And I don’t see it yet in the polling of anything. Right now, we’re careening towards a historic performance for a Republican presidential candidate, the likes of which we have not seen in six decades.” Enten highlighted a significant age divide among black voters, with those under 50 showing a dramatic shift away from Biden. In 2020, Biden led among this group by 80 points; now, his lead has shrunk to just 37 points, a drop of more than half. Enten exclaimed, “Holy cow, folks! I’ve never seen anything like this. If this polling is anywhere near correct, we are looking at a historic moment right now where black voters under the age of 50, which have historically been such a big part of the Democratic coalition, are leaving in droves.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

More Problems for Rudy Giuliani After Fiery Bankruptcy Hearing

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Rudy Giuliani’s creditors requested Monday that an independent trustee handle the former New York mayor’s personal and business finances from now on due to his inability to file timely and complete paperwork in his bankruptcy trial in New York. Judge Sean Lane didn’t rule on their request, but did express dissatisfaction with how Giuliani has handled his affairs.

“There are reasons to be very concerned here. I’m not going to beat a dead horse,” he said.

Additionally, a lawyer for the Justice Department’s U.S. Trustee’s office on Monday indicated that the office is also displeased with Giuliani, and may file a motion to dismiss the case. That could remove several protections Giuliani has been afforded after he filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy last December.

Giuliani, who has been indicted on election interference-related charges in Georgia and Arizona, owes more than $150 million—the vast majority to two Georgia election workers he defamed. His creditors have said that dealing with him is like being “on a hamster wheel,” in part because his bankruptcy accountant quit last month—leaving the 80-year-old to potentially handle things himself. Read more at The New York Times.

YWN EXCLUSIVE: See Adirei Hatorah 2024 Event In “Virtual Reality” Video

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As the oilam hatorah continues to bask in the light of Sunday’s magnificent Adirei Hatorah event, we are all eager to retain the inspiration and simchas hatorah so acutely felt in those lofty moments. With that in mind, Yeshiva World News is proud to present a one-of-its-kind 3D virtual reality presentation with spatial audio, allowing one to experience the event from a vantage point up front by the dais. Special thank you to all large team of YWN photographers, videographers, and technical staff who covered this event. Sit back and enjoy the ruach of the event as YWN partners with a leading provider of virtual reality content to share these fascinating videos. Video: VR: [For an optimal viewing experience, please set the video quality to the highest your device can handle and go full screen before playing.]  Go ahead and grab your VR goggles (optimized for the Quest) or 3D glasses to watch on a computer (drag mouse or use arrow keys/pointers to shift the view) or mobile device (either swipe or just move the phone around in most later models.) Remember if watching in 3D to switch to Anaglyph mode. For an optimal viewing experience, please set the video quality to the highest your device can handle and go full screen before playing the following videos:   (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

‘We Cannot Look Away, And We Will Not Be Silent,’ Kamala Harris Says of Hamas’s Immoral Violence

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Vice President Kamala Harris condemned the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and called for accountability in remarks made at the White House on Monday marking International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict.

“I especially thank the survivors and advocates that are with us today,” Harris said. “You are fearless advocates in the fight for justice, and you remind us of the resilience of survivors.”

The vice president said that “sexual violence has been a tactic of war since ancient times,” used to “humiliate and terrorize and subdue entire populations.”

She cited Russian troops fighting in Ukraine who had “raped women in occupied territories” as her first example.

Harris listed countries around the world where conflicts had seen sexual violence, including Sudan, Haiti, Ethiopia, Central African Republic and Congo. She said that experts estimate that for every rape documented during wars, 10 to 20 more occur.

“My heart breaks for the trauma and pain inflicted in each of these conflicts,” she said.

Turning to the conflict in the Gaza Strip, Harris said “Hamas committed horrific acts of sexual violence.”

She recounted seeing photos of bloodied Israelis abducted and that “women’s bodies were found naked to the waist down, hands tied behind their back and shot in the head.”

Harris said that released hostages have begun revealing stories of the sexual violence they endured in captivity.

“These testimonies, I fear, will only increase as more hostages are released,” she said. “We cannot look away, and we will not be silent. My heart breaks for all these survivors and their families.”

Harris repeated the Biden administration’s demand that Hamas “needs to accept the deal that is on the table for the ceasefire.”

