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PUTIN PICKS KAMALA: Russian Prez Backs Harris Over Trump, ‘She Laughs So Expressively’

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Putin has made his preference known…

According to an Axios report, Russian President Vladimir Putin says Russia would prefer Kamala Harris win the 2024 election over former President Donald Trump.


From Axios:

Driving the news: Speaking at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, Russia, Putin reiterated his previous remarks that President Biden had been Russia’s preferred candidate in the race.

Since Biden recommended his supporters back Harris, Russia would do the same, Putin said, Russian state news agency TASS reported.

“Ultimately, the choice is up to the American people, and we will respect that choice,” he added.

A Kremlin spokesperson had said in an interview that aired last weekend that Russia preferred Harris over Trump because she was a more predictable opponent, Reuters reported.

Zoom in: Putin also joked that Harris “laughs so expressively and infectiously” and that perhaps this indication of her good humor would mean she wouldn’t impose sanctions on Russia, per TASS.

Trump commented on Putin’s endorsement during remarks at the Economic Club in New York City on Thursday; “Putin came out today. He endorsed Kamala. Was I supposed to call him up and say thank you very much?!”

Watch the clip below:


According to former DIA intelligence officer and author of “Putin’s Playbook,” Rebekah Koffler, “The Russians don’t really endorse anyone, in the traditional sense.

“When it comes to preference, Putin and his regime prefer Kamala to deal with as a future U.S. president,” Koffler told Fox News Digital. “Putin believes that he can manipulate Harris easily, unlike Trump, whom the Russians profiled as unpredictable and difficult to read.

“By issuing these statements, the Russians are just messing with us, specifically with the Harris Team,” Koffler added. “It’s a classic influence operation to unbalance your adversary by mocking, teasing, and pleasing them, or rather appearing to please.”

More over at Axios:


May He Hide it From His Father?

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by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Sefas Tamim Foundation QUESTION: A friend of mine has a moral dilemma. Before I present my dilemma, permit me to provide some necessary background. My friend’s parents are successful business owners. They have mostly retired and have hired my friend, their son, to run certain aspects of the business. They pay him well, but he still struggles to make ends meet. Now, his child is dating seriously and is about to get engaged. Generally, his parents will help him with his family Simchas (e.g. weddings, Bar Mitzvahs) and so my friend will be looking to them to help pay for the upcoming wedding. Sometimes they give him a few thousand dollars, sometimes they pay for half of the affair and sometimes they even pay for all of it. It generally depends upon how the family business is doing. If the business hits a rough patch, they generally provide less support for the family Simchas. The reality is though, that his parents have plenty of money and can easily pay for the Simcha regardless of how the business is doing at any particular time. And now for the dilemma. Recently, the business did take a bit of a hit as some of the business’s pricey equipment has malfunctioned, and now new equipment must be purchased. My friend is concerned that if he tells his father now about this rough patch that the business is going through, his father will reduce the amount of money he will give for the wedding. Can my friend delay telling his father about this new business expense until after the wedding in the hopes that he will give more money for the wedding, than he otherwise would have, if he had heard about the bad news before the wedding? ANSWER: Recently a prominent Rav addressed a similar issue and permitted it, but with due respect, we suggest here otherwise.  The Gemorah in Makkos 24a calls Abba Chilkiyah a “Righteous Worker” because he would not pause to greet people while he was working (i.e. he would not permit himself to spend time greeting people because he was on, “Company Time.”) The Mesilas Yesharim (Chapter 11) understands this Gemorah to mean that Abba Chilkiyah did the right and Halachically required thing in this case, because if he would have stopped to greet people while he was working, that would have been full-fledged theft from his employer, since he was on Company Time. Other Mefarshim (commentaries) learn this Gemorah to mean that Abba Chilkiyah did an act of righteousness – above and beyond what is called for. We suggest that this is only because he would have been allowed to greet people when he was working as that is the Minhag HaSochrim / Minhag HaMedina (the customs and the norms of the land). The fact that Abba Chilkiyah would not even permit himself to do that, was “above and beyond” what the Halacha required and was therefore an act of righteousness. In your case, however, it is the norm of the land to fulfill one’s fiduciary responsibility to one’s boss and not to let a conflict of interest get in the way. Accordingly, your friend should tell his father about the new equipment expense as soon as possible as the delay could handcuff […]

US Widens Indictment Of Russians In ‘WhisperGate’ Conspiracy To Destroy Ukrainian And NATO Systems

