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Israel “Forced” To Execute Pager Plan After 2 Hezbollah Terrorists Grew Suspicious

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Israel developed the plan to remotely detonate thousands of Hezbollah pagers months ago but was forced to activate the plan on Tuesday after two Hezbollah members grew suspicious, various media outlets reported. Axios quoted a US official as saying: “It was a use it or lose it moment.” Israel planned on using the operation as the first blow in an all-out war to try to disable Hezbollah. But when Israel received intelligence that two Hezbollah members had expressed suspicion about the pagers, they decided to execute the plan rather than lose the opportunity altogether. Israeli officials did not inform the US about the plan, not even telling US envoy Amos Hochstein about it, who was in Israel to discuss the security situation with Hezbollah. In order not to keep the US completely in the dark, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant called U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin moments before the explosions began and said that Israel was about to carry out an operation in Lebanon. However, he refused to provide any details. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)  

H’YD: 4 IDF Soldiers, Including Female Paramedic, Killed In Gaza Explosion

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The IDF announced on Wednesday morning that four soldiers were killed in combat in the southern Gaza Strip on Tuesday. The soldiers were killed in Rafah after a building they were inside exploded, the IDF said. Five others were injured in the blast, three seriously and two moderately. The soldiers were on a mission to find weapons in the Tel Sultan neighborhood when they entered the booby-trapped building. The casualties include the first female IDF soldier to be killed during the ground war in Gaza: Staff Sgt. Agam Naim, H’yd, 20, from Mishmarot, a kibbutz in north-central Israel, who served as a paramedic in the 52nd Battalation in the 401st Armored Brigade. The other three soldiers served in the Shaked Battalion of the Givati Brigade. They were identified as Staff Sgt. Amit Bakri, H’yd, 21, from Yoshivia, a religious moshav in southern Israel; Staff Sgt. Dotan Shimon, H’yd, 21, from Elazar, a religious yishuv in Gush Etzion; and Cpt. Daniel Mimon Toaff, 23, H’yd, from Moreshet, a religious yishuv in northern Israel, who served as a deputy company commander. Their deaths increase the death toll of soldiers killed in Gaza since the ground war began to 346 and the number of soldiers killed since October 7 to 713. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)  

Trump Has Nice Things to Say About Harris and Biden After Calls

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Donald Trump revealed details of his phone conversations with U.S. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, who both called after a second apparent assassination attempt on the former president.

During a town hall meeting in Flint, Michigan, Trump he said he had “a nice conversation,” with Biden, adding that, “I appreciated that he called about what happened the other day.”

Trump also said his call with Harris was “very, very nice,” and that he appreciated the gesture—despite audible boos from the crowd. “No, it was very nice,” Trump interjected.

Though the former president eventually lamented the pair’s kindness, hinting at the fact it may be hard to criticize them again.

“He was so nice to me yesterday. In one way I sort of wish the call wasn’t made because I do feel a little… He’s so nice. ‘I’m so sorry about what happened and all that.’”

Trump continued: “Same with Kamala today. She could not have been nicer,” Trump added. “But the fact is we have to have people that are respected by the opponent.” Harris had earlier revealed that she “checked on him to see if he was okay.”

Read more. 

Priceless. Truly.