“Globally, our system of accountability remains inadequate,” Harris said. “It is the responsibility of all of us—governments, international organizations, civil society and individual citizens—to actively confront combat-related sexual violence and work to rid our world of this heinous crime.”

“It starts, of course, with awareness and acknowledgement,” she said.

Harris concluded that “the bottom line is the use of sexual violence as a tactic of war is unconscionable, and any failure to hold perpetrators accountable is a failure to live up to our common humanity.” JNS

After Months Of Pressure: Key Congressional Dems Sign Arms Sale To Israel, Including 50 F-15s

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Two key Democrats agreed to support a major arms sale to Israel, including 50 F-15 fighter jets, The Washington Post reported on Monday Rep. Gregory Meeks and Senator Ben Cardin signed the over $18 billion deal after facing intense pressure from the Biden administration after holding up the sale for months. The fighter jets won’t arrive in Israel for years. Prime Minister Binyanim Netanyahu recently warned U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken that the reduction in US military aid is encouraging Israel’s enemies — Iranian proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas — to continue their attacks and prolong the war, Germany’s BILD reported. According to the report, Blinken promised Netanyahu that the administration would lift the restrictions on arms transfers to Israel in the coming days. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Bracha On Manna

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By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld

What Bracha did the Yidden make on the Manna in the Midbar? On bread we make Hamotzie lechem min Haaretz. Did they make the same bracha? There are seven opinions.

The Sefer Chassidim writes that they made the Bracha of Hamotzi lechem min Hashomayim. Eliyahu Hanavi made that bracha on the cakes of retzafim. The Rema Mipani says we will make this bracha on the Livyasan may it come quickly in our day. Since we never have a meal without bread so during the seudas Livyasan they will pull out the Manna that was hidden in the time of King Yoshiyahu. Hashem had commanded Moshe to take a Tzintzenes of manna to put away for the future. The Torah Lishma also agrees that they made the bracha of Hamotzi lechem min Hashomayim.

The Nishmas Adam 152:1 says that we find that Moshe was mesaken Birchas Hazan when the Manna came down. But one thing is for sure they did not make a bracha rishona at all. The Bnei Yissoschor agrees that Manna did not require bracha rishona as it is called lechem abirim it got seeped into the 248 limbs of a person. Since the reason we say a bracha rishona is to purify the food and take out the kedusha but the Manna was already purified thereby not requiring a bracha. The Maharsha explains that the Gemara says one is not allowed to have hanaah from Olam HaZeh without a bracha that would exclude the Manna which came from Olam Haba.

The Bnei Yissoschor says that while the Rema Mipani is right that during the week, they did not make a bracha on the Manna but on Shabbos they did make the bracha they made on Kodshim. The bracha was Asher kideshanu BeMitzvosav vetzivanu le’echol Seudas Shabbos. This is a birchas HaMitzvos not birchas Hanehenin. That is pshat in Rashi on Vayekadesh oso that Hashem blessed us with Manna and was mekadesh us with a Bracha.

The Kli Chemda says they made a Hadama based on the Seforno Shmos 16:27 that the Manna was a gidulei karka. Therefore, if one picked the Manna on Shabbos, he would be oveir on the issur of toleish. This is the reason one makes a hadama on hops that even though it has no roots in the ground one is oveir if he plucks it on Shabbos thereby requiring the bracha to be hadama on the Manna.

The Pardas Yosef says that since every person could have in mind whatever food he or she wanted therefore one would make the bracha on whatever he thought the taste should be that was the corresponding bracha.

Rav Chaim Palagi says you would make a mezonos because it was a tzapichis bidvash so it was pas haba bekisnin. He does say that if you were kovea seuda on it then you would make Hamotzi. So, it would depend how much you ate from the Manna to ascertain what bracha to make on it.

The Sifsei Tzaddik Beshalach 67 based on the Seforno that one would be oveir on tolesh by picking the Manna on Shabbos says one should make a Hamotzi.

There is a nafka mina lehalacha in today’s day and age. The Yerushalmi in Klayim 7:6 brings a safek on bread made from wheat grown in a flowerpot without holes. Does one make Hamotzi or maybe not as it is not grown from the earth. Based on this Yerushalmi the Chayei Adam 51:17 says we don’t make Hamotzi but rather Borei Minei Mezonos and Birchas Hamazon. This is even though we have a rule that we only bentch when we start with Hamotzi here would be the exception to the rule. This is just like the Manna despite the fact we don’t start with Hamotzi, but we say birchas haMazon. The Sdei Chemed argues and says that we do say Hamotzi. This will also be a nafka mina on wheat grown on water.