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The U.S. Justice Department has widened its indictment of Russians in the so-called WhisperGate malware attacks aimed at destroying computer systems in Ukraine and 26 NATO allies including the United States. A superseding indictment announced Thursday names five Russian military intelligence officers in a conspiracy to demoralize the Ukrainian people on the eve of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The WhisperGate attacks in January 2022 could be considered Russia’s first shot in the war, said William DelBagno, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Baltimore field office. The cyberattacks penetrated U.S. companies and targeted Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure and computer systems unrelated to defense, including the judiciary, emergency services, food safety and education, officials said. “Seeking to sap the morale of the Ukrainian public, the defendants also stole and leaked the personal data of thousands of Ukrainian civilians, including by posting patient health information and other sensitive private data for sale online and then taunting those victims,” said Matthew Olsen, assistant attorney general for national security. The attacks weren’t limited to Ukraine, Olsen said at the news conference in Baltimore, which also included Maryland U.S. Attorney Erek Barron. Olsen said. “They went on to target computer systems in other nations supporting Ukraine in its fight for survival. Ultimately, their targets included computer systems in 26 NATO partners, including the United States.” A federal grand jury in Baltimore indicted military intelligence officers Vladislav Borovkov, Denis Denisenko, Yury Denisov, Dmitry Goloshubov and Nikolai Korchagin along with Amin Timovich Stigal, a 22-year-old Russian civilian indicted in June. It accuses them of conspiring to gain unauthorized access to computers associated with the governments of Ukraine and its allies. Combined, the U.S. government is offering $60 million in rewards for help leading to their locations or malicious cyberactivity. All six are most likely in Russia, but federal officials said the indictment is useful anyway, to prevent them from traveling and to show that the U.S. has exposed their conspiracy. The U.S. investigation, Operation Toy Soldier, found the accused committed fraud in the U.S. by illegally accessing bank accounts and using a U.S. company to unwittingly carry out their crimes, DelBagno said. “Adding insult to injury these individuals not only used tools to scan for vulnerabilities 63 times on a Maryland U.S.-based government agency, but they also scanned our allies throughout the world, including Ukrainian servers and servers in various other countries,” Barron said. The FBI and government partners in other countries are issuing a joint cybersecurity advisory that details how the attacks were carried out and what can be done to prevent them, officials said. Countering Russia’s cyber threat demands constant efforts, they said. In January, the Justice Department also disrupted a botnet controlled by Russian military intelligence that officials say was used to enable crimes and espionage, and in May, officials announced charges against the alleged developer of a prolific ransomware variant known as LockBit. Other Russia-related prosecutions announced just this week include indictments unsealed Wednesday charging two employees of RT, a Russia state media company, with covertly funneling millions of dollars to a Tennessee-based content creation firm that paid social media influencers to publish videos in line with Russia’s interests, such as on topics like the war with Ukraine. DelBagno said the indictments are the result of years of collaboration with partners and law […]

Election ‘Nostradamus’ Predicts Kamala Harris Will Win 2024 Presidential Race

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American University professor Dr. Allan Lichtman, who has accurately forecasted nine out of the last ten presidential elections, offered his final prediction on Thursday for the 2024 presidential race. In a video shared by the New York Times, Lichtman predicted that Vice President Kamala Harris would triumph over former President Donald Trump on November 5, thus maintaining Democratic control of the White House.

Lichtman, who has gained notoriety and stirred debate every four years through his “Keys to the White House” method—a system of 13 criteria to evaluate each major party candidate’s chances—asserted that Harris holds the upper hand in eight of these “keys” while Trump is ahead in three. Nonetheless, Lichtman emphasized in the Thursday video, “the outcome is up to you, so get out and vote.”

Lichtman asserts that he has accurately forecasted the outcome of every presidential election since 1984, although this claim involves a bit of interpretative flexibility. For instance, in 2000, he predicted an Al Gore victory. While Gore did win the popular vote, he ultimately lost the Electoral College to George W. Bush. Two decades later, Lichtman correctly anticipated that Trump would defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton, despite Trump losing the popular vote. Critics such as Lars Emerson and Michael Lovito of the Postrider have challenged Lichtman’s reputation, arguing that his streak of accurate predictions either ended in 2000 or 2016, depending on whether one views the “Keys” as forecasting the popular vote or the Electoral College. The 13 “Keys” are:

  • Whether the sitting president’s party gained seats in the House during the midterms (Trump)
  • Whether the incumbent is seeking re-election (Trump)
  • Whether the party in the White House is facing a primary (Harris)
  • Whether there is a third-party candidate (Harris)
  • The condition of the short-term economy (Harris)
  • The condition of the long-term economy (Harris)
  • Whether the sitting president’s party has made changes to national policy (Harris)
  • Whether there is social unrest (Harris)
  • Whether the president faced major scandals (Harris)
  • The appeal of the challenger (Harris)
  • The appeal of the incumbent (Trump)
  • Whether there have been major foreign policy disasters (N/A)
  • Whether the sitting president has had successes in foreign affairs (N/A)