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By Rabbi Yair Hoffman Artscroll’s latest English Halacha sefer is entitled, “The Priceless Treasure of  Bircas Kohanim” – but the name applies to the sefer as well.  This sefer, replete with more than 550 Teshuvos from Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievskt zt”l is a priceless treasure in and of itself.  It is not just a halacha sefer, it is a kol-bo.  It is filled with inspiration, stories, history and minhagin.  Most of all, anyone reading it is is overcome by a tremendous urge to run out for Shacharis to a sefardic minyan to attend Bircas Kohanim. Somewhere in the introduction, the author,  Rabbi Naftali Weinberger, explains that he had asked Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l which sefer should be published first – the one on Shidduchim or the one on Bircas Kohanim. Everyone thought that he would certainly answer Bircas Kohanim – because of the Mitzvah of vekhibadto – that one must honor a Kohain.  In fact, Rav Chaim zatzal used to sort his letters by names that could possibly be that of a Kohain in order to respond to them first.  To everyone’s shock, Rav Chaim responded that the Shidduchim sefer should be published first because the delay in our girls getting married causes enormous damage to Klal Yisroel.  Wow. Each page of this remarkable is filled with remarkably inspiring nuggets of information.  The Alter of Slabodka had formed his own, quicker minyan for Ne’ilah so that he could hear Bircas Kohanim before shkiyah.  But when the Yeshiva saw what the Alter was doing – the main minyan followed suit (p. 107). Rav Nachum zt”l, yes the famed Rav Nachum, explained that the Mir Yeshiva’s minhag of going faster through Ne’ilah was to give the tzibbur an extra Chessed of helping out the Kohanim fulfill their three Mitzvos.  The z’chus that the Tzibbur receives is on account of this Chessed  – to the Kohanim.  Wow. It is reminiscent of Rav Chatzkel Levenstein zt”ls explanation of mechalkel chaim b’chessed – Rav Chatzkel Levenstein zt”l explains the three words we are all so familiar with in the shmoneh esreh differently than others do.  Mechalkel chaim b’chessed – Hashem sustains life with chessed.  What do these words mean?  Some have it that through Hashem’s middah of chessed – He sustains life. Others have it as Hashem could sustain life in many ways – but He does so with extras – with steak instead of with macaroni.  Rav Chatzlel zatzal explained it differently – He explained that it is the acts and the performance of Chessed which is the life-sustaining, life-giving force that sustains and gives purpose and direction to life and to the universe itself. Some interesting halachos are that an Ashkenazic Kohain living in the USA may never duchen in an Ashkenazic minyan except for on Yom Tov – without exception (p. 142).  An Ashkenazic Jew may attend a sefardic minyan in the USA – even for the express purpose of hearing Bircas Kohanim.  Chapter fourteen of this sefer goes into great detail all of the explanations as to why Kohanim do not duchem in Chutz LaAretz.  In Chapter eight, the author deals with the D’oraisah form of the bracha – wherein it must be delivered by two Kohanim. The Rabbinic form of the Mitzvah is just with one Kohain. Uman – The […]

Report: Secret Service Tells Trump Agency Can’t Protect Him On His Golf Courses Without Additional Security Arrangements

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Donald Trump has been advised by the Secret Service that his current security measures on his golf courses are insufficient to guarantee his safety unless they are significantly upgraded, according to reports.

Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe told the former president that substantial reinforcement of security personnel and more comprehensive planning are required if Trump intends to continue golfing at certain locations, the New York Times reported.

This conversation occurred during a meeting at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Monday. The meeting took place just one day after an incident in which Ryan Routh, allegedly armed with an SKS assault rifle, was apprehended hiding in the bushes on the golf course, only a few hundred yards away from Trump as he played.

Members of Trump’s campaign have voiced frustration, claiming they have repeatedly asked for additional Secret Service agents but have not received the necessary reinforcements, according to The Times.

The discussion between Trump and the Secret Service was reportedly fraught with tension, as Trump questioned whether it was still safe for him to continue playing golf. Director Rowe explained the complexities of securing a vast golf course, especially when it is located so close to public roads, the Times stated.

Trump also mentioned that photographers often capture images of him playing at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. He pointed out during the meeting that if photographers could easily get pictures of him, then someone with a rifle scope might be able to do the same, according to the newspaper.


FAA Wants To Fine SpaceX $633,000 For Alleged Safety Violations During 2 Florida Launches

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SpaceX faces $633,000 in fines for alleged safety violations during two Florida launches last year. The Federal Aviation Administration said Tuesday it’s proposing the civil penalties because of the company’s alleged failure to follow licensing requirements. During a satellite launch in June 2023, SpaceX used a new launch control room without prior approval and also did not conduct the required readiness poll two hours in advance, according to the FAA. One month later, SpaceX launched another communication satellite using a new rocket fuel facility yet to be approved, said federal regulators. “Safety drives everything we do at the FAA” including oversight of commercial space, FAA’s Marc Nichols said in a statement. “Failure of a company to comply with the safety requirements will result in consequences.” SpaceX has 30 days to respond to the FAA. It did not immediately return a request for comment. (AP)

Candidates for Chief Rabbi Positions

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With about a week remaining before the Chief Rabbinate elections, negotiations between Aryeh Deri of Shas and Bezalel Smotrich of Religious Zionism to appoint a chareidi Sefardic Chief Rabbi and a Religious Zionist Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi have reached an impasse.