May we all be zocheh to say Brachos properly.

TEHILLIM: Jewish Man Struck And Critically Injured In Boro Park Hit-And-Run

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A 67-year-old Jewish man is in critical but stable condition after being struck by a vehicle in a hit-and-run incident in Boro Park on Monday evening. The incident occurred at the intersection of 15th Avenue and 54th Street, where eyewitnesses told the Boro Park Scoop that the driver of the vehicle, who appeared to be intoxicated, veered into the oncoming lane and struck the victim at a high rate of speed. Hatzolah rushed to the scene and provided emergency medical care to the victim before rushing him to a local hospital for further treatment. Following the incident, Boro Park Shomrim quickly launched an investigation and search for the driver, who was located on 44th Street attempting to flee the scene. Shomrim members apprehended the driver, who made efforts to escape, but was subsequently taken into custody by the NYPD. Please daven for Mordche Shlome Ben Risa THIS STORY WAS FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE BORO PARK SCOOP STATUS CLICK HERE SIGN UP TO THE BORO PARK SCOOP WHATSAPP STATUS TO BE INFORMED OF BORO PARK NEWS IN LIVE TIME (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Homeland Security Detects Uptick in Foreign Terrorist Threats to U.S.

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The Biden administration sees increased foreign terrorist threats to the US compared to a year ago, thanks to renewed efforts by the Islamic State militant group and Middle East unrest tied to the Israel-Hamas war.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said his department has noticed “a resurgence in recruiting of ISIS, ISIS’s public communications and efforts to galvanize individuals to divide us,” using a common acronym for the Sunni Muslim insurgent group.

The warning about global threats marks a recent shift for Mayorkas and the department, which had focused on domestic violent extremism as the most pressing – and lethal – threat facing Americans over the past few years. Mayorkas said that while his concern that domestic violent extremists are the greatest threat to the nation “certainly persists,” worry about foreign terrorism is rising – hearkening back to the early days of DHS, which was formed after the Sept. 11 attacks.

“The threat of foreign terrorism is uppermost in our minds as well now, more so than it was last year. The war in the Middle East following the Oct. 7 attacks has heightened the threat landscape,” Mayorkas told a group of Bloomberg News reporters and editors.

The Homeland Security chief also warned of growing dangers from disinformation spread by foreign actors heading into the November presidential election, which the rise of artificial intelligence has made easier to disseminate.

Russia, China, Iran and North Korea remain “four predominant actors” responsible for disinformation in the US, according to Mayorkas.

The goals of those pushing deliberately false information online and on social media appear to be to “exacerbate the social discord and to exploit the divisiveness” in the US and to exert “electoral influence” by “the dissemination of information about particular positions and particular people,” he said.

(c) Washington Post

Michigan, CUNY Failed to Protect Jewish Students, Education Department Investigation Finds

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The U.S. Department of Education released a pair of agreements on Monday with the University of Michigan and the City University of New York to address their failure to protect the civil rights of Jewish students.

The resolution agreements are the outcome of civil rights investigations by the Education Department’s Office of Civil Rights into complaints that the universities violated Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act by allowing the creation of a hostile environment for Jewish students.

“In OCR’s review of university documentation of 75 reports the university received alleging shared ancestry harassment and/or discrimination from the 2022-23 school year through February 2024, OCR found no evidence that the university complied with its Title VI requirements,” the Department of Education stated of its investigation of University of Michigan.

Title VI prohibits discrimination on the basis of “race, color or national origin,” and the Education Department notes that bias based on “shared ancestry” includes religion.

As part of the resolution agreements, the universities have agreed to review or re-open investigations of alleged Jew-hatred on campus and report to OCR about the actions they’ve taken to remedy the problem.

Rabbi Asher Lopatin, director of community relations at the Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor, told JNS that the agreements are a good first step, but the universities need to do more to directly address antisemitism on campus, including unsanctioned anti-Israel protest encampments.

“They have policies that are in place,” Lopatin said. “This encampment was against the rules. I don’t know why they have to re-examine their policies. They just have to follow through on their policies.”