Lichtman, who is 77, suggested, somewhat contentiously, that President Biden had not encountered a major scandal during his tenure because issues surrounding his age and his son Hunter’s controversies did not create significant partisan divides. In the Times video, Lichtman also remarked, “Foreign policy is tricky, and these keys could flip.” He noted, “The Biden administration is deeply invested in the war in Gaza, which is a humanitarian disaster with no end in sight.” However, Lichtman argued that even if both foreign policy “keys” were to become unfavorable, there would still only be five negative “keys,” which would not be sufficient for Trump to reclaim the White House. Lichtman, a registered Democrat, had previously warned his party against removing Biden from the presidential ticket after Biden’s poor performance in the June 27 debate with Trump, citing the strength of incumbency in his “13 keys” and cautioning that it could be a “tragic mistake.”

Currently, Harris has a 2.4 percentage-point lead over Trump in national multi-candidate polls, according to the latest RealClearPolitics aggregate. Nate Silver’s latest forecast gives Trump a 58.2% chance of winning in the Electoral College. Trump and Harris are scheduled to debate in Philadelphia on September 10, with the event hosted by ABC News. Despite the tumultuous nature of the 2024 election cycle, Lichtman remained firm in his prediction, asserting that “the keys absolutely will work — they are the constant northern star of political prediction.”


Report: Sinwar Planned to Smuggle Himself and Hostages to Iran

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The Jewish Chronicle reported on Thursday, citing intelligence sources, that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar had devised a scheme to escape Gaza. His plan involved smuggling himself, other Hamas officials, and the remaining Israeli hostages through the Philadelphi Corridor to Sinai and then onward to Iran. This information came to light through the interrogation of a high-ranking Hamas member by Israeli security forces and through documents seized on the same day the six bodies of the slain hostages were recovered.

According to the report, Sinwar is acutely aware that his group’s time is running out, and his only option for evasion is to make a clandestine exit from Gaza and seek refuge in Iran. Consequently, Hamas is demanding that Israel withdraw from the Philadelphi Corridor, which lies along the Egyptian border.

Earlier in the day, the Prime Minister addressed the situation in an interview with Fox News, refuting claims of a potential agreement between Israel and Hamas. “It’s exactly inaccurate,” Netanyahu told Fox & Friends. “There’s a story, a narrative out there that there’s a deal out there … that’s just a false narrative.”

The Prime Minister elaborated on his reasons for not ceding control of the Philadelphi Corridor: “It prevents Gaza from becoming this Iranian terror enclave again, which can threaten our existence, but it’s also the way to prevent them from smuggling hostages that they keep through the cease-fire into Egypt, into the Sinai, where they could disappear, and then they’ll end up in Iran or in Yemen, and they’re lost forever.”

He continued, “So if you want to release the hostages and you want to make sure that Gaza doesn’t pose a threat to Israel again, you’ve got to keep the Philadelphia corridor … and that’s what we’re really doing right now.”

{Matzav.com Israel}

Venezuela’s Machado Calls On The International Community To Step Up The Pressure On Maduro

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Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado on Thursday vowed to keep the pressure on President Nicolás Maduro to leave office in January. She also urged the international community to rise to the occasion by immediately recognizing her faction’s presidential candidate as the winner of the election in July, and implement measures to hold government officials accountable for abuses unleashed after the vote. Machado, speaking to reporters online from an undisclosed location in Venezuela, reaffirmed her commitment to negotiate incentives and guarantees that could lead to a peaceful transition of power. “We, the Venezuelan people, have done everything,” she said. “We competed with the rules of tyranny … and we won, and we proved it. So, if the world or some government is thinking of looking the other way, imagine where sovereign will and popular sovereignty end up in the Western world. It would mean that elections are worthless.” Her comments came three days after the country’s justice system, which is loyal to the ruling party, issued an arrest warrant for former diplomat Edmundo González, who represented the main opposition coalition in the July 28 election. While the National Electoral Council — stacked with ruling party supporters — declared Maduro the winner, it never released vote tallies backing their claim. However, the opposition coalition claimed that González defeated Maduro by a 2-to-1 margin and offered as proof vote tallies from more than 80% of the electronic voting machines used in the election. Thousands of people, including minors, took to the streets across Venezuela hours after the electoral council’s announcement. The protests were largely peaceful, but demonstrators also toppled statues of Maduro’s predecessor, the late leader Hugo Chávez, threw rocks at law enforcement officers and buildings, and burned police motorcycles and government propaganda. Maduro’s government responded to the demonstrations with full force. A Wednesday report from Human Rights Watch implicated state security forces and gangs aligned with the ruling party in some of the 24 deaths that occurred during the protests. “They have no limits in their cruelty,” Machado told reporters Thursday. White House national security spokesman John Kirby on Tuesday condemned the “unjustified arrest warrant” of González, characterizing it as “another example of Mr. Maduro’s efforts to maintain power by force.” Kirby said the U.S. is considering a range of options to show Maduro and his allies that “their actions in Venezuela will have consequences.” Under the Biden administration, Venezuela’s government has been granted various forms of economic relief from economic sanctions the U.S. imposed over the years to try to topple Maduro. Earlier this year, it ended some of the relief when the government increased repression efforts against members of the opposition, civil society and others it considers as adversaries. Attorney General Tarek William Saab, a staunch Maduro ally, on Thursday insisted his office had sought the warrant because González, 75, failed to appear three times to answer questions in a criminal investigation focused on the publication online of the tally sheets obtained by the opposition. Saab told reporters that the publication constitutes an usurpation of powers exclusive of the National Electoral Council and claimed that the opposition’s vote records are false. “You shared the website on your (social media) networks,” Saab said, referring to González. “Explain why you shared it if it is false.” Saab’s claim contradicts experts from […]