Five Ashkenazi candidates are currently in the race: Rav Micha Halevy, Rav Meir Kahana, Rav Eliezer Igra, Rav Kalman Ber, and Rav Moshe Chaim Lau, the son and brother of former Chief Rabbis Rav Yisroel Meir Lau and Rav Dovid Lau.

{Matzav.com Israel}

Chareidi MKs Divide Responsibilities

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In response to the growing challenges and decrees facing the chareidi public, the heads of the chareidi parties have agreed on a division of labor in their dealings with the Prime Minister.

Shas Chairman Aryeh Deri will focus on resolving the issue of daycare centers. UTJ Minister Yitzchok Goldknopf has taken responsibility for the draft law, while Degel HaTorah Chairman Moshe Gafni will address budgetary issues related to chareidi education.

“The best solution for the daycare subsidy issue is to pass the draft law and regulate the status of those required for military service by law, and this must be done quickly,” Prime Minister Netanyahu said.

If that fails, the government plans to approve a resolution that would bypass Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara, who aims to cut daycare subsidies for families of yungeleit.

The resolution would extend the current daycare subsidy model until the end of the school year and proposes a plan to allow daycare subsidies for working women, even if their husbands are learning in kollel.

Meanwhile, the Attorney General has argued that the IDF should recruit chareidim based on criteria relevant to the army’s needs, such as drivers or those with language skills, rather than using “discriminatory” criteria like whether they are employed or own a mobile phone.

{Matzav.com Israel}

Dancing at the Fall of 4000 Terrorist Murderers: a Halachic Analysis

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By Rabbi Yair Hoffman The events of today will go down in history as one of the most brilliant battle tactics ever conceived.  Four thousand hardened Hezbollah terrorists and murderers were near-simultaneously put out of commission by somehow being fooled with a shipment of Motorola paging equipment containing a hidden explosive device.  The miraculous success of this operation sparked such happiness and delight that students of Religious Zionist Yeshivos were dancing out of sheer joy. There were, however, people that questioned the propriety of the dancing as well as whether Yeshiva World News should have posted these articles in the first place.  People commented and asked, “Doesn’t Shlomo HaMelech advise us not to rejoice at the fall of our enemy?“  How could this have been posted? While keeping in mind that the 4000 were terrorists bent on murdering civilians, there is a verse in the 24th chapter of Mishlei written by Shlomo HaMelech. It is pasuk 18 and it states:  In the falling (death) of your enemy – do not rejoice. We must also keep in mind another seemingly contradictory earlier verse. It was also written by Shlomo HaMelech – “In the death of evil-doers – exhuberance! (Mishlei 11:10). How are these two verses to be understood together? THE RALBAG’S UNDERSTANDING – TOO MUCH IS NO GOOD The Ralbag (1288-1344) in interpreting the pasuk just before pasuk 18 in chapter 24, writes that inappropriate rejoicing over the matter will lead to Hashem removing His Divine Anger against that enemy and placing it upon you. It is clear from this Ralbag that too much rejoicing is wrong and dangerous.  But what is too much? It is interesting to note that the Alshich (1508-1593) in Megilas Esther (5:3) writes that this is exactly why Esther wished to make Haman rejoice at the party.  She did so in order that the Divine Will be turned against the evil Haman on account of his rejoicing at the fall of Israel. APPROPRIATE REJOICING IS OKAY We can infer from the Ralbag that although inappropriate rejoicing is wrong – appropriate rejoicing, where one is on the correct spiritual level, is fine.  This is the type of rejoicing that is indicated in Chapter eleven. THE MAHARSHA’S AND RABBEINU YONAH’S VIEWS But what exactly is the correct spiritual level? The Maharsha (1555-1631)  in his comments to Megillah 28a understands the verse in Chapter 24 as referring to someone who is rejoicing because of his feeling of hate toward his enemy. Rabbeinu Yonah (1180-1263) in his comments on Pirkei Avos 4:19 writes that that the high level in which rejoicing is permitted is if one does so in celebration of the Kavod Shamayim – of the honor due to G-d at the fall of this evil-doer. This may be very much in line with our Ralbag. THE ALSHICH’S VIEW The Alshich (1508-1593) in his comments to Tehillim 5:11 qualifies the verse in Mishlei to refer only to a personal enemy, but one whose evil is so much against G-d – the opposite feeling is in order – one should, in fact, rejoice. Thus, the Chapter eleven verse refers to one who is so evil in the eyes of G-d. The Alshich does not distinguish between our own levels, but rather the type of enemy that the pasuk refers to. […]