“I think the university believes that if they ignore what’s going on, it’ll go away,” Lopatin told JNS. “That’s never a good policy, usually, and I don’t think it’s going to happen this time.”

Universities across the country have been at the forefront of the explosion of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel discrimination since Oct. 7, and many have struggled to deal with mass anti-Israel demonstrations that many Jewish and Israeli students allege has created a hostile environment and violated their civil rights.

U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona addressed that wider wave of discrimination on college campuses since Oct. 7 in a statement on the resolution of the CUNY and Michigan investigations.

“Sadly, we have witnessed a series of deeply concerning incidents in recent months,” Cardona stated. “There’s no question that this is a challenging moment for school communities across the country.”

One of the challenges that schools have faced is drawing the line between discriminatory behavior and protected free speech, an issue that repeatedly comes up in the complaint letters to the universities alleging discrimination.

“The complainant stated that shortly after the beginning of each of the two class sessions, a group of students in attendance changed their Zoom backgrounds to the Palestinian flag and their visible screen names to ‘Free Palestine:Decolonize’ and read aloud a statement ‘defaming and demonizing Israel through false accusations of colonization, ethnic cleansing, genocide and more,’” the CUNY letter says.

CUNY’s Hunter College took no action as it concluded that the statement was protected free speech, per the complaint.

Cardona stated that the Department of Education would continue to pursue solutions in the dozens of other open investigations into discrimination at universities across the country.

“The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights continues to hold schools accountable for compliance with civil rights standards, including by investigating allegations of discrimination or harassment based on shared Jewish ancestry and shared Palestinian or Muslim ancestry,” Cardona added.

The Education Department lists 111 open Title VI investigations against schools and educational districts that receive federal funding, based on what it calls “discrimination involving shared ancestry.” (Another listing on the department’s website identifies 149 open probes of schools under Title VI based on “national origin discrimination involving religion.”)

Lopatin told JNS that the urge to lump in the condemnation of anti-Muslim or anti-Palestinian bigotry, including in Monday’s resolution disagreements, risks missing the acute threat that currently faces Jews.

“I’m very much against saying it’s all the same,” Lopatin said. “It gets into this ‘All Lives Matter’ thing. This is a time to say Jewish lives matter.”

“There was a time when we had to say, ‘Black Lives Matter,’ because there was a particular issue of discrimination against African Americans, and now is a time where people have to say ‘Jewish Lives Matter,’” he added. “The emphasis has to be that it’s become a hostile environment for many Jews on campus.”


BAAL MOFES: Anti-Israel Squad Rep. Cori Bush Claims To Have Magically Healed A Woman’s Tumor

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In her 2022 autobiography, “The Forerunner: A Story of Pain and Perseverance in America,” far-left Squad member Rep. Cori Bush makes astonishing claims of performing miraculous faith healings as a religious faith healer. According to the book, Bush writes about developing her abilities through “applying God’s Word to her life” and understanding the power within her. She recounts two remarkable – and ridiculous – stories of healing: one of a three-year-old girl who took her first steps after Bush prayed over her, and another of a woman whose tumors disappeared after Bush laid hands on her and prayed. Bush’s has long been affiliated with a “faith-healing church” in Missouri that has been mocked, particularly after the church’s lead pastor claimed to have cured Bush of coronavirus through faith healing over the phone in 2021. As a member of the embattled “Squad,” Bush is currently facing a tough primary challenge from Wesley Bell, the prosecuting attorney of St. Louis, with polls indicating she trails by a double-digit margin. While Bush’s book received a significant media push upon its release, it appears few have read it, and her claims of miraculous healings have sparked more mockery than acclaim. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Anti-Jewish Hate Groups Say They Sparked Recent Fires at UC Berkeley

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Anonymous anti-Israel groups claimed responsibility for arson attacks on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley in recent days.

In a post to the “Palestine” forum of the San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center (Indybay) website, a group calling itself Marilyn’s Daughters said that it set a construction site on fire on Sunday afternoon.

“Phase two of the Escalate movement heats up at UC Berkeley with a construction site set on fire in broad daylight,” the group wrote. “This was done in retaliation for UCPD’s violent assaults on vulnerable student demonstrators and to punish the University of KKKalifornia system for supporting the genocidal Zionist-Israel entity.” (UCPD is the University of California Police Department, and the latter spelling of the university system was an apparent reference to the Ku Klux Klan.)