WATCH: Gen. Jack Keane: US is ‘On a Pathway’ to World War III

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Retired four-star general Jack Keane (ret.,) reacts to Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu saying that Hamas is refusing to make a deal and weighs in on former President Trump’s warning that the U.S. is ‘heading into World War III territory.’


‘TROUBLE SIGN FOR HARRIS’: CNN Has Bad News for Kamala Harris After New Polling With Key Demographic

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CNN political director David Chalian said that Kamala Harris is running way behind former President Donald Trump when it comes to polling among white voters without college degrees.

Harris is also underperforming with white college-educated voters in some crucial battleground states.


From The Daily Caller:

Trump is leading Harris among white likely voters without college degrees in Pennsylvania by 32 points and in Georgia by 44 points, according to a chart displayed behind Chalian based on CNN’s late August polling in six battleground states. Chalian, on “CNN News Central,” labeled this as “a trouble sign for Harris,” adding that Trump’s 33-point lead among “white college-educated voters” in Georgia also poses a substantial challenge for the vice president.

“If you look at the white voters without college degrees, this is a Trump base constituency, obviously. You see his huge numbers with this group. You see that this is a trouble sign for Harris,” Chalian said. “She also, in places like Georgia, is not doing well with white college-educated voters. She probably wants to make up some ground with white college-educated voters across these battlegrounds as well.”

Watch the clip below:



STARVED: Eden Yerushalmi HY”D Weighed Just 79 Pounds When Her Murdered Body Was Found By IDF

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As Israel mourns the discovery of six murdered hostages in Gaza, new details have surfaced that underscore the grim realities faced by those still in captivity. According to a report from Channel 12 News, the body of Eden Yerushalmi, one of the hostages recently repatriated, weighed a mere 79 pounds (36 kilograms) — a stark 22-pound drop from her pre-abduction weight. Yerushalmi was kidnapped on October 7 from the Nova music festival, along with others, and taken into Gaza. Her body, along with the remains of five other hostages, was returned to Israel four days ago. This extreme weight loss is a distressing indication of the conditions that the 101 hostages still held in Gaza may be facing. In a video released by Hamas just before her death, Yerushalmi was seen speaking to her family, delivering a heartbreaking message: “I want to speak to my dear family, whom I love so much and miss – Mom, Dad, Shani, and May. I love you so much and I miss you.” Her family authorized the release of part of this footage, offering a glimpse into her final moments. On Wednesday, the IDF released footage of the tunnel shaft where the bodies of Yerushalmi, along with Carmel Gat, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarusi, and Staff Sergeant Ori Danino, were found. Disturbingly, nearby murals of cartoon characters and dolls were discovered, suggesting the proximity of a children’s play area, adding another layer of horror to the already harrowing scene. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

תורה תורה חגרי שק • עולם התורה באבל • Rav Avrohom Ausband zt”l

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It is with tremendous sadness that Matzav.com reports the sudden and shocking petirah of Hagaon Rav Avrohom Ausband zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva of Telshe Alumni in Riverdale. He was 76 years old.

Rav Ausband collapsed at his yeshiva today and efforts to revive him were unsuccessful.

Rav Ausband was one of America’s gedolei roshei yeshiva, a towering figure in the world of Torah, known for his unwavering dedication to his talmidim and the preservation of the mesorah of Telz.

Born into a family of giants of Torah, Rav Avrohom was a son of Rav Eizik Ausband zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Telz Cleveland, and a grandson of Rav Avrohom Yitzchok Bloch, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Telz in Lita. He was a son-in-law of Rav Binyomin Zeilberger, rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Bais Hatalmud.