Congress Is Gridlocked. These Members Are Convinced AI Legislation Could Break Through

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A bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced legislation Tuesday that would prohibit political campaigns and outside political groups from using artificial intelligence to misrepresent the views of their rivals by pretending to be them. The introduction of the bill comes as Congress has failed to regulate the fast-evolving technology and experts warn that it threatens to overwhelm voters with misinformation. Those experts have expressed particular concern over the dangers posed by “deepfakes,” AI-generated videos and memes that can look lifelike and cause voters to question what is real and what is fake. Lawmakers said the bill would give the Federal Election Commission the power to regulate the use of artificial intelligence in elections in the same way it has regulated other political misrepresentation for decades. The FEC has started to consider such regulations. “Right now, the FEC does not have the teeth, the regulatory authority, to protect the election,” said Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, a Pennsylvania Republican who co-sponsored the legislation. Other sponsors include Rep. Adam Schiff, a California Democrat; Rep. Derek Kilmer, a Washington Democrat; and Lori Chavez-DeRemer, an Oregon Republican. Fitzpatrick and Schiff said the odds were against the bill passing this year. Nevertheless, they said they don’t expect the measure to face much opposition and could be attached to a must-pass measure in the waning days the congressional session. Schiff described the bill as a modest first step in addressing the threat posed by deepfakes and other false AI-generated content, arguing the legislation’s simplicity was an asset. “This is really probably the lowest hanging fruit there is” in terms of addressing the misuse of AI in politics, Schiff said. “There’s so much more we’re going to need to do, though, to try to attack the avalanche of misinformation and disinformation.” Congress has been paralyzed on countless issues in recent years, and regulating AI is no exception. “This is another illustration of congressional dysfunction,” Schiff said. Schiff and Fitzpatrick are not alone in believing artificial intelligence legislation is needed and can become law. Rep. Madeleine Dean, a Pennsylvania Democrat, and Rep. María Elvira Salazar, a Florida Republican, introduced legislation earlier this month that aims to curb the spread of unauthorized AI-generated deepfakes. A bipartisan group of senators proposed companion legislation in the Senate. Opposition to such legislation has primarily focused on not stifling a burgeoning technology sector or making it easier for another country to become the hub for the AI industry. Congress doesn’t “want to put a rock on top of innovation either and not allow it to flourish under the right circumstances,” Rep. French Hill, an Arkansas Republican, said in August at a reception hosted by the Center for AI Safety. “It’s a balancing act.” The Federal Election Commission in August took its first step toward regulating AI-generated deepfakes in political advertising when it took a procedural vote after being asked to regulate ads that use artificial intelligence to misrepresent political opponents as saying or doing something they didn’t. The commission is expected to further discuss the matter on Thursday. The commission’s efforts followed a request from Public Citizen, a progressive consumer rights organization, that the agency clarify whether a 1970s-era law that bans “fraudulent misrepresentation” in campaign communications also applies to AI-generated deepfakes. While the election commission has been criticized in recent years for being ineffective, it […]

Back To Reality: Amazon Is Requiring Workers To Be In The Office Five Days A Week Starting Next Year

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Amazon is reverting to its pre-pandemic policy and will require corporate employees to be in the office five days a week starting next year, CEO Andy Jassy said Monday. Jassy said in a message shared with employees that the company’s leadership had been thinking in recent months about how to better “invent, collaborate and be connected enough to each other” to deliver the best results for customers and the business. The company decided that bringing employees back into Amazon offices five days a week instead of the three currently required was a way to address that issue, the CEO said. “When we look back over the last five years, we continue to believe that the advantages of being together in the office are significant,” Jassy wrote in the memo, which Amazon also shared on its website. The policy takes effect on January 2, 2025. Like many other companies, Amazon’s corporate employees worked remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the company saw massive gains from a boost in online shopping. In 2021, the tech giant implemented a policy that allowed leaders to determine how their teams worked. In February 2023, Amazon asked all employees to come back to the office for three mandatory days, resulting in some protests from workers. A few months later, Jassy said employees who were not happy about the change should learn to “disagree and commit.” He also issued somewhat of a subtle threat, saying it was “probably not going to work out” for those who refused to do so. In his note on Monday, Jassy said the company has observed that it is easier for employees to “learn, model, practice and strengthen” Amazon’s culture and brainstorm when they’re together in person. “If anything, the last 15 months we’ve been back in the office at least three days a week has strengthened our conviction about the benefits,” he said. (AP)

WATCH THIS: Senator John Kennedy Tells Arab American Community Leader She ‘Should Hide Her Head In A Bag’

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During a Senate Judiciary Committee session today addressing the rise of hate crimes across the U.S., Republican Senator John Kennedy told an Arab American leader that she should “hide [her] head in a bag” following her testimony.