“This was an autonomous initiative in concert with the current Week of Action currently underway: operation campus flood,” which runs from June 14 to 19.

“Campus flood” is an apparent reference to “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood,” which is what Hamas called its Oct. 7 terror attack.

The arson attack was timed to coincide with Father’s Day, according to Marilyn’s Daughters, in part, “for all the Palestinian fathers who have lost their children at the hands of the Zionist and AmeriKKKan settler states.”

It signed off “glory to the martyrs.”

Another anti-Israel group called Student Intifada posted to the Indybay Palestine forum on Thursday that it “unloaded a firebomb on the side of a campus building,” claiming that it was in response to University of California, Los Angeles students, who were attacked on Wednesday night. The Student Intifada post identified one anti-Israel student that it said was attacked.

Dan Mogulof, assistant vice chancellor of communications and public affairs at UC Berkeley, told The Daily Caller that there were two “small arson” fires on campus and there was no damage or injuries in either incident.

“These incidents are now under investigation by the State Fire Marshal and UCPD is supporting that investigation,” Mogulof told The Daily Caller.

Jewish Community Relations Council Bay Area commented on Thursday’s firebombing.

“The so-called ‘student intifada’ is far from peaceful; these actions are criminal and unacceptable. Intimidation and violence will not ‘free Palestine’ or accomplish BDS efforts,” the JCRC said. (BDS refers to the boycott Israel movement.)

“It is imperative that our leaders take immediate and decisive action to hold accountable those who commit these acts,” it added.

Earlier this month, a Berkeley police car was set on fire “in solidarity with our Palestinian siblings assaulted by the Zionist state in Rafah,” the J. The Jewish News of Northern California reported.

Berkeley and other California campuses have been a hotbed of anti-Israel activism and unrest since the Oct. 7 attack, with multiple incidents reported.

The ADL reported in March that there had been a 2,000% increase in antisemitic incidents at California campuses since Oct. 7, compared to the same period the previous year.

Some 200 people protested violently outside an event with a former Israel Defense Forces soldier at Berkeley in February, forcing Jewish students at the event to evacuate.

Anti-Israel students banged on doors and windows—breaking a glass door—and chanted “intifada, intifada” and accused the speaker, Ran Bar-Yoshafat, of committing genocide.

Bar-Yoshafat, who fought in Gaza with a special forces unit, told The Daily Wire that he was guilty until proven innocent to the protesters.

“I don’t think this is about the IDF, Jews or even Israel,” he said. “This is them lacking Western values like freedom of speech.”

The event “Israel at War: Combat the Lies” had to be canceled.


MAILBAG: Single Girls Are The Unsung Heroines Of Limud Hatorah

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Last night was another Adirei Hatorah event – a beautiful display of Kavod Hatorah and a way to express Klal Yisroel’s appreciation and acknowledgment of the yungerman’s integral role in our society. Special mention was also given to the nshei chayil who stand behind their husbands and sacrifice greatly to ensure his success in limmud Hatorah. Ashrecha! There are always letters written afterward by someone who says he’s just a common man but he feels that his role in society as an ehrliche yid is just as commendable but never acknowledged. This letter is not such a letter. This letter merely would like to mention another sect of society who sacrifice so deeply for Torah, even though sometimes they don’t get to reap the benefits of this dedication to Torah for many years. I am referring to the chashuve single girls in shidduchim who are holding out for a long term learner- for someone to learn in Kollel. These chashuve girls are working full-time jobs, earning and saving year after year to hopefully hold out a yungerman in Kollel. These girls don’t have the pleasure or benefit of actually learning Torah, but they are still as dedicated as can be, holding tightly onto their dreams as they plug away at their monotonous careers for years on end, putting away money as they daven fervently for their wish to be fulfilled. What an incredible display of dedication and chashivus Hatorah! They aren’t holding out for money, a life of luxury, or to be stay-at-home mothers, but rather for the chance to have a husband a Talmid Chacham. This is something which is inspiring to see and is a real sacrifice for Torah. Yehi Ratzon that they, along with of of klal Yisroels singles, should be zoche to see their dreams fulfilled and find their zivug hagon bekarov. Anonymous The view expressed in this letter do not necessarily represent those of YWN. Have an opinion you would like to share? Send them to us for review. 