Rav Avrohom learned in the Yeshiva of Telshe in Cleveland, where he absorbed the unique Telshe derech halimud. Under the tutelage of the roshei yeshiva, he became a talmid muvhak and a rising star in the world of Torah.

Rav Avrohom’s journey led him to Riverdale, where he established the Yeshiva of Telshe Alumni in the early 1980s. For decades, he infused the yeshiva with the spirit of Telshe, creating an atmosphere of serious learning and meticulous attention to the development of each talmid, both in their Torah learning and as bnei Torah. His shiurim were known for their brilliance, depth and clarity, and his ability to inspire his talmidim to reach new heights in avodas Hashem left a lasting impact.

He was a pillar of strength for his talmidim, who knew they could turn to him not only for Torah guidance but for personal advice and support. His devotion to his family, his yeshiva, and Klal Yisroel was unwavering, and his legacy will continue to live on through the thousands of talmidim he shaped, many of whom have gone on to become roshei yeshiva, rabbanim, and marbitzei Torah around the world.

Rav Ausband’s petirah leaves an irreplaceable void in the Torah world, but his teachings and the yeshiva he nurtured will remain a lasting testament to his greatness.

Levayah details will be posted once they are finalized.


US Charges Former Trump 2016 Campaign Adviser Dimitri Simes Over Work For Sanctioned Russian TV

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The U.S. government has charged a Russian-born U.S. citizen and former adviser to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign with working for a sanctioned Russian state television network and laundering the proceeds. Indictments announced Thursday by the Department of Justice allege that Dimitri Simes and his wife received over $1 million dollars and a personal car and driver in exchange for work they did for Russia’s Channel One since June 2022. The network was sanctioned by the U.S. in 2022 over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Simes, 76, and his wife, Anastasia Simes, have a home in Virginia and are believed to be in Russia. “These defendants allegedly violated sanctions that were put in place in response to Russia’s illegal aggression in Ukraine,” U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves said in a statement announcing the indictments. “Such violations harm our national security interests — a fact that Dimitri Simes, with the deep experience he gained in national affairs after fleeing the Soviet Union and becoming a U.S. citizen, should have uniquely appreciated.” The indictments come at a time of renewed concern about Russian efforts to meddle with the upcoming U.S. election using online disinformation and propaganda. On Wednesday federal authorities charged two employees of the Russian media organization RT with covertly funding a Tennessee company that produced pro-Russian content. Simes, who led a Washington think tank called the Center for the National Interest, figured prominently in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and potential ties to the Trump campaign. The report chronicles interactions that the Soviet-born Simes, who immigrated to the U.S. in the 1970s, had with assorted figures in Trump’s orbit, including Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner. Before one such meeting, according to the Mueller report, Simes sent Kushner a letter detailing potential talking points for Trump about Russia and also passed along derogatory information about Bill Clinton that was then forwarded to other representatives of the campaign. Simes’s think tank helped arrange a foreign policy speech at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington at which Simes introduced Trump. Among those present was Sergei Kislyak, the then-Russian ambassador to the U.S. Simes was never charged with any crime in relation to the investigation. After the report was released, Simes defended himself in an interview in The Washington Post: “I did not see anything in the Mueller report that in any way that would indicate any questionable activity on my part or on the center’s part.” A second indictment alleges that Anastasia Simes, 55, received funds from sanctioned Russian businessman Alexander Udodov. Udodov was sanctioned last year for his support for the Russian government. He is the former brother-in-law of Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and has been linked to business dealings with both of them. Udodov also has been investigated for money laundering. If convicted of the charges, the couple face a sentence of up to 20 years in prison. (AP)

New York: Jewish Barber Stabbed With His Own Scissors After Argument Over Gaza

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In Yonkers, New York, a Jewish barber was assaulted by a furious customer who was incensed about the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Hamas terrorist group in Gaza, according to a report by the New York Post.

The individual involved, identified as 34-year-old Ahmed al Jabali, was allegedly intoxicated when he entered Slava Shushakova’s barber shop on August 29. He then engaged in a heated dispute with Shushakova regarding the Gaza conflict.

Shushakova recounted to the Post that al Jabali yelled, “I want to kill you, you … Jew!”

“He cut me one time, and I asked him to stop and [leave] my store,” Shushakova explained. “He didn’t. And he said, ‘No, I have to finish [you], and after I’ll go. That’s what he wanted.”

“He told me, ‘This is right to do,’ and [that] he’s right, and he has a right as a Muslim to punish Jews,” Shushakova continued.

Shushakova described how al Jabali went into a tirade against Israel, showing no willingness to change the subject. His anger escalated, leading him to seize the scissors from the counter and use them to cut Shushakova.

The injuries to Shushakova’s hand were severe enough that he will be unable to work for a month, he noted.