Kennedy began his interaction with Maya Berry, the executive director of the Arab American Institute, with an abrupt question: “You support Hamas, do you not?”

Taken aback, Berry replied: “Hamas is a foreign terrorist organization that I do not support, but you asking the executive director of the Arab American institute that question very much puts the focus on the issue of hate in our country.”

However, Kennedy persisted, moving forward with another question: “You support Hezbollah, don’t you?”

Berry reiterated her stance, expressing her opposition to any group that resorts to violence, including Hamas and Hezbollah. She expressed disappointment, describing the senator’s approach as part of a troubling pattern of questions Arab and Muslim Americans often face.

Appearing unsatisfied with Berry’s response, Kennedy shot back: “You can’t bring yourself to say you don’t support UNRWA, you don’t support Hamas, you don’t support Hezbollah and you don’t support Iran. You should hide your head in a bag.”


Chareidi MKs Meet with Rav Dov Landau to Discuss Draft Law

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Members of the Degel Hatorah faction of Yahadut Hatorah met with Maran Rav Dov Landau, Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka, to explore potential solutions for the contentious Draft Law, according to sources.

Among those present at the meeting were MKs Moshe Gafni, Uri Maklev, and Yaakov Asher.

The meeting extended for nearly an hour and included not only the Draft Law but also recent developments about the expansion of the governing coalition.

Rav Landau inquired about the specifics of the Draft Law situation and its potential impact on the legislative efforts. The MKs provided him with a thorough update on the matter. The conversation later shifted to focus on the Har Habayis.

Rav Landau expressed his hope that National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir’s reduced influence, following the expected inclusion of Gideon Sa’ar’s party in the coalition, would help maintain the current status quo at the Har Habayis, which leading poskim have maintained it is assur to ascend.

Earlier, reports emerged indicating that Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu was considering replacing Defense Minister Yoav Gallant with MK Gideon Sa’ar, provided that Sa’ar agrees to join the coalition. Gallant has thus far resisted backing the proposed Draft Law, demanding that it gain the support of MK Benny Gantz in addition to the coalition’s approval.

A source within Yahadut Hatorah commented, “Gallant is the one standing in the way of any consensus on the Draft Law issue. His political interests are blocking us from reaching a mutually agreed-upon law, and he is also preventing the defense establishment from cooperating with the legislation that MK Yuli Edelstein is currently pushing forward. If Gallant is removed and Sa’ar takes over, we will finally be able to agree on a law that will halt the decrees targeting the Haredi community and the Torah world.”

A separate source from Agudas Yisrael emphasized, “In recent days, we have made it clear to Netanyahu that without a solution to the draft dilemma, the state budget will not pass. This message has reached the Prime Minister, and he has begun taking steps in that direction. Otherwise, his government will not survive.”

Sa’ar’s potential entry into the coalition could facilitate not only the passage of the Draft Law but also the advancement of other legislative priorities.

“Currently, Itamar Ben Gvir is blocking issues that are important to the chareidi community, such as the Rabbis Law,” said one source. “If Sa’ar joins the coalition, Ben Gvir’s obstruction will end, and we will be able to pass the laws that matter to us.”