Canadian Police Arrest Antisemitic Gunmaker, Confiscate 3D Printers for Weapon-Making

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Law enforcement in Quebec, Canada, took into custody Pascal Tribout, 37, alleged to have expressed hatred of Jews via the Telegram app and who manufactured illegal weaponry.

Canadian police announced Tribout’s arrest on June 14, charging him with trafficking weapons, owning an illegal gun, promoting hate, possessing a “prohibited device” and distributing plans for manufacturing 3D-printed firearms.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police also took into possession multiple 3D printers and a homemade gun. Tribout, who lives in Saint-Joseph-du-Lac in Quebec, remains in custody.

B’nai Brith Canada wrote on social media that it “played a pivotal role” in the investigation, providing police with “crucial information” that led to Tribout’s arrest.

The organization wrote that “this landmark arrest underscores the critical importance of vigilance and proactive action in combating hate and violence.”

Earlier this month, experts on Canadian antisemitism told JNS that they regarded the country’s level of hate against Jews as either just as bad or worse than in the United States.


מזמור לשיעור אחרון: A Song For The Rosh Yeshivah’s Yahrzeit

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The talmidim of HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein, ztl, wrote a song for his yahrzeit which fell out on Sunday. The song, sung to the tune of Mizmor L’Dovid of R’ BenTzion Shenker, z’l, begins by describing the last photo of the Rosh Yeshivah, in which he’s seen sitting in his hospital bed in his last days delivering his last shiur to his talmidim, just like he did every day for 80 years. The chorus outlines the Rosh Yeshivah’s message throughout the years: “Don’t criticize others, don’t be makpid on others. “Stay far away from loshon hara, from judging others harshly. “Don’t get angry easily, appease others who are angry. “Daven for others who are experiencing tzaros. “Say Tehillim, learn mussar – this is what will bring you happiness.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

Adobe Sued by U.S. Regulators Over Subscription Cancellations

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The US Federal Trade Commission sued Adobe Inc., alleging the software company violated consumer protection laws by making it too difficult for consumers to cancel their subscriptions.

Adobe pushed users toward annual subscriptions to its creative software such as Photoshop without “adequately disclosing” that canceling in the first year could cost hundreds of dollars, the FTC said Monday in a statement. The San Jose, California-based company also designed the cancellation process to be difficult, requiring navigating many online pages or transfers between customer services representatives, the regulators said.

“Adobe trapped customers into yearlong subscriptions through hidden early termination fees and numerous cancellation hurdles,” said Samuel Levine, director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. The Justice Department filed the complaint in a California federal court on behalf of the FTC, which enforces US consumer protection laws.

Adobe said it will challenge the FTC’s claim in court. “Our priority is to always ensure our customers have a positive experience,” Dana Rao, the company’s general counsel, said in a statement. “We are transparent with the terms and conditions of our subscription agreements and have a simple cancellation process.”

Users of Adobe products have long complained about the expense of canceling a subscription. Accessing Adobe’s suite of apps can cost more than $700 annually for individuals. Subscribers must cancel within two weeks of buying a subscription to receive a full refund; otherwise, they incur a prorated penalty. Some other digital services such as those from Spotify Technology SA and Netflix Inc. don’t charge a cancellation fee.

Company management knows that consumers are often confused about the terms of the agreement, regulators wrote in the complaint. Adobe’s subscription-pricing model provides an incentive to lock customers into longer-term contracts and discourage cancellation, they wrote.

The lawsuit alleges that Adobe’s tactics violate a 2010 consumer protection law designed to protect online shoppers.

Last year, the FTC sued Amazon.com Inc. under the same law for allegedly duping consumers into signing up for its Prime membership service and deliberately making it hard to cancel.

Adobe disclosed in December that the FTC was investigating its subscription practices. The FTC first asked the company for information on the topic in June 2022, regulators wrote in the lawsuit.

(c) Washington Post

PHOTO GALLERY 3: “Unique 24” Adirei Hatorah Gathering At Wells Fargo 2024

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With the tens of thousands of people who attended the historic maamad at Wells Fargo Center, one can only imagine the sheer amount of photographs that were taken at the third Adirei Torah gathering this year. One of the photographers present decided to challenge himself to present 24 exposures capturing aspects of the event in monochrome in this unique essay.


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