“Thank God he didn’t touch my face, because he tried to hit me different ways,” Shushakova remarked. “This is how I stopped him, with my hands.”

In response, Shushakova grabbed a kitchen knife to defend himself, which caused al Jabali to flee. Shortly after, al Jabali was apprehended and charged with attempted murder. The police are treating the incident as a hate crime.

The NYPD reported 19 antisemitic incidents in August, an increase from the 12 recorded in August of the previous year.

Since the Hamas massacre on October 7, 2023, antisemitic incidents in New York City have risen. The NYPD has noted that the overall surge in hate crimes for 2024 has been driven by an increase in antisemitic attacks. Every month since October 7 has seen a higher number of anti-Jewish incidents compared to the previous year. Jews continue to be the most targeted group in hate crimes nearly every month.

An August report from Tom DiNapoli, the New York State comptroller, revealed that antisemitic incidents constituted 44% of all hate crimes in the state last year, with 88% of those being motivated by religious bias.


Five Palestinians Detained Attempting to Enter Yerushalayim Disguised As Jews

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Israeli police announced that five Palestinians were detained earlier this week while attempting to illegally enter Jerusalem from the Judean Desert, disguised as Jewish commuters. The suspects were stopped by Border Police officers at the az-Za’ayyem crossing near Ma’ale Adumim. The vehicle they were traveling in displayed several items designed to suggest Jewish identity, including a yellow ribbon on the mirror to show solidarity with hostages taken by Hamas on October 7, and an Israeli flag air freshener. During questioning, it was revealed that the driver and three passengers were residents of Yehuda and the Shomron without permits to enter Jerusalem. The suspects were also found carrying Israeli flags, a yarmulke, and a wig. Further inspection of the vehicle revealed a fifth Palestinian hidden in the trunk. The vehicle’s original Palestinian Authority license plates had been replaced with stolen Israeli plates, police said. Four of the suspects have been indicted for attempting to illegally cross the Green Line. The driver was arrested, and a court extended her detention until August 8. This incident follows a pattern of illegal infiltration attempts. Last month, Israeli security forces arrested three illegal infiltrators from Gaza near the Jewish community of Ofra, though two of them were released shortly after, without explanation. Israeli Border Police have detained over 8,000 illegal infiltrators since the beginning of 2024, according to data released in June. National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir emphasized the government’s strict approach toward illegal infiltrators, saying, “My policy regarding illegals, who are a platform for terrorism, is very clear—zero tolerance!” In a separate incident in November, Jerusalem police arrested 11 Palestinians, including the sister of a Hamas terrorist, during a raid at Al-Makassed Islamic Charitable Society Hospital on Har Hazeisim. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

CNN Poll: Harris Floundering With Important Demographic In Battleground States

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A new CNN poll reveals Vice President Kamala Harris facing challenges in winning over non-college-educated white men in six crucial battleground states, potentially spelling trouble for her campaign. The poll shows Harris and Trump essentially tied in key states like Nevada, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. However, Harris struggles with non-college-educated white men, a constituency that overwhelmingly supports Trump. CNN political director David Chalian noted, “If you look at the white voters without college degrees, this is a Trump base constituency… You see his huge numbers with this group, you see that this is a trouble sign for Harris.” In contrast, black voters overwhelmingly support Harris, with 86% in Michigan, 85% in Georgia, and 84% in Pennsylvania backing her. Chalian also highlights a significant gender gap, with Harris leading among female voters but trailing among male voters who support Trump, adding that the poll results serve as an “important gut check” for both campaigns. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

TORAH CHIGRI SAK: HaGaon HaRav Avremel Ausband, Rosh Yeshivas Telshe-Riverdale, Niftar After Collapsing In Yeshiva

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B’tzaar rav, YWN regrets to inform you of the petirah of Harav Avremel Ausband zt”l, the longtime rosh yeshiva of Telshe in Riverdale, who was Manhig thousands of Talmidim with his wit and wisdom over his decades in Chinuch. He was 76 years old. The venerated rosh yeshiva, one of the foremost Gedolei Torah in America, whose Hadracha was sought after by countless people, collapsed in the Riverdale Yeshiva today – the first day of Elul Zman. Despite attempts to revive him, the Rosh Yeshiva was sadly niftar a short time later. Rav Avremel zt”l was one of the leading roshei yeshivos in the United States and a fifth generation Telsher. He is a son of Rav Eizik Ausband zt”l, the longtime rosh yeshiva in Telshe Cleveland, and a son-in-law of Rav Binyamin Zeilberger zt”l, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud in Bensonhurst. His mother, Rebbetzin Chaya Ausband a”h, was one of three daughters of Rav Avraham Yitzchok Bloch zt”l, the rosh yeshiva in Telshe in Lithuania, to survive the Holocaust. His aunt married Rav Boruch Sorotzkin zt”l, who later became rosh yeshiva of Telshe. The Rosh Yeshiva’s petirah is a massive loss for the Olam Hayeshivos, but his legacy of Harbotzas Hatorah will last for eternity. Further information and levaya details will be published when they become available. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