{Matzav.com Israel}

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Jump 3% In August, Suggesting Decline May Be Bottoming Out

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Arrests for illegal border crossings from Mexico rose slightly in August, authorities said Monday, ending a stretch of five straight months of declines and signaling that flows may be leveling off. The Border Patrol made 58,038 arrests on the Mexican border during the month, hovering near four-year lows but up 2.9% from 56,399 in July, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The total was in line with preliminary estimates. Troy Miller, acting CBP commissioner, said restrictions introduced in June to suspend asylum when illegal crossings hit certain thresholds showed the government will “deliver strong consequences for illegal entry.” A decline from an all-time high of 250,000 arrests in December, partly a result of more enforcement by Mexican authorities within their borders, is welcome news for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as they fend off Republican accusations that they allowed the border to spin out of control. “The Biden-Harris Administration has taken effective action, and Republican officials continue to do nothing,” said White House spokesperson Angelo Fernández Hernández. Many Republicans have criticized Biden for new and expanded pathways to legal entry, calling them a “shell game” to drive down illegal crossings. About 44,700 people entered the country legally from Mexico by making online appointments on an app called CBP One in August, bringing the total to about 813,000 since the app was introduced in January 2023. Additionally, nearly 530,000 people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela have entered legally through airports by applying online with a financial sponsor. San Diego was again the busiest corridor for illegal crossings, followed closely by El Paso, Texas, and Tucson, Arizona. (AP)

WORDS MATTER: Doocy Challenges KJP on Biden-Harris Admin Repeatedly Calling Trump a ‘Threat’

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During today’s White House press conference, Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy asked press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre how many more assassination attempts need to be made against former President Donald Trump before the Biden-Harris Administration stops calling him a “threat.”

“It’s been two days since someone allegedly tried to kill Donald Trump again. And here you are, in the White House briefing room calling him a ‘cheat.’ How many more assassination attempts on Donald Trump until the President and the Vice President and you pick a different word than threat?!” Doocy asked.


KJP admonished Doocy for even asking the question.

“I actually completely disagree with the premise of your question; the question that you’re asking. It is also incredibly dangerous int he way that you’re asking it because American people are watching.”

Watch the clip below:



IDIOCY: Lemon: Trump Should Stop Threatening Democracy if He Wants Dems to Stop Calling Him a ‘Threat to Democracy’

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Former CNN anchor Don Lemon expressed on “OutFront” Monday that former President Donald Trump needs to cease his actions that undermine democracy if he wishes to avoid being labeled as a threat to democracy by Democrats.

Regarding the second assassination attempt, Lemon remarked, “For Donald Trump and his folks to say, and JD Vance to say that it’s Democrats who are causing this, that’s an issue.”

He went on to say, “He’s called everyone who works in this building the enemy of the people. We had pipe bombs sent because he kept calling us the enemy of the people and that CNN was fake news. Crooked Joe, Crooked Hillary, Crooked Kamala, Comrade Kamala, Deranged Jack Smith, Birdbrain Nikki Haley, bloodbath if he’s not elected, there won’t be another election if he’s not elected, bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists, poisoning the blood of our country, destroying the blood of our country, which is something that was Hitleresque. Communists, marxists, fascists, left-leaning that live like vermin, sons of bitches to NBA players, shithole countries, Haiti was one and now he’s blaming Haitian immigrants were things, blood coming out of her wherever as he talked about Megan Kelly.”

Lemon concluded, “So if Donald Trump wants people, wants Kamala Harris and others to stop saying that he is a threat to democracy than he should stop threatening democracy. Perhaps he shouldn’t be overturning, trying to overturn elections, overthrow the government, and inciting insurrections if he doesn’t want people to be honest about what he is, who he is and what he’s doing.”


Sen. John Kennedy Grills Arab American Leader Over Alleged Hamas And Hezbollah Support [VIDEO]

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At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing addressing the surge of hate crimes in the United States, Republican U.S. Senator John Kennedy blasted Arab American Institute Executive Director Maya Berry. Kennedy opened his questioning with a provocative statement: “You support Hamas, do you not?” This remark visibly stunned Berry, who responded by condemning Hamas as a foreign terrorist organization, adding, “You asking the executive director of the Arab American Institute that question very much puts the focus on the issue of hate in our country.” Undeterred, Kennedy escalated his line of questioning, asking, “You support Hezbollah, don’t you?” Berry firmly rejected the accusation, insisting that she opposes any organization that resorts to violence, including both Hamas and Hezbollah. She went on to express frustration, calling Kennedy’s approach “extraordinarily disappointing” and emblematic of the challenges faced by Arab and Muslim Americans. Despite her responses, Kennedy remained skeptical and concluded with a pointed remark: “You can’t bring yourself to say you don’t support UNRWA, you don’t support Hamas, you don’t support Hezbollah, and you don’t support Iran. You should hide your head in a bag.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


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