Jewish Students Harassed By Anti-Semites Outside Manhattan Kosher Deli

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A group of Jewish students from CUNY’s City College were berated and told to “go back to Brooklyn” by anti-Israel protesters outside a kosher deli in Midtown South on Tuesday. Moti Zilber, owner of Mr. Broadway Deli, described the scene as “very scary” and likened it to Nazi-era Germany, saying, “It feels like we’re in Germany over here.” The protesters, masked and chanting antisemitic slogans, blocked the entrance and shouted vulgarities at the students, including “Back to Brooklyn, out the Middle East” and “From the river to the sea.” Zilber stated, “They yelled all kinds of racist things at the students… These were young, violent kids who you can’t even talk to.” The NYPD responded to a call from the restaurant around 9:30 a.m., and the demonstrators eventually dispersed without further incident. The incident occurred as City College students met with Hillel International, the world’s largest Jewish campus organization, and comes amid renewed college protests over the war in Gaza. Columbia University saw dozens of anti-Israel demonstrators on Tuesday, with two arrests made at Barnard College. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

FBI Interviewed GA School Shooter In 2023 About Online Threats

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Emerging details reveal more about the 14-year-old accused of killing four individuals and injuring nine others in the recent shooting at Apalachee High School in northern Georgia. Investigators have uncovered significant information from when they interviewed the suspect last year.

As new facts surface about Colt Gray, the investigation is ongoing into how the teenager acquired the firearm used in the attack and the motive behind this latest school shooting in the U.S.

Earlier Tips About Threats

Over a year ago, online threats about a possible school shooting led Georgia police to question a 13-year-old boy. However, the evidence at the time was insufficient for an arrest. On Wednesday, this boy, now a teen, opened fire at his high school near Atlanta, resulting in four fatalities and nine injuries, according to officials.

The teen faces adult charges for the deaths of Apalachee High School students Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo, both 14, as well as instructors Richard Aspinwall, 39, and Christina Irimie, 53, as stated by Chris Hosey, Director of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, during a news conference.

Nine others, including eight students and a teacher from the Winder school, located about an hour northeast of Atlanta, were hospitalized with injuries. All are expected to recover, reported Barrow County Sheriff Jud Smith.

Gray is currently detained at the Gainesville Regional Youth Detention Center, according to Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice spokesperson Glenn Allen, who spoke with CBS News on Thursday.

Barrage of Gunshots

Armed with an assault rifle, the teen fired at students in a school hallway after classmates refused to open the door for him to re-enter his algebra classroom, as recounted by classmate Lyela Sayarath.

Having previously left the algebra class, Sayarath assumed the quiet student, who had recently transferred, was skipping school. However, he returned later seeking reentry. Some students attempted to open the locked door but then retreated.

“I’m guessing they saw something, but for some reason they didn’t open the door,” Sayarath explained.

Through a window in the door, she saw the student turn and then heard a rapid series of gunshots.

“It was about 10 or 15 of them at once, back-to-back,” she said.

The math students ducked and crawled around, searching for a safe place to hide.

Two school resource officers confronted the shooter minutes after receiving reports of gunfire, according to Hosey. The teen surrendered immediately and was taken into custody.

Barrow County Sheriff Jud Smith noted that law enforcement was alerted to the threat due to a new security system installed about a week before the shooting. Smith added that there were three school resource officers present on campus during the incident.

Teen Previously Interviewed Over FBI Tips

The teen had been questioned after the FBI received anonymous tips in May 2023 regarding online threats of an unspecified school shooting, according to a statement from the agency.

FBI Atlanta announced on social media Wednesday night that the National Threat Operations Center identified the posts originating from Georgia. The Atlanta Field Office referred the information to the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, which neighbors Barrow County.

The sheriff’s office interviewed the then-13-year-old and his father, who claimed there were hunting guns at home but that the teen did not have unsupervised access. The teen denied making any threats online.

Reports from the sheriff’s office, released Thursday, revealed that the threats were made through an account on the online chat app Discord. The account’s profile name, written in Russian, was translated to the last name of the shooter involved in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School attack, according to the sheriff’s office.

The teen informed investigators he deleted the Discord account due to repeated hacking attempts, according to sheriff’s office reports.

The sheriff’s office also learned that the teen and his father had been evicted from their home earlier in 2023. The father reported that the teen had struggled at middle school but showed improvement after transferring to a different school.

Local schools were notified for continued monitoring of the teen, but the FBI stated there was no probable cause for arrest or further action.

Hosey mentioned that the state Division of Family and Children’s Services had prior contact with the teen and would investigate if there is any connection to the shooting. On Wednesday, local news reported that law enforcement searched the teen’s family home in Bethlehem, Georgia, located east of the high school.

“All the students that had to watch their teachers and their fellow classmates die, the ones that had to walk out of the school limping, that looked traumatized,” Sayarath remarked, “that’s the consequence of the action of not taking control.”

Authorities are still investigating how the teen obtained the weapon used in the shooting and brought it into the school with around 1,900 students in Barrow County, a fast-developing area on the outskirts of metro Atlanta.

Disturbing Trend

This shooting is the latest in a series of school shootings in the U.S. over recent years, including particularly deadly incidents in Newtown, Connecticut; Parkland, Florida; and Uvalde, Texas. These tragedies have sparked intense debates about gun control and heightened anxiety among parents whose children are accustomed to active shooter drills. Despite the uproar, there has been little progress on national gun laws.

As of Wednesday, there have been 29 mass killings in the U.S. this year, according to a database compiled by The Associated Press and USA Today in collaboration with Northeastern University. These incidents, defined as situations where four or more people die within a 24-hour period excluding the killer, have resulted in at least 127 deaths, following the FBI’s criteria.

That evening, hundreds gathered for a vigil at Jug Tavern Park in downtown Winder. Volunteers distributed candles, water, pizza, and tissues. Some knelt as a Methodist minister led the crowd in prayer after a Barrow County commissioner recited a Jewish mourning prayer.

Christopher Vasquez, 15, attended the vigil to find a sense of grounding and safety. He was in band practice when the lockdown was announced, initially feeling it was just another drill as students hid in the band closet.

“Once we heard banging at the door and the SWAT (team) came to take us out, that’s when I knew that it was serious,” he recounted. “I just started shaking and crying.”

He calmed down once he was at the football stadium, saying, “I just was praying that everyone I love was safe.”


Trump Says He’ll Boost The Economy By Cutting Federal Spending And Corporate Taxes

Yeshiva World News -

Former President Donald Trump told a group of executives and industry leaders on Thursday he wants to lead a “national economic renaissance” by slashing regulations to boost energy production, embracing cryptocurrencies and drastically cutting government spending as well as corporate taxes for companies that produce in the U.S. The GOP presidential nominee, speaking to the Economic Club of New York, said he would immediately issue a national emergency declaration to achieve a massive increase in the domestic energy supply and eliminate 10 current regulations for every new regulation that government adopts. He said Tesla and Space X CEO Elon Musk has agreed to head a commission to perform a financial audit of the federal government that would save trillions of dollars. “My plan will rapidly defeat inflation, quickly bring down prices and reignite explosive economic growth,” Trump claimed. Trump spoke to the same group eight years ago, and on Thursday he touted his economic accomplishments while in office, including jobs created on his watch, cuts on taxes and regulations and his efforts to renegotiate trade deals. His visit came a day after appearing in a town hall on Fox News, where he argued that his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, would drive large companies away from the U.S. if she wins the election. Trump has previously floated the idea of chopping the 21% corporate tax rate to 15%, but on Thursday clarified that would be solely for companies that produce in the U.S. The corporate rate had been 35% when he became president in 2017, and he later signed a bill lowering it. Trump has also proposed not to tax tips or Social Security income. Trump and Harris, the Democratic nominee, want to take the rate in opposite directions while arguing that each is better than the other for American business. It’s one of the many ways the two major-party nominees have laid out sharply different views on the economy, a critical issue in this year’s election. Trump had a slight advantage over Harris on which candidate would better handle the economy, according to an AP-NORC poll conducted in August. Some 45% of adults said Trump would do a better job, and 38% said Harris. Harris calls for raising the corporate tax rate to 28% from 21%. Her policy proposals this week have been geared toward promoting more entrepreneurship, a bet that making it easier to start new companies will increase middle class prosperity. Economists have warned about Trump’s plans to impose tariffs that he says would return manufacturing jobs to the U.S. Some have said such taxes on imports could worsen inflation, though he is vowing to cut down costs. Inflation peaked in 2022 at 9.1% but has since eased to 2.9% as of last month. “Some might say it’s economic nationalism. I call it common sense. I call it America First,” he said on Thursday. President Joe Biden’s administration preserved the tariffs on China introduced under the Trump administration and banned exports of advanced computer chips to China. Harris favors a top capital gains rate of 28%, whereas Biden has wanted to nearly double the existing rate to 39.6% on investors making more than $1 million. Both also want to increase a separate tax rate on investment income. On Thursday, Trump attacked Harris’ proposals on banning price gouging […]


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